Season Of Summer

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 30,619
  • Pages: 93
A Season of Summer Prologue As the Coldplay’s Trouble song plays through the background, I walked through my walk in closet and check on the clothes and shoes I will be bringing to my first trip back to the US… Wait, before that… I should start and introduce myself… My name is Yoon Eun Hye, I’m 25 years old, currently finishing my masters in Art History, which I am taking in the University of Birmingham… I used to live in London, but somehow I find it too crowded… I love the life I’m living here now… I’m sharing a flat with my best friend Won Mi… we’re tight… like sisters, we share everything… from the LV bags to the Alexander McQueen perfumes… My parents are back home in Seoul, South Korea… my dad has his own architecture firm, while my mom’s work totally compliments his… hmmm… my mom is a celebrity in her own right, she’s the Interior Designer for the Stars… yep, that’s what they call my mom back home in Korea… Have I told you guys that she did the interiors for Lio of Battle’s house… “oh my gawd…that guy is soooo hot! I swear… I told my bestfriend Wonmi that she should hook up with him” but somehow, that geek (oh I mean Wonmi… not me, I’m no geek… but I love reading… I love hanging out in the library smelling the crispy old smell of the books… but that’s just it…) I’m looking at the scrapbook of my first trip in the US… Mitz, my old classmate from Oxford is an American… but she’s more into fashion than Fine Arts, Won Mi and I often told her that she should have gone to Central St. Martin’s instead of forcing herself everyday to attend class in Art History… she would just laugh at us, probably because the big factor is that her parents own an art gallery… She would often tell us that she is bound to be Charlotte (you know, of Sex and the City…that witty, quirky funny Park Avenue former Ralph Lauren model turned art connoisseur turned Jewish wife girl…) “Oh my Gawd, everytime she tells me that… I only nod with agreement, not just she looks like her, she’s also a former Ralph Lauren kids model too.” And due to Mitz persistence before during our last summer break together, before I go start with my masters and write something notably difficult to understand and incomprehensive study about the 21st century North American Neoimpressionist artist… she told me that I should visit LA and see the sights… explore the shopping capital of the west coast… go around Rodeo Drive feeling like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman… And to my total stupidity, I found myself agreeing to her suggestion. The day I landed in the Los Angeles International Airport, was the day that I met him…

So this is the start of my whirlwind season of summer…

Chapter One: The Arrival

(Flashback) [Heathrow International Airport, June 2000]

(Girl announcing something in the background) “Ladies and Gentlemen, we regret to inform the passengers of British Airways Flight 230A bound to Los Angeles will be delayed, details of schedule will be announced in a few minutes” “Oh crap!!! That’s just great!” Eun Hye said as she sat once again, turned on her discman and listened to the sounds of Posh Spice and the rest of the Spice Girls… Moments later, she then went to the phone booth and dialed for Mitz number in LA… (phone ringing) ‘hello!’ Mitz said in a husky voice…still groggy from her last night’s partying escapade… ‘Oh blimey… Mitz its me Eun Hye, did I woke you up?’ she asked worriedly…

‘Oh no, I should be up anyway… are you in the airport already?’ she asked as she sat up straight checked on her bedside clock…and her mobile phone…. ‘The flight is delayed for I don’t know when… but don’t worry I brought along my books and my gameboy…’ ‘Alright, by the way, I’ve arranged someone to take you around LA, coz there’s a huge opening in one of our galleries in Seattle, but don’t worry… I’ll be back in no time…’ Mitz said… ‘What do you mean, you arranged someone… what exactly is that?’ Eun Hye asked, while fumbling through the cords of the public telephone… ‘You know, someone who can drive you around…you’re not exactly the best driver dude… so please, just take my offer okay…’ ‘Okay, if you say so. But, oh wait…ring you again dear, I can hear an announcement coming” she said, as she hurriedly placed the receiver down, not waiting for Mitz to reply.

(7 hours later, Los Angeles International Airport) Joo JiHoon is the star player for the University of Southern California Trojan Warriors, will start his rookie season for the Los Angeles Galaxy with a contract of $35 million for 3 years. ‘Mitz, I don’t get it!? Why am I even here?’ he said as he tittered on his PDA ‘It’s because you owe me own dude!’ Mitz said… ‘She’s late… and you know how I hate waiting! Aish!’ ‘Shut up JiHoon, you’ll like her, she’s also Korean!’ Mitz said ‘Whatever, she’s late…’ he replied, softly kicking the tires of his Aston Martin ‘I don’t know why, you’re so irritated, you have absolutely nothing to do, you’re on probation right?’ Mitz said as a frown formed when he heard his cousin spoke about his current situation. ‘Shut up, I don’t like remembering it’ he told her with a serious tone…

He certainly doesn’t want to remember why he was being suspended, kicking the balls of the coach of the UNiveristy of California – Irvine is not exactly how he

would want to be remembered in his last 10 games as a captain of the Trojan Warriors.

As he turned off his mobile phone, he noticed that someone was walking towards to where he was standing… As she stopped in front of him, he ran his eyes all over her body… skinny, tall, big eyes, pretty lips, and nice legs… ‘Excuse me, are you the one Mitz hired?’ she asked as she looked at him straight in the eye, trying to catch his attention… ‘Hired? What the hell?’ he thought… ‘Oh okay, if that is how you want it… fine!’ he said to himself… ‘Excuse me!’ Eun Hye repeated… ‘Yes?’ he finally replied ‘So are you?’ she said ‘Yes, I am the one Mitz hired for you ma’am.’ He said with a smile ‘Oh goodness, good thing you’re here early… but you seemed so well dress for a driver… but no pun intended’ she said as she brushed the strands of her hair and placed it on the sides on her ear. ‘No pun taken Miss… anyway, I’d love to give you the overview of my services.’ He said, smiling ‘Services? Aren’t you suppose to drive me around town?’ she said as she looked at him blankly. ‘Driving you around town is one, second… accompanying you every time you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, when you go shopping, when you go anywhere in town…’

‘Wait, stop!’

‘I’m not done yet miss… third, I need to make sure you are tucked in safe at night in your hotel room… oh no, correction… in our hotel room… but on your case, Mitz arranged an accommodation for you…’

‘What?’ her eyes almost popped out of her head when she heard the services he said to her ‘Don’t act like your surprise by it!’ he said ‘Does this look is the one that says I am not surprised by it’ she replied sarcastically… as she made a face 'So seriously, you don't know Mitz hired me for your stay?' he said smiling devilishly... 'No, please, I apologize, will you just tell me whats your arrangement with Mitz...' she said as politely as possible to that arrogant man... 'She hired you an escort service!' he said bluntly...

Chapter 2: Strike one…

‘Mister…’ looking straightly at him…wondering now more than ever why she even agreed to Mitz’ suggestion…. ‘Joo, my name is Joo Jihoon…’ he replied, while looking at her from head to toe… for the 4th time… ‘Look, Mr. Joon…’ ‘It’s Joo’ he said again smiling… Eun Hye looking very irritated… ‘Yes, whatever… I think it’s a big misunderstanding between your discussion with Mitz, and my discussion with her… I primarily just ask her to provide someone to drive me around town while I go about my research’ she said. ‘Driving, is that all you want?’ he asked with a surprise tone of voice… more of like mocking… ‘What? What do you mean?’ she replied sounding really confuse… ‘Well, you know us, I mean, with our profession, we can provide more than driving…’ he said, without letting her speak, he opened his mouth again… ‘ Tell you what, I’ll start out with the basic package, since you’re new with these, and then later, if you’re ready… we can talk about the add-ons…’ ‘This guy is utterly unbelievable!’ she thought to herself… as she started analyzing the things she will say to Mitz, and the words she will say to this arrogant man… He took her 2 big Tumi luggages, and placed it on the back of his Volkswagen Toureg… and smiled silly at himself for what he’s getting into… his cousin Mitz, will surely throw an awful lot of eggs at him for what he is doing to her friends. ‘So Miss…. Eun Hye, right? I got your name right did I?’ he asked ‘Yes.’ That’s all she could say as she stared blankly at him… As both of them went inside the car, and fastened both of their seatbelts… JiHoon once again talked about the “services” he is suppose to be giving Eun Hye… ‘So Eun Hye, why are you here?’ ‘Me, I’ve spent the last part of my university life helping with the research of the headmistress…’ she said… ‘What? Headmistress?’ he asked her sounding confuse, but smiling… Thinking that Americans are not used to those kinds of British terms, she smiled herself… and Jihoon noticed it… ‘You know, for such proper people, you do have a way with words…’

‘This is not a hotel’ Eun Hye had dozed off but now she is wide awake… through the windows of his Volkswagen Toureg , she saw that they had driven to an affluent residential area. She hadn’t meant to fall asleep, especially when she waited so long to see the sights of LA… but you know, couldn’t help it either… jet lag and all… She was lost in thoughts, and she didn’t heard JiHoon speak… ‘Since I realized, that you didn’t respond to my question as to what hotel you are staying, I just thought I’ll bring you here… the company provides this cool fancy place you will like… instead of you staying in the hotel alone.. at least here, you have me…’ ‘Oh my god! The nerve of this guy!’ she thought again, she just looked at him and that’s it… didn’t say much of a word… The residential place was enclosed by expensive looking stucco maisonnettes, and what the Americans referred to as townhouses. Flowers bloomed everywhere, with roofs of grounded green tile…and a gardener was tending a bougainvillea that grew along a small dividing wall… ‘Wait… where are we exactly?’ she asked irritatingly…. ‘I told you, the company im working for. They own this place…. We can use this…’ he said…. ‘What are you talking about we?’ ‘ Didn’t I just said so?’ ‘But!!!’ ‘Look, Eun Hye, Mitz paid me a lot to make sure you are well taken care of… this house is really hoppin… there’s 8 bedrooms to choose from and all of them has their own bathroom and tub.. but the one’s im using… well, that’s special!’ he boasted ‘Huh? Why is it special?’ ‘Because, theres a connecting patio!’ he said smiling ‘Err… nothing special about a patio…’ JiHoon took her heand… and led her to his bedroom… and straight to the patio… ‘See…’

‘OMG… see what… you don’t even have a view in your patio…’ ‘Aish! Are the Brits always this stupid!’ he said… ‘Look there… that’s something special’ When she finally saw what he was pointing at… she gave out a dry laugh… ‘A Jacuzzi…. That’s it…’ she said… ‘Hey! Don’t say that… this is a state of the art Jacuzzi… and be proud that you will experience the thrill!’ ‘I would what?... whatever, your are hallucinating… Mr. Joo…’ ‘Whatever you say Ms. Yoon, anyway, you take the room down the end of the hall, that’s right next to mine… so if you ever…’ ‘I wont’ ‘Hey I’m not finish!’ ‘And I am not interested with the rest!’ ‘All I’m saying is that your boring…’ ‘What? Boring…. We were just talking about the bedroom’ ‘Omg! I cant believe it… you want to take me to your bedroom’ he said it as he quickly placed both arms around him… as if he was trying to shield his body from her… ‘Omg… you’re one funny individual… ha ha ha ha!’ she replied sarcastically

As she settled in her room… she noticed how intricate the designs are inside… its neatly designed with subtle colored wall paper… and she saw that the book cabinets are filled with works of great literary works… ‘Omg! He is such a show off!’ she thought to herself…. Then after packing, she went to see the rest of the house… and saw from the outside that JiHoon is already relaxing in his hot tub… When he saw her… he shouted… ‘Eun Hye… join me…’ ‘What no way…’ ‘This is a big tub… common… join me…’ Well… the idea was tempting… he’s not a bad looking guy, but he’s an escort

service… someone Mitz hired…but what the heck..she’s been stuying all her life… a little time in the Jacuzzi with an escort service wouldn’t hurt… ‘Oh what the heck… alrigh…give me a minute…’ she said…

The door leading to the room swung open, and Eun Hye came out. JiHoon grinned at the sight of her. She was covered in from here to dear, wearing another silly looking straw hat and a sunglasses… ‘You know were not on the beach!’ he said jokingly… ‘Whatever!’ she replied… ‘Are you naked under your pink robe?’ ‘What? Are you serious… had the nerve to ask me that question’ ‘Well, you see Ms. Eun Hye… my company has a policy… you have to be naked if you want to get into the tub… see…’ he said… pointing out to a printed sign on the wall… Eun Hye was shocked… there it was “NEEDS TO BE NAKED IF YOU GOING INTO THE JACUZZI” ‘Look, your company doesn’t have to find out right?’ ‘Err… they will’ ‘Of course they won’t’ ‘Oh but they will… because I will be telling them…’ She laughed… ‘Of course you will, so are you naked?’ she asked… He choked on his beer… ‘Oh no! now that’s one thing an American girls would know without asking…’ She hesitated at first, but after a few minutes of debate in her head… ‘Eun Hye… just this once, take a risk…’ she dropped off her robe…. And went into the Jacuzzi…

It wasn’t her bathing suit that caught him off guard, she was wearing a conservative one piece…it was the body inside it… Her skin was milky and flawless. Her legs are nice… Eun Hye he decided was one of lifes greatest joke… Putting that face and body on a woman whose personality is like a general in the army, always has an opinion had to have given the Almighty a few good laughs…

When she got into the Jacuzzi, he wanted to laugh at her…her expression is like she was ready to liberate the Chinese army rather than relaxing… ‘We’re in the shade here…’ he said … ‘You think you can take off your hat, that is if you know, you’re conscious about you’re…’ he said mockingly… ‘What?’ sounding confuse He lowered his voice… ‘Your bald spot’ ‘My what?... omg! I don’t have a bald spot! You sure are crazy!’ she said… ‘So, you wanna discuss the agenda?’ he asked… She then happily gave out the names of the places she wished to visit, but then he almost choked on his beer again when she said… ‘I want to have a tattoo!’ ‘OMG! You want to get a tattoo!?’ he asked… ‘OMG! I didn’t realized that there is so much of a language barrier in the US, that a simple statement like that is hard to be understood by someone like you…’ ‘What do you mean… someone like me…’ ‘So… forget about it… I want a tattoo…’ she said… ‘Fine! I will take you to tattoo parlor… but, on one condition…’ ‘What is it then…’ ‘You have to be naked first in the tub…

She got rosy in the face, and the next thing he knew…. She sank down in the water and took off her bathing suit… and he smiled.. ‘OMG! Did she just took it off… like… im taking a candy from a baby!’ ‘There… happy…’ she said… she fumbled and look for something to do, as she tried to recover from what she just did… but the fact that she is stark naked… well, that’s a bit difficult now right! As she tried to muster her dignity, she grew conscious of the slide of water over her skin… ‘So you know Eun Hye…’ he said as he slowly slide next to her… ‘We can start with the sessions now…’ She gulped! Next thing she knew…. His lips was just inches away from her… ‘Wait… before I go any further…. I need to feel the shape of you in my hands…’

‘OMG! What have I done… I cant do this… I cant… help me… Eun Hye think!’ she said to herself, but she was too late… His hands already wandered through her body… and after that, he began to go wherever he wanted… over the slope of her back, lingering on the curves of her hips… She just waited like a brave little soldier... Then when she opened her eyes... his lips were just inches away from them... till he claimed them... It was like kissing warm rose petals....

She looked away to collect her thoughts... and as she saw the magazines on the table... she saw a familiar face on the cover of a sporting magazine..... Odd... who would she know.... She looked more closely as JiHoon continues to kiss her on the neck....

And she saw.... "TROJAN WARRIOR CAPTAIN... Joo JiHoon... Talks about his game, politics and his MILLIONS....."

Chapter 3: The Outrage

Eun Hye’s eyes were fixed on the magazine…… Something unexplainable curled inside her, she couldn’t think of anything… this is by far the most humiliating experienced she ever had, far worse than the time she expressed her feelings to Kim Jong before she left Seoul and went to study in London… this is really worse… ‘How can you be so stupid Eun Hye, you’re so naïve… my gawd, he wasn’t a professional escort, he’s a bloody millionaire athlete who just happened to seduce me…’ she thought to herself. She reached for her robe and immediately as fast as she can, ran towards the bathroom… ‘Eun Hye! Wait!’ as JiHoon called after her… Once inside, she cried like a baby… ‘I’m so stupid! He thinks I’m the world’s biggest joke’ ‘Hey Eun Hye, can we talk about this… look… I know what you saw in the magazine, I’m sure that you have loads of question in your head right now… so why don’t you go out of the bathroom and I’ll let you ask me anything you like… and I will answer them…please’ JiHoon said, as he spoke at her… She opened the door, made him jump to the side… and walked past him… Once at the comfort of her room, she immediately packed her clothing again into her Tumi suitcases…she can hear JiHoon shouting for her name… but she was past caring… she’s so angry at him right now to be able to think straight. When JiHoon saw her packing, he tried to reason with her… ‘Look Eun Hye, it’s dark, you don’t know this place, you can get lost. Stay and spend the night, I will take you to the hotel myself tomorrow. Okay’ ‘What? You want me to stay! Unbelievable! You’re the most despicable man in the universe!’ she bounced back… ‘I’m sorry… I really am… I thought…’ ‘You thought what! That I am actually stupid enough to fall in to your wicked plan! Well I did, didn’t I………… you despicable imbecile.’ ‘I’m what? What the hell, did you just called me an imbecile?’

‘Well, what would like? Care for another term? I can think more than just imbecile!’ she shot back at him, smiling mockingly… ‘Unbelievable… here… take those darn bags of yours and rot in the street for all I care!’ he shouted at her, and when he was about to turn around, Eun Hye slammed one of her smaller suitcases into his crotch…

‘Ouuuuucccccchhhh!’ Before he could grab her, Eun Hye went dashing outside.

The humid air of the night enveloped her, and as she walked the street… she wondered where she would go. ‘Anywhere but here…’ she thought… She tried to think happy thoughts, but she can’t… she just can’t… all she can think about is him… how good looking he is, how he managed to sweet talk her into taking off her swimsuit… he wasn’t dense or any of the other thoughts she had of him, if he was what he said he was… Gosh! He was just simply there, manipulating every move, every minute passed… She was his amusement… and she had fallen for it… ‘Gawd Eun Hye…bullocks!!!!’ she cursed herself… and opened her cd player, and plug the music of her zen master… Bob Marley’s No Woman No Cry… ‘Ahhhh… good thing Bob is here…’ she said. The heavy suitcases dragged at her arms as she made her way to the end of the court, but she didn’t feel their weight…maybe because Bob has finally calmed her senses…or is it because she finally realized that she’s stupid not to call for a cab when she had a chance in that imbecile’s house… She looked around her, nothing but arrays of expensive homes and luxury cars are in sight… no one was walking about, and other than the hiss of the sprinkling systems… everything, as in everything was quiet. But she kept on walking. Until… She can see from the corner of her eyes, that a black BMW sedan was following her… The driver’s window slid down…it was JiHoon… ‘Don’t you think, you’re over reacting a little bit’ he said…

Her cheek burned… ‘What the hell!’ she thought, but she dismissed him and his thoughts and kept on walking. ‘Look Eun Hye, there isn’t a hotel within 10 miles of where you are standing… and in case you haven’t notice… there will never be a taxi that would pass by in this village…’ She still kept walking.

‘Bull crap… you’re trying to be nice, and you don’t even get noticed… Fine… have it your way, I hate sulky women…’ he said… ‘SULKY!!!!’ she shouted back at him… ‘Who do you call sulky, in case you haven’t noticed, I am only in this predicament because you’re trying to amuse yourself… so will you just leave me alone, haven’t you had enough!’ she hit back and she stopped walking. And in as much as she didn’t want to cry, she finally gave in to her own humiliation.

