Scheme Biology Trial P3(eng)

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  • Pages: 13
Mark scheme bio 3 trial pahang 2007



Question 1(a)(i)


Explanation Able to state the correct observations based on the following criteria : K1 – The reading in the level of the spring balance K2 – The time taken


Sample answer 1. The level of the spring balance is 42 g /75 g/ 98 g/108 g/111g at week 3 /4/5/6/7 respectively. 2. The level of spring balance increases greater at week 4. 3 2 1 0 Question 1(a)(ii)

Able to state two observations based on two criterias correctly Able to state any two observations incomplete Able to state any one observations correctly / both at idea only No response or wrong response

Score Explanation 3 Able to state two inferences correctly and corresponds with observations in 1(a)(i) Sample answer Inference 1 1. Little growth at lag phase// rapid growth at log phase//slow down rate growth at decelerating phase. Inference 2 2. cell multiplication occurs at this phase 2 1

Able to state any one inferences correctly and one incomplete // both inferences incomplete Able to state any one inferences correctly // both at idea only


Mark scheme bio 3 trial pahang 2007 0 Question 1(b)

Question 1(c)


No response or wrong response

Score Explanation 3 Able to record all the five readings correctly Time /weeks Readings /gram 3 42 4 75 5 98 6 108 7 111 2

Able to record any 3-4 readings correctly


Able to record any 1-2 readings correctly


No response or wrong response


Explanation Able to state all the variables correctly Sample answer P1 Manipulated variable Time taken P2 Responding variable Mass of tilapia fish P3 Controlled variable Species of fish Able to state method to handle variable correctly Sample answer K1Manipulated variable Increase the week until week 7 K2 Responding variable Using a spring balance to measure the Mass of fish and record

3 2

K3 Controlled variable Used same species of fish/Tilapia fish Able to state all P and K correctly Able to state 4-5 P and K correctly



Mark scheme bio 3 trial pahang 2007

Question 1(d)


1 Able to state 2-3 P and K correctly 0 No response or wrong response Score Explanation 3 Able to state the hypothesis correctly on the following criteria : K1 – State the manipulated variable K2 – State the responding variable K3 – State the relation between K1 and K2 Sample answer 2

As week increases the mass of fish increases Able to state the hypothesis but less accurate Sample answer Different week causes different in the mass of fish


Able to state any one observations correctly / both at idea only Sample answer Week affects the mass of fish


No response or wrong response


Mark scheme bio 3 trial pahang 2007

Question 1(e)(i)


Score Explanation 3 Able to construct a table and record the results with the following criteria :


K1 – State all two aspects correctly K2 – Transfer all data for time and mass correctly K3 – State all the values with unit correctly Sample answer


Question 1(e)(ii)

Time / weeks Mass /g 3 42 4 75 5 98 6 108 7 111 Able to construct a table and record two criteria


Able to construct the idea of a table and record any one criteria


No response or wrong response

Score Explanation 3 Able to draw the graph showing the mass of fish against against time which satisfies the following criteria : Axes (P) - Both axes are labelled and uniform scales , independent variable on horizontal axis Points (T) - All points correctly plotted Shape (B) - All points are connected smoothly Sample answer


Mark scheme bio 3 trial pahang 2007


Refer graph

Question 1(e)(iii)


Graph which satisfies any two criterias


Graph which satisfies any one criteria


No response or wrong response

Score Explanation 3 Able to explain the relationship between mass of fish with time correctly on the following criteria : K1 – State the relationship between mass of fish with time


K2 – State the mass of fish K3 – State the reason Sample answer K1 – The mass of fish increases as time increases K2 –The increases of mass of fish

Question 1(f)


K3 – because an increases in the number of cells /cell size// cell differentiation Able to state any two criterias


Able to state any one criteria


No response or wrong response

Score Explanation 3 Able to deduce the growth of Tilapia fish operationally based on the following criteria : K1 – State the increase in mass K2 – State the method of measurement K3 – State the irreversible process Sample answer


Mark scheme bio 3 trial pahang 2007

Question 1(g)



K1 –The increase in mass of Tilapia fish K2 – which can be measured using a spring balance K3 – and it is an irreversible process. Able to state any two criterias


Able to state any one criteria


No response or wrong response

Score Explanation 3 Able to predict correctly and explain the prediction based on the following criteria :


K1 – The fish mass is aqual or more than 111 gram K2 – The growth of the fish slow

Question 1(h)


K3 – The growth limited by internal or external factors Able to state any two criterias


Able to state any one criteria


No response or wrong response

Score Explanation 3 Able to classify all parameters used correctly


Mark scheme bio 3 trial pahang 2007


Sample answer Sigmoid growth Intermittent growth curve curve Mass of white mouse Mass of grasshopper Height of maize Mass of cockroach plant Dry mass of grasshopper 2

Able to match two sigmoid growth curves and two intermittent growth curves correctly


Able to match any one sigmoid growth curve and one intermittent growth curve correctly


No response or wrong response

Question 2 . KB061201 – ( Problem statement)

Mark scheme bio 3 trial pahang 2007

Question 2


Score 3

Explanation Able to state the problem statement correctly : P1 : Manipulated Variable P2 : Responding variable R : Relationship and question mark Sample Answer: What is the time taken to decolourise methylene blue in water samples P,Q and R?


