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Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 1 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

6+2 Group Acxiom Afghanistan Afghanistan Al Qaeda Al Qaeda

Allegation Allegation Anthrax Anthrax April 200 Arms Ashcroft Banks BGen Winfield Bin Laden Bin Laden Bin Laden

Secret meetings of key countries around AF Key company supporting Total Information Awareness Much of the world’s heroin comes from Afghanistan under US Bush received full invasion plan two days prior to 9-11 Alleges full penetration, full knowledge, “let one happen, stop others” Alleges that Al Qaeda created by Clinton and Saudi Arabia to serve as “direct external threat” recommended by Brzezinski in Grand Chessboard Robert Kennedy killed by CIA US Government saw need to keep Taliban and Bin Laden active Executive intimidation of two Democratic opponents? Product of CIA and Army research program? FBI walk-in in Newark NY with full details of training (not dates) Smuggled by Brown and Root ships to Iran (Halliburton subsidiary) Stopped flying commercial in July 2001 JPMorgan, Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, First Union Bank Why did he ask for relief at NMCC from 0830 until 9/11 over? Alleged to have PROMIS and to have used it to break into WH traffic Inconsistencies in book as to whether Bin Laden is controlled agent Alleges that Bin Laden funded by CIA in Kosovo

105 492 59 471 227 575

17 99 270 271 225 6 224 77 389 170 172 208

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 2 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

CIA BioWar BioWar BioWar BioWar BioWar

BioWar BioWar BioWar BioWar BioWar Brown & Mil Bubbles Bush Bush Bush Loved It

context Vaccine business booming and dangerous— 7000 infected with AIDS infected blood transfusions in the 1980’s Devastating epidemics have followed mass vaccinations USG not fully testing or regulating vaccines Microbiologists dying fast, many deaths suspicious—7 between November 2001 and February 2002, 14 overall. Howard Hughes Medical Institute appears to be engaged in black ops biowar work—some of its former employees are being professionally murdered according to police NIH three major resignations, being run by an acting director—[possible fear of biowar compromises and repercussions? Hadron Inc. does biowar research for DARPA DynCorp does dataprocessing for CDC, DoD, now managing vaccines for DoD Experts on DNA sequencing dying mysteriously, perhaps to protect a larger secret project? Government can force citizens to take untested vaccines Brown and Root now goes everywhere the U.S. military goes, logs. Housing, credit, and derivatives bubbles are all alarming On record as saying he does not owe anyone an explanation for anything Mentally-ill empty suit “Lucky me, I hit the trifecta” to his budget director, on 9-11

507 508 507 509 517

518 518 519 520 521 70 502 480 593 355

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 3 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

Bush WH Bush WH Bush WH Canada Carlyle Chechnya Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney

Interfered with, blocked, FBI investigation of two Bin Laden brothers General constraints on investigating Saudis Has not frozen World Assembly of Muslim Youth, but IN/PAK have Some evidence PROMIS used by US to spy on Canada Made a bundle after 9-11 in defense stock transactions Oil connection—benefits companies seeking transit routes Knew from May 2001 what he wanted to do— invade AF and IQ Refused to honor GAO supeona for secret energy documents Knew in 1999, spoke to London Institute of Petroleum in November Principal in bribery investigation on Kazakh state oil Named terrorism czar on 8 May 2001 War games and Cheney’s authority paralyzed the entire system Centralized decision authority actually paralyzed NORAD and others Secret Service phone bridges with FAA, Norad, Cheney clearly in NORAD appears to have been paralyzed for 77 minutes on his orders “Hands on” from between 0845-0915—clearly the man responsible Cheney was in control on 9-11, not Bush, who did what SS told him to Was key Congressman covering up on Iran-

203 204 204 165 272 137 41 41 47 102 333 335 337 383 383 411 434 454

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 4 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

