Scout Investiture Ceremony The troop is assembled in a horseshoe. There is a flag bearer holding the troop flag standing to the left of the Scoutmaster. The Scoutmaster reminds the troop of what will happen in the ceremony and then sends the Patrol leader to bring the candidates one at a time. Scoutmaster: Patrol leader, bring the candidate for investiture. Patrol Leader: (Fetches the candidate and leads him to the front of the horseshoe. As the candidate approaches the horseshoe, the Scoutmaster calls the troop to alert. The candidate stands centered at the front of the horseshoe, facing the Scoutmaster. The Patrol Leader stands behind and to the right of the candidate.) In 1907 Lord Baden Powell of Gilwell led the first Scout Camp on Brownsea Island, starting a movement that has spread to the entire world. Since that time, hundreds of millions of people around the world have committed themselves to becoming better people by making the Scout Promise. Candidate’s name, do you desire to join them? Candidate: Yes. Scoutmaster: Please recite the scout promise and law after me. Troop, make the scout sign. Flag bearer: (lowers the troop flag between the Scoutmaster and the candidate.) Scoutmaster: (Places his left hand on the flag and makes the Scout sign.) Candidate: (Places his left hand on the flag and makes the Scout sign.) Scoutmaster and Candidate: On my honor I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God and the Queen to help other people at all times and to carry out the spirit of the scout law. A scout is Helpful and trustworthy Kind and cheerful Considerate and clean
Wise in the use of all resources. Scoutmaster: Troop steady. (Troop returns to alert, the flag is returned.