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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,844
  • Pages: 13
SCENE 1: AT THE PARK Jang xiao: Mister. Have you ever wanted to sleep for a hundred or a thousand years?I would just prefer to fall asleep and never wake up again. I want to forget everything. But its not working. That jerk who left me with a pile of debt. That wench who fooled me and ran off with him. Goshh.. I should never trusted anyone. How did my life end this way. Jang xiao: What? ( sees a child who was drowning) Jang: Goshh.. Mister. No no im sure someone else saw. By the time I go in there someone else will saved him. No Jang you don’t need to. You don’t. even if you don’t someone else will. Gosh why is it me again! ( jump in the water) ( pure darkness)

(SCENE 3: Yin zhi House) Jang xiao: (woke up) ( look at the surroundings) I must be dreaming. Everything will be normal when I wake up. ( close the eyes) Jang xiao:Lady who are you calling Lady? Who are you? Jang xiao: Qiao hui? Where am I?

Jang xiao:What place is this? Jang xiao:House of 2nd prince? Prince? This is Qing dynasty? Are you joking?! Don’t try to fool me with your costume! Is this a prank show? wheres the camera? Jang xiao: Are you still pretending? What time is it now? Jang xiao: Im asking what are we in right now? Jang xiao: Im asking about the year and the month! ( shake her body) Jang xiao Who am I? Jang xiao: Maldives? ( Lady Ruolan enter) Jang xiao: Ruo xi ( points to herself) ( points to her sister) Jang xiao: Sister? Can you tell me what happened? Jang xiao: I fell from the stairs? ( I remember I was drowned in the park) Ok right, I died Jang xiao: Im not dead??? ( pinch herself ( I don’t know how I managed to get to Qing and into this body. Try to be positive. You have a chance here. A chance to avoid death and live. Youre really lucky here. Ok, so don’t get caught and get through this. Jang xiao: Ohhh yeahh haha

Jang xiao :Is this Qing Dynasty? Whos the emperor?

(SCENE 6:GARDEN) ( Haesu Moon song) Jang xiao:Ok, so I like throwing arrows and shuttlecock. Im here to nurse and keep my cousin company. Jang xiao:My name is Ruo xi. Youre my servant Qiao hui right? Jang xiao:Qiao hui, don’t you worry. Jang xiao:I think I do but maybe I don’t. you really don’t need to worry . im the type of person who learns one thing and picks up 10 other things. I keep trying. Jang xiao:What? Jang xiao: ( feels shock) is ruo xi this kind of girl? So does she pretend to be a good girl.. but then she goes to meet men at night? Jang xiao: ( I should keep my mouth shut. They say im crazy if I say im not ruo xi). Qiao hui? Jang xiao:There is another girl inside of me. ( nevermind, no need to die twice) ( sigh) qiao hui? I have no wrinkles around my mouth right?

Jang xiao: ( poke and examine her face). My god she is so nice and firm. My word. She took great care of herself in Qing even though they just ate vegetables. Jang xiao: (exercise) there are positives to be alive again ( walk away) (Ruolan and yinzhi having sweet moments)( A lot like love song) Jang xiao: What is the 2nd prince like? I just cant remember Jang Xiao: They look like they have a great relationship. Jang xiao: ( I suppose I felt I could trust him too) Jang xiao: ( this woman is a princess? Sure, there are princes. Of course theres a princess. Jang xiao: ( she like to put people down in a strange, roundabout way.) Jang xiao: (those crooked eyes and mouth. Look how tense her hands look. Ive been through all sorts of crap before and right here…) Jang xiao: If you don’t like me, just say so. Jang xiao: I can tell just by looking. Youre trying to look for a reason to pick on me in order to set me straight. (hmm) that doesn’t work on me. I have been through this a lot.

Jang xiao: Are you saying im crazy? Jang xiao: Wench? Jang xiao: ( look at her suspiciously) smile (SCENE 7: RUO XI ANG YINZHEN 1ST MEET) Jang xiao: Yeah shes’s a princess but she doesn’t any have manners Jang xiao:Aishh ( Woahhhhh!) Jang xiao: Ahhh! Jang xiao: Awhh ( try to stand) Jang xiao: Wait! Wait hold on there. How can you throw someone around as if they’re a bag or something? Jang xiao: I told you to hold on! Jang xiao: How can you walk so fast and not knowing that theres some people in here? Look over there, look , look everyone had to move aside. Hey you! Jang xiao: Cops! I mean the police. Where are they? They need to arrest that man! Jang xiao: 1st prince? Another prince? How many sons does Kangxi have? (SCENE 8: ROOM)

Jang xiao: ( struggling to place the petals) Jang xiao: It must be because my wound hasn’t healed. My hand was not doing what I want it to. Jang xiao: No, I shouldn’t rest alone. Ill do whatever is necessary. Give me work to do. Jang xiao: Of course, its not a big deal Jang xiao:( claps her hand and stiff her neck) (SCENE 9: MIXING GLUE AREA) ( Say yes song) Jang xiao:Ok.. that princes hwangbo or whatever.. she acted like she was thinking of me. That awful.. gosh, how long do I have to do this for? I know how to do skincare, massages and makeup. I have a truckload of licences. But look at me here. Im like dog food/ Jang xiao: ( exercising ) ( the 2nd prince saw) Jang xiao:No! what am I going to do? I knew this would happen. ( blow) (cough while laughing) Princess Hwangbo gave me the important task of making this glue.

