Scb Parish Magazine September 2009

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Parish of St.Cuthbert, Benfieldside Sunday Worship 8.00a.m. 10.00a.m. 6.00p.m.

Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) SUNG EUCHARIST (Common Worship) Evening Prayer + Choral Evensong (BCP) Taizé Vespers

Sunday School meets at 10.00a.m. in the Church Hall during term

Weekday Worship Morning Prayer: Evening Prayer: Midweek Eucharist:

8.30a.m. Monday - Friday 5.00p.m. Tuesday 10.00a.m.Thursday

Please see the Calendar & Pewsheet for alterations to this pattern.

Parish Office Arrangements for Baptisms, Marriages, etc. should normally be made in the Vicar’s vestry in church on Tuesdays at 5.30p.m. - please phone first if possible. For Spiritual Advice & the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), please contact the Vicar.

Clergy & Readers Vicar:

The Revd Martin Jackson St. Cuthbert’s Vicarage, Church Bank, Shotley Bridge 01207 503019 mobile phone: 0797 226 2412 e-mail: [email protected]

Readers:  

Mrs. Rosie Junemann Mr. Paul Heatherington

01207 583998 01207 506282

Parish web-site: Parish Blog:



1 3

Sunday 6

2.00p.m. Mothers’ Union at St. Aidan’s, Annfield Plain 10.00a.m. Eucharist

THE 13th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY (Isaiah 35.4-7a; James 2.1-10; Mark 7.24-37)

8.00a.m. 10.00a.m. 6.00p.m. Mon.




Thurs. 10 Sat. 12

Eucharist SUNG EUCHARIST & Holy Baptism of Ethan Junemann Evening Prayer

12.00noon Mothers’ Union – Lunch & Service 7.30p.m. PCC Meeting - Vicarage 9.30a.m. Eucharist for Deanery Chapter - all welcome 12.30p.m. “Second Tuesday” Lunch Club - Church Hall 10.00a.m. Eucharist Northumbria Historic Churches Trust Steeplechase

Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th September

Art at St. Cuthbert’s

- in the Church Hall Sunday 13

THE 14th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY (Isaiah 50.4-9a; James 3.1-12; Mark 8.27-38)

8.00a.m. 10.00a.m. 11.30a.m. 3.30p.m. 6.00p.m.

Eucharist SUNG EUCHARIST & Sunday School resumes Formal Opening of Hall Car Park Holy Baptism Evening Prayer

Mon. 14 Wed. 16 Thurs. 17

7.30p.m. Sing Together - in church 7 for 7.30p.m. Deanery Synod - Castleside 10.00a.m. Eucharist

Sunday 20

THE 15th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY (Jeremiah 11.18-20; James 3.13-4.3,7-8a; Mark 9.30-37)

8.00a.m. 10.00a.m. 6.00p.m.

Eucharist SUNG EUCHARIST & Sunday School Taizé Vespers


Thurs. 24 Sat. 26

10.00a.m. Eucharist 2.00p.m. Marriage of Sean Strong & Louise Rushgrove

Sunday 27

16th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY (Numbers 11.4-6,10-16,24-29; James 5.13-20; Mark 9.38-50)

8.00a.m. 10.00a.m. 6.00p.m. Mon. Tues.

28 29


2.00p.m. Eucharist - at Derwentdale Court FEAST OF ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS 7.00p.m. Eucharist with Prayers for Healing



Sunday 4

10.00a.m. Eucharist HARVEST FESTIVAL (Trinity 17) 8.00a.m. Eucharist



followed by a HARVEST LUNCH Mon. Thurs.

5 8

2.00p.m. Mothers’ Union Service & Meeting 10.00a.m. Eucharist

Readings for Sunday Evening Worship

Please use these readings, whether or not you are able to join us at the 6p.m. service Sunday 6 Sept. Ps. 119.41-56 Sunday 13 Sept. Ps. 119.73-88 Sunday 20 Sept. Ps. 119.137-152 Sunday 27 Sept. Ps. 120, 121

