Sample Problem And Its Solution

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 635
  • Pages: 4
Sample Problems and their Solutions PROBLEM 1 (Related to Sequencing) Write down an algorithm that accepts temperature in Farhenheit and displays its equivalent temperature in Centigrade. SOLUTION Following steps are required: Step 1: Identify and name inputs and outputs Input: Temperature in Farhenheit Output: Temperature in Centigrade Step 2: Problem Analysis and Design We will ask the user to enter temperature in Farhenheit. User will provide one value in Farhenheit (which may be a floating point value). To convert this temperature into Centigrade, first subtract 32 from it and then divide it by 32. Once the conversion is done, display the temperature on the output screen mentioning that this is the equivalent temperature in Centigrade. Step 3: Variables Required No variables other than the input and output are required. Here are the variables: Variable Name TempF TempC

Data Type floating point floating point

Purpose Input variable to store entered temperature (in ˚F) Output variable to store output temperature (in ˚C)

Step 4: Formulas required (if any) TempC = (TempF – 32) / 1.8 Step 5: MAIN ALGORITHM Prompt the user for input Read Input Generate the output (use the formula of step 4) Write the Output Step 6: Refine the algorithm Write “Enter the temperature in Farhenheit” Read TempF TempC = (TempF – 32) / 1.8 Write “Equivalent temperature in Centigrade is” Write TempC Flowchart: I assume that drawing flowchart of the above solution is not a difficult task now.

PROBLEM 2 (Related to Selection) Write down an algorithm that reads two integers and prints either “MULTIPLE” or “NOT MULTIPLE” depending upon whether one of the integers is multiple of other or not. SOLUTION Following steps are required: Step 1: Identify and name inputs and outputs Input: two integer numbers Output: a message Step 2: Problem Analysis and Design We will ask the user to enter two integers one by one. Then first one of the numbers will be divided by the other and remainder will be checked. If the remainder is zero, it means that first number is multiple of the second. If the remainder is not zero then the other number will be divided by first number. If the remainder is zero, it means that second number is integer multiple of second. If the remainder is still nonzero, it means that none of the two integers is integer multiple of the other. Output message will be generated accordingly. Step 3: Variables Required One variable R is required other than the input variables. Here are the variables: Variable Name Data Type Purpose N1 integer First Input variable N2 integer Second Input variable R integer Variable to store the remainder after division operation Step 4: Formulas required (if any) No formula is required. We must only know about modulus operator which is the remainder when one integer number is divided by other integer number. e.g., 18 mod 7 is 4 (as the remainder of 18 ÷ 7 is 4). Step 5: MAIN ALGORITHM Prompt and read the values of the two integers Divide 1st number by 2nd and check the remainder If remainder is not zero, divide 2nd number by 1st and check the remainder If remainder is not zero in both cases, display “NOT MULTIPLE” Otherwise display “MULTIPLE” Step 6: Refine the algorithm Write “Enter the 1st number” Read N1 Write “Enter the 2nd number” Read N2 R = N2/N1 If (R ≠ 0) R = N1/N2 If (R ≠ 0) Write “NOT MULTIPLE” Endif Else Write “MULTIPLE” Endif


PROBLEM: Write pseudo code and draw flow chart of an algorithm that prompts the user to enter the value of a number n and then asks the user to enter the values of these n integers one by one and finally outputs them in sorted (descending) order. (use of subscript will be useful here).

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