Search Engine Optimization

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  • Pages: 57

Introduction 1.1 Industry profile A Brief History of Information Technology The information technology is not new to the world. It is been used from many years but they were in different forms and different techniques were used. As time passed the technology also went on changing, The Information Technology got a new dimension when it got the technology support. There are few stages which help us to know about the changes happened in the Information Technology sector. 1. The Premechanical Age: 3000 B.C. - 1450 A.D. During this period the people were trying to use some symbols, pictures and tried to communicate by speaking to each other. By Around 2000 B.C., Phoenicians created symbols, later The Greeks later adopted the Phoenician alphabet and added vowels; the Romans gave the letters Latin names to create the alphabet we use today. Sumerians' input technology was a stylus that could scratch marks in wet clay. About 2600 B.C., the Egyptians write on the papyrus plant and later, around 100 A.D., the Chinese made paper from rags, on which modern-day papermaking is based. The Religious leaders in Mesopotamia kept the earliest "books" for future reference. The Egyptians kept scrolls and Around 600 B.C., the Greeks began to fold sheets of papyrus vertically into leaves and bind them together, later the number system started by Egyptian system ,The numbers 1-9 as vertical lines, the number 10 as a U or circle, the number 100 as a coiled rope, and the number 1,000 as a lotus blossom. The first numbering systems similar to those in use today were invented between 100 and 200 A.D. by Hindus in India who created a nine-digit numbering system. Around 875 A.D., the concept of zero was developed. And by using the zero and one the computers are operated.


2. The Mechanical Age: 1450 - 1840 This was the stage where the machines were used to speed up the work and to make the work easier. The First Information Explosion was by Johann Gutenberg who invented the movable metal-type printing process in 1450.the name ‘computer’ was given to those people who were working with numbers. Under this stage the invented the first basic model of calculator and a slide rule. This by gradual development of book indexes and the widespread by using the page numbers. 3. The Electromechanical Age: 1840 - 1940. During this period the machines were used with the help of electricity to store and retrieve the data. The few machines which were used during this period are radio, Morse Code machines, telegraph, electronic waves. The discovery of ways to harness electricity was the key advance made during this period. Knowledge and information could now be converted into electrical impulses. In the beginning of telecommunication around late 18th century Voltaic battery was found later in early 1800s telegram was used. Again in the year 1835 Samuel Morse developed Morse code in which dots & dashes were used. In the year 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invented Telephone & Radio which is still in existence. Followed by the discovery that electrical waves travel through space and can produce an effect far from the point at which they originated. These two events led to the invention of the radio by Guglielmo Marconi in 1894. Then electromechanical computing was invented by Herman Hollerith and IBM. During this period the IBM invented a machine which was used to Paper tape stored data and program instructions. This machine was ready for use on January 1942, it was built by using 8 feet tall, 51 feet long, 2 feet thick, weighed 5 tons, used about 750,000 parts. 4. The Electronic Age: 1940 - Present. The generation of computers was found in this stage. Hear the computers were made able to use the vacuum tubes. Then Eckert and Mauchly found first high speed General-Purpose Computer using Vacuum Tubes called Electronic Numerical


Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) in 1946. Then many machines came into existence later personal computer was invented later even super computers have been used, now laptops & palm tops are widely used. By seeing the above four stages of the computer we can come to know the process of information technology is changing day by day. Now the computers are playing a tremendous role in the field of information technology. Now in the modern world no one let the opportunity so in IT sector there are many companies which are playing in the market. They are: 1.2 MAJOR PLAYERS IN INDIA



CEO/COUNTRY HEAD Revenue (Rs crore) Growth (%) 06-





07 06-07




S Ramadorai

17,560 21,465







13,252 16,884



Vaswani/Girish 3


Paranjpe S Gopalakrishnan

13,240 15,758




Technologies Hewlett-Packard

Neelam Dhawan

11,917 15,454





India IBM India








Ingram Micro

Annaswamy K Jaishankar







Satyam Computer Ramalinga Raju






Services Cognizant





Neogi/EH 5,023




3 4


Francisco D Souza

Technology 9

Solutions Redington India



Kasturi Rangan HCL Technologies Vineet Nayar







Cisco Systems

Naresh Wadhwa







Oracle India

Krishan Dhawan







HCL Infosystems

Ajai Chowdhry















Tech Mahindra

Vishaknantaiah Vineet Nayar







Microsoft India

Ravi Venkatesan







SAP India

Ranjan Das







Dell India

Sameer Garde







Lenovo India

Amar Babu









India’s software exporting industry is one of the world’s successful information technology industries. Begun in 1974, it employed 345,000 persons in 2004 and earned revenue of $12.2 billion, equal to 3.3% of global software services spending. The industry originated under untypical conditions. Local markets were absent and government policy toward private enterprise was hostile. These conditions influenced the industry’s origins. The industry was begun by Bombay-based conglomerates which entered the business by supplying global IT firms located overseas with programmers. Their success owed to the innovative exploitation of a new global market opportunity and protection from transnational corporations and startups by policy. IT INDUSTRY IN INDIA The Indian information technology sector has been instrumental in driving the nation's economy onto the rapid growth curve. According to the Nasscom-Deloitte study, the Information Technology industry's contribution to the country's GDP has increased to a share of 5.2 per cent in 2007, as against 1.2 per cent in 1998. Further, the IT and BPO industries are poised to clock revenues worth US$ 64 billion by the end of fiscal year 2008, registering a growth of 33 per cent with exports expected to cross US$ 40 billion and the domestic market estimated to clock over US$ 23 billion, according to a study. Simultaneously, the Indian Information Technology services market is estimated to remain the fastest growing in the Asia Pacific region with a CAGR of 18.6 per cent, as per a study by Springboard Research. India's Information Technology growth in the world is primarily dominated by Information Technology software and services such as Custom Application Development







