Safe Cleaning Tips For Your Home

  • Uploaded by: Environmental Working Group
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 370
  • Pages: 1
Saf e rCl e ani ngSuppl i e sf orYourH ome Ourhomesar en’ tsaf eandcl eani ft heai ri nsi dei spol l ut edwi t hchemi cal sf r om househol dcl eaner s.Fol l ow t hesesi mpl et i pst opr ot ectyourf ami l y’ sheal t hwhi l eyou cl eanyourhome.

1.Lessi sMor e

Di l ut eyourcl eani ngsuppl i esaccor di ngt oi nst r uct i onsanduseonl ywhat ’ s neededt ogett hej obdone. 2.Opent heWi ndow Cl eanwi t hwi ndowsanddoor sopensoyoudon’ tt r apai rpol l ut i oni nsi deyour home. 3.UseGl ovesandOt herPr ecaut i ons Cl eani ngchemi cal smayhar m orpenet r at eski nandeyes–checkwar ni ng l abel s. 4.KeepKi dsAway Chi l dr enar emor evul ner abl et ot oxi cchemi cal s.I ft heyl i ket ohel p,l ett hem cl eanwi t hsoapandwat er ,nott oxi ccl eaner s. 5.Avoi d“ Ant i bact er i al ” I fyourf ami l yi sgener al l yheal t hy ,t her e’ snoneedt ousepot ent i al l yt oxi c“ ant i bact er i al ”pr oduct s,accor di ngt ot heAmer i canMedi cal Associ at i on.Washyour handswi t hpl ai nsoapandwat er . 6.NeverMi xBl eachwi t hAmmoni a,Vi negar ,orOt herAci ds Thesecombi nat i onscanpr oducedeadl ygases. 7.Don’ tBeFool edbyLabel s–BuyCer t i f i edGr eenPr oduct s Labelcl ai msar en’ tal wayst r ue.Cl eani ngsuppl i escer t i f i edbyGr eenSealor EcoLogomeetgr eenst andar ds. 8.Tr yNat ur al Al t er nat i ves Exper i mentwi t hnont oxi copt i onsl i kevi negarandbaki ngsoda. 9.TakeCar ewi t hPi neandCi t r usOi lCl eaner s Avoi dusi ngt hesecl eaner sespeci al l yonsmoggydays,whent hei ngr edi ent s canr eactwi t hozonet opr oducecancer causi ngf or mal dehyde. 10.Ski pt heBi ggestHazar ds Avoi dai rf r eshener s,useabaki ngsodaandwat erpast et ocl eant heovenand t ackl et oi l etst ai ns,anduseamechani calsnaket ouncl ogt hedr ai n. ewg. or g/ s c hool c l eani ngs uppl i es

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