Script De Misiones

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 6
para llamar el script usa: $scene = es un script de misiones pruebalo solo copia too esto en una nueva clase, instrucciones traducidas en google xddddd --------------------------------la codificaci�n verdadera que tienes que hacer es descripted dentro de la escritura s� mismo. concedida, la escritura no es perfecta de la manera de la codificaci�n, pero hasta bugs, tengo todav�a encontrar uno, e intento permanecer como thourough como sea posible. tambi�n, esta escritura utiliza las variables del juego. b�sicamente, en vez de usar una variable hecha con la escritura, utiliza uno hizo con acontecimientos, as� que cambiar c�mo mira en el men�, utilizar el comando �variable� del acontecimiento. la manera que se instala en esta escritura es: 0 = 1. (nada) 1 = 1. ----------- (decirte puede firmar para arriba para la misi�n) 2 = 1. (nombre de la misi�n) 3 = 1. (nombre de la misi�n) --------------------------las instrucciones en ingles -------------the real coding you have to do is descripted within the script itself. granted, the script isn't perfect in the way of coding, but as far as bugs, i have yet to find one, and i try to stay as thourough as possible. also, this script uses the game variables. basically, instead of using a variable made with the script, it uses one made with events, so to change how it looks in the menu, use the 'variable' event command. the way it is set up in this script is: 0 = 1. (nothing) 1 = 1. ----------- (to say you can sign up for the mission) 2 = 1. (name of mission) 3 = 1. (name of mission) ------------------

esto se copia --> de aki en adelante

#==================================== # leon's mission script v1.0 #thanks to sephirothspawn, goldenshadow, and tiberius_xxvii #==================================== =begin this script does require some scripting, but it isn't that hard. i know the scripting held within this is a little elongated, but bear with me, it is my first script.

=end #---------------------------------------------------------------------# window_missionhelp #---------------------------------------------------------------------#dont bother touching this class, it's just fine. class window_missionhelp < window_base def initialize super(0, 0, 640, 60) self.contents = - 32, height - 32) = $defaultfonttype self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize end def update(help_text) self.contents.clear self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 440, 32, help_text) end end #---------------------------------------------------------------------# window_missioncomp #---------------------------------------------------------------------class window_missioncomp < window_base def initialize super(260, 365, 380, 115) self.contents = - 32, height - 32) = $defaultfonttype self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize end def update(help_text, help_text2, help_text3) self.contents.clear self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(0, 52, 440, 32, "status:") self.contents.draw_text(170, 52, 440, 32, "reward:") self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(36, 6, 440, 32, help_text) self.contents.draw_text(62, 52, 440, 32, help_text2) self.contents.draw_text(242, 52, 138, 32, help_text3) end #for every person who gives you a mission, you must have a #sprite drawn for them. here, it defines the method and #sprite used. #defines the method. you can name it whatever, but each must be different. #the method is called in the scene. to create a new one, copy the coding #from 'def' to 'end' and change the method name (i.e: 'oldman') and replace #it with another. just remember each sprite that will be in your list must have #a different method name. also, change the "sprite name", hue to fit your #employer.

def oldman bitmap = rpg::cache.character("112-civilian12", 320) cw = bitmap.width / 4 ch = bitmap.height / 4 facing = 0 src_rect =, facing * ch, cw, ch) self.contents.blt(0, 0, bitmap, src_rect) end

#("sprite name", hue)

def lancer bitmap = rpg::cache.character("009-lancer01", 0) cw = bitmap.width / 4 ch = bitmap.height / 4 facing = 0 src_rect =, facing * ch, cw, ch) self.contents.blt(0, 0, bitmap, src_rect) end def clear self.contents.clear end end #---------------------------------------------------------------------# window_missiondesc #---------------------------------------------------------------------class window_missiondesc < window_base def initialize super(260, 60, 380, 305) self.contents = - 32, height - 32) = $defaultfonttype self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize end def update(help_text, help_text2, help_text3) self.contents.clear self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 380, 32, help_text) self.contents.draw_text(0, 32, 380, 32, help_text2) self.contents.draw_text(0, 64, 380, 32, help_text3) end end #==================================== # scene_missionmenu #==================================== class scene_missionmenu #---------------------------------------------------------------------def initialize(menu_index = 0) @menu_index = menu_index end #---------------------------------------------------------------------def main @missionhelp_window =

