Rule And Life Of The Secular Franciscan Order - Module For Teaching.docx

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The Rule and Life of the Secular Franciscan Order

Outline I. Prayer Ia. Reference - Called to Follow Christ by Benet A. Fonck, OFM - General Constitution of the Secular Franciscan Order (year 2000) - Omnibus of St. Francis (specifically the 1st and 2nd Biography by Thomas of Celano) - Rev. Fr. Amando Trujillo, TOR – General Spiritual Assistant of SFO-Youfra II. History of the Rule and Life - 1215 – Earlier Exhortation (Earlier Version of the Letter to the Faithful) - Key figure Luchesius Modestini, TOSF - from Poggibonsi, Italy who has the same age of St. Francis of Assisi. He was once a soldier yet he later became a merchant whose sole concern is material success. He is known to be an avaricious (greedy) man. - later in his life, he realized how foolish it is to strive only for worldly goods. During his conversion, he took up a religious habit of a penitent (still not the Franciscan Penitential Movement) and rapidly advanced in holiness by practicing works of mercy. - it was sometime in 1213 when Francis visited his place and the two holy men met. Because of their similarity, he asked Francis to give him and his wife a rule to follow as a penitent. It was this time that Francis gave them a verbal rule which became the Earlier Exhortation (or the Early Version of the Letter to the Faithful). 1) love God 2) love one's neighbor 3) turn away from our sinful tendencies 4) "receive the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ" and, as a result of the above, 5) producing worthy fruits of penance – a renewed life characterized by charity, forgiveness and compassion toward others. - When he became ill and there was no hope of recovery, his wife said to him, “Implore God, who gave us to each other as companions in life, to permit us also to die together.” Modestini prayed and asked for his wife’s wife and his wife fell ill the same day with Modestini. They died together on April 28, 1260.

- On 1274, he was venerated by Pope Gregory X thus becoming Blessed Luchesius Modestini, TOSF. - 1220/21 – Later Exhortation which was included in the Memoriale Propositi by Pope Honorius. - 1289 – Supra Montem by Pope Nicholas IV. - 1883 – Misericors Dei Filius by Pope Leo XIII. - 1978 – Seraphicus Patriarcha by Pope Paul VI. - Letter of the Four Ministers General of the Franciscan Family - We, the Franciscan Ministers, with all our friars are ever ready and open to offer you all our assistance so that we may walk together in the way of the Lord. - Signed, (the Four Ministers General) III. The Rule of Life (1978 – Seraphicus Patriarcha) 1. Place of the Franciscan Order 1. The whole Franciscan Family as one of the many spiritual families raised up by the Holy Spirit in the Church. May it be Priests, Religious, or Lay. Quote 1 Cor 12: 12-27 (I used this reading in my first profession of Vows). 2. Zooming in the Secular Franciscan Order and the original content of the Early Exhortation. 3. History of the different versions/updates of the Rule. (As what was discussed earlier). 2. Gospel Living in Jesus 4. Following the example of St. Francis in observing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. There are many ways in observing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ but every ways are unique because of the Charism that the founder of a certain institution observed. Francis in his time, aimed to be one with Christ and by God’s grace, he was given the gift of stigmata in order to feel a little bit of Christ. In his aim to be one with Christ, he preached the Gospel not through mere words but by example. 5. “Secular Franciscans should devote themselves to careful reading of the gospel, going from gospel to life and life to the gospel” simply means that every SFO should not limit only to reading the Gospel but also in living the values that are embedded in every gospel stories. The etymology of the word Gospel comes from the greek work euaggelion which means good news. Thus the “Good News” can be

