School Information System-project Report

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 13,432
  • Pages: 140





There are people, who simply by being what they are, influence and inspire you to do things you are never thought yourself capable of doing. Among these are my project guides, family members to whom I wish to extend my gratitude on the event of completing my project work. I would first like to thanks Mr. Amit Kumar for his timely suggestion and co-operation without which this project would have been an unfulfilled dream for me. My project Guide, Mr. Prabhat Kumar guided me a lot while doing the project. My parents, who have made me competent to face challenging tasks. I have pleasure in thanking them for their genius help in this project.


INTRODUCTION Today in the growing world no people can wait for five minutes or more to solve their problems. They want their problems are to be solved very fast within minutes or seconds. We shall have to be changed according to the changing world scenario otherwise we would be outdated. According to the changing scenario we have to accept the new technologies and implement these into our day-to-day life. Computers have became very important, but computer cannot work everywhere in the same situation. We need customized application software, which solves our problems very efficiently. So my project is here fully based on the requirement of New Delhi --------- School. It can partially solve the problems of school. With the help of this project the mentioned school can maintain its day-to-day records of the students, teachers, fee-details of the students etc. this is the project which has been developed in MS-VISUAL BASIC 6.0 as front-end and ORACLE 8i as backend.


• • • • •

Student information system. Teacher information system. Fee- information system. Bill-card system. Dues information system.


SYSTEM CONFIGURATION (CLIENT) Processor : Hard Disk : RAM : Cache Memory: FDD : CD-ROM : Monitor : Keyboard : Mouse : Printer :

Intel’s 486 or higher 2 GB 16 MB 128 KB 3.5 Inches 52x MAX Color 14 Inches 104 keys Serial Dot Matrix

Features of Visual Basic Using Visual Basic is the Quickest and easiest way to create powerful, full-featured application that take advantage of the graphical user interface in Microsoft Windows. For companies developing custom applications. Visual Basic reduces development time and cost intuitive interface makes Visual Basic an excellent tool for programmers. New users benefit from mouse operations and a consistent look and feel: more advanced users benefit from ease-of-use features, such as drop-down list boxes and multiple-windows applications. Visual Basic provides the basis for the programming language used in all Microsoft Office application, Microsoft Visual Basic for applications and for a variety of applications from other vendors. Visual Basic supports a number of features that make it an excellent language for quickly creating full-featured solutions, including. • Data access features Data access features allow you to create databases, front-end applications, and scalable server-side components for most database formats, including Microsoft SQL Server and other enterprise-level databases. • ActiveX technologies ActiveX technologies allow you to use the functionality provided by other applications like Microsoft Word Processor, Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and other Windows applications. You can even automate applications and objects created

using the professional or Enterprise edition of Visual Basic.

• Internet Capabilities Internet Capabilities make it easy to provide access to documents and application across the Internet, or an Internet, form within your application, or to create Internet server applications. • Rapid Application Development (RAD) • Support for multilingual applications • Interactive debugging support

DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (DBMS) DBMS is generalized software designed to manage the database efficiently, providing facilities for organizations access the control. The DBMS provide the mechanism whereby a set of universe of diverse users i.e. provide multiple user vies of data physical representation. Organization facilities provided by DBMS software packages are representing the user’s view of data in such a way that it can be produced efficiently from a single storage implementation. Access facilities of DBMS software packages strive to maintain the database with a high degree of integrity. Such

facilities are usuall provided in the form of auxiliary data services.

ADVANTAGES OF RELATIONAL APPROACH THE RELATIONAL SYSTEM OFFER Benefits such as easy access to all data, flexibility in data modeling. Reduces data storage and redundancy, independence of physical storage and logical data design and high level data manipulation language SQL. As the technologies associated with RDBMS have grown rapidly in recent years, the appeals of relational database have become apparent to a much wider audience. The phenomenal growth of the relational technology has laid to more demand for RDBMS in environment raging from PCs to large, highly secure CPUs with users ranging from very casual to very sophisticated. Some of the advantage of relational approach over other approaches to database management are as follows. Power: The relational approach is a very powerful and flexible in access to information and interrelating information without and programming concepts. Adaptability: The features that make the relational approach more capable of accommodating changes are the immunity of the application programs activities.

Data Independence: The relational approach is the only one offer the four imp. Investment- protection features such as physical data independence, logical data independence integrity independence and distribution independence. Productivity: The ability to end user to make direct use of information relational databases without assistance is undoubtedly the primary reason why the RDBMS market has been expanded so quickly. Person to person communicability: with the relational approach an executive can, readily communicate with colleagues about the information stored in the database actions. Databases controllability: The relational model was designed to provide much stronger machinery for maintaining the entity integrity and referential integrity but also domain integrity, column integrity and defined integrity. Flexibility authorization: The relational model, on the other hand, use view to definition to determine the portion of database to which access will be permitted. A user is permitted by the system to access one or more specified views only and to use certain specified relational operators only on each view. Integritability: RDBMS offer a powerful, multiple record-at-atime languages making it to easier to develop the produce on top. Distributability: The five principles reason for the success of relational in managing distributed data bases are decompsition, flexibility, recom affort ability, power, economy of transmission, analyzability of intent and independence. Optimizability: The translation from source code to efficient target code is usually called optimization problem. Almost all of the present RDBMSs have superior capabilities in this area. Ease of conversion: All information in a database is perceived in the form of values. The language used in creating and

manipulation relational database is a much higher level & will be much easier to convert to whatever approach replaces the relational model. Concurrent action by multiple processing units to archive fault tolerance: One advantage of relational approach is that it tends itself to a higher degree of concurrent action, which with an appropiate architecture, in turns leads to a higher degree of fault tolerance. ORACLE RDBMS: ORACLE is a powerful RDBMS product that provides efficient and effective for major databases features. These include large database and space management control, many concurrent database user, high transaction processing performance. High availability, control availability, management security, database enforce integrity, client/server, distributed database system protability, connectivity. Prior to SQL, there was no standard access language. The SQL relational databse interface was developed by IBM in late 1970s. ANSI and ISO have adopted SQL as a standard language for RDBMS access.

The ORACLE family of database products includes several powerful applications development and generation tools these tools provide complete facilities, that system designers and developers can use to design, develop and test s/w products. ORACLE is a modular system that consists of ORACLE databse and several functional programs. These components can be viewed as tools and used independently. ORACLE’s tools do the four types of work: • Databse management. • Data Access and manipulation. • Programming. • Connectivity.



Efficient multi-user support and consistency: Application that do on-line transaction processing benefits most from low level locking allows multiple users to access different rows in the same table concurrently. The resulting performance gain is significant. ORACLE data integrity is maintained by oracle protecting data and structure. 2.

Ease of Administration: Oracle can provide compressive set of power utilities for confiruring and implementing the application. 3.

Powerful security features: Oracle guarantees data security by letting DBA specify data each user is permitted to access or modify. 4.

Fault Tolerance: Oracle is transaction oriented that is it used transactions to ensure data integrity. In the event of success crash or an abnormal shutdown, failure of application program in middle of transaction, the database is automatically restored to its former (pre transaction) state. The ORACLE precompilers let the programmers pack the power and flexibility of SQL in application programs. We can use SQL in familiar

High Level Languages such as C, COBOL, PASCAL and PL/1. A conventional easy to use interface lets the application access the ORACLE directly. Unlike many application development tools, the oracles precompilers lets the user create highly customized application. For e.g. we can create user interface that incorporate the latest windowing and mouse technology, can also creates application that run in the back ground without any user interactions. They help the user find--- tune his application, allow close monitoring of resources use, SQL statement execution. Although pre compiling at the step to the application development process it save times because the pre-compiler

Translates each embedded SQL statement into several native languages oracle calls.


Tables of the Database


FORM:- WELCOME FORM Dim k As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer, l As Integer Dim p As Integer, u As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() If Trim(Text1.Text) = "amit" And Trim(Text2.Text) = "kumar" Then Form18.Hide MDIForm1.Show Else If Trim(Text1.Text) <> "amit" Then

MsgBox "User Name Is Worng ", vbOKOnly Text1.SetFocus Text1.Text = "" u=u+1 Else If Trim(Text2.Text) <> "kumar" Then MsgBox "Password Is Worng ", vbOKOnly Text2.SetFocus Text2.Text = "" p=p+1 End If End If End If If u = 3 Or p = 3 Then End End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() End End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() k=0 i = 10 j = 20 l = 15 Timer1.Interval = 200 Text2.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() k = k + 10 i = i + 10 j = j + 10 l=l+5 If k = 90 Then k=0 End If

If i = 90 Then i = 10 End If If j = 90 Then j = 20 End If If l = 90 Then l = 15 End If Label1.FontSize = 30 Label2.FontSize = 30 Label3.FontSize = 30 Label4.FontSize = 30 Label1.ForeColor = 255 * k + (255 + (k / 100 * 255) * 255) Label2.ForeColor = 255 * j + (255 + (j / 100 * 255) * 255) Label3.ForeColor = 255 * i + (255 + (i / 100 * 255) * 255) Label4.ForeColor = 255 * i + (255 + (i / 100 * 255) * 255) End Sub

FORM:- MDI FORM Private Sub ex_Click() End End Sub Private Sub f1_Click(Index As Integer) Form2.Show End Sub Private Sub f2_Click(Index As Integer) Form19.Show End Sub Private Sub f3_Click(Index As Integer) Form20.Show End Sub

Private Sub f4_Click(Index As Integer) Form4.Show End Sub Private Sub n1_Click(Index As Integer) Form28.Show End Sub Private Sub n2_Click(Index As Integer) Form30.Show End Sub Private Sub n3_Click(Index As Integer) Form31.Show End Sub Private Sub n4_Click(Index As Integer) Form29.Show End Sub Private Sub n6_Click(Index As Integer) Form34.Show End Sub Private Sub nt1_Click(Index As Integer) Form9.Show End Sub Private Sub nt2_Click(Index As Integer) Form10.Show End Sub Private Sub nt3_Click(Index As Integer) Form11.Show End Sub Private Sub nt4_Click(Index As Integer) Form16.Show End Sub Private Sub nt5_Click(Index As Integer)

