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City College – Dept of Political Science PSC 31106 –Politics of European Immigration Summer 2009 Patricia Stapleton Office: NAC 6/214 Office Hours: 2:15-3:15pm [email protected]

Section 2LL – Code 0921 Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur: 11:30am-2:05pm NAC 4/147

Course Description This course explores the history of European immigration policies, with a particular emphasis on current policies in Western Europe. We begin with an overview of governmental regulation of immigration by looking at different policy types and their respective objectives. Next we examine the role of “extreme right” parties and their influence on public opinion and policy formation. In the following section of the course, we turn to four case studies: France, Germany, Italy, and Great Britain. In our final readings, we will delve into questions of nationality, identity, multiculturalism, and citizenship. Required Texts - ALWAYS bring readings and assignments to class. All readings for the course are posted on our website: http://european-immigration.blogspot.com/ Course Responsibilities 1) Complete reading assignments before the class meets; as we proceed, assignments may vary somewhat from what the syllabus indicates. It is your responsibility to keep abreast of any updates to the schedule. 2) Attend class meetings regularly and on time. The lectures provide a framework for understanding European immigration policies and contain material not in the readings. Attendance will be taken regularly and will figure in your course grade, as explained below. 3) Write three 2-3 page summaries of readings assigned from the readings. No summary can exceed three double-spaced, typed pages. Summaries must be submitted at the start of the class period in which the reading is assigned. If you are absent, you may arrange to have someone else deliver the summary. Summaries may not be transmitted by e-mail. No late summaries will be accepted for any reason. 4) Complete the final essay. Grading Your grade will be based on your exam grades, your performance on the summaries and your participation in class discussions. Current Event Presentation (15% of Class Grade) Oral presentation of current event Summaries (45% of Class Grade) Three summaries, each is 15% of total Class Grade. Final Essay (20% of Class Grade) 7-10 page essay. Attendance & Active Participation (20% of Class Grade) Will not be given to students missing two or more classes. Rules of Participation Class attendance and participation will be a fundamental part of this class. Without your participation, I cannot accurately determine whether or not you are preparing the course materials. Although I encourage active participation, please keep in mind that your classmates will also want to comment. Due to the sensitive nature of some of the course’s topics, think carefully about what you want to say, before you say it. Any offensive remarks will result in immediate disciplinary action.


NO MAKEUP ASSIGNMENTS will be accepted. If you fail to turn in an assignment, it is a ZERO. Due to the nature of summer classes, there is NO TIME to catch up or to make up missed assignments.


Every unjustified absence will be noted and will affect the final grade.


Lateness is not only disruptive, but also disrespectful. Two lates will count as an absence. Chronic lateness will not be tolerated; you will be excluded from class activities.


If you need to communicate with me, the ONLY guaranteed way to reach me is by EMAIL. The course EMAIL ADDRESS is: [email protected] See the golden rules of email below.


If you make or take a phone call, you will be asked to leave the room and WILL NOT BE ALLOWED BACK IN. - NO TEXT MESSAGING IN CLASS.

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The Golden Rules of Email Correspondence ALWAYS put your name and the course name in the subject line of your email. Email is a FORMAL means of communication (at least when you correspond with your professors or employers). Avoid abbreviations, slang and cuteness. Let's treat each other with respect. Use capital letters, punctuation, greetings and salutations as in a professional message. The use of “please,” “thank you” and politeness in general is strongly encouraged. Sign every message at the bottom. Exchange phone numbers or email addresses with your classmates. Please do not write to let me know that you were not in class (I already know) or will miss class; to ask me to summarize what we did or will do in class; or what the assignment is/was, unless you have serious reasons. Email a classmate instead. I will not respond to questions that are addressed on our syllabus or on the materials that have been handed out in class or posted on our website. EVERYTHING IS THERE. Look for it. I receive dozens of emails a day. Please allow at least 24 hours for me to respond to your email. If I haven’t responded to your email in that time, then the information you are requesting is clearly posted elsewhere.

