Scada Mailbox

  • October 2019
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Projects DFID Hyderabad Integrated SCADA Project APCPDCL in the Reform Mode

DFID DFID sanctioned 42.7 million pounds for AP Energy Efficiency Project in the three districts of Nalgonda, Mahabubnagar, and Khammam besides the SCADA system for Hyderabad city. The aid is available in two tranches: First Tranche 10 million pounds and Second Tranche 32.7 million pounds. The work includes FIRST TRANCHE: 1. Hyderabad SCADA A computer-aided distribution automation system is proposed for the HUDA area under DFID funding to improve the quality and reliability of power supply. The scheme is intended to have a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to control 14 Nos EHV substations and 92 Nos 33/11 KV substations. 2. Interlinking of 33 KV lines in Mahabunnagar and Nalgonda districts. These are meant to redistribute loads to improve system conditions and quality of supply. SECOND TRANCHE System Improvement works like erection of additional 33/11 KV substations, distribution transformers reconductering refurbishment works, load management, etc which will improve supply conditions in Mahabubnagar and Nalgonda districts. These are integrated distribution projects for the entire district. These are mainly contributing to loss reduction in the distribution system. The cost of the projects sanctioned is around Rs. 100 crores for each of the two districts.


Hyderabad Integrated SCADA Project: A Computer-Aided Distribution Automation system was proposed in 1995 for the HUDA area under DFID funding to improve the quality and reliability of power supply. The scheme was originally intended to have a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to control 19 Nos. EHV substaions and 97 Nos. 33/11 KV substations in the HUDA area from a Distribution Control Centre located in the building erected at Erragadda. At present, the scheme is proposed to control 14 Nos. EHV substations and 92 Nos. 33/11 KV substations considering operational flexibilities. The estimated cost of the project is 4.9 million Pounds. The contract for the project was awarded to M/S ABB, Bangalore, on 24 / 4 / 1998 at a price of Rs. 18, 88,60,405 plus UK £ 7,43,723 for supplies and Rs.6,57,78,942 plus UK £ 13,630 for services. However, modifications were needed to cope up the scope due to revision of communication system configuration as a result of radio survey. The revised prices are: a. Supply contract

Rs.20,89,31,487 + UK £ 7,48,777

b. Service contract

Rs.6,50,98,642 + UK £ 13,630

c. Application software


In view of the reforms and formation of Distribution Companies and 33 KV being the interface voltage level between DISCOMs and APTRANSCO, only monitoring of EHV network and monitoring and control of 33/11 KV substations will be implemented. A.

SALIENT FEATURES: The salient features of the project are:

1. Erection of a Distribution Control Centre (DCC) building at Erragadda with all amenities such as power supply, water supply, sanitation, electric wiring, air conditioning etc. 2. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition of 14 Nos. EHV substations and 92 Nos. 33/11 KV substations in the HUDA area from DCC at Erragadda. 3. Interfacing of all the 106 Nos. substations (EHV and 33/11 KV substations) to make them amenable for automation. 4. Overhaul of OLTC systems of power transformers and checking of remote operation of switchgear and refurbishment of earthing system at the above substations for implementation of SCADA system. 5. Erection of a suitable communication system after thorough radio survey of the project area. A two-tier communication system comprising of Time division Multiple Access (TDMA) as backbone and Multiple Address Radio System (MARS) as secondary is proposed in the scheme. A TDMA central station is located at Distribution Control Centre (DCC) at Erragadda. TDMA

central station is located at EHV substations. MAR master substations interfaced to TDMA out stations are installed at EHV substations to establish connecytivity for the 33/11 KV substations in the vicinity, having line of sight. MAR master stations communicate to the MAR remotes at 33/11 KV substations and thus establishing the communication link between 33KV substations and DCC. 6. Implementing of other distribution automation functions such as Automated Meter Reading, Trouble Call Management System (TCMS) and feeder monitoring etc. (subject to availability of funds). Software for these items is however included in the present scope of supplies for the contract. B.