Contra when on Hill Cheney Cheney made terrorism czar in May 2001, including control of FEMA Cheney Accuses Cheney of deliberately enabling 9-11 as pretext for war Cheney Cheney was the maestro, using Secret Service communications, to control entire government and NORTHCOM, playing out a pre-planned scenario Cheney No statute of limitations on murder China China as endgame, both in terms of oil and in terms of population China Ethic Chinese control majority of private capital in Pacific Rim CIA Nugen Hand Bank in Hawaii, drugs, money, Sporkin, Casey CIA Numerous accounts of both slander and perjury, witch-hunting CIA & Drugs Incontrovertibly proven, across its proprietary airline fleets CIA & drugs CIA desperate to restore cash flow from AF drugs? CIA & media More than 400 journalists in 25 years did CIA bidding CIA & media NYT provided cover for up to ten CIA case officers per Carl Bernstein CIA & Terr Kosovo, CIA channeled fighters from AF via Pakistan CIA alumni They are everywhere. Which ones are still active? Need to know. CIA and 9/11 Primary actor in enabling 9/11 to happen CIA and Webb story on Los Angeles vindicated by drugs Congressional investigation

574 574 592

592 545 553 54 183 63 107 303 303 134 282 1 17

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 5 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

CIA Drugs CIA Drugs CIA Drugs CIA Drugs

Clintons, CIA, and Drugs Bush, Oliver North, CIA, and Drugs for Contras Government-protected drug trafficking CIA relieved of responsibility to report narcotics trafficking CIA NOCs Brown and Root and Vinnell routinely provided NOC positions CIA Police Alleges that CIA places deep penetrations in police and other USG Citicorp $12T derivative bubble, tettering, sought emergency assistance Citizneship Administration believes it can revoke citizenship, not only of naturalized, but of native-born Americans Civil liberties Patriot Act reduces freedoms of association, information, speech, right to legal representation, freedom from unreasonable searches, right to speedy and public trial, and right to liberty Clinton Military options were initiated under Cliniton, activated by Cheney Code Red DHS Code Red implements coup, kills elections, all rights Colombia Almost all of the world’s cocaine comes from Colombia Conflict China, India, Indonesia are exploding Congress Possibly infiltrated with PROMIS software Congress Not evacuated—could WH/DoD have known it was a single missile? Congress Passed Patriot Act without reading it—not given time Cooked Neither USG nor most corporate books can be Books relied upon

Xv Xv Xv Xvii 71 219 145 491 482

106 415 59 551 166 388 480 81

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 6 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)


World’s economic system totally corrupt, incapable of telling truth Covert Action ISA resurrected as Gray Fox, Inran-Contra gang including Secord Cover-Up 9/11 investigations were not up to prosecutorial standards Crisis of Oil Implosion of Caspian reserves was a “crisis” threatening Wall Street Deception Pearl Harbor and Tonkin Gulf both used to mobilize public Deception 9/11 wargames used by Cheney to control the day, not examined Deception 20 year record of deception on Caspian oil reserves and efforts Deception Bin Laden not actually estranged from his family Deception US ignored multiple opportunities to capture Bin Laden Deception US refused Sudan offer of Bin Laden, Post speculated he was agent Deception Attacks increased Carlyle and Bin Laden Family fortunes via defense Deception Paul Wolfowitz failed to follow up on warlord offer to capture BL Deception 12 Jul 2001 meeting between CIA and bin Laden Deception US refused multiple offers from Taliban to give up bin Laden Deception NORAD had 67 intercepts in the year prior to 9/11—no one asked Deception Keeping Bush on ice prevented shoot-down orders from the top Deception NORAD changes its story many times, 9-11

567 475 1 108 9 11 96 123 125 125 131 138 147 149 397 436 437

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 7 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

Commission overlooked Deception NORAD was clearly informed in real time Deception Cheney kept Bush out of the loop for 109 minutes Deception FAA made a scapegoat by 9-11 Commission, not warranted Deception Everything connected to 9-11 has been about damage control Deception Entire Kean Commission riddled with conflicts of interest Deception Book compares to Kean Report in 22 key areas—not pretty at all Deception Kean fails to look at oil pipelines, peak oil, drugs, Halliburton, Caspian, Carlyle Group, Khalid bin Mahfouz, PROMIS, Vreeland, Dave Frasca, John O’Neilm WTC7, Enron, Office of National Preparedness Deception Everything implemented after 9-11 was planned before—all a pretext Deutche Computers “taken over” from outside in the Bank minutes prior to the attack Dissent Clear efforts to crush congressional dissent Drugs Major leaders continue to be released from prison Drugs & Corp Brown and Root, Halliburton subsidiary, heavy into oil and drugs Drugs, Oil Drugs, Oil, and War: The US in AF, Colombia, and Indochina DynaCorp Child prostitution and sex slavery in Bosnia DynaCorp Manages Congressional telephone system— could be monitoring? DynaCorps Manages computerized bookkeeping for DoD and HUD—crime?

