Sample Paper 5

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Sample Paper – 2009 Class – X Subject – English Time-3 HOURS

M.M.- 100

SECTION A ( READING ) A1. Read the following passage carefully. (12 marks) If we would see our dream of Panchayat Raj, i.e., true democracy realized, we would regard the humblest and lowest Indian as being the ruler of India with the tallest in the land. This presupposes that all are pure, or will become pure if they are not. And purity must go hand-in-hand with wisdom. No one would then harbour any distinction between community and community, caste and out-caste. Everybody would regard all as equal with oneself and hold them together in the silken net of love. No one would regard another as untouchable. We would hold as equal the toiling labourer and the rich capitalist. Everybody would know how to earn an honest living by the sweat of one's brow, and make no distinction between intellectual and physical labour. To hasten this consummation, we would voluntarily turn ourselves into scavengers. No one who has wisdom will ever touch opium, liquor or any intoxicants. Everybody would observe Swadeshi as the rule of life and regard every woman, not being his wife, as his mother, sister or daughter according to her age, never lust after her in his heart. He would be ready to lay down his life when occasion demands it, never want to take another's life. If he is a Sikh in terms of the commandment of the Gurus, he would have the heroic courage to stand single-handed and alone-without yielding an inch of ground-against the "one lakh and a quarter" enjoined by them. Needless to say, such a son of India will not want to be told what his duty in the present hour is. A1.1 On the basis of your reading of the above passage, complete the following sentences. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. (1 x 3 = 3 marks) (a) Panchayat Raj is true democracy because .............. . (b) When purity goes hand-in-hand with wisdom there will not be any ..................... (c) A man of wisdom will never use democracy. A1.2 On the basis of your reading of the passage write two advantages of true democracy. (l x 2= 2 marks) A1.3 On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the following questions: (2 x 2½ = 5 marks) (a) The Panchayat Raj will eradicate untouchability. How? (b) How will Swadeshi promote patriotism and a sense of national pride? A1.4 Find words / phrases from the passage which mean the same as the following from the paragraphs indicated. (1 X 2 = 2 marks) (a) The act of making something complete or perfect. (b) Without being forced. A2. A1. MEDICAL PROBLEMS By the end of the 15th century, European explorers had considerable experience of long-

distance ocean voyaging. In particular, they had learned that the greatest danger, apart from storms and hurricanes, was lack of food and water. If a ship was becalmed supplies could quickly run low. European navigators had also learned that there were other problems besides hunger and thirst. They noticed that ships’ crews often become very sick, even though they were eating and drinking regularly, but they did not understand why this happened. In fact, the crews were suffering from a disease called scurry, caused by a lack of vitamin C. As a result, their, gums became sore, their teeth fell out and many eventually died. Scurvy affected crews throughout the Age of Discovery and beyond. Not until the 18th century did the British navy discover an effective way of preventing scurvy – to issue a daily does of lime juice, which is rich in vitamin C. This soon earned British sailors the nickname ‘Limeys.’ A1.1 From your reading of the passage answers the following questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided. (a) Two problems sailors faced on long distance voyages in the 15th century were___________________ (b) Supplies on ships sometimes ran low because ___________ (c) Find words from lines 1-10 that means ______________ 1. _____________ 2._____________ (d) British sailors were called ‘Limeys’ because___________ A1.2 From your reading of the passage complete the notes on scurvy given below by filling in the spaces appropriately. Do not add any extra information. Scurvy (a) What it is: _________ (b) Cause: _________ (c) Symptoms: _________ (d) Cure: _________ SECTION B (WRITING)

30 Marks

B1. Here are the notes about the selection of candidates for The South Zone Junior Volleyball matches in the diary of the sports captain of your school. Read them and complete the information given below. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. (1 x 5 = 5 marks) NOTES -SOUTH ZONE JUNIOR VOLLEYBALL MATCHES

Dates : September 9th to 12th Registration : At school auditorium with authenticated previous school records. Venue : I.G. Stadium, Quarter finals : S.K. Stadium, Semi finals : J.M. Stadium, Finals : Prize Distribution : September 12th by Mr. Ramesh Naik Selection of participants : depends on (1) previous record (2) present performance South Zone Volleyball Matches will be held from (a) ......Those interested (b) ... with (c) ........for qualifying in the matches. The selection will (d) ......The prize distribution will be on (e) ...... . B2. Write a notice for the school notice board informing the students about the forth coming annual sport events. Invent necessary details. You are Surabhi/ Sanjay, the Sports Captain of the school. Word limit 50 words. B 3.Philip is a class X student. He happened to read the following newspaper article. He decided to write a letter to the editor of ‘The Indian Times’ giving his strong views on the health hazards caused by pesticides. Using ideas from the unit on ‘Health and Hygiene’, together with your own ideas, write the letter in not more than 150 words. (10 marks) THERE IS POISON IN YOU It’s there in your water, milk, fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat, flour and now soft drinks. For sometime now evidence about the harmful effect of pesticides has been mounting. From brainless babies in one part of the country and cancer cases in the other part, it’s been an unending saga of death and misery. B4. The world is facing the severe economic recession and it has also affected the Travel and Tourism Industry of the nation. Write a speech in about 150 words to present in the school assembly highlighting the various tourist spots of our country and how the department should prepare itself for this challenge. SECTION C (GRAMMAR) C.1 Raghu is the reporter of ‘The Herald’. He was sent to write a report on a bomb blast in a shopping complex. Using the information from his note-pad complete the paragraph by writing suitable words or phrases in each space. Do not add any new information. Write only the correct answer against the correct blank number in your answer sheet. (5 marks) Shopping complex - destroyed - bomb - 7 o’clock - 80 people burnt alive two young men - seen speeding off- police assured immediate arrest of culprits. The citizens of Kantipur were shocked when one of its (a) ........................... by a (b) ........................ . The place was crowded and about (c) .................... Witnesses say that (d) .................. on a two wheeler soon after the blast. The police commissioner