Technology Consulting, Application Management, Infrastructure Management Services, Software testing, Service-oriented architecture and Web services. A report by the Electronics and Software Export Promotion Council (ESC) estimates software exports to register a 33 per cent growth in the current financial year with export figures during FY 2008 expected to reach US$ 45 billion. The country's Information Technology exports have, in fact, come quite far, starting from


a few million dollars in the early 1990s. The Government expects the exports turnover to touch US$ 80 billion by 2011, growing at an annual rate of 30 per cent per annum . CAREER PROSPECTS In the year 2006-07, the industry hired approximately 3, 80,000 people. Out of these, the Information Technology sector hired 2, 00,000 people and the rest were taken by Information Technology sector. The recruitment trends of some Information Technology giants are given below: TCS- 35,000 Infosys-30,000 Wipro-28,000 Satyam-20,000

Some of the areas of specialization in the Information Technology Industry are□


Research and Development in Peripheral Integration

Product Quality Control and Reliability Testing

Computer Manufacturing

Maintenance Service

System Developing /Programming /Software Engineering


Application Programming

EDP/ E- Commerce

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Database Warehousing and Management

Operating jobs, Computer operators, Data Entry


Government attitude to the information sector Changes in information technology have the potential for impacting the way in which individuals participate in politics, such as future online voting and registration, and obtain information from government. Yet

because of unequal access to

technology, the Internet may only increase turnout rates or information among those who are already predisposed to vote or become engaged, broadening the gulf between those groups that do and do not participate. Consistent with cross-national accounts of the digital divide, our data on willingness to use information technology for political purposes reveals a democratic divide individuals with higher education and income are more supportive of digital democracy, and are more likely to participate in politics online. Our research suggests the Internet may increase the participation gap based on education and income, while reducing the disparities in participation based on age. Overall support for different forms of political participation varied from a low of 48% for online voting, to a high of 78% for searching for government information online. Education emerged as the most important factors in the democratic divide. Support for online voting and online registration were 19 and 22 percentage points higher among individuals with a college degree compared to those with only a high school diploma, holding other factors constant. This mirrors existing disparities in civic participation, which are largely associated with educational differences. This suggests that in order to close the democratic divide in cyberspace, as well as traditional politics, education will be crucial as well as access to technology

Competitive conditions


No industry in market is free from threats, so the threats and rivalry or the competitors are common in the business. This can be easily explained with the help of the Five Forces Model of Porter. 1. In the Five Forces Model, Porter explains that in any industry there are five




1. Rivalry among Existing companies 2. Threat of new entrants 3. Threat of substitutes 4. Bargaining power of suppliers 5. Bargaining power of buyers







The porters model helps us to identify our business competitors and the threats. Information Technology business is never out of threats and Rivals. Information Technology companies have many compotators as well as threat of new entrains, as Information Technology is never ending as it is coming with new and new innovations to reduce the work load. The Information Technology business is still a child in this sector. The life for this sector in very long. So the new companies are entering into this business day by day. Competitors:Those companies which are providing the same services which we are providing in the market. The companies which want to overtake our company by providing the same services to the customers. New Entrants: These are the companies which are coming into the same market to provide the same service, which is been right now provided by us and by our compotators. These are entering into market to compete with us. Customers: Customers are the people who need software and web sites for their organization. All the people who need internet for the day to day transactions to run their business. Suppliers: In Information Technology sector there are very less physical suppliers, but the Information Technology companies suppliers are the companies who will provide them by there needs to develop a software and web site. Some of them are the domain name provider, templates provider, programmer writers. Substitutes: Other means and sources for the same products, web hosting, designing, web maintaining, securities for web sites. Using the five forces, we can get a clearer picture of the business environment in which our Website competes. Future Ahead: The Indian Information Technology sector continues to be one of the important sectors which will lead, India to become a developed country. 1.4 Future of Information Technology Industry in INDIA


Expected 33% growth rate in FY2008 to reach US$ 45 billion.

Govt. expects the export turn over to touch US$ 80 billion by 2011, with growing at an annual rate of 30 % per year.

McKinsey believes revenues from Information Technology Industry will reach $87bn by 2008.

A report prepared by McKinsey for NASSCOM, the exports component of the Indian industry is expected to reach US$ 175 billion in revenue by 2020. The domestic component will contribute US$ 50 billion in revenue by 2020. Together, the export and domestic markets are likely to bring in US$ 225 billion in revenue, as new opportunities emerge in areas such as public sector and healthcare, and as geographies including BRIC and Japan opt for greater outsourcing. One of the major advantages of Information Technology sector of India is that, India is only 25% dependent on the U.S orders. 75% of it is free from U.S statements or actions against the Information Technology sector. India’s Information Technology exports to touch US$ 60 billion by 2010. Exports contribute nearly 65 % of Information Technology sector revenue.




FY 2004

FY 2005

FY 2006

FY 2007

FY 2008






7.3 3.1 3.4 3.1 0.3 2.9

10 3.5 5.2 4.6 0.6 3.8

13.3 4.5 7.2 6.3 0.9 5.3

18 5.5 9.5 8.4 1.1 6.5

23.1 7.9 12.5 10.9 1.6 8.5

2.5 0.4

3.1 0.7

4.0 1.3

4.9 1.6

6.3 2.2

Technology Services Exports Domestic BPO Exports Domestic Engineering Services R&D,

and Software

Products Exports Domestic

1.5 Career Opportunity in Information Technology  Software Engineers  Web Developers  System Analysts  Consultants  Technical Writers  E-Commerce  Web Masters  Networking


IT: One of the Fastest Growing Sector in India Revenues - USD 36 billion (2006 Est.) CAGR (FY 2004-06) - 30 % Contribution to GDP up from 2% in 2000 to 5% in 2006 Exports - USD 23.5 billion (2006 Est.) CAGR (FY 2004-06) - 35 % Has nearly doubled in last three years Domestic Market - USD 13 billion (2006 Est.) CAGR (FY 2004-06) - 22% 1.6 MARKET SIZE: More than 80% of revenues come from Exports and only 20% from domestic

Figure: Revenues from domestic and export (in USD billion)



Figure: Indian Information Technology industry Revenue Break-up by company Sources of Revenue: Indian Information Technology market is dominated by a few large companies with presence of a number of small and medium companies. Information Technology industry is largely dependent on Banking and financial industry. With the decline in these sectors, the revenue from these is expected to decline, hurting the bottom-line of Information Technology majors. This calls for exploring new verticals.