Exodus 14.5-31 Exodus 18.13-26 Exodus 19.10-25 Exodus 24

Matthew 6.1-18 Matthew 7.1-14 Matthew 8.23-34 Matthew 9.1-8


Joshua 3.7-17

Matthew 10.1-22

4 Oct.

Ps. 125, 126


View from the Vicarage “La Grippe A”… … is the name being given in France to what we call ―Swine Flu.‖ It‘s a rather less emotive title - and perhaps we‘d have treated the illness rather differently if it had been called something else. For the moment - with a fall in the rate of infection over the summer holiday period - swine flu has almost disappeared from news coverage. But there are fears that once children return to school it might return again in pandemic proportions. The indications are that for most people it‘s a relatively mild illness. But for a small minority it can lead to complications. And the families I know who have had young children suffering from it have found the experience upsetting, even worrying. So we shouldn‘t minimise the problem. In some ways the timing of the Church‘s response to the epidemic was unfortunate. Guidelines were announced just as the rate of infection came to a peak towards the end of July. Now - having followed Department of Health advice that the Chalice should not be shared at Holy Communion, and that the Peace should not be shared with a handshake - we find that almost immediately the worst of the outbreak seems to be over. Except we know that we can‘t be complacent. All too easily the virus could spread again. I‘ve reflected on the Church‘s position as we‘ve seen fears increase and recede - and I‘ve circulated a leaflet on what we are doing and why. A reminder of my conclusion: ―The risk of transmitting Swine Flu is no greater in a church than in any other public place. Being conscious of those church practices which might possibly increase the risk of infection can in fact reduce that risk, since it makes us more thoughtful of others and of what we do.” And I hope that the feeling of ―being deprived‖ because we can‘t at present share the chalice may be helpful. Our Bishop has reminded us that ―the fullness of the Sacrament‖ is to be found in Communion in one kind (i.e. as we receive only the consecrated host) - let us see it again as truly Christ‘s Precious Body‖ (and therefore also his Blood). If we can‘t shake hands at the Peace, instead we can take more notice of the people around us - the purpose of the Peace is to recognise Christ in our neighbour, not just to rush around the church. There‘s a general feeling that having to think about what we are doing is no bad thing in the long-term. Having said that, we took delivery of a case of Communion wine in the week before use of the chalice was discontinued. We look forward to opening it as soon as we can. Martin Jackson


Mothers’ Union News st

Tuesday 1 September 2.00pm Patronal Service at St.Aidan‘s Church, Annfield Plain. Speaker: the Bishop of Jarrow th

Monday 7 September Soup and sweet lunch with Consett and Ebchester MU members followed by Service in Church th

Wednesday 16 September 2.00pm All Saints Church, Lanchester - Autumn Deanery Meeting Celebrant: The Vicar, Canon Peter Waterhouse. Address by Kathy Webster, MU Diocesan President. Donations to Overseas Fund


100 Club - Winners July 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize

£25 £15 £10

No.28 No.62 No.74

Mary Mitchell Stephen Mitchell Joyce Moody

£25 £15 £10

No.59 No.87 No.34

Peter Thompson Mildred Lynn Pam Donnelly

August 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize

Details on how to join the 100 Club from our organiser, Jennifer Lambert, phone 505018.


2nd Tuesday Lunch Club … continues to provide food and friendship 12.30p.m. Tuesday 8th September in the Church Hall


Art at St. Cuthbert’s An Exhibition by Local Artists Saturday 12th September & Sunday 13th September in St. Cuthbert’s Church Hall More information - or to offer help - contact Lew Parker 505156

 On Saturday of the same weekend, 12th September it‘s also the day of the Northumbria Historic Churches Trust Steeplechase - a chance to find churches open which might otherwise be closed, and to be sponsored as you visit them (proceeds are split 50:50 between our church and the Trust); further details from Stephen Mitchell and in church. We‘ll need help to keep St. Cuthbert‘s Church open that day, so please offer an hour or two if you can. And people from our parish who are taking part would be grateful for sponsorship …


Deanery Evensong - Sunday 13th September Join us for this service at 6.00p.m. in Gibside Chapel. Preacher: The Very Revd. Michael Sadgrove, Dean of Durham. Come early for a walk or a picnic, and then worship with members of other local churches! Free admission from 4.00p.m. for those attending the service.

 Sunday School is back! Sunday School sessions resume alongside the 10a.m. Eucharist on Sunday 13th September. Join us in the Hall - the first session will probably entail a walk, so come prepared!


Christian Aid Week Saturday 26th September

Sponsored Walk

Starting at 10.00am at the Derwent Walk on Queens Road (so an easy and convenient start for us) going along the Derwent Walk to Ebchester, on to Broad Oak then back by Ebchester, East Law and the railway line to finish at Blackhill Methodist Church. Distance about 8 miles and finishing 3.00 to 3.30pm.

One World Week Concert Jane Robson Theatre Group th Thursday 15 October 7.00pm - Consett Methodist Church Traidcraft Stall . . . . . . . Tickets available soon Sheila Barnes


Looking ahead ……. Come to a concert …..