preached to others not only through words but more in actions. Quote Mt 7:24 and Celano (I, 22). Francis in his time, aimed to be one with Christ and by God’s grace, he was given the gift of stigmata in order to feel a little bit of Christ. In his aim to be one with Christ, he preached the Gospel not through mere words but by example. In this way, like Christ, who is the Good News, his whole person could also be the way of showing the people the Good News of the Lord. 3. Sharing Christ’s Mission in the Church 6. They (SFO) have been made living members of the Church by being buried and raised with Christ in baptism; they have been united more intimately with the Church by profession. Therefore, they should go forth as witnesses and instruments of her mission among all people, proclaiming Christ by their life and words. Being a professed member of the SFO is not an end point of formation since being a Secular Franciscan is a life-long journey, a life of continuous conversion. Just like when all of us became a member of the Church through baptism, the Profession acts as a catalyst to intensify the effect of baptism. Since being a professed Secular Franciscan intensifies the effect of baptism, then, the zeal in helping in rebuild the church should be visible and it can only be done through being in full communion with the pope, bishops, and priests, fostering an open and trusting dialogue of apostolic effectiveness and creativity. Cite the difference between St. Francis and Martin Luther; as well as the reality of many Active Church Workers who are also the source of Church-related gossips and conspiracy theories in social media and in literary media (e.g. Maria of the Divine Mercy). 4. The Life of Penance 7. As brothers and sisters of penance, living the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ means knowing and experiencing Him intimately, seeking his presence intensely, and sharing his mission in the Church thoroughly. However, this can’t be achieved in a flash, this is a life-long process. Cite a typical reason why many people forego the Sacrament of Penance. Our body is not only physical, it is also spiritual. If we take a bath brush our teeth everyday to remove the dirt, it is also important to have the Sacrament of Penance at least once a year. Cite the story of my confession to Fr. Illah. 5. The Life of Worship 8. Secular Franciscans should participate in the sacramental life of the Church, above all the Eucharist and as well as liturgical prayers in one of the forms proposed by the church.

Like Francis (who made prayer an important part in his life), a Secular Franciscan should also make it an important part of their lives. Cite the story of the marketplace and the cave. 6. Mary, our Mother and Model 9. Secular Franciscan should express their ardent love for her by imitating her complete self-giving and by praying earnestly and confidently. Like Mary who fulfill her FIAT as the mother of God even in the midst of all difficulties that She will have to bear, the Secular Franciscans are also called to being selfless and be fervent in prayer. Secular Franciscans should always remember that because of Mary’s FIAT, She became the Mother of God and all the people thus making us all the brothers and sisters of our Lord Jesus Christ. One of Francis’ characteristic is his undying love to the blessed Mother. Celano, Francis’ first biographer said, “He (Francis) sang special praises to her, poured out prayers to her, offered her his affections, so many and so great that the tongue of man cannot recount them.” 2 Cel 198. 7. Simple Living 10. Let the Secular Franciscans faithfully fulfill their duties proper to their various circumstance in life (their jobs) by constantly following the poor and crucified Christ witnessing to him in difficulties and persecution. Just like Christ who placed his will to the Father’s hand. Quote Mt 26:39. “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” May we also have faith that even in the midst of all the difficulties and persecution that we are going to encounter in our work or in our life, God is always there with us supporting us and not giving us trials that we can’t surpass. Cite a story of a Hardworking Man and a Thief or Trickster. 11. Let the Secular Franciscans seek a proper spirit of detachment from temporal goods by simplifying their own material needs. We are stewards of the goods received for the benefit of God’s children. In reminding ourselves that we don’t own anything we have and we are just stewards of it and it is our responsibility to share it to others especially to those who are in need, we will be under the process of purifying our hearts and getting past the shackles of possession and power. 12. Secular Franciscans should set themselves free to love God and their brothers and sisters. Just like in the next article, every member of the SFO should not limit themselves in loving on one ethnicity, religion, affiliation, social circle because every person

is a gift from God. Moreover, every creature should also be taken care of and not be subjected to any exploits and abuses. 8. Community and Service 13. Secular Franciscans should treat everyone as an equal, regardless of social status. In this way, when everybody accepts each other as a member of the community (SFO), then walls of prejudices and biases will be broken. In the end, this may result to a deeper appreciation of everyone as a unique gift from God 14. In connection with article 13, when a person is led to a deeper appreciation on everyone he/she encounters, the effectivity of serving others (which is what Jesus did and is part of the whole Gospel Way of Living) will be greater. An example of this would be the story of Francis and the Leper. 9. The Quest for Justice 15. Secular Franciscans should be an advocate of justice not just as a communial way of expressing but also personally. This means that even in the smallest things (be it inside the family, working place, or in the social media), a secular franciscan should not be bias on only one side without listening to the other side. In this way, their faith is not only seen in words but also through actions. An example of this would be the story of Francis and the Wolf of Gubbio. 16. In doing any work, may it be a voluntary one or for livelihood, a Secular Franciscan should see this as a gift from God that he/she should be thankful. Since it is a gift from God, this should be done for the purpose of service in the community targeted on that work. An example of this would be the story of an SFO who works for the Bureau of Customs where lots of corruptions are done. 10. The Ministry of Family Life 17. The same with other groups in the Church, Family Life is also an important aspect of a Secular Franciscan. When being baptized, the role of the parents is to teach their children the Christian faith. Therefore, a husband and wife should be a good example for their children. By living the grace of matrimony, husbands and wives should always set themselves as an example of a good Christian to their children. Therefore, formations, updatings, seminars done as a Secular Franciscan could also be a good way of learning things that could be shared to strengthen the Christian faith of the whole family. (Also look: Franciscan Youths) 11. Ministry Toward Creation 18. As a Secular Franciscan, we are also reminded that every creature – may they be great and small are created by God. Therefore, every one of them animate or