I. The major components of the project are: i.

Distribution Control Centre (DCC) housing the computers and communication system.

ii. Communication system comprising of primary and secondary communication systems to establish connectivity between the substations and the DCC. iii. Microprocessor based Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) at the substations monitor and control the substation equipment based on the signals received from DCC. The RTUs are interfaced to the substations through a marshalling box that houses transducers, contractors etc. The transducers sense the system parameters such as voltage and current and convert them to 4-2 MA industry standard outputs compatible to RTUs. iv. All the system parameters on the LV side power transformers at substation are monitored using electronic trivector meters. In respect of 11 KV feeders, 'Y' phase current is monitored. The project is expected to become operational by October 2001.


APCPDCL in the Reform Mode •

APCPDCL established as a subsidiary of APTRANSCO with effect from 1/04/1998.

APERC granted independent distribution and and retail supply licenses to the company from 1/04/2001.

Se3veral initiatives launched as part of the Reform program to improve customer service and operational and financial performance.

Continuous billing introduced in the twin cities for the convenience of the customers.

Several improvements made in the existing computerised

comprehensive call centre - 1912. •

Spot Billing introduced in many sections of the twin cities and customers provided with pass books.

Scheme of self declaration of meter reading introduced to avoid inconvenience to customers.

Comprehensive customer care centre established in Greenlands, Hyderabad. Six more such centres in advanced stage of completion. 24 such centres to be established all over the twin cities.

Consumer Grievance Redressal Camps being organised in all subdivision and division areas.

Mobile Fuse off Call Vans with requisite phone facilities introduced all over the twin cities.

Customer Bills with above 20% consumption being rechecked before issue.

Prompt replacement of stuck up or burnt meters being arranged.

High Accuracy Meters being installed.

Collection counters being kept open for long hours in urban areas.

Special drives being organised for revenue collection in rural areas.

Section wise inspections by Corporate Teams for solving problems.

Exclusive Express Feeders being provided to improve quality of supply to industrial customers.

Monthly meeting of all HT consumers at district level and quarterly meetings at corporate level being organised for quick grievance redressal.

Creating of HT cells at all head quarters and LT high value cells at all division head quarters for prompt service to industrial customers.

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NSA No.1358 on NS 0113. 1

TO: Customers, Service Providers and EnergyAustralia Staff.

Amendments to EnergyAustralia’s Network Standard

NS 0113, Site Selection and Civil Design Standards for Chamber Type Substations, October 1997. Introduction This Network Standard Advice (NSA) amends Network Standard (NS) 0113, Site Selection and Civil Design Standards for Chamber Type Substations, which will be updated in due course. This amendment to the Schedule of Conduits in Appendix A provides for SCADA signals cables, from a transformer to the SCADA signal marshalling box, to be installed in the transformer protection cables conduit to the low voltage pit, where the protection panels and SCADA signals marshalling box are located on an extension to the low voltage board. Refer also to the following advice documents for earlier amendments to NS 0113:CIA 1077, dated 12/10/99, for amendments 1 to 3 inclusive, CIA 1093, dated 9/3/2000, for amendments 4 to 19 inclusive, CIA 1100, dated 19/4/2000, for amendments 20 to 24 inclusive, CIA 1125, dated 25/7/2000, for amendments 25 to 40 inclusive, CIA 1135, dated 20/9/2000, for amendments 41 to 48 inclusive, CIA 1167, dated 2/5/2001, for amendments 49 to 65 inclusive, CIA 1179, dated 4/7/2001, for amendments 66 to 71 inclusive, CIA 1203, dated 4/10/2001, for amendments 72 and 73, CIA 1234, dated 23/4/2002, for amendments 74 and 75, NSA 1260, dated 10/7/2002, for amendments 76 to 91 inclusive, NSA 1293, dated 26/9/2003, for amendment 92, NSA 1317A, dated 9/12/2003, for amendment 93, NSA 1341, dated 16/9/2004, for amendments 94 to 101 inclusive, and NSA 1349, dated 7/4/2005, for amendments 102 to 104 inclusive. Note: Current network standards, with NSAs and CIAs, are available on EnergyAustralia’s Internet site at

Network Standard Advice No. 1358 5/7/2005 Doc. Ref. Network Standard NS 0113, and CIAs 1077, 1093, 1100, 1125, 1135, 1167, 1179, 1203 & 1234, and NSAs 1260, 1293, 1317A, 1341 & 1349.

