Saturday Zone 7-2-9

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 95
Loko95 : Esta es una excelente dia para Lwc ,por primera vez en Brasil ,en el gran estado maracaná Publico : KUBT

, KUBIT , KUBIT KUBIT !!!!!!!!!!!!

Marco Perez :sI este y los paiz del ex campeón del mundo kubitschek , Loko95 : E los fans realmente estão com el , increíble el momento que este luchador esta vivendo , a llegar a la parte superior de la empresa , considerado por muchos uno de los mejores de LWC en history

* Luces se borran para el delirio de los aficionados e empieza a tocar el tema KILLING IS MY BUSINESS de MEGADEATH las luces se encienden y parece llevar Kubitschek de traje y corbata en el comienzo de la rampa de entrada al ring va mirando todo el escenario Publico :


segue su camino ate el ring sube en la parte superior de una de las esquinas con Puno planteado cerrado HABLANDO a los fans pelo microfono publico : ES


Marco Perez : y los aficionados van a la loucura con la presencia de Kubitschek Loko95:nunca había visto fanaticos tan enloquecidos a causa de un luchador Publico : heeeeeeeheheheheheheheheh


KUBIT , *kubitschek pide silencio a los aficionados kubitschek : boa noite , senhoras e senhores d e com muito prazer que trazemos o grande espetaculo de Latino Wrestling Championship para o Brasil Publico : adios

terry , adios terry , adios terry

Kubitschek :silencio por favor , tengo algo importante a comunicar ,como todos

ustedes ya deben conocer la gg vicente esta desaparecido, pero Vicent ante de desaparecer mí deixou una carta, en realidad un regalo Loko95 : una carta ??? pero kubit y vicent se odiavam Marco perez :Para mi esto no passa de una broma de kubit

kubitschek:empeza asi "queridos honorables oficiales de LWC, yo GG vicent ,Estoy cansada de tantas tareas, entonces decide pasar un tiempo de descanso en un balneario gay , no me llame , no me busquen y no llame a la policía mientras estoy fuera de mi lugar como GG se llevará, el mejor luchador desta fed , ha superado todos los demás combatientes, y que esta es mi manera de reconocer su talento, entoces kubitschek

es el nuevo GG de Latino Wrestling

Championship Vicent" Publico : KUBIT


Loko95:ninguna oportunidad!!!! yo no acredito , es posible que Vicent él ha dejado como GG kubit Marco Perez: tal vez un regalo para el espectáculo que se celebrará en Brasil *kubit camino a la mesa de comentarios y entregar la carta al loko95 loko95 : no puedo crer,y realmente esta carta de Vicent !!!!! es su letra Marco Perez: no le dice *kubit volver para la camera Kubitschek y como mi primera acción como GG.... killer Montxo ....en su pelea con marocco el luchador local que yo miesmo indiquei para esta fed , sera una pelea Harcore , pero solo marocco podrán utilizar armas , vamos a ver cómo, se salir campeón Hardcore , Mi amigo Christo tu enfrentaras Serginho y se perder esta lucha tu teras que sientas en el medio de los Fans , tal vez por lo que aprender a no ofender el héroe local , Sé que mis fans que te dan

la mano, pero se tu gana tendras que pelear de nuevo y nuevo hasta que perca lA lucha ..... y quanto a Terryhenry quiero hablar personalmente com el temos negocios a tratar,casi olvido cualquer uno desobedecido mis órdenes que sera prohibió de LWC para siempre fui claro ???

Publico : kubit , kubit ,kubit , kubit Loko95:esto senores es la palabra de GG kubit Marco Perez :esto luchador siempre fuera mi hero Aparece Terryhenry en la oficina del Gg. Terryhenry: COMO QUE MI HERMANO FUE SECUESTRADO!!! Seguridad: señor tenemos un video pero no es muy nitido que digamos. Corre video, se ve a un tipo golpeando al gg vincent, no se distingue quien es... Terryhenry:...... DEMONIOS... ahora tengo que hablar con kubit? esto va de mal en peor... donde se perdio paulonovich? y ese takieshi... es un chiste por dios aun no sale del hospital. ARGGG... Genei Ryodan? mmm tendre que encargarme personalmente de esto. Se apagan las luces y se ve un nuevo video y un nuevo tema de entrada (Los Fabuloso Cadillacs) Loko: yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaa la diversion llego, y estrenando tema y video de entrada MArco: primero Kubit y ahoa esto, JEFECITO REGRESEEEE. He-Man: debo confesar algo... Loko: que?? no a entrado con ganas de iniciar la fiesta y con sus gritos respectivos?? He-Man: estoy sumamente emocionado de estar en este mitico estadio, en este monumento de la historia del futbol, ESTOY EMOCIONADO DE ESTAR EN EL PAIS PENTACAMPEAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Publico: PENTACAMPEAOOOOOOOOOO PENTACAMPEAOOOOOOOOOOOO He-Man: ...transmitiendo desde el pais de Pele, desde el pais que vio nacer la gambeta de Ronaldinho, desde el mitico estadio Maracana...................... ARE YOU RRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEADYYYYYYYYYY TO PARTYYYYYYYYYYYYYY....

Publico: YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH He-Man: FIESTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Salen varias garotas a bailar, globos caen del cielo, el ringside se convierte en una gran fiesta, alguna de las chicas suben al ring y comienzan a baila con Kubit quien comienza a sonreir... He-Man se acerca a Kubit aplaudiendo He-Man: jajaja debo felicitarte, me robaste la idea, yo se que Vincent debe estar contento descansando en alguna playa paradisiaca de la costa Brazilera tomando "pinga" al lado de 2 cariocos negros de 2 metros, como le gustan a el Publico y Kubit: jajajajaja He-Man: El elemental como tu luchamos contra estos malditos dictadores que quieren ensuciar este deporte, el Elemental ha enfrentado muchos retos a los cuales hemos salido librados, nos pusieron 10 luchadores y los destrozamos, el miercoles pasado me enfrente en un handicapmatch a la campeona y su chupamedia y no pudieron conmigo, creo que ahora es momento de mi revancha.... Kubit, creo que seria una magnifica idea... HOY , AHORA MISMO, EN EL MITICO MARACANA Terry Henry vs HeMan y Kubit haciendo pareja por primera y unica vez!!!!!... que dices mi estimado nuevo GG..... Suena Step Up- Drowning Pool Marco Perez: por fin!!! EL CAMPEON VINO A PONER ORDER!!! Loco96: yo que el me esconderia. Marco Perez: no es una alimaña como tu. Terryhenry con el titulo en la cintura y un microfono en la mano se dispone a hablar. Terryhenry: como odio tener que presentarme con este publico que son una sarta de ineptos. Publico; BUUU!!! Terryhenry, lo siento pero no vine a burlarme de ustedes, vengo a hacer algo de debi haber hecho hace mucho, Kubit... tengo algo pendiente contigo.. pero antes... HE-MAN... AHORA VERAS QUE ES LO QUE SE LLAMA PODER... saquenlo de aqui. detras de terryhenry aparecen varios tipos de seguridad, y van hacia el ring. Terryhenry: AHORA QUIEN ES EL QUE SE RIE AHORA!!! Publico: BUUUU!!!

Forcejeando con los guardias He-Man: Ya te olvidaste de mis amigos.... muchachos!!! La seguridad de He-Man (buen timepo que no aparecian) corren hacia la seguridad de Henry y los destrozan, soltandose de los guardias He-Man regresa al ring. He-Man: Ayy flaquita, por lo visto me tienes miedo, tu tb tienes algo pendiente conmigo reina... pero dejare a Kubit que elija como GG... no pudiste cponmigo el miercoles y menos podras ahora...cuidate, cuidate porque muy pronto el Elemental tendra TODO LO QUE TU QUIERES..... el Genei dejo de existir desde ahora..... Terryhenry: El Genei dejo de existir? pues aun estoy aqui, mi hermano estara perdido.. pero yo aun estoy aqui, paulonovich no dara la cara, pero yo estoy aqui... y takeshi.. estara perdido en algun hospital de tercera.. pero yo... AUN... ESTOY AQUI y me vienes a decir que el GENEI RYODAN HA MUERTO... como te lo dije una vez, acabas de cometer una equivocacion muy grave. Terryhenry se acerca al ring... Kubitschek : No me interesa genei ryodan ,he-man ,Tengo mis propios planes , no será el que habla o las chicas que me hará cambiar mi idea, se tu he man , quieres acabar com genei ryodan tendras tu chance , como arbitro de una pelea loko95 :árbitro, pero de que lucha ??? Kubitschek: de mi lucha con terryhenry ,ahora !!!! Publico Y TerryHenry : que ??? Marco Perez :kubit está utilizando toda su influencia para obtener el título mundial como gg Kubitschek: esto si terryhenry estar de acuerdo Marco Perez :él tiene derecho a elegir ??? terryhenry(sorpreso ): Tengo una directo a una decision ??? kubit: si claro que tienes yo no soy uno ditador como usted y su hermano Terryhenry :y ¿por qué estaria de acuerdo con esto Kubit :que tengo algo que quieres y tienes algo, y quiero loko95 y Marco Perez y terryhenry y publico :pero lo que es esto ???? Kubit : Te ofrezco una pelea aquí y ahora por el titulo mundial , si gano yo convertirse en el nuevo campeón del mundo, pero sin directo a una revacha

Publico : kubit

, kubit , kubit

Terryhenry:pero lo que to gano ??? Kubit: pero si usted gana, y voy a revelar algo que sólo yo sé el paradero de su querido hermano TerryHenry :entonces fue usted que secuestraron a mi hermano Kubitschek: no dice que fuera yo que secuestrado el , yo dice que sé donde está ,lo que usted dice, el titulo por su hermano , pero claro no precisas estar de acuerdo TerryHenry: ahm ........ *kubitschek mirra he man show kubit: pero se usted o alguien más interferir puede considerarse despedidos... para siempre , que dices terryhenry, no desea saber mas que tudo donde esta su hermano ? Publico : kubit

, kubit , kubit

Terryhenry se queda inmovil... pensativo con el titulo entre manos, mirando el titulo. Terryhenry: me dices.. que deje mi titulo a cambio de mi hermano, mmm.. parece que no me conoces Publico, heman y kubit: Terryhenry: YO!!! SOY EL CAMPEON DEL MUNDO "ELPADRINO" TERRYHENRY!!! y me dices que te entregue mi titulo a cambio de el paradero de mi hermano? Publico: KUBIT!!! KUBIT!!! Terryhenry: pues.. lo pensare Loco96: pero q? no lo entiendo. Marco Perez: lo entenderas a su momento. Terryhenry: nos vemos... nos vemos... inceptos. terryhenry sale del ring hacia la entrada mientras suena Step Up- Drowning Pool, voltea y levanta el titulo mientras kubit y heman se quedan en el ring.

una cámara entra en el ginammsio donde luilli está haciendo pesas luilli mira hacia atrás y el cámara le pregunta: cámara: te toca luchar contra C4, ¿que piensas de él? luilli: asi que, me toca luchar contra C4, un buen rival loko95:tiene razón en unos minutos se nos presenta un combate entre estos dos hombres marco pérez: espero que gane C4 antes que ese impresentable de luilli loko95:hablando de C4 mira (C4 acaba de llegar gimnasio) C4: ¿me tengo que enfrentar a este blandengue?, no me hagan reir. No gana ni a mi abuelo tetraplegico mientras está durmiendo(dice con una sonsisa en la cara) luilli:si no quieres luchar no luches. C4 : QUE PASA ERES UN CAGAO luilli: no lo que pasa esque hasta aqui , mis amigos brasileños, lo saben PÚBLICO: APESTAS C4: no apesto además me duche ayer(se empieza a enfadar) loko 95:yo también creo que apesta marco pérez : pues yo no loko 95: haber que dice el público PÚBLICO:C4 apestas C4:¿que te has creido novato ? ¿llegas y eres el rey? te vas a enterar idiota(se marcha enfadado)

luilli:si te crees tan bueno demuéstralo en el cuadrilátero PÚBLICO: siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii a luchar a luchar! luilli: pero antes tengo una pregunta: eeeeeeeeestaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaais preparados PÚBLICO:SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

Primera Pelea Luilli vs C4 Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, C4"! C4 makes his way to the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, luilli"! Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena luilli makes his way to the ring C4 gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! C4 points to luilli with decision and gives him an light Ear Slap!! C4 hurls the leg preparing the blow and hits luilli with a light Roundhouse Kick!! C4 jumps on the ropes luilli moves and dodges West Coast Pop gaining the initiative luilli grabs C4's hair luilli lifts up his opponet so the opponent's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder C4 avoids a Canadian Back Breaker, counterattacking