An Evening with the Derwentside Singers Wednesday 14th October 2009 at 7.30pm in St Cuthbert’s Church Tickets £3-00 from Rosie Junemann In support of St Cuthbert’s Church


BacktoChurchSunday you are invited to join us Sunday 27th September at 10a.m. St.Cuthbert’s Church Church Bank Shotley Bridge This is a national initiative in which St. Cuthbert’s is taking part. Did you know that 20% of the population who used to go to church regularly have stopped coming? This happens for all sorts of reasons… Often these people only need a small nudge or a particular reason to start coming again – and this is it. Mark the date in your diary… Think who you can bring along… We did it last year, with excellent results. So look out for invitation and prayer cards. Bring yourself! Look out for people you can invite!


Notes & News THE GIFT OF SIGHT Many thanks to those of you who have kindly donated your old spectacles for the Caring City appeal, to date we have taken 30 pairs of spectacles to Optical Express, who were delighted to receive them. Please keep bringing them in and leaving them in the box at the back of Church, it doesn't matter if they are broken - the lenses can still be used. I've placed a few leaflets in the box explaining a little about the scheme. Liz Parker _______________________________________________________________________________________


Their Coffee Morning of 4 July may now seem a long time ago, but we‘re delighted to report that the Handbell Ringers raised the wonderful total of £242 - all to go to the church hall building fund. It was a really lovely morning and we need to say a massive thank you to the ladies and all who supported the event. _______________________________________________________________________________________

Baby news… lots of reason for thanksgiving and congratulation! On Wednesday 29th July, Matthew Jack Eric was born to Tracy and Kevin Dodd, weighing in at 7lb 14oz. Two weeks later on 12th August, Alexander Ian Parker was born to Emma and Richard Parker, another grandchild for Liz and Lew - he weighed in at 7lb 6oz and “completes Richard’s front row!” And Julie and Mark Ross have also had another August baby, another grandchild for Marion and Kevin details to follow… _______________________________________________________________________________________

Harvest Festival will soon be upon us. You can find details of our appeal elsewhere in this magazine - USPG is taking the theme “Do Not Worry” and focusing on the work of the Church in the Amazon (hopefully there’ll be a display in church). You can help us decorate the church by contributing to our flower appeal - there’ll be a basket in church from 6th September - or see Sonia Thompson.



SING TOGETHER For Autumn 7.30 – 8.30pm 7.30 – 8.30pm

Monday 14 September Monday 19 October th


in St Cuthbert’s Church All welcome Further details: Martin Jackson, Bill Hudson or Rosie Junemann 

GROWING TOGETHER! St Cuthbert’s Gardening Club

Prepare for Harvest: Sunday 4 October


The Bible: there’s nothing else like it…. Former Poet Laureate Andrew Motion says it is becoming increasingly difficult to teach English Literature because students don‘t know the Bible. Andrew Motion was taking part in a BBC radio interview when he said that students had a sketchy understanding of once familiar stories -a depressing trend which threatened to leave future generations unable to fully understand the works of Milton, Shakespeare or more modern writers such as TS Eliot. Literature is one of many aspects of British culture with roots in the Bible, but Bible reading is more than a cultural exercise. For millions of people across the globe, the Bible is the main reference point for life‘s biggest questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? What is the purpose of life? How should I live? That‘s why many Christians make Biblereading a part of life‘s daily routine. It‘s as vital as eating and drinking. The Bible is unlike any other book. People who read it find that often the words come alive to them. Millions of Christians around the world can look back on several key points in their lives when it has been as if God is speaking just to them about their immediate circumstances. This shouldn‘t be surprising. As the Apostle Paul wrote: ‗Every part of Scripture is Godbreathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way.‘ The commissioning editor of the daily devotional series Day by Day God (BRF), Catherine Butcher, says that she always challenges contributors to let the Bible speak for itself, so that God can speak readers‘ lives. Wherever possible contributors she wants to contemporary examples to bring the Bible to life so that readers can their own lives in the Bible‘s teaching.

with the into use root

Day by Day with God is written mainly for women by Christian women at different stages in life. Some contributors are single women, some are mums or grandmothers, some are career women, several are Christian leaders or are married to a church leader, some are homemakers, some face disability, all draw strength daily from a living relationship with God. If you would like to receive a free sample of Day by Day with God phone 01865 319700 or Email: [email protected] or visit It‘s published by the Bible Reading Fellowship, which also produces New Daylight, Bible reading notes used by a good number of our congregation.


