Sea Of The Dead

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 19,493
  • Pages: 89


SEA OF THE DEAD FADE IN: EXT. END OF GANGPLANK - DAY A small group of business people assemble at the end of a gangplank to a large cruise ship. The name of the ship is the H.S. Sea Siren. She is sleek and modern with soft feminine curves. She resides at 'Canada Place',the main cruise ship terminal for the region, and the starting point for Vancouver's Alaska cruises. Bill Hemmer, 55, although professionally dressed, exudes a slightly "used-car salesmen" persona, he stands in front, speaking loudly to the rest of the group. HEMMER Ladies and gentlemen, chairman of the board. Many of you know me, I am the Managing Director on the fantastic ship behind us. The audience--14 men 6 women. Expensive suits, discreet colognes, costly yet understated watches--smile and nod as they listen... HEMMER Two weeks from today, the H.S. Sea Siren takes it's maiden voyage, en route to Hong Kong via Hawaii. It seems only fitting that you, the generous investors get a chance to see your investment up close. Cool, financial eyes look on... HEMMER If you follow me, we can start our exclusive tour. We're the only people on the ship today, so we can see anything we like. Hand gesturing up to the ship, Bill leads the group up the gangplank and onto the ship.

2. INT. CASINO LOUNGE - DAY They enter a casino area. Its design is more Monte Carlo than Las Vegas. There are no flashing lights and there will be no loud noises. One envisions men and women in black tie clothing, silently betting millions. HEMMER We cater to an extreme upmarket client. Our casino games are baccarat, roulette and some high stakes poker tables. No slots, no bingo and no keeno. Hemmer pronounces this last word with a practiced disdain. "Keeeen-noo". Investors smile at the inside joke and glance at each other in approval. INT. SECURITY OFFICE - DAY Jose, 65 sips his coffee as he sits in his small security office area aboard the H.S. Sea Siren. He is the temporary caretaker for the ship until the main crew comes to prepare it for it's first voyage. He browses his newspaper and listens to his small radio before he makes his next appointed rounds. RADIO VOICE ...and God Said, Man in his ARROGANCE will cause EVIL to rain down upon him....The DEAD will walk the earth...and lo, it has come to pass. When... Jose's head pops up at this, he glances down at the cover of his National Enquirer----"Are the dead Rising?", under that the subhead reads "or viral video movie tie-in". He doesn't understand that part, so he grabs the St Anthony medal around his neck and stands up. Crossing himself, he closes his eyes for a second, then pauses. he takes off his badge and his utility belt and lays them on the desk. He knows it's time to go home to Rosa, to await whatever God has in store for them. RADIO VOICE (gaining) fornicators...lust seekers, pleasure seekers...

3. INT. CLOSE UP OF DUTY SHEET-SECURITY OFFICE - DAY He takes a small golf pencil and writes in large letters across the duty sheet. "I QUIT". The H.S Sea Siren is now without a caretaker. INT. MAIN DINING ROOM - DAY Hemmer enters a large hushed dining room. He gestures towards the Sleek and contoured interior, there is no harsh brass, only soft lighting, lush fabrics and spectacular center pieces complimenting the amazing view of the sea. HEMMER We've hired Jacque LeSac as chef for the main dining room, and he's designed a menu specially for the Sea Siren. We expect the restaurant to be able to cater to all tastes...Chef LeSac has even invented a few desserts especially for the us. Hemmer smiles and whispers. HEMMER And I won't tell you what THAT cost The investors nod at the well appointed dining room and move on. INT. PROMENADE SHOPS - DAY We enter a large rounded area, open to floors above. On all sides are expensive shops, selling everything from handbags, to clothes to convenience items. Hemmer leads the group down the granite floored galleria and stops in the middle at a podium of brochures. He hands out small brochures to each of the investors, they all open them to see what the whole ship has in store. HEMMER Here is the official brochure, showing all the shopping available as well as a map of all the you see, only the best for those aboard this ship. Look around you at all the well known names.

4. One woman breaks from the group to go over to a window selling hand-painted scarves... WOMAN (whispering under breath) lovely... Hemmer turns around and continues to walk through the shopping area, speaking as he walks... HEMMER Now, I know we're not supposed to go there, but I'd like to take you down to our engine room. All this is lovely... he gestures to the shops around them... HEMMER but the real difference between the H.S Sea Siren, the H.S. standing for "Hydrogen Ship", happens in the engine room. He leads them to the top of a wide carpeted staircase going down... INT. BOTTOM OF STAIRWAY OUTSIDE BULKHEAD DOOR - DAY Arriving at the base of the steps and in front of the engine room door, Hemmer picks up a yellow warning cone blocking the entrance and puts it aside. The cone says "no entry". INT. ENGINE ROOM - DAY Hemmer punches a code into the number pad outside the door. The door opens to a wide and spacious engine room. It is immaculately clean, with minimal actual machinery other than a large lighted control panel. HEMMER You'll notice this main engine room is much closer to the rest of the ship than normal. That's because the hydrogen engines are so much quieter. The mechanics can almost wear white gloves as it is also so much cleaner.

5. HEMMER (smiling) Feel free to look around. We're alone so we can't get in trouble... The machinery makes soft shushing sounds in the stainless clean engine room. An older Asian man, Mr Tachito, hands behind his back, moves closer to some equipment to get a better look. An out-of-place screwdriver on the ground, causes him to miss his step and fall backwards. Falling, his head hits the corner of the machine base and he hits the floor hard. Blood smears the floor and continues to pour out from the back of his head. As his eyes close, the group excitedly gathers around him to help. Hemmer pushes forward. As he reaches the now still body of Mr Tachito, the bulkhead door slams shut. INT. CONTROL PANEL ON BRIDGE - DAY A timer controlling ships power and main light, is 1 second from shut down...... the digital clock counts down. TICK, TICK...shutdowm. The monitors displays "Shutdown Mode". INT. ENGINE ROOM - DAY Black descends on the interior of the engine room. The only light is from a small dim backup light far in the back, giving off a red/gold glow. HEMMER oh no... MAN 1 what do you mean "oh no"? WOMAN What's happening? HEMMER The powers on energy saving mode. The keypad won't work in this mode. Simultaneously, all the investors pull out their cell phones. MAN 2 Hemmer, I'll have your head for this...

6. WOMAN no signal... MAN 1 (angry) me do we get out of here???? MAN 2 There has to be some sort of phone down here? WOMAN (panicking) I can't breath. MAN 3 Oh SHUT UP woman. MAN 1 Don't tell her to shut up! HEMMER I'm sure someone will come by soon. WOMAN But you said we were alone? Bill Hemmer, continues to look out the small bulkhead window, hoping to see Jose, the caretaker on his rounds. The light, so dim, it doesn't reach the panicking group. They begin calling out for help. COMBINED GROUP Help! Help! WOMAN (whimpering) OW! Something just bit my ankle. OOOOWWWWW! MAN 3 Did you bring that yapping dog? WOMAN NO I DIDN'T. Something else bit me General and frantic panic starts to glide through the group

7. MAN 1 (scared) somethings on me! shuffling sounds---as if the man is trying to kick something away. MAN 3 Arrrrggh! Someone in the dark, falls down. The engine room becomes quiet as the inhuman sounds of soft gurgling noises are followed by a low groan.....and another scream. INT. NATIONAL HISTORY MUSEUM, MAIN GALLERY - NIGHT The Egyptian Gallery of The National History Museum is hosting the National Advertising Awards dinner. It's proceeded by a cocktail party, black tie, champagne glasses and real diamonds sparkle. Shahira, 28, darkly exotic, returns with drinks to an older white haired man in a tuxedo. GORDAN Thank you Lovely. Shahira smiles wanly. Another night being shuttled on the arm of the older man. Although she has a Masters in Journalism she writes advertising copy during the day and sleeps with the boss when he calls. She's looking for a better way. GORDAN (talking to another couple) Shahira here fancies herself another Christiane Amanpour...wants to set journalism on fire and solve all the worlds injustices. I keep telling her to keep her head out of the clouds... SHAHIRA (under her breath) and in your lap.... GORDAN (sternly) what's that?

8. SHAHIRA Nothing....if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go the powder room... Shahira turns and moves into the crowd. Her black dress whispering as she goes. On the way, she overhears a couple speaking WOMAN ...some kind of disease, you go crazy or something. I didn't hear the whole story. MAN I did, they say dead people are getting up and walking. WOMAN 2 (smiling) That's crazy...was it FOX news? WOMAN 2 Darling, I think you must have misheard? That would mean we're in the midst of the "Rapture". And I refuse to be a "bible thumper"! The four break out in loud, yet sophisticated laughter. Shahira shakes her head in disbelief, we wonder if it's at the news, or the peoples reaction to it. INT. LADIES ROOM - NIGHT Sitting down on the toilet to get away from everything, she opens her bag and lights a cigarette. Chin in hand she contemplates life. She looks down at her cheap shoes, bought by herself, and at her Rolex watch, bought by Gordon. She never wanted to be one of "those" girls. Deeply exhaling, she smiles and puts the cigarette out. INT. NATIONAL HISTORY MUSEUM, MAIN GALLERY - NIGHT Returning to the Egyptian Gallery and the cocktail party, Shahira walks up to Gordon, now talking to the 2 presidents of a huge agency.

9. GORDAN ...I told them that the size of their account wasn't the issue, the visuali... SHAHIRA (smiling sweetly) And you know all about small sizes, don't you darling?... GORDAN (shocked and angry) What do you... The two ad agency presidents barely contain their amusement and snicker under their breadth. Shahira spins on her heels and heads towards the exit. But while in the midst of the crowd, she turns... SHAHIRA (loudly) Oh Gordon? By the way, I ALWAYS faked it! The crowd is silent, mesmerized on the fun little drama playing out in front of them. One man guiltily takes 2 steps to the right of the young woman on his left. Smiling, Shahira trots toward the museum's front doors, pushes them open and heads out to the night. INT. TAXI-CONTINUING - NIGHT After leaving the party, Shahira sits in the back seat of a taxi... SHAHIRA (to cabbie) First and third st please. SHAHIRA (on cellphone) Adam, something just feels wrong. The news says there's some weird shit going down. We can take mom and dad's boat out for a couple of days till things calm have nothing else to do, come on! pause

10. SHAHIRA Great. I'm ten minutes away. Hurry up and pack. Shahira grins and sits back. Out the window people shuffle by, stopping to watch as the taxi drives by. The Taxi stops at a light and a face slams up against Shahira's window making her jump. SHAHIRA Can you please go faster? CABBIE Something bad in the city tonight miss. Very bad SHAHIRA yeah I feel it too... There are more people on the street, they begin to come towards the cab on both sides. The cabbie starts to drive faster and tries to avoid them at the same time. When one of them jumps directly onto the windshield, the cabbie swerves, but hits the curb and the car lifts. Rolling twice, it lands upside down. Inside, Shahira has passed out. The fate of the cabbie is unknown. EXT. OUTSIDE CAB - NIGHT Blood slowly dripping down her forehead, Shahira wakes up. She is upside down, her dress is ripped and she is dazed. She pushes herself toward the broken back seat window, when she feels a hand curling around her ankle. Looking back, the cabbie has been impaled with a street sign, he can't move, but he emits a low sorrowful moan and pulls her ankle closer to his mouth. Shahira screams. She pulls back her ankle and pulls herself out of the cab. she stands up and is greeted with a closely approaching crowd. SHAHIRA (crying) What do you want? A low moan comes from a woman on the left in a business suit. The front of her blouse is open and her pearls are broken, hanging crazily between her breasts. She walks faster.

