Rubric For Weather Project.docx

  • Uploaded by: Loida Agas Ferrer
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 369
  • Pages: 2
Nombre _________________ Apellidos ________________ __________________

Proyecto “El Tiempo” Project Due: October 29th

¿Qué tiempo hace?:

● ● ●

You and a partner will create a poster on the weather of your chosen Spanish country to present in class. You must describe what the weather is like for 5 days, including the high and the low temperatures in Celsius. The sentences should be written out in your poster (for example: “Llueve y Hace frío”) and you must have a picture of the weather. Include the date written out for each day: For ex: miércoles veintinueve de octubre del 2014 Each person must present at least two days.

Use the website for the webquest. Be creative!!! 

Compañero(s): ____________________________

Ciudad, País: _____________________ (For example, “Madrid, España”) jueves, veintitrés de octubre del 2014

Ex. Ex. Hace sol y Hace calor.

Ex. 30° C máxima 24° C mínima

Nombre _________________ Apellidos ________________ __________________ EL TIEMPO RUBRIC


Creativity/ Organization and Overall Appearance

Oral Presentation



5 Points

4 Points

3 Points

2 Points


5 spelling errors or fewer.

6-10 spelling errors.

11-15 spelling errors.

16 or more spelling errors.

_______ x 4=

Student put forth exemplary effort. Project is very colorful, creative and very organized.

Clear evidence of effort put forth by the student. Project is colorful, creative, organized, neat and understood.

Some evidence of effort. Project is somewhat colorful, creative, moderately organized and somewhat understood.

No evidence of effort put forth by the student. Project is not colorful or creative, is unclear and not easily understood.

Excellent eye contact with audience (no reading), very clear and easy to understand. 2 or fewer pronunciation errors.

Good eye contact with audience (no reading), clear and easy to understand. 3-4 pronunciation errors.

Some eye contact with audience, understandable and 5-6 pronunciation errors.

Very little eye contact with audience, relies heavily on reading. Unclear and hard to understand. More than 7 pronunciation errors.

All requirements are met.

Missing 1 requirement.

Missing 2 requirements.

Missing more than 3 requirements.

Always on task.

Off task 1 time.

Off task 2 times.

Off task more than 3 times.

_______ x 4=

_______ x 4=

_______ x 4=

_______ x 4=

Nota: ________% Comments:_________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

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