Singapore Univer-sity. Whether or not the event will bebroadcast live to a worldwide audience hasnot yet been revealed.In his announcement, Hawass alsohinted that plans for a ground-penetratingradar survey of the Giza plateau are stillbeing pursued. The Daily Grail (TDG) in-ternet news service quoted Hawass, “Work isunderway in the radar project that will beused in revealing what is inside the groundbetween the second Pyramid and theSphinx.” Greg Taylor, editor of TDG, won-dered publicly what Hawass might belooking for between the Sphinx and Khafre’spyramid. Perhaps we can be of assistance. Inissue 23 in the Spring of 2000 AtlantisRising reported that such a survey wasplanned as part of a then upcoming live TVspecial by Fox TV. We had been told that thestate-of-the-art ground-penetrating radarsurvey was “capable of revealing deeplyhidden underground anomalies as well as se-cret chambers behind thick granite walls.”However, when the Fox show aired, theradar survey and any discussion of the mys-terious chambers was missing. Between thetime we went to press and the airing of thespecial, the Egyptian antiquities authoritieshad apparently abandoned the plan and sub-sequently refused to confirm that any suchradar survey was in the works. It seemsthough, that in the secret deliberations of the Council of Antiquities in Cairo, the oper-ation remains on the table. Gantenbrink DoorThe Great Pyramid of Giza ANOTHERR O B O T V I S I T T O P Y R A M I D S H A F T S S E T F O R 2 0 0 5 Singapore Univer-sity. Whether or not the event will bebroadcast live to a worldwide audience hasnot yet been revealed.In his announcement, Hawass alsohinted that plans for a ground-penetratingradar survey of the Giza plateau are stillbeing pursued. The Daily Grail (TDG) in-ternet news service quoted Hawass, “Work isunderway in the radar project that will beused in revealing what is inside the groundbetween the second Pyramid and theSphinx.” Greg Taylor, editor of TDG, won-dered publicly what Hawass might belooking for between the Sphinx and Khafre’spyramid. Perhaps we can be of assistance. Inissue 23 in the Spring of 2000 AtlantisRising reported that such a survey wasplanned as part of a then upcoming live TVspecial by Fox TV. We had been told that thestate-of-the-art ground-penetrating radarsurvey was “capable of revealing deeplyhidden underground anomalies as well as se-cret chambers behind thick granite walls.”However, when the Fox show aired, theradar survey and any discussion of the mys-terious chambers was missing. Between thetime we went to press and the airing of thespecial, the Egyptian antiquities authoritieshad apparently abandoned the plan and sub-sequently refused to confirm that any suchradar survey was in the works. It seemsthough, that in the secret deliberations of the Council of Antiquities in Cairo, the oper-ation remains on the table. Gantenbrink DoorThe Great Pyramid of Giza ANOTHERR O B O T V I S I T T O P Y R A M I D S H A F T S S E T F O R 2 0 0 5