Sai Engineering Foundation

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  • Words: 4,850
  • Pages: 21
INDIAN POWER INDUSTRY The total installed capacity of power generation in India increased to 101,630 MW in 200001 from 97,845MW in 1999-00. (72,359)MW Thermal; 25,142MW Hydel; 2,860MW nuclear and 1,269MW wind power). There was a corresponding increase in electricity generation to 499,450 MU from 480,000MU recorded in 1999-00. The per capita consumption for 2000-01 was estimated to be 374Kwh. As on 2000-01, over 508,077 villages had been electrified out of 587,258 villages. (Source: Central Electricity Authority (CEA). At the end of March 2007 the installed capacity of India Increased to 132,330MW and annual Generation grown to 663BU (5BU in 1950) 80% of the villages are electrified.


Hydropower is a renewable, economical, non-polluting, and environmental friendly source of energy. It is one of the sources of energy which has been harnessed for centuries in different parts of the world. Being a renewable source of energy Hydro power has generated a great deal of interest. It is the best method for providing electricity to far flung areas in hilly regions. These projects have long useful life (exceeding over 50 years) and help in conserving scarce fossil fuels. They also help in opening up of avenues for the development of remote and backward areas. Recently, interest in hydropower project of all capacities has increased in many countries especially in developing countries like China, India etc.

POWER DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA India has huge hydro power potential mainly due to the Himalayas, which are a ‘large water machine’ with the potential rivers like the Indus, the Ganges and the Brahmputra emanating from it. Several large hydropower projects are under construction in India. According to Central Water Power Commission (CWPC) of India the economically utilizable potential of 42GW at 60% load factor (revealed as result of survey in 1958). The power system in India comprises of five regional Power grids namely, the Northern, western, Southern, Eastern, and North-Eastern Grids. Following table gives gives the information about targeted and achieved capacity under 8th, 9th and 10th five year plan FIVE YEAR PLAN












It is clear from the chart that achievement is very less than the targeted capacity due to many problems involved in the implementation of Hydel power projects. Now the government of India as well as state Government is serious to achieve the targets to solve power crisis in the country.
















































POWER SCENARIO IN HIMACHAL PRADESH Himachal Pradesh, with its geographic location in laps of Himalayas provides ample opportunity for the prospects of Hydro power generation in the state. There are five river systems contributing to the total capacity of the state. Satluj and Beas rivers have tremendous potential for harnessing hydroelectric power and also for providing water for irrigation needs of neighbouring states of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. As per publications of Central Electricity Authority (CEA) in 1988, the total potential of Himachal Pradesh at 60% load factor is 12118 MW and likely installed capacity is 20197.25 MW Basin wise distribution potential in Himachal Pradeshis indicated below: INTRODUCTION The SAI ENGINEERING FOUNDATION (SEF) is a voluntary organisation registered in accordance with Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. It is working for the welfare of the humanity without any distinction of caste, colour, creed, region and religion in numerous ways. This Foundation is providing Scholarships to economically weaker students, employment opportunities to unemployed youths besides working for the environmental protection and natural disaster mitigation too. It is also promoting Co-operatives in the field of Construction and Hydro Development, providing hydro-electricity to the people of remote un-electrified localities, hamlets. Apart from these services/activities it is also organising other social activities such as blood donation camp, eye treatment camps, medical aid camps, poor feeding, seminars and workshops on Integrated Wasteland Development, Low Cost Housing, and Earthquake Resistant Technique of construction and implementation of hydrams for irrigation in various parts of the State. HISTORY The Sai Engineering Foundation formerly known as Shimla Institute of Science and Technology established in year 1989. The erstwhile Shimla Institute of Science and Technology was renamed to Sai Engineering foundation (SEF) in the year 1993. Organisation started its activities in construction of civil and power projects. With its early association with Govt tenders of construction of many projects awarded by HPPWD, IPH and HIMURJA which strengthened its roots in the sector of construction and Hydro Power sector. With Titang Mini Hydel Power Project as its first self awarded project of 1MW capacity. Now this organization owns Toss, Madhi, Shyang, Shimla, tangling, Pangi and sarbari to its name and many other projects for which SEF acted as either consultant or builder of the project. With more than 18 years of experience in the field of construction and hydro power sector this organisation sees its future on ever growing need for green power and our stive to tap immense hydel power capacity of Himalayan terrain.

