Sample Test Plan

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 7,815
  • Pages: 39

Test Plan For Phase 1 DD-MM-YY/ Version

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Copyright Information This document is the exclusive property of XXX Corporation (“XXX”); the recipient agrees that he/she may not copy, transmit, use or disclose the confidential and propriety information set forth herein by any means without the expressed written consent of XXX. By accepting a copy hereof, the recipient agrees to adhere to and be bound by these conditions to the confidentiality of XXX's practices and procedures; and to use these documents solely for responding to XXX’s operations methodology. All rights reserved XXX Corporation, 2000. XXX IT reserves the right to revisit Business Requirements and Functional Specifications Documents if approval to proceed is not received within 90 days of the issue date.

Test Plan XXX

TEST PLAN XXX ............................................................................................................................. ..............3 1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ ...7 2 TEST PLAN APPROVAL PROCESS.................................................................................... .......................7 3 ASSOCIATED & REFERENCED DOCUMENTATION............................................................................... ..7 3.1 Framework, Elements, Events, & User Flows...........................................................................................................7 3.2 Testing Project Plans....................................................................................................................................................7 3.3 Test Plans and Test Scripts..........................................................................................................................................7 4 TESTING STRATEGY........................................................................................................... .......................8 4.1 Scope..............................................................................................................................................................................8 4.2 Testing Approach.........................................................................................................................................................8 4.3 Test Setup......................................................................................................................................................................9 4.4 Test Environment Details..........................................................................................................................................10 4.5 Responsibilities...........................................................................................................................................................11 4.6 Risks that impact testing...........................................................................................................................................13 4.7 Test Suspension/Resumption Criteria......................................................................................................................13 4.8 Test Stop Criteria.......................................................................................................................................................13 5 TEST CASE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT................................................................ ............................14 5.1 Test Case Design Instructions...................................................................................................................................14 5.2 Test Case Design Deliverables...................................................................................................................................14 6 TESTING TEAM................................................................................................................ .........................15 6.1 Core Team...................................................................................................................................................................15 6.2 Technical Support Team............................................................................................................................................15 6.3 Assumptions, Constraints, and Exclusions..............................................................................................................15 7 TESTING TOOLS................................................................................................................. ......................16 7.1 Testing Tools...............................................................................................................................................................16



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7.2 Assumptions, Constraints, and Exclusions..............................................................................................................16 8 KEY EXTERNAL DEPENDENCIES................................................................................... ........................17 8.1 Assumptions, Constraints, and Exclusions..............................................................................................................17 9 METRICS COLLECTION...................................................................................................................... ......18 10 CLASSIFICATION OF ISSUES.......................................................................................... ......................19 10.1 Assumptions, Constraints, and Exclusions............................................................................................................19 11 UNIT TESTING................................................................................................................ .........................20 11.1 Purpose......................................................................................................................................................................20 11.2 Responsibility............................................................................................................................................................20 11.3 Environment.............................................................................................................................................................20 11.4 Exit Criteria..............................................................................................................................................................20 11.5 Assumptions, Constraints, and Exclusions............................................................................................................20 12 INTEGRATION TESTING..................................................................................................... ....................21 12.1 Purpose......................................................................................................................................................................21 12.2 Responsibility...........................................................................................................................................................21 12.3 Environment.............................................................................................................................................................21 12.4 Test Data...................................................................................................................................................................22 12.4.1 Mainframe test data.............................................................................................................................................22 12.4.2 Local test data.....................................................................................................................................................22 12.5 Test Execution Process.............................................................................................................................................22 12.6 Exit Criteria..............................................................................................................................................................22 12.7 Additional Information............................................................................................................................................23 12.8 Assumptions, Constraints, and Exclusions...........................................................................................................23 13 SYSTEM (QA) TESTING........................................................................................................ ..................24 13.1 Purpose......................................................................................................................................................................24 13.2 Responsibility...........................................................................................................................................................24 13.3 Environment.............................................................................................................................................................24



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13.4 Test Data...................................................................................................................................................................25 13.4.1 Mainframe test data.............................................................................................................................................25 13.4.2 Local test data.....................................................................................................................................................25 13.5 Test Execution Process.............................................................................................................................................25 13.6 Exit Criteria..............................................................................................................................................................26 13.7 Additional Information............................................................................................................................................26 13.8 Assumptions, Constraints, and Exclusions............................................................................................................27 14 MAINFRAME TESTING...................................................................................................................... ......28 14.1 Purpose......................................................................................................................................................................28 14.2 Responsibility...........................................................................................................................................................28 14.3 Environment.............................................................................................................................................................28 14.4 Test Execution Process.............................................................................................................................................28 15 LOAD TESTING............................................................................................................. ..........................29 15.1 Purpose......................................................................................................................................................................29 15.2 Scope..........................................................................................................................................................................29 15.3 Responsibility...........................................................................................................................................................29 15.4 Environment.............................................................................................................................................................29 15.5 Testing Methodology................................................................................................................................................30 15.5.1 Load testing.........................................................................................................................................................30 15.5.2 Endurance testing................................................................................................................................................31 15.5.3 Planned testing cycles.........................................................................................................................................32 15.6 Metrics to be measured...........................................................................................................................................32 15.7 Test Deliverables.......................................................................................................................................................33 15.8 Assumptions, Limitations and Constraints............................................................................................................33 15.9 Exit Criteria..............................................................................................................................................................33 16 REGRESSION TESTING................................................................................................................... .......35 16.1 Purpose......................................................................................................................................................................35 16.2 Responsibility...........................................................................................................................................................35 16.3 Environment.............................................................................................................................................................35



