Sca Shape Magazine Issue 2 2006

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  • Pages: 19
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The glitter of green gold

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"A6/>3C> China leases forests from Russia. Dutch love shopping centers. U.S. is drowning in magazines. And more news about what’s happening worldwide.

$A6/>31=D3@ Europe is sitting on a demographic time bomb. Soon, a shrinking workforce will need to support twice as many retired.

Content Nº 2 2006

"B@3<2A The price of forest land is rising worldwide. Also read about the flu that never sleeps and the 325 million it strikes every winter.

>@=47:3 Brands lull us into security, says professor Richard Wahlund, who knows more than just about anyone about the impulses that affect consumers.

"B316<=:=5G How can a jellyfish hold so much water? That’s the starting point for a research project to develop the diaper of tomorrow.

!1/;3@/ Who was on the cover of Time magazine in January 1973? The answer is on page 30. rel="nofollow">S]^ZSZWdSZ]\US`O\R[SRWQW\S O\RVSOZbVQO`SeWZZVOdSb]TOQS c^b]\SeQVOZZS\USa 1=D3@^OUS$!



The lack of own brands creates problems for growth centers India and China, says brand guru Laura Ries.









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More magazines but lower circulation


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NNew wine countries like Chile, Australia and the US are capturing an increasing share of the wine market. According to the International Organization of Vine and Wine, the new wine countries now have a 22.5 percent share of the global market. China is also gaining ground and is now the seventh-largest producer. In recent years, classic wine-producing countries like Italy, France, Spain, Germany and Portugal have seen their share of global wine sales shrink from 75 to 62 percent. A flourishing middle class in high-growth countries in Asia is helping to increase world wine consumption, which is once again on the rise after a period of decline. The most wine is still consumed in France,followedbyItaly,theUSand Germany. However, in a few years, the US is expected to take the lead.


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Wal-Mart is growing gr in n China growth and 850 billion dollars in sales last yea year must be irresistible resistible to many shoppers. But in China, the American an giant Wal-Mart has had a relatively weak position, with a market share of 2-3 percent and 61 superstores. res. The largest player there today is the French retailer er Carrefour, with 76 supersuper stores and 5 percent of thee market. This year alone, alone Carrefour is expected to open n 20 new superstore superstores in China. But Wal-Mart may now be poised to takee over first place with its acquisition of the Taiwan-based chain Trust-Mart, with a 4 percent market share on the mainland, for 1 billion dollars, according to reports in the Financial Times and elsewhere. The Chinese grocery and retail market is still fragmented, with a large number of local players. One explanation for this is the considerable regional differences in the country. Another is the combination of poor logistics in certain areas and the fact that perishable goods constitute a large share of grocery retail.

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The old and very old are the fastest-growing population groups in the industrialized world. By 2050 the average European will be 10 years older, and workers will have to support twice as many pensioners.


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when global population increased by 87.4 million. According to demographic experts, such as those at the UN and the US Census Bureau, the world’s population will peak at 9 billion people around 2050 and then start to decline. B635@3/B3AB population de-

crease will be in China, now the world’s most populous country. After 2050 its population will decline by 5 million yearly. Growth rates in countries that were previously behind the greatest increases – primarily China and India – have started to slow. As their economic and education levels rise, Asian families are starting to have fewer children. The area of the globe where population is forecast to continue to rise after 2050 is Africa south of the Sahara. “Despite many new development tendencies over the last 50 years, there is one prevailing influencing factor: populations will increase most rapidly in areas where the actual living conditions are the poorest,” say Mary Kent and Carl Haub of the US-based Population Reference Bureau in an analysis titled “Global Demographic Divide.” In the wealthy part of the world, fewer babies are being born than are required to make the demographers’ equation – births minus deaths – come out positive. Without immigration, most of the in-

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In an oftenquoted speech from 1973, the head of the World Bank at the time, former US defense secretary Robert McNamara, compared the threats posed by the world’s growing population to those of a nuclear conflict.

