Science Virtual Experiment Report

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 676
  • Pages: 3
On 19th October 2009, we were asked to teach science subject using ICT. We carried out the lesson at Sekolah Rendah Sengkurong in a group of 3. Set Introduction For the introduction, the teacher asked if they know about ‘magnets and its characteristics’ by asking questions to see how far their prior knowledge about this topic. Then my colleague used the virtual experiments from the website of Development Teacher interacts with the pupils about the magnet. She used several examples for the introduction by asking the pupils which of the items will attract to the magnet. My colleague also asked volunteers to come to the front and show their friends how to do the activity using the virtual experiments. As there are only 10 Mac book available in the ICT room with a pupils of 15, so some of them will share with their peers. Then we asked them to try to explore the activity using the 3 different types of magnet, that is small, big and rotate to see if there are any difference in the 3 results. Assessment After the activity, we asked the pupils to try out the quiz that were given in the website itself. Majority of them can answer the quiz and even half of the class score above 8 marks. Only 1 of them scores 3mark in the quiz. While for their assessment, we gave them 8 questions and the pupils answer the questions individually. This is to find out whether our lessons were successful or not. They were given about 5 minutes to answer all the questions without using the help of virtual experiment. After marking the paper, I found out that 5 pupils get full marks, 3 pupils get 7 marks, 4 pupils get 6 marks and 2 pupils get 5 marks, while only 1 of them pupil score below the passing mark which is 3. The table below shows the comparison of marks between the quiz and the worksheets. No. Name Quiz marks Worksheet marks (10 marks) (8 marks) 1 Norashela 8 8 2 Md Ihsanuddin 9 8 3 Hamizah 8 8 4 Ahnaf 10 8 5 Celcolm 10 8 6 Liyana 7 7

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Thadius Dk Hazwan Syarifah Hamizan Sabrina Khairul Qamariha Zulhelmi

9 7 4 6 7 8 5 10 9

7 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 3

Correlations Descriptive Statistics Mean

Std. Deviation










Correlations Quiz Quiz

Pearson Correlation

Worksheet 1

Sig. (2-tailed) N Worksheet

.232 .406



Pearson Correlation



Sig. (2-tailed)





The mean for the results of the quiz is 7.80 while for the worksheet is 6.53. As the correlation of the results is 0.406 which is higher than significant level of 0.05 means ‘There are correlations between mean quiz and mean worksheets for primary 5 students’ and can be said that our lesson is successful.

Benefits from virtual experiment

For pupils: - They find interesting and easy to learn using this virtual experiment. - It helps the pupils to own process skills such as predicting, observing and etc. For teachers: - Teachers should used this website as an alternative ways in teaching science in order to make the pupils enjoy and love learning ‘science’ without being stress to remember all the scientific names. - It is cheap to prepare as a tool in their teaching. Weaknesses of virtual experiment -

Some of the words used are difficult. It has limited content in this topic as it does not show and explain about repulsion and in addition it also does not illustrate which end of the magnet is the strongest in term of attraction. Although it is cheap but it needs time for the teacher to prepare it.

Recommendation -

As the content is limited, teacher should demonstrate how the magnet works such as by showing the pupils which part of the magnet attract the most. Teacher should also clarify some meanings such as the word ‘repulsion’.

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