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16.4 Exit Criteria..............................................................................................................................................................35 17 USER ACCEPTANCE TESTING.......................................................................................... ....................36 17.1 Purpose......................................................................................................................................................................36 17.2 Responsibility...........................................................................................................................................................36 17.3 Environment.............................................................................................................................................................36 17.4 Test Data..................................................................................................................................................................36 17.5 Test Execution Process.............................................................................................................................................36 17.6 Exit Criteria..............................................................................................................................................................37 17.7 Additional Information............................................................................................................................................38 17.8 Assumptions, Constraints, and Exclusions............................................................................................................38 18 SOFT LAUNCH.............................................................................................................. ..........................39



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1 Introduction XXX is in the process of re-engineering and re-designing the website. XXX has been working with XYZ Private Limited to complete the architectural and detailed design of the new site. At this time the development phase of the project is underway and the site launch is planned for March 2005. Quality Assurance Testing is the joint responsibility of the XYZ and Business team from Budget. The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the testing process for the project. This document will be distributed to all Project Managers for review. It is the responsibility of the Project Managers to distribute this document to the appropriate team members for review where necessary.

2 Test Plan Approval Process This document will go through two weeks of review and sign off process after the submission of the document to the XXX IT and business group. During these two weeks the reviewers can provide their comments in the test plan document to ABC ([email protected]). Please use track changes in the document and indicate your feedback comments. One week after the submission of this document the Test lead will schedule for a detailed walkthrough of the test plan and discuss about the review comments. The final sign off (of this test plan) will be scheduled at the end of the two-week review cycle. Any changes after the test plan sign off should go through the formal Change Request process (CR). Refer to the share point portal for the detailed CR process overview and the templates for the submission of CR. Please refer following document in Sharepoint for team structure of eCommerce Redesign project: PMO Documents/Core PMO Documents/Roles and Responsibilities.doc.


Associated & Referenced Documentation

3.1 Framework, Elements, Events, & User Flows The foundation of the Integration and System Testing Plans and Scripts are based upon the information provided in the signed of sections of the Booking Engine Use Cases EBR -, Non-Booking Engine Use Cases Redesign EBR Page Specifications for Ecommerce Redesign, Non-Functional Requirements Redesign EBR, External interfaces document and Data feeds, Technical Description – Query String Parameters and Splash Pages list. Any changes to these documents will follow the appropriate channels of the Change Control Board. Once changes are approved, the test plans and test scripts will be modified accordingly.

3.2 Testing Project Plans The detailed testing project plan is part of the master project plan.

3.3 Test Plans and Test Scripts As test plans and test scripts are completed and assigned a version number, they will be placed in Sharepoint portal under Test Documents folder. As plans and scripts are completed or modified, notification will be sent to the appropriate individuals. Scripts created for the purpose of Testing will be placed in the above referenced Test Documents folder under Integration, QA and UAT.



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4 Testing Strategy 4.1 Scope The following types of testing will be conducted for this project: •






User Acceptance

Participation from all development areas will be required. Each Development Project Plan should account for development participation in each phase of testing. It is anticipated that the level of developer involvement will decrease as the testing progresses.

4.2 Testing Approach •

Manual test script generation will be the preferred method until such time that the Testing Project Manager determines that site stability is adequate for automated script creation.

A “two pass” per iteration approach will be used.

A-Pass: focuses on “normal” conditions to ensure all parts of the application are working in a normal test script. Immediate identification of major issues is required.

B-Pass: focuses on “exception” conditions to ensure boundary conditions, error handling, and etc. are working correctly. Immediate identification of major issues is required.

Four (4) types of test scripts will be created


Normal (N): Test scripts that test the expected behavior under normal, or “pass” conditions.

Exception (E): Test scripts that test the expected behavior under exception, or “fail” conditions.

Data Normal (DN): Test scripts that test the expected behavior under data-specific normal conditions.

Data Exception (DE): Test scripts that test the expected behavior under data-specific exception conditions.

Iteration: One (1) complete end-to-end A-Pass and one (1) complete end-to-end B-Pass across all modules.


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Number of iterations for Unit Testing to be determined by Development Project Manager(s)

Unit test script creation and execution is the responsibility of the development staff(s)

Number of iterations for Integration Testing will be on an as needed basis within the Integration Testing Cycle. This will be determined by the Testing Project Manager and Customer Application Project Manager(s) during the Integration Testing Cycle.

Integration Testing will include all (N) test scripts during the A-Pass and (E) test scripts during the B-Pass.

Number of iterations for System Testing will consist of up to three. Should issues arise that justify additional iterations, the testing timeline will increase by five (5) days per iteration.

System Testing will include all (N) & (DN) test scripts during the A-Pass and (E) & (DE) test scripts during the B-Pass

User Acceptance Testing: Test scripts to be created by QA team with the help of Business Analyst and User Acceptance Group (Business).

Load Testing will consist of a select group of (N) scripts that accurately represent a cross section of functionality against a predetermined load.

