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Day : Monday Date : 30-6-2009 Time : 3hours

‫بسم ال الرحمن الرحيم‬ Science Exam Grade 9 Academic year 2006-2007

‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم‬ ‫اللجنة العليا للمتحانات‬ ‫لجنة المطبعة السرية‬

Question Answer any four question A – Put ( ) in front of the true statement and (x )in front of the false statement : 1. Receiving arial converts electro magnetic waves into modulated current ( ) 2. Rising of water in narrow tube is less than rising of water in wide tube ( ) 3. Doing hard work is useful for pregnant woman ( ) 1 4. Magnet is able to attract non-magnetic materials ( ) 5. Sodium hydroxide is used to remove orange spots ( ) 6. DNA is found inside the chromosomes ( ) 7. Excretion in the plant takes place by photosynthesis ( ) 8. In solar heating system solar energy is used to warm the water ( ) B) Explain diffusion in liquid.



A ) Fill in the blank 1. Nephron is the basic unit of ……………………………… 2. Particles of mixture is distributed ………………………... While particles of solution is distributed ………………… 3. KOH + H2O ___________ ___________________ 4. Natural magnet is found in the …………………… as … …………………………… 5. Plant tree reproduce by ……………………………… 6. Microphone box in telephone is filled with …………… ………………… B) Draw a Labelled diagram to show the construction of solar cell C) List the following 1. Features of milk used to make cheese 2. Disadvantages of solar energy Justify the following 1. Sodium is kept in kerosene 2. Mercury barometer is not suitable for measuring atmospheric pressure. B) A tank of base 6m2 contains water of 3000N calculate pressure exerting on the base of the tank C) What is meant by 1. Excretion 2. Defecation








A) Choose the correct answer 1. ‫ تربة نحل في تجويف فخار‬increasing its ( reproduction – diseases – amount of honey produces by bees) 2. Visible light consist of (six colors– seven colors – eight colours ) 3. Hylogen used in salt is ( F , I , CL ) 4. Inability of kidney in doing its function is called (mutation – failure ) 5. Pressure of Liquids increases with (height- temperature – depth ) A) Choose the correct answer : 1. Keeping Bees in wooden cells increases (reproduction , diseases , amount of honey) 2. Visible light consist of (seven colours , six colours , eight colours ) 3. Hylogen used in making salt is called (fluorine , iodine , chlorine ) 4. In ability of kidneys to filter blood is called (kidney mutation , kidney failure) 5. Pressure of liquid increases with (height , temperature , colour ) 6. Rain containing H2 SO4 is called (acid rain , neutral rain , base rain ) 7. AIDS attacks (urinary system , reproductive system ) 8. The body of astronaut is covered with suit to protect him from (pressure , cosmic rays , gravity) 9. Motor generates (electrical energy , magnetic energy , kinetic energy) B) List the excretion parts in the following 1 Plants 2 Human Write the scientific term. 1. Number of waves passing per second 2. Passing of feature from parent to off spring 3. Weight of air acting on unit area 4. liquid used to neutralize base B) Write the electronic configuration for chlorine of atomic number equal to 17 C) What are you doing if 1. A barber used razor for many times 2. If ant bites you 3. Some one do an experiment of burning sulphur in closed room




Day : Monday Date : 30-6-2009 Time : 3hours

‫بسم ال الرحمن الرحيم‬ Science Exam Grade 9 Academic year 2006-2007

‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم‬ ‫اللجنة العليا للمتحانات‬ ‫لجنة المطبعة السرية‬

Question A – put ( ) in front of the true statement and ( )in front of the Mark wrong statement : 1. The value of (PH) for the acidic solution more than 7 ( ) 2. Petroleum formed due to decomposition of animal and plants before million of years ( ) 3. Galaxy is formed from a huge number of start. 4. Generator produces A.C current of uncharged value and direction ( ) 5. Transmission of blood from infected person to healthy causes syphilis 20 6. Palm tree reproduce by saplings 1 B) what is function of • Galvanometer • Microphone • Oscillating circuit • Dynamo A) Fill in the blank 1. Solution consist of …………………… and …………… ……… 2. The female part of the flower is called…………………… 3. Passing the features from parents to offspring is called … ………………… 4. H2SO4 + NAOH = = _________+ __________ 20 2 B) Classify the following into metal oxide – non metal oxide and salt oxide. Nao , SO , NO , cao , Co2 , mgo , Nacl , caco3 , Fe2O3 , So2 , (NH4)2