Industry Share prices relative to industry earnings P/E ratios – increased from 19.81(1995) to 26.49(2008) When P/E ratio is increased the profit will increase and the share holders invest more on one unit of share. Dividend Yield - 1.144909 When yield is increasing means that the company is going under profit and the share holders will get there profit amount in the form of dividend.

1.8 7S Model


Style: Infosys believes that leadership is one of the most essential ingredients of organizational success which is provided by its Chairman, N R Narayanmurthy. Leadership is based on high business vision and predominantly supportive styles. There is emphasis on developing leadership qualities among employees. For this purpose, it has established "Infosys Leadership Institute". Top management emphasizes on open door policy, continuous sharing of information, takes inputs from employees in decision making, and builds personal rapport with employees. As we have seen over last few years, we have seen smooth transition from N R Narayanmurthy to Nandan Nilakeni and from Nandan Nilakeni to Kris Gopalkrishnan without any adverse effects on the company outlook and each one has proved to be an able leader taking company forward. Staff (Human Resources): Since Infosys is in knowledge-based industry, it focuses on the quality of the human resources. Out of total personnel, about 90 per cent are engineers. At the entry level, it emphasizes on selecting candidates who find the company's meritocratic culture satisfying, superior academic records, technical skills, and high level of learn ability. The company emphasizes on training and development of its employees on continuous basis and spends about 2.65 per cent of its revenues on up gradation of employees' skills, and around 50% as employee costs. In spite of thousands of people joining every month, Infosys has been able to maintain its training standard mostly due to its highly matured processes capabilities and investment in infrastructure. Strategy: Infosys has adopted a client-focused strategy to achieve growth. Rather than focusing on numerous small organizations, it focuses on limited number of large organizations throughout world. In order to cater its clients, the company emphasizes on custombuilt software’s. Another differentiating factor for Infosys is that it commands premium margins. Company does not negotiate over margins beyond a certain limit and some time prefers to walk-out rather than compromise on quality for low-cost contracts. This has helped in building an image for quality driven model rather than cost-differentiating model. Shared Values:


Values are important part of Infosys's organizational culture. In fact its tagline depicts how much emphasis it lays on core values. The core values are: •

Customer Delight: A commitment to surpassing customer expectations.

• Leadership by Example: A commitment to set standards in business and transactions and be an exemplar for the industry and teams. •

Integrity and Transparency: A commitment to be ethical, sincere and open in our dealings.

Fairness: A commitment to be objective and transaction-oriented, thereby earning trust and respect.

• Pursuit of Excellence: A commitment to strive relentlessly, to constantly improve ourselves, our teams, our services and products so as to become the best. System: Infosys focuses on emerging trends, new technologies, specific industries and pervasive business issues that confront our clients. In recent years, it has added new service offerings, such as consulting, business process management, systems integration and infrastructure management, which are major contributors to its growth. Structure: The company has adopted a free form organization devoid of hierarchies. Everyone is known as associates irrespective of his position in the company. Software development is undertaken through teams and the constitution of teams is based on the principle of flexibility. A member, who might have been team leader in one project, may be replaced by another member of the same team for another project. This system not only helps in creating the feeling of equality but also helps in developing project leaders. Skills: From last year, Infosys has made it mandatory for every employee 7uto clear a predefined certifications, domain as well as technical, in order to be eligible for appraisal. This is just one of the initiatives taken by Infosys which signifies the efforts taken for building competencies. Apart from internal initiatives like knowledge management, Infosys has been CMM-Level 5 certified for its process capabilities.


Infosys has entered the Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame for Executing Strategy for achieving breakthrough performance results using the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Figure: Number of employees in Information Technology Sector (Direct employment)

IT industry provides direct employment to more than 20 lakh people; indirect employment number goes far beyond.

Source: CUED analysis 1.9 ESTABLISHED IT HUBS in INDIA






2006-2007 engineering 501,000

graduates Degree 270,000 Diploma & MCA 231,000 Number of Information 280,000 Technology

2007-08 536,000 290,000 246,000 303,000


science,electronics,telecom professionals) Engineering Information 162,000


Technology graduates Engineering Information 118,000


Technology graduates(diploma) India creates a large pool of skilled Information Technology professionals each year, to meet industry requirements 1.10 SWOT ANALYSIS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SECTOR Strengths Large human resources Every year, approximately 19 million students are enrolled in high schools and 10 million students in pre-graduate degree courses across India. Moreover, 2.1 million graduates and 0.3 million post-graduates pass out of India's non-engineering colleges. While 2.5-3 percent of them find jobs in other fields or pursue further studies abroad, the rest opt for employment in the Information Technology industry. If the flow from high schools to graduate courses increases even marginally, there will be a massive increase in the number of skilled workers available to the industry. Even at current rates, there will approximately be 17 million people available to the Information Technology industry by 2008. Indian Education System The Indian education system places strong emphasis on mathematics and science, resulting in a large number of science and engineering graduates. Mastery over quantitative concepts coupled with English proficiency has resulted in a skill set that


has enabled the country to take advantage of the current international demand for Information Technology. Quality Manpower Indian programmers are known for their strong technical skills and their eagerness to accommodate clients. In some cases, clients outsource work to get access to more specialized engineering talent, particularly in the area of telecommunications. India also has one of the largest pools of English-speaking professionals. Strengths at a Glance •


