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Supplementary Budget 2009 Tax Planning in the Current Environment

What a difference 6 months can make…

Leadership & Vision …

The Rumours… • Income levy increase • Income tax rates increase


• New high tax rate


• Reduce tax credits


• Pension changes


• Increase in the rate of CGT / CAT • Residential property tax • Reduce VAT rates


Dublin Chamber of Commerce Budget Submission • • • • • •

Retain Corporate rate at 12.5% No increase in Employers PRSI Reduce 13.5% VAT rate to 10% Reduce excise on alcohol Introduce residential property tax Introduce wealth tax


Objectives 6 Steps to Economic Revival 1.

Stabilise public finances


Restore damaged banking system


Regain lost competitiveness


Protect jobs and retrain unemployed


Stimulate economic confidence


Restore reputation internationally

Fairness is Cornerstone Principle: Everyone must give according to means

Personal Tax

Rates No change

Income Levy • Rates doubled • Entry points reduced

Income Levy Current Position €0 to €100,100 €100,100 - €250,120 €250,120 + Effective 1 Jan 2009

Yesterdays Budget 1% 2% 3%

€0 - €75,036 €75,037 - €174,980 €174,980 + Effective 1 May 2009?

Husband and wife separately assessed

2% 4% 6%

Income Levy • Not due if: – Income < €15,028 pa – Entitled to medical card – If over 65 and income < €20k pa

• On gross income before capital allowances, losses, pension contributions • On “exempt” income such as patent, forestry, artists exemption • Trading and rental income net of expenses • Deposit interest exempt

Income Levy Example John, single Self employed net profit Less: Pension AVC Less: Capital allowances Taxable Income Annual impact of levy: Pre Budget

€ 90,000 (15,000) (18,000) 57,000 €75,036 @ 2% = €1,501 €14,964 @ 4% = €599 €90,000 €2,100 €900

Preliminary Tax Impact Preliminary Tax 2009 due on lower of : 90% of tax for 2009 Or 100% of 2008 tax plus income levy on 2008 income € John’s 2008 tax liability 13,896 Plus income levy 2,100 Revised 2008 liability for PT purposes 15,996

Employee PRSI & Health Levy Employees PRSI - Employees PRSI Ceiling (4%) from €52,000 to €75,036

Yesterdays Budget

Current Position Health Levy €0 to €100,100 €100,100 +

2% 2.5%

€0 - €75,036 €75,036 +

Effective 1 May 2009

4% 5%

New Marginal Tax Rate On income over €175,000 Top rate of income tax Income levy Health levy

41% 6% 5% 52%

What does this mean for Employees? Salary

Annual Decrease

Single person



Married one working



Married both working



Married both working



Mortgage Interest Relief • Ceases for loans over 7 years

Residential Rental Property • Tax deduction for interest reduced to 75% • Potential effect - 13% additional tax

DIRT • Increase to 25% on ordinary deposit accounts • Increase to 28% on other savings products (life assurance / investment funds • Effective 8 April 2009

Pensions • Clear signal – changes to tax free lump sum in 2010 Budget • Public service early retirement scheme • No standard rating of pension contributions

Childcare Benefits • Early childcare supplement – 50% from 1 May 2009 – Abolished from 31/12/2009

• Free pre-school year • Child benefit allowance will be reviewed in 2010 Budget

Capital Allowances • Termination of allowances on private hospitals and nursing homes • Transitional arrangements • Child care and palliative care facilities – relief still available

Business Taxation

n a l Ire

c n I d

Business Taxation • 12.5% corporation tax rate unchanged Reminder: • “Manufacturing” tax rate of 10% ceases on 31 December 2010 • Employer PRSI unchanged at: – 8.5% on salary ≤ €18,512 pa – 10.75% on higher salaries

Incentive to Protect Employment • Enterprise stabilisation fund – €100 m fund = €50m 2009: €50m 2010 – Assist indigenous companies in difficult business environment – Particular focus SME and exports • Not in financial difficulty at 1 July ’08 • Remain financially viable

“Smart Economy” • Measures to support “Smart Economy” through investment and incentives • R & D target of 2.5% of GNP by 2013 • Tax relief on acquiring intangible assets including intellectual property

