Samuel Miles Family

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THE SAMUEL MILES FAMILY Beth Daves AG The story of Samuel and Hannah Marinda Colborn Miles parallels the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and they participated in many of the major events in Mormon History. Samuel completed a history of his life in 18811 which I can only briefly summarize here. Samuel Miles was born April 8, 1826 in Attica, Genesee County, New York, the son of Samuel and Prudence Marks Miles.2 He tells of his family joining the Church in New York in 1833 when he was 7 years old. In the fall of 1835 his family began their trek to Missouri. They spent that winter at New Portage, 50 mile west of Kirtland, Ohio. They had passed through Kirtland, and Samuel's father attended the dedication of the Kirtland temple. They bought land and established a farm near Far West. With the rest of the Saints, his family was driven from Missouri in the winter of 1838. In fall of 1839, Samuel's family moved to Nauvoo. There Samuel began teaching school at the age of 15, something he would do at times throughout the rest of his life. He pursued his own studies in Nauvoo in the following years while teaching terms of school in the outlying communities of Blandenburgh, and LaHarpe. On hearing of the death of the prophet, Joseph Smith, he rode home by way of Carthage and attended the prophet's funeral. His family left Nauvoo in June of 1846 and arrived at Council Bluffs in July, just as the Mormon Battalion was being recruited. Samuel volunteered for the Battalion and marched with them to San Diego.3 In San Diego, "The battalion men also participated in community government. Because of his knowledge of American jurisprudence, Samuel Miles helped the Mexican Alcalde (Justice of the Peace or mayor) to administer U.S. laws."4 When Samuel's enlistment ended, he traveled with a large group of other ex-Battalion members to Sutter's Fort, intending to meet his family in the Salt Lake Valley. While traveling toward the valley, this group received word from President Young that provisions were short in the valley and those who were single should plan to stay in California temporarily. Samuel and others returned to Sutter's Fort. Most of the men stayed there, but Samuel and Zadok Judd went by horseback to San Francisco. Samuel worked in that area, chopping wood for two months, then found employment as a clerk in a store in Benicia. He writes of improving his Spanish while working here, since many of the customers were native Californians. He worked here for about six months, then went back to Sutter's Fort, where gold had been discovered, and served as a clerk for Samuel Brannan there for two months. Samuel left for the Salt Lake Valley in July of 1848 and arrived there on Sept. 10th. There he found his brother Ira's wife (Ira had returned east) and learned that his father had died in St. Louis,


Sam uel M iles: Reminiscences, 1826-1881, photocopy in possession of Beth Davies of handwritten origina l found in the H untington Library. All informatio n on S amuel M iles which is not foo t-noted is taken fro m this source. 2

Obituary, Washington County News (St. George, Utah), Vol. III, #18, May 26, 1910, FHL film 1,486,766.


Compiled Service R ecords, M ormon B attalion, F HL film 471,51 7 sho ws that Samuel enlisted at Council Bluffs July 16, 184 6. Co mpa ny M uster Rolls for M arch-June 1847 show he had extra d uty assisting the com missary. He wa s mustered o ut on July 16, 1847 at Los Angeles. 4

Gerry Ava nt, Church News (Salt Lake City), Feb. 8, 1997, p. 11, quoting Larry C. Porter.

©Beth Davies AG. Permission is granted to copy for personal 1 use.

Missouri in December of 1847. Samuel sent money to help the rest of his family come to the valley. He obtained a farm lot near Mill Creek and a city lot in the 3rd Ward. On Sept. 6, 1849, he married Hannah.5 Hannah Marinda Colborn was born Dec. 29, 1831 in Rose, Wayne County, New York, the daughter of Thomas Franklin and Sarah Bower Colborn 6 Thomas Colborn had served as a member of Zion's Camp during the Missouri era of LDS history. Hannah came to Utah with her parents in the Heber C. Kimball company which arrived Sept. 24, 1848.7 Samuel Miles mentions visits to or from Hannah's family frequently in his journal. Samuel got "gold fever" and left for California that November. He returned home about a year later with not much to show for his efforts. He and his family resided in the Salt Lake area until 1862, at which time he received a "call" to go to St. George. Five children were born to Samuel and Hannah in Salt Lake: William Gustavus in 1851, Samuel in 1853, Thomas Colborn in 1856, Ira in 1859, and John Talmai in 1862 Albert Miller, in The Immortal Pioneers say, ""The Call," which consisted of reading in conference the names of those selected to found the "Dixie Mission," which was now deemed necessary, was issued during the October conference, 1861." A foot-note taken from the journal of Charles L. Walker adds that "A second call was made in Salt Lake City at conference October 19, 1862, when 250 additional names were read in meeting."8 Samuel and Hannah resided in St. George and neighboring Price (originally called Heberville) for the rest of their lives and most of their children remained there. Samuel farmed and also taught school. Four more children were born in St. George: Franklin Godbe in 1865, James Edwin in 1867, Charles Henry in 1870, and their only daughter, Hannah Marinda, in 1874. Washington County records show that Samuel served as a Justice of the Peace.9 Land records show Samuel owned Lot 4, Block 2 in Heberville10, Lot 8 Block 17, Plat C in St. George11 (this was sold in 1883)12. He and his sons bought for $1600 in 1881 the following property in Price (formerly Heberville): lots 2 and 4, Block 2, Plat B; lots 7 and 8, Block 5, Plat B; lot 3, Block 6, Plat B; lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Plat C, Lot 6, Block 2, Plat C; Lot 8, Block 2, Plat 3; Lot 2, Block 4, Plat C; Lot 1, Block 6, Plat C; Lot 9, Block 2, Plat C. In 1883, he bought 80 acres of land described as the east half of the south-east quarter of section 35, Township 42S, Range 16W.13 He sold portions of this


