School Council Minutes Jan.09

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MINUTES – School Council Meeting St. Joseph’s High School January 27th, 2009 Sr. Clare Gallagher Library Attendees: Colin Slight, Mark Searson, Sue McSheffrey, Catherine Helferty, Karina Dewar, Sheila Sweet, Sister Sheila, Joy Mousseau and Carolyn Hass. Opening Prayer: Mark Searson introduced the prayer – Reflection for School Council Meeting Minutes: Minutes of the November 18th meeting were reviewed by members and approved by Karina Dewar and seconded by Sue McSheffrey. Student Council Report: Catherine Helferty (Prime minister for 2008-2009)

Student Council Report for School Council Tuesday, January 27th, 2009 - Matchmaker forms were filled out on January 14th and will be sold the week of St. Valentine’s Day - On February 13th, there will be a barbecue at lunch, a winter carnival for the afternoon and a St. Valentine’s Day Dance in the evening - We have elected a Spiritual Minister to our Student Council: Rachel Helferty - The Student Council has been discussing the idea of bringing in a speaker who can talk to the students about issues that affect them. For example, we were looking into getting Phil Chalmers to come. He speaks about teen violence, music, and drugs, etc. at his seminars. -The Christmas Concert and assembly sent a good message out to the community and to staff and students in our school. -The Jaguar hunt organized by our Spirit Ministers was completed before the Christmas Holiday. -The NET Retreats have been a big success again this year. These retreats really give students a chance to think about the direction that they are headed in their lives. - Mr. D. Rowat and Mrs. P. Watters have both been nominated for the Premier’s Awards for Teaching Excellence. Correspondence: C. Slight  Coalition Meeting – Renfrew County Family of Schools The meeting will be held on Jan. 28th. Colin filled in a report as Council discussed their successes and challenges. 

Healthy Schools Recognition Program Sue McSheffrey reviewed the correspondence. Her report is under New Business.

Principal’s Report: Mark Searson Mark Searson prepared the following report: Principal’s Report

School Council – January 27th, 2009 Faith Life We had three very successful NET Retreats for our students. The grade 11 & 12 students went to Pembroke & our grade 9 & 10 students had a retreat at St. Francis Xavier Parish. February 11th our DR team leaves We are working hard to organize a mass for Ash Wednesday on February 25th. Bishop Mulhall will be coming to St. Joseph’s High School to celebrate mass with our school community on Tuesday, March 24th at 10:00 a.m. May 6th we will celebrate mass in Arnprior with St. Joseph’s and john

XXIII June 3rd we will have a year end mass at OLF Parish Rev. John Lacey has agreed to celebrate our Graduation Mass on June 24th. Feedback from OLF and St. FX re: daily mass in the SJHS Chapel

Safe, Healthy, Environmentally Friendly School Our blinds have been installed in all of our classrooms. Thank you again for this financial assistance I believe the Board is open to the idea of the PDA device I am in conversation with Renfrew County about their current PDA project. Supply teacher duo-tang with information on medically fragile students.

Success For all Students Exams have gone well – we are hopeful that tomorrow will not be a snow day. We have begun our Orientation Program. Ms. Whalen has visited each of our

three grade 8 classes to speak to them about course selection options for the fall. She has also visited our feeder schools: St. Joseph’s, Arnprior, St. Joseph’s, Calabogie and St. Michael’s, Douglas. The grade 8 question:

New Business:  Healthy Schools Recognition Program S. McSheffrey reviewed the correspondence and felt that it would be worthwhile for St. Joe’s to apply for the designation as a Healthy School. It could be a good spark for other initiatives. The deadline for application is April 17th. Mark Searson will fill out the application and discuss the correspondence with the Student Council at their next meeting. S. McSheffrey will draft a letter of support from School Council for the application.  Internet Risks

On Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 6:30 pm, OPP Sgt. Robyn MacEachern, a highly acclaimed Youth Issues Coordinator, will be giving a seminar at Ma-te-way Activity Centre concerning possible dangers on the Internet. Review of School Council: Colin Slight 

 

Faith Life Mr. Searson approached Father Mac and Father Proulx concerning the possibility of a morning mass in the Chapel. It cannot be arranged at this time, but School Council will continue to think about ways that the Chapel could be utilized. Several masses have been organized for the remainder of the school year.

Safe, Healthy, Environmentally Friendly School - Recycling program continues to work very well. Success for all Students - Final exams are underway.

Other:  Karina Dewar expressed her delight concerning the 2008 Christmas Concert as it was beautiful and had the strong focus of Keeping Christ in Christmas.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 24th, 2009 at 7:00 pm.

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