11. On her left, a young man in workout cloths, limps forward to her. Half of his face is gone, the opening to his mouth, just that much larger. SHAHIRA Get AWAY from me! She backs up from them, walking faster down the street, deserted except for this ominous crowd. EXT. OUTSIDE BROTHERS BUILDING - NIGHT Surrounded by high gray buildings, she runs down a side street and looks up. It's her brothers building. She rushes to the front door of his building and buzzes him, looking around her the whole time. Three of those people, a cop and 2 others spot her, turn and head her way. SHAHIRA (to speaker) ADAM, let me up Quick! The door clicks, letting her in. She runs for the elevator INT. ELEVATOR - NIGHT Repeatedly pushing the elevator button, it finally arrives and she gets into it. As the elevator door closes, a hand slips in. She backs against the elevator, expecting one of those strange people from out on the street. The door opens and Shahira relaxes as she sees it's an older man in a business suit carrying a newspaper. OLDER MAN (concerned) Miss, haven't you been watching the news? Its not safe out there, all those sick people... SHAHIRA Yeah, I know, I've just come to get my brother and get out of town. OLDER MAN A good idea. A very good idea. I wish you luck.

12. INT. AT ADAMS DOOR - NIGHT After exiting the elevator, Shahira runs down the hallway to her brothers door. Knocking loudly, She waits for the door to open. She looks around the hallway, all the time feeling as if eyes are on her. SHAHIRA (knocking) Adam! Lets go! The door opens, Adam is standing with a large knapsack in one hand and a baseball bat in the other. He is 26 and red-headed, taking after their Irish father. ADAM lets go! Hey, you aren't ready, you can't go in those clothes?! SHAHIRA Don't ask, just lets go! They head back to the elevator going down. The doors close. INT. DOORWAY OF BUILDING - NIGHT Exiting the elevator, Both head towards the front door. Standing at the door with his back up against the wall is the older man from the elevator. A younger woman is clawing at his face and he is desperately trying to keep her away. Adam runs forward and swings his baseball bat at the woman's head. Shahira screams at her bother in shock. The strange woman steps aside, but comes at Adam instead. One more hit to the head and she falls to the ground. All three run out the front door just as she is getting up again. EXT. OUTSIDE STREETS - NIGHT Jogging down the darkened, and quieting streets, Shahira glances over her shoulder. The woman is now standing watching them leave. She has blood all over her face and a glassy, yet intent look in her eyes. SHAHIRA What's wrong with her? ADAM Sherri, Don't look! Just keep going.

13. OLDER MAN (huffing) hold on, I can't keep up... Adam grabs the older mans arm and helps him run, concerned with what he sees around him. Crowds seem to form as they jog the few streets to their parents marina. Hungry eyes follow them, all the while shuffling faster. OLDER MAN (out of breath) please....just a couple... ADAM Just a minute then. From around the corner of the building, a grisly blood-soaked face appears, it's mouth opens as it clamps down on the older mans cheek. He screams and tries to get away, but another man appears. Dressed in a blue open-back hospital gown, It grabs the older man and drags him to the ground. Both Adam and Shahira recoil in terror as they watch them attack and bit him. Backing up, they turn and run, picking up speed. Shahira covers her face in pain as the last thing they hear rounding a corner, is a loud and guttural scream. They stop on the corner and rest against the building. EXT. MARINA - NIGHT The night has turned foggy, the lamps along the marina are now misty golden orbs. Both Adam and Shahira run down the pier, trying to locate their parents boat. SHAHIRA (panicking) Where IS it? ADAM It's supposed to be HERE! Looking back towards the entrance to the pier, they see dark silhouettes coming towards them. Desperately looking for a boat, they quickly jump into the one closest, a small dingy. Adam unties it and pushes off, but not before one of THEM jumps into the boat and on his sister... It's a DEAD Navy man trying to bite her shoulder. But before it gets too close, Shahira leans back and aims her foot at

14. it's face, pushing her high heel into it's eye. Showing no response, it just keeps grabbing at her. She screams, and pushes harder. It falls limp on top of her. She throws it off and into the water with disgust where it slowly sinks. SHAHIRA (gasping) ...and they say high heels are "bad for you"..... EXT. DRIFTING AT SEA - NIGHT The golden lights of the pier grow smaller as the small boat drifts out to sea. They both lean back, resting after their recent activity. Quiet is then interrupted by splashing.... ADAM What's that? A voice calls out... VOICE (OS) help HELP! Shahira looks out to the darkness Adam puts his hand on his sisters arm. ADAM Don't! we don't know who it is! SHAHIRA We can't just ignore him?!!! Shahira pulls her arm away from her brother and leans over the side of the boat SHAHIRA Who's there.....where are you? More splashing, and a voice... VOICE (OS) over here! Following the sound, Adam begrudgingly rows the dingy towards the sound and pulls a tired, wet young man on-board YOUNG MAN (breathless) Thanks!......

15. ADAM Yeah, well, you're safe now, just rest and chill out. Shahira notices blood seeping from the mans arm. SHAHIRA you're bleeding YOUNG MAN bit me.....gotta rest....awhile..... He passes out. Shahira lays her head down to rest on the bottom of the boat while her brother stays up on watch. The sound of water softly laps the sides of the boat as it drifts on into the night. EXT. OFF THE COAST OF VANCOUVER BC-MORNING - DAY Shooting stars glide over the early morning dawn. The sky brightens to white morning sunlight and shines off the windows of an old tugboat, partially converted into a house boat. Two fishing poles hang off the side next to 1 plastic lawn chair. INT. BEDROOM OF TUGBOAT - MORNING - DAY Jake, good-looking, recently-divorced veterinarian 38, wakes up suddenly as if in the midst of a bad dream. He is surrounded on one side by Molly, 5 year old female border collie, and on the other side by Hatchet, a 6 year old male border collie. Sitting up, he puts his feet on the floor. He rubs his face, in bad need of a shave and stands up. He heads into the small kitchen galley followed by both tail-wagging dogs. KITCHEN Piles of dirty clothes, beer bottles and dirty dishes sit in the sink, Jake opens a cabinet revealing only 1 can of Alpo dog food. Molly, looks up at him and slowly wags her tail. Hatchet whines disapproval. JAKE (yawning) ...Why can't you just like fish?. Looks like we need food. Hathcet barks. Jake leans down and affectionately scratches both dogs necks and heads back to the bedroom

16. EXT. ON DECK OF TUGBOAT-MORNING - DAY Now dressed, Jake walks to the railing of his home tugboat and looks toward the distant and cloudy coast. Molly pads behind him and sits down next to him. JAKE I think I've been talking to you for too long... He pauses, looks down at his right hand and touches his gold wedding band. He tugs at it and pulls it off, revealing a thin pale band of skin. Looking at the band for a long moment, he throws it far into the ocean, turns around and heads back inside, followed by Molly INT. BRIDGE OF TUG - DAY The bridge of the tugboat is neat and clutter free. With the look of someone who is proud of his achievements. The brass is newly polished and the wood has been recently varnished. Jake stands at the controls and stares out the window. He cranes his hearing, but the sea today is silent. JAKE (talking to molly) quiet out here today... EXT. REAR VIEW OF TUG - DAY Foam kicks up from the engines of the tug. On the back of the hull is a mostly-finished, hand-painted name, spelling out "What's Left" in fancy scroll lettering. The tug heads closer to the approaching coast. EXT. BURRARD INLET - AFTERNOON - DAY Late morning sun is warm as Jake pulls into Burrard Inset. He looks around for port security--usually pretty active around Vancouver's major port. But there are none to be seen. Neither are there any other ships or pleasure boats sailing. Craning his head up, he looks for seagulls. The normally loud and raucous sea birds also seem to have deserted the area. JAKE Where is everybody Molly?

17. INT. CANADA PLACE - DAY He frowns as he docks along the southern side of Canada Place, not something the law allows, but there's nobody anywhere. On the northern side of the pier, directly opposite, sits a silent cruise ship. The "H.S.Sea Siren" with flying banners and empty decks. it's passenger gangway is pulled up. The only sound is the flapping of the flying banners. While tying off his boat, he hears voices, raised in the distance. He slowly lowers a small motorbike already hanging from a home made pulley to the pier and straps a messenger bag around his shoulders. Two large milk crates are attached to the back of the bike like saddlebags. Once settled he starts the scooter. Instinctively, each dog jumps into a milk crate and Jake takes off toward the beginning of the pier. Turning left onto Burrard St...he travels along quiet streets until he sees a small boutique grocery store and stops..... INT. SMALL GROCERY STORE - DAY The small grocery store is one of those fancy ones, selling select organic produce to select tourists. It appears deserted. Although there is a TV, it's only showing snow. Going up to the cashier, Jake sees that the store is NOT deserted. There is one employee frantically stuffing things in duffel bag. Jake thinks he sees the flash of a gun disappearing into the bag. The nervous storekeeper stops still when seeing Jake... STOREKEEPER (incredulously) What are you doin here? JAKE I came to shop...where is everybody? STOREKEEPER You're kidding right?...there's no money just go and leave me alone... Jake raises his hands and slowly backs up. JAKE I just need to buy some food---relax.

18. STOREKEEPER (scared) Take what you want, I'm outta here. The Storekeeper grabs his large duffel bag and heads to the glass door. He stops for a moment, looking both ways before opening it, then runs out into a side street. Jake looks around then heads down one of the aisles and begins to fill his bag with canned dog food. He goes down another aisle, putting an apple in his mouth on the way and grabbing soup and pasta. Both dogs growl loudly, looking toward the front doors. JAKE What is it guys? Jake raises his head and notices the TV. Static still dances across the screen. He's starting to feel strange, standing in places normally populated by many, yet echoing their absence. He looks outside as he hears a helicopter fly overhead and walks to the cashier counter and lays down a 20 dollar bill. A noisy car with a bad muffler races down the street in front of the store. It's wheels screech as it turns down a distant side street. JAKE (concerned) Molly! Hatch! Come EXT. OUTSIDE GROCERY STORE - DAY Jake heads outside to his bike and puts the bag across his shoulders. He looks left and right, but other than a few random cars, the area is deserted. Knowing that something is terribly wrong, yet not able to identify it, Jake decides to head back to the safety of his boat. He starts up his bike as both dogs jump into their crates and begins to drive back toward Canada place--both dogs bark nervously. EXT. OUTSIDE OF CRUISE SHIP - DAY Moving at a quick pace and swerving around an illegally parked supply van, Jake and the dogs arrive back at Canada Place. He glances at the cruise ship "H.S. Sea Siren" and notices that the passenger gangplank is now lowered. On

19. board on the MAIN DECK are 6 people screaming and waving to him. EXT. ON DECK OF CRUISE SHIP - DAY SMALL CROWD ONBOARD Hey! Hey! Up here! EXT. OUTSIDE CRUISE SHIP - DAY Jake looks up to them... EXT. ON DECK OF CRUISE SHIP - DAY SMALL CROWD ONBOARD (excited) Come up here! COME UP HERE! GET UP NOW! NOW! EXT. AT ENTRANCE OF PIER - DAY A distant, low moan comes from the direction of the pier entrance. EXT. ON PIER OUTSIDE OF CRUISE SHIP - DAY Jake stops his bike just short of the gangplank and looks down the pier. Both dogs jump out of their milk crates. from about 500 feet away, a large group of people is quickly moving closer. INT. ON DECK OF CRUISE SHIP - DAY SMALL CROWD ONBOARD (frantic) COME ON! INT. OUTSIDE OF CRUISE SHIP - DAY Jake looks away from the waving people and back at the people moving closer on the pier. Something about the crowd of people seems odd. They move quickly but oddly, almost a quick shuffle. Both dogs look down the pier take a step closer to the crowd and growl deeply. Jake guns his bike and swiftly drives up the gangplank, through the door, and turns his bike to face the door. Both dogs are still at the end

20. of the gangplank, and the group of 50 or so people are now much closer. INT. CRUISE SHIP ENTRANCE - DAY JAKE Molly! Hatch! Get in here! Brian, 53, has his hand on a wall switch BRIAN We have to close the door! Jake pushes Brian aside and stands in the doorway... JAKE WAIT. MOLLY, HATCH COME! Both dogs look in Jake's direction. When the crowd is about 40 feet away, both dogs start running towards the gangplank. Running fast, they both crash into Jake in the cruise ships doorway. JAKE Good boy...good Molly Brian pushes a button on the wall near the door, which slowly disengages the gangplank from the pier, but not before 2 of the strangely moving people get on it. The gangplank folds closer to the ship, the footing of the 2 people slips, sending them both into the water. The remaining 50 or so people line up on the edge of the pier and stare at the cruise ship. Brian slams the door shut. All 7 follow Jake as he runs out to the railing of the cruise ship to watch what's happening at the piers edge. EXT. MAIN DECK RAILING - DAY JAKE (Pointing at people on shore) What the hell was that? Nessa, 29, black, extremely pretty, comes over to him. NESSA you OK?