Declaration for Widow's Pension, Mormon Battalion Pension Records, Samuel Miles, FHL film 480,141.


Price Ward, St. George Stake, Records of Members, #16, FHL film 26,419.


Frank Essh on, Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah (Salt Lake City: Utah Pioneers Bo ok Publishing Company, 1913), p. 814. 8

Albe rt E. M iller, The Immortal Pioneers--Founders of City of St. George, Utah (Albert E. Miller, 1946), p. 15, FHL 979.248/S1H2m. 9

W ashington County, U tah, Co unty Co urt M inutes, B ook A, 18 54-7 2, p. 251, d ated 2 Feb. 187 2, FH L film

484,840. 10

Washington County, Utah, Deeds, Book E, pg. 174, FHL film 929,326.


Ibid., Book F, p. 67.


Ibid., Book T, p. 182, FHL film 929,333.


Ibid., p. 504-505.

©Beth Davies AG. Permission is granted to copy for personal 2 use.

land over the next few years. 14 Washington County tax assessment roles show Samuel's property in St. George increased in value from $200 in 1865 to $800 by 1872. He usually owned at least 2 cows (in 1867 he had 8). In various years he owned mules, horses, sheep or goats, and swine and some years indicated he owned either a clock or a watch.15 Probate records filed nearly 10 years after his death show that Samuel owned nearly 100 acres of land when he died.16 By the 1900 Census, all of Samuel's children had left home and he and Hannah were living in Bloomington Precinct.17 In his "Reminiscences" Samuel wrote in 1865, "My boys are a great comfort to me and I hope to teach them that they grow up intelligent and as good in the Kingdom of God. I pray that I may acquit myself well as a parent. "Minnie Miles Mathis, in a DUP history, recorded that her father wrote in 1887, "Feel a determination to keep the commandments of the Lord and be more faithful than ever. I realized the Lord is blessing me with his spirit in answers to my prayers. I am seeking to be careful to keep the word of wisdom and observe all the commandments. I have much comfort in the Spirit of the Lord shed forth on me in my labors." She says that he tells of going to Salt Lake to the dedication of the temple in 1893, that in 1899 he and Hannah celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with 6 children and 23 grandchildren present, that in 1905 her parents moved to St. George to work in the temple, that in 1908 Samuel was ordained a Patriarch. Among accomplishments of her father she mentions he was "Supt. of Sunday School, Ward Clerk, High councilman, Clerk of St. George, High Priest, Justice of the Peace, Adjutant in Nauvoo Legion, Sec. of Price Irrigation co. At the time of death, he was oldest school teacher in Wash. Co. and attended teachers institute even after he quit teaching."18 A lengthy obituary appeared in the Washington County News when Samuel died in 1910, giving the highlights of his eventful life. It read: "Samuel Miles died at his home in this city, Sunday, May 22 in the 85th year of his age. He was a veteran of the Mormon Battalion and had had a remarkable career. The following sketch of his life is furnished by his son, W.G. Miles of this city: Samuel Miles was born, a son of Samuel and Prudence Marks Miles, at Attica, New York state, April 8, 1826. In the winter of 1833-4 Elders Orson Pratt and John Murdock of the Latter-day Saints church preached the gospel in Caattarangus Co., N. Y., and the Miles family were among those who heard and believed. In the fall of 1835 he, together with his father's family, started for the gathering place of the saints in Missouri; they passed through Kirtland, O., and camped for the winter at New Portage, O., where he was baptized by Elder Solomon Warner in April 1836. The family continued its journey the same year and settled near Far West, Caldwell Co., Mo. Samuel Miles was 14

Ibid., p. 357, 363, 632.


