School Of Duel

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 4,769
  • Pages: 10
School of Duel Summary: Set during the third season after Chazz'z duel with Gecko. Many of the students have fallen victim to Professor Vipers Bio-bands and Chancoller Shepard has vanished. Crowler decides to invite new students from the other academys to help increase moral. Chapter One: New Transfer Students "This is so sweet, we're getting a new students today, I can't wait to duel them!" Jaden cheered. "Jaden wait up!" Syrus yelled as he chased after his friend. Today was a very unique day at Duel Academy, all classes were canceled and all offical duels were postponed. Why you may be asking? Well because of all the students collasping for unknown reasons and Shepard gone, Vice Chancoller Crowler had invited new students from East, South, and North Academy. Professor Viper hadn't been seen all day but they didn't care. With Blair and Chazz in the hospital they didn't have time to worry about some guy that was forcing them to duel. Jesse and Alexis were visiting them so Jaden and Syrus had to head to the arena for the welcoming of the transfer students. Entering the arena Syrus and Jaden quickly took there seats as Crowler came out to address everyone. "Greetings and salutations students, due to the recent events that have caused several students to fall victim to this strange disease that has sweapt the school, Chancoller Shepard has allowed me to invite more students from our academys across the world. Now please give a warm welcome for our newest students!" Crowler announced and the doors to the arena sprang open. "From East Academy please give a warm welcome to Rukia Uzuki" From the doors stepped a girl about sixteen years old. She had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, she wore a girl version of the slifer red uniform. "Hi everyone, I can't wait to beat each and every one of you!" she cheered making Crowler sweatdrop. Up in the stands Jaden couldn't have been happier. "All right someone to help me get my game on, I'll be dueling her as soon as we get back to the dorms" he laughed making Syrus sweatdrop too. "I sware she sounds just like you Jaden, prehaps she's your long lost twin?" Syrus joked. "Ya think Sy? that would be so awesome" Jaden replied making Sy sweatdrop yet again. "From South Academy please welcome Daichi Williams" Crowler announced. Out from the doors came a young boy that looked at least fourteen, He had short red hair, dark brown eyes and wore the Ra yellow uniform. "I hope you all prove to be a challange to me" he smirked "This guy sounds just like Chazz" Jaden said. 'Who sounds like Chazz Jaden?" a voiced asked

from behind. Jaden and Syrus looked back to see Jesse and Alexis taking a seat. "Oh Jesse, Alexis I was just talking about this Daichi guy" Jaden replied pointing to the red head. "I've never heard of him but then again I don't know anything about the southern academy students" Jesse voiced looking at the red head. "So anyway is there any change in Blair or Chazz?" Syrus asked. "Yeah the nurse said after they rest for about a week they'll be able to leave the hospital wing" Alexis replied with a smile on her face. "Great and soon we can get out of here and get to dueling!" Jaden cheered. "That's our Jaden, always up for a duel no matter the time or place" Syrus smiled. "All that's left is the student from North Academy" Jaden voiced, eger to get out of there. "And finally please give welcome to the very best that North Academy has to offer. The Angelic Duelist, Haiku Yeshua!" From the doors stepped a young man about sixteen. He had raven black hair and ruby red eyes, he wore the standard North Academy uniform. All black. "I hope I can expect a worthy opponet from you lot, even if its only for one turn" he smiled. "Well if it isn't Haiku" Jesse smiled. "You know him Jesse?" Alexis asked. "Of course, he was the highest ranked student at the academy before I showed up and defeated him. He didn't get mad though, he said it was nice being able to be defeated by someone worthy" Jesse replied. "Sounds kind of like Zane before he became the Hell Kaiser" Jaden said. "Anyway this should be the end so we should get going" Alexis voiced and they stood to leave. "Where do you think your going Jaden Yuki?" Crowlers voice was heard and they turned back to see a really pissed off teacher. "Um, back to the dorms?" Jaden answered. "Not yet your not, you are dueling against one of the new students to put on a grand show for us all" Crowler ordered. "I'm dueling? Sweetness can I challange Rukia?" Jaden said very eger to duel. "No slacker, your dueling Haiku" Crowler replied. Crowler pulled Jaden away from the others towards the center of the arena onto the platform. "Now listen here slacker, North Academy has always tried to show they are better then we are and sending Haiku is an insult to every student here including you. I want you to defeat him and prove to those stuck up punks that our school is, still, and will always be the best understood?" Crowler ordered. "You can count on me Dr. C!" Jaden cheered and headed to meet Haiku in the center of the stage. 'You better come through slacker, if you don't you'll be spending the rest of this semester in detention' Crowler thought as he made his way to the stands to join Jaden's friends. The two duelists were standing face to face and shuffling each others decks. "So you are Jaden Yuki? I've heard many great things about you, prehaps you are the worthy opponet I have been searching for" Haiku voiced, his tone spoke of his confidence. "Well I do aim to please, good luck Haiku" Jaden replied with his usual happy voice. They handed back the others deck and moved to their respected positions.