Now as I have referred Himalayan terrain meaning there by its expanding work beyond Himachal Pradesh now organisation will be starting its operations work in Uttarakhand also. OBJECTIVES To undertake design and construction in the field of Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. To carry out research and demonstration for Low Cost Housing. To undertake Technical Trainings. To provide Financial Assistance to economically weaker students. To undertake Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Programmes. To undertake activities aimed at Environment Protection. To popularize the concept of Rainwater Harvesting and Appropriate Technologies for water Resources Development To undertake Community based Welfare Programmes. To create and provide Employment Opportunities. To undertake promotional scheme for harnessing Mini/Micro Hydel Potential. To undertake capacity building and skill up-gradation/ improvement programmes. To propagate Human Values through Education. To undertake developmental activities in accordance with Government scheme to benefits poor people. To undertake preservation of environment and ecological schemes. To work for employment generation. ACTIVITIES OF THE ORGANISATION Sai Engineering Foundation is helping in promoting technical education, providing gainful employment to the unemployed youths and is working for the protection of environment. It is providing financial assistance in the shape of ‘SAI SCHOLARSHIP’ to the students belonging to economically weaker section without any distinction of caste, colour, creed, region and religion. It has provided scholarship to 900 students in the state of Himachal Pradesh. It is organising blood donation camps and eye treatment camp in the different part of the State every year. The number of members of Foundation has voluntarily donated blood more than 20 times. It is providing practical training to the employed youth in the Engineering and ancillary professions like Welding, Carpentry, Plumbing, Turning, Fitting etc. and subsequently employed in the society and they are now able to earn their livelihood.

It is providing self employed opportunities to unemployed engineers, graduates, diploma holders and skilled/unskilled workers. The Foundation has been used as take off plate-form by hundred of engineers employed in Govt., Semi Govt. and others reputed organisation/company. There many skills up gradation program organized by the foundation so that people may earn their livelihood. It is contributing in relief funds for natural disaster mitigation. It is significantly contributing for natural disaster mitigation and Chief Minister Relief Funds. It is working in the field of construction e.g. construction of the roads, building structures, water supply, irrigation, hydro electric and industrial projects pertaining to Government, Semi- Government, Public or Private sector by way of competitive tendering and executed various works successfully at most competitive rates. It is proved fact that this orgainisation has saved lot of state exchequer directly by executing the works at most competitive rates and indirectly by ensuring healthy competition in tendering to check the monopoly of some construction houses and contractors. It is working for providing –electricity in the remote locality of the State like Bara Bhangal where it has donatied a Micro Hydel installation of 40 KW free of cost so as to provide electricity to the residents of Bara Bhangal panchayat where hydro-electricity was not available. Foundation has adopted two villages Kunnu and Charang for free of cost electrification in remote tribal locality of Distt. Kinnaur, where the foundation is 4 nos 20kW installation. It is providing technical guidance/design by way of consultancy services for the construction of engineered and non-engineered structures projects in private/semigovernment/government sectors. It is providing earthquake resistant design of various structures in rural and urban areas to minimise loss of life and property, organising seminars on the earthquake resistant construction to the employees of government and private organisations free of cost. PROJECTS UNDERGONE BY THE ORGANISATION The Design and Construction Division of the Sai Engineering Foundation has implemented the Following Projects Pertaining to Various Agencies. Marhi MHEP in Distt. Kullu (H.P) of capacity 5MW for which organisation did Construction of major civil components like Diversion Weir, De-silting Tank, Head Race Tunnel Surge Shaft, Penstock and Power House. Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planning and Preparation of

DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect. Project was estimated to cost Rs 20.75cr Toss MHEP of capacity 5MW which is to be upgraded upto 20MW in next phases for which SEF Constructed major civil components like Diversion Weir, gravel trap, shingle flushing tank, Desilting Tank, Head Race Tunnel, Surge Shaft, Penstock and Power House culverts bridges etc. Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planning and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect. Project in primary phase is estimated to cost Rs 24.61cr Sarbari-I Mini Hydel Electric Power project at Kullu capcity 4.50MW for which Construction of major civil components like Diversion Weir, Desilting Tank, Head Race Tunnel Surge Shaft, Penstock and Power House. Also includes Survey and Investigation Detailed Designing and planning was done by the organisation. Project cost was estimated at Rs 13.50cr. Project belonged to DSL Hydrowatt Ltd. Sarbari-II Mini Hydel Power project at Kullu of capcity 4.50MW for which Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. was done by SEF. Project belonged to DSL Hydrowatt Ltd and its cost was estimated to Rs 27.04 cr. Lingti Mini Hydel Power project at Kaza,of capacity belonging to HIMURJA (H.P. Energy Development Agency) Kasumpati Shimla-9. Cost for the project completed in the cost of Rs 5.48cr. Design and Construction of major civil components like Diversion Weir, Desilting Tank, Forebay Tank, Penstock and Power House. Also includes Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. was done by Sai Engineering Foundation. Construction of Titang Mini Hydel Project in district Kinnaur (H.P.) of capacity with project estimated cost of Rs 4.59cr is a charitable work done by Sai Engineering itself. Design and Construction of major civil components like Diversion Weir, Desilting Tank, Forebay Tank, Penstock and Power House. Also includes Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Prefeasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planning and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect. Including Construction of civil work of Titang MHEP. Ching Small Hydel Power Project in Distt. Shimla (H.P) of capacity it belonged to Hateshwari Om Power Pvt. Limited with estimated cost at Rs 2.43cr all engineering works including construction of various components like Diversion Weir, Water Conductor System Desilting Tank, Forebay, Penstock and Power House, roads & Bridge etc was done by SEF. Sural Mini Hydel Power Project in Distt. Chamba (H.P) was awarded to HIMURJA (H.P. Energy Development Agency) Kasumpati Shimla-9. Estimated cost around 1.92cr for which Design and Construction of major civil components like Diversion Weir, Power Channel, De-silting Tank, Fore-bay Tank, Penstock and Power House. Also includes

Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planning and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect was done by the organisation. Kothi Mini Hydel Power project at Manali was awared to HIMURJA Kasumpati Shimla-9 estimated cost at Rs 1.01cr for who Design and Construction of major civil components like Diversion Weir, Desilting Tank, Forebay Tank, Penstock and Power House. Also includes Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planning and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect was done by the organisation. Satnal/Juthed Mini hydel power project Distt. Chamba (H.P) was awarded to HIMURJA for which organsation did Design and Construction of major civil components like Diversion Weir, Desilting Tank, Forebay Tank, Penstock and Power House. Also includes Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect. Tangling Hydel project at Kinnaur (H.P) by Sai Engineering Foundation itself, costing close to Rs 19.71cr dedicated to far-flung area of Kinnaur. Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect. Shyang Hydel project at Kinnaur (H.P) awarded to Sai Engineering Foundation costs estimated at Rs 13.57cr and Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Prefeasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect by SEF itself. Pangi Hydel project at Kinnaur (H.P) awarded to Sai Engineering Foundation cost estimated at Rs 16.70cr and Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Prefeasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect done by SEF itself. Ubhara Hydel project in Distt Chamba (H.P) awarded to Shakti Hydro Power Pvt Ltd estimated cost at Rs 15.52cr and Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planning and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect. Chachyot Hydel project in Distt Mandi (H.P) of capacity 4MW awarded to Shakti Hydro Power Pvt Ltd estimated cost of Rs 23.17cr for which Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planning and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. was done by SEF.

Luni-II Hydel project in Distt Kangra (H.P) of capacity 5MW awarded to Sri Sai Krishna Hydro Energy Pvt Ltd with estimated cost of Rs 27.70cr and Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planning and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect. Luni-III Hydel project in Distt Kangra (H.P) of capacity 5MW, project awarded to Sri Sai Krishna Hydro Energy Pvt Ltd of estimated cost of Rs 28.13cr. for which Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planning and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect done by SEF. Upper Awa Hydel project in Distt Kangra (H.P) of capacity 5MW awarded to Astha Project India Pvt Ltd costing around Rs 28.75cr Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planning and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. done by organisation. Chirchind (3MW) Mini hydel power projects in district Chamba (H.P.) awarded to DLF Industries Limited, Faridabad. Estimated Cost up to Rs 20.98cr Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. was one by organisation. C/o Belij (2MW) DLF Industries, Mini hydel power projects in Limited, District (H.P.).



Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect.


Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc.


C/o Gehra (2MW) DLF Industries, Mini hydel power projects in district Limited, Chamba (H.P.). Faridabad.

complete in all respect.

C/o Koki (1.5MW) Milestone hydel project at International, Kullu (H.P.) Kalka, Haryana.


Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect.

C/o Jibhi


Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect.

C/o Kalwari Milestone (1.2MW) hydel International, project at Kullu H.P.) Kalka, Haryana.


Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect.

C/o Roolang Milestone (600KW) hydel International, project at Kullu (H.P.) Kalka, Haryana.


Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc.

(1 MW) project at (H.P.)

Milestone International, hydel Kullu Kalka, Haryana.

complete in all respect.

C/o Jirah MHEP.

Kapil Mohan Associates



Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect.

C/o Anni-II MHEP.

M/S ABB Power Pvt Ltd


Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planning and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect.

C/o Anni-III MHEP.

M/S ABB Power Pvt Ltd


Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planning and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect.

C/o Suman-Sarwari M/s Usaka Hydro MHEP in Distt. Powers (P) Ltd., Kullu (H.P)


Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect.

C/o Annun MHEP.


Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of

M/S Shykka Coop L&C Society Ltd

Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planning and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect. C/o Sahu MHEP in M/s NATL Distt. Chamba Technologies Ltd., (H.P).


Design and Detailed Engineering, Survey and Investigation including Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect.

Construction Mini/ HIMURJA Micro Hydel Power Projects Demonstration Unit at Saichu, Sahali, Hillu Towan, Hillour in Pangi valley of district Chamba, and at Sarahan, Pandra and Pujarli (Dodra Kawar) in district Shimla (H.P.)


Design and constructed Micro/Mini Hydel Power Projects Demonstration Unit at Saichu, Sahali, Hillu Towan, Hillour in Pangi valley of district Chamba, and at Sarahan, Pandra and Pujarli (Dodra Kawar) in district Shimla (H.P.)

Turnkey execution HIMURJA and Rehabilitation and upgradation of 50 KW capacity Gharola Micro Hydel Power Project to 100 KW in district Chamba (H.P.).


Detailed Engineering and Turnkey execution and Rehabilitation and upgradation of 50 KW capacity Gharola Micro Hydel Power Project to 100 KW in district Chamba (H.P.).


Detailed Engineering including Survey and Investigation, Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of

C/o Khanyara MHEP in Distt. Shimla (H.P)

M/s Venekateswara Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect. C/o Beas MHEP in Kullu (H.P)

Kund M/s Kapil Mohan & Distt. Associates


Detailed Engineering including Survey and Investigation, Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect.

C/o Banjar MHEP in Distt. Kullu (H.P)

Sai Engineering Foundation


Detailed Engineering including Survey and Investigation, Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect.

C/o Makkan MHEP in Distt. Chamba

M/s Kapil Mohan & Associates


Detailed Engineering including Survey and Investigation, Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect.

C/o Jigrai MHEP in Distt. Kullu

M/s Kapil Mohan & Associates


Detailed Engineering including Survey and Investigation, Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and

Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect. C/o Maujhi MHEP in Distt. Kangra (H.P)

M/s Dharamshala Hydro Power Limited.


Detailed Engineering of the project to execute various components like Diversion Weir, Desilting Tank, Power Tunnel, Forebay, Penstock and Power House etc.

C/o Maujhi-II M/s Ind Barath Pvt MHEP in Distt. Ltd Jubilee Hills Kangra (H.P) Hyderabad.


Detailed Engineering of the project to execute various components like Diversion Weir, Desilting Tank, Head Race Tunnel, Forebay, Penstock and Power House etc.

Constructed Power H.P.S.E.B. House and Forebay of Gumma Hydel Power Project at Chirgaon in district Shimla of Himachal Pradesh.


Constructed Power House and Forebay of Gumma Hydel Power Project at Chirgaon in district Shimla of Himachal Pradesh.