EU Commission, produced in cooperation with the member states, the working population will decline by 48 million by 2050. Iff there are four people of working age for every European pensioner today, there will only be two by 2050. Vladimir Spidla, EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, describes this development as a demographic time bomb, one that threatens to cut economic growth potential in half during the coming decades. Demographic costs are estimated to increase public spending in the EU by 4 percent per year over the coming years, mainly in the form of increased costs for health and pensions. “If member states do not seriously try to disarm this pension time bomb, it will explode in the hands of our children and grandchildren, placing on them an impossible burden,” says Joaquín Almunia, EU Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs. To a large extent, Europe’s and Japan’s problems with more and more old people and fewer people at work is a welfare problem. Improved standards of living, health care and medical progress have allowed a growing number of people to live longer, healthier lives.



ver the last 200 years, the world population has increased sixfold In 1804, when Napoleon’s armies were marching across Europe, the total world population was 1 billion. By far the largest increase has taken place over the last hundred years: during the time it takes to read this article the world will have grown by more than 500 new individuals. In an often-quoted speech from 1973, the head of the World Bank at the time, former US defense secretary Robert McNamara, compared the threats posed by the world’s growing population to those of a nuclear conflict. Since this warning, world population has increased from 4 billion to 6 billion. But even though that number will rise to 9 billion by 2050, it is not the rapid increase in size that primarily worries experts, politicians and economists. The problem instead is the declining and rapidly aging populations in the industrial countries that produce the largest portion of the world’s combined economic output. One reason is that the rate of total population increase has long been in decline. It reached its peak in 1963–1964 with a yearly increase of 2.2 percent. The number of new people in absolute figures was at its greatest in 1989–1990,

dustrial countries today would have declining populations. The old and very old are the fastest-growing population groups in the industrial world. By 2050, the percentage of old people in Europe will have doubled. The average age in Europe today is 37, compared with 36 in the USA and 26 in Asia. By 2050, Europe will be “grayer” than any other part of the world, with an average age of 47, compared with 42 in the USA and 39 in Asia.

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A6/>31=D3@ Economic wealth generally means having fewer children, better education and greater independence, and these arguments have had proven effects when encouraging women in developing countries to limit the size of their families. The same recipe has dramatically reduced fertility rates in Europe to record-low levels. This is especially true in countries like Spain and Italy, which 50 years ago were among those with most children. Today they have fertility rates of just over one child per woman, far below the level of slightly over two required to keep populations at steady levels in industrialized countries. =B63@ 1=C
experience population declines in the coming decades are Germany and new EU members such as Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the Baltic states. Demographic changes are not difficult to forecast but somehow seem to come as a nasty surprise to politicians. To master the complicated challenges posed by aging populations, European politicians will have to make a whole range of decisions.

( If retirement costs for the gant postwar generation are not to become excessively large, financial reforms and a higher degree of personal financing will be required. ( More people will have to work longer. ( More immigrants with qualified education will be needed to fill Europe’s workforce needs. To completely fill the job positions left by those retiring, a massive increase of immigration would be required. This is a politically sensitive decision when xenophobic parties are gaining ground in countries like Belgium and Denmark. “The pure number of immigrants required to balance the aging population … would be unacceptable in Europe’s socio-economic climate,” the RAND Corporation, an American research foundation, points out in a report on the European aging challenge. Many European countries and companies like Volkswagen, Volvo and Ovako Koverhar have tried to encourage their older workers to work longer, but they have a long way to go to change attitudes and traditions.

“Negative attitudes towards aging and the old are deeply rooted in society and take a long time to change,” says Philip Taylor, a senior research associate at Cambridge University in the field of age and employment. If high birth rates were once a sign of traditional gender roles and housewife culture, they are now linked to having a greater degree of equality and opportunities to combine careers with having children.