Washington County, Utah, Assessment Roles, 1865, p. 16; 1866, p. 48; 1867, p. 90; 1868, p. 124; 1869, p. 16 0; 18 71, p . 218 ; 187 2, p. 10; 18 73, p . 56; 1874 , p. 92; 187 5, p. 136; 1 876 -77, p . 10; 1877 , p. 52; FHL film 484,841 16

Washington County, Utah, Probate Record H-3, p. 453, FHL film 484,832.


1900 U.S. Census, Bloomington Precinct, Washington Co., Utah, E.D. 173, sheet 8, dwelling #124, FHL film 1,241,688. 18

Cam p Sunflower D.U .P, Utah Pioneer Histories and Biographies (Pro vo, U tah), p.1 56-1 57, F HL film


©Beth Davies AG. Permission is granted to copy for personal 3 use.

present at the laying of the corner stone of the temple at Far West in July 1838. He often said that acts of the mob militia ordered out by Gov. Boggs in devastating the fields, destroying the crops of the saints, abusing aged and peaceful citizens, their hideous yells and cries when they had the Prophet Joseph and other brethren prisoners in their camp, near his father's house, were all indelibly impressed upon his mind. These incidents together with the sufferings endured before they reached Nauvoo formed a chapter in his life never to be forgotten. The family finally settled at Nauvoo, and had the privilege of attending the University of Nauvoo and receiving instructions from Prof. Orson Pratt, Lorin Farr and others. At the age of fifteen Samuel Miles taught primary school in Nauvoo and later taught school in the eastern part of Hancock Co. After the death of the Prophet Joseph he rode fifty miles, passing through Carthage on the way, to attend the funeral. He also took an active part in defending the city of Nauvoo against the mob. In June, 1846, he left Nauvoo for the west, and on reaching Council Bluffs, Ia., enlisted in the Mormon Battalion. He often said the experiences from July 16, 1846 to July 16, 1847, when he was discharged at Los Angeles, Cal., formed a notable year in his life. Upon the Mormon Battalion reaching California, that country, then Mexican territory, was taken possession of in the name of the United States by the officer in command of the battalion, and Samuel Miles through his knowledge of United States law was enabled to make out the proper papers and forms relating to the transaction without the assistance of books. Soon after his discharge Samuel Miles together with other discharged soldiers started for Great Salt Lake, but received word from Pres. Brigham Young to remain in California for a while longer. During his stay in California he acquired a knowledge of Spanish from the Mexicans of that country and could speak that language quite fluently. He was the first alcalda (justice of the peace) to administer United States law in California. Returning to Utah in Sept., 1848, he settled in great Salt Lake City, and was married in that city to Hannah M. Colborn Sept. 6, 1849. In the same year he went east for his mother, his father having died during his absence. He was ordained a Seventy Jan. 18, 1851 and in 1857 fulfilled a mission in California. In October 1862 he was called to help colonize the southern part of the territory and settled in St. George, where he engaged in school teaching.19 He was ordained a high priest by apostle Erastus Snow May 12, 186720, and set apart as a high councilor in the St. George stake and also as Stake Supt. of Sunday Schools. In 1875 he moved his family across the Virgin river to Price and farmed land there, continuing to do so until within five years of his death. He moved back to St. George about five years ago. He held the position of patriarch in the church at the time of his death. He enjoyed a U.S. pension up to the time of his death for his services with the Mormon


Miller, The Im mortal Pioneers (Albert E. M iller, 1946), records on page 123 "S amuel M iles reco rds in his journal: "I commenced to teach in the First Ward, St. George, December 4, 1866. W hen the people had located on their city lots in 1862, the town was organized into four wards, each having its own board of school trustees. Through the cooperation of the ward organizations and the trustees, three other school and church buildings were soon erected. Of these houses, the First, Second, and T hird Ward buildings were used five days a week for school and Saturday an d Sunday for church activities." 20

Price Ward, St. George Stake, Record of Ordinations, #4 ', FHL film 26,419 shows that Samuel was ordained a Seventy on Jan. 18, 1851 and a High Priest on Aug. 18, 1867.

©Beth Davies AG. Permission is granted to copy for personal 4 use.