JiHoon pulled over and started walking towards where she was standing. He closed the distance between them and immediately took all of her suitcases… ‘Give those back to me, you moron…’ ‘First, I’m an imbecile… now I’m a moron…’ he laughed at her… He ignored, and continued walking back to his car… putting the suitcases at the trunk… ‘I’ll take you to the hotel. Get in the car.’ He said looking very serious. Once Eun Hye saw this, she couldn’t find anything to say to him… he looked really pissed and angry now… she hesitated at first but she had little or no choice at all… she forced herself to walk to the luxury car. He opened the passenger door for her, without looking at him… she slid inside. Now she feels her swollen lips, and she finally remembering how he had kissed her… those stupid insincere kisses… ‘Look, I am sorry. I didn’t know you would take the joke seriously… but then you did. And at the Jacuzzi… well, if you hadn’t look the way you did… I should have done things differently… and I am only human…’ he said, as his eyes were fixed on the road… How unbelievably cruel of him to mock her, just because what.. she’s ugly… ‘The nerve!’ she thought to herself…

‘I would have never humiliated another human being, as you have done.’ She replied… ‘Humiliated?’ he asked… ‘Humiliation played no part on this… what I did, I did because there was an opportunity to do so… well, if you come to look at it… mostly because of lust…’ he smiled at her… ‘Oh please, I wasn’t born yesterday. This has nothing to do with lust…. You’re a rich, handsome professional athlete… you can have anyone you want, why settle for someone like me…’ she replied, still looking through the windows, watching the streetlights of the Los Angeles Freeway. ‘First, I think I know lust when I feel it… second, why not… you’re one hot lady, nice legs, perfectly formed body and those lips of yours… I swear… I wouldn’t mind kissing it every second…’ he said while giving her another trademark smile of his For the nth time… he made her cheeks burned. She was speechless. ‘You want to know the truth, why I did what I did… it’s because…you’re d**n too bossy.’ ‘Bossy… I’m British! I’m suppose to be bossy!’ she said ‘Correction, according to Mitz… you’re Korean…’ ‘I was born in Korea, but I practically grew up in England…’ ‘Whatever, you started bossing me around… giving me instructions, making out lists, giving orders… and what else… you kept poking me with that umbrella…’

‘I did not!... I did not poke you with my umbrella… what would you rather have me do? Poke you with my fingers…’ she asked… ‘Well, that would be the first for me, and too kinky I might add… but it’s a welcome thought!’ ‘Urghhh… you are disgusting.’ ‘So I’ve been told’ ‘Like what I have said, I did not poke you with my umbrella.’

‘Well, it felt like it.’

‘Fine. I apologize…’ she said icily.

He smiled… and from the corner of her eyes… she caught him smiling…and she wanted to smile herself but she was being serious. ‘Good. I apologize too. So, are we even?’ ‘Are you serious? We are so not even…’ she replied. While he continued driving towards downtown Beverly Hills, the will to fight him is no longer in her… she finally said… ‘Look Mr. Joo, this obviously won’t work for the both of us… It is obvious that you don’t like me, and I certainly don’t like…’ before she can finish her sentence, she was cut by JiHoon… ‘That’s not true…. When you are not poking me with your umbrella, and not telling me what to do… you’re fun to be around… well, at least your not boring… which is more I can say about the people I meet.’ ‘Wow, did you prepare that speech for Oprah?’ she hit back… ‘d**n… woman! Can you be serious for once!’ he said smiling once again…

They reached Beverly Hills and he took her to Château Marmont… He moved out of the car, took her suitcases and gave it to the waiting bellhop. ‘Look Eun Hye, I think we have enough high drama for the night. Why don’t I just help you here, and you get settled and take a good rest… I will start bothering you tomorrow.’ ‘Okay… you’re right. Thank you for getting me a room… and taking me to the hotel’ ‘I just want to remind you, I don’t like waiting. Can I have your word that you’ll be in the lobby at nine in the morning tomorrow?’ ‘I’ll be there… we British are never late…’ ‘British-Korean… you’re forgetting your other half…’ he smiled and started to walk out of the hotel and back to his car.

Chapter Four: The Breakfast Rules… (phone ringing) ‘Hello’ ‘Wonnnnnnmiiiii’ Eun Hye practically screamed at her… ‘Ms. Yoon, do you have any idea what time it is…’ she asked ‘Yes, 5.45, about time you should be up anyway!’ she replied… ‘In case you haven’t notice, I’ve been busy studying…can’t I at least get some decent hours of sleep!’ ‘Errr…. Of course you deserve decent hours of sleep… I just need my bestfriend right now…’ sweet talking Wonmi, she knows is the best way to catch her attention… ‘Okay…I’m fine… so what’s up? How is LA!’ she finally asked… ‘OMG! Theres this guy…’ ‘What! You’re there for barely a day, and there’s this guy already…Why am I not surprise?’ Wonmi said while she stood up and took a look at her mobile phone for messages… (8 new messages)… ‘I’ll take a look at that later…’ she made a mental note to herself… ‘Are you going to let me finish or not?’ Eun Hye asked… as she told her about JiHoon, the Jacuzzi incident and how he said that he lusted over her… Wonmi continued to remain silent… ‘And…’ she asked… Still no response. ‘Wonnnnnmmiiiiii!’ she screamed… ‘What!’ she shot back ‘What can you say!’ she asked again… ‘I apologize Eun, I fell asleep!’

‘What!’ she screamed with her eyes getting big… ‘I’ve just poured my heart to you and you fell asleep on me…’ ‘What do want me to say Eun… you thought he’s a gigolo, so what? And you wanted him too, otherwise, you wouldn’t be calling me this morning to tell me about it. So just do it will you, and stop calling me… I need sleep!’ ‘Aish! Some friend you are…’ she said sounding sad… ‘Yah! Yah! Yah! I know… so move along will you!’ she replied putting the phone down… ‘What! I can’t believe she hang up on me…’ she thought as she prepared to meet JiHoon downstairs at the lobby.

As she walked into the lobby, she saw JiHoon, standing in front of the Hotel Gift Shop looking over the displayed items… ‘He looks normal, and wow, he really is handsome…’ she said to herself… then not long after she also corrected herself… ‘What! Scrap the thought…Scrap it Eun Hye… Scrap it!’… good thing she was able to regain her composure by the time he had spotted her. He checked himself out in the Gift shop’s display counter glass… he’s wearing his favorite Armani jeans and Oakley shirt… ‘As always Jihoon, you look perfect!’ he said to himself, while smiling at himself… when he saw Eun Hye walking towards him… he was awed… ‘D**n, this girl has got the right package… I swear, too bad she doesn’t see it.’ He thought to himself. ‘Good morning Eun Hye!’ he said smiling at her… ‘How do you Mr. Joo!’ she replied, extending her right hand for a handshake… Looking at her first, then focusing his attention to the hand that she wanted him to shake… he smiled at her and took her hand…shaking it… ‘I’m quite alright Eun Hye, I’m very delighted that you have brought your umbrella along.’ He said smiling. She shook his hand and said… ‘Are you mocking me this early?’ ‘No, I wouldn’t dare Eun Hye, not this morning… and not when you have your

umbrella with you.’ She said ‘Fine, lets be off then!?’

‘What! Breakfast. I want breakfast.’ JiHoon said ‘Breakfast, I’ve already eaten breakfast!’ she replied ‘No way I am leaving this hotel without having breakfast’ taking her hand, leading her to the hotel restaurant.

Once inside the restaurant, JiHoon signaled for the waiter… as they settled in their seats, JiHoon played around with his mobile phone and Eun Hye took out her Discman and played the tunes of Songs beneath my songs by Maria Taylor… she was moving her head left and right… she didn’t noticed that JiHoon was actually staring back at her… When the waitress arrived giving them their menu, he handed one to Eun Hye, who looked straight at the refreshment page.

‘Ummmm… I’m going to have strawberry cheesecake, honey cured bacon, pancakes and three sunny side up eggs well done on the side, a cup of thai rice splattered with olive oil and two slices of ham.’ JiHoon said to the waitress, gave her a smile then return his attention to Eun Hye. Eun Hye couldn’t believe what she was hearing… ‘Earth to Eun Hye? What are you having babe!’ he asked. ‘Im no one’s babe!’ she hit back ‘Err… what are you having sweetheart!’ ‘Im no one’s sweetheart!’ she hit back again ‘Err… girlfriend?’ ‘Im definitely not your girlfriend…’ she hit back again… ‘Err… Friend?’ he asked smiling at her… and the waitress trying not to laugh at

them both. Eun Hye tried her best not to laugh at him, but the last word just really hit off… ‘Yes, shes laughing, so my friend over here will I think have…’ still looking at her… still waiting for her to order… ‘Err… I’ll have some tea please!’ she finally replied. ‘What… no way… she will have blueberry pancakes, bacon, orange juice and some bread rolls please…’ he said and the waitress took the menu from them and went off… ‘I don’t understand what part of I’ve already eaten you don’t get…’ she said to him, shaking her head. ‘Hmmmm… lemme guess, nothing I suppose.’ He replied and smiled at her and continued to navigate his mobile phone. ‘Fine… what would I get from an imbecile like you, I shouldn’t have had bothered to say it.’ She replied returning a smile, which left JiHoon staring yet again… Another 10 minutes had passed, she finally asked him… ‘Did you find me tattoo parlor?’ ‘What! You can’t be serious about that!’ ‘I am getting a tattoo and I will do it today!’ ‘How can you face your socialite friends when you going to get yourself a tattoo?’ he asked rather curiously ‘What? I wont show it to them… I’ll keep it to myself, I’m not Courtney Love!’ she said… JiHoon laughed at her last comment… ‘Fine… are you sure that’s all you want, we can also go dye your hair purple or get your tongue pierced…’ ‘No… I just want a tattoo…’ she replied, although the thought of dyeing her purple, but it would probably awaken all the demons in Wonmi’s body if she sees her like that… ‘So where do you plan on putting the tattoo?’ ‘Here…’ pointing to her right arm…

‘What…no way… no girls has placed a tattoo on their arms… its usually in the butt, at the back or just above their breast…’ he said it so casually that Eun Hye almost choked… ‘I wouldn’t ask anymore as to why you know all those places…’ she said… ‘So Eun Hye, you’re no longer pissed about last night?’ he asked…. ‘Pissed? I’m British… we’re not pissed, its miffed!’ ‘What the… fine… are you still miffed then?’ ‘No!’ she replied honestly… 'Not right now anyway!' The waitress arrived with their orders, and immediately JiHoon ate what is placed on the table… not long after he had finished everything… and saw that she barely touched hers… He took his fork again and took the blueberry pancakes he ordered for her… ‘That’s not nice, and its not sanitary too…’ she said pointing out, like saying her rules outloud. ‘What… we already swapped germs last night, and saliva I might add… Im not worried about it…’ he said, shocking her again… ‘Fine…’ ‘I wonder why you don’t get fat at all with the way you eat!’ ‘What, I burn a lot of calories during the day…’ ‘Err…with what…’ ‘Err… driving around picking up lost tourist… that’s hard work’ ‘You just have to say that huh!’ ‘Yes… I do’ smiling at her, and finally taking her plate and finishing the rest of her breakfast As he finished… he tossed a few twenty dollar bills and took her hand and lead her outside the restaurant and towards the hotel lobby and asked her to stay there and wait for him as he gets his car. When she saw that he park his Volkswagen Toureg at a HANDICAPPED parking

space, she wasn’t too surprised about it… ‘To the tattoo parlor right?’ he asked as she steps into the luxury 4x4. ‘Yes…’ ‘No second thoughts?’ ‘None.’ ‘Alright… no second thoughts then…’ he looked at her and she smiled back…

JiHoon speeds off the hotel and headed towards downtown LA… when Eun Hye saw the tattoo parlor, her hands immediately went cold… ‘Ready!?’ he asked

‘Of course… let’s move it along… no time to waste!’ she said… pointing JiHoon an empty parking space… which he immediately occupied… ‘Deep breathes Eun Hye, you can do this!’ she told herself as she entered the tattoo parlor together with JiHoon…

Chapter Five: Choices… When they entered the tattoo parlor…Eun Hye was definitely having second thoughts…but she can’t back out now… as JiHoon talked to the receptionist she looked over photos of people getting a tattoo… ‘Hey, she said the lady who does the tattoo won’t be coming in till around 2 PM… so do you want to die in vain and wait here, or you can come and join me while I run some errands?’ ‘Errands? You, are you sure you know the meaning of what you’re saying!’ she asked trying her best not to laugh… ‘Miffed… I’m so miffed right now!’ he told her, flashing a smile which somehow made Eun Hye’s knees buckle a little bit… ‘Are you mocking me again?’ she asked… ‘I told you, no mocking when you have that umbrella of yours…’ he replied… ‘I did not poke you with my umbrella…’ she said once again, looking straight at him ‘Okay…don’t go miffing on me…’ and to her utter surprised, he laughed… and seconds later she couldn’t help but to join him… ‘So, are you staying here and wait till she gets here, or you’re going to come with me…’ he asked… ‘Err… what kind of errands are you going to do?’ she said, asking him ‘Well, my two cousins called me and they wanted me to get something from Jet Rag in La Brea, its one of the shopping places here in LA, its just between Hollywood Blvd and Wilshire… not far from your hotel.’ He replied ‘Alright! I want to see the sights too… before I start working on my research.’ She replied, and when he heard her agreeing, he let out big smile.

They drove through Wilshire Blvd and went straight to the vintage shop of Jet Rag, when they went inside, JiHoon waved at the receptionist and in return nodded approvingly. ‘So, I won’t take a while, are you gonna do some shopping yourself?’ ‘Yeah… I think I will find something here, to my fancy…’ she said, while she started to look around…

30 minutes later, Eun Hye was already paying at the counter and she saw Jihoon still getting more clothes… ‘Wow, that guy really knows how to shop…’ she thought to herself… she didn’t realized that she bumped into someone with a strawberry juice and spilled it on her perfect Stella McCartney top. ‘Oh bloody hell!’ she said… and JiHoon immediately went to her side… ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked… looking worried, but when he saw the red mark on her white top, he started laughing… ‘Wow, Eun Hye… nice colors…’ ‘Shut up!’ she warned… ‘Really, it blends well!’ ‘I told you to shut up, or else…this time I will really poke you with my umbrella…’ she hissed, but she soon gave him a smile…

They headed back to the Omni Hotel to let Eun Hye change before going to the tattoo parlor… once inside the tattoo parlor, Eun Hye once again felt the coldness in her hands… as she browsed through the designs of the tattoo… ‘Have you picked one yet?’ ‘Yes… I kind of preferred this design’ pointing to a Chinese character… ‘Do you

think they know what it means?’ JiHoon asked the designer, and he said to her… ‘well, you don’t want that! She said it means, I’m your b***c!’ he smiled… ‘No way! You must be joking me right?’ ‘Nope… I am not!’ ‘Fine, I shall be getting this then…’ pointing to a small flower design of forget me not…

Then… as the designer preps up the needles and colors she will be using, she asked Eun Hye where she wanted her tattoo on… ‘On my right arm please!’ she said ‘Are you sure?’ the designer asked ‘Yes!’ she replied with conviction ‘Alright then… Here it goes…’ she warned… And… the moment she heard the buzzing sound of the machine...

Eun Hye fainted…

Eun Hye heard running water and realized that she’s not in the tattoo parlor anymore! ‘OMG! Where am I?’ she asked herself ‘Eun Hye! OMG youre awake now!’ he said… ‘Wait… don’t move… what are you doing in my hotel room?’ she asked… ‘Err… youre not in your hotel, you’re in my house… we are in my Bel-Air house…’ he corrected her ‘Why do you have so many houses?’ ‘You know for someone to claim to be so intelligent, you are asking stupid questions!’ he replied… She didn’t realized that he was wearing only nothing but bath towel around his hips, his hair wet, and she got all worried… ‘Please… please… don’t tell me I owe you $200?’ she asked in panic ‘What?’ ‘Please don’t tell me I owe you!’ ‘What are you talking about? Better get up and have some tea will you, you’re freakin my out!’ ‘What am I doing here?’ ‘You don’t remember?’ ‘No. I don’t…’ she replied honestly..

‘Oh God, you don’t! What a shame… last night… you’re such a performer…’ She screamed and buried her face on the pillows.

He laughed and said… ‘You’re a wildcat huh! I cant believe all those tricks you did last night!’ She got up… and shot an angry look at him… ‘Hey, don’t be miffed again… Nothing happened.’ ‘And why do you say that!’ she asked in vain

‘Because…you’re still standing…’ he laughed at her again…

Chapter 6: Old and New

She just looked at him and stared for a few minutes, trying to absorb what he just told her…‘Because you’re still standing…’ she was gathering her thoughts and finally she realized what a bumptious sham this guy really is… ‘You know what, I shall not be wasting another minute of my time on you!’ she replied, as she took her shopping bags and went to the restroom… and she told him… ‘I will just change my clothing, and in two minutes, I hope you have yours on as well…’ looking at him from head to toe… ‘What… hey, you’re at my house, don’t tell me what I should do!’ he yelled at her ‘Are you shouting?’ she replied sarcastically ‘The hell I am! It’s early in the morning, and you’re being sarcastic. I already helped you and you didn’t even say thank you.’ He said angrily taking his clothes with him and went straight to the other room.

She was shocked seeing him like that… but he was right, he really made sense this time. She had no right to tell him what he should do… and he was kind enough…what NO… he wasn’t kind… and most certainly not gracious at all… but… she was the one who gave him an order. She followed him to the next bedroom… and she opened the door… and she saw him putting on his Armani jeans… without any hesitation, she went straight to him and apologized. ‘Hey, I’m sorry’ she said to him… she was only about inches away, her head bent down… staring at her feet while she said those words. ‘What?’ he asked… ‘I said I’m sorry!’ she repeated… her head still bent down, and heard footsteps… next thing she knew JiHoon was infront of her… his hands took her face and smiled at her. ‘Wow, the general is bowing down’… he said… and before she can say anything further… he leaned closer and kissed her… his firm male lips forced open her mouth… Eun Hye’s head fell back. JiHoon groaned softly as he explored her mouth with his tongue and his hands moved across her shoulder down the length of her back. ‘Oh dear gawd…his lips were warm and alive, his fingers were firm and light!’ she thought… Eun Hye you have to stop this… She tried to pull away, but this time… JiHoon took her face to his hands, and he told her ‘You’re lips, they taste so sweet!’ And he started kissing her again in the same lazy fashion.

