Rummy Card Game CS351 – Artificial Intelligence Rida-e-Fatima
Zainub Wahid
Card package RummyProject; public class Card { private private private private private private
Rank rank; Suit suit; boolean inPlay = false; boolean inStraight = false; boolean inOfAKind = false; boolean inDiscard = false;
Card(){} Card(Rank rank, Suit suit){ this.rank = rank; this.suit = suit; } Card(int rankNum, int suitNum){ for (Rank r : Rank.values()){ if(r.ordinal() == rankNum) this.rank = r; } for (Suit s : Suit.values()){ if(s.ordinal() == suitNum) this.suit = s; } } public int getPoints(){ return this.rank.points; } public int getOrder(){ return this.suit.order; } public Rank getRank(){ return this.rank; } public Suit getSuit(){ return this.suit; } public boolean getInPlay(){ return inPlay; } public void setInPlay(boolean inPlay){ this.inPlay = inPlay; } public boolean getInStraight(){ return this.inStraight; }
public void setInStraight(boolean inStraight){ this.inStraight = inStraight; } public boolean getInOfAKind(){ return this.inOfAKind; } public void setInOfAKind(boolean inOfAKind){ this.inOfAKind = inOfAKind; } }
Deck package RummyProject; import java.util.Random; public class Deck { private Card[] deck = new Card[52]; public int cardsInPlay = 0; Deck(){ int i = 0; for(Rank r : Rank.values()){ for(Suit s : Suit.values()){ deck[i++] = (new Card(r,s)); } } } public Card[] getDeck(){ return this.deck; } public Card[] getStartingHand(){ Card[] startingHand = new Card[11]; for(int i=0; i<10; i++){ startingHand[i] = deck[i]; deck[i].setInPlay(true); } this.cardsInPlay = 10; return startingHand; } public Card getTopCard(){ this.deck[cardsInPlay].setInPlay(true); return this.deck[cardsInPlay++]; } public void shuffle(){ Random randomGenerator = new Random(); for(int i=0; i<300; i++){ int switch1 = randomGenerator.nextInt(25); int switch2 = randomGenerator.nextInt(25) + 26; Card placeHolder;
placeHolder = this.deck[switch1]; this.deck[switch1] = this.deck[switch2]; this.deck[switch2] = placeHolder; } } public void printDeck(){ String isInPlay = ""; for(int i=0; i < this.deck.length; i++){ if(deck[i].getInPlay()) {isInPlay = "in play";} else{isInPlay = "not in play";} System.out.println("Card: " + this.deck[i].getRank() + " of " + this.deck[i].getSuit() + " is " + isInPlay); } } }
Rank package RummyProject; public enum Rank { ACE(1), TWO(2), THREE(3), FOUR(4), FIVE(5), SIX(6), SEVEN(7), EIGHT(8), NINE(9), TEN(10), JACK(10), QUEEN(10), KING(10); public final int points; Rank(int points){ this.points = points; } }
Suit package RummyProject; public enum Suit { CLUBS(1), DIAMONDS(2), HEARTS(3), SPADES(4); public final int order; Suit(int order){ this.order = order; }
Player package RummyProject; import*; public class Player { private String name = null; private Card[] myHand = new Card[11]; private int cardCount = 0; private Card[][] straights = new Card[3][4]; private Card[][] ofAKinds = new Card[3][4]; private int straightCount = 0; private int ofAKindCount = 0; Player(){}; Player(Card[] startingHand){ this.myHand = startingHand; this.cardCount = 10; } public void addCard(Card card){ if(cardCount<11){ myHand[cardCount++] = card; this.clearStraights(); this.organizeHand(); } } public Card dropCard(){ System.out.println("Please enter # of card you would like to drop: "); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; try { int drop = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine())-1; Card temp = myHand[drop]; myHand[drop] = myHand[10]; myHand[10] = null; this.cardCount--; this.clearStraights(); this.organizeHand(); return(temp); } catch (IOException ioe) { return(null); } } public Card getLastCard(){ return myHand[cardCount]; } public String getName(){ return; }
public int getCardCount(){ return this.cardCount; } public void printHand(){ for(int i=0; i < this.cardCount; i++){ System.out.println((i+1) + ": " + myHand[i].getRank() + " of " + myHand[i].getSuit()); } } public void getPlayerName(){ // prompt the user to enter their name System.out.print("Enter your name: "); // open up standard input BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; //
read the username from the command-line; need to use try/catch
with the // readLine() method try { = br.readLine(); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println("IO error trying to read your name!"); System.exit(1); } } public void organizeHand(){ Card temp = new Card(); for(int i=0; i < cardCount; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < cardCount; j++){ if(this.myHand[i].getRank().ordinal() < this.myHand[j].getRank().ordinal()){ temp = this.myHand[i]; this.myHand[i] = this.myHand[j]; this.myHand[j] = temp; } else if((this.myHand[i].getRank().ordinal() == this.myHand[j].getRank().ordinal()) && (this.myHand[i].getSuit().ordinal() < this.myHand[j].getSuit().ordinal())) { temp = this.myHand[i]; this.myHand[i] = this.myHand[j]; this.myHand[j] = temp; } } } findOfAKinds(); findStraights(); } public void findOfAKinds(){ for(int i=0; i < this.cardCount; i++){