C4 performs a backflip, using the top rope as a springboard and grabs his opponent's neck wrapping his arm around it, and slams him head first on the mat with a light Springboard Bulldog!! [Special Increased Pinning activated for luilli] C4 leaps up executing a somersault, pointing at his opponent lying across the ring and lands on him splashing him with a strong Standing Moonsault well executed!!! C4 grabs luilli's hair C4 grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes C4 runs toward luilli and leaps crushing him with his own body pinning him with a light Running Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... luilli kicks out C4 leaps up executing a somersault, pointing at his opponent lying across the ring and lands on him splashing him with a powerful Standing Moonsault!! C4 grabs luilli's hair C4 grabs one luilli 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well C4 hooks luilli from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... luilli kicks out C4 executes a backflip standing next to the lying opponent

and lands on him splashing him with a powerful Standing Moonsault!! luilli interrupts his opponent attacks sequence luilli hits C4 with the back of his hand hitting C4 with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! luilli throws the leg C4 gets down to dodge an Overhead Kick and counterattacks C4 prepares to hit luilli hurling his leg and connects with a light Roundhouse Kick!! C4 climbs the ropes quickly luilli moves and dodges West Coast Pop gaining the initiative luilli grabs C4's hair luilli grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes luilli runs toward the opponent grasping his head C4 gets free from the opponent's Running DDT, taking the initiative C4 grabs luilli's hair C4 grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes C4 runs towards his opponent to grab him with his legs to throw him down, connecting a light Head Scissor!! C4 approaches his laying opponent and hits him executing a light Knee Stomp!! [Special Damage Resistance activated for luilli] C4 grabs luilli's hair C4 and lunges himself on the ropes C4 waits the running rival luilli steps aside and avoids a Leg Trip taking back the initiative

luilli takes a C4's arm and pushes down on the back of the oppenents arm executing an light Arm Lock!! luilli keeps his weak submission hold C4 escapes from the hold C4 quickly gets up and counterattacks! C4 points to the opponent with decision luilli avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative luilli grabs C4 by an arm C4 performs a somersault to stand up avoiding the Arm Drag, taking the initiative C4 prepares the leg and connects with a light Roundhouse Kick!! C4 ducks his opponent's strike flanking him, luilli ducks and avoids the Shuffle Side Kick, regaining the initative luilli is about to perform his taunt luilli Pone Los Pulgares Hacia Arriba Y Los Va Bajando executing A El Aniquilado luilli catches his opponent's leg through the shoulder then he stretches it backward to cause pain, performing a light Koji Clutch!! luilli keeps his weak submission hold luilli keeps his weak submission hold luilli releases his grasp luilli is about to perform his taunt luilli Pone Los Pulgares Hacia Arriba Y Los Va Bajando executing A El Aniquilado luilli charges his right leg C4 avoids the Kick to Back taking initiative. C4 approaches his laying opponent

and hits him executing a light Knee Stomp!! C4 quickly gets on the top turnbuckle and dives grabbing luilli with his legs, making him roll performing a light Dragonrana!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... luilli kicks out C4 grabs luilli's hair C4 grabs one luilli 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well C4 runs toward the opponent and jumping and luilli bends dodging the Running Dropkick and starts a counterattack luilli grabs C4 from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... C4 gets up and resolutely fights back C4 stares at luilli and hits his face with an light Ear Slap showing no respect!! C4 prepares the leg and connects with a light Roundhouse Kick!! C4 moves around his opponent raising a leg, then he turns on his hips and hits him on the head, connecting with light Shuffle Side Kick!! C4 grabs luilli's hair

C4 grabs one luilli 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well C4 slams his stunned opponent down and gets on his head with both feet executing MORTAL Walk On Dead!! C4 tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... luilli kicks out C4 quickly puts his opponent on the cover position and covers him by helping with the ropes, executing an light Irregular Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... luilli kicks out luilli pulls himself together and fights back luilli gets ready to hit C4 and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a strong European Uppercut!! luilli stands in front of C4 and hits him right between the eyes with a strong Karate Kick!! luilli lifts his opponent on his shoulders and lets himself fall on his back, executing a devastating Modified Samoan Drop!! luilli holding the ropes places a foot on the opponent's neck, C4 escapes from a a Foot Choke and takes the initiative C4 holding the ropes places a foot on luilli's neck, holding the ropes he applies pressure with his feet on luilli's neck performing a light Foot Choke!!

C4 leaps up executing a somersault, pointing at his opponent lying across the ring and lands on him splashing him with a strong Standing Moonsault!! C4 gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump, and dives toward the opponent with legs apart luilli suddenly shifts dodging the a Diving Hurracanrana, taking the initiative luilli is about to perform his taunt luilli Eleva Los Brazos Gritando executing The Luillis Taunt luilli grabs C4's hair luilli grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes luilli runs toward C4 grasping his head and lets himself fall down performing a strong Running DDT!! luilli grabs C4's hair luilli grabs C4's head then drops backwards smashing C4's head into the mat performing a strong Modified DDT!! luilli grabs C4's hair luilli grabs one C4 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well luilli stalks his opponent C4 moves out of the way avoiding the a Shoulder Block, taking the initiative C4 hooks luilli from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... C4 WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS LUILLI !!!!

Marco Perez: y esta vez que me diras.. que C4 tubo suerte? Loko95: bueno es que luilli.. ya bueno…

Publico: buuuuuuuuuu!!!! Marco Perez: la popularidad de Cruscifer va en descenso.. mira los fans ni bien lo vieron aparecer ya estan botandolo Loko95: es cierto Marco.. ahora que dira Cruscifer despues de que le dijeran que sera el arbitro de la pelea mas importante Cruscifer: conocedores del buen wrestling .. hagan callar a esos mark's de la lucha.. Publico: buuuU!! fuera.a!!!!! no sirves!! Cruscifer: ahora a lo que vine... como ya saben sere el arbitro especial de la pelea mas importante del PPV... y ustedes se preguntaran a quien favorecere.. pues a Kubit.. Publico yeaaah!!!!.. no lo favorecere.. porque simplmente me robo la oportunidad... y a TerrYHenry.. Publico : buuu!!!!.. tampoco porque tiene lo que yo busco.. asi que esa pelea.. tratare de ser lo mas justo posible.. Marco Perez: esta hablando en serio? Loko95: no losse pero igual no me fio.. espero que el GG Kubit lo saque de la pelea.. Hoy no es otro dia. Hoy la Fe debe ponerse a prueba. Hoy se necesita más que un milagro. Hoy... Suena RESISTIRE (DUO DINÁMICO)

SUPERHEROE Sale Superhéroe a toda mecha corriendo por la alfombra roja . Marcos: Se ha parado Superhéroe se ha quedado estático. Loko: Es normal que quede paralizado, hoy no se enfrenta a uno más. Es Ferroki el que esta puesto en su lista, pero esta vez sera Ferroki sera el que le tache la cara a Superhéroe . Superhéroe se queda esperando la salida de Ferroki. Sale Ferroki (no se que entrada tiene). Mira a Superhéroe con mucha rabia y le hace el gesto de que lo va a matar.

Marcos: Parece que es un choque de trenes. Loko95: Un combate épico. El sádico y loco perturbado, o sea el malísimo. Contra el samaritano, religioso, o sea el buenísimo. Marcos: ¿Yo creí que el sádico perturbado era XMP?.

Segunda Pelea Superhéroe vs Ferroki Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Ferroki"! Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire! Ferroki makes his way to the ring two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Superhéroe"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke! A red carpet is laid on the ramp from under the ‘Tron Superhéroe makes his way to the ring Wearing a red shirt and black shorts. And in his head wearing a golden mask a light shines over him on the ring The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Superhéroe prevails Superhéroe charges the leg to hit his opponent's head with an light Overhead Kick!! Superhéroe bounces against the ropes and runs toward Ferroki knocking him down with a light Rope Drop Clothesline!!

Superhéroe grabs Ferroki's hair Superhéroe and lunges himself on the ropes Superhéroe runs toward the opponent Ferroki dodges the Running Arm Drag and takes the initiative Ferroki throws his opponent over his head straight up and drops him backwards on the mat with a light Back Body Drop!! Ferroki gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and jumps toward the prone opponent hitting him with his head, performing a light Diving Headbutt!! Ferroki pulls Superhéroe still groggy, by his hair Ferroki puts Superhéroe's head beneath his arm and lifts him then he lets him fall ahead executing light Falcon Arrow!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Superhéroe gets up and resolutely fights back Superhéroe goes towards his rival and gives a blow to his throat executing a light Throat Thrust!! Superhéroe droops quickly sideways to his rival Ferroki moves and dodges a Forearm On Leg, starting to counter-attack Ferroki loads his arm chop style and hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a light Forearm Smash!! Ferroki jumps placing his own feet on Superhéroe's shoulders and makes Superhéroe roll in a Rolling Crutch Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1....

....2.... Superhéroe gets up and resolutely fights back [Special Increased Pinning activated for Ferroki] Superhéroe raises a hand putting it on the opponent's forehead Ferroki shifts and avoids an Eye Rake taking the initiative Ferroki prepares to strike the adversary hitting him with a light Punch!! Ferroki prepares to hit the rival Superhéroe moves and dodges a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back Superhéroe turns against the adversary and kicks him with a light Mule Kick!!! [Special Dodging activated for Ferroki] Superhéroe tucks the opponent's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head Ferroki breaks loose from his opponent's grasp, and thwarts the Snap Suplex, regaining the initiative! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that Superhéroe has fallen out of the ring!!!! Ferroki leaves the ring Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Ferroki tucks Superhéroe's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head, drags him to the announcers table and using his legs boost, falls backwards, flipping him over and crashing him on the desk, executing a strong Snap Suplex on the Table!! Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!" Ferroki lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

Ferroki removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections to crash the adversary on it with a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!" Ferroki lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Ferroki lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a light Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!" Ferroki lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a violent Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!" Ferroki lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!! Ferroki is about to perform his taunt Ferroki Se Pone A Dar Saltitos Alrededor De Su Oponente Intentando Ponerlo Nervioso executing A Jumpig Jump Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!" Ferroki goes up again in the ring Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!" Superhéroe goes up again in the ring Ferroki prepares to hit the opponent hurling his leg Superhéroe bends dodging the a Gran Patada Diabolica, starting the counterattack Superhéroe hurls the leg preparing the blow

and hits him on the face with a strong Roundhouse Kick!! Superhéroe grasps Ferroki and lifts him up, slamming him down to the ground performing a light Body Slam!! Superhéroe approaches his laying opponent Ferroki evades the a Head Lock, taking back the initiative Ferroki kneels on Superhéroe's back, grasping his legs and his head rolls on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them!! Ferroki keeps his ruthless submission hold Ferroki keeps his ruthless submission hold Ferroki releases his grasp Ferroki lifts his opponent on his back crossing the legs with his own legs Superhéroe easily evades a Gory Special and gains the initiative Superhéroe grabs Ferroki's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Ferroki kicks out Superhéroe grabs Ferroki's hair Superhéroe grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Superhéroe runs toward Ferroki grasping his head and drives him down to the ground performing a light Running DDT!! Superhéroe grabs Ferroki's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting...

....1.... ....2.... Ferroki gets up and resolutely fights back Ferroki gets ready to hit Superhéroe and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Superhéroe's jaw performing an strong European Uppercut!! Ferroki prepares to hit Superhéroe hurling his leg and hits him on the face with a devastating Gran Patada Diabolica!! Ferroki coge a su rival levantandolo en el aire Superhéroe somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Superhéroe jumps on Ferroki's head, then with great agility performs a somersault to project Ferroki in a light Hopping Sunset Flip!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Ferroki gets up and resolutely fights back Ferroki hits Superhéroe with the back of his hand hitting Superhéroe across the chest with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Ferroki prepares to hit the opponent hurling his leg Superhéroe bends dodging the a Gran Patada Diabolica, starting the counterattack Superhéroe rushes drooping sideways to the rival and knocks him down hitting him with his forearm on the legs executing a strong Forearm On Leg!! Superhéroe grabs Ferroki's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!!

Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Ferroki gets up and resolutely fights back Ferroki puts a hand on Superhéroe's face and scratches him bringing it down putting his fingers in the eyes with an light Eye Rake!! Ferroki taps on his opponent's shoulder, extends his arm out from the side of the body and parallel to the ground, knocking over him while running by with a strong Standing Clothesline!! Ferroki is about to perform his taunt Ferroki Levanta Las 2 Manos Hacia Arriba Con Los Dedos Indice Y Medio Formando Una V executing The Sign Of Victory Ferroki grabs Superhéroe's hair Ferroki grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Ferroki runs toward Superhéroe and jumps and crushes him with his own body pinning him with a light Running Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Superhéroe gets up and resolutely fights back Superhéroe is about to perform his taunt Ferroki capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Superhéroe off guard! Ferroki gets ready to hit the opponent Superhéroe dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative Superhéroe taps on his opponent's shoulder,

Ferroki ducks and evades the a Standing Clothesline, catching his opponent off guard! Ferroki open his arms in a threatening gesture Superhéroe gets free from the hold avoiding a a Brain Squeezer, taking the initiative Superhéroe applies an armbar on the rival's arm inserting it among the legs turns on himself jumping ahead on the rival rotating and pinning Ferroki with a light Magistrale Cradle!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Ferroki gets up and resolutely fights back Ferroki puts a outstretched hand on Superhéroe's forehead and scratches him bringing it down putting his fingers in the eyes with an light Eye Rake!! Ferroki brings his foot up then drops it into Superhéroe executing an strong Axe Kick!! Ferroki coge a su rival levantandolo en el aire para soltarlo de golpe al suelo y agarrandolo por las piernas en alto para que no se mueva executing light Final Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Superhéroe kicks out Ferroki pulls Superhéroe still groggy, by his hair Ferroki coge a su rival levantandolo en el aire para soltarlo de golpe al suelo y agarrandolo por las piernas en alto para que no se mueva executing strong Final Pin!!

Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Superhéroe kicks out Ferroki lifts his opponent's leg Superhéroe moves at last to dodge the a Elbow drop to inner thigh and gains the initiative Superhéroe inserts a rival's arm among his own legs applying an armbar continuing twisting his arm he falls ahead on the rival and he pins him with a light Magistrale Cradle!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Ferroki gets up and resolutely fights back Ferroki prepares the back of his hand hitting Superhéroe with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Ferroki prepares his arm and falls on Superhéroe with his fist executing a light Fist But!! [Special Blocking activated for Ferroki] Ferroki grabs Superhéroe's leg and brings him down to the ground pulling him with a strong Dragon Screw!! Ferroki clutches his laying rival's head and performs a light Head Lock!! Ferroki keeps his weak submission hold Superhéroe escapes from the hold Superhéroe quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Superhéroe moves at last to dodge the a Elbow drop to inner thigh and gains the initiative Superhéroe inserts a rival's arm among his own legs applying an armbar continuing twisting his arm he falls ahead on the rival and he pins him with a light Magistrale Cradle!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... SUPERHÉROE WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS FERROKI!!!! Marco Perez: OMFG!! Esta vez superheroe no vencio a cualquier miembro de la LWC.. sino a un ex campeon.. Loko95: y no cuaquier campeón.. y es mas cualquiera no vence a Ferroki de esa manera.. Superhéroe vino a salvarnos.. ChRiStO: Te voy a vengar... uno a uno de esos Fuerza Maña caeran.. eso te lo juro... y de último... Maestro Extremo sufrirá toda la ira que desencadenó... nadie conoce realmente a ChRiStO, NADIE SABE DE LO QUE SOY CAPAZ... y por venganza... aún más.... Hoy cae el primero, y eso te lo voy a dedicar... yo sé que vas a salir de esto... que vamos a salir de esto... y va ser como si no hubiese pasado nada... y cuando te recuperes... ahora si nos vamos a enseriar... te lo prometo... Público: -Aparece el GM BBMGM BBM: bueno como ya sabran publico, aca los prisioneros y NewJobbers se disputaran los titulos en pareja.. y el ganador se enfrentara a los que sean elegidos en la ruleta!!

Tercera Pelea Los Prisioneros vs NewJobbers prision666 and Henry Rojas walks in the ring between thunderous applauses! The opponents make their way to the ring as well, B. Maigerl and El Pirinola! Henry Rojas and El Pirinola enter the ring. prision666 and B. Maigerl are waiting in the respective corners El Pirinola gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! El Pirinola gets ready to hit the opponent Henry Rojas dodges an Overhand Chop to gain the initiative Henry Rojas tries to hit his opponent with a punch, but he apparently fails El Pirinola dodges the Elbow Smash and counterattacks El Pirinola grasps the opponent lifting him up in an horizontal position and drops him down rib first against his knee performing a light Rib Breaker!! El Pirinola pulls Henry Rojas still groggy, by his hair El Pirinola jumps on his opponent's head while he's turned back to throw him with the aid of a somersault, performing a light Jumping HH Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Henry Rojas kicks out El Pirinola grabs "Elpadrino" TerryHenry's hair El Pirinola grabs one Henry Rojas 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well El Pirinola stops the running opponent grabbing his neck

making him fall ahead on his face performing an light Half Nelson Bulldog!!!! El Pirinola pulls Henry Rojas still groggy, by his hair El Pirinola jumps placing his own feet on the opponent's shoulders Henry Rojas gets free from a Rolling Crutch Pin taking the initiative Henry Rojas gets close his opponent and grabs his arm then he takes it down to twist it by performing an light Ultimate Armbar!! Henry Rojas keeps his ruthless submission hold Henry Rojas keeps his agonizing submission hold Henry Rojas releases his grasp Henry Rojas grabs El Pirinola's hair Henry Rojas grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Henry Rojas runs towards his opponent El Pirinola moves to dodge a One Arm Bulldog and counterattacks El Pirinola grabs the opponent foot holding it parallel to the mat and brings him down to the ground pulling him with a light Dragon Screw!! El Pirinola places the opponent onto the top turnbuckle and climbs up behind him Henry Rojas rolls to the side and down the ropes avoinding the Caribean Splash!! Henry Rojas lifts the hand preparing to attack El Pirinola eludes the adversary's Mandible Claw , taking back the initiative El Pirinola hooks the adversary and locks him to lift him and lifts him with an articolated movement perfroming a light Psycho Driver!!!! El Pirinola grabs Henry Rojas executing a backbreaker B. Maigerl bounces on the top rope executing a flying legdrop performing a violent Backbreaker & flying legdrop!! El Pirinola grabs "Elpadrino" TerryHenry's hair El Pirinola and lunges himself on the ropes

El Pirinola bounces off using the middle rope, leaping towards his opponent with his elbow and drives his elbow throughout his rival's chest, executing a light Springboard Backflip Elbow Smash!! El Pirinola kneels beside his downed opponent and grabs his throat with both hands Henry Rojas avoids the Choke Hold, gaining the initiative Henry Rojas grasps the opponent and slams him down to the ground El Pirinola easily dodges the opponent's Rushing Armbar, taking the initiative El Pirinola grabs the adversary and puts him under the legs and after grabbing the rival, perfomrs a light Pulling Piledriver!! El Pirinola grapples one of Henry Rojas shoulders Henry Rojas breaks free from the Shoulder Lock just in time, regaining the initative Henry Rojas grabs El Pirinola's ankle twisting the foot executing an powerful Te Vas Pa La Lona De Cara Sheeee!! Henry Rojas keeps his agonizing submission hold Henry Rojas keeps his ruthless submission hold Henry Rojas releases his grasp Henry Rojas grabs the opponent's ankle twisting it applying an light Ankle Lock!! Henry Rojas keeps his ruthless submission hold Henry Rojas keeps his agonizing submission hold Henry Rojas releases his grasp Henry Rojas lifts the opponent on his shoulders prision666 climb the turnbuckle performing a flying clothesline on the opponent executing a violent Doomsday device!! Henry Rojas grabs El Pirinola's hair

Henry Rojas grabs his opponent lifting him by 45° performs an strong Inverted DDT!! Henry Rojas locks El Pirinola's waist lifting him runs to the opponent grabbing his neck executing a violent 3D!! Henry Rojas grabs the opponent's ankle twisting it in an irregular way executing an MORTAL Te Vas Pa La Lona De Cara Sheeee!! Henry Rojas keeps his excruciating submission hold EL PIRINOLA IS SCREAMING IN PAIN!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! B. MAIGERL enters the ring hitting Henry Rojas and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! El Pirinola takes advantage of the situation! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! El Pirinola gives the touch to B. Maigerl who enters the ring! B. Maigerl releases his grasp B. Maigerl grabs "Elpadrino" TerryHenry's leg and reefs on the leg applying an light Argentine Leg Lock!! B. Maigerl keeps his ruthless submission hold B. Maigerl keeps his weak submission hold B. Maigerl releases his grasp TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Henry Rojas gives the touch to prision666 who enters the ring! prision666 gets next to the opponent bringing down an arm and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!! prision666 grabs the adversary from the belt with an arm

meanwhile with the other one crashes him on the ground with a streched arm, performing a strong Pepsi Twist!! prision666 grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand and then pulls his opponent forward, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat performing a light Snapmare!! prision666 grabs B. Maigerl's hair prision666 grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes prision666 runs toward the opponent grasping his head B. Maigerl gets free from the opponent's a Running DDT, taking the initiative B. Maigerl swings his whole body back and with a great strength punches the opponent's face performing a light Big Punch!! B. Maigerl grabs the opponent lifting him and makes him whirl in front of himself making him slam his back on his knee with a strong Tilt A Whirl Back Breaker!! B. Maigerl grabs the opponent's leg and sits on the opponents back and reefs on the leg applying an strong Rotura De Ligamentos!! B. Maigerl keeps his excruciating submission hold B. Maigerl keeps his ruthless submission hold B. Maigerl releases his grasp B. Maigerl kneels on prision666's back, grasping his legs and his head rolls on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them!! B. Maigerl keeps his ruthless submission hold B. Maigerl keeps his weak submission hold B. Maigerl releases his grasp B. Maigerl grabs prision666's hair B. Maigerl grabs one prision666 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well

B. Maigerl stalks his opponent and with a strong Shoulder Block shows his might, knocking him on the ground!! prision666 pulls himself together and fights back prision666 gets next to the opponent bringing down an arm and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!! prision666 grabs the adversary from the belt with an arm meanwhile with the other one crashes him on the ground with a streched arm, performing a strong Pepsi Twist!! prision666 grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand and then pulls his opponent forward, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat performing a light Snapmare!! prision666 grabs B. Maigerl's hair prision666 grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes prision666 runs toward the opponent grasping his head B. Maigerl gets free from the opponent's a Running DDT, taking the initiative B. Maigerl swings his whole body back and with a great strength punches the opponent's face performing a light Big Punch!! B. Maigerl grabs the opponent lifting him and makes him whirl in front of himself making him slam his back on his knee with a strong Tilt A Whirl Back Breaker!! B. Maigerl grabs the opponent's leg and sits on the opponents back and reefs on the leg applying an strong Rotura De Ligamentos!! B. Maigerl keeps his excruciating submission hold B. Maigerl keeps his ruthless submission hold B. Maigerl releases his grasp B. Maigerl kneels on prision666's back, grasping his legs and his head rolls on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them!!

B. Maigerl keeps his ruthless submission hold B. Maigerl keeps his weak submission hold B. Maigerl releases his grasp B. Maigerl grabs prision666's hair B. Maigerl grabs one prision666 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well B. Maigerl stalks his opponent and with a strong Shoulder Block shows his might, knocking him on the ground!! prision666 pulls himself together and fights back prision666 gets next to the opponent bringing down an arm and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!! prision666 grabs the adversary from the belt with an arm meanwhile with the other one crashes him on the ground with a streched arm, performing a strong Pepsi Twist!! prision666 grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand and then pulls his opponent forward, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat performing a light Snapmare!! prision666 grabs B. Maigerl's hair prision666 grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes prision666 runs toward the opponent grasping his head B. Maigerl gets free from the opponent's a Running DDT, taking the initiative B. Maigerl swings his whole body back and with a great strength punches the opponent's face performing a light Big Punch!! B. Maigerl grabs the opponent lifting him and makes him whirl in front of himself making him slam his back on his knee with a strong Tilt A Whirl Back Breaker!! B. Maigerl is about to perform his taunt

B. Maigerl Takes The Rival Face Putting The Fingers In His Nose executing The Last Breath B. Maigerl grabs prision666's hair B. Maigerl carries his opponent to the ropes and throw all his power to the opponents stomach executing devastating No More Air!! B. Maigerl tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... prision666 gets up and resolutely fights back prision666 uses the right hand to grab the opponent's head, and then pulls his opponent forward, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat performing a light Snapmare!! prision666 grabs the opponent's arms between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... B. Maigerl gets up and resolutely fights back B. Maigerl grabs prision666's leg and yards on it while leaning into the opponent forming a strong Rotura De Ligamentos!! prision666 escapes from the hold B. Maigerl grabs his opponent's leg then he stretches it backward to cause pain, performing a light Koji Clutch!! B. Maigerl keeps his ruthless submission hold B. Maigerl keeps his ruthless submission hold

B. Maigerl releases his grasp B. Maigerl is about to perform his taunt B. Maigerl See He Opponent To His Eyes Then Smile When Start Running To Give A Beautyfull Header To His Opponent executing A Tucumano B. Maigerl looks the rival like a little rat in the trap prision666 somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! prision666 jumps against the opponent executing a light Low Dropkick!! prision666 is about to perform his taunt B. Maigerl capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! taking prision666 is caught out! B. Maigerl raises his arm and hits his opponent's neck, performing a light Club to the Neck!! B. Maigerl is about to perform his taunt prision666 capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! taking B. Maigerl is caught out! prision666 charges the movement raising the elbow and connects with a light Elbow to Back of Head on the rival's head!! prision666 clutches his laying rival's head and performs a light Prision Crossface!! prision666 keeps his ruthless submission hold prision666 keeps his weak submission hold prision666 releases his grasp prision666 approaches his laying opponent to perform a light Head Lock!! prision666 keeps his weak submission hold

B. Maigerl escapes from the hold B. Maigerl quickly gets up and counterattacks! B. Maigerl is about to perform his taunt prision666 capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but B. Maigerl is faster and is not caught off guard! B. Maigerl charges his arm and strikes his opponent's forehead with the side of the hand, executing an light Overhand Chop!! B. Maigerl turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee and delivers the blow on the ribs, connecting with a light Side Kick!! B. Maigerl prepares two fingers and executes an light Eye Rake on Ropes in the eyes!!! B. Maigerl carries his opponent to the ropes and throw all his power to the opponents stomach executing devastating No More Air!! B. Maigerl tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... prision666 kicks out B. Maigerl grabs his opponent's head putting it under his arm and swings over the opponent and down to the ground, in a semi-circular motion, so that both the wrestlers fall to the ground back-first, performing a light Swinging Neckbreaker!! B. Maigerl is about to perform his taunt B. Maigerl See He Opponent To His Eyes Then Smile When Start Running To Give A Beautyfull Header To His Opponent executing A Tucumano prision666 pulls himself together and fights back prision666 prepares his arm

B. Maigerl moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative B. Maigerl gets ready to hit prision666 and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm the opponent's jaw performing an light European Uppercut!! B. Maigerl approaches his opponent, getting in close range, prision666 ducks and evades the a Standing Clothesline, catching his opponent off guard! prision666 charges the movement raising the elbow and connects with a light Elbow to Back of Head on the rival's head!! prision666 is about to perform his taunt prision666 Begins To Act Like A Madman Without A Remedy executing A The Loco prision666 approaches his laying opponent to perform a light Head Lock!! B. Maigerl escapes from the hold prision666 bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting B. Maigerl Henry Rojas bounces on the ropes executing a clothesline to B. Maigerl's neck performing a powerful Clothesline & clothesline on the knee back!! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! prision666 gives the touch to Henry Rojas who enters the ring! Henry Rojas grabs B. Maigerl's hair Henry Rojas grabs one B. Maigerl 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Henry Rojas lifts the opponent on his shoulders B. Maigerl somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! B. Maigerl climbs the top turnbuckle and dives toward the opponent hitting him with his head, performing a powerful Diving Headbutt!!