Form17.Show End Sub

Private Sub p1_Click(Index As Integer) Form21.Show End Sub Private Sub p2_Click(Index As Integer) Form22.Show End Sub Private Sub p3_Click(Index As Integer) Form23.Show End Sub Private Sub s1_Click(Index As Integer) Form24.Show End Sub Private Sub s2_Click(Index As Integer) Form26.Show End Sub Private Sub s3_Click(Index As Integer) Form27.Show End Sub Private Sub s4_Click(Index As Integer) Form25.Show End Sub

Private Sub s6_Click(Index As Integer) Form33.Show End Sub Private Sub std1_Click(Index As Integer) Form1.Show

Form1.Text2.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub std2_Click(Index As Integer) Form6.Show Form6.Command1.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub std3_Click(Index As Integer) Form32.Show Form32.Command1.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub std4_Click(Index As Integer) Form12.Show End Sub Private Sub t1_Click(Index As Integer) Form3.Show End Sub Private Sub t2_Click(Index As Integer) Form7.Show End Sub Private Sub t3_Click(Index As Integer) Form8.Show End Sub Private Sub t4_Click(Index As Integer) Form14.Show End Sub Private Sub t5_Click(Index As Integer) Form15.Show End Sub

FORM:- STUDENT ENTRY Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim k As Integer Private Sub Combo3_LostFocus() Dim nm As String, nm1 As String Dim i As Integer Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

rs.Open "select * from student", cn i=1 Do While Not rs.EOF nm = rs("class") nm1 = rs("section") If Trim(nm) = Combo2 And Trim(nm1) = Combo3 Then i=i+1 End If rs.MoveNext Loop Text3.Text = i End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim ans As String Text9.Text = Left(Text9.Text, 7) Text10.Text = Left(Text10.Text, 7) Set rs = cn.Execute("insert into student values('" & Text1.Text & "','" & Text2.Text & "','" & Combo2 & "','" & Combo3 & "'," & Text3.Text & ",'" & DTPicker1 & "','" & Text4.Text & "','" & Combo1 & "','" & Text5.Text & "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Text7.Text & "','" & Text8.Text & "'," & Text9.Text & "," & Text10.Text & ",'" & Text11.Text & "','" & Text12.Text & "','" & Text13.Text & "'," & k & ")") k=k+1 If k > 0 And k <= 9 Then Text1.Text = "S-000" + Trim(k) Else If k > 9 And k <= 99 Then Text1.Text = "S-00" + Trim(k) Else If k > 99 And k <= 999 Then Text1.Text = "S-0" + Trim(k) Else If k > 999 And k <= 9999 Then Text1.Text = "S-" + Trim(k) End If End If End If End If Text2.Text = ""

Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" Text12.Text = "" ans = MsgBox("Wish To Continue Enter Record", vbYesNo) If ans = vbYes Then Text2.SetFocus Else Command2.SetFocus 'Form3.Hide 'MDIForm1.Show End If Command1.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Form1.Hide MDIForm1.Show End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from student ", cn Do While Not rs.EOF k = rs("no") rs.MoveNext Loop k=k+1

If k > 0 And k <= 9 Then Text1.Text = "S-000" + Trim(k) Else If k > 9 And k <= 99 Then Text1.Text = "S-00" + Trim(k) Else If k > 99 And k <= 999 Then Text1.Text = "S-0" + Trim(k) Else If k > 999 And k <= 9999 Then Text1.Text = "S-" + Trim(k) End If End If End If End If Text13.Text = Date Combo1.Text = "Male" Combo2.Text = "STD1" Combo3.Text = "A" DTPicker1.Value = Date Command1.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub Text10_LostFocus() If Trim(Text10.Text) = "" Then 'Text10.SetFocus 'MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Text10.Text = 0 Else If Trim(Text10.Text) >= "A" And Trim(Text10.Text) <= "z" Then Text10.SetFocus MsgBox "Not Enter Character" Text10.Text = "" Else Text11.SetFocus End If End If

End Sub Private Sub Text11_LostFocus() If Trim(Text11.Text) = "" Then Text11.SetFocus MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Else Text12.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub Text12_LostFocus() If Trim(Text12.Text) = "" Then Text12.SetFocus MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Else Command1.Enabled = True Command1.SetFocus End If End Sub

Private Sub Text2_LostFocus() If Trim(Text2.Text) = "" Then Text2.SetFocus MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Else If Trim(Text2.Text) >= "A" And Trim(Text2.Text) <= "z" Then Combo2.SetFocus Else Text2.SetFocus MsgBox "Not Enter Number" Text2.Text = "" End If End If End Sub Private Sub Text4_LostFocus()

If Trim(Text4.Text) = "" Then Text4.SetFocus MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Else If Trim(Text4.Text) >= "A" And Trim(Text4.Text) <= "z" Then Combo1.SetFocus Else Text4.SetFocus MsgBox "Not Enter Number" Text4.Text = "" End If End If End Sub Private Sub Text5_LostFocus() If Trim(Text5.Text) = "" Then Text5.SetFocus MsgBox "Please Enter Record" Else If Trim(Text5.Text) >= "A" And Trim(Text5.Text) <= "z" Then Text6.SetFocus Else Text5.SetFocus MsgBox "Not Enter Number" Text5.Text = "" End If End If End Sub Private Sub Text6_LostFocus() If Trim(Text6.Text) = "" Then Text6.SetFocus MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Else If Trim(Text6.Text) >= "A" And Trim(Text6.Text) <= "z" Then Text7.SetFocus Else Text6.SetFocus MsgBox "Not Enter Number" Text6.Text = "" End If End If

End Sub Private Sub Text8_LostFocus() If Trim(Text8.Text) = "" Then Text8.SetFocus MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Else If Trim(Text8.Text) >= "A" And Trim(Text8.Text) <= "z" Then Text9.SetFocus Else Text8.SetFocus MsgBox "Not Enter Number" Text8.Text = "" End If End If End Sub Private Sub Text9_LostFocus() If Trim(Text9.Text) = "" Then 'Text9.SetFocus 'MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Text9.Text = 0 Else If Trim(Text9.Text) >= "A" And Trim(Text9.Text) <= "z" Then Text9.SetFocus MsgBox "Not Enter Character" Text9.Text = "" Else Text10.SetFocus End If End If End Sub Private Sub Text7_LostFocus() If Trim(Text7.Text) = "" Then Text7.SetFocus MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Else If Trim(Text7.Text) >= "A" And Trim(Text7.Text) <= "z" Then Text8.SetFocus Else Text7.SetFocus

MsgBox "Not Enter Number" Text7.Text = "" End If End If End Sub

FORM:-ALL STUDENT ENQUIRY Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim i As Integer, k As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from student") bgrid.Cols = 17 bgrid.Rows = rs.RecordCount + 1 bgrid.Row = 0 bgrid.Col = 0 bgrid.ColWidth(0) = 1750 bgrid.Text = "Student code" bgrid.Col = 1 bgrid.Text = "Name" bgrid.Col = 2 bgrid.Text = "Class" bgrid.Col = 3 bgrid.Text = "Section" bgrid.Col = 4 bgrid.Text = "Roll" bgrid.Col = 5 bgrid.Text = "Date of birth" bgrid.Col = 6 bgrid.Text = "P_cl_st" bgrid.Col = 7

bgrid.Text = "Sex" bgrid.Col = 8 bgrid.Text = " Father name" bgrid.Col = 9 bgrid.Text = "Mother name" bgrid.Col = 10 bgrid.Text = "Father Occuption" bgrid.Col = 11 bgrid.Text = "Mother Occuption" bgrid.Col = 12 bgrid.Text = "Tele Res" bgrid.Col = 13 bgrid.Text = "Tele Off" bgrid.Col = 14 bgrid.Text = "Present Address" bgrid.Col = 15 bgrid.Text = "Premanent Address" bgrid.Col = 16 bgrid.Text = "Admission Date" 'rs.MoveFirst For i = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 bgrid.Row = i + 1 bgrid.Col = 0 bgrid.Text = rs(0) bgrid.Col = 1 bgrid.Text = rs(1) bgrid.Col = 2 bgrid.Text = rs(2) bgrid.Col = 3 bgrid.Text = rs(3) bgrid.Col = 4 bgrid.Text = rs(4) bgrid.Col = 5 bgrid.Text = rs(5) bgrid.Col = 6 bgrid.Text = rs(6) bgrid.Col = 7 bgrid.Text = rs(7) bgrid.Col = 8 bgrid.Text = rs(8)

bgrid.Col = 9 bgrid.Text = rs(9) bgrid.Col = 10 bgrid.Text = rs(10) bgrid.Col = 11 bgrid.Text = rs(11) bgrid.Col = 12 bgrid.Text = rs(12) bgrid.Col = 13 bgrid.Text = rs(13) bgrid.Col = 14 bgrid.Text = rs(14) bgrid.Col = 15 bgrid.Text = rs(15) bgrid.Col = 16 bgrid.Text = rs(16) rs.MoveNext Next End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() bgrid.Clear Form6.Hide MDIForm1.Show End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from student order by std_code ", cn End Sub

FORM:- CLASSBY ENQUIRY FORM Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim i As Integer, k As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from student where class='" & Combo1.Text & "' and section= '" & Combo2.Text & "'") bgrid.Cols = 15 bgrid.Rows = rs.RecordCount + 1 bgrid.Row = 0 bgrid.Col = 0 bgrid.ColWidth(0) = 1750 bgrid.Text = "Student code" bgrid.Col = 1 bgrid.Text = "Name" bgrid.Col = 2 bgrid.Text = "Roll" bgrid.Col = 3 bgrid.Text = "Date of birth" bgrid.Col = 4 bgrid.Text = "P_cl_st" bgrid.Col = 5 bgrid.Text = "Sex" bgrid.Col = 6 bgrid.Text = " Father name" bgrid.Col = 7 bgrid.Text = "Mother name" bgrid.Col = 8 bgrid.Text = "Father Occuption"

bgrid.Col = 9 bgrid.Text = "Mother Occuption" bgrid.Col = 10 bgrid.Text = "Tele Res" bgrid.Col = 11 bgrid.Text = "Tele Off" bgrid.Col = 12 bgrid.Text = "Present Address" bgrid.Col = 13 bgrid.Text = "Premanent Address" bgrid.Col = 14 bgrid.Text = "Admission Date" 'rs.MoveFirst For i = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 bgrid.Row = i + 1 bgrid.Col = 0 bgrid.Text = rs(0) bgrid.Col = 1 bgrid.Text = rs(1) 'bgrid.Col = 2 'bgrid.Text = rs(2) 'bgrid.Col = 3 'bgrid.Text = rs(3) bgrid.Col = 2 bgrid.Text = rs(4) bgrid.Col = 3 bgrid.Text = rs(5) bgrid.Col = 4 bgrid.Text = rs(6) bgrid.Col = 5 bgrid.Text = rs(7) bgrid.Col = 6 bgrid.Text = rs(8) bgrid.Col = 7 bgrid.Text = rs(9) bgrid.Col = 8 bgrid.Text = rs(10) bgrid.Col = 9 bgrid.Text = rs(11) bgrid.Col = 10

bgrid.Text = rs(12) bgrid.Col = 11 bgrid.Text = rs(13) bgrid.Col = 12 bgrid.Text = rs(14) bgrid.Col = 13 bgrid.Text = rs(15) bgrid.Col = 14 bgrid.Text = rs(16) rs.MoveNext Next End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() bgrid.Clear Form32.Hide MDIForm1.Show End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from student order by std_code ", cn Text1.Text = Date Combo1.Text = "STD1" Combo2.Text = "A" End Sub

