Science T4 Current

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 6
Teams Kiwi & Takahe Plan onto this format and as you use it think of areas where it can be improved for us as teachers. Focus on rich and meaningful learning tasks when thinking about your activities and how these can scaffold your children’s understanding of the deep understanding.

PAI Planning Term 3/4 2009

Curriculum Areas (can be more than one, indicate where you have planned/taught as a component of Lit/Maths)

Science  Physical World (Levels 2 & 3) Physical inquiry and physics concepts o Explore everyday examples of phenomena, such as movement,

Big Idea Change

forces, electricity and magnetism, light, sound, waves, and heat. o

Seek and describe simple patterns in physical phenomena.

Pride Focus  Integrity (linked to fair testing)

Key Competencies  Thinking (Major Focus)  Participating and contributing  Using language, symbols and texts

Context Forces & Motion

Big Idea: CHANGE Deep Understanding Thinking/Understanding -How does change happen? (Kn) PRIDE/ KC - Scientists do the right thing (Ethical scientists act with integrity)PRIDE - Our ideas about the world change when we think like scientists (KC Thinking) Taking Action - We can demonstrate/share our discoveries (Taking Action)

Thinking/Understanding: How does change happen? (Kn)

Yr 1/2 Yr 3/4 Yr 5/6



I can describe the changes I observed (saw).

I can use my words to describe how something changed.

Practitioner Novice

Expert Apprentice

I can use science/topic words to explain how something changed.

I can compare and contrast different types of changes.

Practitioner Novice

Expert Apprentice

I can suggest possible cause and effect of change happened.

I can identify the cause and effect of how change happened. I am beginning to group outcomes to show patterns.



I can link the patterns and trends I see to scientific concepts and explain to others.

I can generate alternative ideas to explain (model) patterns and trends of change with justification.

PRIDE/ KC: Scientists do the right thing (Ethical scientists act with integrity)PRIDE Our ideas about the world change when we think like scientists (KC Thinking) I can choose a prediction from options presented about what might happen and be honest about my choice.

I can make a relevant prediction about what might happen and show integrity about my choice whatever the outcomes.

I can carry out a fair test honestly.

I can ask questions and make decisions when I fair test and honestly share my findings.

I can come up with an idea/hypothesi s and test it.

I can use a fair test to investigate my ideas/hypothe sis.

I can test and check my assumptions (ideas) by changing variables to see how they affect my hypothesis. (recreate)

I can consider alternative explanations for my results and create a way to retest and justify my hypothesis.

I can use statistical data to support my findings and interpret the results.

I can create a model to teach and promote scientific understandin g in others.

Taking Action: We can demonstrate/share our discoveries (Taking Action) I follow the ideas of others to meet a purpose.

I suggest and listen to the ideas of others to meet a purpose.

I consider and select our best ideas and justify them to meet a purpose.

I build on the ideas of others and support them as we meet a purpose.

I can use scientific drawings and diagrams to show/talk about how something changed.

I can demonstrate my fair test to others.

Ponder Emotional Hook Science Lab Tuning In What is scientific change? Finding Out What are the causes and effects of scientific change? How do we test it? Sorting Out How do we identify patterns and trends? Example of How do we know if it is a fair test? significant How do we choose what to vary in a test? Why is it important for a test to be fair? questions at Activate each stage Going Further Are there other reasonable explanations for what we are observing? Are there alternative explanations? Making Conclusions How can we eliminate other explanations? Innovate Taking Action How can we use what we have learned?

Stage of the unit Term 4 Week 1 Tuning In


♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Prior Knowledge To establish Student questions Personal experiences

Science Skills Activity Two – Focusing and planning o using prior knowledge and experiences o Predicting

Science Knowledge N/A – JUST an emotional hook and to clarify what children knew about the process of fair testing

Term 4 Week 2 (Vic Hygate & Caz Aldridge) Tuning In ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Prior Knowledge To establish Student questions Personal experiences

Science Skills


Focusing and planning o using prior knowledge and experiences

Purpose Understanding Goals Key Competencies / PRIDE Thinking Hats Matrix Indicators: Activity One: N/A Activity Two:

KN – Novice, Apprentice & Practitioner KC – Novice, Apprentice & Practioner Activity Three: N/A

WALT: N/A as pre-assessment activity

Matrix Indicators: N/a -

WALT: Look at images of different objects and identify which objects are moving, which are

Sequence of Learning Activities Activity One: • Chn put into class groups and select 2 representatives from their class • Each class is given a wind tube

On “GO” all classes try and inflate their wind tubes 1st (2 class reps “do” the inflating while others watch and support/offer ideas) Activity Two: • Chn (independently) are asked to work through the science “planning house” to come up with a hypothesis, and their plan for a “fair test” to solve a given problem. Activitiy Three: • Chn (independently) given a list of words linked to topic. • Chn write down definitions for any words they understand, link words they believe to be connected and highlight words they are not familiar with

Resource – Building Science Concepts “Marbles, exploring motion and forces” (Level 3/4) Activity One: ♦ Chn work in groups of 3 ♦ In groups chn rotate around a series of images and identify which images are showing objects that are moving and which objects are at rest ♦ For images that the children decide are moving, children need to identify WHAT is making the object move, decide whether it will keep moving & state what would cause the object to stop

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