"Get your game on Haiku!" Jaden yelled activating his duel disk. "Bring it on Jaden!" Haiku shot back. Jaden: 4000 Haiku: 4000 "All right since this is home turf I'll take the first move" Jaden voiced drawing a card and looking at his hand. "Alright I summon Elemental Hero Wildheart in attack mode!" (1500). In a flash of light the rouge looking hero appeared on the field, his sword drawn and ready for battle. "Then I'll throw down a couple face downs and that'll do" Jaden smiled as two cards appeared behind his monster. "An elemental hero deck huh? Very unusal choice for a theme, that's just my style" Haiku voiced drawing his card. "I play a monster called Daniel, Angel of Fire in attack mode" (1200) In a flash of light a young man with red colored hair and wearing a red yukata appeared. White wings spread from his sides. "An angel? his theme deck is angels?" Syrus asked in disbelief. "Well Syurs he is called the Angelic Duelist for a reason" Alexis replied. "Just because they are angels you shouldn't take them lightly. Like my crystal beasts they can be pretty vicious when played the right way" Jesse voiced. "Sweet monster Haiku but isn't he kinda weak compared to my elemental hero?" Jaden asked. "Sure he's weak now but after I play this you'll change your tune jaden" Haiku voiced sliding a card into his spell card zone. "Its an equip spell card called Forgotten Mercy, with it my angel gains 500 attack points", (1700). "Oh no, now Haiku's angel is stronger then Jaden's Wildheart!" Syrus exclaimed. "It get's worse Sy, now Daniels special ability activates" Jesse voiced. "By playing a spell card I have activated my angels special ability. Every time a spell card is played you take 500 points of direct damage" haiku explained. Daniel formed a fire ball in his hand and through it at Jaden, hitting him in the chest and lowering his life points. Jaden: 3500 Haiku: 4000 "Ok that hurt" Jaden exclaimed holding his chest. "Now Jaden prepare yourself, Daniel attack his wildheart!" haiku commanded. Daniel's wings spread and he took to the sky before diving to strike the elemental hero. "Not so fast Haiku cause I've got a trap!" Jaden smirked as one of his two face downs flipped up. "Hero Barrier, as long as I've got one elemental hero on the field I can negate one of your attacks" Jaden smiled as Daniel stopped in his tracks, inches away from striking Wildheart. "Impressive Jaden, I end with one card face down" A card appeared behind Daniel and Jaden's