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the present population crisis, the EU Commission says countries like Denmark, France, Finland and Sweden, which have a greater degree of equality and female employment, also have a higher fertility rates. “The lack of balance between work and leisure can be seen as one of the most important factors underlying the difference between the number of children Europeans would like to have and the actual number they do have,” says Lisa Pavan-Wood at the EU Commission’s Directorate for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. S

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Those who grew up in the West and became the world’s first “teenagers” in the 1950s were born at a time of unique economic growth. They have seen their property increase in value by thousands of percent and often benefit from enormously generous pension agreements. Stock markets, with only a few hiccups, have also grown considerably during their lifetime. Even the first members of the socalled baby boom generation – those born after the war between 1946 and 1964 – are rapidly approaching the end of their working days. The old-

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demand for services in the fields of health, travel, education and financial services. Everyone from computer manufacturers to house builders will have to embrace user-friendliness and accessibility to meet demands from the rich oldies. “This is not just a well-to-do generation, it is a healthy and active one with high demands on quality of life,” says Erik Åsbrink, the former Swedish Social Democratic finance minister who now


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that will be affected by demographic change,” says marketing professor Isabelle Szmigin at Birmingham Business School, England, who has studied the increased power of older consumers. “Before, you used to talk about having a ‘last car,’ one that older drivers would keep the rest of their lives. But many of those now nearing retirement are used to having a new car every other year and will not be content with any old banger . Not all are rich, but as a group they make up the richest generation ever.”

est in this group – born between 1946 and 1955 – in the USA alone have a purchasing power of USD 1 trillion, according to the MetLife insurance company. “The message is clear: industries that continue to focus on capturing youth markets are going to fail miserably,” says demographics expert Philip Taylor.

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The message is clear: industries that continue to focus on capturing youth markets are going to fail miserably. chairs a company that lends money to older people with small incomes but considerable wealth tied up in their homes. B6@=C56AD3
a finance company, older people can reverse-mortgage their homes and spend the money without having to move. Similar services are available in a number of countries. “The last generations with personal experience of hard times are starting

to disappear,” says Isabelle Szmigin. “Those who grew up during the war still regard thrift as a virtue. But later generations have no restraints when it comes to consumption – they are the first credit-card generation. “The Internet is an example of a service that, in every respect, offers enormous potential to the old,” she says. “It lets you order and book things from home. But in time, adaptations will be necessary, not least for simple things


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such as text size, as failing eyesight is a problem for many old people.” She believes this demographic power switch will be seen in advertising, pointing to the return of Jane Fonda, Diane Keaton and 1960s icon Twiggy in advertising tuned to modern oldies who grew up in a celebrity culture. “In more general advertising, however, the young still dominate. Youth is what everyone wants to mirror, no matter what their age.” S






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n aging population is, above all, a success story for health-care politics and social and economic development,” says Gro Harlem Brundtland, director-general of WHO, summing up the achievements that have led to a forecast increase in the average life expectancy in Europe from 73.2 to 80.5 years over the next few decades. An increasing number of people are becoming older, and the group of “very old” – those over 80 – will increase most of all, by 50 percent over the next 15 years. Their long lives will change the world map from a medical point of view. The number of cases of illnesses primarily affecting the old will become more common. Cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, Alzheimer’s and other senility illnesses will increase sharply over the coming decades. According to a survey in the USA, the need for surgery will increase by between 25 and 30 percent as people begin to live longer. The WHO forecasts that the number of older people requiring different sorts of seeing aids will increase from 100 million to 180 million and for hearing aids from 80 million to 140 million. Even if the treatment of diseases like cancer and the chances of survival have improved enormously, long and expensive treatment will still be needed. This is also true for Alzheimer’s sufferers. There is no pill in sight that will cure aging: the best way to avoid early aging is not to consume things like tobacco, high-fat foods and alcohol in excess. According to EU Commission estimates, costs for health care in member states will increase yearly by between 1 and 2 percent of their GNP due to an ag-

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ing population. This may not sound like a lot, but it often means a 25 percent increase in a country’s total health budget. In Germany alone, this means an increase in health costs of just over 60 billion euros per year. And although we talk rather casually about “older people,” the differences between the health of a 65year-old and an 80-year-old are enormous. A study in southern Sweden compared the average costs for primary, hospital and geriatric care for a person in the 66–74 age group with those of a person in the 90-plus group. For a woman in the younger group, the average costs were around 3,000 euros per year, while in the older group these had increased tenfold to just over 30,000 euros. Most of the increase was due to the higher costs when elderly people can no longer care for themselves and need continual assistance. EU and WHO experts now hope that a general improvement in health, in combination with better methods of treatment, will give industrialized nations more healthy old-timers who can manage without care and medical treatment for a longer period of time. />=7





