Santifulrecommendation Report

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Analysis of COL101 Textbook Recommendation

Prepared by Stephanie Santiful ENG6715 Dr. Albers

October 31, 2017


Executive Summary Overview Currently, the university requires the textbook, Super Studying, for the mandatory COL101 course. Super Studying was implemented as the required textbook in 2016. The previous textbook, Study Blast, was discontinued and is no longer available for purchase. The following report will be directed toward the departmental textbook selection committee in hopes of recommending the best choice of the latter mentioned textbooks. This report will contain a table of contents, an introduction, justification of evaluation criteria, overviews, summary, and a recommendation.

Problem Annual student surveys conducted from 2014-2017 suggest that the current textbook is not meeting the needs of students. From 2014-2016, COL101 students positively felt that the textbook was relevant and useful to their success in the class. However, with the implementation of the current textbook, student surveys show a significant decline in the relevancy of the required textbook.

Purpose The purpose of this report is to select a new textbook for COL101 that will be both relevant to and beneficial COL101 students.

Method of Content Analysis The two textbooks reviewed for consideration were Towards Excellence…How to Study by Dr. M. Thirumaleshwar and Essential Study Skills by Sarah Simpson. There were four criteria used in analyzing each book:    

Content and relevancy Layout and ease of use Up-to-date information Timelessness

Recommendation I performed a head-to-head comparison of the four previously mentioned criteria for each textbook. The results of my analysis strongly suggest that Essential Study Skills would be more beneficial to COL101 students than its counterpart.


Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Content and Relevancy ........................................................................................................... 2 Up-to-date information ........................................................................................................... 2 Ease of use .............................................................................................................................. 2 Timelessness ........................................................................................................................... 2 Analysis Criteria ............................................................................................................................. 3 Content and Relevancy ............................................................................................................... 3 Up-to-date Information ............................................................................................................... 6 Layout and Ease of Use .............................................................................................................. 6 Timelessness ............................................................................................................................... 7 Limitations .................................................................................................................................. 8 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 9 Similarities and Differences in Content, Relevancy, Layout, and Ease of Use .......................... 9 No Noticeable Differences in Current Information .................................................................... 9 Effective Timelessness................................................................................................................ 9 Recommendation ...................................................................................................................... 10

Recommendation Report


Introduction Due to the low interest and student participation in COL101 taught by multiple instructors, I have created this recommendation report to demonstrate the need for a new textbook for COL101. In the past, student interest and participation for the required COL101 remained steady. However, with the switch to the current required textbook for COL101 at the beginning of the 2016 school year, both student interest and participation has dramatically decreased. Figure 1 shows a student survey conducted each year from 2014-2017 of 100 COL101 students. students Students who feel COL101 textbook is relevant 2017 2016 2015 2014 0







Survey of 100 Students

Figure 1. Student Survey. A significant decrease in textbook relevancy for COL101 students

Within this report, I evaluate Towards Excellence…How to Study by Dr. M. Thirumaleshwar and Essential Study Skills by Sarah Simpson. I composed a list of four criteria to access each textbook. This criterion was selected in regard to what would be relevant to students while enrolled in COL101 as well as after they have completed the course. The four criteria is listed below:    

Content and relevancy Layout and ease of use Up-to-date information Timelessness

When combined, it is my belief that these four criteria will provide an inclusive evaluation that will identify the most relevant book for COL101 students.



Content and Relevancy The more time students spend flipping through irrelevant information, the quicker they lose interest in their assignments. Relevancy plays a key role in holding students’ attention. When students realize that parts of their textbook are not relevant to them, they will assume that textbook is not relevant to them as a whole. This means they will take their readings less seriously and may not retain important information from their reading Up-to-date information A textbook that is up-to-date with the most current information is important for both students and instructors. With the continuous advancement of technology and implementing technology in the classroom, textbooks need to remain current to keep up with steady changes. A textbook with outdated information will not benefit students. Students may assume that instructors using outdated textbooks is not an expertise in the field, which runs the risk of students not valuing instructor input. Ease of use Ease of use is the key to having students interact with their textbooks. A textbook should be structured in an easy, user-friendly manner. Students may become deterred if they have to spend too much time searching for material that isn’t plainly laid out in an easy to locate. Timelessness When students complete COL101 we want them to use the skills they have acquired from the course. Providing a timeless textbook will allow students to refer back to the material after they have finished the course. Many students report saving textbooks that they feel will also benefit them in the future. Limitations I wanted to take into consideration the limitations of this evaluation. While my analysis is based off of the decrease in current textbook usefulness according to a survey of 100 students, it is possible that the students surveyed may have simply had no interest in the course or the required textbook. Furthermore, I was unable to survey every student who took COL101 in the past four years. In being unable to survey all students, there is a possibility that the students who were not surveyed feel that the current textbook was useful to their success in the course. It is also possible that former students who took the course between the years 2016-2017 and did not complete the survey felt the textbook was not useful and irrelevant.

Recommendation Report


Analysis Criteria The following information demonstrates the criteria I kept in mind comparing the two textbooks. No other criteria other than what is listed was considered.