Battalion.21 A wife and eight children besides a host of grandchildren survive him, the children consisting of seven sons and one daughter, as follows: W. A., Samuel, Ira, John, Frank G., and Mrs. W.B. Mathis, all of this city: Thomas Miles of Mesa Arizona, and Charles Miles of Salt Lake City. Funeral Services were held in the Tabernacle at 3 p.m. Tuesday under direction of Bp. James McArthur, of whose ward deceased was a member. A sketch of the life of deceased was read by Elder James G. Bleak, after which remarks bearing on the eventful and useful life of deceased were made by Elder Rufus C. Allen, the sole survivor of a number of St. George members of the Mormon Battalion; Elder D. H. Cannon, president of the St. George temple; Stake Pres. Ed. H. Snow, Elder David H. Morris, and Bp. Jas. McArthur. Some beautiful singing was a feature of the services. At the conclusion of the services in the tabernacle, the remains were followed by relatives and friends to the city cemetery, where interment was made."22 In 1865, Samuel Miles wrote about Hannah, "My wife has always been a faithful companion to me and has always labored assiduously for her children. She has been faithful to this mission."23 Hannah lived only a year and half after Samuel's death. Her obituary in the Washington County Times read: "Hannah Marinda Colborn Miles (who passed peacefully away Oct. 18, 1911, at the home of her son, Wm. G. Miles, this city) was born at Rose, Wayne county, N.Y. Dec. 29, 1831. She moved with her family (who had previously joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) to Kirtland, Ohio, about 1833, and gathered with the Saints at Nauvoo shortly before the exodus from that place. As a girl and young woman she took an active part in the struggles and privations incident to the migration westward, also the early settlement of Salt Lake City from 1848, when she arrived in the valley. She was one of the early settlers of Utah's "Dixie, " coming here with her husband, Samuel Miles, in response to a call from President Brigham Young in 1862, in the fall of which year they settled in St. George. In a public capacity she has acted as ward president of the Relief society and was for many years a member of the stake presidency of the Relief society. Until the end, she was a consistent and faithful Latter-day Saint, a devoted mother, and a faithful friend. She was the mother of nine children and is survived by 7 children, with 44 grandchildren, 44 alive, and 19 great-grandchildren. Funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Hannah M.C. Miles were held in the tabernacle Friday, October 20. The stand was nicely decorated with flowers and the casket containing the mortal remains of the good and aged woman was also covered with a variety of beautiful flowers. A great number of people were present to pay a last tribute to the one returned home. A duet was sung by Mamie and Viola McAllister, and solos by Mesdames W.O. Bentley, Jr. and W.R. Pike The opening prayer was offered by Elder Joseph Orton and closing prayer by Elder Geo. F. Whitehead. The speakers were Elders D.H. Morris, D.H. Cannon, Ed. H. Snow and James McArthur, all of whom paid warm tribute to the worth of the departed sister while here, and extended consolation to the 21

Mormon Battalion Pension Records, FHL film 480,141, show that Samuel received $8 per month in 1887, which by May 9, 1907 had been raised to $20 per m onth. After Samuel's death, Hannah received $12 per m onth. 22

Sam uel M iles De ad; W as M ormon B attalion V et., Washington County News (St. George, Utah), Vol. III, #18, May 26, 1910, FHL film 1,486,766. 23

Samuel Miles: Reminiscences, pp. 21-22.

©Beth Davies AG. Permission is granted to copy for personal 5 use.

relatives. Interment was made in the city cemetery."24

THE CHILDREN William Gustavus Miles was born Sept. 13, 1851 in Salt Lake City25 . He was ordained a Teacher Jan. 31, 1866, an Elder Nov. 15, 1869, and a High Priest Nov. 20, 1881.26 Samuel Miles recorded in his "Reminiscences" in 1869, "Gustavus went to Salt Lake City on a working trip & visit in June; he received his Endowment.."27 In 1871, he wrote, "Gustavus also commenced Feb. 28 to learn Stone cutting at St. George Tabernacle."28 Washington County land records show that William G. Miles own Lot 1, Block 1 in Heberville (later called Price) by 1873.29 In 1876, he bought lots 3 and 4 of Block 4, Plot D in St. George for $50.30 Gustavus married Paralee Amanda Church at the Endowment House in Salt Lake on May 25, 1874.31 William Gustavus first appeared as a head of household in the 1880 census. His occupation at that time was "stone cutter".32 William helped build the foundation and did part of the stone cutting for the first school building in St. George in 1897-98.33 In the 1900 census, he was a carpenter,34 but the 191035 and 192036 census list him again as a stone cutter. William Gustavus Miles died 6 May 1927 and is buried in the St. George cemetery as is his wife who died 29 July 1929.37 His obituary in the Washington County News states in part, "...He was formerly justice of the peace in this city and performed the duties of that office without fear or 24

Ob ituary--M rs. S. M iles, Washington County News (St. George, Utah), Vol. IV., #40, Oct. 26, 1911.


Price Ward, St. George Stake, Records of Members, #17, FHL film 26,419.


Price Ward, St. George Stake, Record of Ordinations, #25, #49, & #64.


Samue l Miles: Reminiscences, p. 24.