Eun Hye just gave a sigh as she entwined her arms around his neck, as a wave of aching desire spread through her body. Never before was she tempted to explore and give in to such feeling. Without a thought, she tilted her head once again to receive his equally drugging kisses; she was kissing him back, with her tongue darting in between his lips, evoking an even more passionate response from him as he covered her with hot lazy kisses. Then JiHoon broke off the kiss…and stared at her… his eyes showing evidence of his desire and as she gave him the same look he was showing her. ‘You’re forgiven miss miffed…’ he said as he smiled at her… ‘Thank you! Err… I think I need to continue dressing…’ she said as she ran back to JiHoon’s room. Once she was in the safety of the other room, she tried to breathe rationally… ‘Omo! What did just happened? Did that imbecile and I just kissed? OMG! WE did! And I kissed him back!’ she said to herself as she placed her hands on her warm lips… She decided to take a quick shower, afterwards… she took her shopping bags from yesterday and took out her new Armani Exchange shirt and her DKNY shorts… she decided to go casual and it blend well with today’s warm weather. She went back to JiHoon’s room and saw her also newly purchased Lacoste flipflops and decided to wear them as well… she took a final look on her clothes, and her shorts showing her nice silky smooth legs… this is the first time she would dress so casually, coz London and Seoul has a perpetual chilly weather. ‘Nice to wear something simple for a change’ she thought. Before leaving the safety of JiHoon’s bedroom, she contemplated on whether she could face him again, after kissing him… or no, after him kissing her… or… ‘Bullocks! It didn’t matter who kissed who, what matter was… I kissed him back! Me! Bullocks!’ she said to herself as she studied the image infront of her…

JiHoon was at the kitchen fixing himself some turkey sandwich when his jaw dropped upon seeing her… her clothes were different, she was different… or was it because like her, he too can’t get over the early morning kiss that they had… ‘Hey!!! Eun Hye… what is that!’ flopping his sandwich, pointing his fingers ‘What is what?’ she asked looking around her ‘What you’re wearing!!!’ he shouted… still in shock. She looked at herself… casual clothes, nothing more nothing less… ‘What is wrong with what I am wearing?’ she asked him…

He checked her out… wearing a thin shirt which has an A/X print, as well as her short short… and she’s only wearing flipflops… this is a far cry from her regular conservative clothing like as if its snowing in California. ‘Eun Hye… since you came here, you’ve worn nothing but fancy and proper clothes… and now… you are giving me a heart attack!’ he said placing his right arm on his heart… breathing a little heavier now… ‘What? You’re being delusional JiHoon!’ she hit back ‘No I am not! You look like a nymphomaniac Mary Poppins!’ he said smiling ‘Gracious JiHoon, get a hold of yourself, is this because of the kiss earlier? Told you, you’re far too shabby to handle me!’ she said, giving a naughty grin as she walk straight to where he was standing and smiled at him and started preparing something for herself too. ‘What? Shabby? Me? And you’re wearing make up!!!’ he exclaimed ‘I was wearing make the other day, and yesterday!’ she replied ‘Yes but this time… you’re making your self look like Madonna in her Material girl music video… I can’t see your sexy pink lips…wipe that exotic red colored lipstick!’ ‘But this is Alexander McQueen’s…’ she protested… ‘And there is no such color as exotic red!’ Honestly, its not just her lips that Jihoon found so irritatingly irresistible… like he was mentally undressing her and wishing that she could carry her back to his bedroom… ‘Fine…here (handing her a tissue), just wipe it okay?’ Taking the tisshue… ‘Fine! Here, happy!’ wiping the lipstick off... They were bickering endlessly but staring at each other’s eyes… they didn’t even realized that JiHoon’s sister Lin and their cousin Laine has been standing on the kitchen door for the last 20 minutes staring at them…

‘Hey loverboy! Will you just stop staring and kiss her…’ Lin said irritatingly… ‘and where is your cook? Aish!’ she asked with yet another irritating manner.

JiHoon and Eun Hye abruptly stopped staring at each other, Eun Hye’s smile faded the moment she saw the two… ‘Don’t you ever use a doorbell?’ he asked ‘No! why should we? Ewww… only commoners do that! Don’t insult us will you!’ Laine said… ‘Fine… Eun Hye, I’d like you to meet my sister Lin and my cousin Laine….’ Eun Hye being very british shook their hands and said ‘How do you do!’, the two girls smiled at Eun Hye and turned to ask her about Mitz… ‘So how’s Mitz like in school?’ ‘Oh Mitz, well, the boys back then calls her the Vixen!’ she replied smiling… ‘Omo! What????’ then all of a sudden she and Laine were laughing followed by JiHoon a short while later… ‘Seriously??? The Vixen! OMG! I can’t believe that, I almost choked on my soda!’ Laine said, as she sat on of the counter chairs and motioned Lin to check the pantry for anything expensive to eat.

JiHoon noticed that Eun Hye seemed to space out a little bit… ‘Hey!’ he said ‘OMG, does this mean, I have to put up with 4 people with same bloody attitude like you do? Bullocks! I should have just gone to Turks and Caicos…’ she said smiling… ‘What!?!’ JiHoon stared back at her, and smiled the moment he heard her talk about him…

Chapter 7: Mohawk and car park... ‘Common JiHoon, did you guys did it already? She seems really funny and nice too?’ Lin asked her younger brother while Eun Hye retreated to the theater room with their cousin Laine. ‘she’s too bossy you know!’ he said ‘Oh yeah! But at least this time, you actually like someone with brains!’ she smirked and laughed at him. ‘What! What are you talking about!’ he said defensively… ‘Oh common, who have you dated actually know the difference between Walmart and Bloomingdales!’ she replied, still laughing ‘Hey! It’s not their fault that they are sexy, pretty and rich!’ ‘Yeah yeah yeah… whatevah! Im pretty, sexy and rich and I’m a bloody MD!’ she exclaimed… JiHoon laughed at her last comment… ‘Hey Lin, don’t you dare try to place yourself on their shoes… you’re different… arasso? You’re a geek! But a sexy and pretty one…’ he said justifying the fact that he called her a geek to her face… it’s a good thing his sister has a great sense of humor and he’s already perfected the art of sweet talking her…

…meanwhile in the theater room… The two girls were busy watching the classic Audrey Hepburn film Roman Holiday, when Laine talked to Eun Hye about JiHoon… ‘Hey Eun Hye, I might not be in the position to ask, but are you dating my cousin?’ she asked ‘No. Not at all!’ she said ‘So the scene this morning where we saw you bickering and him looking at you like that, that’s nothing!’ ‘You know, for someone I have just met, you do ask personal questions!’ she said smiling and continued to speak ‘But, this is your cousin’s house, you are but entitled to’ ‘Oh but I can shut up you know, but denying won’t help it’ Laine said smiling. ‘No, I’m not denying. I am not dating your cousin, he’s not my type’ she said casually, didn’t realized that JiHoon and Lin were already standing behind them…

‘Not your type!!! What the… you didn’t resist me when I kissed you this morning and I’m still not your type!... Women… I really don’t understand you at all…’ he said while taking the popcorn bowl from Laine and seated on the opposite couch. ‘So, what do you want to do later? We can go and to the library if you want, I can drive you there, or we can just go shopping, I need to buy new shoes.’ He said to Eun Hye so casually that made Lin and Laine looked into each other… smiling. ‘First, let me just react with what you said… I didn’t resist your kisses because you didn’t let me, you kissed so hard and left me breathless. Second, I’d love to go to the library later, but since you are being nice, I can accompany you to the mall!’ she said looking straight at him, smiling at him too and continued to say… ‘And I’m not lying when I said you’re not my type!’ For the second time that morning, JiHoon was utterly left speechless.

Moments later, JiHoon and Eun Hye headed out to Melrose for an afternoon shopping, they left his sister and his cousin back at his house… once inside the mall he took her hand like as if he does it often… Eun Hye protested… ‘Will you let go of my hand please!’ she said ‘No way, not when you are wearing that kind of clothes…’ ‘There is nothing wrong with my dress!’ she hit back, pulling off her hand… ‘Nothing! Look at yourself, wearing something so skimpy you’re giving Pam Anderson a run for her money…’ he said still holding her hand and he didn’t realized Eun Hye stopped walking and was smiling like a silly girl. ‘What are you doing? Keep on walking!’ he said ‘You know, I don’t understand you… you’re the most…’ she just looked at him and to her surprise, he smiled at her… taking both of her hands and placing them on his face and kissing it intimately…right there in the middle of the mall where people can see and wonder who is that girl being so close to that professional athlete… ‘JiHoon stop!’ she said… ‘I like it when you say my name, you’re the first girl apart from my immediate family to say it correctly!’ he said while still kissing her hands as he hold it to his face… ‘It’s because I am Korean… will you please stop it…this is embarrassing!’ ‘I’m not ruining your reputation now am I, if I do this?’ he said as he started

kissing her fully on the lips, Eun Hye’s eyes got even bigger but just like this morning, she found herself responding to his lazy kisses… he really does take his time kissing a woman… so infinitely lazy… They were consumed in their own world when someone chuckled so loud it ruined JiHoon’s concentration…

‘Ahem!’ Eun Hye took a glimpsed of the guy with a mohawk looking so absolutely familiar… his manly contours, his six pack abs so visibly seen even on his A&F tshirt… Eun Hye couldn’t help but turn her attention to him… and when JiHoon realized that Eun Hye stopped responding… he turned around and looked at the guy… ‘d**n JiHoon… that’s what you call hot!’ he said smiling… and Eun Hye… face turned from red to white… ‘Kim Jong!!!!’ she screamed his name like theres no tomorrow… JiHoon looked at Eun Hye… and said ‘How do you know him?’ ‘Eun Hye!!!’ now its his turn to say her name in such a surprise… ‘Wow, I didn’t know you’re in LA… and wow, I didn’t know you’re dating my buddy JiHoon!’ he said walking to Eun Hye giving her a hug… ‘OMG! You know him!’ she said, acting as if she couldn’t believe that JiHoon KNOWS Kim Jong… ‘Hey! What are you implying… that I can’t be friends with my fellow Koreans?’ JiHoon smiled at her and taking her hand once again, but this time, Eun Hye kept her hands to herself… she didn’t noticed that JiHoon actually frowned. Eun Hye took Jong’s hand and led him to a nearby bench… JiHoon looked at her with disbelief… And went to call her attention once more… ‘Yah! Eun HYe… I’m going now… are you gonna stay there?’ he asked but she pretended not to hear him and continued to talk to Jong. Moments later, she saw him walking into an expensive men’s clothing store.

‘So?’ Jong asked… ‘So what?’ she pretended that she didn’t know what he was asking about ‘Common, I know you know my question honey…’ he said smiling… ‘Oh Gosh! He should stop smiling like that, it melts my heart…you’re so handsome Kim Jong… even with the weird Mohawk haircut…’ she thought to herself as she looked at him again… ‘I’m not dating him, he’s a cousin of a friend from London… we hardly know each other…’ she said, as she look inside her bag… ‘Hardly know each other… you’re kissing him like that is hardly knowing each

other…Wow! Eun Hye, I never thought you’re…’ he was cut off by Eun Hye… ‘Don’t you bloody dare try to finish that… so I fancy him… he’s a good looking chap, and he’s nice when he’s not trying to be.’ She said realizing that she meant what she said… and somehow, it made her smile… which Jong saw… He started to stand up and totally caught Eun Hye by surprise… ‘Hey, its nice seeing you again Eun Hye, it’s been a long time… but I have to meet someone in awhile…’ ‘Oh, okay… it’s been lovely seeing you Jong’ she stood up extended her hand and Jong chuckled… ‘Shaking of hands… hahahaha! You still hasn’t changed a bit…so prim and proper!’ he said as he hugged Eun Hye making her blush and kissed her on the cheeks… ‘I’ll see you around right!’ he said as he started to walk away…

With both Kim Jong and JiHoon gone… she absolutely have no clue as to where she is… she took out her mobile, realizing that she didn’t have his number… ‘Oh blimey!’ she said, so she decided to walk around the mall going through every store hoping to see JiHoon there… After a while, she noticed that someone was actually following her… some random looking bloke who has been going everywhere she is going… ‘Oh gawd… please help me, I promise I will be awfully nice to him... just let me see him…’ When she realized that the man is really following her, she panicked and hurriedly went back to the parking lot and stayed there waiting for him… When she saw JiHoon, she smiled and to her dismay, he wasn’t smiling at all… then she saw that man again… she lost all her thoughts and she panicked once more… therefore… she was left with no choice…

She threw herself at jiHoon… He was definitely taken by surprise… and he stumbled backward only to bang into the wall of the parking lot… Ignoring his grunt of pain, she smeared her body against his… ‘Oh gawd… make that guy see I’m with someone!’… then she did the inevitable… SHE KISSED HIM… ‘What ‘th’ heck’ r’ you’doi’n’ his words muffled as his lips moved beneath hers… ‘Kiss’ng you’ she said… ‘please put your arms around me’ she told him… ‘More orders general?’ he asked…but taking her hand… moving her around, making her back rest on the wall… as he slithered his hands around her… ‘What about Jong?’ ‘Pretend you’re kissing me arasso?’

‘Why…’ he asked… ‘Because…’ she didn’t bother explaining, as she kissed him once again and gave him everything she has… with a soft moan… finally JiHoon started kissing her back… lost in the sensations he was letting her feel, she has totally forgotten about the man who has been following her… nothing is more important than the feel of his lips… she wanted his lips everywhere… They were making noises… earthy, crude. His hands slipped under her shirt and onto her skimpy shorts… he let his hand travel on the milky smooth legs of hers… and she didn’t protest…

A car horn blared. ‘Sh*t…’ he said as he immediately took off his hands on hers, and the sight of his angry face defeated her…how can he look at her like that after what they had been through? She thought sadly… He grabbed her elbow and began dragging her away towards his car, their beautiful kiss lying in ruins around them… ‘Don’t you ever do that again will you!’ ‘What, you can kiss me in the mall, and I can’t even do the same thing…’ ‘I was kissing back there in the mall… this, what we were just doing… God! We almost did it here! In the busiest car park in LA… a few more seconds, your shirt would have been up around your waist and my pants unzipped…and don’t you try to deny it’ She said nothing. ‘Please stop yelling at me.’ Maybe the fact that she said it softly, made JiHoon glance at her… ‘Look, I’m sorry I yelled… it’s not entirely your fault, I could have stopped myself from kissing you back… but, you know, I’m a man… and that mouth of yours… I told you before, I can kiss that mouth of yours for hours…’ ‘Someone was following me… when Jong left, I saw him going in every direction I was in… and the only way I thought how to make him see I was with someone is by kissing you…’ she said, while her tears are forming in her eyes… ‘Wait…someone was following you? What does he look like…never mind…don’t cry will you…’ he said as his voice suddenly changed and Eun Hye looked at him tenderly, and he wiped them dry and gave her another kiss on the lips…this time sweetly… as if trying to ease her feelings… ‘Thank you…’ ‘No need to thank me, if I had known I was this irresistible to you… we could have

taken care of it privately…’ he smiled at her as he started off the engine… ‘I knew it… there’s a punch line there somewhere…’ she smiled as she seated comfortably on her seat as JiHoon drove them back to his house…

Chapter Eight: Patience is a virtue... When they got back to JiHoon’s house they were surprise to see Mitz with a new guy and still with Lin and Laine being around. Mitz jumped for joy upon seeing Eun Hye… ‘Oh my gosh! You’re still in one piece! Has he raped you yet?’ she smiled at her profusely… Both Eun Hye and Jihoon turn red. If ever they noticed it, all of them didn’t seem to say anything about it. Laine continued munching on her Cadburry chocolate bar while Lin settled comfortably in one of the bar stools in the kitchen waiting for the cook to finish their food. Mitz however, took a hold of the new guy’s hand and introduced him to both Eun Hye and Jihoon… ‘I’d like you to meet one of the newest curator for daddy’s art gallery… David…’ she said beaming… JiHoon shook his hand and asked him … ‘Are you sure you’re a curator? Not one of Mitz new boy toy?’ upon hearing this, Lin also agreed… ‘Yeah! I think he is bro!’ she said smiling at Mitz… ‘What! He is so not!’ ‘Yes, I am not… I’m gay!’ he said smiling at JiHoon, giving him the looks… And upon seeing it, JiHoon smile faded and he turned to Eun Hye… and Eun Hye is just smiling at what David had just said… ‘JiHoon stop nudging your knee on mine, its bloody irritating’ Eun Hye said, still dismissing him… ‘Shut your mouth will you!’ he whispered to her, while David continued to look at him… smiling…

[Mobile Phone ringing] ‘Hey wifey! Where are you?’… Kim Jong said as he gets inside his Humvie… ‘Can we meet?’ ‘Hey hubby! I miss you!’ Mitz said, and upon hearing hubby, almost all of them turned to check Mitz and her secret phone call… ‘I’m here right now with my cousins and David, remember David?’ she asked while smiling… ‘Oh yeah, the new guy in the gallery right?’ he asked ‘Yes right hubby! So I am free, where do you want to go?’

‘Oh I’m thinking of taking wifey out for dinner, and I bought something for you!’ he told her ‘Oh yeah? That’s so nice of you! Sure, I’d love to go out… can you pick me up here in my cousin’s house, they’re all here so we’re just catching up…okay?’ she said…still not minding that everyone is already looking at her with general curiosity as to who she would be calling “hubby!”… But she just continued blabbing away… ‘Okay, so you’re at JiHoon’s or your other cousin's?’ he asked ‘Oh I’m at JiHoon’s… he just got back from shopping…’ she replied ‘Yeah! I saw him in the mall…’ he was supposed to say French kissing a girl in the middle of the mall, but he stopped himself, of course she doesn’t need to know that. ‘Oh yeah, okay… I’ll see you in awhile?’ ‘Yes, wifey!’ he replied ‘Drive safe hubby, bye!’ she said while she turned off her mobile phone…

As always it was her cousin Lin who asked first… ‘So is hubby someone we know?’ she said in a rather inquisitive tone… ‘Common guys, lighten up…hubby is KJ... alright… no need to be asking so much question!’ All three of them said… “ohh” while nodding their head in agreement. ‘So who is this KJ?’ Eun Hye asked as she sat comfortably next to JiHoon in the sofa… ‘Someone I met at the airport in London, sorry I didn’t had the time to tell you about it… but he’s coming over, so you get to meet him!’ she said smiling at Eun Hye Eun Hye smiled back, and took a sip of her S. Pallengrino

Then they all gathered in the theater room to watch a rerun of Friends... ‘Gosh, Eun Hye come by the gallery we have a rare Renoir!’ Mitz excitedly told her friend… ‘Blimey! How rare are we talking about?’ she asked sounding as excited as Mitz, which made JiHoon glance at her… ‘1892 Two Girls in the Piano’ she boasted…

‘Oh Gawd! I thought that was privately owned by the Tsar of Russia and was never found…How on earth were you able to get a hold of the bloody painting?’ ‘Oh Abramovich…’ Mitz said ‘Roman Abramovich has the painting?’ Eun Hye’s eyes widened even more ‘Yep… apparently, he’s been collecting art…’ When JiHoon heard the word Abramovich, he joined their conversation… ‘Wait, you’re talking about the Chelsea owner, Russian dude?’ ‘Yes, the same…richest man in UK now, toppling off the Duke of Westminister’ Mitz said… while she continued talking to Eun Hye… ‘Have you decided on which mode you’re going to do for your study?’ she asked her… ‘Well, I’m still betting my quids on Impressionist, modernism and neoimpressionist’ she told her JiHoon once again joined their conversation… ‘What’s the difference between the three? Apart from the spelling?’ he said smiling sweetly at Eun Hye and she smiled back, and Mitz were a bit surprised with spontaneous action between her cousin and her friend… ‘Well, nothing much really, in terms with the meaning… they are all in between mid 18th century and late 19th century… Well, impressionist art they are noticeable because of their brushstrokes, their emphasis on light, ordinary subject matter and unusual visual angle… they sort of like to complicate a simple view… as to that aspect…’ Eun Hye explained to JiHoon and he was listening intently to what she was saying… which made Mitz, Lin and Laine look at each other smiling… ‘Like Monet’s work?’ he said ‘Precisely… he’s the most famous impressionist artist because he was the only one who totally absorbed the concept… others like Renoir, Degas and Rubens, they developed their own style in the process, but retained the basic concept…but Monet… well, he’s just being safe I guess.’ She replied… ‘Van Gough, Gaugin, Pissaro and Cezanne were the famous ones from the PostImpressionist age’ ‘And who are you studying? Which painter?’ he asked curiously ‘I’m studying American painters, like Frank Benson, TC Steele and William Paxton’ she replied… ‘Oh! I see… well they are boring!’ he said ‘Boring! How can they be boring, they are great painters!’ she countered his comment ‘Well, I’d rather you study the anatomy of Joo JiHoon rather than some weird looking painting’ he said smiling, and he once again made Eun Hye blush…