Regression Testing will be created from the (N), (DN), (E), & (DE) test scripts.

4.3 Test Setup The diagram below gives a high level overview of the proposed System. Browser Host 3

Host 1


Web server (iPlanet 7.1)

Open Deploy Host 2 App server (WebLogic 8.1) Personalization MUX app.

Host 4

App DB App DB (Oracle

Person DB

9i) (Oracle


Nightly feed


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4.4 Test Environment Details EBR Test Environment Details Dates



Until 11/12

Unit Testing

Local Box

Budget Highway Test

11/15 to 11/30

Integration Testing

Integration Environment

Budget Highway ATR

11/15 to 3/30

Bug fixes

Local Box

Budget Highway ATR

12/1 to 1/14

QA Testing

QA Environment

Budget Highway ATR

12/13 to 1/14

Testing by Business (M/F transactions for Rates & Reservation)

QA Environment

Budget Highway ATR

1/17 to 2/11

QA Testing

Production Environment

Budget Highway ATR

1/17 to 2/11

Limited UAT

QA Environment

Budget Highway ATR

2/14 to 3/4

Final UAT

Production Environment

Budget Highway ATR

3/7 to 3/18

Soft Launch

Production Environment

Budget Production

Limited testing



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4.5 Responsibilities No.


Responsible for testing

Next Steps / Important Notes

1 Functionality based on use cases -- Booking engine, non-booking engine, BCD admin tool, nonfunctional requirement

Ensure that test cases cover all requirements listed in signed-off documents - Booking Engine, Non-booking Engine, and NFRs.

2 External data feeds

Steven to produce necessary documentation that covers all aspects of data feeds and their processing (for e.g., CRON job names, where (servers), their schedules etc. This needs to be done for both QA & production.

3 Splash pages hosted under for partners

Review the list of splash pages and include them in the overall testing project plan.

4 Requests from other sites with specific URL parameters to the website

1. Check with the business if there is a master list with the list of external websites from where website is invoked. 2.Discuss with the technical team and business on the list of URL parameters that will be supported in the new webs

5 Testing of the static content pages in the site

Business needs to complete this list. This activity will start in the month of November. Review the list of static content pages prepared by business and include it in the overall testing project plan.

6 Fast break front end application and the admin tool

Amit to have a preliminary discussion with Hans to understand the functionalities. Request Hans to create basic test scenarios. Amit to include "load test" of Fast Break in test planning.

7 Indigio managed admin tools -affiliate management tool, location correction admin tool

Ask Indigio team to come up with test plan, test cases and include them in the overall testing project plan. Planning to get test results and updates during the testing phase.

8 Testing of modified transactions

the new mainframe

Alfredo confirmed that the mainframe team will perform the unit testing and QA for all mainframe transaction changes (PSR items).

9 Regression testing of the all the mainframe transactions

Alfredo confirmed that the mainframe group will perform the regression testing of all mainframe transactions that are used in



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Responsible for testing

Next Steps / Important Notes

10 Sending Emails and Email campaign management E-dialog

Amit to pass on relevant test cases to E-Dialog. For e.g., Reservation Confirmation, Reservation Reconfirmation emails being sent etc. Get their validation on the test case.

11 Reporting -- basic testing

Review the tagging requirements from Indigio and also include them in the master testing project plan Ask Indigio team to come up with test plan, test cases and include them in the overall testing project plan. Planning to get test results and updates during the testing phase.

12 Reporting -- extensive testing including analytics reports 13 Outage component

Need to discuss with the technical team and also the IBM further regarding the testing. Planning to get test results and updates during the testing phase.

14 True north (mapping tool) with misspelling corrections.

Ask Indigio team to come up with test plan, test cases and include them in the overall testing project plan. Planning to get test results and updates during the testing phase.

15 Production testing

Get detailed plan from business outlining test scenarios, test data, group responsible for testing and also the schedule. Include it in the overall testing project plan.

16 Perfect Drive front end application and the admin tool


Note: Lead System Tester (XYZZ) will be "accountable" for completion of testing activities listed below. However, responsibilities for executing the tests below will be with folks identified below.



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4.6 Risks that impact testing Risk

Probabili ty

Impac t

Contingency plan

Any of the deliverables by the development team not happening as per the Project plan.



The testing time may be lost and to compensate for this, additional resources would be added appropriately.

System failure and loss of data during the Testing Process



A database backup strategy should be in place so that loss of data can be prevented.

Test data not migrated in time



Test the functionality not involving data feed until migration.

Connectivity during test execution from offshore



Local test setup should be in place. Except scenarios involving mainframes, others can be executed locally.

4.7 Test Suspension/Resumption Criteria Sanity test will be carried out on every build received from development team to ensure suitability of application for further testing. A set of functional test cases will be identified to run during sanity test. Testing will be suspended when it is not possible to proceed with test execution due to major showstopper error in the application. Testing shall be resumed once the above problems are addressed.