turn began. "Here I go!" Jaden drew his next card. "I tribute my wildheart to summon my Elemental Hero Bladedge in attack mode! (2600)" Wildheart vanished and a large solid gold warrior replaced it. "Bladedge attack, slice and dice his angel!" The hero charged across the field and slashed through the angel, making it shatter to pieces and taking a chunk on Haiku's life points. Jaden: 3500 Haiku: 3100 "Alright, Jaden took down that angel, now he can play his spell cards!" Syrus cheered. "Although he had to pay a price for it" Jesse voiced in concern. "What do you mean Jesse?" Alexis asked. "There is a reason his spell is called Forgotten Mercy" Jesse answered. "Nice work Jaden, but now my spell cards second effect activates. When I send it to the graveyard I can move a spell card called Grief of Despair from my deck to my hand" Haiku explained. He drew his next card and smiled, "I play the spell Apostles of the Fallen. Since I have an angel in my graveyard I can summon a Angelic Token to the field in defense mode (0000). Next I tribute this token to summon Ahura Mazda, The Angel of Mankind in attack mode (2500). In a flash of light a bald headed man appeared wearing a purple robe, he carrier a gold staff and had white wings coming from his back. "When he is summoned to the field I can draw two new cards from my deck" Haiku said drawing his new cards. "Now for the card I got thanks to you, Grief of Despair, this card lowers your monsters attack by 500 points" he said with a smile. Bladedge's attack went down and Jaden realized he was in trouble (2100) "Oh no, now Jaden's monster is weaker then Haiku's" Alexis gasped. "Ahura, attack Bladedge now!" Ahura charged and raised his staff and struck down Bladedge. Jaden: 3100 Haiku: 3100 "Thanks you triggered my trap, Hero Signal! now I can summon an Elemental Hero from my deck" Jaden said searching his deck. " I summon elemental Hero Clayman in Defense mode" (2000) Jaden announced and the brown colored hero appeared on the field. "Fine and I end my turn" Haiku finished. "Alright time to get my game on!" Jaden cheered drawing his next card. "I play..." but was cut off by Haiku. "I play a trap card, Angelic Summoning, with this I can summon another angel from my hand as long as it is the same level or lower then then monster on my field. I play Elohim, The Angel of Life in defense mode" (2500) in a flash of light a beautiful blonde woman appeared dressed in a pink yukata, large white wings coming from her back. She winked at jaden and then crossed her arms.

"Alright then, I play Polymerization and fuse Sparkman and clayman to form elemental hero Thunder Giant in attack mode (2400) The large yellow hero appeared on the field, lighting raining down around him. "Now for his special ability, it let's him destroy a monster whose attack points are less then his own" Jaden explained as Thunder Giant destroyed Elohim. "next I play my face down card, H-Heated Heart, it raised my thunder giant's attack by 500" (2900) "Thunder Giant attack, Bolted Thunder!" The electric hero launched several bolts of lighting at Ahura, destroying the monster instantly. Jaden: 3100 Haiku: 2700 "Impressive Jaden, you managed to take out two of my most powerful monsters in a single turn. You truely are as great as they say you are" Haiku smiled. "I do what I can and I trust in my deck, that's what makes me a great duelist" Jaden replied back with a smile on his face as well. "It seems they have developed a bond through their duel" Alexis voiced. "Yeah Jaden looks just like he did at the Grad match with Zane" Syrus added. "I have a feeling we'll be seeing these two duel alot more this semester" Jesse finished with a smile on his face. "Jaden no matter who wins this duel let's sware there won't be any tension between us this year" Haiku said. "Sure haiku but I don't plan on losing, I end with a face down card" Jaden finished a card appearing behind Thunder Giant. Haiku spoke no words, he just drew his card. "I play the spell Resentment of the Damned, since I have more then two angels in my graveyard I can summon two Resentment Tokens to the field in defense mode (0000) (four stars) "Now its time to end this duel, I play the ritual card Compass of Order and tribute my two tokens to summon Zarathustra, The Angel of Order in attack mode (4000) In a massive flash of light a giant humanoid angel with white hair and dressed in a pure white kimono appeared. Six large white wings appeared behind him and in his hand he held a massive silver broad sword. "Zarathustra's special ability raises all angel monsters attack power by 1000 points" haiku's voice explained. (5000) "There's no way Jaden can survive that thing, this duel is over" Syrus cried and hugged Alexis. "Don't count Jaden out yet, he might just turn this around" Alexis said trying to comfort the blue haired Obelisk. "There's only one card in Jaden's entire deck that can stop that thing, I just hope he can draw it this next turn" Jesse voiced. "Zarathustra, The Angel of Order, attack Thunder Giant with Divine Revisement!" The large angel glowed with blinding white light and when it cleared Thunder Giant was gone and a huge chuck of Jaden's life points with it. Jaden: 1000 Haiku: 2700 "Your move Jaden" Haiku finished and Jaden grew concered. He only had one monster in his