439 441 442 450 450 466 468

472 244 275 74 69 75 79 79 79

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 8 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

Empire Energy Energy Energy Error Error Ethnic bioterror EU Evidence Fascism Fascism Fascism FBI Mgmt FBI Bin Laden FBI destruction FBI translations

Is not USG—but rather a consortium of Wall Street, multinationals, narco-trafficers, and arms merchants Many mistakes—did not understand demand, assumed supply, not enough infrastructure, little fuel substitution, few technology gains Energy “security” a top concern across the West now Air conditioners rather than cars are the greatest energy draw Sheep dipping, has it backwards Main Enemy reviewed by CIA because of Bearden, not Reston Possible bioweapons being targeted for specific ethnic groups Sued RJReynolds for massive money laundering and smuggling FAA destroyed tape of controllers talking right after hijacks American fascism (or corporatism) has evolved in a dangerous way Totalitarianism marked by right-wing dictatorship and bellicose nationalism According to Mussolini, a merger of corporate and state power Repeatedly blocked investigations into terrorists funds and money lan Alleges that Frasca deliberately protecting Bin Laden/Al Qaeda Of evidence, all emails connected to Al Qaeda


Found traitor, whistle-blower ignored then punished


558 559 561 219 303 159 80 369 15 483 493 205 217 215

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 9 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

Fighters Slow Flight lessons Florida Footnotes Ford Foundation Fraud Fraud Fraud Fraud Fraud Fraud Fraud Fraud Fraud Fraud Fraud Fraud, Budget Fraud, Budget

Many unexplained delays is getting fighters deployed and on target Noted by FBI field 10 Jul 2001, FBI management refused to pursue 14 of 19 hijackers based in southern Florida 900 of them Outlet for US “propaganda”


Insder real estate speculation and narcotics trafficking $10 trillion has been stolen from the people Financial records among key items destroyed in Oklahoma, 9/11 $3 trillion missing from US Treasury U.S. Government is champion at cooking the books Bush’s OMB Director Mitch Daniels cannot comply with industry standards of bookkeeping Pro forma accounting used by 54% of US corporations, allows hiding of debt, hiding of profit, and cooking of books HUD lost $17 billion in 1998, $59 billion in 1999 Navy lost $3 billion in equipment in 1999 DynaCorp and Lockheed Martin do most of the accounting for USG Total of 4.629 trillion dollars stolen from Treasury by various means Catherine Austin Fitts, HUD budget fraud, money laundering through mortgage foreclosures Savings and loans stripped $500 billion from people


207 224 3 90

Xiv Xv 295 495 495 496 496 497 497 499 Xiii Xiii

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 10 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

Fraud, Corp Fraud, Corp Fraud, Debt Fraud, HUD Fraud, Oil Fraud, Oil Fraud, Oil Fraud, Oil Fraud, Stock Fraud, Stock Fraud, Stock Fraud, Stock Fraud, Stock Fraud, Stock Fraud, Stock Fraud, Stock Fraud, Stock Fraud, Stock Fraud, Stock

Drug money used to increase net profits, do off the books sales HP, Ford, Sony, GM, Whirlpool, GE, and Philip Morris (Justice call) World Bank and IMF artificially engineer debt in Third World` Mortage insurance used to launder narcotics profits Books on oil reserves are cooked “New” reserves are actually old, concealed to avoid taxation US Government also misrepresents oil reserves General trend is for restatements to cut reserves by 40% Insider trading on UA and AA 90 and 60 times the norm week ahead Trading on UA stock 285 times the norm the Thursday before attack Was a worldwide event SEC helping cover up exactly what transactions made $100M in illegal transactions in the minutes prior to the attacks Profits estimated at $15 billion Buzzy Krongard from CIA was manager of firm that did puts on UA Leads right to the heart of IC, IC not willing to apply SW to the probl NYSE EVP for Enforcement, Doherty, former CIA General Counsel Mayo Shattuck, Alex Brown, resigned on 12 Sep, heads energy firm Foreign services incl Russia realized WH was

