Scientific Method

  • December 2019
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Scientific Method 1

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Scientific Method 2

The question is defined thusly: do plants grow toward the light source they use to make their food? The information was gathered by observing plants placed near a window. It was discerned that they were growing towards the window and the light they used to make food for themselves. It was inferred that this would be the universal occurrence, and the hypothesis was formed. If plants are placed near windows to grow, then they will grow toward the light source. The experiment was performed and the data collected. Three plants were placed with a light source to the left of them and three plants with a light at their right. With this information in hand, an analysis of the information found that the leaves of the left sourced light had grown to turn toward the light’s direction and the tops grew in the same manor. The other plants, the subjects with the right side light source turned in that direction and the tops grew to that side as well. This data is interpreted to mean that the light source does cause the plants to grow in its direction. Though a hypothesis cannot be proven, the conjecture was not disproven. From this, however, a new hypothesis can be formed. If a plant has begun to grow lopsidedly, then changing the direction of the source of its light will aid in straightening its growth. Or perhaps, six hours of light each day will be enough to cause the plants to turn in that direction. Once a hypothesis has been determined not to be false, a number of hypotheses can be made, based on what the experimenter desired to find. When this information is published, others will be able to replicate, retest, and arrive at the same conclusions. This same scientific method can be used in less formally structured experiments in everyday life. It assists with problem solving and finding the

Scientific Method 3 answers to questions otherwise outside of our understanding. Often, that which is cast off as phenomenon, a miracle, or in explicable can be disproven, explicated, or otherwise debunked with the use of science. Science merely means that the knowledge was gathered with empirical evidence and based on reason. Through observation and experiment, hypotheses are formed and tested. A hypothesis cannot be proven true, only false. This forms the precedent for new hypotheses. Others will be able to reproduce the results, test these theories, and form their own conclusions. In my personal life, my question was easily defined, “How can I make my daughter fall asleep quickly and sleep through the night?” Just as with scientists before me, my question came from a problem I had that needed fixing. The information I gathered on full nights’ sleep was both firsthand and secondary. I read up on what experts had to say on the subject. I also noted for a while which nights she slept most soundly, observing and writing down what happened on the nights she fell asleep and stayed asleep. It wasn’t a science-driven decision. I just needed my problem fixed. I needed to sleep! I saw that the best nights of sleep followed a particular pattern: active day, followed by a warm and quiet bath, a feeding, some cuddling with Mommy time, and then putting her to bed awake and tired. That was my desired result, and I used it to form my hypothesis. If I follow the pattern outlined, then my daughter will fall asleep effortlessly and sleep for a full night. I did this every night that I could. Babies are not very catering to silly things like respect for a schedule. On the nights that I did not, I noted that as well. With the non-patterned night as a control, I analyzed the information I had. After about two weeks, each night I followed my routine, I achieved my desired goal. When I did not or could not do what I planned, I was unsuccessful. Based on this, I used the

Scientific Method 4 information I had learned to form new hypotheses. Cuddling before bed helps baby stay asleep. Warm baths make it easier to fall asleep. An active day provides longer nights’ sleep. Each one could have its own experiment until I found exactly what the best way to put her to bed was. I published my results by talking with other moms of babies my daughter’s age and discussing my successes on message boards with similar scientists (moms) to try for themselves. With these two examples, it is easy to see how the scientific method grew and evolved into what it is today. Using my real-life example adapted to be explained into the scientific method and the plant experiment actually performed specifically as scientific method delineates, I have gained better understanding of its importance.

Scientific Method 5

Reference Page Scientific Method. (23 November 2008) Wikipedia. Retrieved December 21, 2008, from

Stein Carter, J. (12 August 2000). The Scientific Method. Retrieved December 21, 2008,

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