[sci] Lsc Green Team Report - Green Campus

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,233
  • Pages: 7
Members: Cheuk Sheung Kwan 3B (11)

Lee Wo To

3B (25)

Ng Chu Him

3B (30)

Part A: Some measures that deal with the education on the students 1.

During IS lessons, for the syllabus of the Integrated Science, they usually come across the study in plants and so, we can set up some activities for the junior students to grow some plants which are slow in growth but proficient in absorbing much carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen, the plants then put on the roof of the There is a large area of land school building or the leisure near the backdoor of our school. grounds near the backdoor of school. The students can visit their product afterwards and have a memory on them. Reasons: The first reason is that students can plant their own plants for both recreational and academic uses. Many students and parents state that our school is lack of green The school building is made plants. All the buildings are made of fully of concrete and glass. concrete. Some surveys shows that green colour can make the people relax in both their eyes and mentality. In addition, more plants can help develop the air quality as the surrounding is full of roads.


Arrange outings (e.g. going to Mai Po Nature Reserve, Hoi Ha Wan Marine country parks, hiking path in country parks, Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park, Ocean Park, etc.) for students and to teach them The Mai Po Nature Reserve in Northwest Hong Kong



the importance and personal concern of environmental protection and ecological knowledge. Also, it can be a trip for tense students to relax after rigid studies. Reasons: The examples above are all countrysides or environmental educational areas. They are rich in living things and can be treated as a classroom of nature. Request students to switching off the monitors after using computers in the computer rooms and library in order to reduce electricity consumption. Reasons: Usually the electricity service bill is the second highest expenditure of schools after the salary of staff the first. In addition, as Switching off the monitors can help reducing electricity electricity in Hong Kong is manly from bills. burning of fossil fuels which is harmful to the environment, consume less electricity is an environmental friendly movement.

Encourage students to take more rides on public transports or walk to school so that the use of fossil fuels such as petrol can be reduced. Reasons: This reduces air pollution while burning the fuels. Meanwhile, this movement may lead to fewer cars passing through the roads near the school and it can reduce the chances of Traffic jams always occur when people go to school or traffic jams. On the other hand, we can in rush hours. take part in and support the “Healthy 8,000 steps Campaign” as a daily sport activity.

Part B: Measures on the hardware improvement and other areas 5.







that when selling lunchbox to the students, try not to use foam as the material of food containers but instead of recyclable dishes or containers. Reasons: Because foam cannot autolyse or be biodegraded, it occupies a lot of space and shorten the live of landfill. Also, it is harmful to the environment as it may emit some toxicant while The school tuck-shop decomposing. Install aluminium cans and plastic bottles recycle bins on each level of the school’s two main staircase. Meanwhile, every classroom should install a waste paper recycle bin besides the original litterbin. On the other hand, we encourage janitors to categorize things that are recyclable, such as waste The three colours recycle paper and aluminium cans, during bin cleaning the classroom after the school days. After gathering the recyclable things, they can sell them. Then part of money from the recycle can divide into different sections and each janitor can get one of them for bonus, thus motivating themselves to work consciously and the remaining part can be put into a fund call “The Green Fund” that used to develop or support the conservation activities at school and official expenditure. My experience is that I was in hurry but after drinking a can of Coke bought from the seller outside the school, I A lot of recyclable waste is collected want to put it into the cans recycle bin. after a school day. However, there is only three recycle bins on the ground floor between the two basketball court and that is a far way from me and so I throw the can away into the general bin nearby. Reasons: As oil, metals and tree are very important resources on the Earth, we should reuse and recycle them. The bonus from selling the recyclable waste can motivate the janitors to do their job more properly, consciously and efficiently.

Near the front door, install solar energy receivers and wind power generators


for supplying electricity for lights nearby. Also, these facilities can also be used as teaching materials. Reasons: For solar power and wind power, they are reusable energy sources. Since there are so few sites about solar energy and wind power for visit, they can also be teaching materials for both physics’ and integrated science’ syllabus. The lights at our school’s Install a thermometer in each classroom main door for reference for teachers and students. When the temperature reaches a certain value, people can choose whenever switch on or off the air conditioner. Not only to avoid arguments, but also to reduce electricity consumption. Reasons: Students and teachers can refer to the temperature and choose whether they should turn on the air conditioner or not. It helps to reduce electricity consumption and avoid the air conditioner colder than its optimum

temperature. 9.

Add an exhibition booth named “Green Land” at the cover area near the school main door in order to introduce some new information and activities concerning environmental protection. Reasons: It is a way to educate the pupils and provide some information for them.

10. To avoid squanders of water or electricity, stick some proverbs (stickers, posters) such as “Turn off the electrical appliances before you leave this room” and “Water is not for games” at lavatories’ hand basins and classrooms’ electrical switches to tell the students not to waste water and electricity. Reasons: Both water and electricity are important resources. Sticking proverbs at these places can remind the users not to squander those important resources. The switches and hand basins

11. Encourage teachers to best choosing both-sided

printing methods when preparing notes and supplementary materials for students in order to consume less paper. Reasons: Economizing the use of paper can reduce the cutting of trees in many forests in rich countries because forests are the “Green Lungs”, which means the oxygen producer of our Earth. They are very essential to all the living things. Our school’s teacher Mr Chiu 12. The workers of the construction site said that he always use bothnear the school should spread water on sided printing methods except some cutting activities.

the area that had to be dug or other construction. Reasons: The construction activities may give out a lot of dust and they may worsen the air quality and the environment nearby may cover a layer of dust. Spreading water on to the area can help reduce the dust emitted into air.

The construction site of our school

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