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  • August 2019
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  • Words: 924
  • Pages: 5
#!/usr/bin/python import os,sys,commands,time,operator,imp,signal,readline,rlcompleter,threading from output import * from ConfigParser import ConfigParser,RawConfigParser class seashell: def __init__(self): # The default commands -- These defaults may be edited self.allow = ['ls', 'cd', 'pwd', 'nano', 'cat', 'irssi', 'clear', 'su', 'ping', 'vim', 'vi', 'mpg123', 'echo'] self.modules = ['set', 'recall', 'help', 'motd', 'screen', 'conch'] # END default # The following may be edited, but everything else can be done using config files # START SETUP VARS try: argvs = sys.argv[1] except: argvs = False self.custom_configs = "/var/SeaShell" self.user = commands.getoutput('whoami') self.hostname = commands.getoutput('uname -n') self.home = commands.getoutput('echo $HOME') if not os.path.isfile(self.home + "/.seashell_history"): os.system('touch ' + self.home + "/.seashell_history") readline.read_history_file(self.home + "/.seashell_history") readline.write_history_file(self.home + "/.seashell_history") sys.path.append('./modules') sys.path.append(self.home) sys.path.append('/bin') self.blacklist = ['bash', 'sh', 'csh'] self.exit_msg = "Have a good day, %s." %self.user self.motd_msg = blue(""" ./+++/`-/+++/` ++ `s. som:...-.-::. `-:::. `hh-...:` `N+-::. .-::. +m :N` sdo/:. -yo:-/m: .:--/N/ `dh+/-. +N+:-+N. .yo:-/m+ do hs .-/+dy `mho+ooh/ -oooosM/ `.:/om+ do /N` ddo+ooy+ -N` .M:.` `-dy .N+` `` No` .hm``:` `:N/ -N` hy `Ns` `. yy sd +ooso+:` -oooo+. :so+:o/ .+osso+. :+ `s- .oooo+- s- o: Welcome to SeaShell %s. To exit, use the `exit` command.""") % self.user # End editable variables query = "" running = True self.front = green(self.user + ":" + self.hostname) self.uid = commands.getoutput('echo $UID') modules_list = os.listdir('./modules') self.external_modules = {} for line in modules_list: if "pyc" not in line: split = line.split(".") self.external_modules[split[0]] = __import__(split[0]) # END SETUP VARS # RUN SEASHELL self.motd(query)

self.getinput() # //----------# /////////////////////////////// # START FUNCTIONS # /////////////////////////////// def getinput(self): while True: # INPUT COMMAND self.located = commands.getoutput('pwd') # GRAB CURRENT FOLDER if self.located == "/": self.folder = "/" else: count = len(self.located.split("/")) self.folder = self.located.split("/")[count-1] # SET APPEARANCE, INNITIATE TAB COMPLETE, GRAB COMMAND self.appearance = green(self.user + " at " + self.hostname) + " " + blue(self.folder) + " " words = os.listdir(self.located) self.tab_complete(words) = self.command(self.appearance) # EVALUATE COMMAND try: split =, 1) function = split[0] try: query = split[1] except IndexError: query = "" if (function == "exit"): self.exit() if (function in self.allow): if (function == "cd"): try: os.chdir(query) except OSError: print "No such directory." else: self.execute(function, query) elif (function in self.modules): try: eval("self.%s('%s')" %(function, query)) except AttributeError: print "Module function does not exist." else: print "No function, or no permissions." except IndexError: pass def tab_complete(self, array): completer = Completer(array) readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(completer.complete) def command(self, appearance): com = raw_input(appearance) return com def execute(self, function, query): os.system(function + " " + query) # Here is where we will insert the `modules` like help,set,exit

# ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// def motd(self, query): if (query): print "Incorrect useage for motd. motd does not accept arguments." else: print self.motd_msg print def exit(self): print self.exit_msg time.sleep(1) sys.exit() def help(self, query): print "Welcome to the SeaShell help function. This function has been designed to aid\nusers with the uses of this shell.\n\nCommands available to you:\n\tUnix Applications:" for line in self.allow: print "\t\t- " + line print print "\tSeaShell Modular Applications:" for line in self.modules: print "\t\t- " + line print "Thank you,\n-SeaShell team" def set(self, query): print "This function allows you to set variables." var = raw_input("Variable name " + blue("o ")) data = raw_input("Variable data " + blue("o ")) if (var[0] == "$"): var = "UDEF_" + var[1:] f = open('/tmp/' + var, 'w') f.write(data) f.close() print print "Variable stored." else: print "Variable must begin with an $." def recall(self, query): if (query): var = "UDEF_" + query[1:] try: f = open('/tmp/' + var, 'r') data = print data f.close() except IOError: print "That variable does not exist!" else: print "echo requires an argument." def no_exec(self, query): print "Sorry, you cannot run that function directly!" def screen(self, query): run = True for line in self.blacklist: if line in query: run = False else: pass if (run):

os.system('screen ' + query) else:

print "You cannot run bash,sh, or csh in screen!" def conch(self, query): camefrom = self.located print red("Welcome to conch, the module import device. (help for information, l for list.)") self.tab_complete(self.external_modules) self.conchrunning = True while self.conchrunning == True: x = raw_input(red('[> ] ')) if x == "exit": self.conchrunning = False elif x == "help": print "Welcome to the module loader help section." print "This modular loader allows SeaShell modules to be" print "loaded into the shell. All modules placed in" print "/usr/share/SeaShell may be loaded.\n" print "Any module written for SeaShell" print "_must_ include a class named SeaShellModule," print "that takes two arguements, self and seashell," print "and all python code _must_ run from within" print "this class.\n" print "The following is a _basic_ SeaShell module file:" print print "//////////////////////////////" print "class SeaShellModule:" print "\tdef __init__(self, seashell):" print "\t\tself.seashell = seashell()" print "\t\tprint 'Demo Module'" print "\t\" print "\tdef run(self):" print "\t\tprint 'Module running.'" print "//////////////////////////////" print print "Press l to view which modules are loadable," print "and load them by entering their name." print elif x == "l": print "Modules list:" for line in self.external_modules: print "\t- " + line elif x == "": pass else: if x in self.external_modules: run = self.external_modules[x].SeaShellModule(self) else: print "Module does not exist. l for list." os.chdir(camefrom) # END of main class # Catch some signals def sighand(signum, frame): print "\nCaught CTRL+C, quitting..." sys.exit() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sighand)

# Tab completion class Completer: def __init__(self, words): self.words = words self.prefix = None def complete(self, prefix, index): if prefix != self.prefix: # we have a new prefix! # find all words that start with this prefix self.matching_words = [ w for w in self.words if w.startswith(prefix) ] self.prefix = prefix try: return self.matching_words[index] except IndexError: return None try: start = seashell() except EOFError: print pass

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