FORM:- STUDENT EDITING FORM Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection

Dim rs1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn1 As ADODB.Connection Dim k As String Private Sub Command1_Click() Set rs = cn.Execute("select *from student where std_code='" & Combo1 & "'") abc Text1.SetFocus Command3.Enabled = True Command4.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Text1.Text = "" Combo3.Text = "" Combo4.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" Text12.Text = "" Combo1.Clear Form12.Hide MDIForm1.Show End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Set rs = cn.Execute("update student set name ='" & Text1.Text & "',class='" & Combo3.Text & "',section='" & Combo4.Text & "',roll=" & Text2.Text & ",st_dob='" & DTPicker1.Value &

"',p_class='" & Text3.Text & "',sex= '" & Combo1.Text & "',father_nm= '" & Text4.Text & "',mother_nm= '" & Text5.Text & "',father_occ='" & Text6.Text & "',mother_occ= '" & Text7.Text & "',tel_res=" & Text8.Text & " ,tel_off= " & Text9.Text & ",p_add= '" & Text10.Text & "',pt_add= '" & Text11.Text & "',ad_date= '" & Text12.Text & "' where std_code ='" & Combo1.Text & "'") Command3.Enabled = False Combo1.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Dim nm As String, nm1 As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer Set rs = cn.Execute("delete from student where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "'") Set rs = cn.Execute("delete from fee where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "'") Set rs = cn.Execute("delete from marks where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "'") j = Val(Text4.Text) i = Val(Text4.Text) j=j+1 Do While Not rs1.EOF nm = rs1("class") nm1 = rs1("section") If Trim(nm) = Trim(Text2.Text) And Trim(nm1) = Trim(Text3.Text) Then Set rs = cn.Execute("update student set roll =" & i & " where class= '" & Trim(Text2.Text) & "' and section= '" & Trim(Text3.Text) & "' and roll=" & j & "") i=i+1 j=j+1 End If rs1.MoveNext

Loop Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" Text12.Text = "" Combo2.Text = "" Combo3.Text = "" Combo4.Text = "" Combo1.Clear Combo1.SetFocus Command3.Enabled = False Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from student order by std_code ", cn If rs.EOF Then Command2.SetFocus Else Combo1.Text = rs(0) End If Do While Not rs.EOF Combo1.AddItem rs(0)

rs.MoveNext Loop Command4.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from student order by std_code ", cn Combo1.Text = rs(0) Do While Not rs.EOF Combo1.AddItem rs(0) rs.MoveNext Loop Set cn1 = New ADODB.Connection With cn1 .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn1.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset rs1.Open "select * from student order by std_code ", cn1 Combo2.Text = "Male" Combo3.Text = "STD1" Combo4.Text = "A" Command3.Enabled = False Command4.Enabled = False DTPicker1.Value = Date Text15.Text = Date

End Sub Public Sub abc() Text1.Text = rs(1) Combo3.Text = rs(2) Combo4.Text = rs(3) Text2.Text = rs(4) DTPicker1.Value = rs(5) Text3.Text = rs(6) Combo2 = rs(7) Text4.Text = rs(8) Text5.Text = rs(9) Text6.Text = rs(10) Text7.Text = rs(11) Text8.Text = rs(12) Text9.Text = rs(13) Text10.Text = rs(14) Text11.Text = rs(15) Text12.Text = rs(16) End Sub

FORM:- TEACHER ENTRY FORM Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim k As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim ans As String Text4.Text = Left(Text4.Text, 7) k=k+1 Set rs = cn.Execute("insert into teacher values('" & Text1.Text & "','" & Text2.Text & "','" & Text3.Text & "','" & Combo1 & "'," & Text4.Text & ",'" & DTPicker1 & "','" & Text5.Text & "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Text7.Text & "','" & DTPicker2 & "'," &

Text8.Text & ",'" & Text9.Text & "','" & Text10.Text & "','" & Text11.Text & "'," & k & ")") If k > 0 And k <= 9 Then Text1.Text = "T-00" + Trim(k) Else If k > 9 And k <= 99 Then Text1.Text = "T-0" + Trim(k) Else If k > 99 And k <= 999 Then Text1.Text = "T-" + Trim(k) End If End If End If Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" ans = MsgBox("Wish To Continue Enter Record", vbYesNo) If ans = vbYes Then Text2.SetFocus Else Command2.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Form3.Hide MDIForm1.Show Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = ""

Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from teacher order by t_code", cn Do While Not rs.EOF k = rs("no") rs.MoveNext Loop k=k+1 If k > 0 And k <= 9 Then Text1.Text = "T-00" + Trim(k) Else If k > 9 And k <= 99 Then Text1.Text = "T-0" + Trim(k) Else If k > 99 And k <= 999 Then Text1.Text = "T-" + Trim(k) End If End If End If Text11.Text = Date DTPicker1.Value = Date DTPicker2.Value = Date Combo1.Text = "Male" Command1.Enabled = False Text2.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Text2_LostFocus() If Trim(Text2.Text) = "" Then

Text2.SetFocus MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Else If Trim(Text2.Text) >= "A" And Trim(Text2.Text) <= "z" Then Text3.SetFocus Else Text2.SetFocus MsgBox "Not Enter Number" Text2.Text = "" End If End If End Sub Private Sub Text3_LostFocus() If Trim(Text3.Text) = "" Then Text3.SetFocus MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Else If Trim(Text3.Text) >= "A" And Trim(Text3.Text) <= "z" Then Combo1.SetFocus Else Text3.SetFocus MsgBox "Not Enter Number" Text3.Text = "" End If End If End Sub Private Sub Text4_LostFocus() If Trim(Text4.Text) = "" Then 'Text4.SetFocus 'MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Text4.Text = 0 Else If Trim(Text4.Text) >= "A" And Trim(Text4.Text) <= "z" Then Text4.SetFocus MsgBox "Not Enter Character" Text4.Text = "" Else DTPicker1.SetFocus End If End If End Sub

Private Sub Text5_LostFocus() If Trim(Text5.Text) = "" Then Text5.SetFocus MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Else Text6.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub Text6_LostFocus() If Trim(Text6.Text) = "" Then Text6.SetFocus MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Else Text7.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub Text7_LostFocus() If Trim(Text7.Text) = "" Then Text7.SetFocus MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Else DTPicker2.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub Text8_LostFocus() If Trim(Text8.Text) = "" Then Text8.SetFocus MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Else If Trim(Text8.Text) >= "A" And Trim(Text8.Text) <= "z" Then Text8.SetFocus MsgBox "Not Enter Character" Text8.Text = "" Else Text9.SetFocus End If End If End Sub Private Sub Text9_LostFocus() If Trim(Text9.Text) = "" Then Text9.SetFocus

MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Else Text10.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub Text10_LostFocus() If Trim(Text10.Text) = "" Then Text10.SetFocus MsgBox "Please Enter Record", vbOKOnly Else Command1.Enabled = True Command1.SetFocus End If End Sub

FORM:- TEACHER ENQUIRY FORM Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim i As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from teacher") bgrid.Cols = 12 bgrid.Rows = rs.RecordCount + 1 bgrid.Row = 0 bgrid.Col = 0 bgrid.Text = "Teacher code" bgrid.Col = 1 bgrid.Text = "Name" bgrid.Col = 2 bgrid.Text = "Fat/Has Name" bgrid.Col = 3 bgrid.Text = "Address" bgrid.Col = 4 bgrid.Text = "Sex" bgrid.Col = 5 bgrid.Text = "Tel No" bgrid.Col = 6 bgrid.Text = "Date Of Birth"

bgrid.Col = 7 bgrid.Text = "Qualification" bgrid.Col = 8 bgrid.Text = "Ex Qualification" bgrid.Col = 9 bgrid.Text = "Priv Experience" bgrid.Col = 10 bgrid.Text = "Date Of Appointment" bgrid.Col = 11 bgrid.Text = "Pay Scale" 'rs.MoveFirst For i = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 bgrid.Row = i + 1 bgrid.Col = 0 bgrid.Text = rs(0) bgrid.Col = 1 bgrid.Text = rs(1) bgrid.Col = 2 bgrid.Text = rs(2) bgrid.Col = 3 bgrid.Text = rs(3) bgrid.Col = 4 bgrid.Text = rs(4) bgrid.Col = 5 bgrid.Text = rs(5) bgrid.Col = 6 bgrid.Text = rs(6) bgrid.Col = 7 bgrid.Text = rs(7) bgrid.Col = 8 bgrid.Text = rs(8) bgrid.Col = 9 bgrid.Text = rs(9) bgrid.Col = 10 bgrid.Text = rs(10) bgrid.Col = 11 bgrid.Text = rs(11) rs.MoveNext Next i

End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Form8.Hide MDIForm1.Show bgrid.Clear End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from teacher order by t_code", cn End Sub

FORM:- TEACHER EDITING FORM Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Private Sub Command1_Click() Set rs = cn.Execute("select *from teacher where t_code='" & Combo1 & "'") abc Text1.SetFocus Command3.Enabled = True Command4.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Combo1.Clear Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = ""

Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Form14.Hide MDIForm1.Show End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Text3.Text = Left(Text3.Text, 7) Set rs = cn.Execute("update teacher set t_name ='" & Text1.Text & "',f_name='" & Text2.Text & "',sex='" & Combo2.Text & "',t_no=" & Text3.Text & ",t_dob='" & DTPicker1.Value & "',quali='" & Text4.Text & "',ex_quali= '" & Text5.Text & "',p_exp= '" & Text6.Text & "',dopa= '" & DTPicker2.Value & "',p_scal=" & Text7.Text & ",p_add='" & Text8.Text & "',pt_add='" & Text9.Text & "' where t_code ='" & Combo1.Text & "'") Command3.Enabled = False Combo1.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Set rs = cn.Execute("delete from teacher where t_code='" & Combo1.Text & "'") Set rs = cn.Execute("delete from salary where t_code='" & Combo1.Text & "'") Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Combo2.Text = ""

Combo1.Clear Combo1.SetFocus Command3.Enabled = False Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from teacher", cn If rs.EOF Then Command2.SetFocus Else Combo1.Text = rs(0) End If Do While Not rs.EOF Combo1.AddItem rs(0) rs.MoveNext Loop Command4.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from teacher order by t_code", cn Combo1.Text = rs(0) Do While Not rs.EOF Combo1.AddItem rs(0) rs.MoveNext Loop

Text10.Text = Date DTPicker1.Value = Date DTPicker2.Value = Date Command3.Enabled = False Command4.Enabled = False End Sub Public Sub abc() Text1.Text = rs(1) Text2.Text = rs(2) Combo2.Text = rs(3) Text3.Text = rs(4) DTPicker1.Value = rs(5) Text4.Text = rs(6) Text5.Text = rs(7) Text6.Text = rs(8) DTPicker2.Value = rs(9) Text7.Text = rs(10) Text8.Text = rs(11) Text9.Text = rs(12) End Sub

FORM:- MONTHLY FEE ENTRY FORM Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn1 As ADODB.Connection Dim k As Integer

Private Sub Command1_Click() Command4.Enabled = True

Set rs = cn.Execute("select *from student where std_code='" & Combo1 & "'") DTPicker1.SetFocus abc Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" Text12.Text = "" Text13.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Form2.Hide MDIForm1.Show Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" Text12.Text = "" Command3.Enabled = False Text13.Text = "" Text21.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim mm As String Dim yy As Integer mm = Format(DTPicker1, "mmmm") yy = Format(DTPicker2, "yyyy")

Set rs = cn.Execute("insert into fee values('" & Text1.Text & "','" & Combo1.Text & "','" & Text2.Text & "'," & Text3.Text & ",'" & mm & "','" & Text5.Text & "','" & Text21.Text & "'," & Val(Text6.Text) & "," & Text7.Text & "," & Text8.Text & "," & Text9.Text & "," & Text10.Text & "," & Text11.Text & "," & Text12.Text & "," & Text13.Text & ",'" & Text22.Text & "'," & yy & "," & k & ")") k=k+1 Text1.Text = "SN-" + Trim(k) Command3.Enabled = False Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" Text12.Text = "" Text13.Text = "" Text21.Text = "" Combo1.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Command3.Enabled = True If Val(Text6.Text) = 0 Or Trim(Text6.Text) = "A" And Trim(Text6.Text) = "z" Then Text6.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text7.Text) = 0 Or Trim(Text7.Text) = "A" And Trim(Text7.Text) = "z" Then Text7.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text8.Text) = 0 Or Trim(Text8.Text) = "A" And Trim(Text8.Text) = "z" Then Text8.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text9.Text) = 0 Or Trim(Text9.Text) = "A" And Trim(Text9.Text) = "z" Then

Text9.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text10.Text) = 0 Or Trim(Text10.Text) = "A" And Trim(Text10.Text) = "z" Then Text10.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text11.Text) = 0 Or Trim(Text11.Text) = "A" And Trim(Text11.Text) = "z" Then Text11.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text12.Text) = 0 Or Trim(Text12.Text) = "A" And Trim(Text12.Text) = "z" Then Text12.Text = 0 End If

Text13.Text = Val(Text6.Text) + Val(Text7.Text) + Val(Text8.Text) + Val(Text8.Text) + Val(Text9.Text) + Val(Text10.Text) + Val(Text11.Text) + Val(Text12.Text) End Sub

Private Sub DTPicker2_LostFocus() Dim Y As Integer Dim c As String, m As String, s As String Dim j As String, h As Integer j = Format(DTPicker1, "mmmm") h = Format(DTPicker2, "yyyy") Set cn1 = New ADODB.Connection With cn1 .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn1.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset rs1.Open "select * from fee where std_code ='" & Combo1.Text & "' and month='" & j & "' and year= " & h & " ", cn1

Do While Not rs1.EOF c = rs1("std_code") m = rs1("month") Y = rs1("year") If Trim(c) = Combo1 And Trim(m) = Trim(j) And Val(Y) = Val(h) Then MsgBox "This Student Pay Fee In This Month And This Year", vbOKOnly DTPicker1.SetFocus End If rs1.MoveNext Loop End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from student order by std_code ", cn Combo1.Text = rs(0) Do While Not rs.EOF Combo1.AddItem rs(0) rs.MoveNext Loop Set cn1 = New ADODB.Connection With cn1 .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn1.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset rs1.Open "select * from fee order by slno ", cn1

Do While Not rs1.EOF k = rs1("no") rs1.MoveNext Loop k=k+1 Text1.Text = "SN-" + Trim(k) Text22.Text = Date DTPicker2.Value = Date DTPicker1.Value = Date Command3.Enabled = False Command4.Enabled = False Combo1.SetFocus End Sub Public Sub abc() Text2.Text = rs("name") Text21.Text = rs(3) Text5.Text = rs("class") Text3.Text = rs("roll") End Sub

FORM:- STUDENT FEE ENQUIRY FORM Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Private Sub Combo1_GotFocus() fgrid.Clear Combo2.Clear End Sub Private Sub Combo1_LostFocus() Dim str As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, n As Integer, t As Integer, s As Integer Dim yr1(35) As Double, yr2 As Double, yr3(35) As Double 'Combo2.Clear

Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from fee") ' where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "'") Combo2.Text = rs(16) Do While Not rs.EOF str = rs(1) If Trim(Combo1.Text) = str Then yr1(n) = rs(16) n=n+1 End If rs.MoveNext Loop n=n-1 j=0 Do While True yr2 = yr1(j) ' k=j j=j+1 i=0 t=s Do While t <> 0 If yr3(i) = yr2 Then Exit Do End If i=i+1 t=t-1 Loop If t = 0 Then yr3(s) = yr2 s=s+1 End If If j > n Then Exit Do End If Loop

For i = 0 To s - 1 Combo2.AddItem (yr3(i)) Next End Sub

Private Sub Combo2_LostFocus() Command1.Enabled = True Command1.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As String, b As String, c As String Dim d As String, e As String, f As String, g As String, h As String, i As String, j As String, k As String, l As String Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from fee where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "'") abc fgrid.Cols = 9 fgrid.Rows = 13 fgrid.Row = 0 fgrid.Col = 0 fgrid.ColWidth(0) = 1150 fgrid.Text = "Month Name" fgrid.Row = 1 fgrid.Text = "January" fgrid.Row = 2 fgrid.Text = "February" fgrid.Row = 3 fgrid.Text = "March" fgrid.Row = 4 fgrid.Text = "April" fgrid.Row = 5 fgrid.Text = "May" fgrid.Row = 6 fgrid.Text = "June"

fgrid.Row = 7 fgrid.Text = "July" fgrid.Row = 8 fgrid.Text = "August" fgrid.Row = 9 fgrid.Text = "September" fgrid.Row = 10 fgrid.Text = "October" fgrid.Row = 11 fgrid.Text = "November" fgrid.Row = 12 fgrid.Text = "December" fgrid.Row = 0 fgrid.Col = 1 fgrid.Text = "Ad_Fee" fgrid.Col = 2 fgrid.Text = "Tu_Fee" fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.Text = "Lib_Fee" fgrid.Col = 4 fgrid.Text = "Exm_Fee" fgrid.Col = 5 fgrid.Text = "Dev_Fee" fgrid.Col = 6 fgrid.Text = "Late_Fee" fgrid.Col = 7 fgrid.ColWidth(7) = 1100 fgrid.Text = "Back_Dues" fgrid.Col = 8 fgrid.Text = "Total" a = "January" b = "February" c = "March" d = "April" e = "May" f = "June" g = "July" h = "August"

i = "September" j = "October" k = "November" l = "December"

Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from fee where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "' and year=" & Combo2.Text & " and month='" & a & "'") For p = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 fgrid.Col = 1 fgrid.Row = p + 1 fgrid.Text = rs(7) fgrid.Col = 2 fgrid.Text = rs(8) fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.Text = rs(9) fgrid.Col = 4 fgrid.Text = rs(10) fgrid.Col = 5 fgrid.Text = rs(11) fgrid.Col = 6 fgrid.Text = rs(12) fgrid.Col = 7 fgrid.Text = rs(13) fgrid.Col = 8 fgrid.Text = rs(14) Next Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from fee where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "' and year=" & Combo2.Text & " and month='" & b & "'") For p = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 fgrid.Col = 1 fgrid.Row = p + 2 fgrid.Text = rs(7) fgrid.Col = 2

fgrid.Text = rs(8) fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.Text = rs(9) fgrid.Col = 4 fgrid.Text = rs(10) fgrid.Col = 5 fgrid.Text = rs(11) fgrid.Col = 6 fgrid.Text = rs(12) fgrid.Col = 7 fgrid.Text = rs(13) fgrid.Col = 8 fgrid.Text = rs(14) Next Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from fee where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "' and year=" & Combo2.Text & " and month='" & c & "'") For p = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 fgrid.Col = 1 fgrid.Row = p + 3 fgrid.Text = rs(7) fgrid.Col = 2 fgrid.Text = rs(8) fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.Text = rs(9) fgrid.Col = 4 fgrid.Text = rs(10) fgrid.Col = 5 fgrid.Text = rs(11) fgrid.Col = 6 fgrid.Text = rs(12) fgrid.Col = 7 fgrid.Text = rs(13) fgrid.Col = 8 fgrid.Text = rs(14) Next

Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from fee where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "' and year=" & Combo2.Text & " and month='" & d & "'") For p = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 fgrid.Col = 1 fgrid.Row = p + 4 fgrid.Text = rs(7) fgrid.Col = 2 fgrid.Text = rs(8) fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.Text = rs(9) fgrid.Col = 4 fgrid.Text = rs(10) fgrid.Col = 5 fgrid.Text = rs(11) fgrid.Col = 6 fgrid.Text = rs(12) fgrid.Col = 7 fgrid.Text = rs(13) fgrid.Col = 8 fgrid.Text = rs(14) Next Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from fee where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "' and year=" & Combo2.Text & " and month='" & e & "'") For p = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 fgrid.Col = 1 fgrid.Row = p + 5 fgrid.Text = rs(7) fgrid.Col = 2 fgrid.Text = rs(8) fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.Text = rs(9) fgrid.Col = 4 fgrid.Text = rs(10) fgrid.Col = 5 fgrid.Text = rs(11)

fgrid.Col = 6 fgrid.Text = rs(12) fgrid.Col = 7 fgrid.Text = rs(13) fgrid.Col = 8 fgrid.Text = rs(14) Next Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from fee where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "' and year=" & Combo2.Text & " and month='" & f & "'") For p = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 fgrid.Col = 1 fgrid.Row = p + 6 fgrid.Text = rs(7) fgrid.Col = 2 fgrid.Text = rs(8) fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.Text = rs(9) fgrid.Col = 4 fgrid.Text = rs(10) fgrid.Col = 5 fgrid.Text = rs(11) fgrid.Col = 6 fgrid.Text = rs(12) fgrid.Col = 7 fgrid.Text = rs(13) fgrid.Col = 8 fgrid.Text = rs(14) Next Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from fee where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "' and year=" & Combo2.Text & " and month='" & g & "'") For p = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 fgrid.Col = 1 fgrid.Row = p + 7

fgrid.Text = rs(7) fgrid.Col = 2 fgrid.Text = rs(8) fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.Text = rs(9) fgrid.Col = 4 fgrid.Text = rs(10) fgrid.Col = 5 fgrid.Text = rs(11) fgrid.Col = 6 fgrid.Text = rs(12) fgrid.Col = 7 fgrid.Text = rs(13) fgrid.Col = 8 fgrid.Text = rs(14) Next Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from fee where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "' and year=" & Combo2.Text & " and month='" & h & "'") For p = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 fgrid.Col = 1 fgrid.Row = p + 8 fgrid.Text = rs(7) fgrid.Col = 2 fgrid.Text = rs(8) fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.Text = rs(9) fgrid.Col = 4 fgrid.Text = rs(10) fgrid.Col = 5 fgrid.Text = rs(11) fgrid.Col = 6 fgrid.Text = rs(12) fgrid.Col = 7 fgrid.Text = rs(13) fgrid.Col = 8 fgrid.Text = rs(14) Next

Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from fee where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "' and year=" & Combo2.Text & " and month='" & i & "'") For p = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 fgrid.Col = 1 fgrid.Row = p + 9 fgrid.Text = rs(7) fgrid.Col = 2 fgrid.Text = rs(8) fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.Text = rs(9) fgrid.Col = 4 fgrid.Text = rs(10) fgrid.Col = 5 fgrid.Text = rs(11) fgrid.Col = 6 fgrid.Text = rs(12) fgrid.Col = 7 fgrid.Text = rs(13) fgrid.Col = 8 fgrid.Text = rs(14) Next Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from fee where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "' and year=" & Combo2.Text & " and month='" & j & "'") For p = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 fgrid.Col = 1 fgrid.Row = p + 10 fgrid.Text = rs(7) fgrid.Col = 2 fgrid.Text = rs(8) fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.Text = rs(9) fgrid.Col = 4 fgrid.Text = rs(10)

fgrid.Col = 5 fgrid.Text = rs(11) fgrid.Col = 6 fgrid.Text = rs(12) fgrid.Col = 7 fgrid.Text = rs(13) fgrid.Col = 8 fgrid.Text = rs(14) Next Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from fee where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "' and year=" & Combo2.Text & " and month='" & k & "'") For p = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 fgrid.Col = 1 fgrid.Row = p + 11 fgrid.Text = rs(7) fgrid.Col = 2 fgrid.Text = rs(8) fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.Text = rs(9) fgrid.Col = 4 fgrid.Text = rs(10) fgrid.Col = 5 fgrid.Text = rs(11) fgrid.Col = 6 fgrid.Text = rs(12) fgrid.Col = 7 fgrid.Text = rs(13) fgrid.Col = 8 fgrid.Text = rs(14) Next Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from fee where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "' and year=" & Combo2.Text & " and month='" & l & "'") For p = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 fgrid.Col = 1

fgrid.Row = p + 12 fgrid.Text = rs(7) fgrid.Col = 2 fgrid.Text = rs(8) fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.Text = rs(9) fgrid.Col = 4 fgrid.Text = rs(10) fgrid.Col = 5 fgrid.Text = rs(11) fgrid.Col = 6 fgrid.Text = rs(12) fgrid.Col = 7 fgrid.Text = rs(13) fgrid.Col = 8 fgrid.Text = rs(14) Next

End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Form19.Hide MDIForm1.Show fgrid.Clear Combo1.Clear Combo2.Clear Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate() Dim str1(50) As String, str2 As String, str3(50) As String

Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, n As Integer, t As Integer, s As Integer Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from fee order by std_code ", cn Combo1.Text = rs(1) Combo2.Text = rs("year") Do While Not rs.EOF str1(n) = rs(1) n=n+1 rs.MoveNext Loop n=n-1 j=0 Do While True str2 = Trim(str1(j)) j=j+1 i=0 t=s Do While t <> 0 If Trim(str3(i)) = str2 Then Exit Do End If i=i+1 t=t-1 Loop If t = 0 Then str3(s) = str2 s=s+1 End If If j > n Then Exit Do End If Loop

For i = 0 To s - 1 Combo1.AddItem (str3(i)) Next Combo1.SetFocus Command1.Enabled = False End Sub Public Sub abc() Text1.Text = rs("section") Text2.Text = rs("name") Text3.Text = rs("class") Text5.Text = rs("roll") End Sub

FORM:- ALL STUDENT FEE ENQUIRY FORM Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Private Sub Command1_Click() fgrid.Cols = 15 fgrid.Rows = rs.RecordCount + 1 fgrid.Row = 0 fgrid.Col = 0 fgrid.ColWidth(0) = 1230 fgrid.Text = "Student code" fgrid.Row = 0 fgrid.Col = 1 fgrid.Text = "Name" fgrid.Col = 2 fgrid.Text = "Class" fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.Text = "Roll" fgrid.Col = 4 fgrid.Text = "Section" fgrid.Col = 5 fgrid.Text = "Month" fgrid.Col = 6

fgrid.Text = "Year" fgrid.Col = 7 fgrid.Text = "Add_Fee" fgrid.Col = 8 fgrid.Text = "Tu_Fee" fgrid.Col = 9 'fgrid.ColWidth(7) = 1100 fgrid.Text = "Lib_Fee" fgrid.Col = 10 fgrid.Text = "Exm_Fee" fgrid.Col = 11 fgrid.Text = "Dev_Fee" fgrid.Col = 12 fgrid.Text = "Late_Fee" fgrid.Col = 13 fgrid.Text = "Back Dues" fgrid.Col = 14 fgrid.Text = "Total" Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from fee") For i = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 fgrid.Col = 0 fgrid.Row = i + 1 fgrid.Text = rs(1) fgrid.Col = 1 fgrid.Text = rs(2) fgrid.Col = 2 fgrid.Text = rs(5) fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.Text = rs(3) fgrid.Col = 4 fgrid.Text = rs(6) fgrid.Col = 5 fgrid.Text = rs(4) fgrid.Col = 6 fgrid.Text = rs(16) fgrid.Col = 7 fgrid.Text = rs(7) fgrid.Col = 8

fgrid.Text = rs(8) fgrid.Col = 9 fgrid.Text = rs(9) fgrid.Col = 10 fgrid.Text = rs(10) fgrid.Col = 11 fgrid.Text = rs(11) fgrid.Col = 12 fgrid.Text = rs(12) fgrid.Col = 13 fgrid.Text = rs(13) fgrid.Col = 14 fgrid.Text = rs(14) ''fgrid.Col = 15 ''fgrid.Text = rs(14) ''fgrid.Col = 14 ''fgrid.Text = rs(15) rs.MoveNext Next

End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() fgrid.Clear Form20.Hide MDIForm1.Show End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from fee order by std_code ", cn End Sub

FORM:- FEE ENQUIRY AND MODIFICATION Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Private Sub Combo1_GotFocus() Combo2.Clear End Sub Private Sub Combo1_LostFocus() Dim str As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, n As Integer, t As Integer, s As Integer Dim tr1(35) As String, tr2 As String, tr3(35) As String Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from fee") ' where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "'") Combo2.Text = rs("month") Do While Not rs.EOF str = rs(1) If Trim(Combo1.Text) = str Then tr1(n) = rs("month") n=n+1 End If rs.MoveNext Loop n=n-1 j=0 Do While True tr2 = tr1(j) j=j+1 i=0 t=s

Do While t <> 0 If tr3(i) = tr2 Then Exit Do End If i=i+1 t=t-1 Loop If t = 0 Then tr3(s) = tr2 s=s+1 End If If j > n Then Exit Do End If Loop For i = 0 To s - 1 Combo2.AddItem (tr3(i)) Next End Sub Private Sub Combo2_GotFocus() Combo3.Clear End Sub Private Sub Combo2_LostFocus() Dim str As String, str1 As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, n As Integer, t As Integer, s As Integer Dim yr1(35) As Integer, yr2 As Integer, yr3(35) As Integer Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from fee") Combo3.Text = rs("year") Do While Not rs.EOF str = rs(1) str1 = rs("month")

If Trim(Combo1.Text) = Trim(str) And Trim(Combo2.Text) = Trim(str1) Then yr1(n) = rs("year") n=n+1 End If rs.MoveNext Loop n=n-1 j=0 Do While True yr2 = yr1(j) j=j+1 i=0 t=s Do While t <> 0 If yr3(i) = yr2 Then Exit Do End If i=i+1 t=t-1 Loop If t = 0 Then yr3(s) = yr2 s=s+1 End If If j > n Then Exit Do End If Loop For i = 0 To s - 1 Combo3.AddItem (yr3(i)) Next End Sub