Ibid, p. 25.


Washington County, Utah, Deeds, Book E, page 169--Land Certificate, FHL film 929,326.


Ibid., Book F, p. 385.


Sam uel M iles, Reminiscences, p. 27.


1880 U.S. Census, Price City and Precinct, Washington Co., Utah, E.D. 93, sheet 37, dwelling #3, FHL film 1,255,339. 33

Miller, The Im mortal Pioneers, p. 134.


1900 U.S. Census, St. George Precinct, Washington Co., Utah, E.D. 175, sheet 10, dwelling #178, FHL film 1,241,688. 35

191 0 U .S. Census, St. G eorge, W ashington Co., Utah, E.D . 210 , sheet 3b, dwelling #4 9, FH L film

1,375,623. 36

1920 U .S. Census, St. George (City and Precinct), Washington Co., Utah, E.D. 231, sheet 7a, dwelling #109, FHL film 1,821,869. 37

Mrs. M ary M . W . Leany, compiler, St. George, Washington County Utah Cemetery Records 1861-1935,

p. 82.

©Beth Davies AG. Permission is granted to copy for personal 6 use.

favor. He was a patriarch in the L.D.S. church at the time of his death and had been very active in genealogical work. He worked as a mason on the St. George temple, Manti temple. St. George Stake tabernacle and other public buildings. He was a man of his word, scrupulously honest, a kind and loving husband and father.....Elder Brooks said....Brother Miles was a producer. He worked for and earned all he ever had and maintained and reared his family up in honor by diligent labor.....Elder Morris said he knew Brother Miles first as an officer in the Y.M.M.I.A. of St. George Stake, the second such organization in the Church...Brother Miles taught his children correct principles by precept and by example, and there has not lived in this town a more charitable woman than Sister Miles.38 Samuel Miles, Jr. was born 23 Dec. 185339 in Salt Lake City. He was ordained an Elder Nov. 14, 1875 and a Seventy Oct. 30, 1887.40 In October of 1867, Samuel went north to Weber Valley to live with his grandfather, Thomas Colborn. He returned home the next fall.41 His father wrote in 1871, "On the first of Jan. Samuel commenced to learn the harness and saddle trade in St. George with Bro. Platt." 42 Samuel married Louisa Worthen on Dec. 6th 1875. 43 He bought lot 5, next to his brother Gustavus, of Block 4, Plot D, in St. George in 1876 for $25.44 He bought lot 6, Block 30, Plot A in 1883 for $700. 45He is first listed as a head of household in the 1880 census. His occupation at that time was "harness maker".46 This was still his occupation in 1900.47 The Immortal Pioneers records, "One of the indispensable tradesman was the harnessmaker. Without him there could be no teaming. This need was filled by Henry Platt, who plied his trade, to turn into harnesses the leather tanned. After the completion of the Temple many reverses came to the people in St. George. Conditions looked bright elsewhere, and many moved away, among them the harnessmaker. However, there remained one who had learned the trade in Platt shop, Samuel Miles, Jr., who acquired and operated the harness business. Later, his brother, Frank G. Miles, followed the trade. 48 On Jan. 4, 1896, Samuel Miles, Jr. became a city councilman for St. George.49 38

W illiam G . Miles De ad, Wash ington Cou nty New s (St. George, Utah), Vol.. XX, Number 18, May 12, 1927, BYU film W27 #6. 39

Price Ward, St. George Stake, Records of Members, #18.


Price Ward, St. George Stake, Record of Ordinations, #26.


Sam uel M iles, Reminiscences, p. 24.


Ibid., p. 25.


Ibid., p. 27.


Washington County, Utah, Deeds, Book F, p. 387, FHL film 929,326.


Ibid., Book T, p. 124, FHL film 929,332.


1880 U.S. Census, St. George City and Precinct, Washington Co., Utah, E.D. 93, p. 352, dwelling #115, FHL film 1,255,339. 47

1900 U.S. Census, St. George Precinct, Washington Co., Utah, E.D. 175, sheet 7, dwelling #116, FHL film 1,241,688. 48

Miller, The Im mortal Pioneers, p. 149.


Ibid., p. 50.

©Beth Davies AG. Permission is granted to copy for personal 7 use.