Capital Gains Tax

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Current Position • 22% since 15 October ‘08

Yesterdays Budget • Increase to 25% • Effective 8 April ‘09

Capital Acquisitions Tax • Rate increased from 22% to 25% • Effective from midnight 7 April • Thresholds Pre 8 April

– (Parent to Child) – (Relations) – (Strangers)

€542,544 €54,254 €27,127

8 April

€434,000 €43,400 €21,700


Dealing in Residential Development Land • Special 20% rate abolished • Taxable at marginal rate for individual 2009 • Taxable at 25% for company - accounting periods from 1 January 2009 • Trading losses set off restricted – maximum value 20% – If not claimed by 7 April ‘09

Stamp Duty • “Trade-In” Scheme • No stamp duty payable on “traded in” property – As payment / part payment – In exchange for new house / apartment

• Stamp duty due when “swapped” house sold

Property - Commercial Current Position • Stamp Duty rate still 6% • Stamp duty deferral for “resting on contract” still available

VAT & Other

VAT Rates

No changes

Car Dealers • VAT Margin Scheme • Second Hand Cars Acquired from 1st July – VAT on Margin

• Second Hand Cars Acquired before 1st July – Taxed on resale price – Spread Payments if resold before 31st December

Excise • 25 cent increase on cigarettes • 5 cent increase on diesel

Future Tax Cuts to be Reviewed •

Taxation of child benefit

Introduce carbon tax

Introduce property tax

Review tax exempt income / reliefs

Other Possibilities • Tax mobile phone texts! • Rock concerts! • Electronic tag high worth tax exiles!

Supplementary Budget 2009

Tax Planning in the Current Environment

Current Environment • • • • •

Tax certainty rates / reliefs Next budget – due Dec ’09 Commission on Taxation Report Fundamental changes to tax regime Maximise available remaining tax reliefs – Secure tax savings – Improve cashflow

Losses • Losses arising in your company? – – – – – –

Land write downs / restricted Capital allowances claims – obsolete assets Stock provisions Bad debt provisions Inter group loans – write off / down General trading losses

– Can be carried back to prior year – Obtain a refund of tax paid – Prepare accounts and return early to get refund

Cashflow Saving Tax Tips • Preliminary tax – If profits decreasing – base on current year

• • • • •

VAT refund on bad debts Move to a cash receipts basis for VAT Review direct debits for PAYE / VAT Less frequent filing of VAT / PAYE Directors current account

Tax Opportunities for Companies • Research credits – – – – –




Qualifying R & D 25% cash refund What costs qualify? What is R & D? Sectors benefiting: • Software, pharma, food, plastics, medical devices, electronics, biotech, manufacturing etc

Tax Based Funding • Seed Capital Relief – Start ups – Tax relief on investments up to €600k – Set against Income Tax bill in prior 6 years – Refund of income tax

• Business Expansion Scheme – Tax relief of €150,000pa for individuals – Qualifying company can secure €2m – Lack of other tax incentives for individuals

Redundancy Planning • Some elements taxable, others not • Maximise after tax payments to staff

Tax Savings for New Start Ups • Taxation exemption for new companies – Commence new trades in ’09 – Profits of €960k over 3 years • Existing companies?

Opportunties with Reduction in Asset Values • Take assets out of company • Re-organise company structure • Transfer assets to children – “Inheritance Brats”

Opportunities for Family Businesses / Companies • Low valuations – opportunities to transfer assets • CAT threshold for children €433k • Significant tax reliefs remain • Retirement Relief: extract €1.5m cash tax free (if husband & wife qualify)

Company Pension Schemes • Significant pension fund can be built for company directors (5% shareholding) • Cap on employer contributions – Currently based only on size of fund needed to provide for directors retirement – Based on age, years of work and salary

• Salary cap to be introduced? • 25% tax free lump-sum likely to be reduced

Conclusion • • • •

Act before next budget Tax certainty for now Claim tax reliefs applicable Maximise savings and manage cashflow

Contact Details Jackie Masterson Taxation Partner [email protected] 090 6480600 Fiona Molloy Taxation Director [email protected] 090 6480600

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