Private Sub Combo3_LostFocus() Command1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Set rs = cn.Execute("select *from fee where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "'and month='" & Combo2.Text & "' and year=" & Combo3.Text & "") Text6.SetFocus abc End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Form4.Hide MDIForm1.Show Combo1.Clear 'Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" Text12.Text = "" Text13.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Set rs = cn.Execute("update fee set name='" & Text2.Text & "',roll=" & Text3.Text & ",class= '" & Text5.Text & "',section='" & Text4.Text & "',add_fee=" & Text6.Text & ",tu_fee=" & Text7.Text & ",lib_fee=" & Text8.Text & ",exm_fee=" & Text9.Text & ",dev_fee=" & Text10.Text & ",late_fee=" &

Text11.Text & ",back_dues=" & Text12.Text & ",total=" & Text13.Text & " where std_code ='" & Combo1.Text & "' and month= '" & Combo2.Text & "' and year= " & Combo3.Text & "") Command3.Enabled = False Combo1.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() If Val(Text6.Text) = 0 Or Trim(Text6.Text) = "A" And Trim(Text6.Text) = "z" Then Text6.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text7.Text) = 0 Or Trim(Text7.Text) = "A" And Trim(Text7.Text) = "z" Then Text7.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text8.Text) = 0 Or Trim(Text8.Text) = "A" And Trim(Text8.Text) = "z" Then Text8.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text9.Text) = 0 Or Trim(Text9.Text) = "A" And Trim(Text9.Text) = "z" Then Text9.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text10.Text) = 0 Or Trim(Text10.Text) = "A" And Trim(Text10.Text) = "z" Then Text10.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text11.Text) = 0 Or Trim(Text11.Text) = "A" And Trim(Text11.Text) = "z" Then Text11.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text12.Text) = 0 Or Trim(Text12.Text) = "A" And Trim(Text12.Text) = "z" Then Text12.Text = 0 End If Text13.Text = Val(Text6.Text) + Val(Text7.Text) + Val(Text8.Text) + Val(Text8.Text) + Val(Text9.Text) + Val(Text10.Text) + Val(Text11.Text) + Val(Text12.Text)

Command3.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() Dim str1(50) As String, str2 As String, str3(50) As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, n As Integer, t As Integer, s As Integer Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from fee order by std_code ", cn Combo1.Text = rs(1) Do While Not rs.EOF str1(n) = rs(1) n=n+1 rs.MoveNext Loop n=n-1 j=0 Do While True str2 = Trim(str1(j)) j=j+1 i=0 t=s Do While t <> 0 If Trim(str3(i)) = str2 Then Exit Do End If i=i+1 t=t-1 Loop

If t = 0 Then str3(s) = str2 s=s+1 End If If j > n Then Exit Do End If Loop For i = 0 To s - 1 Combo1.AddItem (str3(i)) Next Combo1.SetFocus Command1.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = False Text1.Text = Date End Sub Public Sub abc() 'Text1.Text = rs(1) Text2.Text = rs(2) Text3.Text = rs(3) Text4.Text = rs(6) Text5.Text = rs(5) Text6.Text = rs(7) Text7.Text = rs(8) Text8.Text = rs(9) Text9.Text = rs(10) Text10.Text = rs(11) Text11.Text = rs(12) Text12.Text = rs(13) Text13.Text = rs(14) 'Text14.Text = rs(16) 'Text15.Text = rs(4) End Sub


Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn1 As ADODB.Connection Dim k As Integer

Private Sub Combo1_GotFocus() 'Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" Command2.Enabled = False Command1.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub DTPicker1_LostFocus() Dim Y As Integer Dim c As String, m As String, s As String Set cn1 = New ADODB.Connection With cn1 .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn1.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset rs1.Open "select * from salary ", cn1 Dim j As String, h As Integer j = Format(DTPicker2, "mmmm")

h = Format(DTPicker1, "yyyy") Do While Not rs1.EOF c = rs1("t_code") m = rs1("month") Y = rs1("year") If Trim(c) = Combo1 And Trim(m) = Trim(j) And Val(Y) = Val(h) Then MsgBox "This Teacher Take This Month Salary" DTPicker2.SetFocus End If rs1.MoveNext Loop Command2.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() If Val(Text8.Text) = 0 Then Text8.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text9.Text) = 0 Then Text9.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text10.Text) = 0 Then Text10.Text = 0 End If Text11.Text = Val(Text4.Text) + Val(Text5.Text) + Val(Text6.Text) + Val(Text7.Text) + Val(Text8.Text) + Val(Text9.Text) + Val(Text10.Text) Command4.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from teacher where t_code='" & Combo1.Text & "'") abc Text5.Text = Text4.Text * 45 / 100 Text6.Text = Text4.Text * 12 / 100 Text7.Text = Text4.Text * 15 / 100

Text8.SetFocus Command1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Form24.Hide MDIForm1.Show Combo1.Clear Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() 'Text3.Text = DTPicker1.Month 'Text12.Text = DTPicker2.Year Dim mm As String Dim yy As Integer mm = Format(DTPicker2, "mmmm") yy = Format(DTPicker1, "yyyy") k=k+1 Set rs1 = cn1.Execute("insert into salary values('" & Combo1 & "','" & Text1.Text & "'," & Text4.Text & "," & Text5.Text & "," & Text6.Text & "," & Text7.Text & "," & Text8.Text & "," & Text9.Text & "," & Text10.Text & "," & Text11.Text & ",'" & Text2.Text & "','" & mm & "'," & yy & ",'" & Text13.Text & "'," & k & ")") Command4.Enabled = False

Combo1.SetFocus no = "SN-" + Trim(k) Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from teacher", cn Combo1.Text = rs(0) Do While Not rs.EOF Combo1.AddItem rs(0) rs.MoveNext Loop Text2.Text = Date Set cn1 = New ADODB.Connection With cn1 .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn1.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset rs1.Open "select * from salary order by slno", cn1

Do While Not rs1.EOF k = rs1("no") rs1.MoveNext Loop k=k+1 Text13.Text = "SN-" + Trim(k)

DTPicker1.Value = Date DTPicker2.Value = Date Command4.Enabled = False Command1.Enabled = False Command2.Enabled = False Combo1.SetFocus End Sub Public Sub abc() Text1.Text = rs(1) Text4.Text = rs(10) End Sub

FORM:- ALL TEACHER SALARY ENQUIRY FORM Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Private Sub Command2_Click() fgrid.Cols = 12 fgrid.Rows = rs.RecordCount + 1 fgrid.Col = 0 fgrid.Row = 0 fgrid.Text = "Teacher Code" fgrid.Col = 1 fgrid.Text = "Name" fgrid.Col = 2

fgrid.Text = "Month" fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.Text = "Year" fgrid.Col = 4 fgrid.Text = "Basci Salary" fgrid.Col = 5 fgrid.Text = "D A" fgrid.Col = 6 fgrid.Text = "P F" fgrid.Col = 7 fgrid.Text = "H R" fgrid.Col = 8 fgrid.Text = "T R" fgrid.Col = 9 fgrid.Text = "C A" fgrid.Col = 10 fgrid.Text = "G I" fgrid.Col = 11 fgrid.Text = "Total" Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from salary") For i = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 fgrid.Row = i + 1 fgrid.Col = 0 fgrid.Text = rs(0) fgrid.Col = 1 fgrid.Text = rs(1) fgrid.Col = 2 fgrid.Text = rs(11) fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.Text = rs(12) fgrid.Col = 4 fgrid.Text = rs(2) fgrid.Col = 5 fgrid.Text = rs(3) fgrid.Col = 6 fgrid.Text = rs(4) fgrid.Col = 7 fgrid.Text = rs(5) fgrid.Col = 8 fgrid.Text = rs(6)

fgrid.Col = 9 fgrid.Text = rs(7) fgrid.Col = 10 fgrid.Text = rs(8) fgrid.Col = 11 fgrid.Text = rs(9) rs.MoveNext Next End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from salary", cn End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() fgrid.Clear Form27.Hide MDIForm1.Show End Sub

FORM:- TEACHER SALARY ENQUIRY AND EDITING Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Private Sub Combo1_GotFocus() Combo2.Clear Combo2.Clear Combo3.Clear Text1.Text = "" Text4.Text = ""

Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" Command2.Enabled = False Command1.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Combo1_LostFocus() Dim str As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, n As Integer, t As Integer, s As Integer Dim tr1(35) As String, tr2 As String, tr3(35) As String Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from salary") Combo2.Text = rs("month") Do While Not rs.EOF str = rs(0) If Trim(Combo1.Text) = str Then tr1(n) = rs("month") n=n+1 End If rs.MoveNext Loop n=n-1 j=0 Do While True tr2 = tr1(j) j=j+1 i=0 t=s Do While t <> 0 If tr3(i) = tr2 Then

Exit Do End If i=i+1 t=t-1 Loop If t = 0 Then tr3(s) = tr2 s=s+1 End If If j > n Then Exit Do End If Loop For i = 0 To s - 1 Combo2.AddItem (tr3(i)) Next End Sub Private Sub Combo2_GotFocus() Combo3.Clear End Sub Private Sub Combo2_LostFocus() Dim str As String, str1 As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, n As Integer, t As Integer, s As Integer Dim yr1(35) As Integer, yr2 As Integer, yr3(35) As Integer Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from salary") Combo3.Text = rs("year") Do While Not rs.EOF

str = rs(0) str1 = rs("month") If Trim(Combo1.Text) = Trim(str) And Trim(Combo2.Text) = Trim(str1) Then yr1(n) = rs("year") n=n+1 End If rs.MoveNext Loop n=n-1 j=0 Do While True yr2 = yr1(j) j=j+1 i=0 t=s Do While t <> 0 If yr3(i) = yr2 Then Exit Do End If i=i+1 t=t-1 Loop If t = 0 Then yr3(s) = yr2 s=s+1 End If If j > n Then Exit Do End If Loop For i = 0 To s - 1 Combo3.AddItem (yr3(i)) Next