21. JAKE (looks at Nessa) Yeah, think so...What's wrong with them? What the hell is going on? Where IS everybody? Bob, 25, overweight grocery store manager with bad skin, interjects... BOB you get bit? JAKE Bit? No....why would I get bit? Bob grins and shakes his head. BOB Dude, where you bin? A small little girl hugging another woman's legs looks at both dogs, still panting... KRISTEN (shyly) We knew you were OK cuz you had dogs. No dogs for a long time. Beth, 35, handsome, reaches toward her daughter BETH shush Honey Nessa looks at Jake long, trying to figure out if he's telling the truth. she walks further down the boat railing. The 6 other ships occupants follow with Molly and Hatchet in the rear. NESSA Where have you been for the past 3 weeks? Jake stares out at the strange people accumulating at the edge of the pier, waving toward them he says... JAKE you telling me all this happened in 3 weeks? BRIAN (stronger) WHERE have you been?

22. JAKE I've been out on my boat for the past month. Jake reaches down to both his dogs and reassures them... BRIAN ...and you have no radio? news?


Jake looks over to the older man and shakes his head. JAKE No, been trying to avoid it. BRIAN (incredulously) And you have no idea what's been going on??? NESSA (nodding to DEAD) Lets get out of here, I can't stand listening to them.. Jake takes a final look at the horror staring back at him and follows Nessa into the ship... INT. LARGE STATEROOM WITH VIEW OF PIER - NIGHT The stateroom is huge, it has a sitting room, kitchenette and large bedroom. From the living room Jake can see it's lush fabrics and soft carpeting. He turns back to the small group of people. Nessa hands him a bad cup of instant coffee and sits down next to him at the small table... NESSA They say it started about 3 weeks ago. The news originally said somewhere in the Southwest. Some guy was found eating his dead wife. I mean LITERALLY eating his wife. They thought he was some kind of cannibal serial killer until all the police that arrested him, and all the hospital staff that treated him started attacking THEIR families and eating them. Drinking his coffee, Jake stops and looks at Nessa...

23. JAKE You're kidding. NESSA I wish I was. The news said it was some kind of disease... Curt, 38, ordinary looking, speaks for the first time... CURT That's what the media and the government WANTS you to believe. They've been pissing on our legs and telling us it's raining for years! NESSA ...then they were claiming a biochemical attack from the Mideast, then the conspiracy theorists claimed it was caused by us, or rather, by the government---some mutant gene escaping from the research facility on Plum Island. CURT It's not that crazy you know! BRIAN Then the environmentalists said we had unfrozen some pathogen in the melting ice of the Arctic. The last I heard, it was God's punishment... JAKE So we have NO IDEA what it is or how it started. NESSA Pretty much.. Then everything went silent. We haven't had any news for 10 days now. JAKE Cellphones? Internet? BRIAN Both went dark about 5 days ago. Before that, Youtube had videos of this starting to happen all over the world. China, England, Russia. We couldn't always understand what (MORE)

24. BRIAN (cont'd) they were saying, but we understood the pictures....and it looked just like it does over here. Jake looks back to Nessa... JAKE So nobody knows what's going on? But it's happening everywhere... I heard a helicopter overhead and heard a car... Have you tried finding other people? We've tried, ships radio, be other out be, we can't We've had no week.

BRIAN we've listened on the we think there might there....there has to be all that's left. radio for the past

JAKE (gesturing to group) How did you all get here? Brian stands up and goes to the stateroom window. He looks out at the gathering DEAD. BRIAN We all got here by mistake... I was on board when I heard Nessa screaming and let her aboard. She had one of those things chasing her. Curt and Bob were also running away from them. BRIAN Beth and Krissy locked themselves in a car, then ran here...we were all just trying to escape whatever was chasing us. CURT The only thing we do know is you don't want them to get to you. And if they bite you, you turn into one of them. JAKE holy shit..............

25. Kristen steps towards Jake. KRISTEN (shyly) Can I play with your doggies? Kristen's mom reaches for her daughter to pull her back. BETH Krissy honey, don't bother the nice man. Jake looks at Beth, then looks around the group of 6 and smiles at Krissy. JAKE Sure you can. By the way, I'm Jake. He looks down at Kristen and pets both of his dogs. JAKE And this is Molly, and this is Hatchet. Say hello to Krissy guys. The dogs tails wag at the attention. Bob brightens up...


BOB (snorting) I get it! That's funny!

He becomes serious. BOB I'm Bob, Bob Ramos. Jake looks round the room. BILL Bill Holt, chief engineer of this ship. I'd just gotten aboard when the shit hit the fan.......oh 'scuse me Beth, didn't mean to cus. BETH That's OK, Krissy has seen worse in the past couple weeks......I'm Beth. just Beth. And this, you know, is Krissy

26. BRIAN I'm Brian Jones, I'm a teacher, History. Jake turns his attention to the last of the group. I'm Vanessa Daniels. just call me Nessa. I WAS a pilates instructor. a real useful occupation huh? Nessa smiles a beautiful warm smile. Both dogs wag their tails as Krissy comes closer to pet them. Molly decides to lay down and present her belly to be rubbed. Krissy giggles and sits down with both dogs contentedly scratching and petting them. After a quiet moment watching the child and the 2 dogs... JAKE (incredulously) So what? There's no cure? Those people can never be cured? BRIAN We don't know, but the last thing we heard on the radio before they went off was... Byron agitatedly rubs his hand through his hair... BRIAN And this is crazy, but all the person kept saying was "THEY'RE DEAD--THEY'RE NOT SICK--THEY'RE DEAD" over and over. You're the only real person we've seen in a week and we only let down the gangplank because you had dogs...we had to be sure you were OK. The small group all start to get up and leave, When a loud scream is heard from outside the ship. Everybody runs outside towards the sound... EXT. IN DINGY - NIGHT Screams pierce the coming evening, as a small dingy floats by on the port side of the Sea Siren. Inside, a dark haired young woman is trying to pull a man away from another man. The attacker is viciously trying to get at the other mans face. The screaming woman picks up an oar and aims it at the

27. neck of the Attacker. As it is held sideways, the oar cuts partly into the attacker's neck. It turns around to face her, It's eyes glint in the evening light and it decides to attack her instead. Its just like one of those DEAD people on the pier. The man it was attacking reaches out slightly, his hand landing on a flare gun. The DEAD turns back to him, and the man fires the flare gun into the DEAD's mouth. His head momentarily starts to glow, getting brighter and brighter until his eyes and ears pop sparks. The DEAD stops moving and slowly falls over the side of the dingy. EXT. RAILING OF CRUISE SHIP - NIGHT BILL (shouting) Get those 2 life preservers Nessa grabs 2 of the hanging life preservers from the railing and throws them to Bill. Bill throws them both over the side and yells down to the boat people... BILL Grab it and put it around you! Both occupants of the dingy hold their arms up in anticipation. EXT. IN DINGY - NIGHT The man looks up at the descending life preserver, grabs it and gets in, but the woman is having some problem and takes a little longer. The man is pulled halfway up when the woman is ready to go. Just as she is about to be lifted, an arm reaches up from the water at the side of the dingy. It clutches her ankle and won't let go. A grisly face with no eyes appears out of the water, it's charred mouth moving as if to bite. Finally it's grip loosens and it sinks back into the water and she is pulled up to the ship. EXT. RAILING OF CRUISE SHIP - NIGHT BRIAN Are you OK?

28. SHAHIRA (gasping) OHMYGOD he just woke up and started to attack us. We saved him, he almost killed us.... Adam comes forward and holds his sister to comfort her, he looks up at his saviours thankfully. Nessa kneels down and puts her arms around Shahira, lifting her up, she leads the woman into the ship. ADAM Thank you. He nearly killed us. BOB Welcome to the LOVE Boat! Adam looks at Bob quizzically, Brian puts his arm around Adam and leads him towards the inside of the ship BRIAN (walking away) Pay no attention to our little friend here, he has a rather odd sense of humor... EXT. AT SHIPS RAILING- MORNING - DAY 4 in the morning. Jake wakes up to the sound of gunshots. Hearing another shot, he heads up the stairs towards it. He cautiously turns a corner,and sees the gunmen silhouetted against the grey morning light about 15 feet away. The gunman gets off another shot then chuckles... BOB HA!


Jake recognizes the voice and calls out to Bob... JAKE You know, they used to be people. BOB Well they ain't anymore Bob lifts the skeet rifle once again and takes aim... Jake moves to the rail, folds his arms and looks out to the pier, about 20 feet down. Bobs rifle goes off and one of the DEADs heads explodes sending bits of blood and gore splattering on the other dead standing next to him.

29. JAKE Anybody ever told you you're a sick sonofabitch? BOB Only EV-ER-RY day! Jake rolls his eyes and starts to walk away when he hears the sound of a large splash...He returns to the railing... Bob lowers his rifle... JAKE What was that? BOB Been hearing that all night. think they're jumping in the water.


JAKE Why would they do that? BOB dunno, but they... Another splash is heard, down below they watch another dead slowly put a foot over the side of the pier and fall into the area between the pier and the boat. There is no sight of it as it sinks to the bottom. BOB crazy dead mothafuckas... 3 more jump in. Bob returns to the rail and takes aim once more. BOB (yelling at DEAD) you givin me movin targets now! It's on baby, it ON! Jake turns away from the railing. From behind him he hears the rifle go off twice in quick succession... BOB Ha Ha! Take that you dead fuckers!

30. EXT. PORT SIDE RAILING-MORNING - DAY Beth is with her daughter at the port side railing, pulling hard she brings the jerryrigged lobster pot on board. As it lands on the deck, she goes to inspect it and quickly jumps away in disgust. Inside, instead of crabs or lobsters, is a partially decomposed arm. BETH Arrgh! disgusting! don't touch it Krissy! Beth goes to the 2 fishing poles and reels them in. One has nothing on the end, the other has a lump of flesh and part of a plaid shirt. She quickly drops them back to the sea. INT. CORRIDOR - DAY Brian walks a corridor, Beth comes up flustered behind him... BETH We have a problem. There's no fish. No fish for 3 days now. BRIAN Great. Wonder if it has anything to do with the STIFFS jumping into the water. BETH The lobster pot had body parts in it. It's disgusting. Brian rubs a hand through his ruffled hair, he hasn't slept well in weeks. BRIAN How are we for food? BETH We're REALLY low, we're going to have to start rationing soon BRIAN just hang on Beth, we'll think of something.

31. EXT. STARBOARD RAILING - DAY The next morning is cloudy with threatening rain clouds. At the waters edge, the crowd of DEAD has doubled overnight to around 100. Many of them are well dressed, some casual, and some wear hospital gowns or nothing, as if their deaths and ultimate transformation were spontaneous and random. But none look as if they have been DEAD long. The pier is gradually filling up with the strangely shambling horde. All is silent, no cars, no boats no airplanes, and no birds. Nothing except for the strange low moan coming from the gathering crowd. In the distance, are still more, coming down to join those already there, as if they instinctively know that Jake and the shipmates are different, and that they need to get to them. Jake walks out to the railing to see what has happened over night. As he approaches the side, the crowd of DEAD moan louder, excited at the prospect of getting one of the living people. Brian joins Jake at the railing. BRIAN You're up early. JAKE Yeah well, the early bird gets eaten first. Brian, chuckles, then sees what Jake's looking at... BRIAN They keep coming and coming...A week ago, there were only a few....I think they smell us JAKE I think we're going to start smelling THEM soon. Molly and Hatch both put their noses up in the air and sniff. Hatch gives out a low growl as if he doesn't like what he smells. JAKE Dog don't seem to like them. They must sense something different about them.... How are you for supplies? Do we have food and water on the ship?