English Language proficiency

Government Support and policies

Cost advantage

Strong tertiary education

Process quality focus

Skilled workforce

Expertise in new technologies


Reasonable technical innovations

Reverse brain drain

Existing long term relationships

Creation of global brands

Expansion of existing relationships

Chinese domestic & export market

Leverage relationships in West to access overseas markets

Indian domestic-market growth



software development

Weaknesses •

Excessive dependence on USA for revenues US Companies are cutting down Information Technology budget hence revenues to be hit hard of Indian Information Technology firms

Excessive dependence on BFSI sector for revenues - Banking sector is facing a crisis globally and is going to spend less on Information Technology.



rates of attrition - Although slowdown in global economy has lowered

attrition rate but the industry still faces high attrition rates as compared to other sectors. Decreasing competitive advantage - rising salary expenses is taking away

the cost advantage enjoyed by India. •

Absence of practical knowledge

Work load on workers will be more

Less Research and Development Contribution of Information Technology sector to India’s GDP is still

rather small. Employee salaries in Information Technology sector are increasing

tremendously. Low wages benefit will soon come to an end.

Opportunities •

Greater scope to service domains other than BFSI such as Transportation, Infrastructure, etc.

Greater scope for product innovation Increased focus on high end work like consulting and KPO

• •

Domestic demand for IT services is to grow at 20%

Growth in internet marketing

Increase in internet users

High quality IT education market

Increasing number of working age people

India 's well developed soft infrastructure

Upcoming International Players in the market

Moves towards the economic growth Threats •

Global economic slowdown may continue for several years - hence low Information Technology spending globally US Government, against outsourcing

Shrinking margins due to rising wage inflation


Rupee-dollar movement affects revenue and hence margins

Increased competition from foreign firms like Accenture, IBM etc.

Increased competition from low-wage countries like China, Indonesia etc.

Hackers problems

Countries like China and Philippines with qualified workforce making efforts to overcome the English language barrier

Information Technology development concentrated in a few cities only

Lack of data security systems


The strong man power

Experienced advisor

Young and dynamic designers

A software company with marketing department

Concentrating on many services in one sector

Weaknesses: •

Less known to big companies

Opportunities: •

Increasing online marketing

Brand building conscious is getting popular

Threats: • The big competitors like Wipro and Infosys • Rescission • Setup cost 1.12 Suggestions to companies: 1. Companies must provide diverse services to refrain from being over-dependent and increasing exposure to the vulnerabilities of few sectors/companies/geographies.


2. Provide more high-end services in value chain (3rd WAVE in Information Technology) There is a move required from ADM (Application Development and maintenance), BPO to Consulting and Package Implementation, etc. 3. Shift in focus from Low cost advantage to high quality services. 4. Consolidation and strategic acquisitions are essential for future growth of revenues. 5. Quickly adapt to high growth markets is necessary: In FY2010, Indian domestic market grew by 20%.


Company at a Glance

Name of the industrial concern


1 2


Name of the company Address a) Founded


b) Registered office


Directors a) President

Abdul Salam

b) Chief Executive Officer

Unni Krishnan

c) Chief Technical Officer

Aravind G S

d) Chief Operations Officer


e) Managing Director

Abdul Hisham

f) Chief Marketing Officer-India

Arun Raveendran

g) Chief 4 5 6 7

Foradian Technologies Pvt Ltd


Officer-Asia Praveen Prabhu

Pacific Line of activity Size of the industry Industry Website



identity,Software Development. Small Scale Industry Internet Engineering Company

2.2 Meaning of Foradian Foradian is a name initially coined from “four” and “radian” Radian is the unit of angular measurement in two dimensional physics. Steradian is the unit of angular measurement in three dimensional physics. We coined the term Foradian as the unit of angular measurement in four dimensional physics. Our motto is “business in next dimension”. Which means taking the offline business to online i.e., the new dimension of internet. 2.3 MISSION 1

Internet identity


Delight by making them succeed


Web = Foradian


Web 3.0 leaders



Power of internet to normal people


One world


Net neutrality


Safe and secure internet

2.4 VISION •

To be the most successful and profitable company in the world by 2030

To come with new products and services which no other company have


Achieve a total revenue of Rs.10 crore in the first year of operations

To be the best internet engineering company in India by 2011

To develop and launch our first killer application by 2012

To be one of the top5 internet engineering companies in the world by 2013

To generate a total revenue of Rs.10k crore in 2015

Foradian Philosophies: •



FREEDOM Man Power:

ADMINISTRATION 1) General Manager 2) Chief Accounts 3) Receptionist 4) Marketing manager 5) HR manager

TECHNICAL 1) Engineer 2) Designers 3) Trainee’s 4) Attenders 5) Project manager 6) Others


Means of finance: a) Promoters Contribution b) Term loan Total

25,00,000 000000 25,00,000

2.5 Background or About the Company: Foradian Technologies Pvt Ltd was started in the month of April in 2009.the company main office was started in kasargoud.hear all the technical work is been done. The technical office had been made in kasargood because of the proprietor’s decisions. The kasargoud was the home town of many of the proprietors. Then they had a franchise type of office in dubai. The head office of the company is in Mangalore and another office is in Bangalore. In future the company is planning to enter the securities sector and advertising sector. The company is planning to come with many new killer products to get them self to be identified in the market.