} } public void findStraights(){ for(int i = 0; i < (this.cardCount - 1); i++){ this.myHand[i].setInStraight(false); int j = checkForNext(i+1, this.myHand[i].getSuit(), this.myHand[i].getRank()); if(j > 0){ int k = checkForNext(j+1, this.myHand[j].getSuit(), this.myHand[j].getRank()); if(k > 0){ int l = checkForNext(k+1, this.myHand[k].getSuit(), this.myHand[k].getRank()); if(l > 0){ addStraight(i, j, k ,l); } else{ addStraight(i, j, k); } } } } } private int checkForNext(int position, Suit s, Rank r){ int furthest = position + 4; for(; (position < furthest) && (position < this.cardCount); position++){ if(this.myHand[position].getSuit() == s){ if(this.myHand[position].getRank().ordinal() == (r.ordinal() + 1)){ return position; } } } return 0; } private void addStraight(int i, int j, int k){ this.straights[this.straightCount][0] = this.myHand[i]; this.myHand[i].setInStraight(true); this.straights[this.straightCount][1] = this.myHand[j]; this.myHand[j].setInStraight(true); this.straights[this.straightCount][2] = this.myHand[k]; this.myHand[k].setInStraight(true); this.straightCount++; } private void addStraight(int i, int j, int k, int l){ this.straights[this.straightCount][0] = this.myHand[i]; this.myHand[i].setInStraight(true); this.straights[this.straightCount][1] = this.myHand[j]; this.myHand[j].setInStraight(true); this.straights[this.straightCount][2] = this.myHand[k]; this.myHand[k].setInStraight(true); this.straights[this.straightCount][3] = this.myHand[l]; this.myHand[l].setInStraight(true);
this.straightCount++; } public void clearStraights(){ for(int i=0; i < this.cardCount; i++){ this.myHand[i].setInStraight(false); } for(int j=0; j < 3; j++){ for(int k=0; k < 4; k++){ this.straights[j][k] = null; } } this.straightCount = 0; } private void addThreeOfAKind(int i, int j, this.ofAKinds[this.ofAKindCount][0] this.myHand[i].setInOfAKind(true); this.ofAKinds[this.ofAKindCount][1] this.myHand[j].setInOfAKind(true); this.ofAKinds[this.ofAKindCount][2] this.myHand[k].setInOfAKind(true); this.ofAKindCount++; }
int k){ = this.myHand[i]; = this.myHand[j]; = this.myHand[k];
private void addFourOfAKind(int i, int j, int k, int l){ this.ofAKinds[this.ofAKindCount][0] = this.myHand[i]; this.myHand[i].setInOfAKind(true); this.ofAKinds[this.ofAKindCount][1] = this.myHand[j]; this.myHand[j].setInOfAKind(true); this.ofAKinds[this.ofAKindCount][2] = this.myHand[k]; this.myHand[k].setInOfAKind(true); this.ofAKinds[this.ofAKindCount][3] = this.myHand[l]; this.myHand[l].setInOfAKind(true); this.ofAKindCount++; } /*public int countPoints(){ }*/ public String deckOrDiscard(){ System.out.println("Please enter 1 to pick up from discard \n" + "2 to pick up from deck"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; try { int answer = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); if(answer==1){return "Discard";} else{return "Deck";} } catch (IOException ioe) { return("IO error trying to read your choice!"); } } }
Computer Player
package RummyProject; public class ComputerPlayer extends Player{ private int gameTurns = 0; public void setGameTurns(int gameTurns){ this.gameTurns = gameTurns; }
Discard package RummyProject; public class Discard { private Card topOfDiscard; public Card getTop(){ return this.topOfDiscard; } public void setTop(Card card){ this.topOfDiscard = card; } public Card takeTop(){ Card temp = topOfDiscard; topOfDiscard = null; return(temp); } }
Colors package RummyProject; public enum Colors { BLUE(1), YELLOW(2), GREEN(3); private final int value; Colors(int value){ this.value = value; } public int getValue(){ return value; } }
package RummyProject; public class Counter { Counter (){} private private private private private
Card[][] straights = new Card[3][4]; Card[][] ofAKinds = new Card[3][4]; int straightCount = 0; int ofAKindCount = 0; int points = 0;
public int getPoints(){ return points; } }
Play package RummyProject; import*; public class Play { public static int gameTurns = 0; public static boolean knock = false; public static void show(Card card, String display){ System.out.println(display + " " + card.getRank() + " of " + card.getSuit()); }
public static void main(String[] args) { Deck deck1 = new Deck(); deck1.shuffle();
// get a new deck // shuffle the deck
Discard discard1 = new Discard(); Player player1 = new Player(deck1.getStartingHand()); new player with a starting hand from the deck player1.getPlayerName(); // sets player name player1.organizeHand(); player1.printHand();
// create
// organize the player hand // show player hand
while(!knock){ discard1.setTop(deck1.getTopCard()); show(discard1.getTop(), "Top Of Discard:"); if(player1.deckOrDiscard() == "Discard"){ player1.addCard(discard1.takeTop()); } else{ player1.addCard(deck1.getTopCard()); } player1.printHand(); discard1.setTop(player1.dropCard());
//computer move } deck1.printDeck();
} }