Content and Relevancy The relevancy of the content in any book effects how students will both view and use it. Though COL101 is intended for college freshman, we must keep in mind that these students are adults. Towards Excellence…How to Study When reviewing Towards Excellence…How to Study, I was not impressed by the amount of common knowledge information provided in the text. I was also concerned by the many instances in which the author seemed to belittle readers. For example, the following text appeared under the “Difficulties of Students” section of the textbook: I don’t like this subject: Well, that is an attitude problem… I don’t like this lecturer: Let me tell you straightaway that this is an unhealthy attitude… I am not going to pass: To think like this is a wrong and negative approach... I have a lot of difficulties: If you think a little, you will find how ridiculous this statement really is… Instead of going straight into how students can overcome some of the troubles they may face at college, the author first seemed to blame the student. How the author feels about any thoughts students may have is irrelevant. If students are required to purchase textbooks, the content should be relevant. It should also not talk down to the student. Another concern I had for this textbook is the pointlessness of the visuals the author chose to include in the textbook. There were several clip art-like drawings that appeared in the text that served no purpose. See Figure 2 for an example of these drawings.



Figure 2. Studying. Typical graphic used in Towards Excellence…How to Study.

Essential Study Skills Essential Study Skills had no instances of blaming, talking down, or belittling students. I was impressed at the manner in which this textbook explained how people learn through a mixture of visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic methods. The text included some suggested study skills options for students based on which type of learner they are. The following was taken directly from the text (hence the use of the British spelling of color and organization): Study skill options for visual learners include:    

note taking using – charts and diagrams highlighting information colour coding and organisation of information and notes converting words into pictures

Study skill options for auditory learners include:    

recording & replaying notes reciting information out loud using analogies – verbal taking part in group study discussions

Study skill option for kinaesthetic learners include    

making models using diagrams and visual condensing methods reciting whilst counting on fingers remembering or recalling while moving around

Recommendation Report


I appreciated that the author included a questionnaire that students can take to discover which of the three learning methods is their most dominate. By providing an easy, 27-question questionnaire in which a student simply marks “yes” or “no,” the student would be able to learn what method is their most dominate and which study skills may benefit them more. Many people enjoy taking short, simple questionnaires in which one can learn about themselves. By providing one, the author allows students to interact with the text in both a meaningful (learning about oneself) and rewarding (instant non-judgmental results) way. Essential Study Skills also included visuals. Unlike the other textbook, each visual was relevant to the material. See Figure 3 for an example of the visuals found in Essential Study Skills.

Figure 3. Methods of Learning. A graphic from Essential Study Skills.

This textbook also included tables composed of an element and a description for each type of method learner as demonstrated in Table 1. Table 1. Kinaesthetic learners. A table from Essential Study Skills.



Up-to-date Information Both Towards Excellence…How to Study and Essential Study Skills were published in 2015. While these textbooks are not 2017 editions, the information they contain is still current. I conducted basic research for 2017 textbooks that focused on study skills and found that none of the information these books contained was any different from the information found in either book reviewed for the analysis. There were few textbooks published in 2017 in which the topic specifically focused on study skills. This leads me to believe that information pertaining to useful study skills for college students has not changed in at least the past two years.

Layout and Ease of Use Layout and ease of use play a vital role in whether or not students will even attempt to read any assigned readings. Students often complain about the amount of reading they are expected to do between multiple classes. Providing students with textbooks that are not user-friendly will frustrate and hinder them. Towards Excellence I found the layout of Towards Excellence…How to Study to be somewhat perplexing. After the table of contents, which appears on pages 4-6, the introduction doesn’t appear until page 14. Readers have to flip (or scroll if they have chosen an eBook) through a message, an “About the Author” section, and a preface before getting to the relevant content of the book. Though the table of contents is efficient, the author doesn’t explain how to use the book until page 55. This is puzzling as the book is only 77 pages. I feel that any instructions for using the book should appear before the actual relevant content. The entire textbook contained headings followed by blocks of bulleted, text blocks with the first line being bolded. This format reminded me of a PowerPoint presentation. Essential Study Skills The table of contents for Essential Study Skills appears on pages 4-8. On page 9, the introduction begins. Unlike with the other book, students would not be required to flip (or scroll) through pages that likely will not benefit them. This saves them time. Another element of Essential Study Skills that readers can appreciate is the introduction. Whereas Towards Excellence…How to Study’s introduction begins with “My dear young friends!” and is written in a format of an informal letter, Essential Study Skills’ introduction provides a concise explanation of what the book will cover.

Recommendation Report


The layout of Essential Study Skills, with its headings, body texts, bullet points, and relevant visuals, reminded me of a report. The information is laid out in a way that is both easy to access and understand. The way each section is labeled effectively allows readers to find what they are looking for. I also appreciated the use of colorful visuals that broke up the monotonous of black and white, which gives readers something else to focus on and helps to prevent eyestrain. It should be noted that the images in Towards Excellence…How to Study were also colorful and gave the reader’s eye something else to focus on.