2.6 DEPARTMENT STUDY HUMAN RESOURCE: With a corporate philosophy that considers Human Resource as the most prized assets of the organization, it’s natural for the company to continually gone employee skills; enhance their knowledge and their expertise. The company will motivate the employs by boosting their skills and knowledge by giving them training when needed.  Foradian believes that their staffs are one of the best in their field like designers and marketing people are there main strength.  Foradian believes that their future depends on their staff who are providing services to their valued customers and stay in touch with them.  To meet technological challenges, the company is trying to do the work by using all new technologies in the market.


 The company is having its training center in kasrgoud and they are planning to open another branch in Bangalore by next year. Marketing training is right now given in Mangalore and Bangalore. MARKETING Marketing process followed by Foradian.  Discovering what product, service or idea customers need.  Producing a product or service with multiple options.  Fixing the price according to the market competition.  Promoting the product and services through viral marketing; spreading the world about why customers should buy it.  Selling delivering the product through mails and other software’s. Marketing Positioning Strategies On the basis of Market Analysis 1. Size According to a survey 1.8 billion users will in there a lot more to come in this field and by this we can expect a big growth in the internet marketing. 2. Products and services Web designing, web hosting, web maintaining, logo design, software, brand identity. 3. Trends New features website, gaming websites. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY With the convergence of technologies, catalyzed by the global IT revolution the world is witnessing change as never before in recorded history. Now the web marketing is bringing a new look to marketing. As technology is changing the marketing style is also changing. In previous days the seller was going to buyers but through the internet the buyers only come to the sellers when they are in need.


2.7 Organization Structure


Product/Service profile 3.1 Product/Service Market The directors, who have got experience in software, web designing and brand identity. All the people working in this company had worked for few years in different field, so these people came together and started a business which includes products and services like Web designing, Software development, Brand identity, Logo designs, Packing design, Web maintaining, Web hosting and search engine optimization(SEO). Products/Services competitors Website Designing, web maintaining, Digital Arts web hosting, E-Mail ids, Internet WebPort marketing (SEO), Internet security

Magnon Solutions Pvt. Ltd. JEHOVASOFT Overtake software technologies FuGenX Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Datanumeric Internetworks India Wonesty Web Services Quick2Host OWD KRISH INDIA DESIGN Keltron Kerala

Logo Designing

Kaveri Communications Pvt Ltd logodesignguru HFB Advertising Interbrand Singapore My Corporate Logo LogoPie GyanArt LogoYes ArtisLogo

Package Designing

Logo Blog Zoli Design


Design Force Tijuana Design Wilmer Fong & Associates Wencel/Hess Design Sonic Images Design Soulo Design Mark Oliver Shoe Horn Mark Oliver Brand Identity

Shoe Horn Branding Pixel Productions Inc 4am group AVID Cranberry Communications

Software Development

Stress Design Bilz Information



Services Pvt. Ltd. Double Spring Acme Insurance Services Pvt Ltd Aditi Technologies Pvt Ltd Akamai Technologies India Pvt Ltd Antares Systems Ltd Artech Infosystems Pvt Ltd e-Infochips Ltd. Hinduja TMT Ltd Seva Systems Pvt Ltd

3.2 Opportunities and Threats: Web designing:


The company can design a web site according to the customer needs. The company can design a basic and super class model web site. The company follows three format of web site designing, those are web1.0, web2.0(zumra) and web 3.0(Ruby on Rails) the rates of the web site will differ according to these formats and the models. The company’s basic model starts from RS 3000 and the higher end models goes to lacks and cores. The higher end models include Flash, Sound, Videos, owner update capacity, own E-Mail ID,chat room and many more facilities with high server service. Opportunities: The company finds a huge opportunity in this web designing because the company says that, her are many companies are coming into the market and now India is in growing in its no of internet users. so the company can trace the new companies which are coming in and after providing them a web site will not end there contact because no company will keep the same design and service for long type they will update and for up dated they had to contact us again and also yearly they had to revival there demine name. So for all these purposes they had to come back to us again. So the company says that if they get a customer, then their relationship of business will be never ending. Threats: There are many companies which are working as web designers. So the competition it this field is growing rapidly. Catching the big customers is very difficult in this big compotation business. The awareness of web site in small towns and cities is very less. Software development: All the business are growing and all are trying to widen there business and to do this there are taking the support of online business and software’s to support there business. To standardize there business they use computer billing, bar-coding, cccamera e.t.c.



There are many companies which are providing many hard drives which support the business in many aspects. So the hard drive only can’t work for their business, they need a specific form of software, which can work according to their need and to make their business process easy. Threats: Many of the hard ware providers are using their own software for many business people and the government offices and banks all call tenders for these software’s of any other business orders. Brand identity: Today the company are not only concentrating on the selling and making profit. Now a day the business people think of profit but not only on the present one but now there are thinking the profit of the future. So in order to get more customers towards then and to sustain the old customers with them for the future, they had to build a strong identity that is of their brand. So now a day the brand identity is very necessary to make a strong place in the market. Brand identity will be including Stationary designing and visiting card designing and the posters and paper ads designs and there stickers designs. All the things which will reach their customers which make them attract to make a business with them. Opportunities: Providing an attractive brand identity to a business is not so easy, so the company had tried in and got a good result in it. There are very less companies which are into brand identity business and we are one among them. There are very few competitors in this brand identity sector. So by our impressing work we can overtake the other few companies and make our own way in this sector of market. Threats: The brand conscious in metro city is not a problem, but in other r big cities like mysore,hubli,davangere,shimoga,manglore and many ore city which have good business in many sector they don’t have the brand conscious. And the business people who are well success in their business in their own Reagan are not aware of the benefits from the brand building. Packing designing:


