Sales Training Methods

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 319
  • Pages: 11

ME THOD S      

Case discussion Impromptu discussion Gaming On job training Programmed learning Correspondence course

Ca se disc ussio n    

Partially Learning by experience Write-ups of selling & other problems Describes a real selling problem Trainee discussion - identify the issues - realize facts - specific alternatives - choose best one

conti . .  Most trainers believe problem situation is more essential to learning than the rapid production of solution

Imp ro mp tu d isc ussio n  Called as a sale seminar  Trainer, group leader, sale force making oral presentation on an everyday problem.  Many complexities & implication might be undetected cases are revealed.  Trainees are more active than passive.

conti . .  Effective moderator is need – some time discussion become sterile.  Need room arrangement for discussion.

GAMING  Known as simulation method  Based on reality – players assume decision making.  Unique feature is player receive information, feedback.  Preparation of a game required research to find the need facts. These incorporate in to game model)

ON J OB TRAN IN IG  Couch- and- pupil method.  Combines telling, showing, practicing, evaluating  Describe selling situation, explain various techniques & approaches.  Initially coach makes sale calls than pupil  This method mainly depend on coach’s qualification.  This mainly for initial sale training programs

CO RRES PONDENCE CO URSES  Use - Initial & continuing sale training  Companies with High technical products with deployed sale force using this.  Train non company sale personnel also.  Interim training method when trainees are scattered geographically but are assembled periodically for lectures, seminar ,role playing and other instruction

 This method need administrative skill.  Motivate trainee to complete assignment.  Necessary to provide regular exams.

Thank u

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