Safety Contract

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 246
  • Pages: 1

I understand that I will not be allowed to participate in laboratory activities until this contract is signed and returned. All missed labs will be graded as a zero.


I know the locations of and how to use the fire extinguisher, safety blanket, eye wash, and safety shower.


I agree to immediately report all accidents or injuries to my teacher.


I agree to wear safety goggles, an apron, and enclosed shoes in the lab and keep long hair and jewelry out of the way.


I agree to keep my lab station clear of extraneous items. I will keep only my lab notebook and needed equipment at my lab station. My bookbag will be on my chair to keep the aisle clear.


I agree to behave in a safe fashion in the laboratory and to listen to and follow my teacher’s instructions.


I know the correct procedure for evacuating the lab room in case of an emergency.


I agree to return all equipment/chemicals to the appropriate location and clean my lab station and hands at the end of the lab period.


I know the name and correct use of the items in my lab drawer.

10. I agree never to perform any unauthorized experiments. I have read the above and agree to abide by the guidelines stated above. ______________________________ Student Signature / Date

______________________ Parent Signature

______________________________ Student Name (Printed)

______________________ Parent E–Mail

Laliberte, 8/25/08

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