be seen in Sweden, which now has the world’s largest proportion of people in the 80-plus age group. “Health developments in this group have been very mixed,” says Magnus Stenbeck, associate professor and head of the Epidemiological Center at the National Board of Health and Welfare. “Mobility, sight and dental health have improved. The number of people with chronic illnesses and pains, on the other hand, has increased, and compared to the 1980s we can now see more patients in this group with heart problems.” The increasingly healthy old in the 1980s belonged to a group that had survived epidemics such the Spanish flu – which claimed 50 million lives worldwide in 1918–1919 – and lived during a period while the welfare state was being created. “Today, the chances of living a long life are greater and many now survive previously fatal heart attacks,” Stenbeck says.S

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Mexico’s consumers have more and more money in their pockets, but the country needs reforms to ensure that growth is sustainable. Money sent home from emigrants in the US is still one of the greatest sources of income. been firing on all cylinders in the past few years, thanks in part to greater macroeconomic stability and political reforms that have liberalized trade. Private consumption has increased about 5 percent annually, and inflation – a classic problem in Latin America – is now even lower than in the US. This year, the positive growth trend was hampered by the presidential election in July. The vote was won by Felipe Calderón and his PAN party, but the results were challenged by the loser, Andrés Lopez Obrador. A power struggle followed and was not resolved until September, again with Calderón the winner. The political situation, together with the risk of lower oil prices and a weaker US economy, means that growth will most likely slow next year, according to Dr. Deborah L. Riner, chief economist at the American Chamber of Commerce in Mexico. Still, the economy is growing rapidly. Mexican economists estimate that GDP will increase roughly 3 percent and private consumption 3.5 percent next year, according to figures compiled by the William Seidman Research Institute at Arizona State University. But a great number of reforms "A1/ A6/>3 I  $ K

are needed to ensure that Mexico’s growth is sustainable and that the welfare of the country’s many poor people improves. The OECD has called for improvements in Mexico’s educational system and labor market. Mexico also needs to reduce its

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heavy reliance on oil, which represents 35 percent of the country’s total revenues. Tax revenue constitutes only 12 percent of GDP, among the lowest rates in Latin America. Because the price of oil is such a wild card, the government will have to raise income taxes sooner or later. “Right now, the government may not have to worry,” says Tina Mortensen, a macroeconomist at Nordea in Copenhagen. “But the recent fall in oil prices has created some anxiety. A fall in the price of oil by 10 dollars a barrel reduces state revenues by 0.8 to 0.9 percent of GDP.” The other major source of revenue is money sent home by Mexican emigrants, mainly from the US. Roughly USD 20 billion a year is poured into the Mexican economy through the back door to be used for consumption.

and you feel really awful, even though you felt fine just an hour ago. Your muscles ache, and it even hurts when you move your eyes. Your cough is getting worse and worse. You have the flu and feel like the loneliest person in the world. But you are not alone. Every year, on average, 5 percent of all the people in the world come down with the flu. That means 325 million others feel the same way – fortunately, not all at the same time. “The flu is a typical winter illness that thrives best in cold, dry air,” says Annika Linde, national epidemiologist at the Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control. “So it migrates between the southern and northern hemispheres during their winter seasons. At the equator, the flu has small peaks all the time, but it’s strongest in the spring and autumn.” Another reason the flu spreads during the winter is that we sit indoors together with a lot of people. If someone nearby who is

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infected with the flu sneezes or coughs, you run the risk of getting sick yourself. Other than getting a flu shot, there’s not much you can do to protect yourself. Good hand hygiene may help, as well as fewer hugs and kisses with family members who are sick. 74G=C¸@3/:@3/2G lying in bed, what exactly is happening

to your body? The flu is really just an infection in our air passages. Our immune defenses and antibodies make us feel sick. They immediately go on the attack against virus-infected cells, while at the same time a number of neurotransmitters are spread throughout the body to further activate your immune defenses. After three to five days, it’s all over and you feel fine again – at least until next year. And then you can keep your fingers crossed that the flu will arrive late. “As a rule of thumb, the later it arrives, the milder it will be – and the earlier, the stronger,” Linde says. 3:7A/03BB/>7= <3CE7@B6 I  $ K A6/>3 A1/ #

B@3<2 assets that have a return not involved in the same cycle that the stock market’s otherwise in. It’s an advantageous way to own timber from a taxation point of view. And it’s a way to get at land that in the long run can be used for housing, which increases the value of the investment.”

