Ryan Drum Wright Resume

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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More details

  • Words: 375
  • Pages: 1
Ry anDr umwr i ght

630RoseSt r eetAPT3118A RockHi l l ,SC29730 ( 803)4178690 Ryan. Dr umwr i ght @gmai l . com

Obj ec t i ve

Tousemyknowl edge,passi on,i nst i nctandper sonal i t yt obr i ngval uet oconsumer s,youragencyandyourcl i ent s asanadver t i si ngi nt er n,i deal l yi naccountpl anni ng.

Educat i on

Wi nt hr opUni ver si t y,RockHi l l ,SC B. S.Col l egeofAr t sandSci ences-I nt egr at edMar ket i ngCommuni cat i on Cur r entGPA:3. 97/ 4. 0


Resear chExper i enc e

• Usedami xofqual i t at i veandquant i t at i ver esear chmet hodst odevel opconsumerpr of i l esonpr i mar yand secondar yt ar getaudi ences. • Conduct edet hnogr aphi cr esear chatal ocalHi spani cbusi ness,andi dent f i edkeyconsumeri nsi ght son Hi spani cconsumer s. • Or gani zedandmoder at edaf ocusgr oup. • Resear chedgl obalyout h’ sopi ni onsoncl i mat echange,dr af t edst r at egydocumentanddevel opedacompl et e campai gnpr omot i ngwayst ost opcl i mat echange.

Leader shi pEx per i ence

• Or gani zedguestspeakerar r angement sasVi cePr esi dentofPr ogr amsofWi nt hr op’ sAmer i canMar ket i ng Associ at i onchapt er . • Ledt eammat esi nt he20082009Adver t i si ngYel l owpagesChal l enge. • Or gani zedWi nt hr op’ sf i r stt r i pt ot heAdver t i si ngWomenofNewYor kCar eerConf er ence. • Or gani zedandexecut edt heMassCommuni cat i onRecogni t i onDi nnerasamemberoft het hr eeper sonexecut i ve commi t t ee.

Ski l l s

• Fami l i arwi t hMRIPl us • Pr of i ci enti nMi cr osof tOf f i ceSui t e • Wor ki ngknowl edgeofAdobePhot oshop

Honor s / Act i v i t i es

• LI FESchol ar shi p-Awar dbasedonacademi cachi evement( 2005pr esent ) ;Pr esi dent ’ sLi st -( 2005May2008) ; VPofPr ogr ams-Amer i canMar ket i ngAssoci at i on( 2007pr esent ) ;Chi efSt udentMar shal( 2008pr esent ) .

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