‘Gosh JiHoon, for a minute there we thought you were actually serious about something…’ Laine commented…smiling at him… ‘Yeah… you really fooled us all…’ Lin agreed… ‘Oh well, that’s how you do get chicks right! Pretending to be savant…’ ‘What? I beg to disagree… I’m savant!’ JiHoon said proudly smiling at his sister and his cousins… ‘Savant… in what?’ Mitz asked laughing… ‘Well, cousin dear do you really have to ask that?’ JiHoon gave her a wink…and Mitz laughed hard… ‘Unbelievable… Eun Hye… don’t let him come near you again…’ she joked… ‘Oh but I don’t let him come near me, he just go and insist on me to notice him’ ‘What! And we just almost did it in the parking lot!’ he said irritatingly… ‘And you threw yourself at me, I might add…’ ‘Whaaaatttt! Did I just hear it correctly… parking lot! Oh wow, Eun Hye… tsk tsk… I didn’t know you had it in you! I’ve heard stories from Wonmi before, but I didn’t realized you really are this bold’ Mitz said, and when she finished both Lin and Laine raised their eyebrows…. ‘Sush will you! It’s embarrassing…’ Eun Hye said ‘Oh please! Don’t be embarrassed… if I have your body, I’d be flaunting it like crazy’ Lin said smiling at her… while Mitz nodded in agreement…

[Mobile phone ringing] ‘Hey hubby! Are you near?’ she said.. ‘Yeah…im at the door wifey!’ She immediately turn off her phone and looked at her cousins and Eun Hye… ‘Oh well that’s KJ… gotta go…’ ‘Oh manwh.ore is here already?’ Lin said… But Mitz didn’t hear what her cousin said…she was running towards the door… and when she saw the black Humvie that Jong uses she let out a smile. He got out and smiled at her… gave her a sweet full kiss on the lips… but Mitz couldn’t resist not letting out her tongue play around the delicious mouth of his… ‘Wifey is so bold now I see’ ‘Wifey just misses you hubby!’ she said smiling… as she slide her arms around his waist and Jong placed another kiss on her cheeks…

‘Is everyone inside?’ he asked… ‘Yeah… we’ll meet them later… we’re going to have dinner with them…’ she said… ‘Are you sure? We can meet them later’ he said, smiling at her… ‘Yeah…right! I should cancel dinner then…’ she replied while placing traces of kisses on his jaw… He opened the door for her, and she settled comfortably in her seat as Jong started the engine… ‘Where are we going?’ she asks… ‘Oh somewhere…’ he said smiling naughtily… ‘I love surprises hubby… Is it a good surprise?’ she asked giggling like a kid… ‘Of course…let’s just say…’ ‘Is it about reporting for duty?’ ‘Hahahahaha! Where did you get that?’ ‘Laine!’ she said in a matter of fact tone ‘Oh yeah! She’s the ulljang right?’ he asked ‘What! Say that again we’re divorcing…’ she said to Jong… ‘Wifey is jealous of cousin? Common now…!’ he told her…as he took her hands and gave it a kiss… ‘I know…I’m just kidding…why would I be jealous of Laine…oh please’ ‘But she’s hot…’ he replied ‘Fine fine… all of them are hot, Lin, Laine and even JiHoon…common that boy is also hot… we’re a family of super hotness…’ ‘Arasso! I got it!’ he smile and nodded in agreement…

[Meanwhile back at JiHoon’s house] Not long after Mitz left, Lin and Laine went off as well… Lin said she’s gonna go to her own beautiful house and Laine will go and contribute more to the economy by heading to the mall and grabbing herself the newest Mark Jacobs bags and boots…. ‘So Eun Hye, what do you want to now? We can pick up where we left off?’ he teased her…

‘Oh please, I definitely lost my appetite coz you didn’t finish it…’ she told looking serious, but she let out a smile that made JiHoon smile too… ‘What no way! You really expect us to do it there…in the parking lot…’ he said quite in shock… ‘Oh common, think will you… we’re in front of your car…we could have continued there… oh well, asian men… so complicated!’ she said… trying her best not to laugh… ‘What? So you’re comparing now!’ he said… ‘Of course, women do compare you know!’ ‘What? Okay…lets do it now… and do your comparing later…’ he said taking her hands…. ‘What… you’re hallucinating again… didn’t I just told you I already lost my appetite…’ she said taking her hands off from him and continued to remain seated and took another look at the magazine she was reading… ‘Hmmp! Fine! It’s your lost…’ She looked at him and smiled to herself, he was being silly… but he definitely look cute when he does that… she thought to herself, and it made her smile again… ‘OMO! What’s happening to me…’ she said to herself… ‘How about later?’ he asked as he snuggled close to her… putting his arms around her… nibbling her ears… ‘Sure…keep doing what you’re doing… I might get my appetite back!’ she said… ‘Really?’ he said as his eyes getting wider… ‘Wow…so Mitz is right…there were stories…’ as he continued to plant kisses just below her ear… ‘Of course there’s urban legends… everyone has stories… but I’m quite sure that yours are out in the open…’ she said as she still tries her best to concentrate on the magazine… ‘Of course…’ ‘Have you ever been serious when you talk about women?’ she asked ‘Well, you can’t ask personal questions like that… we need to get it on first…’ he said as he placed his hands on her thigh… ‘There you go again… answers like that turns off my appetite…’ she said as she stood up… ‘What! Hey where are you going?’ he asked as he followed Eun Hye as she steps out of the theater room ‘I’m going back to the hotel… and tomorrow we go to Graham Library, I heard that there is a nice mural there which painted by Mario Cespedis…’ she said to him, while JiHoon kept tapping his fingers on his watch rather impatiently…

‘Anything else My Lady?’ ‘Oh please, you’ll get your action soon… patience is one of the Brit’s favorite virtue…’ she said to him while she gave him a tap on the shoulder… ‘Don’t I at least get a kiss?’ he asked… Eun Hye shyly moved forward and JiHoon saw her little dilemma so he motioned himself a bit closer, and when Eun Hye kissed him on the cheeks… he swiftly move his head to catch her lips, and like always… it was like kissing warm rose petals… As they kissed, JiHoon’s hands wandered on the smooth silky frame of her back, while hers traveled seductively around his neck… ‘Do you really have to go back?’ he asks as they briefly ended the kiss and Eun Hye planting small kisses on his neck… ‘Yes…’ she replied as she pulled back and took her bag from the floor… ‘Arasso…I’ll drive you there…’ he said as he took his car keys and took Eun Hye’s hand…

Chapter Nine: In denial… “Omo… I’ve been here for almost 3 weeks… wow…I’m still alive” Eun Hye thought to herself as she finished another chapter of her research… as she lounges on her over sized chair… she remembered JiHoon and their passionate rendezvous in the parking lot… “Blimey, he’s hot!” she thought again as she smiled… “Well, he was right… if we hadn’t stop… omo… we would have…” she didn’t want to finish the thought… it was a bit embarrassing for her, because she wanted to feel his hands on her everywhere that time… A sound of the telephone ringing distracted Eun Hye in her thoughts… ‘Hello’ she said ‘Why is it that you have to wait for more than 5 rings before you answer the phone’ said the man on the other line… ‘Bloody hell, so rude! Who is this?’ she said ‘JiHoon’ he replied ‘So why am I not surprise that you would be so bloody irritating’ she hit back ‘Hey…I’m standing outside your hotel door… will you please do open them before I break this d**n thing…’ he said as he hung up on her… ‘Aissssshhhh! That horrible handsome man… good thing you’re bloody handsome, or else’ she said pretending to still talking to someone as she holds the telephone as if she’s ready to throw them out of the window… When she opened the door, there stood Jihoon with a smirk on his face… and to her utter surprise… he took just two steps and he had her in his arms… his lips on hers… exploring her mouth like theres no tomorrow… when it ended, she was breathless… ‘Miss me?’ he asked… he hasn’t shown in her hotel room till that time he drove her back here from his house almost 2 weeks ago… ‘Not really…’ she lied… he was just in her thoughts before he called her and distracted her passion filled brain… ‘Liar!’ he said smiling as he took her hands and led her to the living room and they both sat comfortably in the sofa as he continued on caressing her face seductively… ‘Don’t you even want to know where I was for the last few days’ Yes. She wanted to know, but she said something else… ‘Why would I be interested in your whereabouts?’ she told him not looking straight in his eyes… Around this time… JiHoon’s hand were already in her back… massaging it

sensually… ‘JiHoon…stop it’ she said… as she took a hold of his hand… ‘Okay… but, do you think you can give me a kiss?’ he said with a pleading look on his face ‘Hmmm… but you just kissed me!’ she said ‘No…correction… I did the kissing not you…so will you give me a kiss?’ he repeated the same pleading look he had on his face earlier on… ‘Alright… but just one kiss okay…’ she said JiHoon smiling, but nodding at the same time… as he waited for Eun Hye to make the move…

Eun Hye leaned closer and closer to his mouth, when she finally did it… all her thoughts awhile ago came flashing back to her mind… ‘Oh this heavenly lips… I could kiss this forever’ she thought as she continued kissing him, and JiHoon started to place the same amount of pressure she’s giving into the kiss…as his left hand went around her neck to pull her closer… then she tried to open her mouth so he can explore it further… now her hands were on his thigh… seductively placing them there… and the moment she did placed her hand, she felt JiHoon shudder in a lazy emotion… Suddenly, as if she was lost in all of her thoughts… she felt that she wanted nothing but to kiss him… she really can kiss him forever… Her hands traveled from his thigh to his hair… her fingers entwined… as she felt his tongue flick at her teeth and her body melting against his… She moved her hands to her ears… tracing seductively…as she pulled away from the kiss to catch her breath… and as her hands continue their little tracing in his ears…as if on a dream, she started planting small kisses on his jaw… and JiHoon took her face again with his hands, and continued kissing her… with the same amount of tenderness that Eun Hye was completely lost in her thoughts… Then she brought her hands down and found its way inside the hem of his shirt (he was wearing one of his soccer uniform), she seductively wormed around his bare skin… making him gasp, clearly enjoying himself… then seconds later, he lost her mouth… and he left with another sweet sensation as she started kissing his neck… she was producing new sensation on him… as her mouth and her tongue continued on its exploration… and when he thought he’d loose it… he moved slightly to start kissing her neck too… he heard Eun Hye moan… he moved his hand to the hem of her shirt, and up to her smooth silky bare skin of her back… when he suddenly realized that there was no bra strap… ‘Oh my gawd’ JiHoon silently said to himself… ‘This is pure torture’ he thought again… He captured her mouth again, Eun Hye’s eyes were firmly shut, anticipating every move JiHoon makes… as his hands continued to explore her back and as it slowly started making its way to the front… when all of a sudden… they heard someone shouting at the door…

‘ROOM SERVICE’ the man called out…

‘Sh*t’ Jihoon said as he lost his concentration… and an air of coldness were suddenly felt by both of them… Eun Hye smiled… ‘Thank God! I thought I might be charge of rape if we continue doing that’ she thought… and as she fixed her hair and her clothes, she stood up and slowly walked back to the door… she can see from the corner of her eyes that JiHoon was a bit disappointed by the sudden ending of their uber hot kiss… and admittedly…she was too… When the hotel staff left, JiHoon stood up and went to where Eun Hye was standing and placed his arms around her waist and planted small kisses on her neck… ‘JiHoon, you said one kiss…’ ‘I know, but we can always finish what we started…’ ‘But I’m hungry!’ she replied ‘What…how can you think of food when we just kissed like that?’ he asked looking at her ‘Oh but I can! Because I am famished!’ she replied smiling… ‘Alright, I’ll let you eat… but later, we will continue this okay’ he said as he planted another kiss on her lips… JiHoon stayed at the living and decided to watch TV, while Eun Hye went back to her writing and as well as her scrumptious late breakfast… an hour later, JiHoon stood up and went straight to where she was and said… ‘I need to go and practice with the team, so I’ll see you later for dinner’ he said, his tone of voice is not like he was asking her for permission, but more of like telling her that they will have dinner together. ‘I’m meeting Mitz later, so sure just let her know where you want to have dinner’ ‘Okay, meet you back at my house at 7PM’ he said as he bend his head down and give her a kiss on the lips so briefly that she sighed upon seeing him walked out the door…

Three hours later, after exhausting her effort in helping Mitz sort out the new paintings in her gallery, she sat on one of the sofa and gave out a big sigh… ‘Bloody hell Mitz! Is that what you do all the time…’ she said as she wiped out the dirt off her hands… ‘Not really, usually it only takes about a few minutes, but somehow those darn paintings are huge now…’ She laughed. ‘Yes, I think that’s what it is…’ ‘So Eun Hye, enjoying the vacation or you’re enjoying my cousin?’ she smiled at her while she was asking… ‘I beg your pardon?’ she replied with shock ‘Oh come off it…it’s just me…how is my cousin, is he satisfying your sexual fantasies?’ ‘Mitz, sod off will you!’ she replied defensively ‘Oh please, don’t tell me you haven’t tasted him…’ ‘You make it sound like that your cousin is a bloody clubhouse sandwich’ ‘What! Girls he used to date brag them on TV, so everyone knows he’s dishy!’ ‘Well, I’m not one of those girls…’ ‘Well that’s true, but he likes you… he never kisses anyone that much as he did to you’ She blushed. ‘Ahem…so those rosy cheeks say it differently….’ She laughed… As Mitz were about to speak again… Kim Jong arrived at the gallery to take the girls out for some shopping and drop Eun Hye to the library for her research… Mitz ran to him and kissed him, a sight that somehow didn’t matter that much anymore to Eun Hye… ‘Gosh, he used to be so dreamy to my…how come I'm not even jealous of Mitz…’ she thought as she smiled at them both… clearly enjoying each other…

She managed to finish her work at the library around 8.45 PM… 15 minutes before it closes; she rubbed her eyes with exhaustion… and remembered that she should be having dinner with JiHoon… she quickly gathered her stuff and piled them all in her bag, and her computer without even shutting them off… she hailed a cab and instructed the cab driver to an address in the exclusive gated

community of Bel-Air… Upon seeing JiHoon’s home, she got off the cab and walked a bit faster inside the house… ‘Strange’ she thought as she walked around the living room, expecting to see even Mitz or JiHoon’s sister Lin or his cousin Laine… ‘Where have you been’ asked by a voice from somewhere coming from the kitchen and she shrieked upon hearing it… ‘Bloody hell JiHoon, you scared me’ she said… ‘I asked you where have you been, everyone went out for dinner already’ he said in a casual voice, sounding a bit off… sounding cold. ‘Oh I got lost in my own world again, in the library after Jong dropped me off there…’ she saw him reacted sourly…when she mentioned Jong’s name… He started walking to the living room, walking pass her and took his jacket and walked towards the door. ‘Where are you going’ she asked him quietly ‘To dinner…’ he replied curtly ‘Aren’t you gonna ask me out for dinner?’ she continued to ask him, knowing that she made him wait and she said she was with Jong… He just continued walking. ‘JiHoon… don’t leave like that please.’ He stopped. ‘Why not.’ He asked without turning around to face her. She remained silent… ‘I thought so too.’ He said… as he continued taking small steps towards the door… When she realized that he kept moving… she walked faster towards him… ‘JiHoon stop it… I was in the library, I asked Jong to drop me…ask Mitz, she was with us…’ He didn’t stop walking… and Eun Hye with a sigh of desperation, burst out crying. And that caught his attention… and looked back at her. ‘You’re so cruel… I was just late for 2 bloody hours and you treat me this way like I did something so horribly wrong!’

He dropped his hands onto his side, and he closed the distance between them… And like a hypnotized woman, something inside Eun Hye collapsed and seeing him face her with such tenderness look in his eyes coz he just heard her cry…she automatically threw her arms around him… he clutched her to his chest with a tightness she couldn’t understand… burying his face into his hair, smelling her wonderful aroma of her lilac shampoo… her fingers dug deep into his back… and Eun Hye wondered if she could ever hugged him tighter than that… ‘JiHoon, I…’ she began to speak, but for the first time, words failed her… or is it because his lips were already on hers… as he kissed her with devastating sweetness… ‘Did that just happened? Did I just threw my arms around JiHoon and he kissed me so sweetly…’ she thought… and for a shocked moment, she gathered her thoughts, the ones that she clearly lost… ‘OMG! JiHoon and I just crossed the line between a summer fling and a bloody relationship… OMG!’ she thought to herself… and although a thousand thoughts had come circling in her mind, she didn’t thought about it… she smiled at him and slid her arms around to the back of his neck and stood, tiptoed and kissed him once more in his waiting sweet lips… Once the contact was made… all restraint vanished… He pulled her to him with a bit of a rough passion, but she didn’t mind… she wanted him for the last few days… she’s bloody aware of it… how much she wanted him… Her mind has been spinning like crazy… and her bones felt like they were liquefying inside her skin… his body warming every inch of her… her neck arched as he kissed the pale column of her neck… his tongue softly playing their way that made her moan in such pleasure… He took a breath, and as JiHoon began to speak ‘Eun…’ she dragged his lips back to her… cutting everything he wants to say… and he didn’t complain… he is clearly enjoying it as much as she is… she kissed him with such passion that both of them could scarcely breathe… Their positions changed as JiHoon bent down and slipped his arms behind her knees and picked her up… she just turned her head without breaking the kiss… ‘Gawd! I can’t get enough of those lips…’ she said to herself… as he carried her to his bedroom…