60 61 25 Xviii 33 34 35 36 238 238 242 243 243 244 244 248 250 251 253

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 11 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

letting it happen, puts Fraud, Terror Terrorism used to justify drug and arms trafficking Fraud, USG Enron’s records allowed to move to Switzerland—cover up? GE Doing backdoors, may have compromised all Aerospace Microsoft products Geomatics Science of using all geospatial information to target natural resources Goldman Helped loot Russia of $500B with US Treas, Sachs Harvard, World Bank Harvard Major role in looting of Russia, endowments increased accordingly Harvard Endowment went from $3B to $19+B dollars on Russian looting Harvard International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) Harvard 1998 Study of Catastrophic Terrorism (Zelikow) set stage Hijack One or more pilots tripped confirming alarms, Alarms but confusion still ruled Hope Public and independent media can win over Wall Street HUD Proving ground for massive financial fraud by CIA and Wall Street Impeachment Conclude that all guilty of willful failure to protect the public Israel Possibility exists Meese or colleague was agent of Israel Israel Israeli owned company provided security at Boston—allowing guns? Israel Five Israeli employees on roof of truck with photo equip during atks

5 61 159 161 88 79 89 161 472 313 Xiv 167 392 155 259 259

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 12 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)


ADL has files on 10,000 people across US, much illegally obtained Israel Amdocs handles all telephone billing records in US—compromises IC Israel Converse handles wiretaps, also Israeli owned Israel Odigo employees received warnings two hours before atks happened Israel Could have been trying to intimidate DEA with artists cold-calls Israel AIPAC used by Cheney to set stage for attack on Iraq, Hill influence Israel Discussion of joint global interception capability based in Israel (outside of US legal constraints) Israel Hijackers received some training from US military, Israel may have helped, possibly they thought they were a legitimate OPFOR for exercise purposes Israel spy Merdock put PROMIS software into Canada, with back doors Jordan Delivered warning via German intelligence agent Justice fraud Justice stole Inslaw software PROMIS Justice fraud Ed Meese may have stolen PROMIS and sold to foreign governments Kosovo 70% of heroin entering Europe via Kosovo Liberation Army Kurdish Major basis for survival of Kurds Drugs Kurds Paid for arms from CIA with heroin, Brown & Root was intermediary Laundering US Government, banks, and mafias all cooperating to launder money

261 262 262 262 264 266 481 579

152 235 152 155 71 71 8 77

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 13 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

Laundering Leak to AQ Liars Lies Lockheed Lockheed Looting Lunacy Morrocan Mossad Muder Murder Murder Murder Murder Murder New Journalism New York

Citigroup purchases Banamex in Mexico for $12B, major launderer 9-11 researchers believe war game date leaked to Al Qaeda General Myers, Rumsfeld, and Rice all called liars for denying prior conceptualization of air attacks “No idea planes could be used as weapons” Ultimate owner of CIA and NSA versions of PROMIS Big on geomatics Wall Street complex is looting the world Used by LAPD and FBI to denigrate whistle blowers Successful penetration, warned of attacks in summer or autumn 2001 Clear indications they provided several advance warnings Beacon “out of tolerance”, could altitude have been changed? Justified by economic system addicted to drug money and fraud Six dead over PROMIS software sales to governments—could be 12 Paul Wellstone probably murdered (John Tower connection) Wellstone said by one CIA source to have been murdered Electromagnetic pulse when close to ground shit it down, crashed Independent journalists rising, making a difference Full up emergency center on NYC pier 29 the

78 335 352 10 156 162 20 7 235 256 282 9 153 279 285 285 302 403

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 14 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil & AF Oil & Drugs Oil Drugs Op Northwoods Pakistan Parties dead Patriot Act Peak Oil Pentagon

day before 9-11 Oil is at the heart of the matter 95% of transportation, 50% of everything else Modern food requires 10 calories energy to produce 1 calorie Persian Gulf is the solution (if you don’t factor in popular insurgency) Bottom line on 9-11 is that it gave Cheney a pretext to launch a world war seeking to control oil reserves Oil war is a lose-lose proposition Next to get hit are Saudi Arabia, West Africa, Colombia, South China Sea, Central Asia, and Venezuela Great review of the list of countries that are targets because of oil Will—must—go to $100 a barrel It’s always been about a pipeline across AF Oil pipelines used to smuggle drugs, returning equipment to move it Brown and Root connected to CIA, heroin, and oil equipment JCS plan to murder Americans as pretext for invading Cuba Al Qaeda attack funded via Pakistan, possibly CIA concurrence? Both parties controlled by Wall Street, neither represents the people Provisions prepared prior to 9-11 James Baker, under Bush I, first rang the alarm bell Alleges that homing device placed in Pentagon, hit by a missile not an airplane

