K. K. WAGH POLYTECHNIC, NASHIK – 3 Department of Information Technology & Computer Technology MSBTE Class Test-I, August - 2008 Semester Subject Duration
: - Fifth Master: ‘C’ : - Java Programming (JPR) : - 1 Hour
Course : - IF / CM Subject Code : - 9113 Max. Marks : - 20
Instructions to candidate:1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches/flowcharts wherever necessary. 3) Use of Non-programmable Electronics Calculator is permissible. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks of respective questions. 5) Assume suitable additional data, if necessary.
Q.1 Attempt any Two.
(2 × 4)
a) Give the syntax of creating and implementing the interface. b) Describe the scopes that a Java variable can have. c) How to create abstract and final classes?
Q.2 Attempt any Two.
(2 × 6)
a) What will happen if a derived class does not override all the methods of the interface? What will be the solution on it? b) Describe the terms which makes a programming language as object-oriented? c) Input a string from user and invert the case of each character of the string. E.g. Input: “VaSiM” output: “vAsIm”.