32. BRIAN Food's a problem. I don't think the ship was fully loaded for supplies yet. the ship makes it own water and we have some canned goods, instant coffee, but that's about it. We really need to do a deep sweep of the ship and see what we have, but something keeps popping up... JAKE what with all the dead people and everything... BRIAN Yeah. BRIAN You know...Bill was the chief engineer---he says this ship was the first of it's kind. It hydrogen based, no fuel, just processes the sea water or something. Besides water, it makes it's own electricity, so other than food, I think we've lucked out. Beth walks over to the railing and joins the 2 men BETH We rigged up a lobster pot and made a couple of fishing them on the other side of the boat facing the sea. Haven't caught much, but enough so far. With more people we might have to find another way to get food. JAKE What about weapons? Anything we can use? BRIAN Bunch of flare guns,and some small caliber rifles for the skeet shooting.

33. JAKE Yes, I noticed Bob found them. What do you say we go take a look around? BRIAN Now? JAKE You got other plans? Nessa walks up to Beth and the two men and says... NESSA I'm coming too Jake nods his head. INT. ELEVATOR - DAY At the main elevator, Beth stands behind Krissy, her hands on her daughters shoulders. Nearby are Adam and Shahira and Brian. The search team of Curt, Jake, Bob,and Nessa are ready to go. Each has a large bag over their shoulders. Bill arrives with an armful of small caliber rifles. BILL Here take one of these, they're only for skeet shooting, but they should offer SOME protection CURT Protection from what? You said we were alone on this ship. We would've seen something by now. BILL Make me happy. Take a gun. Bill hands each of the search team one of the rifles. NESSA You keep it, I don't like guns. She holds up a piece of metal pipe to show shes not unprotected. Bill nods. BILL And these.... don't everybody talk at once.

34. Bill hands each a radio for communications to the team, and an additional one for Brian. BILL Brian, You can keep everybody else company. If we need you we'll call. The small elevator closes, and goes up to the topmost deck. Each with a bag to carry whatever they might see and need. And each has some type of protection...just in case JAKE Stay together. Don't go off on your own. If you get in trouble YELL. Don't do anything stupid. Bob rolls his eyes and looks sullen. BOB (mumbling) Who made you the fuckin boss... INT. OBSERVATION DECK - DAY The elevator opens to the observation deck. All 5 walk toward the railing. A wide sweeping panoramic of the city of Vancouver, shows just what is happening to the world out beyond the Canada Place" Pier. BILL It's the end-times out there... BOB Man! the shit has hit the fan! CURT ...and this is how we end.... NESSA (whispering) They're everywhere The observation deck has a view over the treetops and building tops of the surrounding area. There are streets with cars stopped in the middle with their doors opened, fire and smoke in the distance, a small group of DEAD shuffling after a stray dog, and large puddles of blood. Gunshots are heard in the far distance. But the overwhelming image is of the DEAD walking aimlessly around.

35. JAKE Let's go. There's nothing up here. Nessa takes a longer look out over the city before running back to the elevator. INT. POOL DECK - DAY All 5 exit the elevator on the pool deck. Potted trees and plants surround a tropical themed swimming area. A waterfall lies quiet, and brand new deck chairs are scattered around. The pool is full, but cloudy as there's been no one to care for it. JAKE We should probably drain the pool. We could use it for rainwater. BOB Aw! I like the pool. Can't we keep it? CURT I thought the ship made it's own water? BILL It does, but it can't help to collect rainwater, we don't know how long we'll be here Bob rolls his eyes as if he thinks all this long term thinking is over the top. They all walk over to the side of the pool, where there is a sun-room made from a geodesic dome. Inside it's warm and humid, JAKE Hot in here! BILL This could work as a greenhouse. BOB GREENHOUSE?? How long you thinking we have to stay here? Jake and Bill walk over to the starboard side of the boat and look at the DEAD at the pier JAKE Don't know. But it doesn't look like it's going to get better fast out there. There's even more (MORE)

36. JAKE (cont'd) today. BOB Shit. I was hoping this whole thing would be over in a week! CURT Yeah. just like your love-life! Bob snorts, Curt punches him in the shoulder, and they all turn around back to the elevator. INT. PASSENGER DECK - DAY Arriving on one of the lower passenger decks, the elevator closes behind. In front of them---a long carpeted corridor with dark wooden doors on either side. All 5 go down the hallway and start opening the unlocked doors. A whistle of surprise comes from 1 room halfway down Everyone follows the whistle sound to see Curt stands over a long box that he's pulled from under a bed, the box says champagne on the side in fancy scroll letters. He opens the box revealing 2 rifles and a large bag of marijuana. BOB (smiling) SOMEONE had a little business going here! BILL Must be crew. we knew some people smuggled a little weed back and forth...didn't know about the guns though... Bob offers his team a gun, when they decline he smiles, putting one on each shoulder. Everybody continues opening doors to empty rooms all along the hallway towards the ships public areas INT. CORRIDOR - DAY The group comes to a T in the corridor, it continues left and right with a arrow pointing right on the wall saying "to restaurants".

37. JAKE Lets split into groups. I'm heading this way NESSA I'm coming with you Curt points left. CURT We'll go this way Jake and Nessa round a corner and are met with with a disgusting smell. Somewhere between a dead animal and garbage. The look at each other, as if expecting the worse and enter the arched restaurant in front of them. INT. RESTAURANT AREA - DAY NESSA (holding hand over mouth) My god, what IS that. Jake looking alarmed, puts out his arm, barring Nessa. JAKE Did anyone check out this ship before you all decided to live on it??? NESSA What do you mean...... Jake is alert, but continues further into the restaurant. JAKE (loud whispering) Did anybody check to see it there were any of those "things" on board? Jake stops in the middle, surrounded by cloth covered tables NESSA Bills been on board the longest, I just assumed he knew... JAKE oh GREAT!

38. The smell seems to be coming from the kitchen area at the back of the restaurant. They both move forward slowly, Jake with his skeet rifle and Nessa with her metal pipe. INT. KITCHEN - DAY Nessa and Jake both enter through the swinging kitchen doors. A huge gleaming stainless room with many cabinets and doors. The smell is the worst in here. Nessa sees knives hanging from a magnet on the wall. she opens a drawer revealing 10-20 large knives. NESSA We got knives....lots of knives Jake gives her a questioning look NESSA can never have too many knives...right? While Nessa packs the knives in her bag, Jake walks towards the freezers in the back. JAKE uggggggh! Here's the smell. A small hand-truck has the remains of what once was 2 prime sides of beef. Left out of refrigeration for this long, they have partially decomposed, full of maggots and flies. Nessa joins him, with her shirt pulled up over her mouth. Jake eyes the freezer doors.... JAKE Hey maybe we still have something in here? Jake steps into a large working freezer. There are shelves with frost covered items on them. Nessa follows him in. Hanging from a hook about 8 feet from the doorway is a large side of beef, frozen solid. Towards the back there is another side of beef on the freezer floor. JAKE Hey there! we got beef! NESSA How we going to get it out of here?

39. JAKE leave it here 'till we need it. Nessa pats the large carcass and turns to leave. Jake follows behind her, when the deeply frost covered wall of the back freezer starts to make a tiny crack, and minuscule pieces of ice fall down. At the sound, Jake turns to look back into the freezer. Suddenly, Near the fallen side of beef, the frost covered wall comes alive. An ice covered arm reaches out as one of the DEAD steps out of the embedded ice of the wall. It's frost covered shirt reveals an embroidered patch reading "Metro Beef Distribution, The Masters of Moving Meat" The thing steps forward, both hands reaching out, It takes a step forward, frozen eyes staring ahead, it's joints creak as it strains against it's own frozen flesh... NESSA (yelling) JAKE! Watch..ou......... Jake spins around, stopping quickly, as Nessa gets behind the thing and brings her pipe down directly on top of the DEAD's head. The frozen head shatters into many red and white chunks..... and the DEAD goes down, nothing left of it's head except a white frozen stump. JAKE (breathless) You're pretty good with that thing... NESSA (out of breath-grinning) I had lots of ex-boyfriends. INT. OUTSIDE MEDICAL CENTER - DAY The walkie talkie speaks... JAKE (VO) (on radio) We found one of those dead things in the freezer. Be careful we might not be alone. Curt, Bill and Bob look at each other for a moment and raise their guns...

40. Standing outside a door marked Medical Center, with the help of Curt and Bill,Bob kicks down the locked door. Inside is a basic, but well equipped emergency room. empty medical cabinets stand to the side, waiting to be filled for the ships first voyage. Clean sheets fit a small hospital bed. BOB looks CLEAR. Seeing nothing, they move on down the corridor, coming to a corner with a small convenience store outlet. INT. CONVENIENCE KIOSK - DAY BOB Hey, look chips Bob stuff the packages of potato chips into his bag, then moves on to the pretzels and corn chips, emptying the whole small stand. CURT look at this! Curt stands before a wall, with dozens of small packets, each containing some small version of a personal hygiene item. Curt picks up a tiny jar of Vaseline. CURT Four dollars for this? they? Crazy?

What are

BILL Three dollars for 2 aspirins? Shit. You can get a whole bottle for that. This ships's a ripoff! BILL Well they're yours now. Take them and lets go on. Curt and Bob, as well as Bill stuff as many items as they can in their bags and continue on. INT. OUTSIDE RESTAURANTS - DAY Nessa and Jake leave the restaurants area

41. NESSA You think there's anymore of those things? JAKE Don't know, I thought this ship was empty... NESSA Bill said he was the only one aboard before we all got here JAKE yeah....well Surprise! Jake and Nessa go down another corridor, passing a small library filled with books and a comfy sofa, they both look in. Nothing moves. NESSA Wait... Nessa walks in, goes to the children's section, grabs some coloring books and crayons and stuffs them in her bag. JAKE For Krissy? NESSA (smiling) yeah. They continue down the hallway towards the ships shops INT. GALLERIA - DAY They make no noise on the granite floors as they pass the many shops in the galleria. Liquor stores, hi-tech gadget stores, clothes and an empty jewelry store. Nessa walks up to the dummy in the women's high end clothes store and stares at the gold embroidered chemise on the mannequin. She looks for a price tag and finds none. NESSA (under her breath) I guess if you gotta ask, you can't afford it... Jake overhears her. JAKE You can NOW.

42. Nessa thinks for a moment, then drops her bag and grabs the blouse. She folds it delicately and puts it in her bag. NESSA (in "Posh" accent) You know Daaarling, I'm going to need shoes to match this. Jake is on alert, watching the corners of the Galleria, but basically good natured, he turns to Nessa... JAKE (grinning-also in "posh" accent) I'll have James bring the car around for you to do a little shopping NESSA OH thank you Daaarling! INT. DISCO LOUNGE - DAY Curt, Bill and Bob edge their gun muzzles around the corner of the ballroom. It's wooden dance floor leads up to a large stage. 2 floor Microphones sit on the stage, massive plasma screens line the walls. Curt drops his bag and jumps up onto the stage. CURT thank you! thank you....try the veal! Bill rolls his eyes. Bob goes around the back of the stage to the audio panel. He flip a few switches....a dull hum echoes in the ballroom. He flips another switch and dazzling lighting effects go through the room. Lastly, he flips a switch and the sounds of Britney Spears Toxic blares for a moment, Bob quickly switches it off. BOB Rich people have bad taste in music. BILL Lets keep going.

43. INT. BAR - DAY Nessa and Jake continue to the bar areas. The first bar, with piano, small stage and a 1940's theme. Jake walks up to the piano, sits down and does a passable rendition of Piano Man. so TALENTED! veterinarian

NESSA A Singing

Jake stands up and walks away from the piano. JAKE That's one of the ways I got through vet school. Playing at night, dog poop in the day! Continuing on cautiously, they enter the champagne bar. Nessa goes behind the bar. NESSA HEY, there's champagne here! I guess they got time to get the alcohol onboard Jake joins Nessa behind the bar and picks up a champagne bottle. JAKE And the GOOD stuff, too. INT. CASINO - DAY Curt, Bill and Bob walk through the arched entrance of a large room. Curt reaches on the wall and turns on the lights, revealing a large casino. BOB looks empty. Wood paneled walls and spot down-lights illuminating the centers of tables, thus leaving the rest of the area bathed in darkness. BILL Wow. Last time I saw this, it wasn't finished. Curt and Bob enter the center of the room. Standing between 2 baccarat tables, Bob suddenly gets an idea.