B. Maigerl climbs the top turnbuckle waiting for the opponent to stand up and forward executing a light Diving Rolling Elbow Smash!! B. Maigerl grabs "Elpadrino" TerryHenry's hair B. Maigerl charges a knee to hit the opponent Henry Rojas avoids a a Knee Smash and gains the initiative Henry Rojas gets close his opponent and grabs his arm then he throws him down to submit him with a light Ultimate Armbar!! Henry Rojas keeps his ruthless submission hold Henry Rojas keeps his weak submission hold Henry Rojas releases his grasp Henry Rojas pulls B. Maigerl still groggy, by his hair Henry Rojas lifts B. Maigerl on his shoulders and slams him then run to the corner and fly with a DIVING HEADBUTT executing MORTAL Damage Chaotic!! Henry Rojas tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... B. Maigerl gets up and resolutely fights back B. Maigerl grabs both of the opponent's arms making him fall forward with a somersault to perform a light Victory Roll!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Henry Rojas kicks out B. Maigerl turns Henry Rojas still groggy up pulling his hair

B. Maigerl grasps the opponent and lifts him up, slamming him down to the mat performing a light Body Slam!! B. Maigerl grabs "Elpadrino" TerryHenry's hair B. Maigerl grabs his opponent's head to crash him on the ground with a somersault, by performing a light Head Lock Takedown!! B. Maigerl grabs his laying opponent's leg and hits it with the knee, executing a light Knee on Leg!! B. Maigerl traps his opponent's leg with his own legs and twists it by trapping it with his own to perform an light Indian Death Lock!! B. Maigerl keeps his weak submission hold B. Maigerl keeps his weak submission hold B. Maigerl releases his grasp B. Maigerl bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting "Elpadrino" TerryHenry El Pirinola bounces on the ropes executing a clothesline to "Elpadrino" TerryHenry's neck performing a light Clothesline & clothesline on the knee back!! B. Maigerl moves towards the opponent and jumps Henry Rojas avoids the a Elbow Drop to gain the initiative Henry Rojas gets on the turnbuckle and dashes towards his opponent to hit him to the throat with his leg, performing a violent Guillotine Leg Drop!! Henry Rojas grabs B. Maigerl's hair Henry Rojas and lunges himself on the ropes Henry Rojas grabs his opponent's hips and turns him sideways B. Maigerl counters the a Side Slam and starts striking back his opponent B. Maigerl takes the adversary's head and

tryes to strike him with a powerful heading performing a light Hard Headbutt!! B. Maigerl grabs Henry Rojas executing a backbreaker El Pirinola bounces on the top rope executing a flying legdrop performing a light Backbreaker & flying legdrop!! B. Maigerl grabs "Elpadrino" TerryHenry's hair B. Maigerl grabs one Henry Rojas 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well B. Maigerl starts spinning and jumps towards his opponent Henry Rojas ducks and dodges a a Spinning Wheel Kick, retaking the initative Henry Rojas grabs B. Maigerl's hair Henry Rojas grabs one B. Maigerl 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Henry Rojas bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent B. Maigerl crouches down and avoids the a Clothesline. gaining the initiative B. Maigerl turns against the adversary and kicks him with a light Mule Kick!!! B. Maigerl bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting "Elpadrino" TerryHenry El Pirinola bounces on the ropes executing a clothesline to "Elpadrino" TerryHenry's neck performing a light Clothesline & clothesline on the knee back!! B. Maigerl grabs "Elpadrino" TerryHenry's hair B. Maigerl flanks his opponent, and grapples his head and starts gripping it violently, performing a light Side Head Lock!! B. Maigerl keeps his weak submission hold B. Maigerl keeps his weak submission hold B. Maigerl releases his grasp B. Maigerl approaches the opponent and grasps the opponent's head in a light Brain Squeezer, squeezing it!!

B. Maigerl keeps his weak submission hold B. Maigerl keeps his weak submission hold B. Maigerl releases his grasp El Pirinola leans on the ropes to get the touch! B. Maigerl pulls Henry Rojas still groggy, by his hair B. Maigerl grabs his opponent's arms while jumping he throws him out of balance with a somersault covering him with a light Victory Roll!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Henry Rojas gets up and resolutely fights back Henry Rojas grabs his opponent's head B. Maigerl easily avoids a a Knee on Head and gains the initiative B. Maigerl charges his arm striking his forehead with his arm's side, performing an light Overhand Chop!! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! B. Maigerl gives the touch to El Pirinola who enters the ring! El Pirinola locks "Elpadrino" TerryHenry's waist lifting him runs to the opponent grabbing his neck executing a devastating 3D!! El Pirinola puts his own hands under the opponent's armpits, who is prone on the mat Henry Rojas easily dodges the a Butterfly Lock, taking the initiative Henry Rojas grabs El Pirinola's hair Henry Rojas grabs one El Pirinola 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Henry Rojas lifts the opponent on his shoulders El Pirinola somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

El Pirinola grabs his opponent by the neck to throw him by performing a strong Uranage!! El Pirinola climbs the turnbuckle spotting his opponent lying on the mat Henry Rojas moves out of the way just in time, dodging the a Skytwister Press and taking the initative Henry Rojas grabs El Pirinola's ankle twisting the foot executing an devastating Te Vas Pa La Lona De Cara Sheeee!! Henry Rojas keeps his weak submission hold El Pirinola can't resist anymore and taps out!! Henry Rojas E PRISION666 WIN THE MATCH!!!! Marco Perez: ahora veremos girar a la ruleta por primera vez… GM BBM: que pase ROXXIE HENRY!!! Publico:fiu fiu!! Loko95: que pasa aca.. es que acaso Roxxie no puede salir sin que la silbeen.. Marco Perez: es que acaso no la vez?

(Roxxie gira la ruleta y esta cae en Christo!!) GM BBM: Christo es el que se enfrentara contra ustedes en el PPV Sed de venganza!!!

Marco Perez: oh si!!.. espero que Henry le de una paliza.. GM BBM: y ahora su compañero sera!!!.. pues giraremos laruleta después de su pelea de esta noche contra serginho.. Publico: buuuu!!! No te vallas Roxxie!! La escena transcurre en el bar, al que llegan SERGINHO, que abraza a Nikol y un XMp algo mosqueado por el tema de ir a beber, y de que su compañero este mas pendiente de Nikol que, en lo que el en realidad cree ue es mas importante... XMP: Que, ¿Hoy tambien vais a beber? SERGINHO: Faltarias mas (Arrimandose a Nikol) Hay que celebrar por todo lo alto la visita que ha hecho Killer Montxo a la enfermeria, de la que no creo que salga en un tiempo.Y todo gracias a esta mujer... Nikol: Mira que eres tonto... Desde la otra punta del bar, dos figuras que hacen como que leen un periodico, los vigilan sin quitarles ojo... XMP: Bueno, si, hacer lo que os de la gana... A mi no me va beber... Y aun menos en el previo de un combate... Voy a darme una vuelta por los alrededores... SERGINHO: Pero no te alejes mucho, puede que alguien nos este observando... (Alza la vista y solo ve a dos figuras en la mesa leyendo un periodico) XMP: No os excedais mucho... XMP se aleja, y mientras tanto, las figuras de detras de los periodicos hacen una llamada ¿?¿?: Eh, Killer, XMP se esta alejando del grupo... Estate atento Killer Montxo: (Fuera del bar, y arrastrando alguna que otra venda y una sonda) Tranquilos, yo me ocupo... Seguid vigilando a la paregita, y no les quiteis el ojo de encima... ¿?¿?: Asi se hara Mientras tanto, XMP se a acercado a unos carteles cerca de la puerta de salida, y esta leyendos placidamente

XMP: (Pensando para si mismo) Aiisss, anda que no me gusta ni nada leer carteles, suerte que Killer esta en la enfermeria, y dudo mucho que venga a atacarme por la espalda con un bate de beisbol, seria tener un poco de mala suer... XMP no llega a acabar la frase, porque subitamente se abre la puerta, y le cae un bate de beisbol en la cabeza. SERGINHO, que esta distraido con Nikol, no se ha enterado de lo sucedido a su compañero, y sigue a su royo. Mientras, el Killer saca arrastras el cuerpo inconsciente de XMP del bar. Killer Montxo: (Hablando por el walkietalkie con las figuras de detras de los periodicos) Ha caido uno de ellos, ya solo queda uno que no puede defenderse, y la zorrona esa, con la que pienso ajustar cuentas ¿¿?¿?: Bien hecho carajo, quieres que... Killer Montxo: ¿Que pasa...? ¿?¿?: Estan pagando la cuenta... Killer Montxo: Mierda... Voy a cortales el paso. ¿?¿?: Pero si no puedes casi andar... Killer Montxo: Calla cara de red, me basto y me sobro como para retener a esos dos y decirles dos cosas... SERGINHO y Nikol liquidan sus deudas, y salen del bar, y nada mas doblan cruzan la puerta, oyen una voz detras de ellos. Killer Montxo: (En las sombras) Vaya, ¿No echais a nadie de menos? (Les tira a XMP, que esta atado y aun inconsciente, y sale de las sombras) SERGINHO: Vaya recuperacion... Aunque no puede ni andar (Susurrandole a Nikol)Largate, va a por ti... Nikol: Si... Nikol se echa a correr y se aleja. Killer Montxo: Maldito mierdas desconfiado, era con ellla con quien queria hablar... un momento, ¿Esto estaba planeado desde el principio?... SERGINHO: Si, hablar... Y si, muy astuto...

Killer Montxo: La verdad es que tienes bastante mal gusto... no sabe besar en condiciones... SERGINHO: ¿Estas intentando cabrearme? (Aprieta el puño) Killer Montxo: ¿Yo? Pero que va hombre... No puedo ni andar, ni correr, seria un blanco demasiado facil para tu ira... Es mas podrias derribarme y dejarme mas nuevo en nada SERGINHO: ... (Tratando de contenerse, y recordando lo que le dijo el GG: "Recuerda, una agresion mas fuera de un combate, y estas fuera") Debo.. Resistirme.... Killer Montxo: Sabes que es inutil... SERGINHO: ... (Se queda estatico en su posicion) ... No... Killer Montxo: Muy bien... (Chasquea los dedos y aparecen Christo y Bloodredsandman del interior del bar) Santo Angel: (Gritando desde dentro del bar) ¿Y los gastos que? Killer Montxo: Yo no tengo esa ridicula prohibicion, asi que... Bloodredsandman y Christo inmobilizan a SERGINHO... Killer Montxo: Tienes suerte, no me puedo mover y el rival de christo esta ya nuevo... Vete, y no vuelvas a intentar nada... Esta es la ultima vez que te dejamos irte de rositas... Por cierto, dile a la zorra de tu novia que se lave la boca. SERGINHO: Le recordare el porque nunca se liaria con alguien como tu (Se aleja un par de pasillos, y se encuentra con Kubit) Santo Angel: (Gritando mas fuerte) ¿¿QUIEN ME VA A PAGAR LOS GASTOS?? Killer Montxo: ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Sera posible, este camarero nos quiere

TIMAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Resto del bar: ¿¿¿¿¿¡¡¡¡¡¡TIMAR!!!!!!!?????? Santo Angel: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO XMP:Crees que no oi lo de tu plan? Serginho:Mira esto fue por.......... -XMP Calla a Serginho mostrandole la mano.-

XMP: Si si, fue por salvar a esta perrita no? Nikol: Oye, no me digas..... -XMP le muestra la mano para que calle.Serginho: Esperanos un momento chiquita si? -Nikol se aleja de la conversacion.XMP: No se como andas con esta descerebrada. Pero al punto, ya van 2 veces que Killer me ataca, y no me dejaste interferir en tu lucha contra el. Serginho: El y yo tenemos cuentas pendientes XMP: Pues muy rivales que puedan ser, pero yo no me voy a quedar quieto a esperar que me ataque solamente por que tu quieres probar que eres mejor que el. Asi que, ya te contare lo que tengo planeado contra el, no se va a salvar esta vez....... Nikol: Ya volvi, terminaron? Serginho: Si Nikol, XMP, dependiendo de lo que tengas planeado te respondere XMP: Mas te vale, no me uni a ti para perder el tiempo, por ahora me retiro, tambien tendre algo planeado contra S-pain. Nikol: Adios grosero XMP: adios sidosa Nikol : :O aich serginho, por que no te deshaces de el? Serginho: El es de gran utilidad a Fuerza Maña Ko. SERGINHO: vamos a ver XMP, ¿cual es tu magnifica idea? loko95: ¿que estaran tramando? Marco Perez: algo para hacer mejor esta fed. loko95: (ironicamente) claaaaaaaaro.

