Scheme Of Work Construction Milford

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,466
  • Pages: 10

Student Name & ID No. Conor O’Grady & G00337075

Subject: Pupil Year Group: No. of Lessons: Date:

Construction Studies 4th Year 40

List of Topics: No. of Pupils: Length Of Lessons: Time of Lesson:

Skills builder, Walls, Doors, Windows, Roof 40 mins


      

KNOWLEDGE Rules and routines within the construction classroom as set out by cooperating teacher. Health and safety in the construction classroom. Jointing Techniques Planning Development Health and Safety Building Materials Foundations Structural forms


 High standard of woodwork and craftsmanship.  Proficient in the use of all woodworking equipment.  Understand how to use TG equipment to develop a drawing of a section detail.



The aims of this scheme are to…

Each aim has one or more corresponding LO. At the end of this scheme students will be able to…

 Complete the building section detail.

 Use their section detail drawings to construct a 3D representation of the drawing.  All students will have a  Identify the functions of high level of Floors, Walls and Roofs. understanding of the new  Develop a PWIM topics covered

ASSESSMENT Each LO has a corresponding Assessment

 Correct the building section detail.

 Students ability to identify their functions.

 Develop a section detail of the above topics to scale.

 Improve the student’s practical woodworking and psychomotor skills and to develop confidence in the students use of hand tools (tenon saw, coping saw and chisel).  To promote a culture of health and safety and encourage students to respect it.  Develop the student’s ability to assess the tasks and use the knowledge they already have to process these in a logical and systematic manner.

 Completion of the PWIM.  Construction detail drawings.

 Show an appropriate level of confidence in their craftsmanship

    

 Practice a safe procedure in operating machines

 Level of engagement, inputs and opinions offered.  Teacher observation

 Demonstrate an understanding of the process of reading a brief and highlight the key aspects

 Level of engagement, inputs and opinions offered.  Visual assessment  Exit cards

Visual assessment Self-assessment Peer-assessment Rubrics Exit Cards

General Literacy, Numeracy, Oracy and Graphicy Strategies (Applies to all groups) LITERACY STRATEGIES.docx

DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGIES Gender Inclusion Multicultural Inclusion

Any resources used in lessons will be gender neutral with the interest of both male and female students N/A

SEN Strategies

Mixed Ability Teaching Strategies

Seating plan (having weaker student beside strong student, peer teaching) Have an activity at end of each question of sketching to develop skills in negotiated area. Draw with students or have PowerPoint with step by step




 Introduction  Walls  Skills builder

CURRICULUM/ SYLLABUS CONTENT Practical (double class)  Outline the work to be completed over the 10-week period.  Skill builder (M&T & Dovetail)  Present project to the class. (Practical day exam)  Display marking scheme of day exam. (Highlight importance of marking out)  Distribute working drawing of skill builder. Theory (singles x2)  Introduction to walls  Types of walls – Load bearing, cavity walls  Internal load bearing walls 


 Skills builder  Walls  Section detail




 Higher order questioning  Building model  Active learning

 Monitor student peer work  Socratic questioning  Monitor students work

 PowerPoint  Exercise sheets  Ticket out the door  Word wall  Posters  Blackboard

 Collaborative learning  Active learning

 Questioning throughout the lessons  Provide students with advice on how to improve their drawings

     

 Interaction with materials  Active learning  Building materials

 Monitor peer work  Students engagement with the building materials  Engagement with drawings

 Models  Traffic lights  PowerPoint

Section Details (single) Passive concrete strip foundation

Practical (double class)  Mortise & Tenon  Shaping Theory (singles x2)  Internal walls – blockwork  Internal Timber frame walls  Party walls

Exit Cards Traffic Lights Soildworks Poster Word wall PowerPoint

Section Details (single)


 Skills builder  Walls  Section detail

 Passive timber frame foundation Practical (double class)  Dovetail Theory (singles x2)  Boundary walls  Plastering/Rendering – External and Internal walls Section Details (single)

 Concrete block window



Christmas exams

Christmas exams

 Project  Windows  Section detail

Practical (double class)  Marking out process o Create sketch of side part and add dimensions from working drawing o Complete marking out of both sides.  Processing mortices o Students will be using their chisels and mallets to remove mortise o Recap demo on processing of mortice and the importance of accuracy when completing.  Dovetails o Pier knowledge revised o Slopes o Shoulders  Student centered demonstration on how to cut the dovetail

 Cooperative learning  Think Pair Share  Higher & lower order questions – monitor room

   

Random questioning Visual assessment Peer assessment Ticket out the door

     

Models Exit Cards Traffic Lights Soildworks Poster PowerPoint

   

Theory (singles x2) Introduction to windows Functions of windows Different Types Purposes of different types Section Details (single)

 Timber Frame window


  Windows  Doors  Section Detail

Practical (double class)  Each student to complete selfassessment (rubric) on side completed to identify improvements for second side. o Students learn from the rubrics where they can improve when completing other side.  Students repeat the process on the second piece  Bridle joint (bottom) o Sawing vertically o Trenching  Students begin cutting the vertical cuts for the bridle, coping sawing and chiseling it out Theory (singles x2)  Installing windows  Introduction to door  Types of Doors (Internal & External) Section Details (single)

 Threshold detail of a door

 Expository and inquiry based learning  Student centered drawing  PowerPoint video

 Student centered – challenging reasoning  Random questioning

       

Models Exit Cards Traffic Lights Visualizer Soildworks Poster Word wall PowerPoint


  Doors  Roofs  Section Detail

Practical (double class)  Processing two dovetail pins  Students move onto the top rail o Two Tenon’s o Finger joint  Theory (singles x2)  Fitting a door  Introduction to roofs  Functions of a roof  Types of roofs  Roof terminology

 Class discussion on roofs

 Engagement with drawings  Questioning throughout

     

Models Exit Cards Traffic Lights Soildworks Poster PowerPoint

 Demonstration on how to complete the extrusion  Peer tutoring  Building model

 Student engagement  Monitor students work  Interaction with the model  Engagement with drawings 

    

Models Exit Cards SolidWorks Poster PowerPoint

 Demonstration of what is a PWIM  Peer work  Building materials

 Monitor students work  Feedback on PWIM  Interaction with the building materials

     

Models Exit Cards Traffic Lights Soildworks Poster PowerPoint

Section Details (single)


  Roofs  Section Detail

 Concrete block eaves detail Practical (double class)  Cutting the housing joint Theory (singles x2)  Roof construction- Traditional cut roof, Truss roof, Eaves, and Lean-toroof Section Details (single)


  Roofs  Section Detail

 Timber frame eaves detail Practical (double class)  Students move on to the two base pieces o Mortise o Trench o Vertical holes Theory (singles x2)  Roof construction cont. – Flat roofs  Living spaces in roofs  Covering a roof  Ventilation  Guttering Section Details (single)


  Section Detail

 Lean-to roof with concrete eaves Practical  Shaping o Plane  Parts of the plane  Functions of each part  Correct way to use  Stance  Feet  Hands  Motion  Safety when using  Correct way to leave on desk o Chisel  Revise health and safety  Revise using chisel  Best way to use it for shaping o Spoke shave  Health and safety  Parts and functions  Correct way to use  Stance  Hands/ Wrists  Motion o Wood burner  Health and safety  Correct manner to use  Where best to use it

 H + L order questioning  Cooperative learning  KWL reflection on circles  Summative assessment

 KWL reflection  Summative assessment results and feedback  Class discussion - learning

    

Models Exit Cards SolidWorks Poster PowerPoint

How it can prevent stains running

Section Details (single)

 Passive concrete block eaves detail

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