Safety Policy In My Synthesis Laboratory

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  • Words: 1,786
  • Pages: 41
Safety Policy in my Synthesis Laboratory Mohd Rashidi Abdull Manap GS23765

Introduction: • As s safety officer in my laboratory, I have to plan my strategy for my future and current work for me, my supervisor and also my staff which working together with me. • I also must have training and know a wide variety of chemicals in my areas

My duties: • Serves as chairman of the safety committee • Formulates safety policy for senior management approval • Write the safety manual and periodically updates • Oversees the maintenance of general safety equipment

• Educates personnel in safe procedures • Supervises and schedules fire drills • Supervises the training and operations of the emergency response team • Investigates accidents • Conduct safety audits • Monitor and oversees the disposal hazardous waste

• Monitor storage,labelling and use of hazardous chemicals • Maintains safety-related files

This Will Include: • • • • • • • • •

Management and laboratory safety Organizing for safety Preparing for emergencies The safety manual Personal protection Safety in handling hazardous chemicals Managing personnel for safety Managing hazardous waste Laboratory design and safety Managing Safety in the Chemical Laboratory (James and Robert,1988)

Responsibility For Laboratory Safety: Senior management

Supervisory Personnel (I’m here!!)

Individual Personnel

Law of environmental quality (Scheduled Waste) 1989 • This law main objective is to control and prevent pollution and to protect and enhance the quality of the environment.

Regulations specify: – – – – –

Before disposal, be rendered innocuous Wastes generated shall be reduced Generators (e.g Puncak Alam) notify DOE Wastes generated stored, recovered & treated on-site Land farming, incineration, disposal, off-site recovers, storage and treatment, by DOE licensed premises – Waste containers – clear label, proper, adequate – Generators shall obey the requirement of consignment note system when transporting

What can i do to follow this Law? • Categorized wastes in the laboratory in to it categories • Use of durable waste containers with clear labels. Storage of wastes shall be proper and adequate • Keep the wastes at the laboratory at only certain period • Send the waste to the store before disposal it by the generator

OSHA • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) -This standard, adopted in 1983,became effective in part in 1985,which complete enforcement begin in 1986 in UK -Fixed the responsibility for a safe working environment clearly on the employer -Provided a mechanism whereby employees could “blow the whistle” on employers who condoned on encouraged unsafe practice, without fear of losing their job

OSHA have similarity with Safety At Work Act 1974 based on UK. Act 514 was adapted from HASAWA,1974 Philosophy of OSHA  Self Regulation  Cooperation  Consultation

OSHA 1994 •

Before Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 1994 was introduced in Malaysia, there are no regulations to control safety and health at workplace.

Then on 1994 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 1994 (Act 514) was started based on act and regulation same as in UK

Nothing in this Act shall apply to work on board ships governed by the Merchant Shipping Ordinance 1952[Ord. No.70 of 1952], the Merchant Shipping Ordinance 1960 of Sabah [Sabah Ord. No. 11 of 1960] or Sarawak [Sarawak Ord. No. 2 of 1960] or the armed forces . Ismail Bahari,Pengurusan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan(2006)

• In Malaysia, Jabatan Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan or DOSH is responsible to deliver and enforce the act under Ministry of Human Resources • This OSHA 1994 consists of 67 sections

Act 514 was gazette on 24th Feb 94 with 4 goals:

1. To make sure safety, health and welfares workers at work place 2. To protect people at work place rather than the workers 3. To promote a good working environment which meet workers psychology and physiology 4. To prepare method where safety regulation and health can be replaced by progressive and industry policy code by having this act and to enhanced safety and health standard

REGULATION UNDER OSHA 94  Employers’ Safety and Health General Policy Statements Exception Regulations 1995  Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1996  Safety and Health Committee Regulations 1996  Classification, Packaging and Labeling Hazardous Chemical Regulations 1997


 Safety and Health Officer Regulations 1997  Safety and Health Officer Order 1997  Use and Standard Exposure Hazardous to Health 2000



 Notification of Accident, Dangerous Occurrence, Occupational Poisoning and Occupational Disease Regulations 2004

Duty of care • Act 514 focused on duty of care. This is to prevent action that could cause injury to other workers. Cares covers: -Conducive working place and without risk -Good working area -Instruction and training to make sure that regulation can be understand and follow -To have a competence team work

• By means of actual or threatened inspections and fines, OSHA focussed the attention of many manager on the safety of the workplaces for which they were responsible • By complying OSHA 1994,staff and the employer or the visitors become confident towards our lab Managing Safety in the Chemical Laboratory (James and Robert,1988)

Assuring Safety The laboratory facility: 1)Design • 2 exists for each laboratory • An apporpriate general ventilation system • Adequate • Other safety equipment including eyewash fountains and drench shower • Arrangement for waste disposal