Cuarta Pelea

Juan Olarte vs Dave Snake to the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Dave Snake"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke! and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron Dave Snake makes his way to the ring driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena followed by his nurse smoke hides the whole ring Dave Snake gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! Dave Snake prepares the back of his hand hitting JUAN OLARTE with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Dave Snake stands firmly on the mat and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! Dave Snake grabs the adversay's head with the hands striking him more times with a series of head smashes, performing a light Multiple Headbutt!! JUAN OLARTE pulls himself together and fights back JUAN OLARTE gets ready to hit Dave Snake striking his forehead with his arm's side, performing an light Overhand Chop!! JUAN OLARTE stands firmly on the mat and hits Dave Snake with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! JUAN OLARTE grabs Dave Snake raising him high dropping him on an extended knee with an light Atomic Drop!!

JUAN OLARTE grabs Dave Snake's hair JUAN OLARTE grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes JUAN OLARTE grasps Dave Snake's neck while running and swings driving him down to the ground performing a strong Running Swinging Neckbreaker!! JUAN OLARTE pulls Dave Snake still groggy, by his hair JUAN OLARTE jumps on his opponent's head while he's turned back to throw him with the aid of a somersault, performing a light Jumping HH Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Dave Snake kicks out JUAN OLARTE lifts his opponent on his back crossing the legs with his own legs and closes a light Gory Special by crossing his arms with his own arms!! JUAN OLARTE keeps his weak submission hold JUAN OLARTE keeps his weak submission hold JUAN OLARTE releases his grasp JUAN OLARTE grabs Dave Snake's hair JUAN OLARTE and lunges himself on the ropes JUAN OLARTE raises his own leg and drives the sole of his boot into his face with a light Big Boot!! JUAN OLARTE grabs Dave Snake's hair JUAN OLARTE grabs one Dave Snake 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well JUAN OLARTE hooks Dave Snake from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!!

Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Dave Snake gets up and resolutely fights back Dave Snake charges his arm striking his forehead with his arm's side, performing an light Overhand Chop!! [Special Pinning Resistance activated for Dave Snake] Dave Snake grabs his opponent from the belt with an arm and makes him fall on the ground with a light Pepsi Twist!! Dave Snake grapples his opponent's head from behind and turns him and crashes him on the mat, executing a powerful Monster Shellshock!!!! JUAN OLARTE interrupts his opponent attacks sequence The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Dave Snake prevails Dave Snake gets ready to hit JUAN OLARTE with his right hand and slaps him across his face like a wimp, connecting with a light Slap!! Dave Snake prepares to hit JUAN OLARTE hurling his leg and connects with a strong Roundhouse Kick!! Dave Snake loads his opponent on his shoulders JUAN OLARTE climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Samoan Inferno regaining the initiative JUAN OLARTE jumps on Dave Snake's head, then with great agility performs a somersault to project Dave Snake in a light Hopping Sunset Flip!! Referee starts counting...

....1.... ....2.... Dave Snake kicks out JUAN OLARTE grabs Dave Snake's hair JUAN OLARTE grabs one Dave Snake 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well JUAN OLARTE runs toward Dave Snake and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! JUAN OLARTE grabs his laying opponent's leg and hits it with the knee, executing a light Knee on Leg!! JUAN OLARTE is about to perform his taunt JUAN OLARTE executing The Colombian Power JUAN OLARTE firmly grapples his opponent's leg and slams it on the mat, executing a strong Spinning Leg Crush!! JUAN OLARTE is about to perform his taunt Dave Snake capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching JUAN OLARTE off guard! Dave Snake gets his hand ready hitting his opponent with a light Chop followed by a chant of WOOOOOO!!! Dave Snake flanks his opponent and prepares to strike and delivers a blow connecting with a light Side Mounting Punch!! Dave Snake puts his opponent on his shoulders JUAN OLARTE climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Samoan Inferno regaining the initiative JUAN OLARTE grasps Dave Snake and slams him down to the ground performing an amazing light Rushing Armbar!!

JUAN OLARTE keeps his ruthless submission hold JUAN OLARTE keeps his ruthless submission hold JUAN OLARTE releases his grasp JUAN OLARTE gets besides the laying opponent and hits him executing a strong Knee Stomp!! JUAN OLARTE gets over his laying opponent Dave Snake dodges the a Clutching Punch and gains the initiative Dave Snake hooks his opponent's arm and turns it submitting him performing a light Flipping Armbar!! Dave Snake keeps his ruthless submission hold Dave Snake keeps his ruthless submission hold Dave Snake releases his grasp Dave Snake is about to perform his taunt JUAN OLARTE capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Dave Snake off guard! JUAN OLARTE lifts an arm Dave Snake moves in order to dodge the a Club to the Neck and counterattacks Dave Snake turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee and delivers the blow sideways right on JUAN OLARTE's face, executing a light Side Kick!! Dave Snake blocks his opponent's head and springboards himself on the ropes,diving backwards and performing a strong Sliced Bread #3!! Dave Snake charges the leg and hits JUAN OLARTE with an light Angry Stomp!! Dave Snake grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair

Dave Snake grabs one JUAN OLARTE 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Dave Snake hooks JUAN OLARTE from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... JUAN OLARTE gets up and resolutely fights back JUAN OLARTE hugs his opponent's head and lows his face with the knee to perform a light Knee on Head!! JUAN OLARTE grabs Dave Snake's arm then twists in a circle cranking on the arm, then hits him with an elbow smash executing an light Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!! JUAN OLARTE lifts the knee to hit the opponent Dave Snake avoids a a Knee Smash and gains the initiative Dave Snake grabs his opponent's head to make him fall on the ground with a somersault, performing a light Head Lock Takedown!! Dave Snake grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair Dave Snake hooks his opponents leg with his own legs like executing an head scissors then he turns and grabs his opponent's arm to pull it by performing a light Octopus Hold!! Dave Snake keeps his weak submission hold JUAN OLARTE escapes from the hold JUAN OLARTE quickly gets up and counterattacks! JUAN OLARTE gets next to Dave Snake bringing down an arm and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!!

JUAN OLARTE taps on his opponent's shoulder, extends his arm out from the side of the body and parallel to the ground, knocking over him while running by with a strong Standing Clothesline!! JUAN OLARTE grabs Dave Snake's hair JUAN OLARTE puts his opponent on his shoulder and makes him fall, striking his shoulder with his knee, executing a light Shoulder Breaker!! JUAN OLARTE grabs Dave Snake's hair JUAN OLARTE grabs one Dave Snake 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well JUAN OLARTE runs to the rival Dave Snake steps aside avoiding a a Lou Thesz Press Pin and counterattacks Dave Snake jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter hitting him with a light Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the ground!! Dave Snake is about to perform his taunt Dave Snake executing The Snake Show [Special Attack activated for Dave Snake] Dave Snake grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair Dave Snake moves around his opponent, and grabs his head and starts gripping it in a clamp, performing a light Side Head Lock!! JUAN OLARTE escapes from the hold JUAN OLARTE quickly gets up and counterattacks! JUAN OLARTE stares at Dave Snake in front of him and smacks his face with an light Ear Slap!! JUAN OLARTE stands in front of Dave Snake to perform a light Karate Kick!!

JUAN OLARTE twists his rival's arm over his shoulder and turns behind him threads his other arm under his opponent's neck and crushes him on the ground by sitting down, executing a strong Cobra Clutch Bomb!! JUAN OLARTE grabs Dave Snake's hair JUAN OLARTE grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes JUAN OLARTE executing devastating Storm!! JUAN OLARTE stretches out his arms, opening his hands and grasps Dave Snake's head in a light Brain Squeezer, squeezing it!! JUAN OLARTE keeps his weak submission hold Dave Snake escapes from the hold Dave Snake quickly gets up and counterattacks! Dave Snake is about to perform his taunt JUAN OLARTE capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Dave Snake off guard! JUAN OLARTE swings his whole body back and connects with a light Big Punch!! JUAN OLARTE grabs his opponent by the arm and makes him fall to the mat to perform an light Ultimate Armbar!! JUAN OLARTE keeps his weak submission hold JUAN OLARTE keeps his ruthless submission hold JUAN OLARTE releases his grasp JUAN OLARTE grabs Dave Snake's hair JUAN OLARTE lifts his opponent above the shoulder and makes him fall, striking his shoulder with his knee, executing a light Shoulder Breaker!!

JUAN OLARTE executing devastating Rmp!! JUAN OLARTE executing devastating Rmp!! JUAN OLARTE goes behind the ropes while the adversary is stretched down, and jumps and lands on him performing a light Pescado!! JUAN OLARTE is about to perform his taunt Dave Snake capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but JUAN OLARTE is faster and is not caught off guard! JUAN OLARTE charges his arm Dave Snake dodges the a Hook Punch and counters Dave Snake hits JUAN OLARTE with the back of his hand hitting JUAN OLARTE across the chest with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Dave Snake grabs JUAN OLARTE standing up, and raises him on the shoulders then he throws him to the side landing on his back, executing an light Augmented Fireman Carry!!!!! Dave Snake corre hacia las cuerdas y rebota en ellas para coger impulso, se dirige hacia JUAN OLARTE con velocidad y de un salto le da una patada con las 2 piernas en toda la boca executing MORTAL Sacacuartos!! Dave Snake is about to perform his taunt JUAN OLARTE capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Dave Snake is faster and is not caught off guard! Dave Snake charges the hand and smacks his opponent's forehead with an light Overhand Chop!! JUAN OLARTE interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

JUAN OLARTE goes towards his rival Dave Snake droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust Dave Snake gets next to JUAN OLARTE bringing down an arm and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a violent European Uppercut!! Dave Snake taps on his opponent's shoulder, and knocks him down on the mat with a strong Standing Clothesline out of nowhere!! [Special Resistance activated for Dave Snake] Dave Snake sits on his opponent's back and puts pressure on his elbow joint by grabbing his wrist, twisting and squeezing his arm between his legs, performing a light Sitting Reverse Armbar!! Dave Snake keeps his weak submission hold Dave Snake keeps his weak submission hold Dave Snake releases his grasp Dave Snake is about to perform his taunt Dave Snake executing The Snake Show Dave Snake takes a JUAN OLARTE's arm and pushes down on the back of the oppenents arm executing an light Arm Lock!! Dave Snake keeps his ruthless submission hold Dave Snake keeps his weak submission hold Dave Snake releases his grasp JUAN OLARTE pulls himself together and fights back The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Dave Snake prevails Dave Snake charges his arm

to hit his opponent with a light Hook Punch!! Dave Snake holds his opponent and hits him with the forearm by performing an light Uppercut!! Dave Snake grabs JUAN OLARTE's neck and makes him crash violently to the ground executing a strong Falling Neck Breaker!! JUAN OLARTE pulls himself together and fights back JUAN OLARTE prepares the back of his hand performing a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! JUAN OLARTE lifts Dave Snake on his shoulders horizontally slamming him to the ground performing a light Fireman Carry!! JUAN OLARTE applies an armbar on the rival's arm inserting it among the legs continuing twisting his arm he falls ahead on the rival and he pins him with a light Magistrale Cradle!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Dave Snake gets up and resolutely fights back Dave Snake opens wide his arms with a strong Mongolian Chop!! Dave Snake loads his arm chop style and and strikes him with his forearm executing a light Forearm Smash!! Dave Snake coloca las piernas como si fueran unas tijeras encerrando las piernas de JUAN OLARTE y al apretar con todas sus fuerzas suena un crujido en las piernas de JUAN OLARTE executing MORTAL Rompetibias!! JUAN OLARTE escapes from the hold JUAN OLARTE quickly gets up and counterattacks!

JUAN OLARTE grabs his rival's fist to twist it by performing a light Fist Lock!! Dave Snake escapes from the hold Dave Snake quickly gets up and counterattacks! Dave Snake is about to perform his taunt JUAN OLARTE capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Dave Snake off guard! JUAN OLARTE stands firmly on the mat Dave Snake bends dodging the a Back Spinning Wheel Kick Dave Snake grabs the rival's head preparing himself to strike him and hits him with a powerful heading connecting a light Hard Headbutt!! Dave Snake grabs his opponent's head, runs up the ring ropes and bounces off the ropes, hurling him backwards with a light Sliced Bread #3!! Dave Snake grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair Dave Snake grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! Dave Snake is about to perform his taunt JUAN OLARTE capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Dave Snake is faster and is not caught off guard! Dave Snake gets his hand ready hitting his opponent with a light Chop followed by a chant of WOOOOOO!!! JUAN OLARTE pulls himself together and fights back JUAN OLARTE prepares the back of his hand Dave Snake dodges a a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack Dave Snake opens wide his arms

and strikes JUAN OLARTE's face with both hands performing a light Mongolian Chop!! Dave Snake holds his opponent and fiercely strikes his throat with an light Uppercut!! Dave Snake hooks the adversary's head and he jumps ahead making JUAN OLARTE, fall performing a light Neck Drop!! Dave Snake grabs his rival's fist and twists it by executing a light Fist Lock!! Dave Snake keeps his weak submission hold JUAN OLARTE hangs on to referee shirt!!!! Dave Snake releases his grasp JUAN OLARTE pulls himself together and fights back JUAN OLARTE charges the hand Dave Snake dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative Dave Snake puts a hand on JUAN OLARTE's face and scratches him bringing it down putting his fingers in the eyes with an light Eye Rake!! referee stops the match and declares it a draw! Publico: buuuu!!! Marco Perez: parece que al publico no le gusto no Armando.. Loko95: no me digas asi… Marco Perez: pero si asi te llamas.. Loko95: si pero no me gusta… Marco Perez: entiendo porque prefieres llamarte loko jajaj

Se escuchan disparos en la arena...estamos en el estadio Maracaná xq no se me ocurre otro escenario en Brasil..disculpa Kubit XD..........Suena Killing in the name of