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$A1/ A6/>3 I  $ K

Brazil, Australia and New Zealand, was USD 5.2 billion. “In the US, there are three main reasons to invest in forests,” says forest analyst Richard Schneider at UBS in New York. “It’s a way to diversify your portfolio over the long term with


B630=AB=<0/A32 Hancock Timber Resource Group, started in 1985, develops and manages forest funds for general and private pension funds, foundations and wealthy private customers. At the turn of the year, the value of their forest holdings, in North America,

growing elsewhere in the world. The reason for that is the rising demand for forest products. In adition to this, an increased demand from the energy sector heralds considerable growth as a result of environmental concerns and the need to replace fossil fuels. Despite enormous forest assets on a global level, a significant portion of the forest is heavily exploited. “That increases the value and importance of areas where raw materials can be sustainably harvested, like in the Nordic countries,” says Jan Wintzell, head of Swedish operations at Pöyry Forest Industry Consulting. “In North America, poor forest management and major forest damage as a result of insect infestation have contributed to a decrease in future harvest levels.” In South America, production of leaf mass from plantation forests is increasing in order to meet growing demand, especially from China. Land for plantation forestry and forest products manufacturing is starting to be in short supply, particularly in large parts of Asia. In Russia, there are enormous forest assets, but poor infrastructure, long distances and a harsh climate make it difficult to exploit forests there to the fullest. “Forest land and forest raw materials have taken on greater strategic value as important raw materials, not just for pulp, paper and wood products, but also as fuel and energy as well as in the rapidly expanding biochemical field.”


Une nouvelle Nana, plus nature.     Une gamme complète de serviettes et de protège-slips. Un voile non parfumé aux extraits naturels de camomille et d'aloe vera, au pouvoir apaisant et hydratant, qui empêchent le développement des odeurs. Une double protection pour un nouveau bien-être.




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Forest land and forest raw materials have taken on greater strategic value as important raw materials, not just for pulp, paper and wood products, but also as fuel and energy as well as in the rapidly expanding biochemical field. A1/¸A5@=E7<54=@3ABA W\3c`]^SO\R[O\OUSa $[WZZW]\ VSQbO`Sa]TT]`SabeWbV [WZZW]\]T bVSaSQcZbWdObSRBVS[O`YSbdOZcSWa OP]cbA39&PWZZW]\

( 7\ Today, the market often wants well-managed and environmentally friendly forestry that meets environmental requirements. An example is the British magazine publisher Future, which buys paper from SCA, in part because of its environmental outlook. “Forests are a stable, long-term investment that can return a high yield if you increase production and the level of processing. Even though we’ve been running forestry operations for hundreds of years, we can raise both productivity and the quality of the forest raw materials we grow through improved forest &A1/ A1/ A6/>3 I  $ K

management and better plant material,” says Wintzell. Many paper companies have sold off their forest holdings, which are now held by funds, foundations and venture capitalists. “Forests are strategically important for SCA as they contribute a strong cash flow and have clear synergies in production of pulp, publication paper and raw material for corrugated board for packaging. The value increases over time because of the shortage of raw material in northern Europe,” says Andreas Koch, head of investor relations for SCA. >3@r?D7AB



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Maak nu kans op het toilet van je dromen! Heb je helemaal genoeg van je oude toilet? Dan heb je geluk. Ga naar en maak kans op een complete Edet toilet make-over ter waarde van 5.000 euro. Wellicht komt ons make-over team binnenkort jouw kleinste kamertje omtoveren tot het toilet van je dromen.