Construction of H.P.P.W.D prestressed concrete Bridge over Ludruhin and Bajgar nallah of national highway –20 near Joginder Nagar in district Mandi (H.P.)


Constructed two Prestressed Concrete bridges over Ludruhin and Bajgar nallah on national highway20 near Joginder Nagar in district Mandi (H.P.).

C/o of Vikas D.R.D.A. Bhawan including D/SHALA Preparation of Detailed Contour Plan, Soil Testing, Surveying, Architectural Designing, Structural Design


Preparation of Detailed Contour Plan, Soil Testing, Surveying, Architectural Designing, Structural Design and Detailed working Drawings, and Detailed Estimate including construction of Vikas Bhawan in district Kangra (H.P.).

and Drawings, and Detailed Estimate etc. in district Kangra (H.P.). Strengthening and Bishop Cotton rehabilitation of School, Shimla. B.C.S. Building, Shimla.


Detailed Engineering with respect to Strengthening and rehabilitation of Bishop Cotton School Building, Shimla.

Development of plot N.T.P.C. and construction of internal roads Phase- Kol Dam HEPP. 1 (31 nos. plots) for RC site at Kangoo Distt. Mandi (H.P.)


Development of plot and construction of internal roads Phase1 (31 nos. plots) for RC site at Kangoo Distt. Mandi (H.P.)

C/o of Engineer-inChief Office IPH Deptt. At Mehali, Shimla-9

IPH Department.


Detailed Engineering including preparation of Detailed Contour Plan, Soil Testing, Surveying, Architectural Designing, Structural Design and Drawings, and Detailed Estimate.

C/o Car parking at Cart Road near High Court, Shimla.

Municipal Corporation, Shimla.


Detailed Engineering including preparation of Detailed Contour Plan, Soil Testing, Surveying, Architectural Designing, Structural Design and Drawings, and Detailed Estimate.

C/o Pt. Padam Dev Shopping Complex at Ridge Shimla

Municipal Corporation, Shimla.


Detailed Engineering including preparation of Detailed Contour Plan, Soil Testing, Surveying, Architectural Designing, Structural Design and Drawings, and Detailed Estimate.

C/o Car Parking Municipal near D.C. Office, Corporation, SHIMLA. Shimla.


Detailed Engineering including preparation of Detailed Contour Plan, Soil Testing, Surveying, Architectural Designing, Structural Design and Drawings, and Detailed Estimate.

C/o Car Parking at Municipal Amar Niwas and Corporation, Shimla near


Detailed Engineering including preparation of Detailed Contour Plan, Soil Testing, Surveying, Architectural Designing, Structural Design and Drawings, and Detailed Estimate.


Detailed Engineering including preparation of Detailed Contour Plan, Soil Testing, Surveying, Architectural Designing, Structural Design and Drawings, and Detailed Estimate.

Municipal Corporation, Shimla


Detailed Engineering including preparation of Detailed Contour Plan, Soil Testing, Surveying, Architectural Designing, Structural Design and Drawings, and Detailed Estimate.

C.P.W.D., Shimla


Detailed Engineering including preparation of Detailed Contour Plan, Soil Testing, Surveying, Architectural Designing, Structural Design and Drawings, and Detailed Estimate.

C/o Additional D.R.D.A. Mandi. accommodation in D.C. Office, Mandi.


Detailed Engineering including preparation of Detailed Contour Plan, Soil Testing, Surveying, Architectural Designing, Structural Design and Drawings, and Detailed

Yodha Niwas Jakhoo, Shimla.

C/o Staff Quarter Municipal Building at Krishna Corporation, Shimla Nagar Shimla. Block (A+B) C/o Rest House at Graigneno, Mashobra, 12.


C/o National Audit and Accounts Academy


C/o 24 Nos. Flats

Sai Engineering Foundation


Detailed Engineering including Survey and Investigation, Geological, Topographical and Hydrological Survey, Preparation of Pre-feasibility Report, Detailed Designing and planing and Preparation of DPR, Cost Estimate Techno-economic studies Etc. complete in all respect.