Policy on academic integrity Academic dishonesty of any type, including cheating and plagiarism, is unacceptable at City College. Cheating is any misrepresentation in academic work. Plagiarism is the representation of another person's work, words, or ideas as your own. Students should consult the City College Student Handbook for a fuller, more specific discussion of related academic integrity standards. Academic dishonesty is punishable by failure of the "test, examination, term paper, or other assignment on which cheating occurred" (Faculty Council, May 18, 1954). In addition, disciplinary proceedings in cases of academic dishonesty may result in penalties of admonition, warning, censure, disciplinary probation, restitution, suspension, expulsion, complaint to civil authorities, or ejection. (Adopted by Policy Council, May 8, 1991)

Calendar LAST DAY OF CLASS - Thursday, July 23rd


The reading assignment listed under a given day is due on that day, i.e. the work listed for 6/30 should be finished before class that day.

MON 6/29

1st day of class – Introduction to the course

TUES 6/30

Randall Hansen, “Migration to Europe since 1945: Its History and its Lessons,” The Political Quarterly, Vol 74, Suppl. 1 (Aug 2003): 25-38.

July WED 7/1

Wayne Cornelius & Takeyuki Tsuda, “Controlling Immigration: The Limits of Government Intervention,” in Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective, ed. Cornelius et al., Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2004: 3-48.


*Christian Joppke, “Why Liberal States Accept Unwanted Immigration,” World Politics, Vol. 50, No. 2 (Jan 1998): 266-293. [first summary due]

MON 7/6

Martin Schain et al., “The Development of Radical Right Parties in Western Europe,” in Shadows over Europe: The Development and Impact of the Extreme Right in Western Europe, ed. Schain et al., New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002: 3-17.

TUES 7/7

Jens Rydgren, “The Sociology of the Radical Right,” Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 33 (2007): 241-262.

WED 7/8

Dietrich Thränhardt, “The Political Uses of Xenophobia in England, France, and Germany,” Party Politics, Vol. 1, Issue 3 (1995): 323-345.


*James Hollifield, “Republicanism and the Limits of Immigration Control,” in Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective, 183-214. [second summary]

MON 7/13

Commentary on Hollifield, by Charles Gomes. Country profile on France: in Shadows over Europe: The Development and Impact of the Extreme Right in Western Europe, 325-329. Leo Lucassen, “Islam and the Colonial Legacy: Algerians in France (19452002),” in The Immigrant Threat: The Integration of Old and New Migrants in Western Europe since 1850, Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2005: 171196.

TUES 7/14

Country profile on Germany: in Shadows over Europe: The Development and Impact of the Extreme Right in Western Europe, 329-332. Philip L. Martin, “Germany: Managing Migration in the Twenty-First Century,” in Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective, 221-251 Commentary on Martin, by Uwe Hunger.

WED 7/15

Country profile on Italy: in Shadows over Europe: The Development and Impact of the Extreme Right in Western Europe, 332-335. Kitty Calavita, “Italy: Economic Realities, Political Fictions, and Policy Failures,” in Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective, 345-376. Commentary on Calavita, by Christian Joppke.

THURS 7/16 *Ted Perlmutter, “The Politics of Restriction: The Effect of Xenophobic Parties on Italian Immigration Policy and German Asylum Policy,” in Shadows over Europe: The Development and Impact of the Extreme Right in Western Europe, 269-295. [third summary]

MON 7/20

Country profile on Great Britain: in Shadows over Europe: The Development and Impact of the Extreme Right in Western Europe, 343-345. Zig Layton-Henry, “Britain: From Immigration Control to Migration Management,” in Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective, 297-332. Commentary on Layton-Henry, by Randall Hansen.

TUES 7/21

Danièle Joly and Karima Imtiaz, “Muslims and Citizenship in the United Kingdom,” in New European Identity and Citizenship, ed. Leveau et al., Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2002: 117-131.

WED 7/22

David Cesarani and Mary Fulbrook, “Introduction,” in Citizenship, Nationality, and Migration in Europe, ed. Cesarani and Fulbrook, London: Routledge, 1996: 1-14.

THURS 7/23 Riva Kastoryano, “Citizenship, Nationhood, and Non-Territoriality: Transnational Participation in Europe,” PS: Political Science and Politics, Vol. 38, No. 4 (Oct 2005): 693-696. Susan Moller Okin, “Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?” Boston Review, Princeton University Press, 1999.