Samuel Miles Jr. died 5 June 1921 and is buried in the St. George cemetery with his wife, Esther Louise Worthen, who died 17 June 1920.50 His obituary tells us, "Samuel Miles of this city passed away last Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Judd, at La Verkin of cancer of the face. He had suffered for years from this disease which first started in 1888. Soon after it was apparently cured but broke out again later. He tried specialists but obtained no permanent benefit. Since the death of his wife last July the trouble became more aggravated until at last he had to take to his bed and give in to it. He did not suffer the last two days of his life...He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. George Judd of La Verkin and Mrs. Ralph Phillips of Salt Lake City....He has served as a member of the St. George City council; had performed two missions, one in North Carolina, the other in California. He was superintendent of the West Ward Sunday school for several years and had been active in M.I.A. work. Owing to the nature of his trouble, which made him very sensitive, he had not taken part in any of the above activities for several years, and had become reticent. He was a straightforward man, not hesitating to speak his thoughts, and was upright and honorable. He was a devoted husband and father. He bore his affliction with fortitude though his suffering must have been intense..51 Thomas Colborn Miles--see History of the Thomas Colborn Miles family Ira Miles was born Dec. 17, 1859 in Salt Lake City.52 He was ordained an Elder Jan. 25, 1877. 53 Ira married Alice Henrietta Bell on 9 Jan. 1989 at Manti, (then Sevier Co.), Utah.54 She was born in Ephraim Aug. 19, 1868, a daughter of Thomas and Euphemia Lindquist Bell. 55 He is listed as a farmer in the 190056 and 191057 census of St. George. Ira died 8 June 1910 and is buried in the St. George cemetery.58 His obituary in the Washington County Times reads: "Death came to Ira Miles Wednesday, June 8, after an illness of about a week's duration with pneumonia. His father, Samuel Miles, a Mormon Battalion veteran, preceded him to the spirit world May 22, this year....He was married in the Manti temple to Alice H. Bell of Elsinore, January 18, 1889. Seven children resulted from this union, five of whom are living, namely, a married daughter, Mrs. Ernest Nelson, three boys, Harold, Ivan and Vern and Leona, a daughter; all residents of this city. 50

Lean y, St. Georg e Cemetery Records, pp.21, 22.


Sam uel M iles is Called, Wa shing ton C oun ty News, Vol. XIV, #22, June 9, 1921, BYU film W27 #4.


Price Ward, St. George Stake, Records of Members, #20.


Price Ward, St. George Stake, Record of Ordinations, #28.


Sevier County Marriage License Book 1A, p. 12, FHL film 482,036.


Alice H . B. M iles, The Salt Lake Tribune (Salt Lake City, Utah), April 18, 1947, p. 19.


1900 U.S. Census, St. George Precinct, Washington County, Utah, E.D. 175, sheet 13, dwelling #218, FHL film 1,241,688. 57

191 0 U .S. Census, St. G eorge, W ashington County, U tah, E.D . 210 , sheet 15b, d welling # 271 , FHL film

1,375,623. 58

Lean y, St, Georg e Cemetery Records, p. 82.

©Beth Davies AG. Permission is granted to copy for personal 8 use.

Funeral services will be held this (Thursday) afternoon in the tabernacle, commencing at three o'clock."59 For unknown reasons, Ira's widow did not file a petition to be appointed administratrix of his estate until 1919.60 It wasn't until 1923 that she received a court order giving her an allowance for family support. The court record says: " appearing that at the time of the death of said deceased, he left five minor children, for his widow to care for and support with practically nothing to do it with in the way of financial support, that the said widow has labored to perform said obligation so that her health is broken and she is without means of support or a home of her own to live in, that the children who have reached their majority have consented in writing that her petition for any allowance from said estate be granted and that the sum of two dollars per month from the death of said deceased is a reasonable amount for said purpose.."61 Ira did not leave his family without property. This same court record shows Alice's petition to sell the property which consisted of Lot 3, Block 81, Plat B, St. George City Survey, Lot 16, Block 6, containing 4 acres and 135 perches of land Lot 1, Block 6, R.C. Lund's Entry of the NE 1/4, Sec 3 Tp. 43 South Range 15 West, containing 1.5 acres.62 Alice outlived her husband by many years, dying on April 15, 1947 in St. George.63 John Talmai Miles was the last of Samuel and Hannah's children to be born in Salt Lake City. He was born May 7, 186264, so would have been only a few months old when the family moved to St. George. He was ordained an Elder Sept. 13, 1877 and a Seventy Oct. 30, 1877.65 John Talmai Miles married Myrza Alexander Whitehead on 23 May 1889 in St. George, Washington Co., Utah.66 He first appears as a head of family in the 1900 census in St. George. His occupation at that time was "day laborer".67 In 1910 he was a laborer at odd jobs.68 John died Jan. 7, 1920 and is buried in the St. George cemetery. 69 A short obituary reported that "He was a frugal and industrious man until stricken with illness several months ago.70


Ira M iles is Called, Wash ington Cou nty New s (St. George, Utah), Vol. III, #20, June 9, 1910.


Washington County, Utah, Probate Record H-3, p. 450, FHL film 484,832.