Fn Socko: Socko....will face Mordon........Who the fuck is Mordon? Socko-Holics:WHO????? Fn Socko: I dont care......Mordon tonight You will Tap Out....tonight you will face an ESB member..tonight you will face the best hardcore champion of LWC History.....tonight you will face FNNNNNNNNNNN......... Socko-Holics: SOCKOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Fn Socko: That's right!.......como sabes mordon....yo no tengo tiempo para pelear contigo....yo estoy enfocado en mi pelea contra Geney Ryodan en Sed de tanto......ya cayo uno.......bueno siempre no lo creen....miren el titantron En el Titantron se ve la fachada del orfanato y la camara hace su ingreso a ve a un grupo de niños sentados y delante de ellos un gordito japones(SI!!! TAKESHI XD)contando cuentos y vestido esta vez de barney....detras de el Pedrito con un bate con alambre de puas Fn Socko:Como ven.......el pequeño Pedrito ya se encargo de este asiatico...asi k keda el GG Vincent Paulonovich y Terry Henry..... SO........WATCHA GONNA DO WHEN SOCKA-MANIA RUNS WiLD ON YOU, BROTHER? Loko: Y este que se cree?......Hogan??? Marco Perez: Kien es Hogan? Loko:La morsa ese ke le ganaba a todos con un Leg drop Marco Perez: Ah yaaaaa!!!!!!........tu me hablas de la morsa de la prima de Terry Henry????? prima de Terry.......tienes razon marco....son lo mismo XD Fn Socko: Pero ahi no keda todo....Vincent......tu has anunciado un 3 vs 2 en SDV.....Kimi He-man y Fn Socko vs Paulonovich & alguien mas.....bueno GG Vincent...como lo desmostro ESB hace unas sikiera 10 luchadores del roster de LWC pueden pararnos......Pon a kien kieras.....toda la geney ryodan terminara como takeshi......NEXT WEEK.....GENEY RYODAN WILL BE AT PEDRITO'S ORFANATO DRESSING POKEMON COSTUMES!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA Publico,Socko-holics,comentaritas,todo el roster & Spanish Dead desde su tumba en una sola voz: WTF???

Quinta pelea Fn SOcko vs Mordon Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Socko"! Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron Socko makes his way to the ring mounting a custom chopper with his lover who kisses him burning with passion a light shines over him on the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Mordon"! Mordon makes his way to the ring The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Socko prevails Socko rushes drooping sideways to the rival and knocks him down hitting him with his forearm on the legs executing a light Forearm On Leg!! Socko grabs Mordon's hair Socko grabs one Mordon 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Socko stalks his opponent Mordon moves out of the way avoiding the Shoulder Block, taking the initiative Mordon bounces on the ropes, runs towards his opponent then he hits him with his extended arm performing a light Clothesline!!

Mordon grabs Socko's hair Mordon hooks the opponent's neck Socko escapes from the Neck Breaker and takes back the initiative Socko lif his down headed opponent on his back and slams him down violently with a light Vertabreaker!! Socko grabs Mordon's hair Socko and lunges himself on the ropes Socko waits for Mordon to bounce against the ropes and throws him high over his head with a light Back Toss!! Socko droops quickly sideways to his rival and knocks him down hitting him with his forearm on the legs executing a light Forearm On Leg!! Socko grabs an opponent's arm, then he grabs his opposite leg too Mordon easily dodges the Gangsta Stretch, gaining the initiative Mordon grabs Socko's hair Mordon and lunges himself on the ropes Mordon waits for the adversary intercepting and grabbing him to the crash him on the ring with a light Power Slam!! Mordon pulls Socko still groggy, by his hair Mordon jumps on the opponent's head, Socko evades a Hopping Sunset Flip to gain the initiative Socko grabs the rival's leg after putting his head under his arm lifting him up and making him fall to the ground head first performing a light Fisherman DDT!! Socko gets on the top turnbuckle and jumps toward the prone opponent hitting him with his head, performing a light Diving Headbutt!!

Socko grabs Mordon's hair Socko grabs one Mordon 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Socko throws the opponent to the turnbuckle Mordon dodges the Body Avalanche, taking the initiative Mordon runs toward Socko and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! Mordon grabs Socko's hair Mordon grabs his opponent Socko moves and dodges the Irish Whip, gaining the initiative Socko grabs Mordon's head from behind and drives him down on the mat nape first, performing a violent Reverse DDT!! Socko pulls Mordon still groggy, by his hair Socko brings Mordon nearer, hugging him to the chest and throws him backwards with a devastating El Fn' Suplex!! Socko grabs Mordon's hair Socko grabs one Mordon 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Socko starts spinning and jumps towards his opponent and then lands a blow on his opponent's face, connecting with a strong Spinning Wheel Kick!! Socko pulls Mordon still groggy, by his hair Socko grabs the adversary by the waist from behind and ...1! First German Suplex connected! And ...2 second German Suplex! And ...3! performing a powerful Multiple German Suplex!! Socko blocks his rival's legs and locks them with his own to shape a 4 executing a violent La Fn' Figura 4!!

Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold MORDON IS SCREAMING IN PAIN!! Socko keeps his excruciating submission hold MORDON LOOKS SLIGHTLY INJURIED!!! Socko releases his grasp Socko tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... Mordon kicks out Socko catches his opponent's legs and locks them painfully with his own to form a violent La Fn' Figura 4!! Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold MORDON LOOKS SERIOUSLY INJURIED!!! Mordon reaches for a rope and grabs it!! Socko releases his grasp Socko tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... Mordon kicks out Socko jumps on the turnbuckle while Mordon is knocked out on the ground throws himself and hits his opponent straight on his belly executing a violent Frog Splash!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3....

SOCKO WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS MORDON !!!! Marco Perez: ya termino?? Loko95: pues parece que si.. yo pense que Mordon por el tamaño que tiene… 2.50 metros haria sufrir a Fn Socko de apenas 50 cm … Marco Perez: jojoojo.. recátate.. ee con lo fn socko… Kubit aparece en backstage con Serginho Serginho: hey Kubit estamos en brasil tu pais!!.. porque no ponerle un gran reto a Killer Montxo.. ponerlo contra alguien de este estadio… Kubit: me parece genial y ahora con mis poderes de GG.. dare por oficial esa pelea… deberias postular para broker.. Serginho: si porque no pero prefiero luchar por ahora… Marco Perez: wooo.. Killer peleara contra alguien de este estadio.. quien sera el afortunado… -Kubit sale al ringKubit: quien se cree tan valiente de enfrentar a Killer Montxo.. el que entre y le gane sera el nuevo miembro de la LWC!! -Publico:…..Kubit: nadie…?? Seguridad1: señor.. yo me ofresco.. soy de esta ciudad y quiero desempeñar un papel mas importante en esta federación… Kubit: me parece interesante tu propuesta Seguridad2: no amigo no lo hagas tendre que buscar otro compañero de seguridad.. Seguridad1: pues buscalo…

Sexta Pelea Killer Montxo vs Marocco Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Killer Montxo"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke! Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire! Killer Montxo makes his way to the ring driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Marocco"! A drum roll is playing loud and clear A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves Marocco makes his way to the ring a light shines over him on the ring Killer Montxo gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! Killer Montxo charges his arm and hits his opponent with a light Hook Punch!! Killer Montxo charges the leg to hit his opponent's head with an light Overhead Kick!! Killer Montxo encircles his opponent's head with his right arm and then grabs his own left arm's biceps, shutting off his opponent's jugular vein, connecting with a light Sleeper Hold!! Killer Montxo keeps his weak submission hold Killer Montxo keeps his ruthless submission hold Killer Montxo releases his grasp Killer Montxo grabs Marocco's hair Killer Montxo and lunges himself on the ropes Killer Montxo waits for the running adversary

and with his own legs pushes him on the ground performing a light Monkey Flip!! Killer Montxo grabs Marocco's hair Killer Montxo grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Killer Montxo dashes towards his opponent and grabs him by the head to perform a light One Arm Bulldog!! Killer Montxo locks his opponent's legs with his own shaping a 4 holding his back on the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Marocco kicks out Killer Montxo stares down his opponent holding his chin with the hands to perform light Chin Lock!! Killer Montxo keeps his ruthless submission hold Killer Montxo keeps his ruthless submission hold Killer Montxo releases his grasp Marocco pulls himself together and fights back The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Killer Montxo prevails Killer Montxo jumps towards the opponent Marocco doges the Bicycle Kick, taking the initiative Marocco grabs Killer Montxo's leg and trips him up making him fall backward with a light Dragon Screw!! Marocco springs off the top rope and leaps at his opponent lying on the ground

Killer Montxo rolls out the way just in time, dodging the Springboard Corkscrew Splash and regaining the lead Killer Montxo puts his arms around one of his opponent's legs and starts to twist and compress it, trying to force a submission performing a light Side Leg Lock!! Marocco escapes from the hold Killer Montxo gets on the top turnbuckle and leaps toward Marocco, hitting him with his body in a pinfall attempt perfoming a violent Diving Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Marocco kicks out Killer Montxo pulls Marocco still groggy, by his hair Killer Montxo kicks Marocco's groin then slams his shoulder into Maroccos head, performing a strong Chop Breaker!! Killer Montxo lunges at his opponent hitting him with his back, connecting with devastating Madness In Sparta!! Killer Montxo grabs Marocco's hair Killer Montxo grabs his opponent's legs and head then he turns and grabs his opponent's arm to pull it by performing a light Octopus Hold!! Marocco escapes from the hold Killer Montxo pulls Marocco still groggy, by his hair Killer Montxo grabs the adversay's head with the hands and with a series of head smashes he performs a violent Multiple Headbutt!! Killer Montxo climbs the top turnbuckle

and leaps toward Marocco, hitting him with his body in a pinfall attempt perfoming a devastating Diving Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Marocco kicks out Killer Montxo grabs Marocco's hair Killer Montxo grabs one Marocco 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Killer Montxo gains power and momentum from spinning in motion and shoots his right leg as he runs and then lands a blow on his opponent's face, connecting with a strong Spinning Wheel Kick!! MAROCCO HAS A CUT!!! Marocco pulls himself together and fights back Marocco opens wide his arms Killer Montxo moves to the side and he avoids a a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative Killer Montxo holds his opponent by the head and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a light Knee on Head!! [Special Power Body activated for Killer Montxo] Killer Montxo lifts his running opponent by grabbing his arm and throws him down by performing an devastating Earthquake Punch!! MAROCCO IS BLEEDING!! Killer Montxo gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and leaps toward the prone opponent hitting him with his head, performing a violent Diving Headbutt!! Killer Montxo is about to perform his taunt

Marocco capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Killer Montxo is faster and is not caught off guard! Killer Montxo opens wide his arms Marocco moves to the side and he avoids a a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative Marocco hugs his opponent's head and lows his face with the knee to perform a light Knee on Head!! Marocco loads his arm chop style and Killer Montxo moves and dodges a a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back Killer Montxo hurls the leg preparing the blow and connects with a strong Roundhouse Kick!! Killer Montxo grabs around his opponent's midsection and lifts him so that he is held upside down facing in the same direction as him and leaps down to a sitting position with Marocco's head falling down to the mat executing a violent Spike Piledriver!! MAROCCO IS BUSTED WIDE OPEN!!! Killer Montxo grabs Marocco's hair Killer Montxo puts his arms around his opponent's head Marocco with force of will, breaks loose from the a Side Head Lock and starts striking back! Marocco raises his elbow preparing the hit and raises the other hand to hit him with an elbow to the nape executing a light Elbow to Back of Head!! Marocco stretches out his arms, opening his hands and grasps Killer Montxo's head with a light Brain Squeezer!! Killer Montxo escapes from the hold Killer Montxo quickly gets up and counterattacks! Killer Montxo hits Marocco with the back of his hand

performing a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Killer Montxo dives into Marocco with a powerful clothesline knocking him down executing a violent 3 Point Stance Charge!! Killer Montxo se coloca detras de Marocco que esta cegato despues de un piquete de ojos que se ha llevado cogiendolo y estampandolo fuera del ring y a continuacion le mete un ZAS EN TODA LA BOCA y le coloca una txapela en la cara para no mostrar al mundo el horrible rostro que se le ha executing MORTAL Euskera Fate Slam!! Killer Montxo tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... KILLER MONTXO WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS MAROCCO !!!! Marco Perez: bueno.. no tubo tanta suerte.. Loko95: no es suerte.. es preparación.. yo por mi parte lo hubiera vencido.. Paulonovich sale al ring Paulonovich: es un placer.. bueno con este publico.. regresar a mi pais.. al pais que me vio nacer.. al pais que le debo tanto.. Publico: si ¡! Te llevaste gran parte del dinero del estado!! Paulonovich: eee que pasa aca… ya bueno… hoy demostrare que puedo vencer rapidamente a un elemental.. y para el PPV derrotare a los 3.. y mi compañero sera!!... oh es cierto... es sorpresa… pero espero que se recupere… deltrauma que pasado… Marco Perez: sera acaso Takeshi? Loko95: trauma.. lo veo mas como si fuera Cruscifer… Marco Perez: Cruscifer en el genei .. me sorprenderia demasiado.. pero no creo.. naa Paulonovich: y ahora… -Kimi ingresa-