Packing has its own place in the marketing place. Packing acts as a silent sales man in the market. He packing is called as a silent sales man who won’t interact with the customers, but it will make a customer to buy the product by the designs and colors of the packs. Sometimes the products promotion will get famous by its packing. One of the best examples for this is the Mb rice. This rice product had created smash sales in the beginning and after 3 months the company got shutdown to the defective product inside the packing. Opportunities: The packing designs are getting famous now a days and many companies are believing that packing matters to their products promotion and sales. In this sector also there are only a few companies into this business, because till now the pickings were designed by the people who were working for the banners and outdoor advertisements, but now the companies are coming into the professional who particularly designs the attractive packs. Now this is just the beginning and we can see that all the companies are concentrating on their pickings. EX: Dairy fresh ice cream, shanthala silks, Videocon, Dabur, Tele phone companies. Threats: The only threat in this sector is that the small outdoor advertisers and the flex printers in the local areas. These people will directly contact them with their local links and they will make the designs for free if they get the flex printing and the outdoor ads for free of cost. Logo designing: Logo means a design or a sign which denotes a message or which gives an identity of a company or a organization. Now the logo also works as a brand identity, which creates a standard of the products. Some logo’s acts as prestigious. EX: FILA, adidas, Rebook, Pepsi, coke e.t.c



There are many companies in the market who don’t have their logo and there are many companies in the market who want to change their logo according to their business are changing. So there is a huge demand for the logo designers. Threats: There are many competitors in this field. And many old people don’t want to change their logo which had come from their grandfather’s days. Web Hosting: Our host rating system is based on the customer satisfaction, affordability, reliability, uptime and technical support. Probably the most critical success factor in E-Commerce is the web hosting platform and server performance. Website hosting and your web server needs to be economical, robust and web administration friendly to ensure swift server response time, uptime, download speeds, database applications, e-mail functioning and bandwidth Opportunities: We are giving the cheapest rate in the market as compared to other companies in market. So the customers prefer us to give their business. Threats: The old companies in the market are providing the hosting the sites of their clients for full free. This will affect us in the market to grow faster. E-MAILS: Email ids are that the company provides separate email ids for the customers as per their preference. In this if the customer wants email ids less than 50 it will be under the domain name of Google and if they want more than 50 a separate domain name will be given. E.g. [email protected],[email protected] Opportunities: As now a day the companies are now doing more online business, the companies need to deal with the E-Mail. So the companies now a day’s want to have their own companies id.



As many companies who are starting newly are not ready to invest on this. And the existing companies do not come to know till we inform them regarding this plan. Web maintenance: Web maintenance is that the company takes care of editing the information according to the customer’s requirement and the charges for this web maintenance is charged on hourly basis. Opportunities: If a company gets its website then they had to upgrade at the time being and they had to consult us back to update their website. Threats: Many of the company will open there websites and they won’t look up to their websites and they won’t update it at the regular time being. Internet marketing (SEO): Now many people’s are using internet in homes and mobile. If they want any information on anything first they will type that in a search engine, which acts as a mediator between the user and his needs. Opportunities: It had become a habit to the people to use a search engine if they want to collect some information. Threats: There are many search engines and one search engines link in first maybe last in the other. Working Capital: The detailed working capital estimates are to 25 lacks invested business started in kasergood and Mangalore branch. No bank loons are taken from banks. Selling arrangement: The Sales are directly handled by the directors itself with the help of qualified Staff of the company through commission agents & brokers.


3.3 Some of the stages in the SEO Process: Key Phrase / Keyword Analysis An industry would be researched and a brainstorming session will be undertaken to arrive at a best set of keywords / key phrases pertaining to your business interest. This allows there team as well as our team to come up with best possible "outcome-based" key phrases for deriving optimal results through this program. Competition Analysis Our SEO professionals would analyze the competition on keywords / key phrases chosen by the company. We would tend to study websites which appear on top listings on search engines on those key phrases and strategies our service delivery accordingly. This analysis basically includes studying competitor back links, rankings, there wordings, their positions etc. Website & Content Analysis The website and content would be thoroughly analyses for the presence and density of the chosen keywords. We would also be reviewing your website for usability and adaptability with major search engines. Your website would also be checked for web-design standards and compliance. Compliance of SEF (Search Engine Friendly) of various types of sites is checked. For e.g. the seo and sef for a Joomla based site would be different from what a static site would require. Web-page Code Optimization Our SEO specialists would code-optimize the website based on expertise and experience gained in optimizing various websites over a period of 4 years. Websites are code-optimized according to over 250 parameters identified by our experts and ensure that websites are crawled by search engine crawlers and eventually rank higher on search engines. Different practices are adopted for sites which are made on different platforms. Again SEO for a Joomla based site could be different from SEO for a Static Website. Ongoing Directory Submissions


The website would then be submitted and registered with directories such as Yahoo, MSN etc. which facilitate data retrieval by search engines. This component also includes research and selection of appropriate categories to which directory submissions would be made. Ongoing Link Building A website's Google Page Rank (PR) will depend on the number of back links it has and with an increase in the page rank of a website, improvement in page rankings can also be expected. Our SEO Specialists would ensure that a comprehensive link exchange program is undertaken with the objective of increasing the link popularity and page rank for your website. These were just some of the things we do to get website ranked higher on the world's best search engines.

3.4 Shares of different search engines in internet: Top 10 Asia-Pacific Search Properties April 2008 Total Asia-Pacific Internet Audience*, Age 15+ - Home 8c Work Locations


Source: comScore q-Search Top 10 Properties


Share (%)

Total Internet Google Sites Yahoo! Sites Inc. NHN Corporation Corporation Microsoft Sites Lycos Sites TENCENT Inc. FRIENDSTER.COM Inc

(MM) 22,363 8,737 5,366 3,725 1,178 488 401 388 307 273 178



100.0 39.1 24.D 16.7 5.3 2.2 1.8 1.7 1.4 1.2 0.8

• Excludes searches from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs.

