Sammuel Parksresolution

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 2
l RESOLUTION REGARDING THE MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE SAMUELL PARKS AND THE PROCEEDSTHAT COME TO THE CITY FROM THE W. W. SAMUELL PERMANENT FOUNDATION WHEREAS' the Dallas Park and RecreationBoard ("Park Board") was established in 1905andhasfunctionedcontinuouslysincethattime; and WIIEREAS, ChapterXVII of the Dallas City Charter and Chapters32 and 48 of the Dallas City Code give the Park Board extensivepowers and duties concerningthe management, control,andmaintenance of all the City's publicparks;and WHEREAS, the Park Board today manages374 public parks totaling approximately 23,018acres;and WHEREAS, on March 30, 1937,Dr. W. W. Samuell,one of Dallas' leadingphysicians andphilanthropists,willed real properties,including parks,and funding for thoseparksto the city of Dallasfor park purposes;and WHEREAS, over the years, the Park Board and staff in the Park and Recreation Department("Park Department")have honoredthe intentionsof Dr. Samuellas set forth in his Will, as construedand modified by the 1940 Judgmentand subsequentcourtapproved modifications to that Judgment, through on-going capital investments, maintenance,management,repairs, and operationsof all Samuell propertiesfor park purposes;and WHEREAS, todaytherearenine Samuellparkstotalingapproximately1,092acres;and WHEREAS, the earningsgeneratedby the W. W. SamuellPermanentFoundationand from the SamuellTrust Fund,City of DallasAccountNo. 0330,compriseonly a fiaction of the amounts necessaryto maintain and operate the Samuell parks, much tess to constructcapitalimprovements in theseparks;and WHEREAS, the Park Departmenthas constructedcapital improvements,operated, and/or maintainedall developedand naturalareasof the city's parks, including the Samuell parks, based on annual funding appropriationswith comparativelysmall contributionsfrom the W. W. SamuellPermanentFoundationand the SamuellTrust Fr-md,City of DallasAccountNo. 0330,and in accordance with the NationalRecreation and ParkAssociationgeneralmaintenance modesandguidelines;and WHEREAS, the ParkDepartment, at the directionof andunderthe controlandoversight of the Park Board, has managedthe accumulatedinterestearningsfrom the W. W. Samuell PermanentFoundation,revenuesearned fiom Samuell parks, and interest accruedin the City's fund to help defray a small portion of the cost to maintainand improvethe Samuellparks;and WilEREAS, the ParkDepartmentprovidedthe ParkBoarclwith a two-partreportduring its publicmeetingon September (1) thc curent operations 4,2009,thatclescribed: of all pi'trks,and (2) the future plans zurdconsiclerations Samr"rell fbr the SamuellEastpark knownasSamuellFarm;Now, fherctbrc,

BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PARK AND RECREATION BOARD OF THE CITY OF DALLAS: SECTION l. That the Park Departmentis directedto continueto manageall Samuell parks in a mannsr consistentwith the managementof the parks throughoutthe City's park system, using the guidelines set forth by the National Recreation and Park Associationas directedby the ParkBoard. SECTION 2. That, basedon availablefunds, park locations,and utilization, the Park Departmentis directedto continueto developand improve Samuellparks to allow park usersand recreationprogramparticipantsto enjoy a wide arrayof activities. SECTION 3. That the Park Departmentis directed to continue to provide the Park Board with sufficient informationrespectingthe Samuellparks to enablethe Park Board to exerciseits fiduciary duties; SECTION 4. That, as part of the Park Department'scontinuingprogramto ensurethe Park Board is regularly advisedof operationsand future plans for all Samuellparks,the Park Departmentis directedto provide the Park Board with annualreportsfor the next two yearsdescribingthe currentoperationsof all Samuellparks. SECTION 5. That the Park Depaftmentis directedto take appropriatestepsto ensure that the ParkBoardis in a positionto complywith futuredeadlinesin the April 10,2009, Memorandumof Agreementbetweenthe Office of the TexasAttorney Generaland the City of Dallas. SECTION 6. That, to ensure proper managementand on-going maintenanceand operationof all Samuell parks, thc Park Board shall continueto exerciseits fiduciary duties as trusteeto carefully and properly overseethe Samuell parks and the Samuell TrustFund,City of DallasAccountNo. 0330. SECTION 7. ThaI the Directorof the ParkDepartmentis directedto transmita copyof this resolutionto the DallasCity Councilandthe Office of theTexasAttorneyGeneral. SECTION 8. That this resolutionshall take effect immediatelyfrom and after its passage in accordance with the provisionsof the Charterof the City of Dallas,and it is accordinglyso resolved. ADOPTED by the Park and RecreationBoard this 17thday of September,2009.

Tom Baker,President Parkand RecreationBoard

PaulDyer,Director ParkandRecreation Denartment

Dawna Ray, Secretary Park anclRecreationBoarcl

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