Sample Agreement

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 2,254
  • Pages: 5


1. GROUP CONTACT INFORMATION Name of Organization (This Organization is herein known as the “Renting Organization”)

Group Type

Mailing Address



Contact Person

Phone 1

Phone 2

Zip Code

Email Address

2. EVENT DATES Arrival Date

Arrival Time

Departure Date

Departure Time




Price per Guest


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

4. PAYMENT COMMITMENT Agreement Deposit

The Renting Organization agrees to pay the Agreement Deposit at the time this Rental Agreement is signed and returned. The Agreement Deposit is $250.00. See Cancellation Dates and Details for refund details.

Guaranteed Minimum Payment

IMPORTANT: The Renting Organization agrees to pay at least the Guaranteed Minimum Payment regardless of the actual number of guests that attend. The Guaranteed Minimum Payment is $500.00.

FINAL PAYMENT: The Renting Organization agrees to pay the Final Payment Prior to or upon the Departure Date of the event.

5. CANCELLATION DATES AND DETAILS FIRST Cancellation Date SECOND Cancellation Date THIRD Cancellation Date

Agreement /Deposit Due Date. If the Renting Organization cancels the event anytime before 91+ Days, the Renting Organization will receive in return the Agreement deposit minus $25. 90 Days prior to the Arrival Date. If the Renting Organization cancels the event 90 Days prior to the event, the Renting Organization will lose the entire Agreement Deposit.* IMPORTANT: 30 days to the Arrival Date. If the Renting Organization cancels the event 30 days prior to the event, the Renting Organization will be responsible for paying the minimum Payment.*

*If the Renting Organization cancels the event, we will make every effort to schedule another group to reduce the cancellation costs.

6. CONTACT DATES FIRST Contact Date SECOND Contact Date

Three months prior to the Arrival Date. Please Contact Delanco Camp by phone or email by this date concerning the current status of the Total Estimated Guests. Two weeks prior to the Arrival Date. Please contact Delanco Camp by phone or email concerning the final guest count and final accommodation and recreation details.

PLEASE READ AND CHECK THE FOLLOWING BEFORE SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT. The Renting Organization understands that is a legal and binding Agreement between the Renting Organization and Delanco Camp. The Renting Organization understands that there is an element of risk involved while participating in various activities at Delanco Camp. The Renting Organization assumes full responsibility for its participating guests for any accident, personal injury, or property damage by or to a guest that may occur while staying at Delanco Camp. The Renting Organization hereby releases and holds harmless Delanco Camp and its agents from any and all claims, liabilities, suits, actions, damages, or losses. Delanco Camp requests the Renting Organization obtain a Certificate of Insurance covering itself and its guest during their travel time and stay at Delanco Camp. The Renting Organization has read and is aware of Delanco Camps Rules, Policies, and Statement of Belief on the back of this agreement.

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Contact Person Date Senior/Youth Pastor/CEO Date Delanco Camp Official Date _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PO Box 303 Oceanville, NJ 08231 609-652-7044 [email protected]


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.



Price per Guest



The salvation of souls. The promotion of scriptural holiness. The strengthening and encouragement of believers. Promotion of the work of the Christian church.

TO FULFILL THIS PURPOSE Delanco Camp Meeting Association was established in 1898, along the Delaware River in Delanco, New Jersey. In 1965 Delanco Camp moved to its present location on Lake Agape in the beautiful New Jersey Pine Barrens. The Annual Camp Meeting is central at Delanco. This is a time where people of all ages gather together to grow in Christ as the message of Scriptural holiness is proclaimed. Delanco Camp also places strong emphasis on youth. Throughout the summer our excellent youth program is geared to help youth find a deeper personal relationship with Christ. Many Delanco alumni have gone into fulltime Christian service as a result of their time at Delanco, while others work within their local churches in many areas, using their time and talents serving the Lord. The Camp is governed by its stockholders and a board of 21 directors. The Annual Stock-holders meeting is held each year in July. Between annual meetings, the board of directors meets regularly to conduct the business of the camp. For more information on becoming a stockholder, please contact the camp president, Rev. John DiGiamberardino.

RULES AND POLICIES The Renting Organization agrees to abide by the rules and policies set forth below as part of the terms of this Group Rental Agreement. The Contact Person agrees to communicate these rules and policies to the Renting Organization and the persons attending the event. A. No smoking (or tobacco use), drinking of alcoholic beverages or drug abuse. B. No fireworks of ANY type. C. You are expected to obey the water safety rules posted on the beach. Lifeguards are not on duty! Swimming and other water activities are at your own risk!!! D. No abuse of property will be tolerated. (The marking on walls, carvings, and water inside of buildings will be a minimum fine of $100.00 or the cost of repairs will be imposed.)

STATEMENT OF FAITH 1. The Word Of God The Bible is the fully and uniquely inspired Word of God and is our sufficient and final authority of faith and practice. Through it the Holy Spirit continues to illumine, convict, regenerate, sanctify, instruct, reprove, correct and train in righteousness. Whatever is not revealed in or established by the Scriptures cannot be made an article of faith essential to salvation.