Washington County, Utah Probate Record H-4, pp. 154-155, FHL film 484,833.


Ibid., p. 164.


Obituary Index, Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News, FHL film 821,674.


Price Ward, St. George Stake, Records of Members, #21.


Price Ward, St. George Stake, Record of Ordinations, #29.


W ashington Co., Utah, Marriage Book A , p. 25, FHL film 484,821.


190 0 U .S. Census, St. G eorge Precinct, Washington Co., Utah, E.D . 175 , sheet 3, dwelling #35 , FHL film

1,241,688. 68

191 0 U .S. Census, St. G eorge, W ashington County, U tah, E.D . 210 , sheet 2b, dwelling #3 5, FH L film

1,275,623. 69

Lean y, St. Georg e Cemetery Records, p. 82.


Ob ituary, John T . Miles, Washington County News (St. George, Utah), Jan. 15, 1920, BYU film W27 #4.

©Beth Davies AG. Permission is granted to copy for personal 9 use.

Franklin Godbe Miles was born April 7, 186571 in St. George. He was ordained an Elder June 18, 1880 and a Seventy Oct. 23, 1880. 72 He married Ellen Frances Moss on April 7, 1887 in St. George, Washington Co., Utah.73 He bought Lot 6, Block 8, Plat A, in St. George in 1888 for $150.74 The 191075 and 192076 census list Frank as a harness maker. Frank ran an ad in the Washington County News for a number of issues which read, "F.G. Miles Dealer in the Celebrated Askew Saddles and Manufacturer of High Grade Harness A full line of supplies Always on hand Send here for Cowboy Hobbies Prices Right--Satisfaction Guaranteed"77 Franklin died 10 May 1932 and is buried in the St. George cemetery.78 His obituary in the Washington County Times tells us, "Franklin G. Miles, former bishop of the St. George East and South wards, died at 8:30 Tuesday morning following a five months' illness with Bright's disease, kidney trouble, a light stroke, and other complications. He was born in St. George on April 7, 1865, a son of Samuel and Hannah Miles, early pioneers of this region. His entire life has been spent here with the exception of one year at Parowan where he lived shortly after his marriage. On his 22nd birthday, April 7, 1887, he was married in the temple to Miss Helen Francis Moss. To this union were born eight children, five of whom died in infancy. The others, with his widow, survive as follows: Mrs. Edith Smith, Payson; Mrs. Helen Douglass, Long Beach, Calif.; Mrs Maude Seegmiller, Frank and Edward Miles of St. George.... He was devoted to his religion and was ordained a counselor in the bishopric when a young man. Later he was made bishop of the East ward which office he held for five years, until the East and West wards were divided and the South created, and he was then placed at the head of the latter ward. After five years of active work he was obliged to retire on account of ill health. He underwent a gland operation four years ago. He was a member of one of the first bands in Dixie, playing the horn. He served in the city council for one term, and was a member of the high council of the church. Funeral services will be held in the tabernacle at 3 p.m. today under the direction of Bishop


Price Ward, St. George Stake, Records of Members, #23.


Price Ward, St. George Stake, Record of Ordinations, #30.


Washington Co., Utah, Marriage License Records, 1887-1892, p. 24, FHL film 484,421.


Washington County, Utah, Deeds, book T, p. 631, FHL film 929,333.


191 0 U .S. Census, St. G eorge, W ashington Co., Utah, E.D . 210 , sheet 10A, dwelling #16 1, FH L film

1,275,623. 76

1920 U.S. Census, St. George city, St. George precinct, Washington County, Utah, E.D. 231, sheet 13a, dwelling #207, FHL film 1,821,869. 77

Washington County News (St. George, Utah), Vol. 1, #1, Jan. 30, 1908, FHL film 1,486,766.


Lean y, St. Geo rge Cemetery R ecords, p.81.

©Beth Davies AG. Permission is granted to copy for personal 10 use.