End Sub

Private Sub Combo3_LostFocus() Command2.Enabled = True Command2.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() If Val(Text8.Text) = 0 Then Text8.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text9.Text) = 0 Then Text9.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text10.Text) = 0 Then Text10.Text = 0 End If Text11.Text = Val(Text4.Text) + Val(Text5.Text) + Val(Text6.Text) + Val(Text7.Text) + Val(Text8.Text) + Val(Text9.Text) + Val(Text10.Text) Command4.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from salary where t_code='" & Combo1.Text & "' and month ='" & Combo2.Text & "' and year= " & Combo3.Text & "") abc Text8.SetFocus Command1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click()

Form25.Hide MDIForm1.Show Combo1.Clear Combo2.Clear Combo3.Clear Text1.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Set rs = cn.Execute("update salary set tr =" & Text8.Text & ",ca=" & Text9.Text & ",gi=" & Text10.Text & ",total=" & Text11.Text & " where t_code ='" & Combo1.Text & "' and month= '" & Combo2.Text & "' and year= " & Combo3.Text & "") Command4.Enabled = False Combo1.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() Dim str1(50) As String, str2 As String, str3(50) As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, n As Integer, t As Integer, s As Integer Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from salary order by slno", cn

Combo1.Text = rs(0) Text3.Text = Date Do While Not rs.EOF str1(n) = rs(0) n=n+1 rs.MoveNext Loop n=n-1 j=0 Do While True str2 = Trim(str1(j)) j=j+1 i=0 t=s Do While t <> 0 If Trim(str3(i)) = str2 Then Exit Do End If i=i+1 t=t-1 Loop If t = 0 Then str3(s) = str2 s=s+1 End If If j > n Then Exit Do End If Loop For i = 0 To s - 1 Combo1.AddItem (str3(i)) Next Text3.Text = Date

Combo1.SetFocus Command4.Enabled = False Command1.Enabled = False Command2.Enabled = False End Sub Public Sub abc() Text1.Text = rs(1) Text4.Text = rs(2) Text5.Text = rs(3) Text6.Text = rs(4) Text7.Text = rs(5) Text8.Text = rs(6) Text9.Text = rs(7) Text10.Text = rs(8) Text11.Text = rs(9) End Sub

FORM:- PROGRESS REPORT ENTRY FORM Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn1 As ADODB.Connection

Private Sub Combo2_LostFocus() Dim Y As Integer, h As Integer Dim c As String, m As String, s As String Set cn1 = New ADODB.Connection With cn1 .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn1.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset rs1.Open "select * from marks ", cn1

Dim j As String h = Format(DTPicker1, "yyyy") Do While Not rs1.EOF c = rs1("std_code") m = rs1("term") Y = rs1("year") If Trim(c) = Combo1 And Trim(m) = Combo2 And Val(Y) = Val(h) Then MsgBox "In This Term Marks Is Input " Combo2.SetFocus End If rs1.MoveNext Loop Command4.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim yy As Integer yy = Format(DTPicker1, "yyyy") If Val(Text22.Text) = 0 Or Trim(Text22.Text) = "A" And Trim(Text22.Text) = "z" Then Text22.Text = 0 End If Set rs1 = cn1.Execute("insert into marks values('" & Combo1 & "','" & Text1.Text & "'," & Text2.Text & ",'" & Text3.Text & "','" & Text4.Text & "'," & yy & ",'" & Combo2 & "'," & Text5.Text & "," & Text6.Text & "," & Text7.Text & "," & Text8.Text & "," & Text9.Text & "," & Text10.Text & "," & Text11.Text & "," & Text12.Text & "," & Text13.Text & "," & Text14.Text & "," & Text15.Text & "," & Text16.Text & "," & Text17.Text & "," & Text18.Text & "," & Text19.Text & "," & Text20.Text & ",'" & Text21.Text & "'," & Text22.Text & ",'" & Text23.Text & "')") Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = ""

Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" Text12.Text = "" Text13.Text = "" Text14.Text = "" Text15.Text = "" Text16.Text = "" Text17.Text = "" Text18.Text = "" Text19.Text = "" Text20.Text = "" Text21.Text = "" Text22.Text = "" Command1.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Form21.Hide MDIForm1.Show Combo1.Clear Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" Text12.Text = "" Text13.Text = ""

Text14.Text = "" Text15.Text = "" Text16.Text = "" Text17.Text = "" Text18.Text = "" Text19.Text = "" Text20.Text = "" Text21.Text = "" Text22.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Set rs = cn.Execute("select *from student where std_code='" & Combo1 & "'") abc Combo2.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() If Val(Text5.Text) = 0 Then Text5.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text6.Text) = 0 Then Text6.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text7.Text) = 0 Then Text7.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text8.Text) = 0 Then Text8.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text9.Text) = 0 Then Text9.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text10.Text) = 0 Then Text10.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text11.Text) = 0 Then Text11.Text = 0 End If

If Val(Text12.Text) = 0 Then Text12.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text13.Text) = 0 Then Text13.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text14.Text) = 0 Then Text14.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text15.Text) = 0 Then Text15.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text16.Text) = 0 Then Text16.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text17.Text) = 0 Then Text17.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text18.Text) = 0 Then Text18.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text19.Text) = 0 Then Text19.Text = 0 End If Text20.Text = Val(Text5.Text) + Val(Text6.Text) + Val(Text7.Text) + Val(Text8.Text) + Val(Text9.Text) + Val(Text10.Text) + Val(Text11.Text) + Val(Text12.Text) + Val(Text13.Text) + Val(Text14.Text) + Val(Text15.Text) + Val(Text16.Text) + Val(Text17.Text) + Val(Text18.Text) + Val(Text19.Text) If Val(Text20.Text) >= 540 Then Text21.Text = "1st" Else If Val(Text20.Text) >= 420 And Val(Text20.Text) < 540 Then Text21.Text = "2nd" Else If Val(Text20.Text) >= 320 And Val(Text20.Text) < 420 Then Text21.Text = "3rd" Else If Val(Text20.Text) < 320 Then

Text21.Text = "Fail" End If End If End If End If Text22.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from student order by std_code ", cn Combo1.Text = rs(0) Do While Not rs.EOF Combo1.AddItem rs(0) rs.MoveNext Loop Set cn1 = New ADODB.Connection With cn1 .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn1.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset rs1.Open "select * from marks order by std_code", cn1 Text23.Text = Date Command1.Enabled = False Command4.Enabled = False End Sub Public Sub abc() Text1.Text = rs(1) Text2.Text = rs(4) Text3.Text = rs(3) Text4.Text = rs(2)

End Sub

Private Sub Text22_LostFocus() Command1.Enabled = True End Sub

FORM:- PROGRESS REPORT ENQUIRY FORM Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim str As String, str1 As String, str2 As String Dim k As Integer Dim st_code As String, term As String str = "1st" str1 = "2nd" str2 = "Final" fgrid.Cols = 4 fgrid.Rows = 19 fgrid.Col = 0 fgrid.Row = 0 fgrid.ColWidth(0) = 1120 fgrid.Text = "Subjects" fgrid.Col = 1 fgrid.ColWidth(1) = 1120 fgrid.Text = "1st Terminal" fgrid.Col = 2 fgrid.ColWidth(2) = 1200 fgrid.Text = "2nd Terminal" fgrid.Col = 3 fgrid.ColWidth(3) = 1300

fgrid.Text = "Final Terminal" fgrid.Col = 0 fgrid.Row = 1 fgrid.Text = "Hindi" fgrid.Row = 2 fgrid.Text = "Sanskrit" fgrid.Row = 3 fgrid.Text = "English 1" fgrid.Row = 4 fgrid.Text = "English 2" fgrid.Row = 5 fgrid.Text = "Math 1" fgrid.Row = 6 fgrid.Text = "Math 2" fgrid.Row = 7 fgrid.Text = "Physich" fgrid.Row = 8 fgrid.Text = "Chemistry" fgrid.Row = 9 fgrid.Text = "Biology" fgrid.Row = 10 fgrid.Text = "History" fgrid.Row = 11 fgrid.Text = "Geograhhy" fgrid.Row = 12 fgrid.Text = "Economics" fgrid.Row = 13 fgrid.Text = "G.K" fgrid.Row = 14 fgrid.Text = "Computer" fgrid.Row = 15 fgrid.Text = "Drawing" fgrid.Row = 16 fgrid.Text = "Total" fgrid.Row = 17 fgrid.Text = "Rank" fgrid.Row = 18 fgrid.Text = "Attendance"

Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from marks where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "' and term='" & Trim(str) & "' and year= " & Combo2.Text & " ") abc For i = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 fgrid.Col = i + 1 fgrid.Row = 1 fgrid.Text = rs(7) fgrid.Row = 2 fgrid.Text = rs(8) fgrid.Row = 3 fgrid.Text = rs(10) fgrid.Row = 4 fgrid.Text = rs(11) fgrid.Row = 5 fgrid.Text = rs(13) fgrid.Row = 6 fgrid.Text = rs(14) fgrid.Row = 7 fgrid.Text = rs(16) fgrid.Row = 8 fgrid.Text = rs(17) fgrid.Row = 9 fgrid.Text = rs(18) fgrid.Row = 10 fgrid.Text = rs(19) fgrid.Row = 11 fgrid.Text = rs(20) fgrid.Row = 12 fgrid.Text = rs(21) fgrid.Row = 13 fgrid.Text = rs(12) fgrid.Row = 14 fgrid.Text = rs(9) fgrid.Row = 15 fgrid.Text = rs(15) fgrid.Row = 16 fgrid.Text = rs(22) fgrid.Row = 17

fgrid.Text = rs(23) fgrid.Row = 18 fgrid.Text = rs(24) Next Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from marks where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "' and term= '" & str1 & "' and term='" & Trim(str1) & "'") For i = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 fgrid.Col = i + 2 fgrid.Row = 1 fgrid.Text = rs(7) fgrid.Row = 2 fgrid.Text = rs(8) fgrid.Row = 3 fgrid.Text = rs(10) fgrid.Row = 4 fgrid.Text = rs(11) fgrid.Row = 5 fgrid.Text = rs(13) fgrid.Row = 6 fgrid.Text = rs(14) fgrid.Row = 7 fgrid.Text = rs(16) fgrid.Row = 8 fgrid.Text = rs(17) fgrid.Row = 9 fgrid.Text = rs(18) fgrid.Row = 10 fgrid.Text = rs(19) fgrid.Row = 11 fgrid.Text = rs(20) fgrid.Row = 12 fgrid.Text = rs(21) fgrid.Row = 13 fgrid.Text = rs(12) fgrid.Row = 14 fgrid.Text = rs(9) fgrid.Row = 15 fgrid.Text = rs(15)

fgrid.Row = 16 fgrid.Text = rs(22) fgrid.Row = 17 fgrid.Text = rs(23) fgrid.Row = 18 fgrid.Text = rs(24) Next

Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from marks where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "' and term='" & Trim(str2) & "'") For i = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1 fgrid.Col = i + 3 fgrid.Row = 1 fgrid.Text = rs(7) fgrid.Row = 2 fgrid.Text = rs(8) fgrid.Row = 3 fgrid.Text = rs(10) fgrid.Row = 4 fgrid.Text = rs(11) fgrid.Row = 5 fgrid.Text = rs(13) fgrid.Row = 6 fgrid.Text = rs(14) fgrid.Row = 7 fgrid.Text = rs(16) fgrid.Row = 8 fgrid.Text = rs(17) fgrid.Row = 9 fgrid.Text = rs(18) fgrid.Row = 10 fgrid.Text = rs(19) fgrid.Row = 11 fgrid.Text = rs(20) fgrid.Row = 12

fgrid.Text = rs(21) fgrid.Row = 13 fgrid.Text = rs(12) fgrid.Row = 14 fgrid.Text = rs(9) fgrid.Row = 15 fgrid.Text = rs(15) fgrid.Row = 16 fgrid.Text = rs(22) fgrid.Row = 17 fgrid.Text = rs(23) fgrid.Row = 18 fgrid.Text = rs(24) Next

End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Form22.Hide MDIForm1.Show fgrid.Clear Combo1.Clear Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Combo1_LostFocus() Dim str As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, n As Integer, t As Integer, s As Integer Dim yr1(35) As Double, yr2 As Double, yr3(35) As Double

'Combo2.Clear Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from marks") ' where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "'") Combo2.Text = rs("year") Do While Not rs.EOF str = rs(0) If Trim(Combo1.Text) = str Then yr1(n) = rs("year") n=n+1 End If rs.MoveNext Loop n=n-1 j=0 Do While True yr2 = yr1(j) ' k=j j=j+1 i=0 t=s Do While t <> 0 If yr3(i) = yr2 Then Exit Do End If i=i+1 t=t-1 Loop If t = 0 Then yr3(s) = yr2 s=s+1 End If If j > n Then Exit Do End If Loop

For i = 0 To s - 1 Combo2.AddItem (yr3(i)) Next Command1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Combo1_GotFocus() fgrid.Clear Combo2.Clear End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() Dim str1(50) As String, str2 As String, str3(50) As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, n As Integer, t As Integer, s As Integer

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from marks order by std_code ", cn Combo1.Text = rs(0) Combo2.Text = rs("year") Do While Not rs.EOF str1(n) = rs(0) n=n+1 rs.MoveNext Loop n=n-1 j=0 Do While True str2 = Trim(str1(j))

j=j+1 i=0 t=s Do While t <> 0 If Trim(str3(i)) = str2 Then Exit Do End If i=i+1 t=t-1 Loop If t = 0 Then str3(s) = str2 s=s+1 End If If j > n Then Exit Do End If Loop For i = 0 To s - 1 Combo1.AddItem (str3(i)) Next

Command1.Enabled = False Combo1.SetFocus Text5.Text = Date End Sub Public Sub abc() Text1.Text = rs(1) Text2.Text = rs(2) Text3.Text = rs(3) Text4.Text = rs(4) 'DTPicker1.Value = rs(5) End Sub


Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Private Sub Combo1_GotFocus() Combo2.Clear Combo3.Clear End Sub Private Sub Combo1_LostFocus() Dim str As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, n As Integer, t As Integer, s As Integer Dim tr1(35) As String, tr2 As String, tr3(35) As String Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from marks") ' where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "'") Combo2.Text = rs("term") Do While Not rs.EOF str = rs(0) If Trim(Combo1.Text) = str Then tr1(n) = rs("term") n=n+1 End If rs.MoveNext Loop n=n-1 j=0 Do While True tr2 = tr1(j) j=j+1 i=0 t=s Do While t <> 0 If tr3(i) = tr2 Then

Exit Do End If i=i+1 t=t-1 Loop If t = 0 Then tr3(s) = tr2 s=s+1 End If If j > n Then Exit Do End If Loop For i = 0 To s - 1 Combo2.AddItem (tr3(i)) Next End Sub Private Sub Combo2_LostFocus() Dim str As String, str1 As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, n As Integer, t As Integer, s As Integer Dim yr1(35) As Integer, yr2 As Integer, yr3(35) As Integer 'Combo2.Clear Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from marks") Combo3.Text = rs("year") Do While Not rs.EOF str = rs(0) str1 = rs("term") If Trim(Combo1.Text) = Trim(str) And Trim(Combo2.Text) = Trim(str1) Then

yr1(n) = rs("year") n=n+1 End If rs.MoveNext Loop n=n-1 j=0 Do While True yr2 = yr1(j) ' k=j j=j+1 i=0 t=s Do While t <> 0 If yr3(i) = yr2 Then Exit Do End If i=i+1 t=t-1 Loop If t = 0 Then yr3(s) = yr2 s=s+1 End If If j > n Then Exit Do End If Loop For i = 0 To s - 1 Combo3.AddItem (yr3(i)) Next End Sub Private Sub Combo3_LostFocus() Command1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click()

Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from marks where std_code='" & Combo1.Text & "' and term='" & Combo2.Text & "' ") abc Text6.SetFocus Command4.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Form23.Hide MDIForm1.Show Combo1.Clear Combo2.Clear Combo3.Clear Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" Text12.Text = "" Text13.Text = "" Text14.Text = "" Text15.Text = "" Text16.Text = "" Text17.Text = "" Text18.Text = "" Text19.Text = "" Text20.Text = "" Text21.Text = "" Text22.Text = "" Text23.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click()

Set rs = cn.Execute("update marks set hinmak =" & Text6.Text & ",sanmak=" & Text7.Text & " ,compmak=" & Text8.Text & ",engmak1=" & Text9.Text & " ,engmak2=" & Text10.Text & ",gkmak=" & Text11.Text & ",matmak1=" & Text12.Text & ",matmak2=" & Text13.Text & ",dramak=" & Text14.Text & ",phymak=" & Text15.Text & ",chemak=" & Text16.Text & " ,biolmak=" & Text17.Text & ",hismak=" & Text18.Text & " , geogmak=" & Text19.Text & " ,ecomak=" & Text20.Text & ",totmak=" & Text21.Text & " ,rank = '" & Text22.Text & "' ,atan=" & Text23.Text & " where std_code ='" & Combo1.Text & "' and term='" & Combo2.Text & "' ") End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() If Val(Text6.Text) = 0 Then Text6.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text7.Text) = 0 Then Text7.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text8.Text) = 0 Then Text8.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text9.Text) = 0 Then Text9.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text10.Text) = 0 Then Text10.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text11.Text) = 0 Then Text11.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text12.Text) = 0 Then Text12.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text13.Text) = 0 Then Text13.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text14.Text) = 0 Then Text14.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text15.Text) = 0 Then

Text15.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text16.Text) = 0 Then Text16.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text17.Text) = 0 Then Text17.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text18.Text) = 0 Then Text18.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text19.Text) = 0 Then Text19.Text = 0 End If If Val(Text20.Text) = 0 Then Text20.Text = 0 End If Text21.Text = Val(Text6.Text) + Val(Text7.Text) + Val(Text8.Text) + Val(Text9.Text) + Val(Text10.Text) + Val(Text11.Text) + Val(Text12.Text) + Val(Text13.Text) + Val(Text14.Text) + Val(Text15.Text) + Val(Text16.Text) + Val(Text17.Text) + Val(Text18.Text) + Val(Text19.Text) + Val(Text20.Text) If Val(Text21.Text) >= 540 Then Text22.Text = "1st" Else If Val(Text21.Text) >= 420 And Val(Text21.Text) < 540 Then Text22.Text = "2nd" Else If Val(Text21.Text) >= 320 And Val(Text21.Text) < 420 Then Text22.Text = "3rd" Else If Val(Text21.Text) < 320 Then Text22.Text = "Fail" End If End If End If End If Text23.SetFocus Command3.Enabled = True

End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() Dim str1(50) As String, str2 As String, str3(50) As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, n As Integer, t As Integer, s As Integer Set cn = New ADODB.Connection With cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "msdaora" End With cn.Open "source=kumar; user id= amit; password=kumar;" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from marks order by std_code ", cn Combo1.Text = rs(0) Do While Not rs.EOF str1(n) = rs(0) n=n+1 rs.MoveNext Loop n=n-1 j=0 Do While True str2 = Trim(str1(j)) j=j+1 i=0 t=s Do While t <> 0 If Trim(str3(i)) = str2 Then Exit Do End If i=i+1 t=t-1 Loop If t = 0 Then str3(s) = str2 s=s+1 End If If j > n Then

Exit Do End If Loop For i = 0 To s - 1 Combo1.AddItem (str3(i)) Next Combo1.SetFocus Command1.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = False Command4.Enabled = False Text5.Text = Date End Sub Public Sub abc() Text1.Text = rs(1) Text2.Text = rs(4) Text3.Text = rs(3) Text4.Text = rs(2) Text6.Text = rs(7) Text7.Text = rs(8) Text8.Text = rs(9) Text9.Text = rs(10) Text10.Text = rs(11) Text11.Text = rs(12) Text12.Text = rs(13) Text13.Text = rs(14) Text14.Text = rs(15) Text15.Text = rs(16) Text16.Text = rs(17) Text17.Text = rs(18) Text18.Text = rs(19) Text19.Text = rs(20) Text20.Text = rs(21) Text21.Text = rs(22) Text22.Text = rs(23) Text23.Text = rs(24) End Sub




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SHASHI KANT DUBEY ENROLL No- 002319325 S/O Sri Uma Shankar Dubey C/O Sri Arun kumar Yarpur Rajputana Post Box No.- 209 Tel No- 0612-2255360 Email: [email protected]

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