deck that could defeat that monster and he had to draw it this turn or he would lose. "Deck don't fail me now" Jaden wispered and drew his card. "WINGED KURIBOH!" Jaden exclaimed as he saw his furry friend. "I am so glad to see you buddy now what do you say we take down this guy and end this duel?" Jaden asked the card. Winged Kuriboh winked meaning yes and Jaden smirked. "Ok I play my pal Winged Kuriboh in defense mode" (300) the small furry monster appeared with its cute white wings. "A Winged Kuriboh? I have never seen a duelist use it before but if its anything like the orginial then it will be a challange to defeat and an honor to battle against your favorite card" Haiku voiced and drew his card. "Zarathustra, The Angel of Order, attack Winged Kuriboh!" The large angel began to glow and the entire field became engulfed with light. "Not so fast Haiku I discard two cards from my hand, tribute Winged Kuriboh and activate Transended Wings!" Jaden called the cute furry monster transformed and grew large monsterious wings. "Winged Kuriboh has evolved into a level ten monster and by tributing him I can send all the damage right back at you and your angel" Jaden smirked. "So I lose then" Haiku smiled at Zarathustra was destroyed and his life points went down to zero. The holograms vanished and cheering erupter throughout the arena. "Way to play Jay!" Syrus cheered, "Good going Jaden!" Alexis yelled. Haiku walked striaght up to Jaden and held out his hand, "You may have won today but I expect a rematch later this semester" he smiled. "Looking forward to it Haiku" Jaden smiled shaking his hand and making his way back to his friends. "That was awesome Jaden, I knew you could beat him" Jesse exclaimed. "Got to love Winged Kuriboh, without him I wouldn't even be here" Jaden smiled. "Well let's get going" Jaden added and then his stomach growled. "All right chow time!" he yelled and sprinted out of the arena. ""Jaden wait up!" Syrus yelled running after him while Jesse and Alexis sweatdroped. Sub Chapter One: I know this is against the rules and everything but I feel I should explain about my newest characters and how they will affect the story. Characters: Name: Haiku Yeshua Age: 17 Rank: Obelisk Blue Theme: Angels Title: The Angelic Duelist Bio: Haiku is one of the most talented duelists from North Academy. From his appearance you'd

think he'd be really mean and emo to everyone, however he is the exact opposite. His goal is searching for worthy opponets to duel against and to have a rematch with his rival Jesse who defeated him at North Academy. He is much similar to Zane as he looks out for Syrus in the blue dorm and proves to be quite the ladies man, charming women all over campus. His main relationship is with Blair, who he falls for at the hospital. Name: Rukia Uzuki Age: 16 Rank: Slifer Red Theme: Spellcaster Title: The Romantic Magician Bio: Despite being a blonde and in the lowest dorm, Rukia has the skills and talents to take duel academy by storm. She hails from East Academy and is the only other person on the planet (besides Yugi Mouto) to have three copies if the legendary Dark Magician Girl in her deck. She is really hyper, is addicted to dueling and enjoys all the finer things in life. Her main intrest became Jaden Yuki who after defeating Haiku in the opening match, she met up with at the slifer dorms. Her only goals are to have as much fun as humanly possible and defeat Alexis who is seeking Jaden as well. Name: Daichi Williams Age: 15 Rank: Ra Yellow Theme: Dragons Title: Hell Kasier Fury Bio: The nightmare of West Academy. Daichi is a rich stuck up punk that believes is better then everyone else. His hero is the president of Kabia Corp Seto Kaiba and like his hero has a flair for dragon cards. He has no love intrests and believes love is for weaklings that have no real strength. His goal is unknown since he seemes to care nothing for the school or even people in general. His rival is also unknown since Daichi hates talking about his past. Chapter Two: Invading Jaden's Heart The Slifer Red dorm was in a riot, they haven't had another girl since Blair and all the guys were swarming Rukia for dates. "Now, now boys I'd date you all if I could but I don't want any tension around here" Rukia smiled saddly. All the guys around her groaned and that's when the door burst open. "hey guys what's going on?" Jaden asked walking in followed by Syrus. "Hey your the guy that beat Haiku, Jaden Yuki right?" Rukia asked getting out of her seat and marched right up to him. "Um yeah I did" Jaden said a little nervous of how close she was to him. "I like you" she smiled and kissed him on the cheek much to the dismay of the other guys. Jaden stood stock still before fainting right into Syrus who could barely hold him. "Poor guy his first kiss and then he faints, I wonder how Alexis is going to react to this" Syrus voiced as he and two other slifers carried