Making a difference! Rosie Junemann writes: I am so impressed with the Mothers’ Union!! Did you think that the Mothers’ Union was just a bunch of little old ladies who meet now and again for tea and talks? Not so! The Mothers’ Union is a massive international organisation with more than 3.6 million members in over 78 countries. It also employs over 300 paid workers around the world. It is involved in campaigning and lobbying on a number of worldwide issues such as parental rights, international debt relief and child poverty. The Mothers' Union is passionate about caring for families all around the world. They provide a diverse range of programmes which meet the needs of individuals and families every day. And all their work is underpinned by their Christian faith and by the need to challenge the root causes of injustice.

“In Mothers’ Union our vision is of a world where God’s love is shown through loving, respectful and flourishing relationships.” The Mothers’ Union Family Life Programme, for example, currently operates in eight areas of Uganda, mobilising community groups to work together to identify and prioritise the key issues they face – and then to tackle them. Through the programme groups are now actively tackling issues such as food security, health and sanitation, human rights, HIV/AIDS and environmental degradation. The programme also helps to improve family and community relationships and to ensure the promotion of women’s rights. Closer to home, the Mothers’ Union offers hundreds of families (around 1500 adults and 700 children) a holiday each year through the ‘Away From It All’ holiday scheme. The holidays are available to anyone under stress.


In 2000, the Mothers Union launched the Parenting Programme through which almost 600 parenting group facilitators have been trained to work with parents in the UK and Ireland. The programme has now been expanded into ten more countries. New resources have also been produced to support the work of local parenting groups.

“One of those life-changing events…… a thrilling and moving experience.” The Mothers’ Union is led by the involvement and actions of its members. Engagement at local community level is as important as involvement in international institutions. And ideally they both feed into each other. The Mothers’ Union believes in empowering and enabling women and families from all backgrounds to create positive social change.

“Discovering what opinions and real situations exist within your community can be part of the most exciting, enjoyable and surprising work in policy, as well as the most useful” The organisation has therefore developed ‘Making a difference’ - a Social Policy Toolkit - as a guide to organising social policy activities at a local level. The purpose of the Toolkit is to develop understanding of policy and give some ideas of how to engage effectively in policy work. It also publishes a monthly online Policy Watch, which provides updates on new legislation and current policy issues, and discussion papers on key issues such as euthanasia, abortion, trade justice and infertility.

“When Christians care, pray and give practical help, lives can be changed” So how do local Mothers’ Union branches help? Members are encouraged to take an active interest in all issues affecting family life, at local, national and international levels and to discuss social policy issues.


Members help to raise funds to support the work of Mothers’ Union at home and abroad. Members provide practical help (often in small ways) to provide support for each other, for families in their local communities, and for people in need. In the past year, in the Diocese of Durham, members have knitted 3000 ‘comfort bears’ to give to children in Basra. They have also knitted tiny clothes for babies in premature baby units and have provided thousands of wash bags filled with toiletries for people admitted to hospitals in emergency situations. Some members visit people in hospital and others support the families of people in prison. Above all, members pray regularly for children, for families, for people in need, and for social justice.

All this day, O Lord, let me touch as many lives as possible for thee; and every life I touch, do thou by thy spirit quicken, whether through the word I speak, the prayer I breathe, or the life I live. Amen The first Mothers’ Union prayer written by Mary Sumner in 1876.

Membership of the Mothers’ Union is open to all baptised Christians, male or female, married or single (contact Sheila Barnes) ‗Making a difference : Social Policy Toolkit‘ : £3 from Mary Sumner House or download the earlier version ‗Straight Talking‘ and the monthly ‗Policy Watch‘ from the MU website:


Sunday 4th October 2OO9 8.00a.m. 10.00a.m.

Holy Communion (BCP) SUNG EUCHARIST with the offering of Harvest Gifts FOLLOWED BY A HARVEST LUNCH

We welcome gifts of produce and money for our Harvest Appeal as offerings during the Sung Eucharist - a service for all the family. Afterwards an informal parish lunch. Your financial gifts will benefit the USPG Harvest Appeal (see below). Produce will be passed on to the People’s Kitchen.

Contributions for Harvest flowers gratefully received in the basket in church - or pass them to Sonia Thompson. USPG’s work with the poor has included: Health care, through funding hospitals, HIV/AIDS awareness programmes and training for medical personnel. Education, through funding new schools and sending teachers to wherever there is a need. Church ministry: through funding theological training and pastoral programmes. And inter-faith relations. Cross-cultural training – because we believe that each part of the church can learn from every other part.