Choose the correct answer : 1. The basic unit of kidney is (Nephron , ureter , loop of henle) 2. Iron get rust in humid air because (oxidation , solidity , ductility) 3. Ability of matter to scratch another matter is called (elasticity , solidity , hardness) 4. Acid rain consist of (nitric acid , sulphuric acid , hydrolic acid) 5. The basic unit of universe is (start , planet , solar system)


B) Compare between natural feeding and artificial feeding A)justify : 1. Distil water is neutralized 2. Marriage between relatives has many disadvantages 3. Pure water amoeba has contracting vacuole 4. Oil is added to machines 5. Kerosene is added to dirty water 6. Sodium should be kept in kerosene B) write the chemical formula for the following 1. Calcium carbonate 2. Aluminum hydroxide 3. Carbonic acid 4. Magnesium hydroxide C) in laundry shop they have to know name of substance that causes spot in your clothes. Match Fertilization of egg outside Mutation uterus Very thin wire can be get by Hylogen Substance used to make salt Capillary action Sudden change in cell division Hammering and ductility Rising of water in capillary Tube Baby tube Chemical symbol for magnet Fe2 O3


B) Write the function of 1. Pores in plant 2. Sweat gland in skin 3. Uterus 4. Epididymis 5. Photo electric cell 6. Chlorine 7. Artificial magnet 8. Acid



A) An object of 350 N is put over 7m2 . Calculate pressure exerted by the object on the ground B) You have three container first container contains pure vinegar , second container contains calcium hydroxide and third container contains distilled water . What step you have to do to know the name of each solution C) Classify the following values into acid , bases and salt 2,4,5,6,12,14,9,7,10, End of the questions



Day : Monday Date : 30-6-2009 Time : 3hours

‫بسم ال الرحمن الرحيم‬ Science Exam Grade 9 Academic year 2006-2007

‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم‬ ‫اللجنة العليا للمتحانات‬ ‫لجنة المطبعة السرية‬

Question Answer only four question (note : calculator can be used ) A – put ( ) in front of the true statement and ( ) in front of the false statement : 1. The biggest part of sun’s radiation is invisible and we can not feel ( ) 2. Mammals reproduce by a sexual reproduction ( ) 3. Plants covert poisonous waste into carbohydrates ( ) 4. Identical twins is a result of an egg being fertilized with two sperms ( ) 5. Natural feeding does not make any bond between child and mother ( ) 1 6. Solar radiation is a result of nuclear fusion for two hydrogen atoms only( ) 7. Atmospheric pressure decrease with the increasing of temperature ( ) 8. Cohesion force between water particles is less than cohesion force between particles of mercury ( ) 9. Hylogen is found in nature ( ) 10. DNA consist of chemical compounds( ) B) Arrange the hylogen in decreasing way according to their atomic number A ) Fill in the blanks : 1. The substance which is found in the highest amount inside the mixture is called ……………………………… 2. The purpose of adding rennit to milk is to convert it from ………………………………state to …………………… ………… 2 3. Our solar system is found in ……………………………… galaxy 4. Aids disease affected ……………………………… system of human 5. Hylogens found in the ……………………………… group of the periodic table and its elements are ………… …………………… B) write the electronic configuration of F2 and write its valance number

