ABSTRACT Sodhana Karmas In Ayurveda and Yoga In Ayurveda, dvibidha upakrama (two kinds of threapies) are described: satarpana (nourishing) or brmhana (stoutening) and apatarpana (depleting) or langhana (thining or slimming). (As. Hr. Su 14/1, 2). Langhana is of two kinds: sodhana (purificatory) and samana (palliative). As per Ayurveda, the ausadha (therapy or medicament) is of two types: sodhana (purificatory) and samana (palliative). For the dosas of the body, basti (enemata), vireka (purgation) and vamana (emesis) are the best therapies respectively, like wise are taila (oil), ghrta (ghee) and madhu (honey). Dhi (discrimination), dhairya (courage or strong will) and atmadi vijnana (knowledge of the soul) are the ideal therapies for the mind. Sodhana expels the dosas out of the body forcibly. These are niruha (decoction enema), vamana (emesis), kaya reka or virecana (purgation of the body), siroreka or nasya (purgation of the head) and asra-visruti or rakta moksana (blood letting). In the event of vitiated dosas brought forth by oleation (snehana) and fomentation (svedana) therapies, a physician should administer panchakarma (five elimination therapies) paying due regard to the dose and time. As described by Maharshi Caraka, panchakarma are vamana (emetic therapy), virecana (purgation therapy), niruha basti (medicated enema therapy with decoctions), anuvasana basti (medicated enema therapy with medicated oils etc.) and nasya (inhalation therapy). The three steps of panchakarma are purva karma, pradhana karma and paschat karma. Elimination therapy eliminates the dosas, eradicates diseases and restores normal strength and complexion. If taken properly it brings longevity. Hatha yoga, as described in the early Yoga Upanishads, was made up of the shatkarmas and is a very precise and systematic science. Shot means 'six' and karma means 'action'; the shatkarmas consist of six groups of purification practices. The aim of hatha yoga and, therefore, of the shatkarma is to create harmony between the two major pranic flows, ida and pingala, thereby attaining physical and mental purification and balance. The six shatkarmas are neti, dhauti, nauli, basti, kapalbhati and trataka as described in Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Gheranda Samhita. But in Hatha Ratnavali, astakarmas have been described such as cakri, nauli, dhauti, neti, basti, gajakarani, trotana (trataka) and kapalabhati (mastakabhati). These practices are also used before pranayama and other higher yoga practices in order to purify the body of toxins and to ensure safe and successful progression along the spiritual path. Dr. Saroj Kumar Sahu AYUSH Medical Officer (NHM) Visiting Faculty, Dept. of Svasthavritta & Yoga, Gopabandhu Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Puri, Odihsa