Ga naar voor deelname en spelvoorwaarden

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n a competitive market, brands have become even more important, maintains Richard Wahlund, a Swedish business economics professor specializing in media who personally is not interested in the names on clothes labels. Wahlund works at the Center for Economic Psychology at the Stockholm School off Economics, housed on the ground floor of a rented downtown building. At the end of a dismal corridor lies his spacious but bare room. The boxes have still not been unpacked from his latest move in the autumn, when he was appointed to a newly created chair in business economics with media specialization. Media sounds like a far cry from his previous research into brands and consumer behavior. But in his view, products are just products, and he will be investigating the economic factors governing the survival of the media, based on studies of what controls consumers’ media choices. “You buy things because the packaging is enticing, and this can also be true of media. I put on the radio at 6:30 every morning and listen to the news. Then I listen to the same news at 7 o’clock and 8:30. Am I really that interested in hearing the news three

I  $ K A6/>3 A1/  

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times?” he asks rhetorically. “What I am actually consuming is a voice, so that I don’t have to speak myself. A voice that fills the space around me with a form of entertainment. It’s not just the information itself that I’m interested in.” The same complex pattern of expressed and hidden needs influences all consumers, whether it’s cars, the evening papers or what you have on your sandwiches. As an example Wahlund points to his son who has an iPod, Apple’s popular MP3 player. “It was very important to him to buy one, but he hardly ever listens to music on it. The most important thing is having one and being able to show it to his classmates.” B63 A=< 1=C:2 have accepted a cheaper MP3

player with the same functions, or no player at all. Instead, he insisted in having one of the most expensive ones on the market, not least known for its elegant minimalist design. This seems irrational – in the same way that adults drive around in expensive BMWs instead of cheaper Skodas, or wear shirts with expensive designer labels instead of one that says H&M. But this is not irrational behavior, Wahlund says – on the contrary. “What we are looking for is satisfaction and usefulness, and if the packaging gives us this, then it’s actually quite rational to buy the packaging.” As consumers, we are more and more influenced by a product’s “added usefulness.” We choose products that involve us, no matter whether it’s food at the local store or furniture at Ikea. “Basic usefulness used to be the decider. Today there are more aspects to consider. The product’s got to look good and its relative status is important, especially when it comes to clothing. As consumers become more design competent, and more companies take design into consideration, competition in communication also increases. Audiences become harder to reach.” The upgraded role of outer appearance makes A1/ A6/>3 I  $ K A1/

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packaging, literally, part of the product. An attractive box sells better than an ugly one. “This also creates business opportunities. My son once came running with a bottle of shampoo in the shape of a cartoon character. It’s not that he normally buys shampoo – it was the bottle that attracted him. That’s what he wanted to buy. By working on its packaging, you can develop your product. You have to remember that the function of the packaging is not only storage but also communication.” Wahlund emphasizes that these mechanisms mean genuine opportunities for companies in the packaging and wrapping industries. “The company that is capable of understanding its customer’s customer will be one step ahead and can offer a USP – a unique selling proposition.” An example of this is the Swedish product Risifrutti: thanks to the two-in-one packaging concept, a whole new market opened up for a combination of rice pudding and jam in a ready-to-eat, single-portion pack. “Present a solution that the customer’s customer is interested in and you’ve just created a new market.” /11=@27<5B= Wahlund, what’s missing is the

ability to think a few steps ahead. This phenomenon is called marketing myopia. Packaging manufacturers too often see themselves as producers of materials that protect products during transportation, even though their most important job is to communicate with the customer and create an impulse to buy. This way of reasoning could have far-reaching consequences for many products. What would happen to radio programs if they were produced with the thought that some people turn on the morning show to avoid having to talk? Consumption patterns and their underlying impulses are woven together into a complicated fabric. Wahlund paints a richly nuanced picture in which every detail is or has been subject to change. (Consumer Co su e de demands a ds aaree increasingly c eas g y more o e va varied. ed.

(The competition between producers is becoming tougher, creating a larger diversity of products in every industry. “It’s difficult for customers to deal with this. They cannot digest an unlimited amount of information. So it’s a question of producers finding a way to profile themselves, because they then make the customer’s choice easier. If a customer has 14 similar products to choose from and one stands out, then he or she will probably choose the one that is different.” This is where brands come in. They help customers become less frustrated and offer security.