2)Maintainance • Chemical hygiene related equipment (hood,incinerator) should undergo continuing appraisal and be modified if inadequate 3)Usage • The work conducted and its scale must appropriate to the physical facilities available and especially to the quality of ventillation

4)Ventilation • General laboratory ventilation This system should provide a source of air for breathing and for input to local ventilation devices Hoods A laboratory hood with 2.5 feet of hood space for person should be provided for every 2 workers if they spend most of their time working with chemicals Managing Safety in the Chemical Laboratory (James and Robert,1988)



Slips, Trips, and Falls

Strains and Sprains

Potential Hazard

Burns and Cuts

Eye Injuries


Alcohol and Drugs


Heat • The two most serious forms of heat related illnesses are heat exhaustion (primarily from dehydration) and heat stroke, which can be fatal. • Signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke need immediate attention. Recognizing the warning signs and taking quick action can make a difference in preventing a fatality.

Noise How can hearing loss be prevented? • Wear adequate hearing protection, such as foam ear plugs or ear muffs, when you must be in a noisy environment or when using loud equipment.

Slip, trip, and fall • Some tips to avoid slip, trip, and fall injuries include: • Wear appropriate shoes for the job or task. This includes non-slip shoes. • Avoid wearing sandals or open toe shoes, high heels, or shoes made out of canvas. They do not provide protection and high heels may promote slip injuries. • For wet processes wear non-slip overshoe covers. • Wipe up spills immediately • Clean or pick up food spills any other items from floors as soon as possible. • Keep walkways free from clutter.

Burns and Cuts Some tips to avoid injury include: • Be properly trained to prepare hot items. Understand how to safely use the equipment you will be required to operate. • Handle, use, and store knives and other sharp utensils safely. • Cut in the direction away from your body. • Keep your fingers and thumbs out of the way of the cutting line. • Use any protective clothing provided by your employer such as steel mesh or Kevlar gloves.

Eye Injuries • Since eyes are especially vulnerable in the chemistry laboratory, approved safety goggles MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES. • Eye injuries, whether chemical or mechanical, must always be considered serious. The best procedure in case of chemical injury to the eye is immediate and prolonged (15 - 20 minutes) flushing with water. Eyes must be forced open to be washed well. Make sure you know the locations of the eyewash stations in the lab

Overview on safety in working place 1)The Laboratory A laboratory may be a place of specialized work, research, clinical or diagnostic evaluation, teaching and/or learning. Laboratories are commonly used in many scientific disciplines from chemistry, physics and veterinary science. The term laboratory may equate with workshop in engineering areas such as mechanical, electrical, aeronautical and civil engineering.

2) Access To Laboratories Entry to any laboratory is restricted to personnel authorized to enter by the laboratory Supervisor. The Supervisor shall ensure that any person given authority to enter receives/has received appropriate (f) information regarding safety measures to be heeded eg., local procedures, suitable attire etc., and (g) (b) supervision. Children are not permitted in scientific laboratories or workshops.

3. Laboratory Hazards Defined simply, a hazard is something which may cause injury or damage. The hazards encountered in a laboratory are many and varied. These hazards fall generally into one of five categories: 4. Biological - eg., pathogenic microorganisms, biological tissues, animals 5. Chemical - eg., corrosives, flammables, toxics 6. Physical - eg., noise, radiation 7. Electrical/Mechanical - eg., high voltage apparatus, machinery with moving parts 8. Psychological - eg., emotional stress

4. Information On Laboratory Safety There are many different types of laboratories and a great number and variety of different hazards which may be found in them. Consequently, there is a large volume of information available which addresses health and safety in laboratories. This information may be derived from literature or personnel.

Important aspect of safety in laboratory Personal Safety Practices: Proper attire •

This includes wearing long pants (such as jeans, etc.), close-toed shoes, and shirts that cover the full body. If you work with any chemicals in the laboratory, it is expected that you will arrive wearing the appropriate clothing. If not, you may be asked to change clothing before engaging in your experiment (especially if using chemicals). Always stand (do not sit) when working with chemicals – your ability to move out of danger is easier should a spill occur.

Wearing of Safety Goggles •

This necessary when handling with concentrated acid or base

• Cleanliness and safeness of work area You will always be expected to maintain a clean and uncluttered work area. Be sure to clean and return all materials to the appropriate storage space before leaving the lab.

Location and use of safety equipment • • • • • • •

Fume hood Safety Showers Fire extinguishers Fire blanket Spill Kit Eyewash Fountain First Aid

What i can share in my lab?

References James and Robert.1988.Managing Safety in the Chemical Laboratory.New York Ismail Bahari.2006. Pengurusan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan. Kuala Lumpur Access on 26 August 09 Access on 26 August 09 Access on 26 August 09

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