Jaden to his dorm room. Obelisk Blue dorm... Alexis sneezed loudly in her room. "I wonder if someone is talking about me?" she said as she shuffled through her deck. Slifer Red Dorm... Jesse had arrived and when Syrus explained what happened to Jaden he laughed. "Poor guy, he's great at dueling but a sucker for a hot blonde" Jesse sighed at his sleeping friend. "I'm just worried how Alexis and Blair are going to react to this" Syrus voiced from the door way. "yeah I know they both like Jaden but you don't think they'd do anything violent right?" Jesse asked. "I don't know about Alexis but I've seen Blair beat up Chazz so it is possible" Syrus replied. "Well let's head over to the blue dorm, Alexis wanted to go visit Blair and Chazz again, Jaden doesn't look like he's going anyway for awhile" Jesse said and he and Syrus left Jaden all alone in his dorm. As they made their way down the path they never took notice of a certain blonde sneaking into Jaden's room. "Sleeping like a baby, I almost can't bare to wake him up" Rukia voiced softly as she gazed upon Jaden's sleeping form. "Awwwww, he even duels in his sleep, that is so adorable" she squeeled. Jaden rolled over slightly leaving a wide space that anygirl could easily fit and she smiled. "Not what I had in mind but it'll do for now" she climbed into the bed and snuggled up to Jaden. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her closer and she shivered at his warmth. She sighed in content and laid her head on his chest, quickly drifting off to sleep. Hospital Wing... "WHAT DO YOU MEAN JADEN GOT KISSED?" Alexis's voice rang throughout the area. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Syrus screamed running away from the furious blonde. "Now calm down Alexis, I'm sure Jaden doesn't like Rukia that way" Jesse tried to calm her only to have the blonde's fury turned on him. "HOW COULD STAND THERE AND LET MY JADEN GET KISSED BY SOME TRAMP SYRUS!" She voiced angerly and shaking her fist at the blue haired Obelisk. "It wasn't my fault, it happened so fast" he cowered. "WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON THAT BLONDE BIMBO I'LL MAKE HER WISH SHE NEVER CAME TO THIS SCHOOL!" Alexis ran out of the hospital followed by Jesse and Syrus. Back in the hospital Blair's eyes snapped open, "Jaden senses tingling, my cutie is in trouble!" With surprising strength she managed to overpower two nurses that tried to stop her from leaving the hospital. "I'm coming Jaden sweetie!" Slifer Red Dorm... "So warm" Jaden thought as he snuggled into the warmth. "Wait a minute my pillow is never warm" He thought as he opened his eyes to see a head full of blonde hair. "Alexis?" he said