Four hours later… Eun Hye sat in one of the corner lounge chair in JiHoon’s bedroom, with her knees up to her chest, wrapped warmly around in his oversized robe… looking over the moon drenched night… as she gathered her thoughts on what just had happened between him and JiHoon… she turned and faced the bed and watched JiHoon as he sleeps… ‘He looks so peaceful, not a worry in the world…and he looks more of like a boy instead of the man that made love to her…’ she thought and it brought smile on her lips… ‘Gosh! It couldn’t be… I just made love to JiHoon…’ she thought… as she wondered if she just imagined everything… but there’s too much evidence to say otherwise… there’s their clothing splattered almost in all corner of the room… and the fact that her entire body is tingling with new sensation and pleasantry of an all too physical

experience that just woke up her entire dormant being… ‘Eun Hye’ She heard him speak in half sleep… and noticed that his arms are reaching over to her side of the bed… ‘Where are you…’ he asked…still refusing to open his eyes, and continued to try to go back to sleep… she walked back to the bed with a faint smile on her face that she can’t seem to erase. ‘I’m just here…’ she said as she sat next to him… and he smiled and a minute later he rose and sat up too… as she watched him, she studied his profile… the moonlight slanting, showing his pale colored skin and it shone like a marble… They sat there in silence for a few moments. Till he gathered enough courage to speak, he fidgeted slightly, and seemed worried to look at her at the moment… ‘Do you…’ he began to say it… but he retraced his words… and just said… ‘Are you sorry it was me?’ he said, his voice quiet, knowing that he took something precious from her… ‘I didn’t know, I didn’t know how you could stay a, you know… with that body and that beauty and…’ she smiled and she didn’t let him finish… as she started to speak… Eun Hye shook her head a bit… ‘No.’ she said… ‘I am not sorry’ When he heard her say that…he let out a sigh of relief… and he smiled at her… everything else were forgotten as Eun Hye saw him smile at her like that… ‘Tell me what you want’ he asked her, as he took her hands and placed them to his lips… She smiled… her heart aching… she felt something so wonderful inside her… she was happy, nervous and safe all at the same time, and she doesn’t know how in the world it was possible to feel it… but then she knew… she just knew one thing… and it is clear as crystal… ‘I just want you…’ she said as she smiled at him, and planted a kiss on his lips… ‘I just want you to make love to me…like, like were the only two people in the world, and nothing else matters’ JiHoon smiled and said… ‘Aren’t we… I think we are just the two people in the world right now… and nothing will ever matter’ he wrapped his arms around her for another deep passionate kiss and as she wrapped her arms and her legs around him too… as the night fades away…

A few hours later in the middle of the night… JiHoon’s cousins Laine, Mitz and his sister Lin arrived from another late night partying in Cue Club… ‘Ssssshhhhh! Take it easy…’ an obviously tipsy Mitz told Laine as they walk towards the door…

‘What…I’m not the one who is drunk Mitz’ Laine complained as she helped her dear cousin to walk… ‘Shut up you two!...’ Lin told them… as she unlocks the front door… Then… they heard noises… ‘What the…’ Laine said… ‘Did you hear that?’ she looked at them… and Lin just shrugged her shoulders and Mitz smiled sleepily… ‘Hear what Laine, you’re scaring me’ Lin said… The sound came off again… ‘That sound Lin… listen…’ she told her cousin once again…and this time…all three girls heard the same sound… ‘OMG! It looks like someone is shagging someone… oh oh…Eun Hye is not gonna like it…’ Mitz said as they all stepped inside their cousin’s home… ‘Gawd…it sounds like an animal on the loose…’ Lin said… ‘Why are we even bothering to listen…’ ‘Cousin dearest…it’s because we are horrible, horrible people and we are absolutely nosy’ Laine said as she made no move to excuse herself… And another moment later… the girls froze… ‘OMG… did…did JiHoon just shouted for Eun Hye’s name’ Mitz said suddenly waking up from her senses… ‘Gosh my brains… they just fell out off my ears’ said Lin as she managed to laugh at what she heard… ‘Sshhhhh… quiet…’ Mitz told them… ‘I think they are having sex’ Mitz said as if she just finally concluded it… ‘Oh thank you Mitz for fixing that bit of a problem, because we certainly didn’t know that…’ Laine replied sarcastically… while Lin laughed at them both… ‘This is huge… and just this morning she said they haven’t done it…’ Mitz said... smiling and then she suggested to take a peak…if it really is Eun Hye… if not… well then they will just go about their own room and sleep… ‘What!’ Lin protested ‘What Mitz… I am absolutely shocked…’ Laine replied… and the two girls just look at her… ‘You’re shock! As if you never even thought about it…’ said Mitz… ‘That’s why I am shock… that I didn’t thought about it first…’ she smiled at her two cousins… and took their hands and led them to the hallway going to JiHoon’s room…

Eun Hye could feel the daylight flowing the entire room… she could feel the other side of the bed empty… and she opened her eyes and saw JiHoon walking and moving around the room… she stayed in bed… keeping herself relaxed as if she was still sleeping… He sat at the edge of the bed and bent over to his feet as he put on his running shoes… when it was over, he turned around and leaned over her for her morning kiss… ‘Good morning my princess’ he said smiling… ‘Good morning!’ she replied… ‘Up for a run?’ ‘Yeah…morning habits… I’ll be back after 30 minutes… you can start breakfast without me…’ he said… She turned a bit and popped one elbow… ‘No it’s alright, I can wait for you… I’ll just stay here and languish like Cleopatra’ she replied smiling… He said nothing but continued to look at her… ‘What?’ she ask… ‘What is it?’ ‘Nothing’ he replied smiling… ‘Well its not nothing… you’re looking at me like its not nothing’ she told him… ‘Its just that… you’re so beautiful…’ he said softly, smiling… Eun Hye felt herself go warm all mushy at the same time… ‘Well, you’re not so bad yourself Mr. Joo…’ she replied at him smiling too… ‘Go and take that run… I’ll see you later’ he stood up, smiled at her and gave her another sweet kiss on the lips before leaving the room.

When Eun Hye walked into the kitchen, she wasn’t surprise to see Mitz, Lin and Laine there already… she smiled at the three girls, who were obviously busy with their own thing… Mitz with her mobile phone, Lin with her computer and Laine busy watching morning news…

Moments later… JiHoon joined them as he sat next to Eun Hye, they both didn’t noticed the three girls glanced at each other… ‘Would you some coffee dongsaeng?’ Lin asked JiHoon ‘Oh yeah…please! Thank you’ as he smiled at his sister… Eun Hye looked over the table and asked Laine for the marmalade… ‘Could you pass the marmalade please’ she asked… Laine picked them up, and handed it out to her… ‘Here you go, would you like some butter with it? Or maybe.. errr.. a little sex with JiHoon on the side’ she said it so casually like as if she was talking about breads… Both Eun Hye and Jihoon jerked as if they were hit by lightning… ‘Whaaaaatttt?’ she said, sounding in denial… ‘Oh please Eun Hye…’ Mitz said smiling… ‘I can explain that… well, you see… I was, err.. ummm…’ JiHoon smiled at her, shaking his head… ‘Honey, I don’t think you can get out of the nosy business of my weird family’ ‘No…JiHoon, let her finish… let us see if she can try to talk her way out of it… I mean, if she can come up with an innocent answer as to why we heard moaning of sexual pleasure at 4am in your room last nigt that even I can’t wait to hear it…’ Laine replied smiling at her, focusing on Eun Hye’s reaction…whom by now is already blushing beyond belief… She groaned in frustration… ‘Oh Bloody hell, sod off will you’ she sighed. As Jihoon laughed and kissed her sweetly on the lips… ‘Oh how romantic…’ Lin said… as she smiled and congratulated her brother and Eun Hye…

Chapter 10: Some like it hot… After that horrifying encounter with JiHoon’s family, Eun Hye somehow managed to get back to her senses and analyzed what just happened… now alone in her hotel room… she can finally think… ‘I wasn’t dreaming right, it did happen… last night happen… I kissed him, and oh Gawd his kisses are driving me mental…’ she thought as she walked up and about the hotel’s living room… she decided she needed a clear head… she needed her best friend… “Wonmi can help me…” she thought… (Mobile Phone ringing) ‘Hello!’ ‘Wonnnnmmiiiiiiii’ Eun Hye practically screamed at her name on the phone ‘Bloody hell Eun Hye! What ever the reason for you to be shouting for my name? Did u just saw Brad Pitt and fainted?’ she asked her laughing ‘No, but I just got the most wonderful thrilling experience’ she told her… ‘Err… and what is this most wonderful thrilling experience?’ ‘Err…’ she quickly turned shy ‘Common, what is there to say… not unless you finally lost your virginity and got some hot young LA stud to help you out of it…?’ Wonmi laughed as she joked about it… Silence…. ‘OMG…Eun Hye! Shut down!!! No way!’ Wonmi still continued to laugh at her… ‘You know what! When I called you, I wanted to have some decent talk with my best friend not you having a fit of a laugh with what I just told you…’ she said, feeling her face all flushed. ‘Oh please Eun Hye, this is huge news… like a bloody Armageddon… the world has come to an end… you’ve finally got someone to shag you!’ ‘Are you suddenly shy Eun Hye? Omo, did you lost your brain too?’ WonMi laughing on the other end of the line. ‘Aish... you’re such a prat!’ she said. ‘I know right!’ she replied as she turned down the phone and bid her goodbye to her best friend.

Not after another minute, her hotel phone rang… and she knew instantly who the

caller is… ‘Hey sexy! I miss you!’ Jihoon said on the other line… ‘Hey yourself!’ she replied, still feeling a bit nervous. ‘Have you eaten?’ he asked… sounding a bit sleepy still… ‘Did you just woke up?’ ‘Yeah, I fell asleep after you left… Lin has been talking non stop, I didn’t want to listen even for a bit!’ he said in a tone in which he was obviously smiling… She smiles. ‘Oh… well, that’s entirely nice of you to do that on your own sister…is she really that boring? She just seems to be so you know…’ Jihoon sense her British shyness and decided to continue it for her… ‘you know meaning a show off?’ Glad for the quick reply of JiHoon, Eun Hye smiled… ‘No… more of like a bit of a know it all!’ she replied…. ‘A Bit! For the love of George Bush! My sister is a show off, and she takes pride on it…so you don’t have to say a bit you know…’ he said laughing again… ‘Are you busy?’ ‘No, why did you ask?’ ‘I was thinking of maybe taking you out to explore LA…I haven’t been a good hired escort to you…’ ‘Right! You’ve already let me nibble on dessert when I haven’t had the full course yet’ she replied… thinking that her response will definitely gonna make him speechless. ‘Yah! Eun Hye, that just definitely turned me on…’ teasing her… ‘Oh sod off… you’re so disgusting!’ ‘Sod? You want me to get you grass?’ laughing… ‘Joo JiHoon… you know what I mean!’ she said… ‘I’ll pick you up in an hour okay?’ ‘Can you make it two?’ ‘Two! What do you need two hours for?’ he said irritatingly ‘Well… in case you have forgotten, I’m a girl… and it does take two bloody hours for me to prepare…either you take it or you bloody leave it…’ ‘You know, every time you say bloody, I feel like we are talking about murder and Nancy Drew!’ ‘Oh Jihoon, I’m surprise…it’s superbly amazing that you know Nancy Drew!’

‘What the hell… I went to USC… im not just a hunk and a sex god…’ (Laughing) ‘Omo, I swear, you need more sleep to grow more brains…’ she told him while still laughing… ‘Shut up will you, I’ll pick you up in 2 hours… and if you’re not there in the lobby… we will spend 3 straight days in your hotel room… do you understand me Miss Eun Hye?’ ‘I will be there…’ ‘Hahahaha… For a second there I thought you will fancy the sex more than the tour…’ ‘See you later JiHoon…’ she said… not answering her question. ‘See you later sexy’ After 2 hours of preparing, it wasn’t a surprise anymore to see JiHoon standing incredibly sexy on his clothes while waiting for her in the lobby. He smiled at her the moment he saw her off the elevator, which made her heart jump out of her… figuratively speaking that is… ‘You’re late!’ he said with a smirked look on his handsome face ‘No I wasn’t!’ she replied ‘You were so! 3 minutes late…’ ‘Surely…you don’t count the ele…’ she was talking but stopped with JiHoon’s mouth melting with hers with one swift kiss… ‘This is the second time he kissed her like that…on a public place… for someone who is famous as JiHoon he is really doing a superb way of keeping a bloody low profile’… Eun Hye thought to herself, but she didn’t care…she responded to the kiss like there isn’t any tomorrow… darting out her tongue, opening her mouth to let him explore it fully… ‘I can get use to this you know, you’re spoiling me’ she said as they broke off the kiss… ‘Well, if this is your way of being spoiled…well, then I will definitely going to like spoiling you’ he said as he took her hand and led them out of the hotel… They went from one art museum to another, and obviously Eun Hye, the art student in her enjoyed the tour very much… and the occasional kiss in between walks is something she had grown accustomed to…sensing that JiHoon is the type who loves public display of affection. They were on their way to his car when his mobile phone suddenly started ringing… ‘Hello?’ ‘Jihoonsshi… it’s me, we’re having lunch with the brood of boring people’ Laine said on the opposite line…

‘Oh? Why? I’m with Eun Hye… tell them I’m off for another mindless sex with my girlfriend…’ he said while looking at Eun Hye and she pinched his arms… ‘Ouch!!!’ ‘What? Don’t tell me you’re doing it again right now…’ Laine said laughing… ‘Oh no… I wish!!! Alright, where does the rest of the bunch wants to meet?’ he asked… ‘Well, Lin said the country club… so see you and Eun Hye later’ Laine replied… ‘Arasso… see you’ Eun Hye was already sitting comfortably inside JiHoon’s VW Toureg, when he got inside his car, she asked him who called… ‘Oh its my boring cousin Laine…’ he replied ‘What about?’ she asked him, giving him a smile ‘They want to meet in the country club for lunch… are you up for it?’ ‘Up for what?’ ‘Well, meeting my boring family again…’ ‘Oh, they are hardly boring… they’re very funny… I like spending time with them…’ she replied truthfully… JiHoon took hold of her hand and placed it to his lips… ‘Thank you… that’s the weirdest thing anyone can say about my family...’ he said smiling… ‘Nonsense, they are indeed funny…’ ‘I know they are… I was just kidding, but really… most of them will say how scary Lin is… and how much of a pregnant dog my cousins are…’ ‘Well, they are quite rich, and you’re famous…so it comes with the package’ she truthfully answered. ‘Wow…’ looking at her… ‘you’re thinking about my package…’ laughing at her… ‘Bloody hell JiHoon…can you not think about sex all the time…?’ ‘Well, I don’t think about sex all the time, its usually divided between you being naked, you kissing me, and you and I having sex…’ ‘Please tell me you’re only teasing?’ she asked him Laughing… as he planted another kiss on her hand… and she smiled back at him.

When they got to the country club, everyone was already there… well, almost everyone…coz Mitz hasn’t arrived yet… and Eun Hye was surprise that JiHoon

actually took her to meet his family… No! scrap the last part… meet his entire clan that is… JiHoon introduced her as his friend, and you can actually see the reaction of both Laine and Lin, as “his friend” is being fed to the sharks… ‘Well, how do you find them?’ ‘Who?’ ‘You know, the rest of the family…’ ‘Oh, I think, if you can handle the three girls, you can definitely handle anyone from your family’ ‘Do you mind if I introduced you as my friend, and not my?’ he didn’t finished the question coz Eun Hye didn’t let him… ‘Oh please, of course I am fine. Don’t worry about it…’ she gave him a sweet smile to assure him… and JiHoon smiled back… while he excused himself to talk to some of his male cousins… Eun Hye was chatting with Lin when she noticed that JiHoon was playing with a kid… Then she stood outside the barrier around the petting zoo of the Country Club and watched at JiHoon carry Kenneth towards the miniature barnyard… ‘Yah! Kenny… don’t be scared… that goat won’t hurt you…’ he told the little kid, but he wasn’t buying it, so he clung more tightly to his uncle and it made Eun Hye smiled… ‘Hmmm… I think Billy the Goat here is very hungry Kenny, so we might as well go to the rabbits… I think they are far safer bets…’ and the little boy nodded in reply… which made JiHoon laugh… Although its nice to see this sensitive side of JiHoon, Eun Hye still tried not to etch the image to her heart so much, not when summer is almost over and she will be returning back to England. Still, truth was truth… and she couldn’t deny it even if she wanted to. She had fallen deeply into infatuation with Joo JiHoon… Infatuation, not love… she reminded herself. They didn’t have enough in common for her to love him. But oh, she was infatuated. She was infatuated by his humor, his easy charm, his need to display his affection to her publicly, as well as his quick intelligence that forced her own brain to its full alertness. But she wouldn’t pretend also that there wasn’t a dangerous element to her infatuation… she knows for a fact, in the short span of time of getting to know him… for the rest of the world, JiHoon appears to be nothing more than a sublimely handsome athlete with an overabundance of charm… But she feels somehow, after last night… after he asked her what she wanted… She wanted to tell herself otherwise, that she knew he is more than all of that…

JiHoon saw Eun Hye and he waved at her… she smiled and waved back while watching JiHoon walking back towards her… ‘I think Eun Hye, that Kenny over here is never going to have a chance on a career on farming’ he said… ‘That’s a safe bet!’ she replied… then JiHoon took out his wallet from his back pocket and handed it to Eun Hye… ‘What’s this?’ she asked… ‘My wallet’ he replied… ‘I know its your wallet, I am asking why are you suddenly giving them to me…’ ‘Oh, I’m going to take Kenny to the nursery… you can get anything you want while I’m away’ he said… and before Eun Hye can say anything back, he was already walking on a different direction… Eun Hye stood there for a little while, and just as she was looking around for some privacy, Laine and Lin saw her… so she walked towards them… ‘Where’s JiHoon?’ Laine asked… ‘Well, he said he’s going to take Kenny to the nursery…’ ‘And you look upset because?’ Lin asked… She opened her Botega Veneta purse and showed them the wallet JiHoon left her… ‘Is this JiHoon’s?’ Laine asked… ‘He shoved it at me right before he ran off…’ She couldn’t stop herself from adding… ‘He told me I should buy something for myself’ ‘No kidding?’ Lin said… and looked at Laine mischiviously… ‘Whatever did you do to him?’ she asked Eun Hye… ‘I think cousin dear, Eun Hye did some bend and snap…’ she smiled at Eun Hye… ‘What? Bend and what?’ Eun Hye lost on thoughts, and wondered what they were talking about… ‘Oh don’t mind Laine…she’s a perpetual pervert...’ Lin commented on her cousin… ‘Hey! I am not… I’m a perpetual romantic pervert… theres a big difference!’ And with that… Eun Hye laughed with them… ‘So you have, JiHoon’s wallet, so what are we standing all here for? Let’s go get something courtesy of my brother…’ Lin said… ‘What? No way, please hand those back to me…’ she told Lin as she tried to get a hold of JiHoon’s wallet again… ‘Oh please Eun Hye, we all know that JiHoon got more money than he has the

energy to count…so let’s just enjoy ourselves…’ she replied… giving Eun Hye a smile… Catching her arm, Laine led her towards the parking lot and to an open-topped red BMW… ‘Lin, can I have JiHoon’s wallet back?’ she asked her… ‘No… we will give it to you later, once we have used what’s in it…’ she told her in a matter of fact tone but in a much friendlier voice… and she was smiling… ‘What? We’re not going to spend his money, no matter how much of it he has… it’s not right’ ‘Oh please, Eun Hye… we LA women don’t see it that way… just think of it as a revenge to JiHoon…’ Looking confuse… ‘But he didn’t do anything?’ ‘That’s the point… he’s not doing anything… leaving you like that… a beautiful, hot and sexy girl like you shouldn’t be left alone… and especially with a wallet that’s sooo loaded’ Laine pointed out… ‘What were trying to say to you Eun Hye is that… lets just go and enjoy the day, and think of this wallet as a gift from the Gods…’ Before she could say anything, Laine pulled over…took her hand and led her to the Rousta Lounge and while Lin took out of JiHoon black credit card and turned to the crowed of businesspeople, ranchers, housewives who’d gathered for lunch. Although she barely raised her voice, the crowd quieted to hear her… ‘I’ve got an announcement to make… you’ll all be happy to know that lunch is on my dear brother JiHoon… and he wants you to order anything, and whatever you like… so don’t hurt my brother’s feeling by being chintzy.’ She said… As Lin passed the credit card over to the bartender, Eun Hye was in shock… and Laine laughing her ass off… ‘You can’t do this to him’ she told her… ‘Why not?’ ‘Because it’s not proper?’ she replied, still a bit shock with what Lin just did… ‘What? Was it proper to leave you like that?’ she asked her… ‘No.’ ‘Then we don’t have a problem, do we?’ She finally gave up arguing with them both, and she just followed them as Lin pointed out a place for them to sit… and as she slid into the paddled seat, she decided that both of them had a point, that JiHoon shouldn’t have left her like that… and so when the waitress arrived, she defiantly ordered extra cheese on her turkey sandwich… which made Laine laughed… ‘Now you’re getting it honey’ she commented and Eun Hye smiled at them both.