18 23 24 44 527 528 529 544 568 62 75 536 228 117 92 31 578

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 15 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

People People People People People People People People People People People People People People People People People

Stanley Sporkin, CIA General Counsel Theodora D’Orsay running firearms out, drugs in, for CIA George Bush I, as CIA Director, heavily involved in drug trafficking Mafia associates of Carlos Marcello supported CIA arms-drug deals Justice Scalia went duck hunting with Cheney, to fix vote on GAO Stanley Sporkin, SEC with Casey, then CIA, close to Olie North Buzzy Krongard, bank Alex Brown, private banking=money launder. John Deutch, to Citigroup (drug money, Japanese gold) Eliot Abrams coordinated Honduran air moving drugs Armitage and Shackley bonded in Laos/Cambodia Brezinski’s Grand Chessboard called for pretext for Central Asia James Baker central to US interest in Central Asia Armitage sent as envoy to Russia and Central Asia Karl “Rick” Inderfurth key witness not called by Commission General Mahmoud Ahmad funded attack, met Rice and Powell Pearl murdered while investigating the ISI not Al Qaeda Bin Laden is the last witness the US wants to see interrogated

Xvii 5 5 6 43 55 56 56 68 73 82 91 91 103 118 122 123

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 16 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

People People People People People People Precedent PROMIS Promotions Provocation Provocation Public Intel Public Intel Raytheon Reform Remote control Republic

Wesley Clark, close to Clintons and their Arkansas criminal pals? Dave Frasca, principal FBI manager blocking all progress on terrorism Dave Frasco, willful deliberate obstruction of justice Admiral Abbott, key person responsible to Cheney, not investigated Jerome Hauer, Kroll, SAIC, Dynacorp, Cheney Zelihow wrote book with Rice, was comprised staff director Operation Northwoods, JCS 13 Mar 62 plan to kill Americans as pretext for intervention in Cuba Thinks it can take over any program including radar All key players in 9/11, CIA, FBI, Pentagon, promoted Proactive Preemtive Operation Group (P2OG) focused on stimulating terrorist reactions to justify larger responses US under Rumsfeld actively planning to PROVOKE terrorism 9/11 Truth Movement, moral high ground From the Wilderness and Mike Ruppert Key player in remotely piloted vehicles (also Saudis, and Tampa) Must be able to “see” negative return on invesmtnet fraud Possibility that airplanes had remote controls installed or activated? Death of the American Republic will occur if people don’t wake up.

163 214 216 418 423 455 595 592 391 473 474 Xix Xix 353 Xvii 348 14

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 17 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

Rumsfeld Russia Russia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Secret Service Secret Service Secret Service September 9th Slander Slave labor Slave Labor Slave Labor Slave Labor Systematics Systematics

In the loop by 0845 Said to be source of Bin Laden’s version of PROMIS Warned US of at least 25 trained hijackers weeks in advance Is next, after Iraq Funded and equipped Taliban for its take-over Cheney embraces report that Saudi Arabia is enemy of US Borrowing money to finance corruption Most of the hijackers had Saudi passports but were not Saudi—all developed as a campaign plan to give US a “Pearl Harbor” Prime force enabling Cheney to manage it all

385 171

Key player in executing and communicating Cheney’s directions National Security Special Events puts them in charge of everything Numerous accounts of foreign services including Russia warning David Corn, author on CIA, slamming author of this book Prisons create slave labor for U.S. corporations Department of Justice operates Federal Prison Industries Inmates have become inventory First sell them drugs, then make them work for next to nothing May be NSA front for hacking into all backing systems worldwide Company to watch in relation to PROMIS and political corruption


233 45 104 142 142 577 1

430 185 301 493 494 494 494 159 492

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 18 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

Taliban Taliban Taliban Tampa FL Terrorism Translation Treason Treason Treason Treason Treason Treason Treason Treason UK and AQ UK and AQ US Islamic