4.8 Test Stop Criteria All planned tests have been executed.



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5 Test Case Design and Development 5.1 Test Case Design Instructions 1. Use following documents to create test cases: •

Booking Engine Use Cases EBR -

Non-Booking Engine Use Cases Redesign EBR

Page Specifications for Ecommerce Redesign

Non-Functional Requirements Redesign EBR

External interfaces document

Data feeds

Technical Description – Query String Parameters

Splash Pages list

2. Generate test cases using Equivalence partitioning and Boundary value analysis techniques. 3. Mention trace-ability for the test cases from Use Case document. 4. Number of steps to execute the test case should not be more than 20. We can split such scenarios in number of test cases for better tracking purpose. 5. Test case execution steps need to be in detail so that any tester can complete the test case without any System knowledge. 6. Whenever required mention the business rules and formulas under expected result column for reference.

5.2 Test Case Design Deliverables Test Cases will be developed by Test team and reviewed by Business before test execution. In case of requirements change, refer the Change Request Process defined in Approval section.



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6 Testing Team 6.1 Core Team -

Testing Project Manager:


Lead System Tester:


System Testers:


User Acceptance Group Coordinator:

6.2 Technical Support Team Please refer to Sharepoint for Technical support team details of eCommerce Redesign project: PMO Documents/Core PMO Documents/Roles and Responsibilities.doc

6.3 Assumptions, Constraints, and Exclusions Any reference to the Testing Team will be those individuals listed above under “Core Team.”



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7 Testing Tools 7.1 Testing Tools Manual: Test Cases will be created via Excel Templates. Refer Templates section under Sharepoint for Test case template. Automated: Automated scripts will be created/executed using the following: •

Quick Test Pro – by Mercury

Load Runner – by Mercury

Defect Tracker: PVCS Tracker will be used as a defect tracking tool. The testing tool related decision is pending for budget approval. The above listed tools are the proposed testing tools.

7.2 Assumptions, Constraints, and Exclusions QTP will be used for regression testing and Load Runner for load testing. The test scripts will be created and executed by XYZ Testing Team offshore. The test scripts will be shared with XXX for onsite execution at the later part of System Testing and again just prior to implementation. Limitations of test automation: •

Problems with tool

Support from vendor

Rapidly changing requirements



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8 Key External Dependencies Below is a list of all key external dependencies. •

Baseline and/or updates to the following documents:

Booking Engine Use Cases EBR -

Non-Booking Engine Use Cases Redesign EBR

Page Specifications for Ecommerce Redesign

Non-Functional Requirements Redesign EBR

External interfaces document

Data feeds

Technical Description – Query String Parameters

Splash Pages list

Completion of Development & Unit Testing

Completion of HTML

Integration of HTML into development code

Completion of Informative Pages

Data migration for testing purposes

Data feed documentation from Casey Miller for validating nightly feed data in application.

8.1 Assumptions, Constraints, and Exclusions None to state at this time.



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9 Metrics collection Detailed defect analysis shall be done for the reported defects and test case execution status shall be reported for each module. The metrics to be collected during test life cycle are: 1. Defect location Metrics – Defects raised against the module shall be plotted on a graph to indicate the affected module. 2. Severity Metrics – Each defect has an associated severity (Critical, High, Medium and Low), which is how much adverse impact the defect has or how important the functionality that is being affected by the issue. Number of issues raised against severity shall be plotted on a graph. By examining the severity of a project’s issues, the discrepancies can be identified. 3. Defect Closure Metrics – To indicate progress, the number of raised and closed defects against time shall be plotted on a graph. 4. Defect Status Metrics – It will indicate the number of defects in various states like, new, assigned, resolved, verified, etc. 5. Re-opened bugs – The number of defects re-opened by testing team once they are fixed by development team shall be reported & percentage shall be calculated with respect to total number of defects logged. 6. Test case progression trend: This trend shall indicate the progress of test execution module wise. It shall state the number of test cases planned, executed, passed and failed. These metrics shall be collected and presented as test summary report after each test cycle. Also, these shall be part of weekly status report. Refer Templates section under Sharepoint for Metrics Analysis template.



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10 Classification of Issues The following standard will be used by all involved parties to identify issues found during testing: Severity 1: Critical Issues: Application crashes, returns erroneous results, or hangs in a major area of functionality and there is no work around. Examples include the inability to navigate to/from a function, application timeout, and incorrect application of business rules. Severity 2: High Functional Issues: Functionality is significantly impaired. Either a task cannot be accomplished or a major work around is necessary. Examples include erroneous error handling, partial results returned, and form pre-population errors. Severity 3: Medium Functional Issues: Functionality is somewhat impaired. Minor work around is necessary to complete the task. Examples include inconsistent keyboard actions (e.g. tabbing), dropdown list sort errors, navigational inconsistencies, and serious format errors causing usage issues (e.g. incorrect grouping of buttons). Severity 4: Low Functional Issues: Functionality can be accomplished, but either an annoyance is present, or efficiency can be improved. Cosmetic or appearance modifications to improve usability fall into this category. Examples include spelling errors, format errors, and confusing error messages. Examples of each severity level to be delivered to participants prior to Integration Testing.

10.1 Assumptions, Constraints, and Exclusions Issue classifications can include creative or content related issues.



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11 Unit Testing 11.1 Purpose The purpose of Unit Testing is to deliver code that has been tested for end-to-end functionality within a given module and normal interfacing between dependent modules in the development environment.

