Rubric Star Book

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 377
  • Pages: 1
Intro to Art – Unit 5 Assignment: Star Book


Advanced 20 – 18 pts.

Proficient 17 – 16 pts.

Front Cover Did you correctly create the front cover?

The design was thoughtfully and creatively carried out. All steps were creatively carried out.

The covers were planned, but the design has little definition.

There is minimal design for the covers.

Interior Pages How well did you create 4 interior pages?

The interior pages show a complete understanding of the principles of design. Each section is creatively finished and necessary to the whole design. The backs show great attention to detail and are creatively made.

The covers were planned, but some parts of the design were not defined. Most of the design was well thought out. The interior pages show a good understanding of the principles of design, and most of the pages are finished and necessary to the overall design. The backs show good attention to detail and are wellmade.

The pages show little understanding of the principles of design.

Little or none of the pages were created.

The backs show some attention to detail and could be made better.

There is little or no design on the backs of the pages.

Most of the book is well-crafted and is nicely completed.

Little of the book is well-crafted and much could be improved upon.

The little or none o the book was completed.

The book merely shows an average level of craftsmanship and understanding. The sculpture is finished, but lack touches or can be improved upon with little effort.

The book was not completed in a satisfactory manner.


Backs of the Interior Pages How well did you create back sides of the interior pages? Book Construction How well did you construct the book?

The book is wellcrafted and expertly completed.

Craftsmanship: The book is How much effort was made to finish the star book?

outstanding and demonstrates a unique level of patience and focus. The student gave effort far beyond the requirements of the assignment.

Overall, the book shows an average craftsmanship and understanding, yet more could be done.

Emerging 15 – 14 pts.

Unsatisfactory 13 – 12 pts.

Total Points Teacher





Student Teacher

Student Teacher


Total Points Earned Teacher


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