inanimate are our brothers and sisters. Therefore, we should be an advocate in protecting our environment. Invite them to read Laudato Si. 12. The Ministry of Peace-Making 19. As a Secular Franciscan, we should be bearers of peace. We should be reminded that peace-bearers are not only done through communal activities like candlelighting ceremonies together with praying for world peace especially on times that there are bombings in a certain place. We should not limit ourselves in this kind of activities. We should be reminded that it is better to start peace within ourselves and let it freely manifest outside when time is ripe. It is also good to be reminded that a pacifist and a peace-minded person is not a bearer of peace. A pacifist is one who wishes peace among all people without working to remove the cause of conflict. A peace-minded person is a person who avoids for oneself and for others all causes of clashes, even by losing or compromising the rights and dignity of a decent human being. Mention the 800 years anniversary of the Damietta Experience. 13. The Composition of Fraternity 20 – 22. With the establishment of a local fraternity, it connects itself to the whole organizational structure of the Secular Franciscan Order. As a Secular Franciscan, you should know the whole structure and how it works. Remind them on the explanation of Articles 1 and 2. 14. Sustaining Fraternity 24 – 25. Self explanatory. 26. Remind them on the roles of Spiritual Assistants which was discussed on the previous formation.

IV. Sharing 1. Isip usa ka SFO, kumusta naman ka sa imong formation karon? Aduna ka bay kabalaka nga dunay kalambigitan sa SFO? Unsa man kini? Unsa may gibuhat nimo aron mahupay ni nga kabalaka? 2. Isip usa ka SFO, kumusta ang imong pagpuyo sa Ebanghelyo ni Kristo? Unsay may kalisdanan nga nahi-agoman nimo sa pagpuyo sa Ebanghelyo? Unsa may gibuhat nimo aron kini matubag nga kalisdanan?

3. Kumusta ang imong relasyon sa imong mga kauban sa SFO? Sa mga kaparian ug religious sa tibuok diyosesis? Usa ka ba sa mga tawo nga magpataka og share sa Facebook og Church-related Gossips or mga conspiracy theories kabahin sa Simbahan? Unsa may imong action niini? 4. Kumusta ang imong relasyon ngadto sa Ginoo hilabi na sa Sakramento sa Pagpangumpisal? 5. Kumusta ang imong prayer life? 6. Sa imong field sa trabaho o pagpuyo nimo isip usa ka miyemro sa society, kumusta ka man? Wala bay mga anomaliya o palusot nga nabuhat nimo sa trabaho? Kumusta imong relasyon sa imong mga silingan og mga katrabaho? Kon dunay problema sa relasyon, unsa may gihimo nimo aron matubag ang problema? 7. Kumusta man ang imong pagpuyo sa simple nga kinabuhi? Sa imong pagpaambit sa mga kaayo nga nadawat nimo? Pinili lang ba ang imong hatagan o walay pili? 8. Kumusta ang imong pagtratar sa imong mga kauban sa SFO? Aduna bay kalahian tungod sa nagkalainlaing estado sa kinabuhi ug propesyon? Kumusta imong pagtratar sa mga tawo sa gawas? 9. Sa panahon nga adunay mga gubot ug mga di pagkasinabot sa imong mga kaila? Isip usa ka SFO, giunsa man nimo pagsulbad ang gubot? Naminaw ba ka sa duha ka panig? 10. Kumusta imong pamilya karon? Kumusta imong relasyon sa imong bana/asawa? Expound Kung batan-on o dalaga pa, kumusta ang imong ginikanan? Expound. Gi-unsa man nimo pagtudlo sa Kristohanong Pagtuo didto sa imong mga anak? 11. Kumusta ang imong relasyon ngadto sa tibuok nga binuhat sa Ginoo? Expound. 12. Isip bearers of peace, unsa may gibuhat nimo basta naay gubot? Usa ba ka sa mga pacifists o peace-minded persons? Expound. 13. Kung hatagan og higayon nga mahimong usa ka miyembro sa council, formator, etc. sa Secular Franciscan Order? Andam ka bang mudawat niini? Expound V. Reporting VI. Closing Prayer

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