11.2 Responsibility Testing will be the responsibility of the individual developers. Ultimate signoff for promotion into Integration Testing will be the responsibility of the Development Project Manager(s). Configuration management, builds, etc. will be the responsibility of the Configuration Management Team at the direction of the Development Project Manager.

11.3 Environment Refer section 4.4 Test Environment Details

11.4 Exit Criteria In order to be accepted for Integration Test, each component must: •

Successfully compile in the development environment

Be tested for complete threads for all code, from UI, to data access, and back to UI using test data created by developers

Be tested for one example each of normal, high, and low boundary conditions for Data input where appropriate

Tested for one example of error handling per event

Successfully execute pairwise test as required for inter-module interfaces, including likely error conditions (e.g. common data entry error)

No high Severity issues in open state.

Have Project Manager signoff on individual modules

Specifically excluded from the Unit Test exit criteria are: •

Comprehensive data validation

Exhaustive test of various entry and exit points across modules

Comprehensive testing for abnormal situations and error handling combinations

11.5 Assumptions, Constraints, and Exclusions Creation of test data and scripts for the purpose of Unit Testing is the responsibility of the development staff(s).



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12 Integration Testing 12.1 Purpose The purpose of Integration Testing is to deliver code that has been comprehensively tested for Normal (N) and Exception (E) conditions across all modules in the Development environment.

12.2 Responsibility Testing Team holds the primary responsibility for the execution of Normal (N) and Exception (E) test scripts. All N & E type test scripts will be completed prior to the start of Integration Testing. The N & E test scripts will be executed for the following modules: •





Profile Management




Admin tools

Visitor Management

Content Management


Configuration management, builds, etc. will be the responsibility of the Configuration Management Team at the direction of and agreement the Development Project Managers and Testing Project Manager. Ultimate sign-off of Integration Testing and promotion into System Testing resides with the Testing Project Manager.

12.3 Environment Refer to Section 4.4 Test Environment Details.



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12.4 Test Data 12.4.1Mainframe test data Test Lead will request for test data migration/creation. Test Lead will forward details surrounding the migration/creation to the appropriate individuals. After data migration/creation test data list will be forwarded to Test Lead by mainframe team.

12.4.2Local test data Test Lead will identify test data for local database (Oracle 9i). With help of development team, Test Lead will ensure test data is set up before the start of integration testing. A Testing Data Repository Document will be delivered on or before Integration Testing. Specific reference will be made in the N & E Test Scripts to the data types listed in the Testing Data Repository Document.

12.5 Test Execution Process Integration Testing will be comprised of two (2) weeks. Issue Identification: Integration Testers will log issues as they are identified. Issue Resolution: It is expected that the Development Team(s) will undertake issue resolution based on the severity and priority. All efforts will be made to turn around the Critical/High category issues, in the next scheduled Build/Release. Build and Release Process: The Configuration Management Team will deliver fresh builds as requested by the Development Project Managers and Testing Project Manager along with release notes. Issue Closure: After each build, the Testing Team will review the issues that have been resolved in order to verify and close/re-instate the issues and resolution priority. All effort will be made to close the resolved issues as soon as possible. Issue Tracking: The Testing Project Manager will be responsible for the administration of the issue tracking tool.

12.6 Exit Criteria In order to be accepted for System Test, each component must: •

Be successfully deployed to the System Test Environment

For transaction-based data access, be tested successfully for “normal” and “exception” conditions

Contain no “dead” links/inaccessible pages

Contain no Severity 1 or 2 issues

Have Testing Project Manager signoff



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12.7 Additional Information Test scripts will be provided to the Development Project Managers prior to Integration Testing. The test scripts provided should be used as a baseline for exit criteria expectations. Any additional test or scripts that the development staff deems necessary will be left at the discretion of the Development Project Managers. Should the Development Project Managers feel that such scripts should be incorporated into the Testing Team scripts, they may request such to the Testing Project Manager. It will be the responsibility of the Testing Project Manager to analyze the feasibility of such incorporation.

12.8 Assumptions, Constraints, and Exclusions Assumptions: Functionality testing of by the Testing Team will also include entry points from other websites via link, travel portals, etc. Exclusions from Integration Testing: Delivery of code that has been comprehensively tested for Data Normal (DN) and Data Exception (DE) conditions across all modules in the Development environment. Any issues discovered with the informative pages, creative design, or content should be reported to respective development area.



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13 System (QA) Testing 13.1 Purpose The purpose of System Testing is to deliver code that has been comprehensively tested and functionality that is certified to be end-to-end user ready in the System Test environment.

13.2 Responsibility The Testing Team holds the primary responsibility for the executions of Normal (N), Exception (E), Data Normal (DN), and Data Exception (DE) test scripts. Test scripts will include field form validation and display rules as stated in the Elements section of the Page Specifications for eCommerce Redesign. The N, E, DN, & DE test scripts will be executed for the following modules: 1. Homepage 2. Reservations 3. Rates 4. Analytics 5. Profile Management 6. Locations 7. Personalization 8. Search 9. Admin tools 10. Visitor Management 11. Content Management 12. Administration The System Testing Team will be comprised of individuals from the Testing Staff. Configuration management, builds, etc. will be the responsibility of the Configuration Management Team at the direction of the Development Project Managers and requires the agreement of the Testing Project Manager. Ultimate sign-off of System Testing and promotion into User Acceptance Testing resides with the Testing Project Manager.