44. BOB You think there's any money?? He trots to an area marked Cashier on the side, runs around the counter and begins opening drawers. Curt joins him. One drawer after money. CURT (sadly) BUBKAS! They all walk towards the exit. CURT So Bill, why were you on this ship in the first place? BOB Wife died a while back. I've been living on ships since then. I was waiting for the crew to come aboard. BOB So you, like, know how to drive this thing? BILL (smirking) You don't "drive" a ship Bob, you gently steer her in the direction you'd like to go. And Yes, I can steer this ship. Continuing to talk as they walk to the elevator. CURT But I thought you wuz a maintenance man? BILL Been pretty much everything on the sea in my life. I retired for a while, only came back cause I wanted to see this ship. Bill stands still for a moment gazing around him. BOB It's a nice ship.

45. EXT. RAILING LOOKING OVERBOARD - NIGHT Rifles facing forward, they all head outside towards the bow of the ship. Curt looks down at the DEAD still gathering at the edge of the pier and notices something new. He approaches the rail and looks down into the water. CURT (shouting) HEY, check this out! Bill, joins Curt at the railing and looks down. Bob Follows The water has an odd bluish glow about it. BILL (thoughtfully) What the....? EXT. BARS - NIGHT BILL (VO) (on radio) Jake, something weirds going on. Come up front on the main deck. EXT. OUTSIDE BAR AREA - NIGHT JAKE On our way. Both Jake and Nessa hurry to an elevator. It closes. EXT. PORT SIDE RAILING - NIGHT Bill and Curt go over to the port side of the boat, and stand next to their lobster pot and fishing lines. Deep below the water, are hundreds of individual glows. Jake and Nessa arrive and look down in the water where Bill points. NESSA what IS that? BILL I don't know. but I know where we can see better. Come with me.

46. INT. ANCHOR ROOM - NIGHT Jake, Nessa, Bob and Curt follow Bill down a corridor to a stairway leading to the anchor room. When reaching the bottom of the stairs, Bill pushes a button and a door opens flat, creating a platform low on the ship, hanging about 4 feet out over the water. BILL come'ere. They all walk out onto the platform and lean down to take a closer look in the water. Looking down presents an eerie sight. The DEAD that have been jumping into the water, now stand at the bottom...all looking up at the ship JAKE ...they're all around us... NESSA But why are they glowing? BILL Must be some kind of bio-luminescent algae or plankton or something. I've see it before on beaches, but it must have attached itself to the dead tissue. Wow, didn't realize just how many there were. BOB ...I see dead people... CURT Idiot!----Guess that's why were not getting any fish. EXT. UNDERWATER - DAY Their arms reaching up towards the ship, hair flowing in the water, seaweed moving around their feet. The luminescent DEAD stand on the bottom of the sea, eyes locked on the living above.

47. INT. CASINO LOUNGE - DAY All the crew-mates are gathered in the lounge of the main restaurant. SHAHIRA OK, we're running out of everything. We only have about 20 cans of soup and 15 of vegetables. The beef you found helps, and the junk food, but that won't last forever. And now we're not getting any fish. I think the dead people on the bottom are somehow keeping the fish away. BOB How long you thinking we'll be here? CURT (angry) Take a look outside! You tell me how long it'll take??!! Bill leans forward in his chair... BILL Jake, when you rode your bike down the pier, do you remember seeing a van parked in the middle? JAKE Yeah I think so, why? BILL That was the supply company coming to load the ship up. I don't know what's inside, but it might be food. BOB How do you think we're going to get it? It's right in the middle of all those dead things out there. Adam leans closer to the conversation. ADAM What about if we cause a diversion?

48. JAKE What are you thinking? ADAM We get those things attention somewhere else. I get their attention and you scoop in and get the food while they're not looking. Bill rubs his chin, thinking for a moment. BILL It could work...but it's crazy. ADAM I think you can safely say, we're living in crazy times. INT. PORT SIDE RAILING - DAY Adam looks over the side, down below is an inflatable dingy. Jake holds the end of the life preserver rope as Adam places it around himself. JAKE Adam, you ready? ADAM man....deja vu in reverse! Yeah, go. Adam jumps over the side of the ship and is slowly lowered down to the dingy by Jake. The rope comes up and Adam gives a thumbs up. He starts to row around to the farthest end of the pier. INT. GANGPLANK--SHIPS ENTRANCE - DAY Jake stands in the open doorway with the gangplank ready to be extended, watching for the DEAD's reaction. Bill stands next to him, his hand on the gangplank controls. Jake hears a distant shout, and watches the DEAD slowly move away from the ship and towards the noise. From the ship, Jake can see that Adam has jumped on top of a small building, dancing around and singing, he draws the attention away from what Jake is intending to do. Jake lowers the gangplank. The Dead pay him no attention

49. His small bike makes soft sputtering sounds as Jake judges when to go INT. PIER - DAY The area is mostly clear. He guns his bike down the gangplank, racing the half mile to where the supply truck is parked. Behind him, the gangplank starts to go up, disconnecting the pier, and Jake, from the safety of the ship. INT. SUPPLY VAN - DAY Driving faster, Jake spins around facing the back end of the truck. The back end is open, with an inclining ramp for easy unloading. He drives up the ramp and into the back of the truck. He is surrounded by cartons and boxes. He shuts off his bike, and runs around and up to the drivers seat. As he closes the drivers door, a few of the newly excited dead gather round, hands up to the glass, moaning in anticipation. Since the keys are in the ignition, hem starts the van, dragging the unloading ramp, and a few random dead who've attached themselves to the side of the door. As the van picks up speed, they lose their grip and fall off. INT. TOP OF SMALL BUILDING - DAY Adam stands just out of hands way, on top of a small kiosk building. Strutting back and forth, he's singing "Hot Blooded" at the top of his lungs and clapping his hands. The DEAD cluster around him, all pressing together as if at some bizarre rock concert. Adam looks over as he hears the supply truck pull down the pier, aiming for the ship...he stops singing. The loud noise of the supply trucks diesel engine, gets louder. Some of the dead start to wander away from the kiosk to where the louder noise is coming from. A few persistent ones stay, looking up at Adam in his bright tie-died t-shirt. INT. PIER - DAY Jake slows down, approaching the ship. He turns the truck around and backs up to the end of the gangplank area. The DEAD shuffle a little faster towards him as he opens the

50. truck door, climbs up on top of the cab and walks across the back of the truck above the open back door. Jake looks across the pier at a waving Adam...who suddenly disappears, as if falling straight down and backwards. JAKE ADAM! No answer. just the full brunt of the dead heading Jake's way Behind him, Jake hears the gangplank being lowered. Bob both appear, each with one of the found rifles. jumps down to the inside of the truck and starts to of the crates, he hands it off to Bill, who quickly up to Brian at the entrance of the ship

Curt and Jake move one moves it

JAKE This better be worth it, Adam just disappeared. Holding the carton, Bill looks off in the distance to where Adam should be and sees nothing. Brian, and Nessa come down the gangplank to help Jake, who keeps the crates and cartons coming. BOB Behind you! He calls to Curt, who while bashing the head of one of the DEAD, has another one about to take a bite out of his arm Curt pulls his arm away as Bob shoots it dead center in it's forehead A small child tries to creep under and around the side of the truck to get to Bob, Bob sees it, and using the back handle of his rifle like a golf club, he knocks the child off the pier and down into the water BOB (yelling) ohhhhhh....that ain't right! Curt shoots his rifle at the head of a grandmotherly type old woman, but gets a double shot as the bullet passes through her head and enters the dead person behind her. They both fall into the water. With the last carton in his arms, Jake looks towards the end of the pier again.

51. JAKE ADAM! Adam! Jake backs up the gangplank, flanked by Bob and Curt, shooting at anything that appears around the sides of the trucks. JAKE Get ready to pull the gangplank. The three make it on the ship, just as the far end of the gangplank lifts off the pier, pulling 2 of the DEAD with it as it goes. INT. INSIDE ENTRANCE TO SHIP - DAY Shahira stands with one of the crates in her arms SHAHIRA Where's Adam? JAKE I don't know. He's probably still out there. Shahira drops her crate and runs up the stairs to the deck above and runs to the starboard railing. INT. STARBOARD RAILING - DAY Adam!

SHAHIRA Adam! Can you hear me?

The rest of the crewmates join her, calling out to where he was last seen. CREWMATES Adam! Adam! There is no answer. INT. PORTSIDE RAILING DUSK - NIGHT The sun sets as Shahira sits cross-legged, looking out from between the ships railings to the sea, hoping for sight of her brother Adam. She rocks back and forth, tears running down her face.

52. INT. PORTSIDE RAILING MORNING - DAY As the morning sun rises, Shahira still sits on deck, facing the sea, her head leaning on one of the railings, she sleeps. BETH (whispering) Shahira, you have to come in, it's freezing out here. Beth hunches down, puts her arms around Shahira and rubs her arms, feeling how cold they are. SHAHIRA NO! Adams coming, I'm waiting for him. BETH I'm sure you're right, but you can wait for him inside right? Shahira allows herself to be lifted and led towards the inside of the ship. He head resting on Beth's shoulder. INT. CASINO - DAY NESSA OK, we have over a hundred jars of olives, pickles, roasted peppers and garlic. toilet paper and millions of these little bottles of shampoo. and get this...10 cans of CANNED TUNA! BOB Thank god for the toilet paper! Nessa continues NESSA There's a couple of boxes of pasta, not much and there WERE vegetables and fruit,but they were all rotten. I hate to say it but we can't live on this. BOB What if we ration it?

53. CURT You want a daily ration of pickles and garlic? Can't live on that. BOB We still have the beef? right? NESSA Yeah. If we ration THAT, with 10 people, we should have enough for about 10 days. After that we're on our own, and we're still not getting any fish. Those THINGS seem to be scaring them away. We're going to get hungry FAST. INT. KITCHEN - DAY Beth, Curt Krissy and Bill are in the kitchen putting away the food they got from the van SHAHIRA (VO) screammmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! BILL What the hell was that? INT. STARBOARD RAILING - DAY Shahira clutches the railing and screams. Bill Curt, Krissy and Beth run up to her SHAHIRA (pointing) It's him...there he is...we have to help him! BETH Wha...where...what are you pointing at? SHAHIRA It's Adam. He's out there, can't you see him? INT. PIER - DAY Adam has joined the front line of the dead at the pier-side. His arms are badly bitten, his cheek is missing, and part of his neck, but he wears the same brightly colored tie-die

54. t-shirt he wore when his sister last saw him. He sways back and forth, a gargling sound coming from his badly damaged and bleeding neck. INT. STARBOARD RAILING - DAY BETH oh my god. Go inside Krissy, go play with the dogs...Shahira, that's not your brother, it just has a shirt like him... Bill helps restrain Shahira with Beth, they both try to get her inside. Beth looks pleadingly at Bill, pleading that he do something. BILL (whispering) Curt! Bill nods at Curt, who returns the nod knowingly. Shahira is led into the ship, still sobbing SHAHIRA We can't just leave him there! BETH Come on honey, come inside. A few moments go by... A single gun shot rings out. INT. CASINO - DAY BILL I think we're gonna have to make a trip into town CURT You're crazy! You seen what's goin on out there??? We already lost one person. BOB (smiling and patting rifles) I got Pro-tect-tion

55. CURT You screwing those things too? BOB (sarcastic) ha ha JAKE We should get get my boat. Brian looks quizzically at Jake BRIAN Why, we have the life boats. JAKE We can use one of the rafts back and forth from the shore, but my boat can travel further, hold more stuff. Gives us transport for short trips. Brian puts hands on knees and stands up. BILL He's right. His boat is more maneuverable. CURT How we gonna do this. JAKE If we go at night, they won't see us. We row to the tug, take the tug up the shore, get what we need and come back. NESSA You make it sound real easy. CURT It won't be easy, those things are everywhere. JAKE you got another suggestion? It becomes quiet as they all try to think of an alternate idea. CURT Alright...I'm in.

