Rubric Sculpture

  • December 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 305
  • Pages: 1
Pieces of personality


“Anyone ever say how much you look like a Non-Objective sculpture?” ____ ____/25 Objective: You used form to build a thoughtfully considered non-objective sculpture and painted the surface, all based on your personality. You followed directions and completed all parts.

____ ____/25 Design: Your form explores 3-dimensional space, you considered how it interacts with the ground, and how it looks from all sides. Your surface design was also planned out in your sketchbook, with thoughtful color choice to show your personality. All parts are original and you used no pre-existing symbols or images.

____ ____/25 Studio Skills: You used all materials appropriately and safely. You followed steps to properly construct a sturdy sculpture and applied paint evenly and carefully to add to the overall design.

____ ____/25 Presentation: Your final sculpture is evident of quality time, thought, and care. There are no visible gaps and all paper is carefully smoothed. Paint is carefully applied.

____ ____/100


Grade yourself on the first line, then turn in to be graded. Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement 22.5-25 20-22 17.5-19.5 15-17

Unsatisfactory 0-14.5

Answer these questions: Do you feel the form you created accurately represents your personality? YES / NO If yes, how does it represent you? (Mention what elements or principles help) If no, how could you change it to make it more representative of you?

How is the process of making a model before constructing the final sculpture used in some way for everything we make in the class?

Did it help your final sculpture? Why or why not?

Are you happy with the final sculpture? Why or Why not?

If you could rework something what would you change?

On the back of this sheet accurately draw your final sculpture in pencil. You can Draw the painted pattern but don’t use color.

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