Runes Of The Elder Futhark

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  • Pages: 4
Runes of the Elder Futhark tend to represent energies; processes. They can be nouns and verbs combined. Due to space limitations, I'm only mentioning some of what I consider at the moment to be the most salient features. The Elder Futhark does a lot of speaking to me on the nonverbal level as well. Fehu: (cattle, wealth). On a superfical level, this can refer to standard riches. Owning several head of cattle was a sign of wealth. Obviously, wealth need not refer only to the material plane. And, as the runes regard a process, this rune may refer to the ability to create wealth on whatever level under inspection. Uruz: (aurochs). The aurochs is a now-extinct animal related to oxen. Rather than tame like cattle, it lived wild. The meaning of the symbol can relate to a wild energy, an untamed potential; something not unlike the root chakra. Contrast it with Fehu, which seems to indicate that which one possesses, in various meanings of that word. Understanding both the tamed and the untamed sides of the self may be emphasized when studying both of these runes. There may be sexual connotations in this rune. Also, this rune may indicate vitality and personal health. It may represent the unconscious energies within oneself. Thurisaz: (giant; Thor's rune). It may mean conflict; it may indicate protection (as in protection from conflict) when so used. On some levels, it represents the subconscious. The energy of conflict is neutral in and of itself; it is important in the Norse world view to accept the dynamics involved here. It may be used in meditation as a potent tool to understand Thor (who was typically one of the main gods of the common folk). Ansuz: (Odinn's rune). This can be a rune of communication -- Odinn brought the wisdom of the runes down, and conveyed their information to the rest of us. It may also represent wisdom, a wisdom earned. It is a potent rune for those who wish to study ol' One Eye himself. It represents conscious work, bringing the wisdom gained to the levels of awareness where one can recognize things for as they are. Raido: (journey). New ventures, new beginnings, as well as the mundane taking a trip somewhere. It may also point out the right (or best) path among a selection of alternates. There may well be a sense of directed change.

Kenaz: (torch, light). Essentially, I see this as the creativity rune, although that gives short shrift to the creative qualities inherent in many of the other runes. However, here I see the cognate as Bridgit of the forge (Irish lore) -- she who forged the steel, tempering it in water. The rune is directed synthesis, brought about by fire energy, tempered with thought. It may indicate knowledge passed on. It can also "light the way" for inner explorations. Gebo: (gift). Balance. There is a balance in true giving and receiving. The things we do in life have a way of coming to an equilibrium, and some of the wisdom is understood in coming to terms with this, and making adjustments accordingly. Sacrifice (without martyrdom) is sometimes indicated. Gifts and giving resonate on a multitude of levels; the linear tit for tat is the least of it. Wunjo: (joy). The oldest translated meaning is "perfection", and Freya Aswynn indicates that this rune may represent the most perfect, "good" side of Odinn. One may use the rune to indicate the striving towards perfection. A joy or happiness is implied in this rune, a sense of fitting in appropriately with the universe. Hagalaz: (hail). Sort of The Tower of the Futhark world. There may be disruptive forces at work, requiring change. Frequently this is on an inner level; adjustments on world view and outlook may be indicated. It deals with the dark side of oneself, which is clamoring to be understood rather than shut away. Nauthiz: (need-fire). I see this as relating to a primal need within a person; possibly even unconscious. This need is a motivating force, and seeks equilibrium. Something may be out of balance. What purpose, on any level, does the need serve? Working with this rune can help bring such answers to the fore, where the need can be addressed, satisfied, or dismissed. (Note -- needs and wants are not necessarily the same.) Isa: (ice). A challenge, a frustration. A sense of self-containment and preservation are a part of this rune. It is a status quo, which may be necessary or it may be something to break down. (Or both and more, as life and living hold complexities.) It may relate to a sense of awareness of the "I", and it stands firm in ways that may make it an obstacle. Jera: (year). Everything changes, in its own time. It can break through stagnancy. Overall, this is a positive rune, although it can indicate the return of unfinished business as well as the finished.

Eihwaz: (yew). Essentially, in working with this rune I find a strong connection to the Wiccan saying, "as above, so below". What one hopes to manifest on the higher planes can get a good boot by being dealt with on the lower. As well, when things are moving on the higher planes, changes may accompany this on the lower. This rune seems to represent the connecting, focal section between these (and other) planes. This can be a very strong and assertive rune. Pertho: (lot cup). Mystery; the hidden. Forces we cannot fully comprehend, which act upon us. Part of the concept here is the wyrd, a form of "fate". There is also here the meaning of birth; one may consider that our birth is caused by events we (the being-born) cannot control. In a reading, I always like to see what runes this rune is near; it brings in the unexpected. (And from this can arise transformation.) Algiz: (protection). Protection, a shield. It can be used to channel energies appropriately. It may represent life, at both ends of existence (life as well as death), as a normal state of affairs. Sowilo: (sun). In the Norse and Germanic traditions, the sun is female, which gives it a different indication than the lore of other cultures. The rune symbolizes the consciousness of the inner self, and may indicate growth (in various ways). The blessings of the sun would improve Northern crops. (The solar cross is formed by two Sowilo runes, written in either direction. While I believe in reclaiming many things taken from us as Pagans, the damage mid-century done in the name of the solar cross keeps me from any interest in reclaiming that particular symbol.)

Tiwaz: (Tyr). Victory, justice. The rune is shaped like an arrow, so one can visualize it going straight to its target. Tyr is the god who consented to bind the Fenris wolf by tricking him. In so doing, he voluntarily lost one hand. Berkana: (birch). Nurturing, fertility. There is a sense of protection for the abandoned, in a gentle caring way. Growth is implicit. Ehwaz: (horse). The rune may indicate a pair of horses in the original etymology. The rune can relate to a vehicle, including in the sense of how one adapts to circumstances. Partnerships (marriage or business) may be alluded to with this rune. "Bonding" may be a factor. Cooperation and adjustment may be ideas to consider. Mannaz: (man). Cooperation for the benefit of the whole. The use of the mind to further such cooperation and success (however defined)

may be considered here. There's a sense of the individual in relationship to the group, as well as the role of the intellect. Laguz: (lake). This rune may relate to love (being half an Ehwaz). There's also the sense of that old saying, "still waters run deep". It has much tie to the emotional state of a person. Inguz: (Frey). As can be seen below, this rune has two forms. (As do some of the others.) I see it as a seed, gestating below the surface of the soil, in a period of apparent stagnation. But the seed is waiting. Processes we cannot see have been finely honed. This rune may mark a dark night within a person, through which they must travel. In a sense, it is sort of an initiatory rune. I see Jera as a positive outcome of a passage through Inguz. Othila (Ogthala): (ancestral land). The sacred enclosure; sometimes Gaia herself. The old Norse and Germans were tribal, as are some Native American tribes today. The land held both itself and the family/tribe. There's an interdependence between the land and those who live upon it (sadly forgotten by many of our politicians...); it may be this which is explored here. There may also be a strong sense of safety implicit in this rune. Dagaz: (day). This rune symbol swoops around like the infinity sign. Day and night -- it can touch the extremes, or what appear to be extremes. It is a rune of paradox, and I have found it a strengthening rune for me, in that it allows the contradictory parts of myself to explore and talk with one another. It breaks down, and builds up -- a truly syncretic rune that I'm not doing justice in my description of. Many writers place Othila after Dagaz instead of the way it is listed here.

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