Kimi: deja de decir chorradas y enfrentemonos inmediatamente…

Septima pelea Paulonovich vs Kimi Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, KiMi37"! A drum roll is playing loud and clear A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves KiMi37 makes his way to the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, paulonovich"! a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron paulonovich makes his way to the ring Pantalones Rojos con franjas blancas simbolizando a su pais esa es su vestimenta mounting a custom chopper with his trainer, who's giving him his last suggestions for the match two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort KiMi37 prevails KiMi37 jumps at his opponent and performs a light Bicycle Kick hitting paulonovich with two kicks!! KiMi37 grabs paulonovich's neck paulonovich dodges the Falling Neck Breaker easily, taking the initiative [Special Submission Defence activated for KiMi37]

paulonovich kneels on KiMi37's back, grasping his legs and his head KiMi37 spins and trips up the opponent, avoiding a Bow & Arrow Lock KiMi37 grabs the head of the dumped opponent in front of himself with both the hands and raises him slamming paulonovich's head on the ground executing a light Two Handed Face Buster!! KiMi37 charges his right leg executing a light Kick to Back!! KiMi37 grabs paulonovich's hair KiMi37 grabs one paulonovich 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well KiMi37 bounces on the ropes, runs towards his opponent hitting him with his extended arm performing a light Clothesline!! KiMi37 grabs paulonovich's hair KiMi37 puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm and pulls his own leg back ,then kicks the leg forward swiftly slamming it to the ground to build-up speed to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, slamming him back on the mat, connecting with a light Snap Suplex!! paulonovich pulls himself together and fights back [Special Pinning Resistance activated for KiMi37] paulonovich grabs his opponent's head KiMi37 easily avoids a Knee on Head and gains the initiative KiMi37 prepares to hit paulonovich hurling his leg and connects with a light Roundhouse Kick!! KiMi37 bounces against the ropes and runs toward paulonovich's back grabs him at the nape of the neck, slamming him down to the mat face first performing a light Bulldog!! KiMi37 grabs paulonovich on the ground by the head with both hands

and raises him hurling him with the face on the ground with a light Two Handed Face Buster!! paulonovich pulls himself together and fights back The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort paulonovich prevails paulonovich stands firmly on the mat KiMi37 bends dodging the Back Spinning Wheel Kick KiMi37 prepares to a kick and performs a light Toe Kick hitting his rival to his belly!! KiMi37 puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm paulonovich breaks loose from his opponent's grasp, and thwarts the Snap Suplex, regaining the initiative! paulonovich charges the movement raising the elbow and connects with a light Elbow to Back of Head on the rival's head!! paulonovich puts his own hands under KiMi37's armpits, who is prone on the mat and locks them behind his back performing a light Butterfly Lock!! paulonovich keeps his weak submission hold KiMi37 escapes from the hold paulonovich while KiMi37's laying on the mat braces a foot on one leg of KiMi37 and grabs the other leg in both hands yanking the legs appart executing a light Wish Bone!! KiMi37 escapes from the hold KiMi37 quickly gets up and counterattacks! KiMi37 gets ready to hit paulonovich paulonovich shifts and avoids an European Uppercut, taking the initiative paulonovich stares at KiMi37 in front of him

and smacks his face with an light Ear Slap!! paulonovich swings his whole body back KiMi37 dodges the a Gran Taladro Gurren Lagann, taking the initiative KiMi37 kicks his rival and performs a light Toe Kick hitting his rival to his belly!! KiMi37 begs his opponent for mercy and hits him with a violent Low Blow!! KiMi37 tucks paulonovich's head in his armpit then drops backwards smashing paulonovich's head into the mat performing a violent Kimi's Ddt!! KiMi37 is about to perform his taunt paulonovich capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching KiMi37 off guard! paulonovich puts his hand on KiMi37's head and connects with a light Elbow to Back of Head on the rival's head!! paulonovich while KiMi37's laying on the mat braces a foot on one leg of KiMi37 and grabs the other leg in both hands yanking the legs appart executing a light Wish Bone!! paulonovich keeps his weak submission hold KiMi37 escapes from the hold paulonovich grabs KiMi37's hair paulonovich and lunges himself on the ropes paulonovich runs toward KiMi37 driving him down to the mat levering on an arm, performing a light Running Arm Drag!! paulonovich catches his opponent's leg through the shoulder then he stretches it backward, trying to subdue him with a light Koji Clutch!!

paulonovich keeps his weak submission hold paulonovich keeps his weak submission hold paulonovich releases his grasp paulonovich is about to perform his taunt KiMi37 capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but paulonovich is faster and is not caught off guard! paulonovich gets ready to hit the opponent with his right hand KiMi37 ducks and evades the a Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and striking back KiMi37 kicks his rival hitting him straight to his belly executing a light Toe Kick!! KiMi37 grabs his opponent's arms and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! KiMi37 pulls paulonovich still groggy, by his hair KiMi37 grabs paulonovich's neck and crashes him to the ground making him whirl performing a light Falling Neck Breaker!! KiMi37 is about to perform his taunt paulonovich capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching KiMi37 off guard! paulonovich grabs KiMi37's neck twisting it irregularly executing an light Abdominal Neck Wrench!! KiMi37 escapes from the hold KiMi37 quickly gets up and counterattacks! KiMi37 is about to perform his taunt paulonovich capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

catching KiMi37 off guard! paulonovich holds his opponent and hits him with the forearm by performing an light Uppercut!! paulonovich hooks his opponent's leg threading his head under his arm lifting KiMi37 over his head slamming him to the mat by performing a strong Capture Suplex!! paulonovich charges the leg KiMi37 rolls over causing paulonovich to perform an a Angry Stomp in vain losing the initiative KiMi37 goes ahead of the dumped opponent grabbing him by the head with both the hands and raises him slamming paulonovich's head on the ground executing a powerful Two Handed Face Buster!! KiMi37 approaches his laying opponent and strikes his forehead with a violent Knee Stomp!! KiMi37 is about to perform his taunt paulonovich capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but KiMi37 is faster and is not caught off guard! KiMi37 goes towards his rival paulonovich droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust paulonovich holds his opponent by the head and lows his face with the knee to perform a light Knee on Head!! paulonovich swings his whole body back KiMi37 dodges the a Gran Taladro Gurren Lagann, taking the initiative KiMi37 jumps towards paulonovich and performs a strong Bicycle Kick hitting paulonovich with two kicks!! KiMi37 is going to the corner and take their skim

and hit his opponent in the head executing devastating K R 37 Out!! KiMi37 places his knee on paulonovich's upper back and pulls back on the arms to compress paulonovich's shoulder blades applying a light Tabla De Surf!! paulonovich escapes from the hold KiMi37 lifts his opponent's leg and lets himself fall over it with a strong Elbow drop to inner thigh!! paulonovich pulls himself together and fights back paulonovich charges his open hand KiMi37 ducks and evades the a Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and striking back KiMi37 loads a kick hitting him straight to his belly executing a light Toe Kick!! KiMi37 grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! KiMi37 grasps both of his opponent's wrists while places his foot on his upper back and pulls back on the arms, submitting him with a light Tabla De Surf!! KiMi37 keeps his weak submission hold paulonovich escapes from the hold paulonovich quickly gets up and counterattacks! paulonovich prepares to strike the adversary performing a light Punch!! paulonovich swings his whole body back and hits KiMi37's face with a violent Gran Taladro Gurren Lagann!! paulonovich puts his opponent on his shoulders

and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a devastating Samoan Drop!! paulonovich grabs KiMi37's legs and locks them and takes his shoulders to the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... KiMi37 kicks out paulonovich turns KiMi37 still groggy up pulling his hair paulonovich steps back holding KiMi37 tightly against the ropes KiMi37 dodges the a Chop At Ropes and gains the initiative KiMi37 holds his opponent at the ropes hitting him with a light Chop At Ropes followed by a chant of WOOOOOOO!!! KiMi37 is going to the corner and take their skim paulonovich somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! paulonovich is about to perform his taunt paulonovich Le Dice Mira Mira A The Opponent No Ya No Y Mientras The Opponent Esta Distraido Lo Ataca Con executing A Amakakeru Rio No Hirameki paulonovich grabs KiMi37's hair paulonovich grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes paulonovich bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent and he hits his back with his arm taut performing a strong Clothesline to Back!! paulonovich is about to perform his taunt paulonovich Le Dice Mira Mira A The Opponent No Ya No Y Mientras The Opponent Esta Distraido Lo Ataca Con executing A Amakakeru Rio No Hirameki paulonovich agarra una silla el arbitro lo detiene y entonces entra su hermano paulonovichito

y este le da con el mazo entonces PAULONOVICH executing devastating Zabimaru!! paulonovich tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... KiMi37 kicks out paulonovich lifts KiMi37 up, still groggy paulonovich knocks KiMi37 out paulonovich tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... KiMi37 kicks out paulonovich turns KiMi37 still groggy up pulling his hair paulonovich thread his opponent's head under his own arm after hooking his leg KiMi37 avoids the a Capture Suplex, gaining the initiative KiMi37 grabs paulonovich's neck and makes him crash violently to the ground executing a light Falling Neck Breaker!! KiMi37 gets besides the laying opponent and hits him executing a strong Knee Stomp!! KiMi37 grabs paulonovich's hair KiMi37 grabs paulonovich lifting him into the air and drops him backfirst onto an extended knee, performing a violent Backbreaker!! KiMi37 grabs paulonovich's hair KiMi37 grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes KiMi37 grab his opponent's neck paulonovich somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

paulonovich runs quickly towards KiMi37 colliding with him with his own body, performing a strong Big Body Avalanche!! paulonovich holds his opponent and fiercely strikes his throat with an light Uppercut!! paulonovich grabs both of KiMi37's arms he throws him out of balance with a somersault covering him with a light Victory Roll!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... PAULONOVICH WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS KIMI37 !!!! Paulonovich: eso te pasa por interferer en mi pelea de el miercoles… Marco Perez: waoo.. Paulonovich freno a Kimi… -Cruscifer aparecePaulonovich: que haces aca.. que acaso no te dije que no salieras mas mientras yo estoy aquí Cruscifer: si pero … Paulonovich: ahora mismo te regresas… -He-Man apareceHe-Man: asi que este es tu compañero.. pues veamos.. hace tiempo que quiero vengar a Spanish Head… porque se que tu fuiste quien le disparo… y en todas las peleas que hemos tenido siempre han ocurrido interferencias.. asi que porque no peleamos en una batalla de tag team.. tu ya venciste a Kimi.. pero Socko y yo aun seguimos en pie.. Paulonovich: interesante.. pero yo con quien ¿?.. con Cruscifer??.. naaa.. Cruscifer: es que acaso temes que me valla en medio de la pelea? Paulonovich: pues si.. no se puede confiar en alguien que escapa y deja a su compañero en medio del ring…

Cruscifer: te juro por mi presencia de arbitro que nunca abandonare esa pelea.. ni las demas.. Marco Perez: a que se refiere con las demas.. acaso en verdad sera el??? Paulonovich: pues ya esta decidido… Socko y He-Man vs Paulonovich y Cruscifer.. y este sera el fin de elemental.. porque en el ppv solo quedaran sus cuerpos sin vida…

(Suena Toxicity de SOAD) Sale ChRiStO en un ferrari rojo mientras sale fuegos artificales de toda la arena... Público> Yeah!!!!!!! (El carro llega hasta el ring... ChRiSto se baja del carro con una pequeña cava... sube al ring en donde lo espera una silla... salen fuegos artificales en las 4 esquinas del ring... ChRiStO se sienta) Público: ChRiStO: Cómo está mi gente de Brasil??????????????????? Público: Biennnnnnnnnnnnnn/...... ChRiStO: He dicho... como são o meu povo do BrasilLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL?

Público> YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ChRiStO: Desde Venezuela, llega el hijo de su madre más grande que ha parido esa

tierra!!!! el mismo hijo de su madre que pronto acabará con la integridad del casto XMP y que hoy........ sólo por hoy... desfigurará a el patético Serginho n nustra lucha hardcore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Público> VIVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ChRiStO: Le mando saludos a su adorada súper estrella Kubit... Público> VIVA KUBIT..... ChRiStO: Sí... que viva.. q emoción (ironía) Bueno.. a lo que vengo.... (Colocan un video del show anterior, donde ChRiStO buscaba desesperadamente a Serginho) (En el bar) Salto Angel: Hola ChRiStO... lo mismo de siempre? (ChRiStO lo agarra por la camisa) ChRiStO: Dónde está Serginho?? Salto Angel> Oye ChRiSto..... creo... creo haberlo visto en... Sertginho: Mesonero.. lo mismo de... (ChRiStO suelta a Salto y agarra una silla y le da un silletazo en la cara a Serginho) ChRiStO: La próxima vez mira bien con quien te metes... (Le vuelve a dar otro silletazo) Tú y yo el sábado en un HARDCORE MATCH!!!!!!!!!!!! .................... (finaliza el video) ............................................................................. ChRiStO: De esa forma obtuve la lucha de esta noche.... lucha en la que pienso vengar a Natalia... porque Serginho, de que me la pagas... me la pagas.... y después de destrozarte.... XMP, no tendré piedad de ti.... ni de nadie que se interponga... así tenga que destruir a toda la FUERZA MAÑA KO... incluyendo a Kubit.............Não vou ter compaixão por ninguém Público> (No sabe si aplaudir o abuchear.... suena SPOILIN FOR A FIGHT de AC/DC y entra SERGINHO. suena SPOILIN FOR A FIGHT de AC/DC y entra SERGINHO. PUBLICO: ...(indeciso porque odian a SERGINHO, pero SERGINHO es amigo de kubit) MAÑOS: !!!SERGINHOOOOOOOOOOO, SERGINHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (si,

hay maños en todas partes, pero esta vez no hay vascos xD) SERGINHO: si, mostraste el video de como conseguiste la pelea HardCore contra mi, uuuuuuuuu que valiente eres. pero lo que no cuentas valiente es que si me pegaste fue porque por ordenes del GG no pude pegarte a ti... ¿que pasa, YA NO ERES TAN VALIENTE NO? christo: hoy te hare pagar lo que le hicisteis a Nata... SERGINHO: !!!QUE TE CALLES!!! tu ya has tenido tiempo para hablar y amenazar. lo que mas me jode de FUERZA MAÑA GAYS, es decir tu killer y blodredsandaman, es la chuleria que teneis. ¿sois muy valientes por ir de 3 en 3 a por alguien que no puede defenderse bajo pena de despido no? pues sabes lo que pasa, lo has conseguido, en nuestra pelea HardCore de hoy si puedo atacarte, y te voi a romper todos los dientes de esa boca a la que ultimamente tanto le da por sonreir. te voi a destrozar y al fin comprendera que no debiste unirte al killer. al fin comprenderas que !!!I WAS BORN TO FIGHT!!! SERGINHO tira el microfono y empieza el combate. loko95: cuanta agresividad, menos mal que el campeon del pueblo le va a dar su merecido. Marco Perez: yo no estaria tan seguro. -En eso aparece el GM BBM y Roxxie con la ruleta-

Octava Pelea Christo vs Serginho Ring Announcer: "The following contest is the Hardcore Match! In this contest, anything goes, and there will be no disqualification!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, ChRiStO"! A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron ChRiStO makes his way to the ring driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, SERGINHO7"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke! Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire! SERGINHO7 makes his way to the ring con una chupa negra, unos pantalones pitillos negros, unas gafas de sol y unas botas negras driving a silvery '66 Aston Martin DB5 with his lover who kisses him burning with passion two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort SERGINHO7 prevails SERGINHO7 droops quickly sideways to his rival and knocks him down hitting him with his forearm on the legs executing a light Forearm On Leg!!