Harold Snow of the South Ward."79 James Edwin Miles is the only child of Samuel and Hannah who did not live to adulthood. He was born Oct. 26, 1867 in St. George80. He died just a year and a half later, May10, 1869, and is buried in the St. George cemetery.81 Charles Henry Miles was born July 2, 1870 in St. George.82 He was ordained a Deacon Jan. 8, 1882, an Elder Oct. 7, 1894, and a Seventy June 26, 1896. 83 He began early to follow in the school teaching footsteps of his father. The Immortal Pioneers tells of the establishment in 1888 of the St. George Stake Academy with Nephi M. Savage as the teacher for five years. At the end of that time, the district school system was established and Professor Savage was employed by the school board with Charles Miles as one of his assistants.84 Charles married late. He was 35 when he married Minnie L. Mangum on Aug. 2, 1905 in Salt Lake City (she was 21).85 She was born June 23,1884, Nephi, to Harvey and Amy Loretta Bigler Mangum. 86 Salt Lake directories for 1910 and 1911 show Charles as a high school teacher. In 1910 he lived at 105 North 2nd West and had a Frank Miles living with him. By 1911, he had moved to 750 E. 8th South87 where he still lived when the 1920 census was taken.88 Charles died Nov. 24, 1940 in Salt Lake. His obituary reads, "Charles Henry Miles, 70, a teacher at West High School and the old Salt Lake High School for 36 years, died yesterday at his home, 75 O Street after a long illness. During his service in the schools, which he terminated in 1938, Mr. Miles taught German, Spanish, French and social sciences. At one time he was president of the Salt Lake City High School Teachers' Association and later a member of the association's executive committee. He was active until recently in Church organizations, serving on the Sunday School board of Liberty Stake and as a teacher in the First Ward Sunday School. He served a mission in Germany from 1896 until 1900. Prior to going on the mission he taught school in St. George and in Littlefield, Ariz. Mr. Miles was born at St. George July 2, 1870, a son of Samuel and Hannah Colburn Miles. 79

Death Ends Suffering o f Bisho p, Wa shing ton C oun ty News, May 12, 1932, BYU film W27.


Price Ward, St. George Stake, Records of Members, #22.


Lean y, St. Georg e Cemetery Records, p. 82.


Price Ward, St. George Stake, Records of Members, #24.


Price Ward, St. George Stake, Record of Ordinations, #31 and #65.


Miller, The Im mortal Pioneers, p. 131.


Salt Lake County Marriage Licenses, Book 3, #823, FHL film 429,062.


Minnie M . Miles, The Salt Lake Tribu ne, June 2, 1964, p. 26.


Salt Lake City Directory (R.L. Polk), 1910 and 1911 , FHL film 1,6 12,1 59. T he 19 10 census fo r Salt Lake (E.D . 124 , sheet 13A, dwelling #18 3, FH L film 1,3 75,6 20), shows Charles' family living at house 105 on N orth 2nd W est. 88

192 0 U .S. Census, Precinct 4, Salt Lake C ity, Salt Lake Co unty, Utah, E.D . 80, dwelling 3 77, F HL film


©Beth Davies AG. Permission is granted to copy for personal 11 use.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Minnie Mangum Miles; two sons, Dr. Burke Miles of Detroit, Mich. and Donald M. Miles of Salt Lake, a daughter, Mrs. Marjorie M. Murdock of Salt Lake and four grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 3 p.m. in the Twenty-seventh Ward Chapel, 185 P Street. Friends may call at 36 east Seventh South Street until Wednesday morning and at the family residence Wednesday from 11 a.m. until the time of services."89 Hannah Marinda Miles was born Aug. 14, 1874 in St. George.90 Hannah, who was known as Minnie, married Wallace B. Mathis on March 22, 1897 in St. George.91 He was born May 3, 1877, in St. George, to Henry and Barbara Bryner Mathis. 92 Minnie died June 28, 1963. Her life was spent primarily as a wife and mother as expressed in her obituary: "Mrs. Hannah M. (Minnie) Miles Mathis, 88, St. George, died Friday, 9:30 a.m. in a Salt Lake hospital after surgery. Born Aug. 14, 1874, St. George, to Samuel and Hannah M. Colburn Miles. Married Wallace B. Mathis March 22, 1897, St. George Temple, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Active, LDS Church, civic clubs. Survivors: husband; sons, daughters, Gordon, Carl, Reed, Mrs. Robert (Blanche) McComb, all St. George; Mrs. Frank (Melba) Gates, Ogden; Mrs. Garland (Lillian) Andrus, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Don (Norma) Lott, Walla Walla, Wash.; 18 grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren. Funeral Tuesday, 4 p.m., St. George Second LDS Ward Chapel. ...Burial, St. George Cemetery.93 Her husband lived an additional 2 years. His obituary indicated that he had been a banker and state representative, active in city, county, and state affairs, and an original member of the Utah Water and Power Board.94


"C.H. M iles Expires at 70" , Deseret News (Salt Lake City, Utah), Nov. 15, 1940, p. 3.


Price Ward, St. George Stake, Records of Members, #25.


Washington County, Utah, Marriage License Records, Book A 1888-1909, p. 125, FHL film 484,821.


The Salt Lake Tribune, April 8, 1965, p. B9.


Hannah M. Mathis, The Salt Lake Tribune (Salt Lake City, Utah), Sunday, June 30, 1963, p. C13.


The Salt Lake Tribune, April 8, 1965, p. B9.

©Beth Davies AG. Permission is granted to copy for personal 12 use.

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