13.3 Environment Refer section 4.4 Test Environment Details



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System Test Script execution will be completed as per the following Operating System/Browser matrix:

Windows XP

Windows 2000

IE 6.0



IE 5.5


IE 5.0 Mozilla 1.7.2


Windows 98

Mac OS/9




Netscape 7.1


AOL 5.0


C – Complete test cases suite will be executed on OS/Browser combination U – Only critical functionalities and UI test cases will be executed on OS/Browser combination Blank – OS/Browser combination will not be tested

13.4 Test Data 13.4.1Mainframe test data Test Lead will request for test data migration/creation. Test Lead will forward details surrounding the migration/creation to the appropriate individuals. After data migration/creation test data list will be forwarded to Test Lead by mainframe team.

13.4.2Local test data Test Lead will identify test data for local database (Oracle 9i). With help of development team, Test Lead will ensure test data is set up before the start of integration testing. A Testing Data Repository Document will be delivered on or before System Testing. Specific reference will be made in the N, E, DN, & DE Test Scripts to the data types listed in the Testing Data Repository Document. Additional specific data may be required. Should this be the case, the data will be listed on the corresponding test script.

13.5 Test Execution Process System Testing will be comprised of six (6) weeks. Issue Identification: System Testers will log issues as they are identified. Issue Resolution: It is expected that the Development Team(s) will undertake issue resolution based on the severity and priority. All efforts will be made to turn around the Critical/High category issues, in the next scheduled Build/Release. Build and Release Process: The Configuration Management Team will deliver fresh builds to the System Test environment, as directed by the Testing Project Manager along with release notes. If the situation



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warrants, an emergency build may be released. The Testing Project Manager and all Development Project Managers must be in agreement to proceed with the emergency build. Issue Closure: The Testing Team will review the issues, which have been resolved, to verify and close/re-instate the issues and resolution priority. All effort will be made to close the resolved issues as soon as possible. Issue Tracking: The Testing Team will be responsible for the administration of the tracking tool.

13.6 Exit Criteria In order to be accepted for User Acceptance Test, the application must: •

Be successfully deployed to the System Test environment

Tested by System Test Team according to all System Test Scripts

Performance/Load tested

No Severity 1 or 2 issues

Minimal Severity 3 or 4 issues, documented and with a known resolution path.

Testing Project Manager signoff and acceptance by User Acceptance Team.

Specifically excluded from the System Test exit criteria are: •

Security Testing

System Crash/Restart Testing o

DB crash


iPlanet crash




DB capacity/resources

13.7 Additional Information Regression and Load testing will take place prior to promotion to the User Acceptance Testing. Please see the Regression Testing and Load Testing sections of this document for further information. A copy of the test plan will be provided to the User Acceptance Group prior to System Testing for their review. The test plan provided should be viewed as a baseline for System Testing exit criteria expectations. Any items in the test plan that the System Testing Team or User Acceptance Group feels should be modified or added should be submitted to the Testing Project Manager. It will be the responsibility of the Testing Project Manager to analyze the feasibility of such incorporation or modification.



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13.8 Assumptions, Constraints, and Exclusions Assumptions: Functionality testing of by the Testing Team will also include entry points from other websites via link, travel portals, etc. Testing of Personalization engine will be limited to business rules created by developer. Visitor tracking details will be verified only at jsp level by “View Source” as Reporting tool has not been finalized.



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14 Mainframe testing 14.1 Purpose The purpose of Mainframe testing is to deliver the stable code for new functionality – Rate Shop and also to verify if existing functionality works fine with new application.

14.2 Responsibility Mainframe testing will be carried out by Mainframe QA team at XXX. It will be scheduled and coordinated by XYZ Test team according to test execution dates for System testing, UAT & PAT.

14.3 Environment Mainframe modules will reside in the Budget Highway Acceptance Test Region (ATR).

14.4 Test Execution Process Mainframe QA team at XXX will deliver the unit tested code of Rate Shop feature to XYZ Development team. After integration with application, XYZ Test team will verify the Rate Shop feature from end to end user perspective, i.e. from front end till mainframe database. XYZ Test team will be trained on using Mainframe screens to verify rates and reservation data. XYZ Test team will raise issues using PVCS Tracker and escalate to IT Project Manager (Alfredo Palacios), who will take it further with Mainframe team for fixes. To follow up on Mainframe testing progress (during mainframe testing period), a status report will be provided to Budget team on weekly basis by Mainframe QA team. During test execution, XYZ test team will provide with list of reservations to Mainframe QA team so that it can verify converting reservations to rentals and generating rental agreement number successfully.



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15 Load Testing 15.1 Purpose The purpose of Load Testing is to deliver code that has been load tested and is ready for promotion into the Production Environment.

15.2 Scope Load Testing will consist of a select group of (N) scripts that accurately represent a cross section of functionality. Scripts will be executed to generate up to 1500 user peak load levels. Tests will be executed for 1500 concurrent users at load levels of 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 1500. The test execution would be completed when the 2000 user load is ramped up or any failure condition necessitates stopping the test. The team would monitor the test execution and record the timings, errors for report preparation.

15.3 Responsibility The creation and execution of the Load Testing Scripts is the responsibility of the Testing Team. Ultimate authority rests with the Testing Project Manager, who will be in close contact with User Acceptance Group.