Timelessness Textbooks are expensive. Most students do not appreciate having to spend hundreds of dollars on a book that they will likely only use for a single semester. Once the class is over, many students either sell their books or throw them away. When we set required textbooks for students, we want these books to benefit students as much as possible. Providing books that a student can refer back to years later will help to encourage intellectual growth within students. Towards Excellence…How to Study Though the layout isn’t desirable, Towards Excellence…How to Study is a textbook that I consider timeless. Though it may be visually unappealing, it does contain information that could be beneficial throughout one’s lifetime. Near the end of the textbook, the author suggests breathing exercises, physical and mental relaxation, and meditation under the “Sharpening the Mind” section. These are all things students long after they have graduated. This book also includes information on how to overcome stress, effective listening skills, memory techniques, and tips for time management. This can help readers both in and out of the classroom. Essential Study Skills Essential Study Skills is a timeless textbook as well. Like Towards Excellence…How to Study, it includes information that readers can use years after they have completed the course. However, I feel that the way the information is presented, students may only refer to this textbook during an academic setting. The section labeled “Apps/web based study aids,” which appeared near the end of the textbook seemed to be geared more toward academics. One aspect of Essential Study Skills that disappointed me was that it did not contain any information in the upkeep and well-being of one’s mind and/or body. A student struggling with mental or health issues will likely have trouble focusing on their education. Not including any



information on this topic was a failed opportunity, especially in regard to timelessness as mental and physical health is important to one’s overall quality of life. Though I was displeased about the lack of health and mental information in Essential Study Skills, I was impressed with the fact that the author mentioned apps. Technology has become a part of everyday life for students. Referencing relevant apps to aid of studying can be helpful to students. Table 2 shows a head-to-head quick comparison of how each textbook met my four listed criteria. An “X” marks whether or not I felt the book effectively demonstrated each criterion. Table 2. Textbook Effectiveness. A head-to-head comparison of both textbooks.

Towards Excellence...How to Study Content and relevancy

Essential Study Skills

Up-to-date information






Layout and ease of use

Limitations While my analysis is based off of the decrease in current textbook usefulness according to a survey of 100 students, it is possible that the students surveyed may have simply had no interest in the course or the required textbook. Furthermore, I was unable to survey every student who took COL101 in the past four years. In being unable to survey all students, there is a possibility that the students who were not surveyed feel that the current textbook was useful to their success in the course. It is also possible that former students who took the course between the years 2016-2017 and did not complete the survey felt the textbook was not useful and irrelevant.

Recommendation Report


Conclusion Similarities and Differences in Content, Relevancy, Layout, and Ease of Use Both Towards Excellence…How to Study and Essential Study Skills can be considered useful to students. However, there were many aspects of Essential Study Skills that made it the better textbook for COL101. Though both books provided decent content, Towards Excellence…How to Study’s’ layout was cluttered and resembled more of a lengthy PowerPoint presentation rather than a textbook. I was also concerned with the overly informal manner in which the material was presented as well as the instances in which the author stated his opinions in a way that some students might find offputting. I didn’t understand the relevancy in which clip art images were used throughout the textbook as they did not benefit the reader. Essential Study Skills outshined Towards Excellence…How to Study in the presentation of textbook layout. There were no large blocks of text that would deter students from wanting to read the material. Nor were there any issues in which a student could potentially be offended by the information presented in text. The visuals used in this textbook were relevant to the content and provided cohesiveness to the material offered.

No Noticeable Differences in Current Information Both textbooks contained up-to-date information. Neither textbook outperformed the other in regard to most recent material. It is safe to assume that the information in both textbook is on par with other study skills textbooks published in 2017.

Effective Timelessness I would consider both of these textbooks as timeless. Both could be used as a reference or a refresher for students in other courses, after graduation, and even once students have entered the workforce. However, Towards Excellence…How to Study stood out with its information about mental and physical health. Essential Study Skills did not include any information about mental and physical health. While the usefulness of both textbooks is apparent, as well as the advantages and disadvantages each book contains, I feel that Essential Study Skills is the more solid textbook because of relevance, up-to-date information, and ease of use. While this book lacks information on mental and physical health, the other content is still timeless. Also, with the many resources the university has on the topics of mental and physical well-being as well as information that can be freely obtained online, students would not be disadvantaged by having a textbook that does not include this information.



Recommendation Study skills are important to every student who enrolls in our university. Due to the immediate demand of homework, assignments and tests, students often do not have time to devote to learning and developing study skills. Though COL101 is aimed at teaching effective study skills, it is taken simultaneously with a student’s other enrolled courses. It is for this reason that students need a textbook that is relevant and extremely easy to use. After a review of both textbooks and an analysis of how each book performs in regard to the previously mentioned criteria of content and relevancy, layout and ease of use, up-to-date information, and timelessness, I have decided to recommend Essential Study Skills as the new textbook for COL101. The needs of COL101 students were the major focus in analyzing each textbook. Students need a textbook that is not only relevant and beneficial to them, but one that is user-friendly and can be adapted to students’ everyday life. After my analysis of both textbooks, I am confident that Essential Study Skills will serve as a beneficial textbook for all COL101 students.

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