The day wasn’t turning out anything like she’d hope. She imagined herself and JiHoon together, perhaps holding hands, and smiling at each other. Her fantasies were silly… and she decided to fight them off with food… And just as when she was trying to decide between chocolate fudge cake and a brownie sundae, she saw the same man that was following her in the mall… She saw how he glanced around the room, and then he stopped as he spotted her. When he realized she’d noticed… he looked away. While Lin conducted a friendly flirtation with a cute redhead who’d come up to their table, and Laine busying herself on her mobile phone… Eun Hye looked back at the man again… and then she saw JiHoon walking towards them… ‘Oh you’re here?’ Laine said in amazement… then it followed quickly with… ‘Everyone said thanks and that you should try the pecan pie according to Deever’ ‘Who? What are you talking about?’ JiHoon frowned looking confuse… ‘You treated everyone to lunch… and we all appreciate it…’ Lin said happily… ‘I swear, you guys are getting stranger by the day’ he growled at them… When he realized that Eun Hye was fidgeting, he frowned… ‘What’s wrong?’ ‘That man is here?’ ‘Who?’ ‘Remember the time in the parking lot when I kissed you, he was following me?’ ‘Following you? Oh how could I forget about that scene in the parking lot’ he smiled mischievously. She then pointed the direction on to where the man was sitting by the bar… the man’s back was facing them so what JiHoon did, was he took her hand and led him to where the guy is sitting… ‘JiHoon no!’ she said… as she tried to stop him ‘You're scared...I should tell him to get lost, and he doesn’t know who he is messing with.’ And then when they are finally just behind the man… JiHoon tapped his shoulders... ‘I am terribly sorry to disturb you sir, but my girlfriend is complaining that you…’ and he wasn’t able to finish what he was trying to say… because he started smiling… ‘Father Patrick!!!!’ he said… Father Patrick? Eun Hye whimpered… JiHoon took her arm before she could turn and probably run from her own embarrassment…

‘I’m sorry you haven’t been properly introduced… Father Patrick, meet Eun Hye, a friend of my cousin Mitz from London’ ‘Oh hello’ he said extending his hand to her… ‘Oh I apologize, Father…coz I thought you were following me… because that day in the mall.’ She said and she was stopped by Father Patrick himself… ‘Oh I was indeed following you, because I saw you with JiHoon and I have been meaning to talk to him and thank him for donating for the construction of the new wing for our Children’s hospital, and I am sorry too if you think anything otherwise’

And as JiHoon drew her away from Father Patrick after a few minutes of chit chat… all she could do was moan.

‘Yah! Joo JiHOon… you made me look like a fool!!!’ she told him… ‘Excuse me, but I hate to point it out to your british brain that you did that all by yourself!’ ‘You should have told me who he was…’ she said ‘How was I to know that you were talking about him… you freaking described him as a warrior from Xena… and besides, no one can tell you anything, coz you seem to know it all…’ ‘Take that back!!! I do not…!’ she then realized that both Laine and Lin and together with other nosy people had followed them outside to witness their argument… but she was beyond embarrassed… He shot ahead of her… ‘You’re bossy and pigheaded… and you have some seriously strange ideas…’ ‘I am definitely sick and tired of listening to you criticize me, especially after today…. You might think about your own lunatic behavior instead of being so concerned about me…’ ‘My lunatic behavior has nothing to do with you!’ he shot back… ‘It does when you ran away and left me stranded next to a petting zoo!’ ‘I didn’t ran!’ As people gathered in numbers, JiHoon realized it and he shot a finger towards his Toureg… ‘Get it in the car!’ ‘Stop ordering me!’

‘Get in the car Eun Hye!’ ‘Go to bloody hell’ and then she snatched the keys from him, and ran towards his car… By some miracle, the key she shoved in the ignition was the proper one… and in the rear view mirror, she saw him running on a sprint towards her… she turned the key and stepped on the accelerator… the engine roared but the car didn’t move at all… ‘Will you stop… you can’t even freaking drive!!!’ he said… The door on the passenger side flew open… JiHoon ducked his head inside and shouted… ‘Pull over now!!!’ She yearned to slam her foot on the accelerator but as much as she wanted to murder him, she didn’t actually want to kill him… so she hesitated, which proved to be a mistake…coz he jumped in the car… and settled on the passenger seat… ‘Pull over Eun Hye!’ She kept going… eyes straight ahead, fingers rigor mortised around the wheel… ‘I know what I’m doing…’ ‘Then do it right!’ She bit her bottom lip and pressed on the accelerator… ‘There, I am going thirty, I hope you’re satisfied…’ she told him… ‘The freaking speed limit is 60!!!’ ‘You think I am afraid to go sixty…. I’m not!’ she said, as she went up to 45, but the cars continued to stack up behind her… She heard teeth grinding, his words had a tight sound on them… ‘Pull off up there on the right, put on your turn signal…’ Because she wanted to pull off, she did what he said… ‘By that tree, turn there…’ Horns blared behind her, as she took the corner too fast and ended up in the sandy soil next to the narrow dirt road… ‘You were freaking suppose to slow down first…!’ he yelled at her… ‘You didn’t tell me that!!! You told me to go faster!’ she yelled back… ‘Not when you’re freaking turning!’ once again she heard that awful toothgrinding… then a deeply inhaled breath… ‘Never mind, just keep going till you’re behind those trees.’ When she finally stopped the car, she was so relieved she felt limp… she proper her arm on top of the steering wheel, rested her forehead and closed her eyes.

She sensed movement and heard him turn off the ignition. The leather creaked as he settled in to the seat. Time ticked by. The unsteady sound of her breathing rasped in her ears. Finally, something warm curled around the back of her neck…rubbed. ‘Are you crying?’ ‘No’ she answered truthfully… ‘I am thinking about it though’ ‘Why don’t you come here and think about it?’ he drew her close, and the next thing she knew, she was curled up against his chest. It was cozy… comforting… he smelled nice.. clean shirt and faintly overlaid with baby. She refused to cry. Still, it felt good being where she was. ‘Would you think I am an insensitive jerk if I slipped my hand inside your shirt?’ he asked… ‘A bit’ she said… and he frowned… and she continued… ‘But I don’t think I will stop you!’ He slid his hands inside her shirt, and nuzzled the hallow frame of her neck… ‘I enjoyed last night!’ he said… ‘I did too’ ‘You make nice sound in bed’ ‘I do?’ As he moved his hands to cover her breast, that is only protected by the thin fabric of her lingerie… she gave a hum of pleasure… ‘Like that’ he said, as he shifted her position and his mouth settled on hers… they kissed hungrily… she arched and gave in to the delicious sensation… When she could no longer hold still, she pulled his shirt from the waistband of his jeans and slipped her hands inside to feel that warm, taut skin beneath her palms… It seemed to be all the encouragement he needed, and within seconds, her shirt hung from her shoulders, her shorts lay in heap, and her sexy lingerie draped from one calf… and Eun Hye wasn’t idle either… and his shirt soon joined her shirt, and through the open zipper of his jeans, she saw his navy silk CK boxers… He distracted her with a kiss that couldn’t get enough of itself, and, as he explored her mouth with his tongue, he eased inside her… But even when she had accepted all of him, he still wouldn’t let her take over. Instead, he established the rhythm, knowing instinctively what she needed and giving her everything she wanted but control. ‘Don’t stop…’ Eun Hye said… ‘Whatever you do, don’t…’ He didn’t. And the sweet, hot flood swept them away…

Afterwards, Eun Hye seemed glad of the activity… all the tissue fumbling, and clothes sorting… JiHoon was glad too… Maybe he felt the same way she did… that there was something dangerous about so much urgency, something distinctly threatening about two incompatible adults, becoming so wild to get their hands all over each other that they couldn’t wait to find a bed. She wondered if every woman had to be attracted to a bad boy once in her life. Apparently, she did. Maybe she needed to get Jihoon out of her system so that someday, there would be a space for the right relationship. Maybe…just maybe she needed Jihoon, like she needed her immunity shots… one dose would protect her from men like him… for the the rest of her life… JiHoon stepped out of the car, as he pushed his shirt back in his jeans… he noticed that Eun Hye was fastening her buttons wrong, but he knew if he pointed it out, she’d go all huffy again and say he was criticizing her… Last night, with her… it had been so good he didn’t even like to think about it, except that it was just about all he’d been able to think about, which probably why he’d gone crazy awhile ago… and just now…one minute they were arguing… and the next thing he knew, they were doing it in his car. He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d done it in a car… hardly ever. Rich kids didn’t have too… rich kids had cabanas, or if it wasn’t enough… plenty of cash to pay for a hotel… God, he’d love making love with her, all that enthusiasm. She didn’t know how to hold anything back. She gave it one hundred and ten percent… just the way he liked. As they both finally straightened out… he asked her… ‘Ready to go?’ ‘Yes…right… I am… thank you!’ ‘For what?’ ‘You know…’ ‘Oh, I guess, I’ve had about as much psychotherapy as I can handle in one day... besides you are the crazy one…just ask Father Patrick!’ he said… not knowing why he said what he did, and he gave out a small laugh… ‘It’s a bloody good thing, I’ll be leaving soon… I will never be able to look that man in the eye again…' she replied smiling... When she said it, he didn’t like what he heard…. Somehow, he didn’t like to think of her leaving, but some part of him couldn’t wait to get her off his hands… especially when she becomes too d**n bossy. He curled his hand around the back of her neck and rubbed… ‘If you still want to catch that show on Hollywood Bowl, we should go back to the house first and change…’

‘I’d like that’ They drove back to the house… but the bedroom was too inviting… so they decided to watch that show in another time.

Chapter 11: In Two Minutes

Eun Hye was awaken with a constant ringing of her mobile phone… ‘Hello?’ still in a sleepy state of being… ‘It’s me Wons’ ‘Who?’ Eun Hye asked again, her eyes still closed… since the incident in the country club, Eun Hye had less sleep coz of her nights spent with JiHoon… ‘Bloody hell Eun Hye, you’ve been shaggin’ left and right?’ laughing… And without another thought, she realized its her best friend on the other line… ‘Wons, it’s 6am here…’ ‘I bloody hell know! I’ve been standing on your bloody front door and you’re bloody not answering!’ she said… ‘OMO!!! You’re in LA?’ ‘For the love of everyone, get your arse up and open the bloody door, before I fully speak Korean and get miffed!’ And with that… Eun Hye raced out of her bedroom and dashed towards the front door and opened it… and to her surprise… her bestfriend is wearing a short that can certainly match those worn by Kate Moss, and those bloody pumps and showing off her very erotic red colored toe nails…

‘What the hell happened to you!’

‘I’m in LOVE!!!!!’

‘WHHHHHAAATTTTT?’ Eun Hye shouted at her… and Wonmi smirked at her, and walked straight to the living room and sat on her sofa… ‘What is what? I said I’m in love…’ ‘And you’ve known this little information since when?’ ‘Since I’ve shagged endlessly 30,000 feet above sea level’ she said, looking over her large Michael Kors hobo bag… ‘You mean…’ ‘Yes…welcome to the mile high club dahling!’ she said smiling, and continued… ‘So tell me about this bloke you’re seeing?’ she said… ushering Eun Hye to sit next to her…

So the next few hours consist of Eun Hye telling everything to her best friend, and Wonmi listened intently to all the details… ‘So you’re trying to tell me, that you’re starting to fall madly in love with this bloke who shagged you senseless?’ Wonmi asked, trying to refrain from laughing at Eun Hye… ‘What? That’s absurd! How can you say that, of course we don’t shag senseless… I’m not the type…’ she told her, as she stood up and asked her… ‘Gosh, I forgot my manners, forgive me Wons… would you like some tea!?’ ‘Yes, and I thought you will never ask me that…bloody hell.’ She said laughing… she stood up too and walked towards the kitchen when she noticed all the pile of papers on the dining room… ‘Are these your research?’ ‘Yes’ she shouted from the kitchen… ‘Are you almost finished? Coz bloody school is about to start in a month’s time?’ ‘Almost, just finishing touches I suppose…’ she said emerging from the kitchen handing her the tea… Wonmi smiled at her… ‘What?’ Eun Hye asked ‘Nothing’ ‘Hey! We’ve been friends for almost 15 years now…and I know that’s not nothing!’ ‘Seriously, it’s nothing…’ ‘Oh sod off Wonmi… that’s not nothing!’

‘Fine… it’s the guy im seeing…’ ‘Omo! I totally forgot about him, so tell me… where did you meet him?’ ‘In London of course…but he’s an American.’ ‘He’s white? And I thought you swear off white men!?’ ‘Excuse me! It wasn’t me…I remember correctly, you’re the one who swear off white men…actually, no scrap that…you swear off men during 5th grade when Abe didn’t kissed you in front of the class during dance night!’ ‘Ohhhh….that’s cold!’ she said to her, smiling…and the two friends laughed hard… ‘He’s a single parent, his fiancé died in childbirth… his family all lives in LA, he said his family is very weird and nosy, so it took us awhile to decide on whether I should meet the parents…’ ‘Wow…you flew to Los Angeles Wonmi! That’s a big thing! It’s bloody brilliant…’ ‘I’m terrified Eun Hye, I’ve only been seeing him this past 6 months… and…’ she wasn’t able to finish what she was saying because Eun Hye was looking at her and frowning… ‘6 months! And you’ve only gave me this information just now’ she said ‘I’m sorry I’m such a daft, but I couldn’t tell you till I am sure that I want a relationship with him…’ ‘I know you’re a git Wons, you don’t have to tell me that…and apology accepted’ she said, and looked at Wonmi again… but this time, she’s smiling… ‘So will I get to meet this bloke anytime soon?’ ‘Yeah, let’s have lunch tomorrow, and bring this American gigolo you hooked up with… I want to meet him… so lets talk more later, but right now… I need to sleep…my head is finally spinning…’ she said as Eun Hye laughed and pointed her the direction to her bedroom, and Wonmi waved at her… ‘Would you just be sleeping the whole day? Coz I’m going to meet a few friends…’ ‘You don’t have friends in LA, Eun Hye!’ she said, smiling mockingly at her… ‘I do…they’re relatives of the American Gigolo… so I’m meeting them for coffee…’ ‘OH… I see… sure, by all means, I’ll just sleep… I need my energy for more bend and snapping’ she winked at her best friend and smiled… in response, Eun Hye just laughed her ass off.

Meanwhile in Joo’s residence… Laine and JiHoon were sitting in the patio discussing his new relationship…

‘So?’ looking at him… trying to catch any glimpse of emotional connection in his brain that she can decipher… ‘So what?’ he asked… looking at everything except at his horribly nosy cousin ‘Fine! Lets just pretend that you’re not enjoying this summer fling that your having right now…’ she said smiling… ‘Will you stop Laine!’ he said throwing a piece of paper at her… ‘Stop it!’ she said… and before she can throw the newspaper she was reading at him… the butler came and said that Ms. Yoon has arrived… ‘What the? Saved by the freaking bell…’ she said laughing at JiHoon… ‘We’ll continue this little battle dear cousin…’ ‘Oh yeah…looking forward…’ he snapped back, while walking towards the living room to greet Eun Hye… He saw Eun Hye looking over the bunch of trophies lined up upon the entrance of his house… she smiled when she saw him coming to her… ‘Hi!’ he leaned and kissed her cheeks… ‘What are you doing here?’ ‘I was suppose to meet Mitz and we’re gonna go grab some coffee but she just gave me a ring when I’m almost here and told me she couldn’t make it… are you busy?’ He was smiling… Gosh…don’t smile like that… she said to herself… ‘So…are you asking me out?’ ‘It is either your daft or just plain brainless… of course I am here aren’t I?’ she replied smiling at him… ‘Pabo!’ he mumbled to himself…as he started to walk back to the patio garden… ‘Laine is here… can we bring her along?’ he asked… ‘First… I am not stupid… I heard what you said… second of course Laine can come… Is Lin here?’ she asked… ‘No…she’s out and about hunting men…’ he replied as he started shouting Laine’s name… He got a big smack at the back of his head, didn’t realized that his nosy cousin is already behind him… ‘What the hell… that hurts!’ he said, scratching his head… ‘Serves you right…you keep on shouting my name like this stupid house of yours is as big as Buckingham Palace… what do you want anyway?’ ‘Eun Hye is asking us out for coffee… common, get your butt moving…’

The trio drove to Melrose for coffee… ‘Hey JiHoon…you have a foam mustache…’ Eun Hye told him as she giggled and he tried to lick it off… ‘Where? Is it still there?’ he asked in indignation, trying with all his might to lick it off… Laine was just watching his cousin’s stupidity and smiled silly when she realized that Eun Hye is buying his weird way of flirting… ‘Oh bloody hell JiHoon, come here!’ she said, reaching out and wiping it off with her thumb. ‘See!’ she said, showing her thumb, before licking the foam off thoroughly… He poked his tongue out at her and took another sip of his coffee… the result being having another foam mustache…He laughed and wiped it off with the back of his hand, “You know you love me.” He said jokingly… Eun Hye gasped dramatically and looked around, “Who told you that?!” A smile broke out on her face and she said, “What are you doing later on?” “I dunno,” he said thoughtfully, “I was planning on going out to a club tonight. But if you’re asking me out…’ he added with a smile. She smiled cheekily and sipped her coffee, ‘If you wanted to go out, we can go out’ ‘No, I just want to spend some time with you at home now’ he said, reaching across the table and touching her hand. ‘We can order pizza and rent some good movies… and maybe you know… some butter and… on the side…’ ‘Hey JiHoonsshi… that’s my line weirdo!’ Laine commented and playfully punch his left shoulder… JiHoon in returned poked out his tongue at his cousin… “That sounds much more fun than a club at the moment, to be honest,” Eun Hye said, ignoring them both… ‘Alright, we’ll do that after we have dinner with my best friend… you got to meet her… and NO horror movies.’ “Aww come on Eun Hye,” Laine whined, “They’re the best kind of movie! They freak people out and there’s always a good sex scene!” JiHoon laughed, “Just because you’re not getting any cousin dearest. To save you the trouble I suppose I should just buy you some porn.” Laine grinned, Eun Hye blushed… “Would you?” Laine asked smiling… ‘Haha! Whatever JiHoon, who needs porn… and who says I’m not getting any… I just had buffet last night.’ He laughed and looked at her ‘Seriously?’ ‘Yes…’ Laine replied smiling at them both… satisfied in having to shut JiHoon up... and from the looks of Eun Hye… she’s already wondering what it is that she just told her cousin.

