report zexim_boe_pending . type-pools: slis. tables: ztblscn,ztbleximboe,ztbleximcha,ztblexim. types: begin of ty_tblscn, scn type ztblscn-scn, prod type ztblscn-prod, end of ty_tblscn. types: begin of ty_exim, scn type ztblexim-scn, cha type ztblexim-cha, end of ty_exim. types: begin of ty_eximcha, scn type ztbleximcha-scn, exam_out_cha type ztbleximcha-exam_out_cha, out_cfs_date type ztbleximcha-out_cfs_date, end of ty_eximcha. types: begin of ty_eximboe, scn type ztbleximboe-scn, boe_hand_date type ztbleximboe-boe_hand_date, end of ty_eximboe. types: begin of ty_final, scn type ztblscn-scn, cha type ztblexim-cha, exam_out_cha type ztbleximcha-exam_out_cha, out_cfs_date type ztbleximcha-out_cfs_date, prod type ztblscn-prod, end of ty_final. data it_final1 type standard table of ty_final. data wa_final1 type ty_final. data: data:
it_final type standard table of ty_final. wa_final type ty_final.
data : it_eximboe wa_eximboe data: it_tblscn wa_tblscn data : it_eximcha wa_eximcha data : it_exim wa_exim data:
type type type type type type type type
it_fieldcat wa_fieldcat i_layout_alv i_events wa_events it_sort wa_sort
standard table ty_eximboe. standard table ty_tblscn. standard table ty_eximcha. standard table ty_exim.
type type type type type type type
of ty_eximboe, of ty_tblscn, of ty_eximcha, of ty_exim,
slis_t_fieldcat_alv, slis_fieldcat_alv, slis_layout_alv, slis_t_event, slis_alv_event, slis_t_sortinfo_alv, slis_sortinfo_alv.
selection-screen: begin of block b1 with frame. select-options: s_scn for ztblscn-scn. " visible length 60. selection-screen: end of block b1. start-of-selection. select scn prod from ztblscn into table it_tblscn where scn in s_scn. select distinct scn boe_hand_date from ztbleximboe into table it_eximboe for all entries in it_tblscn where scn = it_tblscn-scn and boe_hand_date = '00000000'. select distinct scn exam_out_cha out_cfs_date from ztbleximcha into table it_eximcha for all entries in it_tblscn where scn = it_tblscn-scn and exam_out_cha <> '00000000'. select distinct scn cha from ztblexim into table it_exim for all entries in it_tblscn where scn = it_tblscn-scn. loop at it_tblscn into wa_tblscn . wa_final-scn = wa_tblscn-scn. wa_final-prod = wa_tblscn-prod. read table it_exim into wa_exim with key scn = wa_tblscn-scn. wa_final-cha = wa_exim-cha. read table it_eximcha into wa_eximcha with key scn = wa_tblscn-scn. wa_final-exam_out_cha = wa_eximcha-exam_out_cha. wa_final-out_cfs_date = wa_eximcha-out_cfs_date. append wa_final to it_final. endloop.
wa_fieldcat-fieldname wa_fieldcat-tabname wa_fieldcat-seltext_m wa_fieldcat-key wa_fieldcat-col_pos append wa_fieldcat to
= 'scn'. = 'it_final'. = 'scn'. = 'x'. = '1'. it_fieldcat.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
wa_fieldcat-fieldname wa_fieldcat-tabname wa_fieldcat-seltext_m wa_fieldcat-key wa_fieldcat-col_pos append wa_fieldcat to
= 'cha'. = 'it_final'. = 'cha'. = ' '. = '2'. it_fieldcat.
wa_fieldcat-fieldname wa_fieldcat-tabname wa_fieldcat-seltext_m wa_fieldcat-col_pos append wa_fieldcat to
= 'exam_out_cha'. = 'it_final'. = 'exam_out_cha'. = '3'. it_fieldcat.
wa_fieldcat-fieldname wa_fieldcat-tabname wa_fieldcat-seltext_m wa_fieldcat-col_pos append wa_fieldcat to
= 'out_cfs_date'. = 'it_final'. = 'out_cfs_date'. = '4'. it_fieldcat.
wa_fieldcat-fieldname wa_fieldcat-tabname wa_fieldcat-seltext_m wa_fieldcat-col_pos append wa_fieldcat to
= 'prod'. = 'it_final'. = 'product'. = '5'. it_fieldcat.
call function 'reuse_alv_grid_display' exporting i_bypassing_buffer = i_buffer_active = i_interface_check = ' ' i_callback_program = 'zexim_boe_pending1' i_callback_pf_status_set = ' ' i_callback_user_command = ' ' i_callback_top_of_page = ' ' i_callback_html_top_of_page = ' ' i_callback_html_end_of_list = ' ' i_structure_name = i_background_id = ' ' i_grid_title = i_grid_settings = is_layout = i_layout_alv it_fieldcat = it_fieldcat it_excluding = it_special_groups = it_sort = it_sort it_filter = is_sel_hide = i_default = 'x' i_save = ' ' is_variant = it_events = i_events it_event_exit = is_print = is_reprep_id = i_screen_start_column = 0
* * * * * *
i_screen_start_line i_screen_end_column i_screen_end_line importing e_exit_caused_by_caller es_exit_caused_by_user tables t_outtab exceptions program_error others
= 0 = 0 = 0 = = = it_final[] = 1 = 2
. if sy-subrc <> 0. * message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno * with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. endif.