( MIXING GLUE AREA ) Jang xiao:Awhh. Hooo Jang xiao: ( she noticed the prince )

Jang xiao:Stop. Jang xiao:I was right. You were spying. Jang xiao:Yes, I do Jang xiao: Qiao hui may not have seen you, but I saw it very clear. ( punch lightly) I understand that you are curious about women. Still, it isn’t right to spy on them!. Apologize to her now Jang xiao:Hey, now! Are you not ashamed? You shameless person. Jang xiao: ( going to him) apologize! Hurry up and apologize! ( grab him) Jang xiao: ( grab his leg) Jang xiao:What? All: (they both grab each others hair) Jang xiao:Let go of me Jang xiao:Let go im serious Jang xiao:Hey. Let me go! Jang xiao: ( bite his arm) Jang xiao:What!

Jang xiao: ( she kicked him) Jang xiao: ( goes on top of him and punch) hey you! Jang xiao:You molester! You pervert! Jang xiao: You still have something to say. ( hit her head with his head) Jang xiao: People like you need to have some sense beaten into you. ( raise her hand) Jang xiao: Let go of me! Jang xiao: Hey. hey wait Jang xiao: You did this earlier too. Do I look like a parcel or bag to you? You should apologize too Jang xiao: Me? Who am i? ruo xi. Im ruo xi Jang xiao:I told you to apologize. Why are you asking my rank like im in the military? Are you going to ignore me if im a servant and apologize if im a princesses? Gosh this is a funny neighborhood Jang xiao: Yes, and not just from you, but from that small little prince. The higher you are the more you should care about justice. Don’t you agree? Jang xiao: Lady ruo lan! You came looking for me right? Jang xiao: Lets go! I have something to tell you.

(SCENE 12: Outside of the house) Lady ruoxi: Qiao hui! Lady ruoxi ( bow) jang xiao:Me? ( laugh) look at you all. I am a lady. I shouldn’t be delivering meals right? Jang xiao: Hays (SCENE 12: queens room) Jang xiao: (Hello your highness) Ruo xi: (looks down) Ruo xi:Its nice to meet you, Queen yoo. Jang xiao: Its emperor kang xi who founded qing! Ive only seen him in tv dramas. Now im seeing him for real. Awesome. Ruo xi:I Please forgive me your Majesty! have commited a deadly crime! ( bows down) Ruo xi: ( get your act together. A tyrant wants the people to be scared of him. But a wise emperor wants to be respected by the people. ) Ruo xi: You are a good and wise king, so I am not afraid. Ruo xi: (please,please.please,) ( . He ascended the throne at the age of 8 and arrested Oboi. He suppressed the revolt of the

three Feudatories and defeated the Dzungars .think of something, you have to think.) Ruo xi: Well, emperor Qin and Emperor Wu of Han are lacking in literary talent. Emperor Tai Zhong and Emperor Taizu are not as poetic. The heavenly pride Genghis Khan only knew how to hunt with his bow. All are past and gone. Among all great heroes the best one can only be found in this dynasty. Ruo xi: Ahh my junior high history teacher.. im sorry for cursing you when you made us memorize this. Thank you. You’’ll be blessed. Ruo xi:Hahaha Ruo xi: Xiexie ni bixia! ( Meeting) Jang xiao: Bird nest? (wow) Thank you!. (hungrily eat) Jang xiao: Am i? so that’s the characteristics of your sister ( put the food in the mouth) Jang xiao: Mmmm ( bird nest cake is tasty) cough Jang xiao: ah sister, the letter is for you. Why don’t you take a . l0ook at it? Jang xiao: Whats so hard about reading a letter? I’ll read it foryou!

Jang xiao: Whats so difficult? Its easy! Jang xiao: ( open the letter) ( looks confused) Uhh. To my daughter Ruo Lan. I haven’t written you in a while. Im sending my love along withthis letter. I hope….. you think of… me when you read this letter… I hope your doing… fine. Jang xiao:Ive so much to tell and what?... what magical horse? Jang xiao:Nno. Sister I think its better that you wait for the eunuch to read it to you. ( give the letter) Jang xiao: No! I think its better if I learn from the basic again.Sister, I’ll leave now. ( STAIRS AREA) Ruo xi:stop it! Ruo xi:How old are you that you play with these things? Ruo xi:Take all of this please ang play over there Ruo xi:Are you married? Ruo xi:How many are you going to have? Ruo xi:If your wife become sick and ill would you bring in another woman? Ruo xi:It would be nice if everyone were like you, prince yinting Ruo xi:You are unexpectedly pure( walks away)

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