“They simplify the decision process. ‘If I pick this one, then I won’t have to suffer the agony of choosing. This is a safe choice.’ ” A few years ago, when the Internet became established as a widespread everyday tool, there were theories that the days of strong brands were numbered. The searchability of the Internet would make customers independent, their active choices based on comparisons of price and function. This has not been the case at all. “As information on the Internet contains uncertainties, brands will instead become even more important.” S I  $ K A6/>3 A6/>3A1/ A1/  !



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hree years ago, biopolymer professor Paul Gatenholm at Chalmers University of Technology, working in close cooperation with Professor Anne-Marie Hermansson at SIK, the Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology, initiated a project to map the then-secret mechanisms of the jellyfish. He was convinced that the knowledge gained would lead to industrial applications. “Diapers today use small powder particles to soak up urine and transform it into a gel,” he says. “This works reasonably well, but the absorption capacity of the particles is reduced considerably when it comes to salt water. The salt reduces their retention capacity, and as human body fluids are salty, this is a drawback. The jellyfish has already solved this problem. It also has a structure that decomposes naturally, unlike present-day synthetic diapers.” So how is research coming along? “We’ve learned a lot about the structure of the jellyfish and what enables it to retain water,” he says. “We haven’t

mapped the complete mechanism, but we do know which components work together and how. Our working hypothesis, that it’s all about interaction between proteins and polysaccharides, has been confirmed. And because the structure is built up in a highly hierarchic fashion, the jellyfish can display excellent mechanical properties, despite its jelly-like form. Ions play an important role. It’s also interesting to note that in the jellyfish we have found similarities to human tissues, such as cartilage. This supports the theory that human beings originated from the sea.” A schematic of the structure of the jellyfish forms the basis for further research into future superabsorbents (see illustration). SIK and SLU, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, are Gatenholm’s foremost collaborating institutes. Project Leader Susanne Ekstedt at SIK has been responsible for developing techniques whereby the mechanisms of the jellyfish can be studied. Anne-Marie Hermansson sees this as an “inspirational project.”

“The industry is interested in finding inspiration for tomorrow’s materials – primarily for diapers and similar products,” she says. “We want to learn from nature to get ideas for producing renewable products.” While pointing out that nature in many respects is smarter than we are, she emphasizes the fact that numerous biological tissue structures are extremely difficult to map and copy. This is not the first time that researchers have copied nature, so-called bio-mimicking, to learn something new and better. Rock barnacles have been mapped in order to produce glues that are significantly stronger than those that can be produced synthetically, and even cobwebs have been studied to see whether they are usable for surgical purposes. Paul Gatenholm is convinced that this is just the start. “Biological systems aim at production using a minimum of energy, an approach that will benefit future society in its quest for energy conservation and minimal environmental impact,” he says. S

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Hyaluronic acid

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Negatively loaded polysaccharides.




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n a nutshell, packaging is the promotional medium that connects a product with the consumer. It has become a vital ingredient of the product manufacturer’s marketing strategy. Indeed, packaging plays an important role in the purchase decision of the shopper. “All our work begins and ends with shopper insights. As research tells us that 70 percent of all purchasing decisions are made in shops and that on average it takes three seconds to make a decision, in-depth knowledge about what turns a shopper into a consumer is imperative,” says Wim

Wouters, SCA Packaging’s European design director. At the same time, our customers are placing tougher demands on packaging performance throughout the total supply chain, because of the growing complexity in their operations “Moreover, product life cycles continue to shorten as companies have perfected the twin arts of innovation and imitation. We pro-actively have to know what’s happening in our customer’s markets – for example, anticipate what the next step is in the development of a new generation cell phone. If we don’t understand our customer’s business environment and segment,

we will not be able to offer the right packaging solution to build a clear and sustainable competitive advantage for our customers,” adds Stephen McAneny, vice president sales & marketing at SCA Packaging. Development work on packaging focuses on three main functional aspects that add value to packaging: be seen, be moved, be secure. And overall along these three dimensions, packaging solutions are becoming increasingly more sophisticated – from reinforcing brand d recognition at the point of sale, to including an RFID chip to follow the product as it travels through the supply chain, to complex packaging designed to meet the most challenging requirements. /BB637<<=D/B7=<