Category of searches made: U.S. Category upstream Traffic from Search Engines and Google - July 2008


% Category Traffic from Search Engines, July-08

% in Share of Traffic From Search Engines, July08 - July-07

% of Category Traffic from Google, July-08

Health and Medical Travel

45.14% 34.97%

3% 8%

31.42% 2560%

% in Share of Traffic From Google, July-08 -July-07 9% 23%


Shopping and Classifieds News and Media Entertainment B u s i n e s s arid Finance Sports Online Video' Social Network rig*





20.99% 23.53% 18.71% 13.31% 30.01% 16.68%

2% 11-.',. 11% 11%. 34% 23%

1434% 1664% 12.82%. 9.38% 21.89% 10.76%

12% 24% 27% 21% 57% 38%

• All figures are based on U.S. data from the Hitvvise sample of 10 million Internet users. Denotes custom category. • Source: Hirvvise

3.5 Survey conducted on Indian internet users and advertisers Searches by Indians every month

over 1 billion

Searches by Indians that result in 308 million sponsored links shown, every month


Total clicks on sponsored links by Over 4.8 million Indian users in a month Number



targeting Over 40,000

Indian web users Total




all Rs. 236crores(US$52m)

advertisers targeting Indian users Most amount spent by one advertiser

Rs.9/7 crores{USS2.2m)

Average cost per click paid by Rs. 16.20 ($0.36) advertiser in India

Highest cost per click paid by Rs. 266 {$5.92) advertiser in India

Top 10 websites receiving traffic from key Grand Theft Auto IV search terms. 4 weeks ending 15 05 2008. Search term: 'gta4'

Share of visits

RockStar Games Grand

www Rockstargames .com


Theft Auto IV Wikipedia


GTA4.TV Gamespot UK








www .gametrailers .com



www .ataforums .com


By seeing the above table of a survey conducted by a gaming company named Rock star. This game was launched in the beginning of the year 2008.they launched a game named GTA4 which was a smash hit in the market. We can observe hear that people search for the things need for them in net not only in the company site but the visit other sites. In other sites they can get comments on the product or service which they are searching in internet. The browsers will not know the information about a product or services and they don’t know how to get it, so they will take the help of the internet. In internet there are many sites again they are confused in which site they get the right information. So they will take the help of the search engine optimization. Through this they can get the links of the sites which contain the information regarding the product or service that you are searching.

3.6 Process of search engine can be explained by this diagram:


Research Methodology 4.1 INTRODUCTION: Problem Statement: “To analyse the awareness of search engine optimization with respect to customers of Foradian Technologies,Bangalore”.


In the research of Search engine optimization or SEO, how the peoples reaction will be there while they open there web site. And this research also tells us about what all this SEO guide walks you through and which are the major steps, which are to: •

Tune your content

Optimize your design and code

Get other sites to link to your pages

Refresh content regularly

Monitor results and continue to optimize What is Search Engine Optimization? Search Engine Optimization is one of the most cost-effective methods of advertising which contributes by providing one of the highest pre-qualified audiencesonline. 4.2 Objective of the study: •

To check the awareness towards Search engine Optimization by the customers of Foradian.

To evaluate the customers of Foradian about “search engine optimization” concept.

To analyze the usage of search engine optimization by the customers of Foradian technologies.

Scope of the study: The survey was limited to a city and the number of customers of Foradian company was less as it was a new company in the market. Many of the business people wonder at many times that is his business making the most out of the Internet. Is he is the only using the Internet for faster and more


efficient communication while his competitors are making money on it? Is there more that can be done using the World Wide Web? Now assume that a company is looking for a supplier in India, the first thing he will do is Search on the Internet. While searching he will come across millions of results, but he will limit yourself to the first, second or say maximum the third page. He would then shortlist 3-4 suppliers from there and begins his choose. This is how the supplier in India bags does business. Now imagine if this supplier was not listed on top rankings, he would have lost out on the opportunity to get the orders. Data Collection: Primary data: A survey would be conducted on “search engine optimization” to determine how internet search engines are playing its role as a useful marketing tool. Questionnaires had been distributed among the customers to conduct the survey. For clarifications and suggestions, the respondents are dealt personally. In this way, information had been collected from the customers to attain the objectives of the survey/ research. Secondary data: Secondary data had been collected through internet to get the information about the current market benefits from search engines. Sample frame: Sample frame selected under this study from which we derive the sample unit. The sample frames for the study are Bangalore, Davangere and shimoga city. Sampling unit: The sampling unit of this survey will be Bangalore city, davangere and shimoga. The areas visited will depend upon the location of business, business enterprises, professionals, trading concerns etc who will be referred to for collecting the information. Sampling design: A decision has to be taken concerning a sampling unit before selecting sample. Sampling unit had been chosen according to the geographical area such as a city, state, district, village, country etc.


Sampling technique: Sample technique was use to do survey which was conducted. Only the business people were interviewed to know that how much the companies are interested and aware of SEO. The different types of sampling methods used in the study are 1. Convenience sampling:- This sampling was used because all the business peoples were not in a position to spend their time for our survey. 2. Purposive sampling:-Where information is obtained from the specific targetsrespondents who will be able to provide the desired information. So I had interviewed the people who can spend their time for us for few minutes. The sampling technique used in the study is a mixture of Convenience and Purposive sampling. Sampling size: All the important areas of Bangalore, davangere and shimoga will be touched to cover the prominent business enterprises, professionals, other concerns etc. The sampling size selected for the survey will range between40 to 50.Therefore approximately 50 respondents will be dealt with for the purpose of the survey. Statistical tools for analysis: The various statistical tools for analysis are: •

Graphs: Graphs are the schematic representatives of the figures. It is

most preferably used method as the variations in the statistical data can also be understood by a common man. So the surveyed data which are necessary are shown in the graphs. 4.3 Limitations of the Study: Following are the few limitations Sampling error:


As my survey involved businessmen as respondents there could have been some error in the data collected, due to the errors they may have done in answering the questions, keeping in mind of their tight schedule or job stress. Area limit: My study was limited only to Bangalore city. Only Foradian customers: The study was limited only to the customers of Foradian Technologies and not customers of other companies.