US favored Taliban for stabilizing AF in order to do pipeline Ban on opium was a form of economic warfare on Wall Street Clear record in Congressional hearings of US support for Taliban Central to 9/11. Saudi money, flight training, Raytheon Support to terrorism a part of US foreign policy Assumes NSA more capable than it actually appears to be US Govenrment planning for 9/11 to be successful ahead of time No more than two dozen insiders needed to make it happen NEPDG records contain the seed crystal for Cheney-9/11 behavior Enomity of Bush Administration’s crime against America on 11 Sep Separation of powers went out the window with 9/11 Not a single person in USG has been held accountable to date Not a single successful 9-11 prosecution worldwide to date Cleland said it: Bush is scamming America, covering up MI-6 hired Al Qaeda to attack Libyan leader Qaddafy Bin Laden a quest of British Intelligence in London in 1996 US fostered the radical Islamic movement against Russia

104 107 114 144 116 232 3 3 43 310 448 449 449 465 137 138 85

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 19 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

US Military US Operation US Operation US Operation US Operation US Operation US Operation US Operation US Operation US schoolbks USG Heroin Vaccinations Vreeland Wall Street Wall Street

Several 9-11 figures alledged to have received training Very possible most hijackers were not actually on airplanes—as many as nine have been reported to be alive by various media USG has not proved by any investigative standard that Al Qaeda actually did this unassisted Pilots have concluded that the airplanes were not under human control Remote control of airlines is a known capability of USG and Raytheon, which has major operations in Tampa NORTHCOM intercepted 67 aircraft in the year prior, none on 9-11 WTC 7 was final control point, not hit, collapsed in planned explosion Undersecretary of Defense Dov Zakheim was CEO of System Planning Corporation, which has remote control capability for aviation Second airlines landed mysteriously at Cleveland airport which was shut down and the aircraft isolated USAID inserted violence and anti-Russian propaganda into schoolbks Secord Gray Fox in Afghanistan is a replay of drugs from Laos Not only can be mandated by law, but manufacturers immune from lawsuits for grand mistakes Evidence US knew of 9-11 as early as 2000 Depends on laundering drug money for liquidity Financial addition to $500B to $1T a year in

223 580 580 581 582 583 583 584 587 86 475 493 188 Xiv Xvi

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 20 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

money laundering Wall Street Drug money is good, death of drug addicts (inferior) is good Wall Street Relies on drug money for lower cost of capital (6% versus 9%) Wall Street Sullivan & Cromwell employed CIA, Enron was its client Wall Street Bill Casey Wall Street WS knew in 2000Caspian reserves were not there and crisis loomed Wall Street Cashed out from 2000 to 2002—the crash hit the little people not WS Wall Street People will not succeed unless they focus on how money works War as Profit War is a form of looting the public treasury War games Biggest un-investigated aspect of 9-11 success by Bin Laden War on Drugs A fraud—from 110M to 20B a year, but drugs better, more, cheaper Wargames 5 different wargames going on 11 Sep Wargames Focus on Soviets from north pulled key aircraft away from East Coast Wargames Only eight fighters on East Coast able to scramble, because of games Wargames NORAD had practiced internal hijacking drills prior to 9/11 Warning Zim Israeli-America shipping broke contract, moved week before West Africa After Saudi Arabia WS & CIA Clark Clifford wrote National Security Act of 1947, went on to BCCI WS & CIA Six of the first seven CIA directors from the NY social register

38 51 53 54 573 573 593 39 308 18 336 338 342 345 257 46 53 57

Steele Workshieet for Review of Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the 21 Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (New Society, 2004)

WS & Drugs WS & Drugs WS & Drugs WS & Drugs WS & Terrorism WS/Cheney WTC


NYSE Chairman Dick Grasson calls on FARC to ask for their money Transition of money from illegal to legal is where someone knows $1.5T a year is the best guess 2004 election year, invasion of AF in time to allow major crops/cash Terrorism is good business.


Now WS wants Cheney out, he and neo-cons are bad for business Obvious target but with nuances—complete “meltdown” allowed precious materials to be moved and claimed destroyed, also eliminated SEC and other records related to financial crimes Key role, not hit by airplane, demolitions destroyed evidence? Secret Service, CIA both had offices there Coiuld Flight 77 have been shot down in WVA, then a missile homed? WWIII has started, and it is about energy


58 58 68


429 432 400 562

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