Craftofwriting MariaFatimaA. Villena for a Cause p. I Language
q )rr"L
Winghafuomentous *fu**". historythepresent nku 8-'
thenandnow.It speaks ofour contributions{ra,sooiety, for
limelights.r"#rr"*.d writtenaccounts of historical -f
critical md no€i-depth studiesof the next generation.Innovationsin scienceandtechnologyare takenp&ount
ev€,!rso in other fieldsof endeavorto createa chnonologyof events, uncomplicatedapplicationsof technologiesand stepby-stepproceduresof newlyconceptualizedmethodsto raisequality of productsandservices.Thesevaluable,urthentic chroniclesare feasibJ1*I laudablewaysto upgradeliving standardsfor the future to come.
ttis truejlW"n
n $s,l learnedto talk beforethey wrote." Without writing, knowledgeoanneverbe
rapidly accumulated.Eachgenerationwould haveto acquireover andover againinform*ion discovere$longtime ago, Dr. JoseRizal is famedfor his exemplarywritings andillustriousnovels: Noli Me TangereandEl Filib,rl"rismo which servedasan €ye-openerto us Filipinos. Wlliam Shakespeare,a notableliterary writghas numerousworks to boastoff.
Ad all otherwriterswhohavebeeacourageow €oor.tgh to rilk theirfreedomeventh€irliveshavecreateda momentum ofscnsibilityandnadoa diftrencein thesociaytheybelongto for a noblccauro. Wdting aboveaUthingq speaks ofone'smindandinnermo*desires enoughto nov6theEarthfromits gloriouepace.It nourishes poscion mysoulwith m intensefeelingofenduringlovead immeore to rdeasemymnting of a rcalbavcninridemyconscieitious beftg. Withwdtin& I commnewith ry soul, h€artandmfud.Thereis 8n inskleme. comoctionwithnatureandrhidgrthstI 8msttached connoction bdogsforft enormous to. Thishoavenly Neveron I imaginelife withoutleuingryself go beyondthisootive f,ow ofideasrnd emotions.Itr ar ev€rd€€p€nirry possion mydesfuc to o<press ofselflolgirgnessto ftel worthiness.Itilorcthana paseion,it hrsbeenanearlychildhood ofmy being.Provento bcthevorybestwayto releace ny rngerr,tensionor guift. Not beituable dreaq tbefu[ essedce to writeqgainis ny greatest fearad theworstnightmarc.Writinghr8bcconea prt of rnylift. It hEsnwerbeenro naturalasbreathing &d livins. A bmrdhorizonthatlieswithintheverycornersofthc heartofs young;arpiringwriter
Craft of Writing Maria Fatima A. Villena Konrad Adenauer center for Journalism inaugurat TheKonradAdenauerCenterforJournalismffinauguratedlast June 8' 2000 at the Ateneo de Manila University, Rockwell Center.
q_ Former President Corazon C. Aquino delivered a speechrstressing.gdtne impogffie and perils ofjournalism. Likewise, according to Arr, it is"oi these aspecfS-the Center takequpon itself a noble but also uery complex mission.
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She pointed orii.the highest value for ajournalist is the truth and that the ^t,
ro",r',dation thecapacity forsearching it out*,Ti;W
The level of the charlenge, she said, increasesgreatly becausethe center aims to reach not only Filipino but southeast Asian jJurnists who arilaced with differencesin cultural boundaries and beliefs and plagued with the worsening Asian crisis. ,.1 /j
In her speech ,
r gftffigrueling
statistics journalists
on killedor jailed as being the most "t graphic indicator gffie health of "pressfreedom and the perils of the profession. Recentry, rneKe scenario in southern @tne Philippines as the hostage crisis in Minddao takes place. Journalists risked their lives and becamehostagesthemselvesto get to the story. But, the former president said to come to the story is lhe job of ,/urnatism. It is wha.tcounts and how it is told. She stressedher hope{P,ttre sudcessor tne center to teach journalists how to find the story, how ti u.fny it, trow to complete it and how to tell it well. .Journalism is open to change and prone to being misinterpreted. In cgvgringthe right side of a conflict, journalists may find themseivesbiased in their treatment of the news while covering the wrong side in the name of objectivity may be understood as encouragingevil aid agreeto it. This, she stated, and manifested the fact that journalism is never possible under a dictatorship but rather does best in a democratic setting. The center aims to bridge cultural boundaries among Filipino and Southeast Asian Journarists to focus them in its major endiavoi: to herp them do their basic job better and that is to tell the-16ry: R" fo.*e, president Aiuino stressed, values like decency, compassion, truth, freedom, justice arrd f.i.rr."a are the same eveqrwhere, whatever language or cultural backlround a3ournalist may have.
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Cr.rftof Writirul MariaFatima,q.IViltena MILF declares ceasefire
': t4*oro lslarnicLiberationFront (MILF) cleclared yel'terdaya 4g-hourturilateral ceasefirei* Mi'dernaoeffectiveu e rr",n,loary,. .snroaay Al Haj Murad, the.musriurdissicrentgroup's 'ict: chainnansaid, ..we llave decidedto decrare6-48-hourceasefirl in areas,:r:l;;; MILF Xghters are engagedin a shootingwar with goverrunenttrooperis. higher hopes'thatthe govenrmentand f19-stient Josephpsrradl expressecl MILF peacepilpels would retu,u to the-negotiaring table soonerto end ilris all'out the chief E.xecuri-ve /Ithtough is sril 1va9 $udving the MILF declaratior(andwould luve ro forlorvsetco*oirious secretaryorlando Mercado of the .Departmentoff National Defense(DI.ID) said tlnt CabinetClusterE poseclthesetwo condit:.ons gauge to tlre sincerity of MILF in declaringa 4g-hou ceasufire. "Cluster E recommendecl that the group shouldfrist lay down its anns and free all hostages. president approvedthe receurmendations pressnted,,' flt. ' r--
Mercado a;sctyifly",Mp niE p:Anepasada ngpangulo.,,
nuJL. ry clew*6
repofter{that tilere is atready an existing ceasefire Y:li'dt, agreelnefrt betweeu the governrnentand MILF vrlrich tlre lauei has been repeatedly violating. According to M.ercado. military operation, in infindanaoare merely in responseto the cqrsefireviolationsrrracle by theMlL,F.