[Special Damage activated for ChRiStO] SERGINHO7 locks his opponent's legs with his own shaping a 4 holding his back on the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ChRiStO gets up and resolutely fights back [Special Resistance activated for ChRiStO] ChRiStO gets ready to hit SERGINHO7 and smacks his opponent's forehead with an light Overhand Chop!! ChRiStO raises his arm and lowers it to hit his opponent's neck performing a light Club to the Neck!! ChRiStO pulls SERGINHO7 still groggy, by his hair ChRiStO grasps SERGINHO7 and lifts him up, slamming him down to the ground performing a light Body Slam!! ChRiStO grabs his opponent's leg then he stretches it backward to cause pain, performing a light Koji Clutch!! ChRiStO keeps his ruthless submission hold ChRiStO keeps his weak submission hold ChRiStO releases his grasp ChRiStO jumps against SERGINHO7 executing a light Low Dropkick!! SERGINHO7 pulls himself together and fights back SERGINHO7 stares at ChRiStO and hits his face with an light Ear Slap showing no respect!!

SERGINHO7 raises his arm and lowers it to hit his opponent's neck performing a light Club to the Neck!! SERGINHO7 grabs a trash can and hits ChRiStO forehead executing a strong trash can shot!! SERGINHO7 grabs the opponent's head placing his neck on the ropes ChRiStO easily avoids a Choke At Ropes, counterattacking ChRiStO quickly puts his opponent on the cover position and covers him by helping with the ropes, executing an light Irregular Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... SERGINHO7 kicks out ChRiStO grabs SERGINHO7's hair ChRiStO grabs one SERGINHO7 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well ChRiStO stalks his opponent and knocks him on the ground with a shoulder hit, executing a light Shoulder Block!! ChRiStO sits on his lying opponent's back and hyperextends his elbow joint by grabbing his wrist, holding and squeezing his arm between the thighs, with a light Sitting Reverse Armbar!! ChRiStO keeps his ruthless submission hold SERGINHO7 escapes from the hold SERGINHO7 quickly gets up and counterattacks! SERGINHO7 charges his arm ChRiStO dodges the Hook Punch and counters ChRiStO opens wide his arms

and hits SERGINHO7 on the face with the palms of the hands performing a strong Mongolian Chop!! ChRiStO dives into SERGINHO7 with a powerful clothesline knocking him down executing a strong 3 Point Stance Charge!! ChRiStO gets ready for the move waiting for SERGINHO7 to turn grabbing the opponet by his head with the arms, plunging him on the floor with an devastating Arabian DDT!! [Special Blocking activated for ChRiStO] ChRiStO kneels beside his downed opponent and grabs his throat with both hands SERGINHO7 avoids the Choke Hold, gaining the initiative SERGINHO7 charges the leg and hits ChRiStO with a kick executing an light Angry Stomp!! SERGINHO7 jumps with ability from the turnbuckle splashing on the victim striking him with a light Mad Splash!! SERGINHO7 grabs ChRiStO's hair SERGINHO7 grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes SERGINHO7 runs toward ChRiStO grasping his head and drives him down to the ground performing a light Running DDT!! SERGINHO7 grabs a chair from the floor and hits ChRiStO forehead executing a violent chair shot!! SERGINHO7 gets on the top turnbuckle and hits ChRiStO with a light Diving Elbow Smash in ChRiStO's face!! SERGINHO7 is about to perform his taunt SERGINHO7 executing A Humillation SERGINHO7 gets out of the ring grabbing a monitor from the announcer's table and hits ChRiStO in the face executing a violent monitor shot!!

SERGINHO7 comes close to the lying opponent ChRiStO avoids the Armbar of the opponent and counterattacks ChRiStO grabs his opponent's leg and twists it a bit, before slamming it on the mat, performing a strong Spinning Leg Crush!! ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt SERGINHO7 capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but ChRiStO is faster and is not caught off guard! ChRiStO puts a outstretched hand on SERGINHO7's forehead and scratches him bringing it down putting his fingers in the eyes with an light Eye Rake!! ChRiStO loads an arm towards himself and strikes him with his forearm executing a strong Forearm Smash!! ChRiStO grabs SERGINHO7 from the back and blocks him using the arms pinning him performing an Abdominal Stretch Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... SERGINHO7 kicks out ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt SERGINHO7 capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching ChRiStO off guard! SERGINHO7 hurls the leg preparing the blow and hits ChRiStO with a violent Destruction Impact!! SERGINHO7 puts the opponent's head beneath his arm and lifts him ChRiStO dodges a Falcon Arrow easily and he starts the counter-attack

ChRiStO charges the kick and hits SERGINHO7 with a kick executing an light Angry Stomp!! ChRiStO grabs SERGINHO7's arms between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... SERGINHO7 gets up and resolutely fights back [Special Power Body activated for SERGINHO7] SERGINHO7 gets ready to hit ChRiStO with his right hand and performs a light Slap across his face. That's what I call a slap!!! SERGINHO7 jumps towards the opponent ChRiStO doges the a Bicycle Kick, taking the initiative ChRiStO dives into SERGINHO7 with a powerful clothesline knocking him down executing a strong 3 Point Stance Charge!! ChRiStO jumps on his opponent's head while he's turned back to throw him with the aid of a somersault, performing a light Jumping HH Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... SERGINHO7 kicks out ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt ChRiStO Se Va A Una Esquina Se Monta Con Sus Dedos Dela Mano Derecha Forma Un Ovalo Que Se Lleva Al Ojo Y Grita Perrrrrrrrrrrdoooonnnn executing A The Compa S Salute [Special Pinning Resistance activated for SERGINHO7]

ChRiStO grabs his laying opponent's leg then he jumps to hit it with his knee, executing a light Knee on Leg!! ChRiStO grabs his opponent's head while he's laying on the mat tightening it with a light Head Lock!! ChRiStO keeps his weak submission hold ChRiStO keeps his weak submission hold ChRiStO releases his grasp ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt SERGINHO7 capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but ChRiStO is faster and is not caught off guard! ChRiStO charges his arm and hits his opponent with a light Hook Punch!! ChRiStO dives into SERGINHO7 with a powerful clothesline knocking him down!! SERGINHO7 pulls himself together and fights back SERGINHO7 prepares the back of his hand ChRiStO dodges a a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack ChRiStO charges his arm SERGINHO7 dodges the a Fist But and takes the initiative SERGINHO7 gets ready to hit ChRiStO performing a light Low Kick to his waist!! SERGINHO7 grabs the opponent from behind ChRiStO gets free from a a Reverse DDT, taking the initiative ChRiStO lifts up his opponet so SERGINHO7's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Canadian Back Breaker!!

ChRiStO keeps his weak submission hold ChRiStO keeps his ruthless submission hold ChRiStO releases his grasp ChRiStO approaches his laying opponent and hits him executing a strong Knee Stomp!! ChRiStO pulls SERGINHO7 still groggy, by his hair ChRiStO agarra al luchador lo pone entre sus rodillas lo carga y lo tira a la lona con mucha fuerza executing devastating Go To Hell!! ChRiStO grabs a chair from the floor and hits SERGINHO7 forehead executing a devastating chair shot!! ChRiStO moves towards SERGINHO7 and jumps to hit him with the elbow by performing a light Elbow Drop!! ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt SERGINHO7 capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but ChRiStO is faster and is not caught off guard! ChRiStO gets ready to hit SERGINHO7 striking his forehead with his arm's side, performing an strong Overhand Chop!! SERGINHO7 pulls himself together and fights back [Special Initiative activated for ChRiStO] SERGINHO7 stares at ChRiStO in front of him and hits his face with an light Ear Slap showing no respect!! SERGINHO7 prepares the leg and hits him on the face with a powerful Destruction Impact!! SERGINHO7 grabs a baseball bat and hits ChRiStO forehead executing a powerful baseball bat shot!!

[Special Submission activated for ChRiStO] SERGINHO7 grabs ChRiStO's hair SERGINHO7 and lunges himself on the ropes SERGINHO7 prepares to strikes the adversary that is running against him ChRiStO crouches and eludes a a Polish Hammer taking back the initiative ChRiStO runs toward SERGINHO7 driving him down to the mat levering on an arm, performing a strong Running Arm Drag!! ChRiStO pulls SERGINHO7 still groggy, by his hair ChRiStO jumps on SERGINHO7's head, then with great agility performs a somersault to project SERGINHO7 in a light Hopping Sunset Flip!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... SERGINHO7 firmly pulls a shoulder up ChRiStO turns SERGINHO7 up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction ChRiStO hugs his opponent's head and lows his face with the knee to perform a light Knee on Head!! ChRiStO garbs his running opponent by the arm and throws him down by performing an strong Uraken!! SERGINHO7 HAS A CUT!!! ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt ChRiStO Se Va A Una Esquina Se Monta Con Sus Dedos Dela Mano Derecha Forma Un Ovalo Que Se Lleva Al Ojo Y Grita Perrrrrrrrrrrdoooonnnn executing A The Compa S Salute ChRiStO grabs a trash can

and hits SERGINHO7 in the face executing a devastating trash can shot!! ChRiStO gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together and jumps toward SERGINHO7 quickly lowering them, performing a devastating La Sepultura De Christo!! ChRiStO tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... CHRISTO WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS SERGINHO7 !!!! Marco Perez: rayos.. ahora Christo sabra quien es su compañero.. concientemente.. GM BBM: pues llego la hora y en buen momento que Christo este saca para ver quien sera tu compañero -Roxxie gira la ruleta-

Gira gira gira!!... murtagh… mordon… matt parkman… se esta deteniendo… mascara chilena… Morrocco.. se detubo… -en eso un terremoto de grado 20 sacude la ciudad y la ruleta se mueve..- XMP!!!!

GM BBM, Roxxie, Marco Perez, Loko95, publico, Serginho, y sobretodo Christo:

WTF!!!! Marco Perez: creo que nadie se dio cuenta del terremoto que sacudio la iudad.. sino de lo que fue la selección de XMP como el compañero de Christo!!! Loko95: que terremoto?? -en eso aparece KubitKubit: sal rapido terry si no quieres ser despedido… -Terryhenry saleKubit: por cual te decides.. el titulo mundial o tu hermano.. decide.. Terryhenry: mi titulo.. Kubit: si es así que usted prefiere *kubitschek salir del ring ir hasta debajo de ring y sacar Vicent todo atado de lá Loko95:no creo Marco Perez :dios !!!!! este fuera un gran plan de kubit !!!! *kubitschek desata vicent y los dos subem en ring Terryhenry:que ??? kubitschek : Creo que ustedes dos tienen mucho que hablar Vicent :usted, y sangre de mi sangre, mi hermano ,por quien corre el riesgo de todo para satisfacer los deseos incluso el deseo de se campeon mundial Marco Perez : parece problema de la familia y nadie más debe venir TerryHenry intenta hablar Vicent :e incluso, usted me traicionó ,yo podía esperar esto que a partir de todo el mundo , pero solo no de ti hermano , todo lo que quieres es poder ... terryhenry :este fue un plan de kubit para nos separa Vicent :todo lo que él hecho simplemente ha abierto mi ojos[/color] *Kubit aprovecha la distracción terryhenry e golpea lo con un o super kick, logo terryhenry fica

caído en medio del ring , kubit se acerca de terryhenry Publico : kubit , kubit , kubit Kubit: Hesto Terryhenry ,es venganza y tu vicent podes ser GG , no lo quiero este fardo para mi *kubit se vá del ring Marco Perez :ahora como seran las cosas para sed de venganza loko95 : lo sabremos después…

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