56. EXT. RAFT - NIGHT Jake, jumps off the last rung of the emergency hanging ladder, leading down to one of the Sea Sirens small inflatable life rafts, he joins Bob, Curt, Nessa and Bill already in the boat. There is an additional, empty life raft in tow. CURT (pointing down) look! 15 feet below them in the clear Canadian water, they see hundreds of eerily glowing objects moving slowly at the bottom of the sea. They seem to be beginning to cluster underneath the life raft. Bob jokingly tries to push Curt over the side of the boat BOB (whispers) Watch out! CURT Asshole! BOB (surprised) Relax, I was just kidding! JAKE (whispering) QUIET! The soft lapping of water, and the strange blueish up-light give the group a surreal look. Oars quietly going in and out, until the life raft goes completely around the end of the pier, aiming for Jake's docked tug. There's movement aboard the tug. BILL (to Jake) Oh hell! Now what? JAKE Shit! Just hit anything that comes near us...and aim for the head. INT. TUG - NIGHT Jake jumps aboard and ties the 2 life rafts to the tug, the remaining 4 quickly pounce onto the ship, surprising the 3

57. silhouettes on the boat. There is one DEAD trying to get on the tug from the pier, but it becomes unbalanced and falls in the water, another takes it place. The same thing happens. Nessa runs up towards the front of the boat to a slow moving DEAD policeman and quickly sinks her crowbar into it's head. It goes down, but the crowbars stuck. Behind her, a DEAD woman in work-out gear shuffles toward her's mouth already open and dripping liquid onto it "juicy" jacket. Bob leans back "Rambo-style" and shoots MANY bullets into the dead woman's head, causing it to slowly disintegrate--one piece falling after another until there's only a bloody stump. The DEAD woman slumps to her knees and falls face first on the boat deck. Nessa frees her crowbar. NESSA THANKS! Curt walks towards the engine room of the tug and opens the door into the dark room, it seems clear. Closing the door, reveals a DEAD teenager standing behind it. It pushes forwards, causing Curt to fall and slip down. Before he has a chance to get up, it's on him. CURT (yelling) HEY! HEY! HELP! Jake appears around the corner and comes to Curt. He kicks the DEAD teenager in the head, hoping to dislodge it, but only enrages it instead. The DEAD turns it's head, revealing a mass of maggots in it's eye socket, and turns on Jake. Pushing Jake up against the ships wall, Jake turns his head just as 2 maggots from the things eye falls on his chest. There's a loud shot as the thing slides down and away. Jake's head is still turned as he lowers his sky-pointed rifle. The bullet entered under the things chin and exited out the top of it's head, taking a hefty chunk of brain on it's way. It falls over. JAKE God, I hate these things. Jake runs around to the rope tying his tug to the pier. Nessa helps loosen it, and drop it to the deck. NESSA I'll stay here, you go move this thing

58. BOB Yeah, I'll keep'em off. Bob parts his legs, and aims at the DEAD on the pier tying to get closer. He randomly shoots a few bullets into the crowd as the ship slowly starts to move away. EXT. TUG - NIGHT Through the grey evening fog, the tug travels the few miles north along the Vancouver shoreline. Patches of darkness are interrupted by dim lights. All along their journey, the DEAD wander around, bewildered, in what's become of their world. Leaving the tug about 100 feet from shore. The crewmates strap on their bags and get into the first life raft, leaving the empty raft for supplies, and prepare to row toward the nearby shoreline town EXT. LIFE RAFT - NIGHT Coming ashore near some rocks, they leave the rafts and crouch toward the shore and stores. Above them the DEAD moan mournfully. EXT. IN TOWN - NIGHT There are few lights here, darkness sits in the corners. Hordes of DEAD wander the streets, grouping together under what little lighting there is. They are now more tattered. Their hair hangs limp as it's been raining, and many look like they have been rolling in mud....or blood. The group of 5 hides behind a fence, The four men have rifles pointed towards the DEAD, Nessa has a length of metal pipe in her hand. NESSA (whispering) They're everywhere. BRIAN (shocked) Look at them! This is what we'll turn into BOB Not me. I'll shoot myself first.

59. JAKE They're not us. There's nothing inside. Remember that. BILL Follow me. There used to be a stripmall with a hunting store in it. Using the evening fog as cover, they crouch low and scramble behind some flowerbeds. Crossing an alley they come to the back of a group of stores. Each back door has a large dumpster, There is an old Camry and a new SUV parked nearby. JAKE Bob! follow me! Jake runs to the side of the SUV, Bob follows him. JAKE Can you get her to start? Bob grins BOB Yeah. JAKE I'm going to need you to do it later. Get it open first. Bob nods yes. Jake goes back to the group at a back door of one of the stores. Bob stays with the car, getting the doors open. INT. GUN STORE - NIGHT Bill uses his gun butte to bust open the back door of the first store. Its the gun store. They all enter. Bob follows 15 seconds later. BOB (in awe) Whooo! Look at all this stuff. JAKE We can't eat guns, leave room for the stuff we really need.

60. The men spread out among all the available weapons. Picking up some and judging their weight and feel. Eventually, each chooses something to replace their skeet rifle, however, Bob fills his pants with as many guns as his belt will hold. Bob hands a 45 pistol to Nessa NESSA NO. I'll stick to what I've got. Bob shrugs and moves on to an area with fishing gear. Jake sees where he's heading and follows. JAKE Good idea, get what you can carry. Arms full of fishing gear, they head out the back door. Before leaving Nessa looks out the glass windows at the front of the gun store, and watches the bodies of the DEAD. Unaware that the living are near. INT. BACK OF STRIPMALL - NIGHT The SUV's back hatch door is lifted, they run to it and put all their stuff in. EXT. SECOND DOOR BACK OF STRIP MALL - DAY Assembled at the back of the next door, they again bust through, and enter a pharmacy. Jake goes to the back of the pharmacy and starts to load up. JAKE Grab anything with a "cillin" or "iacin" at the end. Anything that looks like it might be an antibiotic. BILL What about Aspirin---that kind of stuff? JAKE Yeah good. we need that too. As the men are filling up their packs with the stuff Jake tells them to take, Nessa goes towards the front of the pharmacy, on the way grabbing boxes of birth control pills and condoms. She stuffs them in her bag and looks out the

61. drug store windows. The DEAD are moving differently, All coming towards the front of the STORE. NESSA Hey guys...I think we need to get moving... Jake comes up behind her closing his bag JAKE They know we're here... CURT But we still need food. we may not get another chance to get it... Jake stands inside the back door, listening... He opens the door. EXT. OUTSIDE STRIP MALL - NIGHT One DEAD has made the trip around to the back of the stripmall. It's a woman in a nightgown, looking strangely benevolent, as if just woken up. This image is shattered as deep moan comes out of her throat. Jake runs up to her, aware not to alert the other DEAD, and, grabbing Nessa's pipe, jams it into the woman's ear. The pipe appears out the other side, dark and wet. The woman drops to the ground. BILL (nodding to Bob) Take these. Meet us at the next one. Bill hands his bag to Bob to take back to the SUV. The rest leave their bags with Bob to empty also. JAKE comon, lets go... BILL This way. They run/crouch from behind the strip mall, across the street to a food store. On the way, the DEAD feel something different in the air, and begin to shuffle towards what they can't see but can sense. Hiding behind a smelly dumpster, they break into the rear of the food store.

62. INT. GROCERY STORE - NIGHT NESSA ugggggh!. stinks! it's all rotten CURT Not everything... He grabs a bag of M&Ms. NESSA Leave that. we have that stuff on the ship. Get real food Curt drops the bag, and goes down the aisle grabbing food in cans. Jake heads to the pet aisle, filling up on dog food. Across the store, a jar breaks. Everybody stops, and quietly moves toward the sound. Curt goes back and gets the m&ms and stuffs them in his bag. Nessa comes down one aisle with Bill, Curt down another with Jake...Another glass crashes towards the produce department. Coming around the corner, near what was the tomato section, is what is left of a store clerk. He looks intact, nothing missing, except that he is obviously one of the DEAD. He drives a shopping cart back one step, forward one step, each time going further into a shelf of salad dressing. The floor around him is littered with broken bottles and slippery dressing. The DEAD store clerk looks up from his cart, and starts to walk towards Nessa. It's feet slip out from beneath it in the slippery goo, and it lands on it's back. Legs kicking, arms flailing, it frantically tries to get to Nessa, but can't get traction. Nessa stands watching it in fascination, just as Bob appears. In 1 shot, it stops it's flailing and Bob lowers his gun. NESSA I kinda feel sorry for him. He's just a kid. CURT A DEAD, mindless, HUNGRY kid that would rip your throat out without thinking....but yeah, just a kid

63. BOB They're bags of meat. Don't get attached. BILL Come on people, lets get stuff and get out of here. NESSA Wait! We need any canned meats you see, and things in packets. JAKE We're on it. The group spreads out to different areas of the store, picking up pasta, cans, and many other things, stuffing them in their bags. Minutes later, their bags full, the assemble at the back door of the store. Just as they are leaving, Nessa notices a revolving stand with a "BURPEE" sign. Below are hundreds of little seed packages. Nessa stops and stuffs all of them in her sack. She joins the others. JAKE Lets get the hell out of here. BILL I'll drink to that! Heavily laden, all five make there way back to the SUV and fill the back with their bags. JAKE Bob, do your thing. The group waits for Bob to hotwire the car. A small group of DEAD are forming at the end of the rear shopping mall. CURT Any time now would be good! BOB Give me a fucking second here. BILL We're gettin a little company here Bob....

64. The crowd of DEAD moves closer, the moan is so loud it can be heard from it's distance of 50 feet. Jake looks in the car to see what Bob is doing JAKE you can do this right? BOB yeah yeah yeah The SUV starts up with a cough followed by a reassuring rumble. They all get in and close the door. Bob is driving, he speeds up when he is 30 feet away from the crowd. Some are hit and fall down, Most slap the SUV, smacking it's windows, leaving blood and other fluids dripping down it's sides. The car moves slowly ploughing it's way through the wall of DEAD. CURT there's more coming...just keep GOING! BOB I'm going I'm going!!!! The car rides rough over the fallen bodies, rolling from side to side over their forms. The cargo rams from one side of the back to the other as the slapping on the windows increases to banging. JAKE Can you go any faster?? BOB Workin on it!!!! The car makes it out of the largest part of the crowd and stops just short of the trail down to the water and their rafts. Bob, Curt and Jake jump out and take defensive stands, protecting the car while the rest remove the stuff from the back. NESSA This is going to take a couple trips. You guys alright? BOB yeah GO!

65. Nessa and Bill take 2 trips down to the raft with the bags and other items. In front of Curt and Bob are about 25 DEAD slowly shambling their way over to him from around the town. On the other side of the SUV, Jake is looking at 10 DEAD. Gunshots go off as Bob drops 3 of them, Curt damages 4 enough to stop them walking. Jake's rifle jams, nothing happens as 3 of the gooiest DEAD make their way over to him. JAKE (yelling) Got a little problem here!!!... Curt turns around, shooting a fat DEAD man in a black bondage outfit, just before it's reaching arms touch Jake. Jake uses his rifle as a baseball bat and hits the head of the librarian DEAD that inches up on his left. Nessa runs up from the raft. NESSA This is the last! Come on! All run down to the already loaded raft, and push off from shore, just as more DEAD appear at the SUV. They watch from the shore as the raft rows away. BOB fuckin creepy. EXT. TUG - NIGHT Back on the tugboat--it leaves the pier. Loud splashes are heard in the dark as the agitated DEAD try to jump to the boat, but miss. They reach out frantically from the pier, falling into the water, increasing the numbers of those already deep at the bottom INT. RESTAURANT LOUNGE - NIGHT Canned goods, boxes of food and medicines, spill out onto the restaurant table in front of Shahira and Beth. BOB Maybe we should have a party? Bryan puts his arm around Bob.

