Sailability Philippines: Enable News Aug06

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Enable A Monthly Publication of Sailability Philippines – uniting people with disabilities + volunteer friends via sailing. Inside


Access 2.3 Dingy Donation from S’pore What makes the Access 2.3 dinghy so special? Also, cool boat donations for Sailability!

A H O Y Sailability Philippines begins by Jerry Rollin Source:

A community-based voluntary charity that integrates people with disabilities and able-bodied people via the sport of sailing.

Competitions here and abroad The 2005 ParaGames Sailing demo report and the ADSF formed in Singapore. Next big event: the FESPIC Games, Port Dickson, Malaysia, Nov 2006. Go Team Philippines!


ADSF Fed Start-up

Sailability gets serious with the creation of the ASEAN Sailability Federation.

Sailability World Inc. operates in numerous countries throughout the world, through activities at local Sailability clubs. Sailability is a "not for profit", volunteer-based organisation which, through the activity of sailing, enriches the lives of people with any type of disability, the elderly, the financially and socially disadvantaged.

Come ‘N Try days Sailing for the disabled and for volunteers. 9am - 1pm every Saturday at Manila Yacht Club. Interested? Send your contact details


Flotsam and Jetsam A grab bag of oddments – members and friend interviews, gear reviews, nautical terms, sailing tips and URLs. Fun ashore or online!

In 1991 Sailability was introduced to Australia, where there are currently over fifty groups covering every State and Territory, catering to a population of 20 million.

Under various names, Sailability operates in Australia, France, Greece, Great Britain, Hungary, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Singapore, and USA with new national Sailability organisations currently being established in all parts of the world including in the Philippines Photo by Rose Yanga

Sailability originated in Great Britain. In the 1980's the Royal Yachting Association formed the Seamanship Foundation, while at the same time a number of individual Sailability groups had formed the embryo of a national organisation for disabled sailors. As a result RYA Sailability was formed. Today the organisation is the leading national charity for disabled sailing in the UK with over 15,000 sailors benefiting from its activities. RYA Sailability is considered to be the most active sailing organisation for people with disabilities in the world, there being 200 clubs in the UK.

Sailability Philippines • Tel: 824-7677 • Fax: 821-0946 • [email protected]

Clark mulls over wind, sail and rudder action as Eric helms the Access Dinghy around Manila Yacht Club waters. Since then, an eager group of Sailability volunteers have successfully taken Sailability around the world. Sailability activities cover a broad spectrum, ranging from recreation, therapeutic and competitive activities, from grass-root, entry level through to elite World Championships and Paralympic training.


Sailability Philippines Objectives The who, whys and hows in detail. What’s in it for the Philippines and for you. More good reasons to join us!

Issue N° 1 — August 2006

con’t on Page 2


Enable Sailability continued from Page 1


Sailability Philippines objectives •

Art direction, layout, copy, digital publication on a PowerBook G4: Cherrie Pinpin Contributing Writers: Jerry Rollin Cherrie Pinpin Image credits: Rose Yanga Lester Lagos Cherrie Pinpin Jerry Rollin Mindy Tan, The New Paper The PHILSPADA office + PR photos from Sailability Singapore Associated Associations: Mike Barredo, President PHILSPADA - Phil. Sports Association of Differently Abled Doni Altura, VP ASEAN Disability Sailing Federation + Secretary General of Phil. Sailing Association

disabilities within mainstream sailing activities. •


To develop national safety and procedural policies for Sailability activities.

To develop and promote accredited training opportunities for persons involved in Sailability activities.

To liaise with sporting, health and educational bodies, government agencies and other relevant organisations to further the interests of Sailability Philippines.

disabilities can participate. •


Facilitate communication on Sailability issues with Sailing and Yacht Clubs. Promote Sailability as a key avenue for building broad participation in sailing in accordance with Philippine Sailing Association’s Strategic Plan. j

Dinghy donation by Sailability Singapore to the Philippines Sailability Singapore donated two wide Access 2.3 dinghies to PHILSPADA – (Philippine Sports Association of Differently Abled), to facilitate starting Sailability Philippines. Turnover was done after the Sailing Demo, held during the closing days of the 2005 AEAN ParaGames in Manila. These dinghies are under the care of the Philippine Sailing Association and are housed beside the Manila Yacht Club, which is where we also launch. Info: Access 2.3 wide Photo by Lester Lagos

The Access 2.3 Dinghies' uniqueness comes from these design features: 1. Roller reefing system, enabling sail size adjustment to suit various conditions while under way.

Enable is published monthly by Sailability Philippines. Article and photo submissions: Cherrie Pinpin [email protected]


Sailing Association.

To promote sailing as fun, safe and rewarding activities in which people with

To develop and promote regattas and championship events at the national level for people with disabilities in association with affiliated bodies of the Philippine

To promote the inclusion of people with

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 License. Visit:

Temporary Administration Office: Tel: 824-7677 (Leila) Fax: 821-0946 email: [email protected]

opportunities within sailing for people with disabilities.



To serve as a national body to advance

2. Ballasted centreboard, ensures the dinghy won’t capsize. 3. Innovative concave hull shape promotes stability. Photo by Mindy Tan, The New Paper

Singaporean Coach Shawn Chew assists a guest on Malaysian athlete Zulkifli Mohd Ali’s Access 2.3 Dinghy during the Sailing demo.

4. Stability is assured when sailed seated low down in the boat instead of leaning over the side.

Sailability Philippines • Tel: 824-7677






















Photos by J. Rollin/ C. Pinpin


Competitions here and abroad How Sailability started in Manila and took formal shape for the ASEAN by Cherrie Pinpin

The 3rd ASEAN ParaGames Manila hosted the ParaGames, from 14-20 December, 2005. This biannual multisport event is held after the 2005 Southeast Asian Games. The Games, patterned after the Paralympics, includes athletes with mobility, physical or visual disabilities and those with cerebral palsy. Athletes from 11 Southeast Asian countries competed.