Able to state the problem statement of identified problem but incorrect.


Sample Answer: Does the time taken to decolourise methylene blue is influence by water sample? Without question mark /? – score 2 1

Able to state the idea only Sample Answer: What is the effect of time on water samples P,Q and R?


No response or wrong response

KB061202 ( KB061203 – Making Hypothesis ) Question 2

Score 3

Explanation Able to state the hypothesis correctly by relating two variables correctly Criteria set: P1 : Manipulated variable P2 : Responding variable R : Relationship and direction between the manipulated variable and the responding variable. Sample Answer: The methylene blue solution took the shortest time to decolourise in sample water Q compared to sample water P and R.


Mark scheme bio 3 trial pahang 2007 2


Able to state the hypothesis slightly incorrect Sample Answer: The methylene blue solution took the shortest time to decolourise in sample water Q .


Able to state an idea only Sample Answer: The methylene blue solution decolourise.


No response or wrong response

KB061203 - Planning ( Planning for investigation) Question 2

Score 3

Explanation Remarks Able to state 7-9 aspects of eperimental planning which includes the following following: •

Problem statement – idea

Aim of investigation / Objective – Relation between P1 and P2 Sample answer To investigate the time taken to decolourise methylene blue in water sample from P,Q,R.

Statement of hypothesis – idea

Variables – All three variables must be correct : Manipulated variable : Water samples from P,Q and R Responding Variable : Time taken for the methylene blue solution to decolourise Constant Variable : Volume of water sample / Concentration or volume of methylene blue solution

• •

List of materials and apparatus Technique – Correctly and accurately

Mark scheme bio 3 trial pahang 2007

10 Bonus 1 = 1 mark

Sample Answer: Record the time taken for methyelene blue to decolourise using a stopwatch. •

Procedure / Method of investigation – must have at least one criteria either P1 / P2 / P3 / P4 / P5

Data presentation // presentation of result – Have table with title and unit correcttly Sample Answer : Reagent bottle

Water sample

Time taken for methylene blue solution to decoulourise (hours)

A P B Q C R Bonus 2 = 1 mark •

Conclusion (CS) – Must write the correct hypothesis again. Reject conclusion., if only write hypothesis accepted.

Sample answer : The methylene blue solution took the shortest time to decolourise in sample water Q compared to sample water P and R. ( Hypothesis is accepted) 2

Able to state 4 – 6 aspects of experimental planning


Able to state 3-4 aspects of experimental planning


No response or wrong response

KB061204 ( Method / procedure of investigation) Question




Mark scheme bio 3 trial pahang 2007 2



Able to list down the complete and correct procedures/steps used based on the following five criterias P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 : P1 : Procedures of assembling the apparatus and materials: K1: Water samples are collected from P,Q and R K2: The reagent bottles are labelled A,B,C K3: The reagent bottles are closed with the stoppers immediately. K4 :The stopwatch is activated. K5 :The bottles are examined from time to time. K6: The results are recorded in a table. Remark : Able to state any four (K) steps to get P1. P2 : Method of controlling controlled variable 1. Measure 100 ml of water sample from P,Q and R separately and pour into the reagent bottle labelled A,B and C respectively. 2. 1 ml of methylene blue solution is added to the base of each water sample using a syringe. P3 : Methods to determine responding variable The time taken for the methylene blue solution to decolourise / become colourless is recorded for all the water samples. P4 : Methods to operate manipulated variables. 1. Measure 100 ml of water sample from P,Q and R separately and pour into the reagent bottle labelled A,B and C respectively. P5 : Metods to take precautions steps State one precaution steps in the experiment. Sample Answer: 1. The contents of the bottles cannot be shaken. 2. All the reagent bottles are kept in a dark cupboard .

Sample Answer: Method / Procedure : 1. Water samples are collected from P,Q and R

Mark scheme bio 3 trial pahang 2007


2. The reagent bottles are labelled A,B,C 3.Measure 100 ml of water sample from P,Q and R separately and pour into the reagent bottle labelled A,B and C respectively. 3. 1 ml of methylene blue solution is added to the base of each water sample using a syringe. 4. The reagent bottles are closed with the stoppers immediately. 5. The contents of the bottles cannot be shaken. 6. All the reagent bottles are kept in a dark cupboard 7. The stopwatch is activated. 8. The bottles are examined from time to time. 9. The time taken for the methylene blue solution to decolourise / become colourless is recorded for all the water samples. 10. The results are recorded in a table. 2 3-4 criterias 1 At least 2 criterias 0

1 criteria or no response

KB061205 (Listing of Materials and Apparatus) Question Score Explanation 2 3 Able to state all the materials and apparatus: Sample Answer: Materials : Methylene blue solution,water sample from P,Q,R Apparatus : Reagent bottle,stopper,beaker,syringe,stop watch 2 Able to state two of the materials and 3 apparatus 1 Able to state two of the materials and 2 apparatus including Black polythene bag 0

No response or wrong response

Mark: 3 X 5 = 15 marks B1 = 1 mark( technique)


Mark scheme bio 3 trial pahang 2007 B2 = 1 mark( Data presentation) TOTAL = 17 marks


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