66. BRIAN You know, that may not be a bad idea. What do you all think? BETH I think it's a great idea. We need something to celebrate. What do you think Krissy? You like a party? Krissy smiles and claps her hands. Shahira is glassy eye-ed and silent. NESSA I'll bring the champagne! INT. STATEROOM - DAY Nessa looks in the mirror and adjusts the gold embroidered chemise she got in the Galleria earlier. She tries it tucked into her jeans, and decides she likes it better outside. At the last moment, she decides to take her bra off. Still in the chemise, she unhooks it, pulls the straps down and off her arms and pulls the bra out from the side armhole. She smiles and runs her hands through her hair. INT. DISCO - NIGHT Smiling as she gets off the elevator, Nessa hears loud blaring music. It gets louder as she walks down the corridor and into the Disco. Inside the crewmates are already gathered. Bill is sitting at one of the tables with Beth and Shahira, Krissy sits on the floor playing with Hatch and Molly. Curt, Bob, Jake and Brian all sit around a table laughing. As Nessa enters, Jake stands up. NESSA Hi. She feels like an idiot, in her shiny shirt, saying hi to someone, who just an hour ago was killing DEAD people with her. JAKE Hi. Jake pulls out a chair for her, The vision of Nessa "cleaned up impresses him.

67. NESSA I brought the champagne, but it looks like there's already enough. BETH You look nice Nessa. NESSA Thanks...just a little something I had lying around. Curt is talking to Bob. BOB You think Xena is DEAD? I hope she's not DEAD. CURT Maybe New Zealand got spared? BOB She lives in Hollywood... CURT Uh, then she's definitely DEAD. Hollywood was dead even before this! Amazed and confused, Jake turns to talk to Nessa JAKE So....Pilates? That must be interesting. NESSA Not really. I did that to get through school. I was going for my fine arts degree. JAKE Like painting? NESSA Yes, I even had a small studio. NESSA I suppose the last thing this world needs now is an artist. It needs engineers and doctors and things.

68. JAKE I disagree. Artists are the souls of a civilization. They make us look at ourselves and give us hope that things can be more beautiful. We need beauty now more than ever. NESSA You sure you're a vet? JAKE (mock offended) Vet's can be sensitive! NESSA (laughing) OK, I guess they can!...Where the food Mr Sensitive! Nessa gets a plate of food and comes back. the music in the ballroom as changed to a more slow pace, good for dancing. Bill and Beth get up under the muted ballroom lights and dance together, slowly to the slow rhythms of the music. Jake looks at Nessa and nods at the dance floor. Nessa thinks for a moment and gets up, taking his outstretched hand. together they move as one, both in sync with each other. Off to the side, Krissy watches her mom and Bill and smiles seeing her mom happy. BOB You got any family? CURT Father and 2 brothers. BOB Think they're OK? CURT Lets not talk about it, OK? BOB OK. I got a sister. It's just me and her. We were really close, she's older so she always looked after me. We lived in our parents house. The last time I saw her, we fought as she went off to work. There's a small catch in Bob's throat.

69. CURT We fought cause I ate the last donut. Brian shuts off the music and comes back to the party. The dancers go back to their seats. BRIAN I'd like to say a little something....To all those we knew and loved, may you rest in the arms of a kindly god. Brian lifts his glass, the rest of the crewmates do too. BETH Krissy, I think it's time for your bedtime? Comon Beth stands, takes Krissys hand and leads her away. Molly and Hatch come and sit by Jake. Bill gets up to leave also, following Beth and Krissy NESSA I think I'm going out for air, I'll see you around. JAKE Goodnight. Jake looks down at Molly. JAKE What do you think MOl? Nessa?

You like

Jake heads up and out also, Molly and Hatch slowly padding behind him, leaving Curt and Bob sitting at the table. CURT You still got it?? Bob smiles and shows him the remaining bag of marijuana CURT FIRE it up! INT. STARBOARD SIDE DECK - NIGHT Nessa sits on the deck, back against the ship, arms around her knees, looking out towards the DEAD. They know she's

70. there, they both see her and smell her. Some of them shake the railing of the pier in frustration, and a few climb over it, arms reaching out, only to fall into the water. The ocean glows with the underwater walking dead. JAKE Hey. Thought you were going to bed? NESSA Too nice a night, even with them! Nessa points to the DEAD. Jake slides down the wall, landing in a sitting position next to Nessa. They both stare out at the agitated crowd for a few minutes. No one speaks... NESSA I have a family out there. I keep hoping they made it up north, where there's less people. JAKE I'm sure they got out before it got to this. NESSA My little brother has his first girlfriend. He's so cute! He wanted me to help him pick out her birthday present..... Nessa covers her face with her hands and cries. NESSA (crying) He WAS so cute. I have to learn to say he WAS so cute. Jake reaches out and puts his arm around her to comfort her. NESSA Nes, you don't know what happened. Try to think the best...if they had any brains, I bet they saw what's going on and got out fast. Nessa wipes her eyes. She stays in Jake's arms.

71. NESSA What about you. You don't talk about your family. JAKE There's not really much to talk about, We're pretty spread out. Fathers in Germany, Sisters in France, Mother died about 10 years ago. It's just me and my dogs. NESSA You love them a lot, don't you? JAKE (smiling) The more I know people, the more I like my dogs. Both of them sit that way for moment...Nessa holds Jake's hand, tracing the small pale band of skin on his finger... NESSA And this? Jake looks down at this finger, rubs it with the other hand as if trying to make the mark go away.... JAKE That's an old story.... NESSA Looks pretty recent to me. Jake leans his head back against the ship, listening to the moaning of the dead. He is quiet for a few moments... JAKE She found someone else. Said I never had time for her, and she was lonely. I guess I never really believed her until one day I came home and she wasn't there. What's really sad, was it took a couple of days for me to notice...that's how disconnected I was.....seems a long time ago now. NESSA The world seems a long time ago. What are we supposed to do now? Does the world go on? Does anything matter anymore?

72. Jake looks down at the quietly crying Nessa JAKE It always matters. It's all we have. We have no choice but to go on. We have to find a way to make this work until it's all over. NESSA You think there's an end to this? Look at them. They're already dead, how do THEY end? JAKE Basic science says they can't go on forever. They'll wear out, dissolve, disintegrate whatever. We just don't know when so we've got to wait it out JAKE so we're talking years here? JAKE that's my guess. Both sit that way, under a full moon, up lit with the eerie glow from underwater. Jake starts chuckling to himself NESSA What's so funny? JAKE Moonlight, ocean view, beautiful girl...if it wasn't for all the dead people, it might be kind of romantic. NESSA (smiling) It's still kind of romantic....kind of. Jake looks down at Nessa, still in his shoulder. JAKE yeah? His face moves slowly towards hers NESSA (whispering) yeah....

73. They kiss lightly, gaining in intensity. INT. NESSA'S STATEROOM - NIGHT While still kissing, Nessa raises her arms over her head, helping Jake pull up the expensive gold embroidered chemise. It falls to the ground, he tightens his arms around as they continue to kiss. Nessa grabs the bottom of Jake's T-shirt, pulling it over his head as they stumble towards the stateroom bed. Nessa giggles as Jake kisses her neck and drops her to the bed. INT. ENGINE ROOM - NIGHT Past the luxurious stores, past the potted plants and costly furnishings, down a long staircase....a loud booming sound gains strength, as the hands of 20 dead people bang the walls and door of the dimly lit engine room. EXT. CENTER ATRIUM - DAY Sitting on one of the stairs in the large center atrium, Curt and Bob giggle and snort, passing the HUGE joint back and forth. BOB Are you kidding me...Kirk could beat Picards ASS! CURT That's cause Picard THOUGHT his way out of things.....he didn't stick his dick into every female alien he saw! BOB (thoughtful) If they're alien, how do you know where to stick it? CURT (pontificating) If you go with the theory that we all have a basic ances..... Krissy appears in front of Bob and Curt. They quickly hide the joint behind their back...Bob plans to hold his smoke in until the little girl walks away. He exhales behind his back as Krissy suddenly sits. She has a small ball in one hand.

74. Across from her sits down, an ALERT border collie, ears up and only the tip of the tail wagging. KRISTEN Ready Hatch? Kristen throws the ball along the ground. Hatchet pounces after it, getting it in his mouth just before it falls down the long center staircase of the atrium. He runs back to Krissy, deposits the ball in her lap and goes back to his ALERT position across from Krissy. KRISTEN (giggling)'s wet She holds the wet ball gingerly and throws it again. This time however, she throws it farther than before, and the ball goes down the stairway before Hatchet can get it. CURT Don't go far Krissy! Both Hatchet and Krissy go down the stairway to find the ball. it bounces down 3 flights and stops in front of a large bulkhead door near a yellow emergency cone. Krissy bends down to grab the ball, and then pauses as a loud BANG is heard coming from the other side of the bulkhead door. There is a small window up high in the door, Krissy tries to see it on her tiptoes, but its way too high. Another BANG. Krissy steps back. KRISTEN lets go up Hatch... Krissy runs up the staircase, followed by Hatch, to Bob and Curt. KRISTEN Bobby I heard something. BOB (snorting) What did you hear Krissy? KRISTEN Banging on the big door. Mid breath, both Curt and Bob look at each other

75. EXT. MAIN RAILING - DAY Curt and Bob walk up to Brian. CURT Get Jake and Bill...we have to check something out. INT. AT BULKHEAD DOOR - DAY Standing on the bottom step of the long staircase, Brian and Jake walk towards the engine room door... BANG......BANG....BANG BANG. BRIAN This can't be good Another BANG. Jake and Brian walk up to the door avoiding a bright yellow cone with "no entry" on it, and each stand to one side. Jake slyly takes a look into the small bulkhead window. Bob and Curt watch from the base of the steps. He instantly pulls back. Shit! look!

JAKE They're inside. Take a

Brian looks in the window. A HAND slams on the glass, leaving a smear of blood. Brian pulls back, then slowly looks again. This time he's greeted with the gray sunken face of one of the DEAD. It's vacant eyes lock with his, and it's mouth opens, emitting a low guttural sound. it starts to bang the door faster. JAKE How strong do you think this door is? BRIAN I don't know, they've been here a while, it's metal, it looks pretty strong to me...but we can't just leave them here. This area is maintenance. We're going to have to go in eventually... Jake takes another look inside the window. The DEAD is clawing at the glass, but Jake is able to look past it to see that this one DEAD is not alone. He counts 22 shuffling

76. corpses in the background. Two of them dressed in maintenance coveralls, the rest are business people. The DEAD at the window has embroidered over his pocket, "Jerry". JAKE Our boy Jerry here has friends with him. I counted 22, there may be more. FUCK! INT. CENTER ATRIUM - DAY Standing at the brass rail, looking down the 3 stories in the 3 story atrium of the cruise ship, Jake is tying a thin metal cable to a thick strap around a grand piano. On the other side of the atrium, Curt is tying the other end of the thin metal cable around a commercial dishwasher. Both the piano and the dishwasher have been lifted to the height of the brass rail, and there, they teeter, only stopped from falling because they are lightly held in place by Curt and Jake. The cable lays across the brass rails and crosses in the middle. BILL Someone still has to go and open the door... Jake looks at Bill squarely, his mind is made up... JAKE Yeah that's me. BRIAN wait, I have an idea... JAKE Good. I don't want to be a hero. INT. DOOR OUTSIDE ENGINE ROOM - DAY Brian sits behind a partially closed closet door. In his hand is the end of a piece of rope. The other end is tied around the latching bulkhead door handle. He sweats, not because he's afraid, but because he wants to get this thing going. He hears his cue. From high above, the cruise sound system starts playing loudly. Britney Spears "Toxic" blasts down the staircase, enraging and exciting those dead souls banging on the door. He pulls the rope, he reels it and pushes back and closes

77. himself in, his legs bracing himself in the small closet. Now all he can do is wait....and pray. INT. OUTSIDE ENGINE ROOM DOOR - DAY Their shuffling increases, now with a focus on the slightly open door--- open just enough for them to push. They spill out to the base of the staircase. The music propels them forward, hoping that something is waiting for them at the top. Slowly, but determinedly, they climb the stairs. INT. ATRIUM - DAY Curt is located on one side of the atrium, Jake on the other. Between them in the center of the atrium, the wire cable crosses and quivers. Both men stand behind their heavy weighted object, ready to push when the time is right. Bob stands in the center/back of the atrium. One rifle in each arm, cocked like some sort of disturbed commando. Swaying to the blasting music, the DEAD make their way up the staircase. Moving faster as they see Bob in the center. They extend their arms and open their mouths. Dry mouths and shriveled tongues hope for a piece of Bob. BOB WOOOOOOHOOOOOO! Come and get a piece of THIS! The dead move faster towards Bob. JAKE (Shouting) NOW! Hatch, enraged, Leaves where he and Molly were being held by Nessa, and leaps forward, Growling deeply. He runs up to one of the DEAD in the front row and grabs onto it's pantleg. The DEAD reaches down to Hatch, falling, as it's leg is pulled out from beneath it. Hatch growls and doesn't let go. Curt and Jake push their heavy bundles forward at the same time. The load teeters, then falls down the empty air space, building up speed. The metal cables whip across the brass railings, Cris crossing each other, then slam against the wall near the staircase leaving a red smear, the piano and the dishwasher swaying free in the air. CURT (softly) Did it work?