Harvest Produce and the People’s Kitchen The People‘s Kitchen works with homeless people on Tyneside to offer them ―Friendship and Food‖. The gifts they receive at Harvest-time are especially important, but there‘s a limit to the amount of fresh food they can use! So they suggest the following items – though without any particular order of importance…                

Money if possible (Cheques payable to ―The People‘s Kitchen‖) Instant coffee, tea bags and dried milk Sugar Plain & self-raising flour Gravy granules Evaporated milk, condensed milk, rice pudding Tins – mixed veg., peas, beans, carrots etc. Tins – fruit Powdered or instant custard Oats for the Sunday breakfast porridge Sauces (tomato sauce, brown sauce, salad cream etc.) Biscuits Breakfast cereals Soups (tins or packets) Tinned meat (stewing steak, mince, corned beef) Toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorants, soap, shampoo)

Items to avoid!  

There‘s currently a surplus of tinned tomatoes, pasta and rice Fresh green vegetables and other perishable items - it‘s not always possible to use or freeze these quickly enough. th

So pack up your produce, bring it to church on 4 October, and we‘ll make sure it gets to the Kitchen. In case you‘d like to send a donation direct, here‘s the address: The People’s Kitchen 56 Bath Lane Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE4 5SQ


Sale of



TOYS with raffle, coffee, tea and light lunches

Saturday 17th October 2009 11am – 2pm St Cuthbert’s Church Hall Please bring your donations of nearly-new books (for all ages) and children’s toys to the church on Sunday 11th October - or contact Mary Mitchell or Rosie Junemann to make alternative arrangements. __________________________________________

Shotley Bridge Village Open Weekend: th


Friday 4 - Sunday 6 December - following a similar weekend organised by local businesses in the spring, there‘s to be another in the build-up to Christmas. Mark it in your diaries - further details later, and some ideas on how we might be able to join in…


Faith and Life - in Lanchester Deanery! As we said in our July-August Magazine, planning was underway for a “Faith and Life” Course in our Deanery. The course starts in September and is 30 sessions long, spread over nine months – there‘s time off for Christmas and Easter! It will be taught in small groups of about 12 people. The aim is to discover the strength of learning in a supportive group and the variety of God‘s people across the Deanery, each with something to share. Most sessions will be from 7.15 - 9.15p.m. on Thursdays but there are two all-day sessions in Durham when we meet up with other groups. The course culminates with a service of celebration in Durham Cathedral. We‘re not advertising for anyone else to join - but we want you to know that it‘s happening… From our own parish, Pam Donnelly, Liz Whiting and Mary Mitchell have signed up to take part. In addition, The Vicar will be a ―teaching partner‖ on one of the modules, looking at the Psalms - Paul Heatherington will be leading a later module on ―Old Testament Themes‖ (and is also teaching the Psalms module in another Deanery). All of this aims to relate what we learn from the Bible and theological exploration to our daily life.


GHASTLY GOINGS-ON Sup full of the horrors of Hallowe'en at the One in Seven Hallowe'en dramatic horrorfest. It's in the Church Hall on Saturday October 31st at 7.30 pm. Admission £5/£2.50 (children). The programme includes a ghost play, some spooky stories, marrow-freezing live music and refreshments. We hope to make another contribution to Church Hall funds so please come along with friends and bring a bottle or two of your own wine or beer (not to be sold!) if you want alcoholic drinks. Fancy dress and turnip or pumpkin lanterns are invited (the lanterns preferably batterypowered). Tickets on sale in October. Jim Hollingsworth


From the Parish Registers Holy Baptism 23 August

Lucille Isabella Lana Thomas

23 August

Daniel Frederick Hopwood

73 Durham Road, Blackhill

26 The Briary, Shotley Bridge

23 August

Lola Grace Louise Glynn

38 Summerdale, Shotley Bridge

May they continue to follow Christ

Marriage 22 August

James Peter Geliher & Kirsty Gibson

22 August

Francis William Athey & Tracy Sylvia Clark Let their love for each other be a seal upon their hearts and a crown upon their heads.

Funerals 4 August

Eveline Sutherland Shotley Park Residential Home

May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace

Useful Church Contacts: Churchwardens: Linda Short, 9 Sherwood Close   Carol O’Malley, 13 Spring Close, Ebchester PCC Lay Chair: Peter Thompson, Wheldon House, Ebchester

503750 561884 560454

PCC Treasurer: Irvine Macnair, 10 Kempton Close.


PCC Secretary: Jill Barron, 141 Benfieldside Road


Sunday School: Carol O’Malley, 13 Spring Close, Ebchester


Church Hall:

Linda Short, 9 Sherwood Close 


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