ission and Purpose:Sister 2 Sister project coordinated by A Ray of Hope Ministries is a 501(c)(3) human service agency established in December 2008 and operates in various capacities. Sister 2 Sister’s mission is to provide assistance, food, accommodation and shelter, clothing, education, vocational programs, daycare, recreational activities for young unwed pregnant girls leaving the foster care system at the age of 18. In addition to this profile Sister 2 Sister’s assignment is to provide a wide range of services for low-income children and families at risk. Furthermore Sister 2 Sister’s task is to offer assistance for homeless, runaway and throwaway youth in the form of Transition Homes. This serves the task of giving the youth a second chance to be re- integrated intosociety. Another major building block of the vision is to offer a mentoring program for the youth which would equip young people for their profession and future success.
other time as crucial as this day and age to teach our children proper values and to give them tools on how to avoid pitfalls.
ision: Sister 2 Sister’ vision is to establish a range of Transition Homes in different cities nationally as well as internationally and to create a change in the lives of young people. From hopelessness to courage, from confusion and depression to clear vision, hope and trust; from homelessness to warm family atmosphere and secure housing. The life changing impact on the youth through the mentoring program would become evident in the fact that they will not only become good citizens but will also become strong leaders and good mentors.
alues: Sister to Sister is a faith based organization. It represents the core values of Christian belief. However Sister to Sister is open to receive and mentor youth from all various belief systems, background and culture. Sister to Sister places value in the small beginnings and welcomes creative ideas from our youth in order to guide them toward their destiny. There is no
Mentoring and teaching can only be successful when the young people have an open mind to receive information and are willing to be teachable. Sister 2 Sister sees great value in character development and perceives attributes such as integrity, self-control, discipline, balance, patience integral traits of a well balanced human character. We believe these features are an essential component in the development and preparation of our future leaders and mankind. In the process of developing great leaders Sister 2 Sister follows the historically proven truth: “To become a great leader, you have to be a good follower”.