78. JAKE Hatch! Get over here!! Hatch lets go, his face blood covered as he returns to his masters side. Bob quickly shoots the DEAD lying on the ground with 1 bullet. The rest of the DEAD stand still, their arms reaching out, their mouths ready, they have stopped moving forward. Slowly, softly, almost gently, the head of Jerry, with his embroidered coverall....juicily slides off his body. In dead silence, the heads of the DEAD behind him also slide off. ALL of the heads of the remaining DEAD slide off their bodies, landing with a moist thwack to the marble floor of the atrium. JAKE WHOOOOOHOOO! The small group congratulates themselves with manhugs all round. Bob stoops to look into the neck cavity of one of the Dead. BOB (smiling) LOOK, ya can count the rings and see how old it was!!! Hatch runs back to Molly, lays his head down on his paws, a small puddle of blood collects under his belly. INT. MEDICAL CENTER - DAY Holding a bleeding dog, Jake rushes to the medical center aboard the ship. He gently lays Hatchet on the bed and immediately runs his hands over the whole dogs body. He looks closer at the dogs neck wound... JAKE Hold on buddy. Just hang on! Nessa, Bob and Shahira run to the medical center door, as Jake is looking for something to staunch the blood. SHAHIRA What happened? BOB Hatch got hurt.

79. SHAHIRA (whispering) How? BOB He went after one of the dead people on the stairs. We didn't know he was hurt...until we saw all the blood. He lost a lot of blood. Jake holds a bandage to his dogs neck, it quickly becomes bloodsoaked. JAKE I gotta close this wound. WHERE IS EVERYTHING???? Jake goes around the room, opening drawers, opening cabinets, finding nothing he can use to help. He goes back to his dog. Molly waits in the corner of the room, intent on Jake and Hatch. JAKE Hatch! Nessa moves closer to the bed and puts her hand on Hatchets back and gently comforts him. Hatchet whimpers... NESSA Jake... Hatches eyes close and his breathing becomes laboured. JAKE (at Nessa) Stop it. STOP IT! Nessa backs away from the hospital bed, and slowly moves toward the door. She pauses at the door taking one long last look at the sad scene before her before she leaves... NESSA Comon, lets leave him be. Curt, Bob, Nessa and Shahira quietly leave. Jake leans down until his face is close to Hatches. He puts his hand on Hatchet's head.

80. JAKE (whispering) Hatch buddy, you're going to be fine...comon big boy! Stay with me! Hatch has the strength to thump his tail one last time as he looks at this master and closes his eyes... for the last time.... Jake lowers his head. JAKE (softly, emotionally) you been a good dog Hatch. a....good dog. Molly moves closer to Jake, lies down at his feet and whimpers INT. GREENHOUSE - DAY Beth pats Shahira's back with encouragement as she shows her and Krissy how to plant the seeds. Curt and Bob drag in another of the ships many plant filled containers from around the ship. BETH That's good Krissy. Krissy smiles and digs another small hole, dropping another small seed in it. CURT (breathing heavy) Where you want this? BETH Over here. Beth indicates an area next to a bunch of other finished planters. BETH How many more are there? CURT This is just ONE deck

81. Beth smiles. She walks over to a red-eyed Shahira, bent over her planter. She's been crying for days, But as Beth walks over to her she smiles a sad smile. BETH Both of you, you just wait! We'll have fresh veggies and fruit in just a few months now. Beth wipes her brow from the humidity in the geodesic greenhouse and looks out the window to see Bill working on emptying the pool. He looks up, smiles and waves at her Beth touches her lips and raises her hand, waving back. INT. PORTSIDE RAILING - DAY Shahira pulls hard on the crab pot, raising it to the deck of the ship. She leans down to open it. SHAHIRA Damn! Bob walks up to see what she found. BOB Anything? SHAHIRA Nope, still nothing. The fish aren't coming back. BOB Yeah, the dead are still glowing too. If this keeps up, we're going to have to start eating EACH OTHER! Shahira smiles at this, and Bob turns bright red. BOB I mean...that's not what I meant, I meant that..... SHAHIRA (smiling) Yeah.... I know what you meant. Go ask Bill if he has any ideas, maybe I'm doing this wrong

82. BOB What about the fishing poles? Anything there? SHAHIRA Nothing! INT. BRIDGE - DAY Bob walks onto the ships bridge. Bill is looking out the front window at the sea BOB Bill, did you talk to Shahira? BILL Let me guess...still no fish? BOB Yeah. Nothing on the lines either. BILL I've been thinking....maybe you should get everyone together in the restaurant lounge. I'll be there in 5 minutes. Bob leaves the bridge, Bill goes over to the ships controls, flips a few switches and stares at the computer screen. INT. RESTAURANT LOUNGE - DAY Everyone finds a seat in the lounge, just as Bill comes down. BILL Shahira, Beth, how are we with the food we got onshore? SHAHIRA We have lots of everything except meats. No proteins. Bill thinks for a moment.... BILL It may be time to leave port, go further out to sea. And we might be there for a while, we don't know how long the DEAD will be around. It can't be forever, but we can't keep raiding the shore (MORE)

83. BILL (cont'd) for stuff when there's a perfectly good food source out at sea. JAKE Can you run this ship? BILL Yeah, it's a little more fancy than I'm used to, but I can figure it out. However, I don't think I can dock it, so once we're out, the only way back and forth would be your tug. NESSA Love it! Lets get the hell out of here! BETH Oh dear lord, just think, no constant moaning from those things at night! CURT Gets to me too.. BILL OK, well.....why wait! INT. WATCHING SHIP LEAVE PORT - DAY Shahira, Curt, Jake, Nessa, Beth and Krissy stand on the topmost observation deck on the Sea Siren. The wind blows, almost drowning out the sounds of moaning from the pier. From this height, the view of the changing world is immense. The fires are mostly out, just a few wisps of smoke on the horizon, but the numbers of the DEAD have increased to where they completely fill the pier. Shoulder to shoulder they rock back and forth, facing the ship and the people on board. Nessa points... NESSA Look how many! JAKE All the way to the end of the pier! He puts his arm around her.

84. JAKE All this time and we never saw anybody else. NESSA There's still a chance, this is just a small part of the world. Beth scans the sky... BETH Still no birds... KRISTEN Mommy look! Krissy points to the pier, slowly moving way as the ship makes it's maiden voyage. CURT We're moving! Curt looks over to where Shahira stands, watching the receding coast. Bob walks over to him. BOB You know you idiot, she's never going to know unless you tell her. CURT I can't BOB Dude! You'll never have a better time! You've got no competition! Curt looks over again. Shahira sees him and smiles! BOB You're crazy if you don't! Curt wipes his hands on the front of his jeans, takes a breath and walk over to Shahira. Hands on the rail, he looks out at the water with her. The ocean wind blows stronger, lifting all the crewmates hair, the ship gently rocks as it meets it's future. INT. ON PIER - DAY The dead rock back and forth.. In the front row, Jose, still in his security uniform, watches the ship move away. No

85. longer trying to get to his Rosa, he moans and staggers, unfocused and dull. Disinterested, the rest of the huge crowd of DEAD slowly begins moving away from the pier. INT. POOL DECK - DAY Krissy stands between her mother and Bill. Jake and the rest of the crewmates stand behind. Clutched to her chest, Krissy holds something she deems precious. She steps forward, to one of the large potted Palm trees on the pool deck, and gently lays a small plaque at the base of the tree. Hand drawn, it depicts a little girl holding the paw of a black and white dog. Scribbled in child-like letters is "We Miss you Hatch, love Krissy" Shahira, walks forward and places a small picture of Adam, next to Krissy's plaque. SHAHIRA (under her breath) Goodby Adam. I love you Krissy steps back to her place beside Bill and Beth, reaching up to hold each of their hands. INT. GREENHOUSE - DAY Krissy and Molly run past Bill as he enters the hot and humid glass dome. He smiles as she passes and walks up to Beth BETH Bill! Look! Beth grabs his arm and pulls him over to one of the planters. She points down. BETH look, look LOOK! Bill peers down to where she is pointing. Hundreds of Small seedlings sprout. JAKE Heeeeey! You got plants! BETH This means we'll be able to grow our own food!

86. They both look at each other for a moment, Beth reaches up to his new scruffy beard. He runs a hand over it BILL You like? Beth smiles, leans forward and plants a kiss lightly on his lips. BETH Very much! Looking over Bills shoulder, Beth sees something. BETH (in awe) Look at that. She runs out of the greenhouse and to the railing of the pool deck. Further up the deck, perched on the rail is a seagull. Bill comes up beside her BETH That's the first we've seen in months. BILL What does it mean? Beth runs to tell the others, as she's running, she looks back at Bill... BETH It means HOPE. It means there's a future, it means we're not alone!!!! INT. OBSERVATION DECK - DAY Krissy and Bill look out at the choppy water. He runs a hand over his now, full beard. The low hiss of the ships radio radio is in the background. It speaks for the first time in 2 months... RADIO VOICE ...survivors. We are at 30 degrees latitude by.....tude. We are broadcasting...........survivors. Come to......

87. Krissy runs from the window and out the observation deck. EXT. MAIN DECK - DAY Running towards Jake and Nessa. Krissy calls out... KRISTEN There's a man on the radio. A MAN ON THE RADIO. Brian, Bob, Curt, and Shahira all excitedly run towards the control room. RADIO VOICE ...survivors. We are at 30 degrees latitude by.....tude. We are broadcasting...........survivors. Come to...... The message repeats, over and over. The crewmates jump and hug in joy, then run to the rail to look out over the water. Bill looks at a computer screen... BILL That's about 20 miles south of here. More jumping for joy all round. INT. OBSERVATION DECK RAILING - DAY Jake walks up to the railing where the rest of the crewmates gaze into the evening sunset, scanning for the source of the transmission. SHAHIRA There! She points to the horizon. LATER As the ship gets closer, Jake walks to the railing holding a small black and white puppy in his arms, held tightly to his chest. Nessa sits on a blanket with Molly and plays with the rest of the puppies as Molly looks on benevolently. Hatchet, no longer with us, has proved that although mankind will face extinction many times in its history, the best of us can still go on.

88. In the distance....huddled together in a maritime version of circled wagons, are 2 cruise ships, numerous large pleasure ships and one air craft carrier. Even from this distance we can see that on board the air craft carrier, are small trees, animals and people. There's people on all the cruise ships and all the pleasure boats. And as the Sea Siren slips into their circle, all the people on all the boats are enthusiastically waving...welcoming them to their new future. AUTHORS NOTE: Registered with WGA The End

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