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Center, a unique interactive virtual reality tool visualizes the conceptual packaging designs in an in-store environment. Projected on a huge screen, it gives a realistic and life-size threedimensional view. “Customers are often unsure what the product and the packaging solution will look like in a shop. Our virtual system removes this uncertainty”. Packaging design and development takes place in close cooperation with customers at more than 20 Design Centers in Europe and the USA. In all, SCA Packaging employs more than 250 designers, combining a thorough

understanding of the packing process and machinery with structural and graphic design creativity. “We often mix design competency from different specialization areas or geographies. When staff who have worked on packaging for champagne meet with those who worked on cell phones, creativity flourishes,” Wouters says. The Design Center network is connected through an extensive packaging design library. In November, a new Innovation Center was inaugurated in Brussels to link together all the company’s Design Centers and create a forum where manufacturers, retailers and SCA Packaging designers can jointly develop packaging solutions in a structured approach. SCA Packaging’s development from producer of corrugated boxes to full-service, multi-material packaging supplier is not just about adapting to a changing world. Basically, it’s a strategy to increase growth and profitability. “The traditional market for corrugated board solutions for transportation is worth around 20 billion euros. The market for packaging that solves customer and consumer needs, irrespective of type of material, is worth between 120 and 160 billion euros. In other words, there is enormous potential,” says John D. Williams, president SCA Packaging Europe. S

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Profit before tax, SEKm. Net sales, SEKm.

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Boosting green electricity output N/\Sea]RO`SQ]dS`gP]WZS`VOaPSS\W\]^S`ObW]\ObbVS rab`O\R^cZ^[WZZaW\QS=Qb]PS`bVWagSO`A1/QO\\]e W\Q`SOaSWba]cb^cb]T^O^S`^cZ^O\Rrab`O\RQO\R]cPZSWba ^`]RcQbW]\]TPW]TcSZPOaSRSZSQb`WQWbgBVWaeWZZ[OYS rab`O\R¸aacZ^VObS^cZ^^ZO\baSZTacT¿QWS\bW\SZSQb`WQWbg O\RbVS^ZO\beWZZObbW[SaPSOPZSb]aSZZSZSQb`WQ^]eS`BVS rab`O\R^cZ^[WZZZ]QObSR]cbaWRSAc\RadOZZW\\]`bVS`\ AeSRS\^`]RcQSaQVZ]`W\ST`SSPZSOQVSRacZ^VObS^cZ^ ^`W[O`WZgT]`[O\cTOQbc`W\U^cPZWQObW]\^O^S`aO\RbWaacS OaeSZZOaQVS[WQOZbVS`[]QVO\WQOZ^cZ^T]`bVS[O\c TOQbc`S]T^S`a]\OZQO`SO\R]bVS`^`]RcQba

“For our customers it is important to look at their entire service concept if they want to reduce expenses,” says Björn Ålsnäs, category marketing manager at SCA Hygiene Products. “With TENA services we offer our customer the expertise that is needed to do that.” The TENA service sales

force works closely with the customer to evaluate the incontinence care situation and plan changes, to coach staff in the best use of our products for each individual resident and to monitor results. The service concept was launched two years ago and operates globally.

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best in terms of its enviro onmental performance in tthe report published by WW WF, the group formerly known as the World Wildlife Fund, in October this year. Other ttissue manufacturers who weere ranked included Procter & Gamble, Kimberly-Clark, Georgia-Pacific and Metsä Tissue. This is the second yeear in a row that WWF has sp pecifically highlighted SCA T Tissue Europe’s environmen ntal activities.

The environmental criteria underlying the survey were wood sourcing practices, pollution control, fiber efficiency and recycling, and reporting transparency. “SCA Tissue Europe is the only surveyed company that is able to ensure that a significant proportion of wood fiber used in its products doesn’t come from poorly managed forests,” WWF says. “SCA Tissue Europe also promotes the highest environmental and social standards in forest management.”

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