NSA No.1358 on NS 0113. 2 Amendment 105. Replace Appendix A Schedule of Conduits with the amended version that appears on the next page of this NSA. T. Lampard Manager – Engineering Standards and Research.

APPENDIX A SCHEDULE OF CONDUITS TYPICAL CONDUIT ALLOCATION PER SUBSTATION (Note: Additional conduits and / or larger size conduits may be required in some substation designs.) FUNCTION ORIGIN DESTINATION SIZE NUMBER OFF HV Feeders Street HV Switchgear Pit/s 125 mm 4 Suburban (a) / 8 City CBD. HV Transformer Tails HV Switchgear Pit/s Transformer (HV side) 100 mm 1 per Transformer. LV Network Cables LV Board Pit Street 125 mm 1 per 400 amps. Minimum 6 conduits (b). Customer Supply / Supplies LV Board Pit Customer's Switchboard To suit customer's requirements. SCADA Signals (c) HV Switchgear Pit/s SCADA Signals Marshalling Box (l) 100 mm 1 per HV Switchgear Pit. SCADA Signals (c) (k) Transformer/s SCADA Signals Marshalling Box (l) 100 mm 1 per Transformer. SCADA Signals (c) SCADA Pit (m) SCADA Signals Marshalling Box (l) 100 mm 1 Protection (d) HV Switchgear Pit/s Protection Panels 100 mm 1 per HV Switchgear Pit. Protection (d) Transformer/s Protection Panels 100 mm 1 per Transformer. Protection LV Board Pit Protection Panels 100 mm 1 Protection HV Switchgear Pit/s LV Board Pit 100 mm 1 per HV Switchgear Pit. Substation Light & Power LV Board Pit Service Panel 100 mm 1

Protection Battery AC Power Service Panel Protection Battery 50 mm 1 Protection DC Supply (e) Protection Battery Protection Panel 50 mm 1 Fan Control Substation Service Panel Substation Ventilation Fan 50 mm 1 where Fan is present. Fan Signals Signal Marshalling Box Substation Ventilation Fan 50 mm 1 where Fan is present. Transformer Tank Earth Transformer Tank Substation Earth Bar 100 mm 1 per Transformer (h). HV Switchgear Earth HV Switchgear Pit/s Substation Earth Bar 50 mm 1 per HV Switchgear Pit (i). Earth Rod Connections (f) (g) Earth Rod Location Substation Earth Bar 38 mm GI 2 where suspended floor slab. Electrolysis Bond (j) Bond Connection Substation Earth Bar 50 mm 1 (a) Unless specified otherwise by EnergyAustralia’s Regional Planning Officer. (b) Minimum of 6 conduits if the substation is adjacent to the street. If the substation is remote from the street, the number of conduits is to be determined by EnergyAustralia’s Regional Planning Officer. (c) Where SCADA is required. (d) Depending where HV CTs are located. (e) To closest protection panel or protection pit. (f) Not required if floor is not suspended. (g) Can be 2 x 50 mm UPVC if located inside columns. (h) Alternative, 2 x 50 mm conduits per transformer. (i) Suitable for 2 x 70 mm2 cables to earth bar. Install 1 x 50 mm conduit per switch if switches are to be individually earthed to earth bar. (j) Only where electrolysis bond is required. (k) Conduit not required if SCADA signals cables are installed in the transformer protection cables conduit. (l) Conduits for SCADA signals marshalling box destination may terminate in low voltage pit if protection panels and SCADA signals marshalling box are located on low voltage board extension. (m) Located in personnel access chamber.

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