Sailing Demo and Regatta Sailing was among the sports introduced, using the disability friendly international class Access 2.3 Dinghies. Those with physical or visual disabilities and those with cerebral palsy qualify for this sport, as detailed in the International Association for Disabled Sailing rules. Both ablebodied and disabled

Fun and delight, gave way to tense battles around the triangle course in Manila Bay.

Fax: 821-0946 • [email protected]

guests experienced dinghy sailing with disabled sailors from Malaysia, Singapore and host country, the Philippines. A regatta was held near the Manila Yacht Club and Baywalk, Roxas Boulevard, during the afternoon. Athletes from the 3 countries including Filipina newbie sailor Cherrie Pinpin, followed a triangle course, with best finishes out of 4 races. The Philippine entry placed 3rd out of 4 places. Not bad for a newbie sailor! j

Formation of the ASEAN Disability Sailing Federation, Singapore Singapore, 14 July 2006 Invited by Sailability Singapore, in cooperation with SDSC (Singapore Disability Sports Council) PHILSPADA sent 2 representatives to the ADSF conference in Singapore, to help form the ASEAN Disability Sailing Federation. ASEAN representatives from the Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam and Indonesia also attended. Discussion/adoption of the constitution, was followed by mission/ vision and other details. Jerry Rollin representing

the Philippines helped vote ASEAN representatives to the Federation In Changi Sailing Club the next day, the national disability sailing team plus disabled and ablebodied volunteers set-up 9 Access 2.3 dinghies, Access Liberties and 2.4 boats for participants.

Cherrie Pinpin sailed for the Philippines in the regatta held that afternoon. Only 2 races were done of the proposed 4, when they called a halt from no wind (due to a squall over Pulau Ubin. We made 2nd place! Everyone also had a good time in the closing party! j 3


In Appreciation

Sailability Philippines is barely a month and a half old. Helping organize activities during this embryo stage could not have happened without your support. Thank you to everyone who has been coming and assisting during the Come ‘N Try Sailability Saturdays at Manila Yacht Club. Our first major competition “mark” is the FESPIC Games, a mere 3 months from now. Potential sailors, organizing committee volunteers and sponsorship support = always welcome! Volunteer Support

New Sailors

Boy Siojo Rose Yanga and family Arvin Simtoco Martin Tanco Mario Garcia Tony Pasia Migs Lisbona Jay Santiago Adeline Dumapong MYC members TLYC members Cesar Cane

Cherrie Pinpin Bong Huiden Jerrold Mangliwan Roque Espina Lester Lagos Weng Rivera Clark Santillan Clark Bacabac Julius Oliveros

Coach Felipe Coach Bernard Coach Bisoy Coach Peter Tablante Eric Cadiz Jerry Rollin Peter Capotosto Nestor Soriano Rex Puentespina

Organizations and Clubs

Coaches and Helms Coach Medy Fidel


PHILSPADA (Philippine Sports Association of Differently Abled)


PSA (Phil Sailing Association) The Philippine National Sailing Team MYC (Manila Yacht Club) TLYC (Taal Yacht Club) The Philippine Sailing Forum Barangay San Lorenzo Makati Down Syndrome Association of the Philippines

International Support Jaygee in Australia


Flotsam and Jetsam

Beam reach

Broad reach

Don’t Go Zone

Close Hauled

Head to Wind A boat cannot sail directly into the wind. If a boat has its bow pointed Beam reach directly into the wind, and loses steerage, it is said to be "in irons," and may begin to travel slowly backwards.

“What? Me solo?!?”

Sail wear: Sun protective clothing - a cap, sunglasses, long sleeve shirt, jog pants, all preferably in a light color. Get ready to get wet!

Broad reach

To recover, the "push, push, pull, pull" technique (i.e. "push" the boom towards the wind, "push" Running Downwind the tiller away, and then "pull" the boom and tiller back to their normal positions) can be used which sails the boat backwards and steers the stern towards the wind. This results in the bow being pushed away from the wind and out of the no-go zone. No Go Zone The boat is pointed too close to the wind for the sails to generate any power (unless they are backed, see above). The sails will be luffing ("flapping") in the breeze and making noise, like a flag. The size of the no-go zone will differ based on the performance characteristics of the particular sailboat. Racing sailboats can usually sail much closer to the wind (i.e., fewer degrees off the wind direction) than cruising yachts. This is known as "pointing higher." j


Manila Yacht Club has a dress code: Decent attire please. No thong slippers. Sports sandals with heel straps are fine.

Get involved If you are a Sailing Club, an organisation for disabled people, or an individual wishing to know more or to be involved, please register your interest with the temporary administration office and you will be kept informed as Sailability Philippines develops. If you are a Company or organisation interested in supporting or sponsoring Sailability Philippines, please contact us also.

Sailability Philippines Temporary Administration Office: Tel: 824-7677 (Leila) Fax: 821-0946 email: [email protected]


No Go Zone

Photo by Lester Lagos

Source: Wikipedia: Points of Sail

Close Hauled

Come ‘N Try Saturdays Place: Manila Yacht Club Time: 9am -1pm Date: Every Saturday

Sailing 101

Wind Direction

Frankie Thanapal Sinniah ADSF (ASEAN Disability Sailing Federation) Kevin Wong Singapore Disability Sports Council Shawn Chew Danial Bin Mohd Illias Si Yuan Lim The Singapore National Disability Sailing Team

Sailability Philippines • Tel: 824-7677 • Fax: 821-0946 • [email protected]

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