poking the blonde and when her eyes opened he saw blue. "RUKIA!" He freaked but couldn't get away since his back was against the wall. "Sleep well sweetie?" she smiled and crawled closer to the brunette. "Wha, wha, what are you doing Rukia?" he stammered out. "Oh relax Jaden, I'm not going to hurt you. No I'm going to make you feel good" she smiled and forced her lps on his. Jaden tried to fight back but was quickly overpowered and soon was under her as she staddled him. "Much better" she smirked before attacking his lips again, Jaden didn't resist this time. The kiss grew more passionate and soon became very hot. "Your wearing to many clothes sweetie" Rukia smiled as she helped Jaden take off his jacket and shirt. Rukia shed her own jacket and shirt, leaving only her bra and they began making out again. Rukia nipped at his bottom lip asking for entry, Jaden obeyed and opened allowing Rukia to slide her tounge in to taste the brunette. Soon their tounges were battling for dominance but it was clear Jaden didn't want to win. It would have gone further if the door hadn't burst open. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO MY JADEN?!" Alexis's voice screamed. "ALEXIS!" Jaden freaked and fell out of the bed taking Rukia with him. "What do you mean your Jaden? I don't see your name on him" Rukia challanged pulling on her shirt. "I've known him longer so he's mine!" Alexis screamed. "Well I took his first kiss so he's mine!" Rukia challanged back. While the blondes were arguing Jaden had managed to find and put on his shirt and now was slowly crawling towards the exit when the door opened, "Jesse help me!" he cried and rushed behind the Crystal Beast Duelist. The two blondes turned their attention to the brunette, "GET BACK HERE JADEN YUKI!" They both screamed and rushed after him. "WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS? IS THIS PUNISHMENT FOR ALWAYS SLEEPING IN CLASS? RA PLEASE ANSWER ME!" he cried as he ran as fast as possible towards the docks, hoping to escape the blondes. Said blondes were giving chase and were quickly catching up to the brunette when he finally stopped. He was at the edge of the docks and had no where to go. "No where to go now Jaden, now what do you have to say for yourself?" Alexis asked as she cracked her knuckles. "I didn't want to Alexis its just she was so warm and she over powered me and.." he kept trying to explain. "Jaden do you honestly expect me to believe that she over powered you? I mean look at her, you've got more muscle then she does" Alexis joked. "I am not weak! How dare you insult my body!" Rukia screamed and then turned her attention back to Jaden. "What do you mean you didn't want to? Your the one that held me while you were asleep!" she pointed out. "WHAT?!" Alexis screamed. "oh no this isn't good" Jaden voiced as Alexis's anger reached new heights. Alexis was ready to pound Jaden into the ground when Rukia stepped in front of him, arms spread out. "I'm not going to let you harm Jaden!" she screamed, defending her new found love. "You really believe you can protect him from me? You should know your place Slifer" Alexis's voice challanged. "What's wrong being a slifer Lex? I'm one" Jaden pointed out. "That's not what I meant Jaden, she's a rookie and can't face up against an Obelisk, especially not the Queen of

Obelisk Blue" Alexis pointed out. "So I'm the King of Slifer Red but you don't see me flaunting my title" Jaden replied and hugged Rukia from behind. "Jaden why are you hugging that, that tramp?!" Alexis sneered at the other blonde. "Rukia is not a tramp Lex, she is a nice girl that managed to show me she likes me with actions instead of words. I for one like girls that are straight forward about their feelings and am willing to give her a chance" Jaden spoke in a serious tone. "Really?" Rukia said in awe. "Besides Alexis I thought you were crushing on Zane Truesdale anyway" Jaden pointed out. "Wh, what made you think that?" she eeped. "Let's see the private meetings at the light house, your affection towards one another, the way you two are always seen together, come on its so obvious" Jaden smirked seeing Alexis's face turn bright red. "Jaden I will not stand here and let this blonde hussie take advantage of you!" Alexis challanged. "Well stand here all you want cause Rukia and I are leaving!" Jaden shouted back, grasping Rukia's hand and pulling her along. As they passed Alexis took note of the smile on Rukia's face and could only fume at losing to another blonde. "AAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW!" Alexis screamed to the heavens. Slifer Red Dorm... "Well that went well and we didn't die" Jesse smiled at Syrus. "Yeah at least Jaden knows how to run when dealing with girls" Syrus laughed until the door swung open. "WHERE'S JADEN YUKI!" Blair screamed causing Jesse and Syrus to shreek in reply. Blair was just standing there clad in nothing but a hospital gown and a duel disk. Syrus fainted and Jesse had to pinch his nose to keep the blood from rushing out. "Jesse were is Jaden I feel he's in trouble" Blair asked this time alot more calm. "He was chased off by Alexis and a new girl named Rukia, they were headed towards the docks" Jesse answered. "Thanks, I'm off to save Jaden!" she cheered, running off. Syrus sat up, "Jesse she does know she's naked right?" he asked. "I don't think she cares, she's after Jaden and nothing else matters"

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