With the object of knowing consumer attitude towards “To analyse the awareness of search engine optimization with respect to customers of Foradian Technologies, Bangalore’’ and to know the customers respond to the topic. GENDER Table 1: The gender of the sample consumers is presented Gender Male Female Total

Number 43 07 50

Percentage(%) 86 14 100

Table: 1 Reveals that among the 50 respondents who are interviewed 43 (86%) are male and the reaming 07 (14%) are female. Figure: 5.1- The gender of the sample consumers is presented



Table 2: The age groups of the consumers interviewed is presented Age group in years 20-30 30-40 40-50 50 & above Total

Number 18 13 8 11 50

Percentage 36 26 16 22 100

About 36% of the respondents are in the age of 20-30, 20% in the age group of 30-40, 26% are in the age group of 40-50& 16% in the age group of 50 and above 22%. Figure:5.2- The age groups of the consumers interviewed is presented


INCOME Table 3: Showing the incomes of respondents Monthly/Annual Number turnover 50000-100000 100000-200000 200000&above Total

33 9 08 50

Percentage 66 18 16 100

Figure:5.3- Showing the incomes of respondents

About 66% of the respondents are having the income around rs.50000100000, 18% are having the income around the rs.100000-200000, and 18% are having the income around 200000 & above.



Table 4: Showing brand preferred Brand Google Yahoo Ask MSN AOL Total

Number 38 7 1 4 0 50

Percentage 76 14 2 8 0 100

Figure:5.4- Showing brand preferred

By the above table we can come to know that Google are most commonly used type. And as a lots of brand search engines are available. Not one single brand has a significant market share. The Google holds the 1st place in the table and the Yahoo holds to 2nd,and MSN holds for 3rd.

OPINION Table 5 : Showing opinions of the consumers towards 5 point Likrt scale.


Opinion Very good Good Satisfactory

Worth No use


Number 28 11 6 5 0 50

Percentage 56% 22% 12% 10% 0% 100

Figure: 5.5- Showing opinions of the consumers towards 5 point Likrd scale.

This 5 point Likert scale table shows us the opinions of the customer and most of the consumers opinion about search engine is very good 28(56%) and satisfactory 6(12%) and 5 people say it as worth 5(10%).0 people say it as no use.


FINDINGS AND SUGGESTIONS FINDINGS: The findings of the study are follows 

The SEO is not known to all the companies or the people are not having the knowledge about the SEO. More than 40% of the people don’t know about this.

The people are ready to spend on it if they are well known to what is SEO, 63% people are ready to invest on this.

There is a huge demand for SEO in the market as because of competition.

Many people have a big business but they don’t know the use of internet marketing. More than 60% of the people don’t know about the use of internet marketing.

The 14% of business peoples who are using this SEO for their business purpose are well satisfied by this technique.

Business people that these techniques bring them more customers towards them. .



The suggestions for the findings from the study are follows: 

To give information to those 40% who don’t know about this, they had to arrange for Exhibitions or tutorial classes should be taken to the people who are not use to internet marketing.

The companies should guide them how can they improve their business with the help of SEO and by this they can tackle these customers towards them.

To give some basic idea about their product to the new customers to whom the company is targeting. A brochure should be made and given to the customers, so they could study it when they have free time.

General Recommendations: • Do not concentrate only on marketing •

Try to mingle freely with the company members which will help you


The study concludes that, the motivational program procedure in Foradian is found effective. The study on search engine highlighted so many factors which will help to marketing of web sites. The study was conducted among

50 customers and





questionnaire. The study helped to findings which were related with customers needs in the market.


The company is moving at the right speed according to the market requirement. The company is getting good name in the market and the company had even crossed the breakeven point within 3 months.


CUSTOMER QUESTIONNAIRE Dear sir/madam I am very happy to introduce myself as “MADESH.M.B” as a part of our academic study. I am required to work under a project on any of the management aspects. “I ‘am a management trainee in Foradian Technologies Pvt ltd. I request you to spend few minutes to go through these few questions &

answer them. The information provided by you will be kept confidentially & the information is purely for academic purpose only. THANKING YOU

Yours faithfully MADESH.M.B

1) Name of company


2) Company address


3) Qualification:

3) Sex:

a) Male

b) Female

4) Age:

a) 20-30

b) 30-40

c) 40-50

d) above50

5) Monthly/Annual turnover: a) 50000-100000


c) 200000above


6) Do you use internet for your business purpose? a) YES

b) NO

8) Do you have your company web site? If no are you planning to have? a) YES

b) NO

9) Do you know about search engine optimization?

a) YES

b) NO

10 Do you think search engine is an effective marketing tool for all business organizations?

a) YES

b) NO

1) Do you want your company to be listed at top 3 links in search engine? a)YES

b) NO

12) Are you ready to pay to bring your company in top links?


a) YES

b) NO

13) Have you ever come across the Foradian Technologies Pvt Ltd? a)YES

b) NO

14) What is your opinion on search engine optimization? Very Good Good Satisfactory Worth No use

15) What do you expect from search engine providing company if you want to design your website by them? Cost To be in many search engines 16)which all search engine do you use for your business purpose? a)Google b)Yahoo c)ask d)MSN e)AOL

16) Please give us few suggestion’s with regard to refined oil?


Thank you for your cooperation, valuable time and information.

Date: Place:

Signature of the respondent

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