Half an hour later, Laine left the two alone and went to meet Lin in a nearby mall

for some more serious shopping and her date with John Gaultier… ‘What did Laine meant when she said she had buffet…’ Eun Hye finally asked JiHoon… JiHoon smiled at her and said sweetly… ‘Well, it means… that… she had tasted men in various spices… oh I mean sizes…’ laughing… ‘Ewwww! That’s what exactly the things WonMi will say…’ she said… ‘So you want me to meet WonMi?’ he asked ‘Yes.’ ‘So I am meeting your bestfriend… does it mean… this is more than just sex?’ he asked. Eun Hye coughed rather suddenly when she heard the last question… ‘Err…’ JiHoon sense the sudden tense feeling Eun Hye got and she somehow managed not to answer him… so he decided to revert to the previous topic which involves movies… and suggested to get the movies now…

“A Batman marathon!” Eun Hye said suddenly, running towards the back of the shop and dragging JiHoon by the hand behind her. “Eun Hye calm down!” he exclaimed, avoiding making a shelf of movies fall over by an inch. “I want to see if they’ve got any Batman movies!” she said, tugging him forward. “Ah good, they’ve got Batman Forever and Batman and Robin. The best ones.” “What about Batman Returns?” JiHoon asked. “That one was grotesque and the guy who played Batman was not attractive,” she said briskly, taking the two movies down from the shelf. “And of course, that’s the most important thing, isn’t it?” JiHoon asked, smiling at her. “Oh yes, Bruce Wayne must be attractive my dear. Or else he wouldn’t be an eligible bachelor,” she said reasonably, poking her tongue out at him. “Well, are those the only two movies we want?” “Methinks so,” Eun Hye said thoughtfully. “Do you want any others?”

JiHoon shook his head and they walked up to the counter and paid for them. “Do we want to stock up on popcorn and sweets?” he asked as they left the video shop. “Good idea,” she said, steering him towards a nice little supermarket. He dropped off Eun Hye at her hotel and headed straight back home and get some sleep before he goes to meet her again later for dinner… ‘Ah… alone tonight with Eun Hye again… I can’t wait!’ he said smiling… ‘Gosh… alone with him again… I can’t breathe… Wonmiiiiii’ she said, running hurriedly to the bedroom and woke the sleeping Wonmi up… ‘Waaahhh? Bloody hell Eun Hye… Didn’t I said, I need to sleep for more bend and snapping later…’ Wonmi complained and tried to go back to sleep… ‘You’ll meet him later…’ ‘The gigolo?’ ‘His name is JiHoon and he’s not a gigolo!’ she said smiling… ‘Oh right… I need to go and tell Alex…’ she said, immediately getting her mobile out of her Prada bag and dialed Alex’s phone number… ‘Okay…Alex said we should go and head out to Le Maison in Wilson… is 7 okay with you?’ she asked looking at Eun Hye and when Eun Hye nodded she told Alex… ‘Arasso… see you later!’

Meanwhile… back in the Joo household… ‘In Seun!!!!’ JiHoon exclaimed with abit of excited shock from seeing his cousin again after 3 years… ‘What the man! Where did you came from?’ ‘Oh around Europe…’ he replied smiling… ‘You look all buff now cousin… impressing girls again I see…’ he said as he goes through various sports magazine featuring his sports star cousin JiHoon…. ‘Hahaha! Of course not… its not my fault girls are just naturally attracted to me…’ ‘I see… same old JIHoon…’ he replied… ‘What brings you here?’ ‘My son of course… I haven’t seen him in awhile… I miss him’ ‘Oh we are taking very good care of little Kenny Alex you know that…’ ‘Of course… oh, I heard from Laine that you’re seeing a Korean girl right now… flavor of the month?’

‘Shes not flavor of the month… she’s nice… she’s different…’ ‘Not flavor of the month, nice, different…wow, my boy is hooked!’ ‘What…’ denying instantly… although he thought being hooked on Eun Hye is not a bad idea… ‘I said…’ ‘I heard… and no… you’re meeting her later… her bestfriend wants me to meet her…’ ‘Oh… so its serious then…’ JiHoon scratched his head… and decided to avoid the question… ‘So later at errr… I think I’ll ask… I don’t know what time…’ ‘I'm meeting a friend later, so just let me know where you are, I’d be happy to meet her…’ and with that he started walking out of the house… Eun Hye and Wonmi arrived at the restaurant 15 minutes early, and JiHoon called and informed them that he will just pick up his cousin and go straight at where they are… when JiHoon saw Eun Hye looking so beautiful in her little blue dress, he couldn’t help but keep a huge smile on his face… ‘Wonmi!’ Alex said… Both Eun Hye and JiHoon were shocked… ‘Honey! What… OMG! You’re the gigolo’s cousin…’ Wonmi exclaimed… JiHoon looked at Eun Hye when he heard her say gigolo and Alex looked at JiHoon… ‘What? I’m his cousin’ pointing to JiHoon… and WonMi smiled… the initial shock wears off and she took his hand and planted a kiss there… In Seun in return kissed Wonmi sweetly on the cheeks… and both JiHoon and Eun Hye were still a bit quite shocked… ‘How????’ both said at the same time… ‘He’s Alex… the one I met in London…’ Won Mi said… ‘She’s Angela, the one I met in London…’ In Seun said… ‘But… but you said you’re seeing In Seun…’ Eun Hye exclaimed as they sat down… ‘Yeah, he is In Seun, his English name is Alex…’ Wonmi replied… And when finally the shock went out the window… the 2 couple looked at the menu and ordered the restaurant classic and most famous dish… If looks could kill, Alex and Wonmi sitting around him… JiHoon will probably be dead by now… JiHoon who smiled to himself as he watch Eun Hye talk about her research and her work… JiHoon stared at her, and he admitted to himself that she does have a gorgeous lips, he can spend days gazing at her full pouty lips… and kiss them endlessly too.

He realized that she also has long thick curling lashes covering her warm brown eyes, eyes that really shimmered when she laughs… and all thoughts lost, as he placed his mind back on her mouth… ‘Most certainly her best asset’ he thought to himself… Eun Hye stopped talking and looked up at JiHoon, and she found him staring at her intently much to her embarrassment and in front of both Alex and Wonmi.. ‘JiHoon’ Nothing, she waited a moment before calling his name again… ‘JiHoon… JiHoon…’ JiHoon blinked but didn’t moved… he had yet realized that he is starting to feel something remotely different towards Eun Hye… Eun Hye was becoming more and more annoyed… ‘Oh no! she definitely looked miffed, but she still looks cute… Omo! Did I just used the word miffed!’ he thought to himself again… ‘JiHoon’ Nothing. All three of them now stared blankly at JiHoon who kept to remain silent… and while Alex and Wonmi tried to get his attention by talking about their recent trip to Milan… it didn’t help… he was still staring at Eun Hye like as if his life depended on it… ‘Joo JiHoon, what the bloody hell is wrong with you? This is not at all funny you know…’ JiHoon continued to sit there gazing at her but not saying a word. Frustrated beyond all belief Eun Hye began gnawing on her bottom lip. She was doing it again. She'd been ranting about something a moment before, he'd been watching the mesmerizing undulations of her lips, but now she was biting her lip again driving him mad. JiHoon stood up and in two strides Eun Hye was in his arms. He took his thumb and lightly traced it over those beautiful lips; they were slightly parted in her surprise. JiHoon lowered his head and nibbled her bottom lip before taking her mouth completely, feeling the soft fullness of her lips and tasting their sweetness. He ran his fingers through her thick wavy hair angling her head back as JiHoon deepened the kiss, exploring the sweet depths of her mouth as he intertwined his tongue with hers. Finding herself caught up in the overwhelming passion of JiHoon's kisses Eun Hye gave herself over to the moment she wrapped her arms around his neck and slipped her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck fervently returning his kisses. JiHoon slipped his arms around her tiny waist, molding her body to his, moaning softly into her mouth reveling in the scent, feel and taste of her. After what seemed to be an eternity their mouths slowly broke apart. Breathless and flushed they stared into each other's eyes; JiHoon began tracing her bottom lip with his thumb, he felt her smile and the feather-light kisses she placed on his fingertips. He tilted her head upwards and lovingly kissed her lips once more and clasped her hand in his. Wonmi and In Seun were still in a bit of shock with what just happened… in two minutes… his cousin and her best friend kissed, no scrap that… that was a very hot kiss for everyone to see… And if that didn’t give them much coherent thoughts… what JiHoon said to Eun Hye afterwards most certainly did…

With her hands still firmly clasped on his hand, he smiled at her and said…

‘I really really like you Eun Hye!’

Chapter Fourteen: Nothing beats the first… “I really really like you” those were the words that kept ringing in her head… she wondered how long she stared at JiHoon when he said it… and realized the both Alex and her bestfriend… ‘Oh bugger…of all the people to hear…its bloody Won Mi, now she will never let me rest in bloody peace… I’ll never get to hear the end of it…’ she thought to herself… ‘Wait, stop thinking about Wonmi and her bloody thoughts, think about what he said…’ she kept on arguing the thoughts in her head as she continued on staring at JiHoon…

‘Did I place you on a spotlight?’ he finally asked… and finally started talking after an eternity of staring at each other… ‘Eun Hye’ he asked again… saying her name softly this time… Ignoring his question, she directed her look at Wonmi who has been looking at her too with the same amount of curiosity… Like as if Wonmi read her thoughts… she chuckled… ‘Alex, sorry…but I’m feeling rather ill from all those beer…’ she said… ‘But you didn’t drink beer sweetheart…’ he told her and WonMi started to look straight at him as if trying to say something… ‘ohhh…’ he finally said it… ‘Right! You should go now babe, Eun Hye can you take Wonmi home with you…?’ he asked her… and JiHoon still looking so bewildered and lost… ‘What? What do you mean you’re not feeling well, you were just kissing my cousin a minute ago…’ JiHoon complained… ‘Yah! Jihoonsshi… don’t push it!’ Alex said ‘But… I’m still not yet done talking to Eun Hye…’ he complained… JiHoon looked at Eun Hye and she quickly turned away … frustrated, he just shrugged his shoulders and instantly stood up and said… ‘Fine! Have it your way’ Eun Hye went red when she realized that she got him mad… and before she can say his name, he was already almost out the door of the restaurant… Sensing her little problem, Alex patted her shoulders and said… ‘Don’t worry, he’s like that!’

‘I know! Oh well, I better take the sick Wonmi home…’ ‘Bloody hell eun Hye, you absolutely made it sound like I’m a loonie…’ Looking at her bestfriend, she gave a quick glance at her and then to Alex… ‘Honestly Alex, I don’t know what you see in her! She’s a loonie…’ He laughed… and replied… ‘Well, the same thing you see in my cousin!’ which once again made Eun Hye blushed endlessly…

.................................... His sister Lin and cousin Laine was already home when he got back to his house after 2 hours of driving around LA… ‘Stupid girls!’ he murmured… ‘Hey! What the hell… there’s girls in this house, watch your mouth’ Laine said… ‘And it’s not even your house, I can say anything I want!’ JiHoon hit back while starting to get comfy at his Lazy boy… ‘Tsk, tsk… lover boy is angry, I can never know how it is to be sexually frustrated, I better go ask Mitz… or wait… you’re sister is here…’ Laine said giving a look at Lin and laughed… ‘Hahahaha! So funny!’ Lin replied sarcastically looking at Laine then turning her attention to JiHoon… ‘Seriously lil bro, what happened? Or do I have to get Eun Hye and tell me the story!?’ ‘ that…’ ‘Oh oh…someone didn’t get lucky!’ Laine said ‘You know what lil brother, don’t worry… I heard Mitz and that weird looking Mohawk guy didn’t end pretty well too!’ Lin told them in a matter of fact tone… This certainly made JiHoon looked over his shoulders to where his sister and cousin is sitting, and made him worry abit more… ‘What??? Why? I mean, they were just doing it like theres no tomorrow the other day in your apartment and now you tell me they broke it off!... I don’t believe you.’ He said putting both his arms in his jeans pocket. ‘Fine! Don’t believe me then… apparently Mitz saw him with your ex girlfriend…’ ‘What??? My ex girlfriend, who?’ he suddenly seemed very interested… ‘That girl that Mitz always teases that looks like you saw her from where is that again Laine?’ Lin asked her cousin, looking at her curiously while Laine is stuffing her face inside the fridge…

‘Hooters, and her name is Lily’ she replied ‘Oh yeah!!! Elizabeth… I remember her, oh gosh! Those were the days right JiHoon?’ By this time Laine has already got a handful of chocolates, and was happily opening a bar of Royce when she looked at JiHoon… ‘Speaking of which, yeah, why did you break up?’ she asked him ‘What do you mean?’ ‘I mean, why did you break up with her? You two have been going out so long… and I mean, she’s very friendly…and very nice… to every guy on the street, beautiful and not very intelligent, shallow, ditzy, I mean, why on earth would you dump her? Its not as if she was after your money!’ Laine asked rather curiously, trying her best not to laugh. ‘Hey, she went to Stanford!’ JiHoon defended her ex-girlfriend ‘That’s because her father is in the board…’ Lin replied… ‘Oh that’s low cousin… she was intelligent, but she was shallow…’ ‘Fine fine… but yeah, that’s what Mitz said, she saw him and her together kissing in Chateau Marmont’ Laine continued telling the story … ‘Wow! That’s a first…’ ‘What?’ Lin asked confused ‘I said, that’s the first that someone cheated on Mitz first… usually its Mitz doing the errr…’ ‘Right… right again!So what happened between you and Eun Hye?’ ‘What made you say something happened between me and Eun Hye?’ ‘Common, you being here in the middle of the day, its like Armageddon, so unlikely to happen in a million years… and you just said that!’ ‘Well, I said I like you to her and she spaced out!’ He said it so bluntly, his cousin needed to hear him say it again to make sure he wasn’t bluffing. ‘Whoa! What??? Wait can you repeat that.’ Lin asked him… ‘Unless you’ve gone deaf or went to become a full fledge loser, you heard me right the first time’ JiHoon told his sister, which left her speechless. She snickered at him and Laine laughed… ‘So who was with you that made you this angry… coz knowing you, you don’t react violently unless someone really got into your nerves’ ‘Hyung was with us, and his girlfriend too…who turns out to be Eun Hye’s bestfriend!’ ‘Hyung as in Hyung In Seun? Wow… I didn’t know he’s back in town’ Laine replied, and continued with ‘Well, everyone knows you like her… a bit of weird

that you didn’t said it sooner, I mean what is not to like about her… she’s adorable JiHoon! And remember that morning when she was in this same kitchen table reading a book about someone and Lin asked her what her problem was…’ JiHoon looking overwrite confused and looked at Lin, as if he was very much anticipating her answer… ‘Oh yeah! I remember that, I asked her if she was okay, she said she will be… its just that’ Lin stopped teasing JiHoon, and he took the bait… ‘What the…don’t stop now!’ Jihoon said, anticipating Eun Hye’s answer… ‘well, you’re very English-korean girlfriend said to me… that she will be fine, its just that she was sexually frustrated’ ‘What?’ JiHoon said in shock… he took one of the candy bars infront of Laine and open them and took almost half of it and drank Laine’s diet soda too… ‘Don’t worry dongsaeng, I had the same reaction too… and she apologized for it, and told me it didn’t sound too ladylike, and that she thought it would be better say it like that, than say she was horny… I was like… what the? Having Laine and Mitz as cousin who needs to be ladylike…’ Lin told him and Laine glared at her and said ‘Oh shut up!’ JiHoon can only smile afterwards, thinking that only Eun Hye could sit in the kitchen table, drinking tea, discussing how horny she was…oh scrap that, sexually frustrated she was… He smiled at himself, knowing that Eun Hye never cease to amaze him…

Meanwhile back in Eun Hye’s hotel… ‘You and I can pretend that disastrous lunch never took effect, but you can’t hide the fact that he said he LIKES YOU Eun Hye’ Wonmi said, while sitting on couch, throwing her gold Fendi bag on the side… ‘What are you talking about!’ ‘Oh please, if he didn’t said those words, you would probably didn’t stop at just snogging!!!’ ‘Fine! So I like kissing him… I like doing a lot of things to that gorgeous man… gosh Wonmi!’ she just said sounding as if it frustrated her that she can’t seem to get enough of him… ‘I know what you mean sweetie, don’t you worry… But surely, there’s nothing wrong with having someone fancy you, you know! It’s not remotely impossible… so is there any particular problem that you need to find a solution with?’ her bestfriend asked her, while looking at her mobile phone for any new messages from her boyfriend, another gorgeous member of the Joo Family… Eun Hye dropped her head, her hand cradling her forehead… as she began to think about what WonMi just said… ‘OMG!!! A particular problem??? Well, now

that she mentioned it, there is just one bit of a problem, tiny, small, insignificant, minor problem… I am starting to fall in love with the man, and its scaring the Korean wits out of me… because he’s a bloody playboy, a reputation that he loves to linger in every fiber of his body… and to add insult to the injury, he got such an attractive body, and downright sexy as hell, and d**n him!!! Holy hell… a particular problem indeed…’ she thought to herself… ‘Right… you’re absolutely right Wons, its not remotely impossible for him to really like me right!?! What the bloody hell, I can use the major stress and raging sexual tension in my life right now… I haven’t had that for awhile in that particular order’ once she’s done talking, Wonmi couldn’t help but stare and smile at the same time at her best friend… Eun Hye’s mind was already racing ahead of her, thinking about what she will do and what she will say the next time she meets up with JiHoon.