2. The Triune God There is one true holy and living God, eternal Spirit, who is Creator, Sovereign and Preserver of all things visible and invisible. He is infinite and unchangeable in power, wisdom, holiness, and love. In the divine unity of His Godhead there eternally exist three Persons of one essence, perfection, and power: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

3. Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the eternally begotten Son, the second person of the Triune Godhead. He was and is eternally one with the Father and by the conception of the Holy Spirit was born of the virgin, Mary. He is the eternal Word made flesh, the only begotten Son of the Father, and the Son of Man. He is the God-man, truly and fully God and truly and fully man. He was sinless in life. He and He alone was qualified to be our substitute, our Savior. He lived, suffered and died on a cross. He was buried, physically rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven to be with the Father. He will return again to earth to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

4. The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Triune Godhead. He is of one substance with the Father and the Son, from Whom He has proceeded and is co-equal with Them in eternity, grace, and power. It is His ministry to glorify Jesus Christ, and He is ever present and active in the Church of Christ. He convicts the world of sin, regenerates those who repent and believe, and sanctifies and empowers the believers for godly living and service.

5. Man, Free-Will, & Sin Man was created in the image of God. By his free choice Adam rebelled against God, fell from his original innocence and purity, and received a fallen and sinful nature. Each human being today is born with this same sinful nature, a bent toward sinning. Also by his own sinful deeds he has become guilty before God. Apart from the regenerating work of God, man today is lost in sin, is dead in his trespasses and sin, and is without God and without hope. The prevenient grace of God through Jesus Christ is freely bestowed upon all men. It enables all who will turn from sin to righteousness and through believing on Christ to receive pardon and cleansing from sin. We therefore have a gospel for all the world so that whoever comes and believes will have everlasting life. The believer is securely kept by the power of God as he abides by faith in vital fellowship with Christ. However, since he continues to be morally responsible to God after his conversion and continues to have free will, it is possible for a Christian to stop trusting in Christ, to fall away and rebel against God. If he does not return or seek restoration through repentance, and faith, but persists in his sin and dies in this rebellious state he will be eternally lost.

6. Atonement

Jesus Christ made a full atonement for the sins of the whole world by shedding His own blood upon the cross as a perfect and sufficient sacrifice. His vicarious, substitutionary death is the only ground for our salvation. It is a sufficient atonement for the whole world.

7. The New Birth Repentance is that godly sorrow for sin which results from the convicting work of the Holy Spirit. It involves a sensing of personal guilt before God, a voluntary turning away from sin, and the confessing of sin. It is the essential preparation for saving faith—the simple trust in Christ for salvation. Justification is the grace of God fully forgiving the repenting and believing sinner. God grants full pardon and release from the penalty of sins committed, and acceptance as righteous, not on the basis of the merits or efforts of the sinner, but upon the basis of the atonement by Jesus Christ and the faith of the sinner.

Regeneration or the new birth is the renewal of man in righteousness through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, whereby we are made partakers of the divine nature and experience newness of life. By this new birth the believer becomes reconciled to God and is enabled to serve Him with the will and affections. Adoption or reconciliation is the gracious act of God by which the justified and regenerated believer is constituted a child of God with the privilege of access to the Father, membership in the family of God, and inheritance with Christ. Justification, regeneration, and adoption are simultaneous in the heart of the repentant believer. The Holy Spirit is the witness to salvation by the inner assurance He imparts to the child of God, and by the fruit of His life according to the standard of Scripture: peace with God, love for the children of God, joy in Christ, the guidance of the Spirit, and righteous conduct. Good works are the visible fruit of a life lived in Christ; they are not the condition of salvation, but the result of salvation.

8. Sanctification Sanctification is one of several terms used in the Bible to describe that work of grace in the heart of the believer subsequent to the new birth by which he is cleansed from sin and empowered for Holy life and service. It has been termed entire sanctification because: a) there is an initial cleansing of the defilement of committed sins in the new birth, b) the wholeness of the commitment necessary for one who would be Spirit-filled, c) of the wholeness of the cleansing from the defilement of the inner nature which results. The Spirit-filled person is enabled by the in-dwelling Holy Spirit to love God with his whole being and his neighbor as himself. The crisis experience of the infilling of the Spirit, entire sanctification or this second work of grace, is the instantaneous experience based upon heart thirst, self-humbling, and consecration wherein the Holy Spirit fills the believer, baptizes with the Holy Spirit, and bestows His power. It is entered into by faith. The progressive aspect of sanctification is that process of growth in Christian maturity, Christ likeness, and practical godliness which results from walking obediently in the light, from spiritual nurture and discipline, and from the Holy Spirit’s continuing ministry in the cleansed and yielded believer. The evidence of the Spirit-filled and Spirit-empowered life is manifested in a heart attitude of perfect love and in righteous behavior.

9. Resurrection, Heaven and Hell There will be a resurrection of the body for both the saved and unsaved dead. There will be eternal life and blessedness in heaven for the saved where they will be in the immediate presence of God and will share his eternal reign. There will be eternal death and punishment for the unsaved in hell, the lake of fire where they shall consciously share the company of the damned in eternal separation from God.

10. The Church

The Church is the community of all true believers under the Lordship of Christ. All who are born again are baptized into this one Church by the Holy Spirit. It is the redemptive fellowship in which the Word of God is preached by those divinely called, and the sacraments are duly administered according to Christ’s own appointment. Under the discipline of the Holy Spirit the Church exists for the maintenance of worship, the edification of believers and the redemption of the world. Therefore it is the responsibility of the Church and of each of its members to obey Christ’s great commission and reach the whole world with the gospel of Christ.

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