A ) Choose the correct answer







1. Existence of carbon in different forms is called ( isotopes , heterogeneous , homogeneous) 2. Halogen becomes more active when their atomic number (increases , decreases ) 3. Liquid has pressure in (one direction , all direction , on the surface of the liquid ) 4. Which gas is used as extinguisher (nitrogen , oxygen , carbon dioxide ) 5. Unit used to measure surface tension is (N/M , M Kg ) B) List the disadvantages of the mercury barometer C) Name five types of solar radiation and write its properties. A) What take place in the following cases 1. If light falls on silicon layer. 2. If a wet red flower put in an acid. 3. Result of marriage between relatives. 4. If pregnant women does not take balance diet. 5. If yogurt is put at normal temperature for long time. B) List the factors in which atmospheric pressure depend on. C) Draw the photo cell Justify the following 1. Salt is used in making cheese. 2. Bee’s products can be used as medicine. 3. It is better to bandage wound with wide bandage. 4. Barometers should be kept a way from the sun light 5. Camel has wide foot. 6. Cl is added to drinking water End of the question




Day : Monday Date : 30-6-2009 Time : 3hours

‫بسم ال الرحمن الرحيم‬ Science Exam Grade 9 Academic year 2006-2007

‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم‬ ‫اللجنة العليا للمتحانات‬ ‫لجنة المطبعة السرية‬

Question Answer only four question (note : calculator can be used ) A ) Choose the correct answer 1. Mammals reproduce by (sexual reproduction asexual reproduction ) 2. Neutralization means (removing effect of the acid , removing effect of base , removing effect to acid and base) 3. Gold manufacturing depends on (solidity, intensity , hammering and pulling) 4. Syphilis attacks (nervous system , urinary system , reproductive system) 5. Distance between start is measured in(light year , kilometer , meter) 6. Crude oil is separated to its component depending on (distillation , fractional distillation melting) 1 7. Used to distinguished fires (O2 , Cl2 , CO2) 8. Unit used to measured surface tension (n m , kg , m2) 9. Palm tree reproduce by (seed , Saplings, Stem) 10. Copper Sulphate is used to investigate (acid, base , water ) B) write the scientific term for the following 1. Fertilization which takes place inside the uterus of pregnant woman 2. Ability of matter to resist the change in its shape 3. Reaction of iron and oxygen in atmosphere 4. Sudden change in DNA 5. Number of waves passing per second


A – put ( / ) in front of the true statement and ( x ) in front of the false statement 1. Pregnant women must take a balanced diet ( ) 2. Universal indicator gives a better result ( ) 3. Current generated by generator is direct current ( ) 4. Strong acids and bases are corrosive ( ) 5. All offspring must look like their parent ( ) 6. Rain which contains H2 SO 4 is called salt rain ( ) 7. Magnet is able to attract non magnetic ( ) 8. Solar energy is changed with frequency ( ) 9. All solution are mixtures but not all mixtures are solutions ( ) 10. Urination increases in summer ( )






B) what is meant by 1. Rennit 2. Hylogens 3. Atmospheric pressure C) What are the functions of 1- Galvanometer 2- Barometer 3- Nephron 4- Telescope A ) Fill in the blanks 1- Electromagnetic waves have two fields- ………………… …..field and ……………………..field 2- Indicator changes its colour due to …………………….. and …………………….. 3- Light year is …………………….. 4- The inner layer of skin is called …………………….. 5- 2AL+3H2SO4 ==______________+__________ B) Write the electronic configuration of magnesium given its atomic number 12 C) list the ways in which AIDS is transmitted D) list the ways used to protect planet land from sand A) Justify the following 1- Fizzy drinks are forced out. 2- Some plant leaves are used to remove the effect of ants bites. 3- Green house is used to grow plants. 4- Big vehicles have wide tyers B) Sodium a corrosive substance and Cl2 is poisonous gas but they reacts to form a useful substance – name this substance write a balanced equation for the reaction C) Explain the formation of stones in kidney D) An object of 2000 gm placed an area of 100 cm2 find pressure exerted by the object 5 Write the chemical formula for the following 1) Calcium carbonate 2) Potassium nitrate 3) Sodium Sulphate 4) Carbonic a cid B) compare between 1) Natural feeding and artificial feeding 2) Excretion and Defecation C) Write the chemical equation for formation of Cl2 in lab D) Draw a Labeled diagram to show the construction of solar cell End of the question Wish you all best



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