Construction of Sh. Sathya Sai Trust Multipurpose Hall at Pujarli District Pujarli Shimla


Construction and detailed engineering of seven storied building including construction and erection of Lift

Construction of Sai Engineering College building at Foundation Dharampur The Sarkaghat District Mandi (HP)


Construction and detailed engineering including soil investigation surveying detailed contour plan Architectural drawings etc

Construction of Mohan Shakti Trust Mohan Shakti Solan National Heritage Park At Solan (HP)


Construction and Detailed Engineering including preparation of Detailed Contour Plan, Soil Testing, Surveying, Architectural Designing, Structural Design and Drawings, and Detailed Estimate etc complete in all respect.

Construction of N.J.P.C. Permanent Hospital Building at New NJPC Colony Jhakari in district Shimla (H.P.)


Constructed Permanent Hospital Building at New NJPC Colony at Jhakri Distt. Shimla (H.P.).

Construction of N.J.P.C. School Building at New NJPC Colony Jhakari in district Shimla (H.P.)


Constructed School Building at New NJPC Colony at Jhakri Distt. Shimla (H.P.).

Construction Post P&T Office Building at Kaza and Karsog in district Mandi.


Constructed Post office building at Kaza and Karsog in district Mandi (H.P.).

Construction of R.E.C. Hamirpur Hostel Building at REC Hamirpur (H.P.).


Constructed Hostel Building at REC Hamirpur (H.P.).

Construction of C.P.W.D. Shimla Navodaya School Building at Theog in district Shimla (H.P.).


Constructed Navodaya School Complex at Theog in district Shimla (H.P.).

Construction Hospital


Constructed Hospital building at Sangla in district Kinnaur (H.P.).



Constructed Office –cum- Museum building for Zoological Survey of India at Solan (H.P.).

Construction EKTA Co-op. residential flats 24 Housing Society. Nos. of Ekta Co-op. Housing Society at Tutikandi, Shimla (H.P.).


Constructed residential flats 24 Nos. of Ekta Co-op. Housing Society at Tutikandi, Shimla (H.P.).

of H.P.P.W.D.

Building at Sangla in district Kinnaur (H.P.).

Constructed Office – Ministry cumMuseum Environment building for Zoological Survey Govt. Of India of India at Solan (H.P.).

Construction of H.P.P.W.D. Bhadoo-GharwasraChaswal road in Dharampur Division of District Mandi (H.P.)


Constructed Bhadoo-GharwasraChaswal road in Dharampur Division of District Mandi (H.P.)

Construction of Mini R.D.D. D/SHALA I.T.I. at Tissa district Chamba (H.P.).


Constructed Mini I.T.I. at Tissa district Chamba (H.P.).

Construction of H.P.P.W.D. Panchyat Bhawan, at Dharampur, Tehsil Sarkaghat Distt. Mandi (H.P.).


Constructed Panchyat Bhawan, at Dharampur, Tehsil Sarkaghat Distt. Mandi (H.P.).

Construction of road H.P.P.W.D. of balance work of Salogra Ashwani Khud road km 0/0 to 7/500 under NABARD RIDF-II (SH: Formation and c/o wire crates & R/walls in KM 0/0 to 7/500.


Constructed road of balance work of Salogra Ashwani Khud road km 0/0 to 7/500 under NABARD RIDF-II (SH: Formation and c/o wire crates & R/walls in KM 0/0 to 7/500).

Development of 50 NTPC Limited Nos. Plots for RC Colony at Kangoo, Distt. Mandi (H.P)


Constructed of 50 Nos. plots, approach road & Sanitary fitting etc.

Construction of NTPC Limited Boundary wall & gate complex for permanent Township at Jamthal for NTPC Koldam distt. Bilaspur


Constructed Boundary wall & gate complex for permanent Township at Jamthal for NTPC Koldam distt. Bilaspur (H.P.).




FUNCTIONS OF THE ORGANISATION This organisation has deep roots in following activities which are aimed at the attainment of the objectives set by the organisation for it, these functions are Design and Construction of Civil Projects Design and Construction of Hydel Power Projects Operation and Maintainance of Hydel Power Projects Employment Generation Services Social Welfare and Charitable Activities Education and Human Resources Development ORGANISATION CHART OF SAI ENGINERING FOUNDATION







EXPERTIES OF THE ORGANISATION In Building Hydel Projects at High Altitude and Tough Terrains. In Technical Know-How of construction of Civil projects.

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