assured the people that (e) ........................... C2. There is one mistake in each line in the following paragraph. Underline each error and write your correction in the space provided. The first one has been done for you as an example. 4 Life was not as it seems to be. It is full of up and downs.


_________ (a) __________

The grass always look greener on the other side. __________ (b) _________ We have a habit to grumbling. We are ever satisfied.

__________ (c) _________

__________ (d) _________

We make our lives misery

__________ (e) _________

By expect too much from everyone. __________ (f) _________ This is what we face disappointment. __________ (g) _________ So never expect nothing and be happy.

__________ (h) _________

C3. In the following paragraph, one word has been omitted in each line. Mark the place where you think a word has been omitted with a ‘/’ . Write the omitted word in the space provided. The first correction has been done for you as an example. Air Force aims/ protecting important at Area and places, known vital points. _________ (a) __________ Air Force protects these places _________ (b) __________ By shooting the enemy planes

_________ (c) __________

They come to destroy these vital points. _________ (d) __________ The Air force planes can fly the _________ (e) __________ Enemy country and destroy _________ (f) __________ Enemy’s planes. Then the enemy has few _________ (g) __________ Planes left attack.

_________ (h) __________

C4. Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences to complete the paragraph. Write each sentence in the space provided. One has been done for you as an example. 3 Marks The most important task/is to defend/an air attack/of the Air Force/by an enemy/ the country against. Example. The most important task of the Air Force is to defend the country against an air

attack by an enemy. a. When the enemy/these important places/ destroy the enemy planes/ our important places/send planes to attack/our planes must/before they can destroy/ b. We can/the enemy planes/the approach of /if we know about/do this only/ c. We have/the approach of an aeroplane/called Radar to/of equipment/from a distance/a special kind/find out about/. C5. Complete the following paragraph by using appropriate words in the blanks. The first one has been done for you as an example. 4 Example. The language of birds is different from language as we use it. We use words to (a) _________________________ ideas, and these (a) ______ Words have to be (b) _________________________________________ (b) ______ Birds (c) ________________________________ learn our language. (c) ______ It is an inborn instinct (d) __________________________ them.

(d) ______

In one experiment, for example, chicks were kept (e) __________ (e) ______ From cocks and hens so they couldn’t (f) ______ the sounds they (f) ______ (g) ________________________________. Yet when they grew (h) __________________________ they were able to make

(g) ______ (h) ______

Those sounds just as well as chicks that had grown up with cocks and hens. Section D Literature


D1. Read the extract given below and answer the following question Write the answers in your answer sheet in one or two lines only. Remember to number the answers correctly. (4 marks) 'Nor dim nor red, like God's own head, The glorious Sun uprist, Then all averred, I had killed the bird, That brought the fog and the mist. (a) Who is the speaker? What had he done? (1) (b) How is the opinion of the sailors different from their earlier remark? (2) (c) What poetic device has the poet used in these lines? Give an example.(1) D2. Read the extract given below and answer the following questions. Write the answers in your answer sheet in one or two lines only. Remember to number the

answers correctly. (4 marks) In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman Rises toward her day after day like a terrible fish. (a) Why has the young girl 'drowned'? (1) (b) What does the phrase 'day after day' signify? (1) (c) Why is the woman referred to as a 'terrible fish'? (2) D3. The poet reiterates the 'might' of the West Wind in the poem. Give two examples from the poem that show its 'power' and 'might'. Your answer should not exceed 100 words. (5 marks) D4. Read the extract given below and answer the following questions. Write the answers in your answer sheet in one or two lines only. Remember to number the answers correctly. (5 marks) " Father's not mean any more and he says you're never coming back here, and from now on we'll always be together." (a) Who is the speaker? What is the context? (1) (b) What message was conveyed through these lines? (2) (c) Whose childhood is referred to here? How do these lines justify his present behaviour? (2) D5. Give a brief account of the circumstances under which the refugees were forced to leave their native land. Your answer should not exceed 75 word s. (4 marks) D6. As he waits endlessly for news of his daughter and knows that his end is approaching near, Au reflects on his journey of life and his apprehensions. Describe Ali's feelings in about 150 words . (8 marks)

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