15.4 Environment The Mercury – Load Runner tool will be physically located on a server at Denver. For the purpose of test execution, Load Runner tool will be pointed to the System Testing Environment, which will become the Production Environment upon Implementation. XYZ Test team will access Load Runner using remote client tool to execute the scripts. Offshore Test team will be allocated one VU Gen license to create scripts offline. Description Budget Application Servers Controller Load Generator

IP Address

DB Server

Web Server Details pertaining to Network: •

Network Card setting – 100 MBPS Duplex

Bandwidth of LAN – 100 MBPS



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15.5 Testing Methodology 15.5.1Load testing Load testing will be carried out under varying workloads to access and evaluate the ability of the system under test to continue to function properly under these different workloads. The goal of load testing is to determine and ensure that the system functions properly beyond the expected maximum workload. Additionally, load testing evaluates the performance characteristics (response times, transaction rates, and other time sensitive issues). Approach - Determine the serviceability of the system for a volume of 1500 concurrent users. - Measure response times for users Steps 1. Virtual users estimation: Arrive at a maximum number of concurrent users hitting the system where the system response time is within the response time threshold and the system is stable. This number would be the virtual user number and should be higher by a factor of x times the average load.

XXX Employee

XXX Partner

Corporate Program member

Travel Agent

PD member

UB Program member

Homepage load

FB member

Virtual users profiles and their distribution for client operations: Unaffiliated consumer


Login/Logout Rate Request response Rate Request – response for multi BCD rate shop Create a booking Modify/Cancel booking One click booking


Load simulation schedule: Schedule for concurrent user testing with a mix of user scenarios and the acceptable response times:



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On Dial-up (56 Kbps)

On Broadband

Homepage Load

19 seconds

NA – As Dial-up is considered more relevant.

Log-in/ Log-out

NA – As Broadband considered more relevant.

Rate Request-Response

NA – As above

Sub 20 seconds

Rate Request – Response for multi-BCD rate shop

NA – As above

Sub 20 seconds

Create a booking

NA – As above

1 min: 30 seconds (inclusive of mandatory intermediate steps)

Modify / Cancel Booking

NA – As above

1 min: 3 seconds (inclusive of mandatory intermediate steps)

One-Click Booking

NA – As above

30 seconds


Sub ‘second’

Statistics •

The graph with y-axis representing response times and x-axis concurrent users will depict the capability of the system to service concurrent users.

The response times for slow users will provide worst-case response times

15.5.2Endurance testing Validate systems behavior for continuous hours of operation for projected load conditions. Number of continuous hours of operation is to be discussed with Business Approach Endurance testing – check resource usage and release namely; CPU, Memory, Disk I/O and network (TCP/IP sockets) congestion for continuous hours of operation Determine the robustness - check for breakages in the web server, application server and data base server under CHO conditions. Steps 1. Arrive at a base line configuration of the web server and application server resources i.e. CPU, RAM and Hard disk for the endurance and reliability test. 2. The test would be stopped when one of the components breaks. A root cause analysis is to be carried out based on the data collection described under the server side monitoring section. Client side monitoring -

Failure rate -- web server responses/timeouts/exceptions and incomplete page downloads


Response time degradation under peak load numbers (concurrent users)

Server side monitoring -

Collect CPU, Disk and Memory usage for analysis



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Check for application server slow down/freeze/crash


Check for resource contention/deadlocks


Database server load and slow down


Web server crashes

Collect data for analysis to tune the performance of web server, application server and database server If there is an alarm support in the tool through an agent, check for alerts when the activity level exceeds preset limits. -

If there is a load balancing configuration deployed, check if it is able to distribute the requests

Result The result of this test will be a proof of confidence for Continuous Hours of Operation. The data collected in this phase would give pointers to improve the reliability of the system and fix any configuration, component parameters for reliable performance.

15.5.3Planned testing cycles Load testing will be done on Web Application against a range of operational conditions and factors including network bandwidth, data volumes and transaction frequency. The test cycles shall be run on the network measuring performance from 50 users to 1500 users. The test cycle shall be run for 50 users initially (lets say incrementing 5 users per 5 seconds till it reaches 50 concurrent users). The test shall be stopped if application crashes before reaching 50 users and issue shall be reported to development team. The response time shall be noted for 50 concurrent users before stopping the test. If the response time is exceeding the benchmark limit, load test shall be stopped until development team fixes the issue. If the response time is well within benchmark limit, fresh test cycle shall be run with an aim to reach 100 concurrent users. The same process shall be used until 1500 concurrent users target is met within acceptable response time. The response times will be noted for the following user loads within the same test cycle: 50 users 100 users 200 users 500 users 1000 users 1500 users The first cycle of Load testing will be carried out on QA environment and second cycle on Production environment during System testing phase.

15.6 Metrics to be measured Client Side Primary Metrics: •


Response Time


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Concurrent users

OS Level Primary Metrics: •

Processor Usage

Memory Usage

Disk I/O Rates

App Server Primary Metrics: To be discussed with Technical team.

15.7 Test Deliverables -

Test scripts using Load Runner


Performance test report containing all the analysis graphs

15.8 Assumptions, Limitations and Constraints Assumptions 1. The Transaction mix (user mix) shall be provided by XXX Business team. 2. The XXX Team shall provide the application setup. The application provided would have ensured the following. -

Successfully deployed to the Test environment.