Chapter Fifteen: Thoughts about chocolates and intimacy…

Eun Hye settled comfortably on her chair while looking over her research… “I’m almost done… three more weeks and summer is over… I need to get back on focus” these were the thoughts in her head, but… its being over shadowed by a face belonging to a handsome man named JiHoon… “Gosh! He is handsome… and great shag too”… “What??? Why am I thinking about that…aisshhhhhh!!!! Paboh Eun Hye, don’t think like Won Mi!!!!’ She let out a deep breath… deep enough to be heard by her super nosy best friend… ‘What’s up with that?’ she asked… ‘What? With what?’ looking confuse… ‘You know, he looks like a nice fellow… very good looking, I daresay, you’re getting better at this gigalo business of yours Eun Hye!!!’ she smiled at her while going through her box of candies… Wonmi settled to a chair next to Eun Hye… and continued speaking… ‘You know, men is like chocolates… you got to let them stay in your mouth to have a good taste… chocolates doesn’t taste all the same you know… you have to know where they from… that’s why you got to taste…’ Eun Hye stared at her in shock… ‘Chocolates??? I can’t believe you can even put them in the same position… men are definitely not like chocolates…’ ‘Hmm… how many men have you tasted again?’ She stopped talking. ‘My point exactly Eun Hye… so listen to the masters…’

‘Are you saying you’re a master?’ ‘What? Would you rather listen to Mitz… who got Mohawk boytoy sampling another entrée?’ she asked raising her eyebrow… ‘You do have a point…’ Eun Hye replied… seconds later, her mobile phone started ringing… she stood up from her chair and looked at Wonmi and gave her a smile… she then took her phone which revealed JiHoon’s number… ‘Hello!?!’ ‘Hey gorgeous its me!’ JiHoon’s lips formed a sexy smile when he heard her voice… ‘Hi!!!’ she said excitedly ‘And how is my most precious client doing today?’ ‘(Laughing) Well, I’m quite alright good sir… just finishing some writing and talking to WonMi..’ she said… ‘Are you doing anything?’ ‘Not really, why… are you planning on taking me out today?’ she asked curiously ‘Yeah, I disagreeistant called in sick and I need someone to assist me for my shoot today’ ‘What? What the bloody hell do you take me for…’ she replied irritatingly… ‘Err… a very gorgeous assistant!’ he said, laughing on how Eun Hye reacted… ‘Yah, JiHoonsshi… I don’t like being toyed at…’ she told him… ‘Hey… are you blushing?’ he asked, ‘coz if you are… then I wanna kiss you right now… I can go there and wait for me…keep that face of yours pretty red…’ ‘You’re unbelievable!!!!!!!! Don’t call me again… I won’t talk to you…’ she turned her phone off, and made irritating sound… ‘Aissshhhh that man!!!’ What Eun Hye didn’t realize was that Won Mi was just staring at her… all the time she was talking sweetly and almost cursing under her breath when she was talking to JiHoon… ‘Can you believe that guy… he wants to take me out coz his assistant called in sick and he needs someone to assist him…’ she told Won Mi while she started gathering her stuffs and her laptop from the table… ‘And that is a problem because?’ Won Mi asked… ‘WonMi, he wants to see me coz he needed me for something, not coz he wanted to see me…’ she replied sadly… ‘Bloody hell Eun Hye, are your really this naïve!?! He wants to see you, so he’s making up excuses…’ ‘He wasn’t making excuses; he really needed an assistant…’

‘So?’ ‘What so??? You don’t know what it means to me…’ ‘Well, I know how it meant to me… he wants to see you, be with you… he’s just giving excuses…’ ‘No… that’s not it…’ ‘It is IT!!! Common… just sing with me!’ she told her, taking her mobile phone and handing it to her, ‘Use that…pretend it’s a microphone…’ ‘Wonmi stop it… you’re high again…’ ‘I’m in love sweetheart, of course I am high!!!’ Wonmi took Eun Hye’s hand and started dancing around the living room… singing Shout by the Temptations… feeling the high that her bestfriend is having, Eun Hye forgot about JiHoon for awhile, and started singing like crazy… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

JiHoon put down the phone and started walking towards the kitchen where his cousin Laine is eating breakfast… ‘Good morning cuz…’ he smiled at her and planted a sweet kiss on her cheeks… ‘My oh my… someone had a good night!!!’ ‘More like a good morning…’ ‘Oh yeah? Eun Hye didn’t spend the night here right??? Why would you have a good morning…’ ‘Because I got Eun Hye miffed!!!’ he said proudly… ‘Miffed? What the blazes name is that?’ Laine asked raising an eyebrow… ‘What? Oh… an English term for pissed off… I pissed her off…’ ‘Oh, well, for what is worth… you seem positively glowing…’ Laine said to his cousin, patting his shoulders… ‘Ewww… please don’t ever say that to me again…’ Laughing… Laine continued on saying… ‘Right, sorry… looses manly points right?’ ‘Right!!!... well, I better get ready… I’m picking up Eun Hye…’ ‘Going out with her again… she’s surely taking most of your time…’

‘Well, I want to spend as much time with her, now that summer is almost over…’ ‘Why? Do you think this is just a summer fling?’ she asked… ‘I don’t know…’ he said, and started to stand up when Laine called him over again. ‘Hey… you don’t leave this kind of conversations hanging you know…so what… how this relationship gonna go… is it over when she hops on that plane back home?’ ‘I don’t know Laine… all I know is that I want to spend time with her, I want to wake up and hear her voice, and I want to be able to know that if she’s not with me, she’s tucked in her hotel room safe, alone and absolutely not walking around LA looking every inch of a hottie and making other men drool… I just…’ he said exasperatedly… ‘I know… my ex boyfriends are like that to me as well…’ JiHoon raised an eyebrow and smiled at his cousin… ‘Thanks Laine, you always do know how to handle my situation…’ ‘She’s a keeper JiHoon, I’m not asking you to rush things; I just want you to really think where this is going… you have to talk to her about it… so you both know the real deal!’ ‘Yeah, I will talk to her…I promise…’ looking at her and taking her hand, giving it a little squeeze…

Eun Hye was sitting at the hotel balcony when JiHoon arrived before lunch time, she didn’t even hear him enter the room… she was pretty much tied up with the book she’s reading… JiHoon slowly wrapped his arms around her and gave her a kiss on the cheeks… she shrieked with surprise and looked up and saw those beautiful dark brown eyes staring at her… ‘For the love of the Queen JiHoon, don’t do that again…’ JiHoon just smiled, this time he kissed her full on the lips, and lingering a bit there to savor the touch of his lips to hers… after a few seconds… he reluctantly let go… and said… ‘Yep, you did miss me.’ He smiled at her… ‘You are so full of yourself!’ she told him, taking her book and started to stand up

and walk away from the balcony, when JiHoon picked her up and placed her on the sofa and started tickling her… She was laughing and smiling and JiHoon is intoxicated with her lips and her face… but no, mostly her lips… he paused and stared at her, and Eun Hye took this opportunity to tickle him back… ‘You want war Ms. Yoon?’ ‘Bring it on, Mr. Joo!!!’ she replied laughingly… Eun Hye yelped when JiHoon lunged for her and picked her up and started tackling her in middle of the living room floor… ‘JiHoon!!!’ she shrieked, ‘You are dead meat!’ she shouted in between laughter… They were both out of breath and their faces only inches apart. ‘Are you giving up Eun Hye?’ he asked grinning… Eun Hye huffed out of breathe and replied… ‘I guess… God you’re very good at this! You seem to this all the time with girls…’ He grinned even wider… ‘Jealous much?’ ‘No…but this is definitely a first for us… right? Let’s not do this again…’ she said while she straightened her t-shirt… JiHoon’s smile slowly dropped off of his face with her words, but a strange feeling is coming down on him… with just a mere smile from her, he feels like his heart dropped in a dead weight all the way down to his stomach… he stared at her for a few good seconds before finally deciding on dipping his head down and claim her lips… ‘Oh goodness, this kiss… this intoxicating kisses he’s giving me…’ Eun Hye thought to herself as she muffled a moan as she felt an unknown sense of heat flowing through her body… It made her whole body quiver, his breath were hot as he breathed against her lips between breaks, and as his tongue stabs into her mouth over and over again… it made her body ache so much with wanting… wanting to take him, wanting to make endless love to him… He gently lowered her to the sofa, as their lips still glued together… This was heaven, JiHoon thought as he framed her face gently and let her take the lead on the kiss as they continue their task… It’s been awhile, since they have been this intimately close, and since that day in the restaurant when he told her he liked her… ‘Eun Hye, you’re driving me mad…’ he said to her, and she smiled in reply… and continued to kiss him. She is an excellent kisser, he thought… and which probably shouldn’t surprise him. Eun Hye is a girl who looks good in doing everything, and she’s a quick learner too. She’s sweet, gentle and passionate, all rolled up into one, and he knew he could easily share all of his kisses with her for the rest of his life… She groaned and took a grip of a handful of JiHoon’s hair, reaching out with her own tongue as it sensuously rubbed against JiHoon’s… He break off from her kisses and smiled at her… ‘Yes, definitely driving me mad’ ‘You’re not so bad yourself Mr. Joo’ she replied, whispering against his lips… ‘I definitely agree with you there’ he said as he looked up at her in adoration… he reluctantly stood up and told her that he’s hungry… he heard Eun Hye laughing

and saying ‘Unbelievable that you can think of food at times like this’ he just replied with a laugh… when he emerged from the kitchen, he saw Eun Hye standing up with her facing the bookshelf looking for another good book to read… ‘Come here’ he said, as he reached out and pulled her close. He cupped the side of her face as his other arm went around her waist… She smiled against his lips, as she leaned up on her toes and circled her arms around his neck. He smiled back but kept on kissing her until he finally slid his tongue between the seam of her lips… she moaned as she held him tighter, and when he lifted her up, she wrapped her long and slender legs around his waist… and this made JiHoon turned the kiss up a notch, as he shuffled his way to the nearest wall and backed her up against it. ‘Yes…God Eun Hye… your mouth’ he said, as he kept staring at them… ‘Yes. What about it?’ She asked as she planted small kisses on his face… ‘It’s like another world, I can definitely kiss you all day’ He then took her mouth and kissed her deeply again… ‘Well then, lucky for you and me… we have nowhere to be right now’ ‘Yes. Definitely lucky’ ‘JiHoon’ she said his name in between moans… ‘Eun Hye’ ‘JiHoon… ‘What Eun Hye?’ he asked his voice rough with desire… ‘Love me please…’ He broke off the kiss and smiled at her… ‘Gladly!’ he replied and with Eun Hye still wrapped around him planting kisses all over his face, JiHoon slowly walked towards her room and continued on from there.

Chapter Sixteen: A time for ecstasy and time for serious talks

JiHoon groaned… He groaned as he rolled off of Eun Hye collapsing onto the floor in complete exhaustion. Because somewhere in the middle of their frenzy love making, they have moved from the bed to the floor and he absolutely have no recollection of it ever happening… ‘You know Eun Hye, I think I told you twice that you’re going to be the death of me…’ he said as she happily snuggled up against him running kisses along his

chest. ‘What did you actually eat for breakfast?’ he asked her smiling… ‘I think, too much thinking of you, and knowing that you will probably visit me today and I have a 100% chance of seducing you!’ He lifted his brows and looked down at Eun Hye who stopped her kisses long enough to look at him… surprised with her answer he can’t help but smile… ‘Did you now? So this is all planned then?’ ‘Yeah, definitely’ she replied blushing… JiHoon laughed and he immediately grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around him… ‘Gosh, I feel so used…’ he said and it made Eun Hye laughed incredibly hard… ‘You should get used to it Mister, that won’t be the last…’ He smiled again and took her closer to him… ‘You promise?’ ‘Promise’ she replied, smiling… and gently let her eyes close till sleep finally claimed her.

JiHoon woke up with a smile on his face… he looked over Eun Hye, who is still sleeping… he decided to get his gift from his bag which he left on the dining table… so he snuck out of the bed and out of the room… he got her a bracelet last week, which he saw in store in Rodeo Drive. He slipped back to her room to find her still fast asleep just as he had hoped… he carefully crawled back to the bed and gently placed the bracelet on her wrist while she was sleeping, then he leaned down and started to wake her up with kisses… it took quite awhile, before she finally stirred and said his name… ‘JiHoon?’ she murmured against his ears while he was busy kissing her neck… ‘It better be me’ he said, as he continued on nipping on her neck. Eun Hye smiled, but she kept her eyes closed… ‘Right, coz my other boyfriend is currently unavailable at the moment’… Eun Hye yelped when he nipped at her skin again… but this time, it was bit harder… ‘Okay, okay… just kidding now!’ He grinned at her, as he looked down and waited for her to finally open her eyes. ‘Boyfriend, I like the sound of that…’ he said as she smiled at him and lifted her arm to touch his handsome face, it caused the bracelet to slid down on her skin…

She looked over at it, a bit puzzled and her jaw dropped when she realized that it was a gift from JiHoon… ‘For me?’ she asked sweetly… JiHoon can only smile and nod… ‘I know jewelry is not your thing, but I really couldn’t stop myself from getting you this.’ He said… he was mumbling… “the great JiHoon is actually turning shy… unbelievable!!!!” he thought to himself as he couldn’t stop smiling at Eun Hye.. “ Do you like it?’ he finally asked ‘Like??? I love it, you got all these pretty charms to it… so tell me Mr. JiHoon, how you came up with this charm…’ she asked He smiled at he fiddled at one of the charms… ‘This luggage, symbolizes the one you actually tried to hit me with…’ she smiled adoringly, he continued on… ‘This umbrella, well you know…for all that poking around’ she laughed and tried not to argue about that umbrella… ‘What about this?’ she asked… holding two small rounded metal… ‘That??? Well, that symbolizes the pancakes we ate on our first date’ ‘First date??? You consider breakfast as a date?’ she asked smiling, and flashed the last few charms in the bracelet… JiHoon took her hand and kissed it, and continued on explaining why he chose the others… and the last two were a miniature design of his Toureg and a the two letter word… LA. ‘And this is for that hot steamy love we made in my Toureg, and LA coz this is the place where we met…’ he explained to her sweetly… ‘It’s perfect, absolutely perfect’ she told him, as she placed her arms around his neck giving him a swift sweet kiss on the lips. ‘Thank you for the bracelet, I really like it.’ ‘You’re welcome… so, why don’t you dress up and I’ll go make us some dinner… is Wonmi coming back?’ ‘No, she’s spending the night in In Seun’s house…’ ‘And why is this little information failed to be mentioned, and I thought someone could walk in on us’ JiHoon asked and smiled at her ‘Err… is it coz you didn’t ask?’ she replied… (Laughing) ‘Well then, I should go now and let you dress, although I am very tempted to stay here and watch…’ he told her and laughed when he saw her eyes opened up with shock… He quickly got off the bed, and went straight to the kitchen…

A few minutes later, Eun Hye emerged from the room and found JiHoon sitting on the living room ‘Did you really cook?’ she asked excitedly… ‘No’ Her smile faded… ‘Yah! I thought you will prepare dinner!’ ‘Well, I got tired of figuring out what to cook, so I decided to just go to my place and eat there… since I have a chef…’ ‘Show off!!!’ she replied smiling… ‘I know, I can’t help it… runs in the family!!!’ he told her, as he took her hand and led her out of the hotel room.

They arrived at his house 30 minutes later, and to Eun Hye’s surprise, dinner is already prepared and not to mention a bottle of wine being chilled too!!! She laughed upon seeing it, JiHoon can only shrug his shoulders in response… They dined quietly at first till JiHoon started asking question about her research… ‘I’m actually almost finish, I just need to interview 2 more people, then I can submit the draft to my professor in a few days’ she said, while taking a sip of her Rothschild wine… He looked at her steadily and asked, ‘Does it mean you are going back to England soon?’ She didn’t look at him when she replied… ‘Yes, I have to’ ‘Right’ he can only nod in understanding ‘Right’ she replied… After a few seconds of silence, JiHoon spoke again… ‘What’s gonna happen to us?’ ‘What?’ her reply was so soft, JiHoon barely heard it… ‘I mean, I know this is just a summer romance, nothing more to it right?’ he wanted to continue on talking, but he was cut off by Eun Hye… ‘Do you think this is just a summer romance?’ Looking at his plate, he sighed… ‘I don’t know… all I know I know is that I enjoy

being with you… you’re a breath of fresh air for me… I’ve never met a girl like you seriously… you’re the only girl I know that got along well with my sister and my cousins too!!!’ He looked at her, and she smiled back at him… he took and her hand and continued on talking… ‘No judgment Eun Hye, if this ends the day you leave… I won’t take it against you…’ Inspite of the things she heard him say, she knew in her heart that she’s a bit sad that JiHoon didn’t say things like ‘NO, I don’t think this is just a summer romance… and No, I don’t want you to go…’ but still, Eun Hye thought that maybe she’s just being naïve, and JiHoon’s statement of ending things…sounded more of the better choice for the both of them… ‘Eun Hye, can I ask you something personal?’ he said ‘Sure’ ‘What do you feel about me? I mean, you know I like you… so…’ She’s lost for words. She didn’t know why all of a sudden, words doesn’t want to come out of her mouth. She couldn’t tell him… she knows that she can’t let herself be that vulnerable… not now, now that she finally heard what he feels about their ‘summer romance’ ‘Honestly, we may have started in the wrong foot, but you turn out to be a really sweet guy JiHoon, surprising me in a lot of ways… and what I feel about you… I seriously don’t know too… but I do want to see you everyday till the summer ends…’ there… she said it… she said at least 1/8th of the things she wanted to tell him… Eun Hye stood up, and took their plates to the kitchen… JiHoon followed her to the kitchen with the wine on hand… She was looking at a the calendar hanging in the back of the kitchen door, when she felt that JiHoon was staring at her… when she turned around, she saw it in his eyes… the passionate intensity… that she likes so much about him… he started to walk slowly to her.. and as he placed his hands on her shoulder, Eun Hye was glad that she had the door at her back… she seems to turning into a jelly again from JiHoon’s touch… He could see the mounting desire in her eyes too, and knew it was mirrored in his own gaze. Eun Hye placed her arms around his neck, drawing his head down… ‘Eun Hye’ At the sound of his voice, roughened with absolute desire, Eun Hye was lost in train of thoughts… ‘Yes?’ she asked ‘I want to know… do you want this as much as I do…’ he asked… Eun Hye smiled. She knew exactly what he meant. She answered him with a kiss. The second Eun Hye’s lips touched JiHoon, his heart leapt widely. As she ended the kiss, she smiled at him… JiHoon looking at her with raw passion… confused with what she’s going to do… she took off his hands on her

waist, and slid off from his embrace… she turned and opened the kitchen door, she began to walk out of the kitchen, drawing JiHoon’s hand which she held clasped in hers… They reached the end of the hall, Eun Hye pausing in front of JiHoon’s bedroom door… She smiled wickedly and asked… ‘Are you sure?’ He laughed… ‘Of course Ms. Yoon, never been sure about anything but this…’ he replied… she smiled provocatively in return… She began to move slowly again, walking inside his room, taking Jihoon along, stopping only when she came up against his large poster bed. Gently removing his hands away from Eun Hye, he lifted her face gently and tenderly frame it in his hands… If Eun Hye had doubts about him liking her, there’s no cause to do so now… because JIHoon’s smile, his eyes shows it… the feeling he cannot say, there are all there… she can clearly see it…

JiHoon smiled again, and said… ‘Eun Hye, I completely adore you!’ before covering her lips with his once more….

Eun Hye woke up the next morning, and for the first few seconds, she forgot she

was in JiHoon’s house. In JiHoon’s bed… naked… she was lying on her back, and automatically looked on her left to see out the window, but she saw JiHoon, peacefully sleeping. Pushing herself up onto her elbow, she looked at him… her lips carved with a loving smile as she gently ran her fingers through the messy black locks scattered over his forehead… Her heart seem to swell up inside her, as she watched him sleep. The first soft light of dawn filtering inside the room, giving it an early morning glow… She felt suffused with the gentle light and in that sweet, peaceful moment, she finally realized one thing… She had fallen for him… Then as the warm glow starts to recede, it is slowly being replaced by a growing desire which in turn became a need… With a smile, she leaned down, and started kissing JiHoon… her fingers, running over his cheek… JiHoon’s eyes flew open, but the second he saw Eun Hye, he started to smile. ‘Morning’ she said, with a mischievous grin… ‘Good morning sweetheart!’ he replied… his voice still fresh from sleep, but he couldn’t help but think that it would be a delight to wake up to an intoxicating sight of a naked Eun Hye… ‘JiHoon’ ‘Yeah…’ ‘I have to tell you something’ she said, while trailing her fingers on his bare chest… ‘What is it?’ he asked, as he placed his hands on Eun Hye’s waist, his eyes fixed on her naked top which made Eun Hye laugh… ‘You have to look at me when I say it…’ said Eun Hye, smiling indulgently JiHoon raised his eyes to meet hers, and when he saw that her expression changed into something serious… ‘Eun Hye? What is it?’ he whispered, suddenly he could feel his heart starting to race… ‘I like you too…’ she said… JiHoon’s eyes widened… ‘You do?’ She nodded and smiled. ‘Say it again’ he asked her… as his eyes fixed on her… ‘I really really like you’ she said softly before starting to kiss him…

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