@missioncomp_window = @missiondesc_window = #this script is based off of variables in the game. i personally start my #mission variables at 200, but you can choose any number. each #mission has it's own variable. they are set up like this: #if $game_varaibles[x] == y #the x equals the variable you are using, and y identifies what it is set at. #the variables here are set so #0 shows the mission is unavailible, #1 shows you can find the mission from where you are in the game, #2 shows you have signed up for it, but it is incomplete, #3 shows that it is completed. #here, 2 and 3 are the same, but later, they are changed. #set each mission to it's own variable. if $game_variables[201] == 0 s1 = "1. " end if $game_variables[201] == 1 s1 = "1. --------------------------" end if $game_variables[201] == 2 s1 = "1. the chest" end if $game_variables[201] == 3 s1 = "1. the chest" end if $game_variables[202] == 0 s2 = "2. " end if $game_variables[202] == 1 s2 = "2. --------------------------" end if $game_variables[202] == 2 s2 = "2. retrieve spring water" end if $game_variables[202] == 3 s2 = "2. retrieve spring water" end @mission_window =, [s1,s2]) @mission_window.y = 60 @mission_window.height=420 @mission_window.index = @menu_index graphics.transition loop do graphics.update input.update update if $scene != self break end end graphics.freeze @mission_window.dispose @missionhelp_window.dispose @missiondesc_window.dispose

@missioncomp_window.dispose end #--------------------------------------------------------------------def update @mission_window.update #here, it refreshes each window based upon which mission is selected. #each varaible here again has 4 parts, the same as described above. #numbers 0 and 1 have @missioncomp_window.clear so it clears the #screen from showing any false information. #2 and 3 are the same with the exception of the 'complete/incomplete' quotes and the #reward quotes. essentially, it follows this pattern: #when (mission_window.index = cursor position-1) #if $game_varaibles[(mission variable)] == 0, 1 #missiondesc_window.update("", "", "") #missioncomp_window.clear #when (mission_window.index = cursor position-1) #if $game_varaibles[(mission variable)] == 2, 3 #missiondesc_window.update("mission", "description", "text") #missioncomp_window.update("person and place", "status", "reward") #missioncomp_window.(method of the employer's graphic, such as 'oldman') case @mission_window.index when 0 if $game_variables[201] == 0 @missionhelp_window.update("select one to view details of the mission.") #don't mess with this one. @missiondesc_window.update("", "", "") #always have 3 sets of quotes. @missioncomp_window.clear #clears the mission status window when mission is inactive. end if $game_variables[201] == 1 @missionhelp_window.update("select one to view details of the mission.") @missiondesc_window.update("", "", "") @missioncomp_window.clear end if $game_variables[201] == 2 @missionhelp_window.update("select one to view details of the mission.") @missiondesc_window.update("open the chest and return with it's", "contents.", "") @missioncomp_window.update("old man, test map", "incomplete", "") @missioncomp_window.oldman end if $game_variables[201] == 3 @missionhelp_window.update("select one to view details of the mission.") @missiondesc_window.update("open the chest and return with it's", "contents.", "") @missioncomp_window.update("old man, test map", "complete", "potion") @missioncomp_window.oldman end when 1 if $game_variables[202] == 0 @missiondesc_window.update("", "", "") @missioncomp_window.clear

end if $game_variables[202] == 1 @missiondesc_window.update("", "", "") @missioncomp_window.clear end if $game_variables[202] == 2 @missiondesc_window.update("retrieve the spring water from the well on", "the hill.", "") @missioncomp_window.update("lancer, test map", "incomplete", "") @missioncomp_window.lancer end if $game_variables[202] == 3 @missiondesc_window.update("retrieve the spring water from the well on", "the hill.", "") @missioncomp_window.update("lancer, test map", "complete", "500 gold") @missioncomp_window.lancer end end if input.trigger?(input::b) $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) $scene = end end end

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