Tested by System Test Team according to System Test scripts.


All the requirements verified for as per the requirements specification

Constraints If Load test scripts shall be executed from offshore, network delay shall add up in response times.

15.9 Exit Criteria In order for Load Testing to be considered successful the Load Scripts must be successfully be executed under the following conditions: •

Executed by Test Team

Simulate up to 1500 virtual users



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Testing Project Manager sign-off

Meet the exit criteria for the Phase in which the Load Test is executed



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16 Regression Testing 16.1 Purpose Deliver code that has been regression tested and is ready for promotion into the Production Environment. Regression Testing will consist of a majority of (D), (N), (DN), and (DE) type test scripts.

16.2 Responsibility The creation of the Regression Testing Scripts is the responsibility of the Testing Team. Regression Test Scripts will be created and executed using Mercury – Quick Test Pro. The execution of the Regression Testing Scripts is the responsibility the Testing Team.

16.3 Environment The Mercury – Quick Test Pro software will be physically located in XYZ, Bangalore. For the purpose of test execution, QTP will be pointed to the System Testing Environment.

16.4 Exit Criteria In order for Regression Testing to be considered successful the results must meet the exit criteria stated in the corresponding testing phase exit criteria. For example, Regression Scripts executed during the System Testing phase must meet the exit criteria stated in the System Testing section of this document.



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17 User Acceptance Testing 17.1 Purpose The purpose of User Acceptance Testing is to deliver code that has been tested by the User Acceptance Test Group and functionality that is certified to be end-to-end user ready for promotion into the Production Environment.

17.2 Responsibility User Acceptance Testing is to be executed by the User Acceptance Group (Business). Management of the User Acceptance Testing Phase will be the responsibility of the Testing Project Manager via the User Acceptance Group Coordinator. The test scripts used during User Acceptance Testing are to be created by Test Team with the help of Business Analyst and User Acceptance Group. Test scripts should accurately reflect the functionality documented in the Booking Engine Use Cases EBR -, Non-Booking Engine Use Cases Redesign EBR and Page Specifications for Ecommerce Redesign. Ultimate authority rests with the Testing Project Manager, who will be in close contact with the User Acceptance Group Coordinator. Configuration management, builds, etc. will be the responsibility of the Configuration Management Team at the direction of the Development Project Manager and requires the agreement of the Testing Project Manager.

17.3 Environment Refer section 4.4 Test Environment Details

17.4 Test Data The requesting of data migration/creation is the responsibility of the Testing Project Manager. Details surrounding the migration/creation will be forwarded to the appropriate individuals. A Testing Data Repository Document will be delivered on or before User Acceptance Testing. Specific reference will be made in the N & E Test Scripts to the data types listed in the Testing Data Repository Document. Additional specific data may be required. Should this be the case, the data will be listed on the corresponding test script.

17.5 Test Execution Process User Acceptance Testing will be comprised of five (5) weeks. Issue Identification: UAT Testers will log issues as they are identified. Issue Resolution: It is expected that the Development Team(s) will undertake issue resolution based on the severity and priority. All efforts will be made to turn around the Critical/High category issues, in the next scheduled Build/Release. Build and Release Process: The Configuration Management Team will deliver fresh builds to the UAT Test environment, as directed by the Testing Project Manager along with release notes. If the situation warrants, an emergency build may be released. The Testing Project Manager and all Development Project Managers must be in agreement to proceed with the emergency build.



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Issue Closure: The UAT Testing Team (Business) will review the issues, which have been resolved, to verify and close/re-instate the issues and resolution priority. All effort will be made to close the resolved issues as soon as possible. Issue Tracking: The Testing Team will be responsible for the administration of the tracking tool.

UAT group tester identifies defect

UAT group tester logs defect in PVCS Tracker and assigns to UAT coordinator

UAT coordinator reviews defect for validity & details


UAT coordinator assigns defect to developer

Developer fixes defect

No Defect is re-assigned to tester for more clarifications

No Test team verifies the defect

New application version is released into UAT env. with Release Notes

UAT group tester verifies fixed defect

Yes Defect passed?

Close defect

17.6 Exit Criteria In order to be accepted for promotion to the Production Environment, the application must: •

Tested by User Acceptance Group (Business)

Regression and Load Tested (responsibility of the Testing Team)

No Severity 1, 2 or 3 issues

Minimal Severity 4 issues, documented and with a known resolution path

User Acceptance Group must give the approval for Severity 4 issues to be included into production release

User Acceptance Group Coordinator and Testing Project Manager sign-off

Specifically excluded from User Acceptance Test exit criteria are: •

Security Testing

System Crash/Restart Testing



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DB crash


iPlanet crash




DB capacity/resources

17.7 Additional Information Regression and Load testing will take place prior to promotion to the Production Environment. Please see the Regression Testing and Load Testing sections of this document for further information.

17.8 Assumptions, Constraints, and Exclusions •

UAT is conducted as per documented and signed off requirements

Any changes or new functionalities that come up during UAT will go through Change Management process

System is stable and available during scheduled testing period.



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18 Soft Launch TBD (will enter details after discussing with Business)



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